Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, db):
        self.db = db
        self.reserved = {}

        reserved_words = '''
            abstract as boolean break byte case catch
            char class continue const debugger default delete
            do double else enum export extends false
            final finally float for function goto if implements
            import in instanceof int interface is long
            namespace native new null package private protected
            public return short static super switch synchronized
            this throw throws transient true try typeof
            use var void volatile while with alert
        for name in reserved_words.split():
            self.reserved[name] = True

        # XXX WAAAHHH!!! IE alert :( there are a lot of objects here that are
        # _not_ in standard JS, see
        predefined_classes_and_objects = '''
            Anchor anchors Applet applets Area Array Body
            Button Checkbox Date document Error EvalError FileUpload
            Form forms frame frames Function Hidden History
            history Image images Link links location Math
            MimeType mimetypes navigator Number Object Option options
            Password Plugin plugins Radio RangeError ReferenceError RegExp
            Reset screen Script Select String Style StyleSheet
            Submit SyntaxError Text Textarea TypeError URIError window
        for name in predefined_classes_and_objects.split():
            self.reserved[name] = True

        global_properties_and_methods = '''
            _content closed Components controllers crypto defaultstatus directories
            document frames history innerHeight innerWidth length location
            locationbar menubar name navigator opener outerHeight outerWidth
            pageXOffset pageYOffset parent personalbar pkcs11 prompter screen
            screenX screenY scrollbars scrollX scrollY self statusbar
            toolbar top window
        for name in global_properties_and_methods.split():
            self.reserved[name] = True

        self.make_reserved_names(' '.join(self.reserved))
        self.predefined = set(predefined_classes_and_objects)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, db):
        self.db = db
        self.reserved = {}

        reserved_words = '''
            abstract as boolean break byte case catch
            char class continue const debugger default delete
            do double else enum export extends false
            final finally float for function goto if implements
            import in instanceof int interface is long
            namespace native new null package private protected
            public return short static super switch synchronized
            this throw throws transient true try typeof
            use var void volatile while with alert
        for name in reserved_words.split():
            self.reserved[name] = True

        # XXX WAAAHHH!!! IE alert :( there are a lot of objects here that are
        # _not_ in standard JS, see
        predefined_classes_and_objects = '''
            Anchor anchors Applet applets Area Array Body
            Button Checkbox Date document Error EvalError FileUpload
            Form forms frame frames Function Hidden History
            history Image images Link links location Math
            MimeType mimetypes navigator Number Object Option options
            Password Plugin plugins Radio RangeError ReferenceError RegExp
            Reset screen Script Select String Style StyleSheet
            Submit SyntaxError Text Textarea TypeError URIError window
        for name in predefined_classes_and_objects.split():
            self.reserved[name] = True

        global_properties_and_methods = '''
            _content closed Components controllers crypto defaultstatus directories
            document frames history innerHeight innerWidth length location
            locationbar menubar name navigator opener outerHeight outerWidth
            pageXOffset pageYOffset parent personalbar pkcs11 prompter screen
            screenX screenY scrollbars scrollX scrollY self statusbar
            toolbar top window
        for name in global_properties_and_methods.split():
            self.reserved[name] = True

        self.make_reserved_names(' '.join(self.reserved))

        self.predefined = set(predefined_classes_and_objects)
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, global_prefix='pypy_'):
     NameManager.__init__(self, global_prefix=global_prefix)
     # keywords cannot be reused.  This is the C99 draft's list.
        auto      enum      restrict  unsigned
        break     extern    return    void
        case      float     short     volatile
        char      for       signed    while
        const     goto      sizeof    _Bool
        continue  if        static    _Complex
        default   inline    struct    _Imaginary
        do        int       switch
        double    long      typedef
        else      register  union
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, global_prefix='pypy_'):
     NameManager.__init__(self, global_prefix=global_prefix)
     # keywords cannot be reused.  This is the C99 draft's list.
        auto      enum      restrict  unsigned
        break     extern    return    void
        case      float     short     volatile
        char      for       signed    while
        const     goto      sizeof    _Bool
        continue  if        static    _Complex
        default   inline    struct    _Imaginary
        do        int       switch
        double    long      typedef
        else      register  union
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, sqdir, translator, modname=None):
        self.sqdir = sqdir
        self.translator = translator
        self.modname = (modname or

