def load_data(filename, start=0, end=np.inf, sim_features=False, show_image=False, plot_trajectory=True): cam_center = np.array([[316.680559, 230.660661]]).T cam_F = np.array([[533.013144, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 533.503964, 0.0]]) if not os.path.isfile('data/bag_tmp.pkl'): print "loading rosbag", filename # First, load IMU data bag = rosbag.Bag(filename) imu_data = [] truth_pose_data = [] image_data = [] depth_data = [] image_time = [] depth_time = [] topic_list = [ '/imu/data', '/vrpn_client_node/Leo/pose', '/vrpn/Leo/pose', '/vrpn/RGBD_Camera/pose', '/baro/data', '/sonar/data', '/is_flying', '/gps/data', '/mag/data', '/camera/depth/image_rect', '/camera/rgb/image_rect_mono/compressed', '/camera/rgb/image_rect_color/compressed' ] for topic, msg, t in tqdm(bag.read_messages(topics=topic_list), total=bag.get_message_count(topic_list)): if topic == '/imu/data': imu_meas = [ msg.header.stamp.to_sec(), msg.angular_velocity.x, msg.angular_velocity.y, msg.angular_velocity.z, msg.linear_acceleration.x, msg.linear_acceleration.y, msg.linear_acceleration.z ] imu_data.append(imu_meas) if topic == '/vrpn_client_node/Leo/pose' or topic == '/vrpn/Leo/pose' or topic == '/vrpn/RGBD_Camera/pose': truth_meas = [ msg.header.stamp.to_sec(), msg.pose.position.z, -msg.pose.position.x, -msg.pose.position.y, -msg.pose.orientation.w, -msg.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.orientation.y ] truth_pose_data.append(truth_meas) if topic == '/camera/rgb/image_rect_mono/compressed' or topic == '/camera/rgb/image_rect_color/compressed': np_arr = np.fromstring(, np.uint8) image = cv2.imdecode(np_arr, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) image_time.append(msg.header.stamp.to_sec()) image_data.append(image) if topic == '/camera/depth/image_rect': img = np.fromstring(, np.float32).reshape(msg.height, msg.width) depth_time.append(msg.header.stamp.to_sec()) depth_data.append(img) tmp_dict = dict() tmp_dict['imu_data'] = np.array(imu_data) tmp_dict['truth_pose_data'] = np.array(truth_pose_data) tmp_dict['image_data'] = np.array(image_data) tmp_dict['depth_data'] = np.array(depth_data) tmp_dict['image_time'] = np.array(image_time) tmp_dict['depth_time'] = np.array(depth_time) cPickle.dump(tmp_dict, open('data/bag_tmp.pkl', 'wb'), protocol=2) else: tmp_dict = cPickle.load(open('data/bag_tmp.pkl', 'rb')) imu_data = tmp_dict['imu_data'] truth_pose_data = tmp_dict['truth_pose_data'] image_data = tmp_dict['image_data'] depth_data = tmp_dict['depth_data'] image_time = tmp_dict['image_time'] depth_time = tmp_dict['depth_time'] # assert np.abs(truth_pose_data[0, 0] - imu_data[0, 0]) < 1e5, 'truth and imu timestamps are vastly different: {} (truth) vs. {} (imu)'.format(truth_pose_data[0, 0], imu_data[0, 0]) # Remove Bad Truth Measurements good_indexes = np.hstack((True, np.diff(truth_pose_data[:, 0]) > 1e-3)) truth_pose_data = truth_pose_data[good_indexes] vel_data = calculate_velocity_from_position(truth_pose_data[:, 0], truth_pose_data[:, 1:4], truth_pose_data[:, 4:8]) ground_truth = np.hstack((truth_pose_data, vel_data)) # Adjust timestamp imu_t0 = imu_data[0, 0] + 1 gt_t0 = ground_truth[0, 0] imu_data[:, 0] -= imu_t0 ground_truth[:, 