        self.name_manager = NameManager(number_sep="")
        self.unique_name_mapping = {}
        self.pending_nodes = []
        self.generated_nodes = set()
        self.constant_insts = {}
Esempio n. 6
def test_unique():
    m = NameManager()
    sn = m.seennames
    check = [
        m.uniquename('something', with_number=True),
        m.uniquename('something', with_number=True),
        m.uniquename('something2', with_number=True),
    assert check == ['something0', 'something0_1', 'something1',
                     'something2_0', 'something1_1', 'something1_1_1']
Esempio n. 7
def test_unique():
    m = NameManager()
    sn = m.seennames
    check = [
        m.uniquename("something", with_number=True),
        m.uniquename("something", with_number=True),
        m.uniquename("something2", with_number=True),
    assert check == ["something0", "something0_1", "something1", "something2_0", "something1_1", "something1_1_1"]
Esempio n. 8
class GenSqueak:

    def __init__(self, sqdir, translator, modname=None):
        self.sqdir = sqdir
        self.translator = translator
        self.modname = (modname or

        self.name_manager = NameManager(number_sep="")
        self.unique_name_mapping = {}
        self.pending_nodes = []
        self.generated_nodes = set()
        self.constant_insts = {}

    def gen(self):
        graph = self.translator.graphs[0]
        self.pending_nodes.append(FunctionNode(self, graph))
        self.filename = '' %
        file = self.sqdir.join(self.filename).open('w')
        self.pending_nodes.append(SetupNode(self, self.constant_insts)) 
        return self.filename

    def gen_source(self, file):
        while self.pending_nodes:
            node = self.pending_nodes.pop()
            self.gen_node(node, file)

    def gen_node(self, node, f):
        for dep in node.dependencies():
            if dep not in self.generated_nodes:
        for line in node.render():
            print >> f, line
        print >> f, ""

    def schedule_node(self, node):
        if node not in self.generated_nodes:
            if node in self.pending_nodes:
                # We move the node to the front so we can enforce
                # the generation of dependencies.

    def unique_func_name(self, funcgraph, schedule=True):
        function = funcgraph.func
        squeak_func_name = self.unique_name(function, function.__name__)
        if schedule:
            self.schedule_node(FunctionNode(self, funcgraph))
        return squeak_func_name
    def unique_method_name(self, INSTANCE, method_name, schedule=True):
        # XXX it's actually more complicated than that because of
        # inheritance ...
        squeak_method_name = self.unique_name(
                (INSTANCE, method_name), method_name)
        if schedule:
            self.schedule_node(MethodNode(self, INSTANCE, method_name))
        return squeak_method_name
    def unique_class_name(self, INSTANCE):
        class_node = self.schedule_node(ClassNode(self, INSTANCE))
        if isinstance(INSTANCE, Record): # XXX quick hack
            class_name = "Record"
            class_name = INSTANCE._name.split(".")[-1]
        squeak_class_name = self.unique_name(INSTANCE, class_name)
        return "Py%s" % squeak_class_name

    def unique_field_name(self, INSTANCE, field_name, schedule=True):
        # XXX nameclashes with superclasses must be considered, too.
        while not INSTANCE._fields.has_key(field_name):
            # This is necessary to prevent a field from having different
            # unique names in different subclasses.
            INSTANCE = INSTANCE._superclass
        if schedule:
            # Generating getters and setters for all fields by default which
            # is potentially a waste, but easier for now.
            self.schedule_node(SetterNode(self, INSTANCE, field_name))
            self.schedule_node(GetterNode(self, INSTANCE, field_name))
        return self.unique_name(
                (INSTANCE, "field", field_name), field_name)

    def unique_var_name(self, variable):
        return self.unique_name(variable,

    def unique_name(self, key, basename):
        # XXX should account for squeak keywords here
        if self.unique_name_mapping.has_key(key):
            unique = self.unique_name_mapping[key]
            camel_basename = camel_case(basename)
            unique = self.name_manager.uniquename(camel_basename)
            self.unique_name_mapping[key] = unique
        return unique
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self, database, preimplementationlines=[]):
     self.database = database
     self.preimpl = preimplementationlines
     self.extrafiles = []
     self.path = None
     self.namespace = NameManager()
Esempio n. 10
class SourceGenerator:
    one_source_file = True

    def __init__(self, database, preimplementationlines=[]):
        self.database = database
        self.preimpl = preimplementationlines
        self.extrafiles = []
        self.path = None
        self.namespace = NameManager()

    def set_strategy(self, path, split=True):
        all_nodes = list(self.database.globalcontainers())
        # split off non-function nodes. We don't try to optimize these, yet.
        funcnodes = []
        othernodes = []
        for node in all_nodes:
            if node.nodekind == 'func':
        # for now, only split for stand-alone programs.
        #if self.database.standalone:
        if split:
            self.one_source_file = False
        self.funcnodes = funcnodes
        self.othernodes = othernodes
        self.path = path

    def uniquecname(self, name):
        assert name.endswith('.c')
        return self.namespace.uniquename(name[:-2]) + '.c'

    def makefile(self, name):
        filepath = self.path.join(name)
        if name.endswith('.c'):

    def getextrafiles(self):
        return self.extrafiles

    def getothernodes(self):
        return self.othernodes[:]

    def getbasecfilefornode(self, node, basecname):
        # For FuncNode instances, use the python source filename (relative to
        # the top directory):
        def invent_nice_name(g):
            # Lookup the filename from the function.
            # However, not all FunctionGraph objs actually have a "func":
            if hasattr(g, 'func'):
                if g.filename.endswith('.py'):
                    localpath = py.path.local(g.filename)
                    pypkgpath = localpath.pypkgpath()
                    if pypkgpath:
                        relpypath =  localpath.relto(pypkgpath)
                        return relpypath.replace('.py', '.c')
            return None
        if hasattr(node.obj, 'graph'):
            name = invent_nice_name(node.obj.graph)
            if name is not None:
                return name
        elif node._funccodegen_owner is not None:
            name = invent_nice_name(node._funccodegen_owner.graph)
            if name is not None:
                return "data_" + name
        return basecname

    def splitnodesimpl(self, basecname, nodes, nextra, nbetween,
        # Gather nodes by some criteria:
        nodes_by_base_cfile = {}
        for node in nodes:
            c_filename = self.getbasecfilefornode(node, basecname)
            if c_filename in nodes_by_base_cfile:
                nodes_by_base_cfile[c_filename] = [node]

        # produce a sequence of nodes, grouped into files
        # which have no more than SPLIT_CRITERIA lines
        for basecname in nodes_by_base_cfile:
            iternodes = iter(nodes_by_base_cfile[basecname])
            done = [False]
            def subiter():
                used = nextra
                for node in iternodes:
                    impl = '\n'.join(list(node.implementation())).split('\n')
                    if not impl:
                    cost = len(impl) + nbetween
                    yield node, impl
                    del impl
                    if used + cost > split_criteria:
                        # split if criteria met, unless we would produce nothing.
                        raise StopIteration
                    used += cost
                done[0] = True
            while not done[0]:
                yield self.uniquecname(basecname), subiter()

    def gen_readable_parts_of_source(self, f):
        split_criteria_big = SPLIT_CRITERIA
        if py.std.sys.platform != "win32":
            if self.database.gcpolicy.need_no_typeptr():
                pass    # XXX gcc uses toooooons of memory???
                split_criteria_big = SPLIT_CRITERIA * 4 
        if self.one_source_file:
            return gen_readable_parts_of_main_c_file(f, self.database,
        # All declarations
        database = self.database
        structdeflist = database.getstructdeflist()
        name = 'structdef.h'
        fi = self.makefile(name)
        print >> f, '#include "%s"' % name
        gen_structdef(fi, database)
        name = 'forwarddecl.h'
        fi = self.makefile(name)
        print >> f, '#include "%s"' % name
        gen_forwarddecl(fi, database)