0] -= gt_t0 image_time -= imu_t0 depth_time -= imu_t0 # Chop Data to start and end imu_data = imu_data[(imu_data[:, 0] > start) & (imu_data[:, 0] < end), :] ground_truth = ground_truth[(ground_truth[:, 0] > start) & (ground_truth[:, 0] < end), :] image_data = image_data[(image_time > start) & (image_time < end)] depth_data = depth_data[(depth_time > start) & (depth_time < end)] image_time = image_time[(image_time > start) & (image_time < end)] depth_time = depth_time[(depth_time > start) & (depth_time < end)] # Simulate camera-to-body transform q_b_c = Quaternion.from_R(np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]])) # q_b_c = Quaternion.Identity() # p_b_c = np.array([[0.16, -0.05, 0.1]]).T p_b_c = np.zeros((3, 1)) if sim_features: # Simulate Landmark Measurements # landmarks = np.random.uniform(-25, 25, (2,3)) # landmarks = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 0, np.inf], # [0, 1, 1, 0, np.inf], # [0, 0, 1, 0, 3], # [1, 1, 1, 0, 3], # [-1, 0, 1, 10, 25], # [0, -1, 1, 10, 25], # [-1, -1, 1, 10, np.inf], # [1, -1, 1, 20, np.inf], # [-1, 1, 1, 20, np.inf]]) N = 500 last_t = imu_data[-1, 0] landmarks = np.hstack([ np.random.uniform(-4, 4, (N, 1)), np.random.uniform(-4, 4, (N, 1)), np.random.uniform(-4, 4, (N, 1)) ]) feat_time, ids, lambdas, depths, q_zetas = add_landmark( ground_truth, landmarks, p_b_c, q_b_c, cam_F, cam_center) play_trajectory_with_sim_features(image_time, image_data, feat_time, ids, lambdas) else: tracker = klt_tracker.KLT_tracker(3, show_image=show_image) lambdas, depths, ids, feat_time, q_zetas = [], [], [], [], [] _, image_height, image_width = image_data.shape _, depth_height, depth_width = depth_data.shape assert image_height == depth_height and image_width == depth_width for i, image in enumerate(image_data): frame_lambdas, frame_ids = tracker.load_image(image, image_time[i]) # KLT tracker doesn't consider image bounds :( frame_lambdas = np.clip(frame_lambdas[:, 0], [0, 0], [639, 479]) frame_depths = [] frame_qzetas = [] nearest_depth = np.abs(depth_time - image_time[i]).argmin() for x, y in frame_lambdas: d = depth_data[nearest_depth][int(y), int(x)] frame_depths.append(d) zeta = np.array([[ x - cam_center[0, 0], (y - cam_center[1, 0]) * (cam_F[1, 1] / cam_F[0, 0]), cam_F[0, 0] ]]).T zeta /= norm(zeta) frame_qzetas.append( Quaternion.from_two_unit_vectors(e_z, zeta).elements[:, 0]) depths.append(np.array(frame_depths)[:, None]) lambdas.append(frame_lambdas) ids.append(frame_ids) feat_time.append(image_time[i]) q_zetas.append(np.array(frame_qzetas)) tracker.close() # self.undistort, P = data_loader.make_undistort_funtion(['cam0_sensor']['intrinsics'], #['cam0_sensor']['resolution'], #['cam0_sensor']['distortion_coefficients']) # self.inverse_projection = np.linalg.inv(P) # lambdas, ids = self.tracker.load_image(image) # # if lambdas is not None and len(lambdas) > 0: # lambdas = np.pad(lambdas[:, 0], [(0, 0), (0, 1)], 'constant', constant_values=0) if plot_trajectory: plot_3d_trajectory(ground_truth, feat_time=feat_time, qzetas=q_zetas, depths=depths, ids=ids, p_b_c=p_b_c, q_b_c=q_b_c) plt.ioff() out_dict = dict() out_dict['imu'] = imu_data out_dict['truth'] = ground_truth out_dict['feat_time'] = feat_time out_dict['lambdas'] = lambdas out_dict['depths'] = depths out_dict['ids'] = ids out_dict['p_b_c'] = p_b_c out_dict['q_b_c'] = q_b_c out_dict['q_zetas'] = q_zetas # out_dict['image'] = image_data out_dict['image_t'] = image_time # out_dict['depth'] = depth_data out_dict['depth_t'] = depth_time out_dict['cam_center'] = cam_center out_dict['cam_F'] = cam_F return out_dict