        # Implementation of functions and global structures and arrays
        print >> f
        print >> f, '/***********************************************************/'
        print >> f, '/***  Implementations                                    ***/'
        print >> f
        for line in self.preimpl:
            print >> f, line
        print >> f, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
        print >> f
        name = self.uniquecname('structimpl.c')
        print >> f, '/* %s */' % name
        fc = self.makefile(name)
        print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
        print >> fc, '/***  Structure Implementations                          ***/'
        print >> fc
        print >> fc, '#define PYPY_NOT_MAIN_FILE'
        print >> fc, '#include "common_header.h"'
        print >> fc, '#include "structdef.h"'
        print >> fc, '#include "forwarddecl.h"'
        print >> fc
        print >> fc, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
        print >> fc
        print >> fc, MARKER

        print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'

        nextralines = 11 + 1
        for name, nodeiter in self.splitnodesimpl('nonfuncnodes.c',
                                                   nextralines, 1):
            print >> f, '/* %s */' % name
            fc = self.makefile(name)
            print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
            print >> fc, '/***  Non-function Implementations                       ***/'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, '#define PYPY_NOT_MAIN_FILE'
            print >> fc, '#include "common_header.h"'
            print >> fc, '#include "structdef.h"'
            print >> fc, '#include "forwarddecl.h"'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, MARKER
            for node, impl in nodeiter:
                print >> fc, '\n'.join(impl)
                print >> fc, MARKER
            print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'

        nextralines = 8 + len(self.preimpl) + 4 + 1
        for name, nodeiter in self.splitnodesimpl('implement.c',
                                                   nextralines, 1,
            print >> f, '/* %s */' % name
            fc = self.makefile(name)
            print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
            print >> fc, '/***  Implementations                                    ***/'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, '#define PYPY_NOT_MAIN_FILE'
            print >> fc, '#define PYPY_FILE_NAME "%s"' % name
            print >> fc, '#include "common_header.h"'
            print >> fc, '#include "structdef.h"'
            print >> fc, '#include "forwarddecl.h"'
            print >> fc
            for line in self.preimpl:
                print >> fc, line
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, MARKER
            for node, impl in nodeiter:
                print >> fc, '\n'.join(impl)
                print >> fc, MARKER
            print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
        print >> f
Esempio n. 11
class SourceGenerator:
    one_source_file = True

    def __init__(self, database, preimplementationlines=[]):
        self.database = database
        self.preimpl = preimplementationlines
        self.extrafiles = []
        self.path = None
        self.namespace = NameManager()

    def set_strategy(self, path):
        all_nodes = list(self.database.globalcontainers())
        # split off non-function nodes. We don't try to optimize these, yet.
        funcnodes = []
        othernodes = []
        for node in all_nodes:
            if node.nodekind == 'func':
        # for now, only split for stand-alone programs.
        if self.database.standalone:
            self.one_source_file = False
        self.funcnodes = funcnodes
        self.othernodes = othernodes
        self.path = path

    def uniquecname(self, name):
        assert name.endswith('.c')
        return self.namespace.uniquename(name[:-2]) + '.c'

    def makefile(self, name):
        filepath = self.path.join(name)
        if name.endswith('.c'):

    def getextrafiles(self):
        return self.extrafiles

    def getothernodes(self):
        return self.othernodes[:]

    def splitnodesimpl(self, basecname, nodes, nextra, nbetween,
        # produce a sequence of nodes, grouped into files
        # which have no more than SPLIT_CRITERIA lines
        iternodes = iter(nodes)
        done = [False]
        def subiter():
            used = nextra
            for node in iternodes:
                impl = '\n'.join(list(node.implementation())).split('\n')
                if not impl:
                cost = len(impl) + nbetween
                yield node, impl
                del impl
                if used + cost > split_criteria:
                    # split if criteria met, unless we would produce nothing.
                    raise StopIteration
                used += cost
            done[0] = True
        while not done[0]:
            yield self.uniquecname(basecname), subiter()

    def gen_readable_parts_of_source(self, f):
        if py.std.sys.platform != "win32":
            split_criteria_big = SPLIT_CRITERIA * 4 
            split_criteria_big = SPLIT_CRITERIA
        if self.one_source_file:
            return gen_readable_parts_of_main_c_file(f, self.database,
        # All declarations
        database = self.database
        structdeflist = database.getstructdeflist()
        name = 'structdef.h'
        fi = self.makefile(name)
        print >> f, '#include "%s"' % name
        gen_structdef(fi, database)
        name = 'forwarddecl.h'
        fi = self.makefile(name)
        print >> f, '#include "%s"' % name
        gen_forwarddecl(fi, database)

        # Implementation of functions and global structures and arrays
        print >> f
        print >> f, '/***********************************************************/'
        print >> f, '/***  Implementations                                    ***/'
        print >> f
        for line in self.preimpl:
            print >> f, line
        print >> f, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
        print >> f
        name = self.uniquecname('structimpl.c')
        print >> f, '/* %s */' % name
        fc = self.makefile(name)
        print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
        print >> fc, '/***  Structure Implementations                          ***/'
        print >> fc
        print >> fc, '#define PYPY_NOT_MAIN_FILE'
        print >> fc, '#include "common_header.h"'
        print >> fc, '#include "structdef.h"'
        print >> fc, '#include "forwarddecl.h"'
        print >> fc
        print >> fc, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
        print >> fc
        print >> fc, MARKER

        print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'

        nextralines = 11 + 1
        for name, nodeiter in self.splitnodesimpl('nonfuncnodes.c',
                                                   nextralines, 1):
            print >> f, '/* %s */' % name
            fc = self.makefile(name)
            print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
            print >> fc, '/***  Non-function Implementations                       ***/'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, '#define PYPY_NOT_MAIN_FILE'
            print >> fc, '#include "common_header.h"'
            print >> fc, '#include "structdef.h"'
            print >> fc, '#include "forwarddecl.h"'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, MARKER
            for node, impl in nodeiter:
                print >> fc, '\n'.join(impl)
                print >> fc, MARKER
            print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'

        nextralines = 8 + len(self.preimpl) + 4 + 1
        for name, nodeiter in self.splitnodesimpl('implement.c',
                                                   nextralines, 1,
            print >> f, '/* %s */' % name
            fc = self.makefile(name)
            print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
            print >> fc, '/***  Implementations                                    ***/'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, '#define PYPY_NOT_MAIN_FILE'
            print >> fc, '#include "common_header.h"'
            print >> fc, '#include "structdef.h"'
            print >> fc, '#include "forwarddecl.h"'
            print >> fc
            for line in self.preimpl:
                print >> fc, line
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, MARKER
            for node, impl in nodeiter:
                print >> fc, '\n'.join(impl)
                print >> fc, MARKER
            print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
        print >> f
Esempio n. 12
 def __init__(self, database, preimplementationlines=[]):
     self.database = database
     self.preimpl = preimplementationlines
     self.extrafiles = []
     self.path = None
     self.namespace = NameManager()
Esempio n. 13
class SourceGenerator:
    one_source_file = True

    def __init__(self, database, preimplementationlines=[]):
        self.database = database
        self.preimpl = preimplementationlines
        self.extrafiles = []
        self.path = None
        self.namespace = NameManager()

    def set_strategy(self, path, split=True):
        all_nodes = list(self.database.globalcontainers())
        # split off non-function nodes. We don't try to optimize these, yet.
        funcnodes = []
        othernodes = []
        for node in all_nodes:
            if node.nodekind == 'func':
        # for now, only split for stand-alone programs.
        #if self.database.standalone:
        if split:
            self.one_source_file = False
        self.funcnodes = funcnodes
        self.othernodes = othernodes
        self.path = path

    def uniquecname(self, name):
        assert name.endswith('.c')
        return self.namespace.uniquename(name[:-2]) + '.c'

    def makefile(self, name):
        filepath = self.path.join(name)
        if name.endswith('.c'):

    def getextrafiles(self):
        return self.extrafiles

    def getothernodes(self):
        return self.othernodes[:]

    def splitnodesimpl(self,
        # produce a sequence of nodes, grouped into files
        # which have no more than SPLIT_CRITERIA lines
        iternodes = iter(nodes)
        done = [False]

        def subiter():
            used = nextra
            for node in iternodes:
                impl = '\n'.join(list(node.implementation())).split('\n')
                if not impl:
                cost = len(impl) + nbetween
                yield node, impl
                del impl
                if used + cost > split_criteria:
                    # split if criteria met, unless we would produce nothing.
                    raise StopIteration
                used += cost
            done[0] = True