R_b_c = p_b_c_b = b_w_0 = np.array([[-0.002295, 0.024939, 0.081667]]).T b_a_0 = np.array([[-0.023601, 0.121044, 0.074783]]).T b_w_f = np.array([[-0.002275, 0.024883, 0.081577]]).T b_a_f = np.array([[-0.019635, 0.123542, 0.07849]]).T w_f = np.array([[-0.0055850536, 0.0244346095, 0.0830776724]]).T a_f = np.array([[9.3571785417, 0.2043052083, -2.819411875]]).T q_b_IMU = Quaternion.from_R(R_b_IMU) # calculate orientation of IMU at final # a = a_f - b_a_f # a /= norm(a) # g = np.array([[0, 0, -1]]).T # q_b_IMU = Quaternion.from_two_unit_vectors(g, a) # R_b_IMU = q_b_IMU.R print ("norm a_f", norm(a_f-b_a_f)) print ("norm w_f", norm(w_f-b_w_f)) print_array_yaml("q_b_IMU", q_b_IMU.elements.T) print("######################################") # q_IMU_b = Quaternion.from_two_vectors()
from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3 import scipy.signal import sys from tqdm import tqdm bags = [ 'V1_01_easy', 'V1_02_medium', 'V1_03_difficult', 'V2_01_easy', 'V2_02_medium', 'V2_03_difficult', 'MH_01_easy', 'MH_02_easy', 'MH_03_medium', 'MH_04_difficult', 'MH_05_difficult' ] print("Fix ETH Bag") q_NED_NWU = Quaternion(np.array([[0., 1., 0., 0.]]).T) q_IMU_NWU = Quaternion.from_R( np.array([[0.33638, -0.01749, 0.94156], [-0.02078, -0.99972, -0.01114], [0.94150, -0.01582, -0.33665]])) q_IMU_NED = q_IMU_NWU * q_NED_NWU T_IMU_C = np.array( [[0.0148655429818, -0.999880929698, 0.00414029679422, -0.0216401454975], [0.999557249008, 0.0149672133247, 0.025715529948, -0.064676986768], [-0.0257744366974, 0.00375618835797, 0.999660727178, 0.00981073058949], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) q_IMU_C = Quaternion.from_R(T_IMU_C[:3, :3]) p_IMU_C_IMU = T_IMU_C[:3, 3, None] print("q_IMU_C = ", q_IMU_C) print("p_IMU_C_IMU", p_IMU_C_IMU.T) # rotate camera transform into NED body frame
import csv import numpy as np import glob, os, sys sys.path.append('/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages') import cv2 from tqdm import tqdm from pyquat import Quaternion from add_landmark import add_landmark import yaml import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Rotation from NWU to NED R_NWU_NED = np.array([[1., 0, 0], [0, -1., 0], [0, 0, -1.]]) q_NWU_NED = Quaternion.from_R(R_NWU_NED) R_DWN_NED = np.array([[0., 0., 1.], [0., -1., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]]) q_DWN_NED = Quaternion.from_R(R_DWN_NED) # Ground Truth is the state of the IMU frame with respect to the world frame # It appears that the world frame is in DWN, I figure that from inspection of the pose trajectory # The IMU frame is different from the body frame of the vehicle # Rotation from the IMU frame to the body frame R_IMU_B = np.array([[0.33638, -0.01749, 0.94156], [0.02078, 0.99972, 0.01114], [-0.9415, 0.01582, 0.33665]]) q_IMU_B = Quaternion.from_R(R_IMU_B) R_IMU_NED = def load_from_file(filename):