        while not done[0]:
            yield self.uniquecname(basecname), subiter()

    def gen_readable_parts_of_source(self, f):
        split_criteria_big = SPLIT_CRITERIA
        if py.std.sys.platform != "win32":
            if self.database.gcpolicy.need_no_typeptr():
                pass  # XXX gcc uses toooooons of memory???
                split_criteria_big = SPLIT_CRITERIA * 4
        if self.one_source_file:
            return gen_readable_parts_of_main_c_file(f, self.database,
        # All declarations
        database = self.database
        structdeflist = database.getstructdeflist()
        name = 'structdef.h'
        fi = self.makefile(name)
        print >> f, '#include "%s"' % name
        gen_structdef(fi, database)
        name = 'forwarddecl.h'
        fi = self.makefile(name)
        print >> f, '#include "%s"' % name
        gen_forwarddecl(fi, database)

        # Implementation of functions and global structures and arrays
        print >> f
        print >> f, '/***********************************************************/'
        print >> f, '/***  Implementations                                    ***/'
        print >> f
        for line in self.preimpl:
            print >> f, line
        print >> f, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
        print >> f
        name = self.uniquecname('structimpl.c')
        print >> f, '/* %s */' % name
        fc = self.makefile(name)
        print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
        print >> fc, '/***  Structure Implementations                          ***/'
        print >> fc
        print >> fc, '#define PYPY_NOT_MAIN_FILE'
        print >> fc, '#include "common_header.h"'
        print >> fc, '#include "structdef.h"'
        print >> fc, '#include "forwarddecl.h"'
        print >> fc
        print >> fc, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
        print >> fc
        print >> fc, MARKER

        print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'

        nextralines = 11 + 1
        for name, nodeiter in self.splitnodesimpl('nonfuncnodes.c',
                                                  self.othernodes, nextralines,
            print >> f, '/* %s */' % name
            fc = self.makefile(name)
            print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
            print >> fc, '/***  Non-function Implementations                       ***/'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, '#define PYPY_NOT_MAIN_FILE'
            print >> fc, '#include "common_header.h"'
            print >> fc, '#include "structdef.h"'
            print >> fc, '#include "forwarddecl.h"'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, MARKER
            for node, impl in nodeiter:
                print >> fc, '\n'.join(impl)
                print >> fc, MARKER
            print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'

        nextralines = 8 + len(self.preimpl) + 4 + 1
        for name, nodeiter in self.splitnodesimpl('implement.c',
                                                  self.funcnodes, nextralines,
                                                  1, split_criteria_big):
            print >> f, '/* %s */' % name
            fc = self.makefile(name)
            print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
            print >> fc, '/***  Implementations                                    ***/'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, '#define PYPY_NOT_MAIN_FILE'
            print >> fc, '#define PYPY_FILE_NAME "%s"' % name
            print >> fc, '#include "common_header.h"'
            print >> fc, '#include "structdef.h"'
            print >> fc, '#include "forwarddecl.h"'
            print >> fc
            for line in self.preimpl:
                print >> fc, line
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
            print >> fc
            print >> fc, MARKER
            for node, impl in nodeiter:
                print >> fc, '\n'.join(impl)
                print >> fc, MARKER
            print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
        print >> f
Esempio n. 14
# In contexts (2) and (3), a function declaring a PyObject argument type will
# receive a wrapped pypy object if the parameter name starts with 'w_', a
# reference (= rffi pointer) otherwise; conversion is automatic.  Context (2)
# only allows calls with a wrapped object.
# Functions with a PyObject return type should return a wrapped object.
# Functions may raise exceptions.  In context (3), the exception flows normally
# through the calling function.  In context (1) and (2), the exception is
# caught; if it is an OperationError, it is stored in the thread state; other
# exceptions generate a OperationError(w_SystemError); and the funtion returns
# the error value specifed in the API.

cpyext_namespace = NameManager('cpyext_')

class ApiFunction:
    def __init__(self,
        self.argtypes = argtypes
        self.restype = restype
        self.functype = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType(argtypes, restype))
        self.callable = callable
        if error is not _NOT_SPECIFIED:
            self.error_value = error