Esempio n. 1
    def test_run_cmd(self):
             OutputPrint=__name__ == "__main__")

        cmd = "dir" if sys.platform.startswith("win") else "ls"
        cmd += " " + os.path.abspath(os.path.split(__file__)[0])
        out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True)
        if os.path.split(__file__)[-1] not in out and "" not in out:
            raise Exception("unable to find {0} in\n{1}\nCMD:\n{2}".format(
                os.path.split(__file__)[-1], out, cmd))

        out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True, communicate=False)
        if os.path.split(__file__)[-1] not in out and "" not in out:
            raise Exception("unable to find {0} in\n{1}\nCMD:\n{2}".format(
                os.path.split(__file__)[-1], out, cmd))
Esempio n. 2
def get_list_instance (server) :
    @param      server      server name
    @return                 a list of the available instance on a server
    cmd         = 'sqlcmd -S %s -Q "SELECT @@ServerName"' % server
    out,err     = run_cmd (cmd, wait = True, shell = True, log_error = False)
    if len (err) > 0 :
        cmd         = 'sqlcmd -S %s\\SQLEXPRESS -Q "SELECT @@ServerName"' % server
        out,err     = run_cmd (cmd, wait = True, shell = True, log_error = False)
        if len (err) > 0 :
            raise Exception ("unable to find instances for server %s (%s)" % (server, err))
    li = [ _.strip ("\r\n ") for _ in out.split ("\n") ]
    li = [ _ for _ in li if len (_) > 0 ]
    li = li [ 1:-1]
    return li
Esempio n. 3
def get_list_instance(server):
    @param      server      server name
    @return                 a list of the available instance on a server
    cmd = 'sqlcmd -S %s -Q "SELECT @@ServerName"' % server
    out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True, shell=True, log_error=False)
    if len(err) > 0:
        cmd = 'sqlcmd -S %s\\SQLEXPRESS -Q "SELECT @@ServerName"' % server
        out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True, shell=True, log_error=False)
        if len(err) > 0:
            raise Exception("unable to find instances for server %s (%s)" %
                            (server, err))

    li = [_.strip("\r\n ") for _ in out.split("\n")]
    li = [_ for _ in li if len(_) > 0]
    li = li[1:-1]
    return li
Esempio n. 4
def get_list_database (instance) :
    @param      instance    instance name
    @return                 a list of the available database
    cmd         = 'sqlcmd -S %s -Q "SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases"' % instance
    out,err     = run_cmd (cmd, wait = True, shell = True, log_error = False)
    li = [ _.strip ("\r\n ") for _ in out.split ("\n") ]
    no = ["master", "tempdb", "model", "msdb"]
    li = [ _ for _ in li if len (_) > 0 and _ not in no ]
    li = li [ 2:-1]
    return li
Esempio n. 5
def get_list_database(instance):
    @param      instance    instance name
    @return                 a list of the available database
    cmd = 'sqlcmd -S %s -Q "SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases"' % instance
    out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True, shell=True, log_error=False)
    li = [_.strip("\r\n ") for _ in out.split("\n")]
    no = ["master", "tempdb", "model", "msdb"]
    li = [_ for _ in li if len(_) > 0 and _ not in no]
    li = li[2:-1]
    return li
Esempio n. 6
def drop_database (instance, database, exc = True) :
    remove a database
    @param      instance    instance name
    @param      database    database name
    @param      exc         if True and if the database does not exist, raise an Exception
    ins = get_list_database (instance)
    if database not in ins :
        if exc : raise Exception ("database %s does not exist" % database)
    else :
        cmd         = 'sqlcmd -S %s -Q "DROP DATABASE %s"' % (instance, database)
        out,err     = run_cmd (cmd, wait = True, shell = True, log_error = False)
        if len (err) > 0 :
            raise Exception ("error: %s" % err)
def get_list_server():
    @return     a list of the available servers from this machine
    cmd = "sqlcmd -Lc"
    out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True, shell=True, log_error=False)
    line = out.split("\n")
    line = [_.strip("\r\n ") for _ in line]
    line = [_ for _ in line if len(_) > 0]

    # we place all server containing the machine name in the first place
    machine = os.environ.get("COMPUTERNAME", "------")
    line = sorted([(-1 if _.startswith(machine) else 0, _) for _ in line])
    line = [_[1] for _ in line]
    return line
Esempio n. 8
def get_list_server():
    @return     a list of the available servers from this machine
    cmd = "sqlcmd -Lc"
    out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True, shell=True, log_error=False)
    line = out.split("\n")
    line = [_.strip("\r\n ") for _ in line]
    line = [_ for _ in line if len(_) > 0]

    # we place all server containing the machine name in the first place
    machine = os.environ.get("COMPUTERNAME", os.environ.get("HOSTNAME", "--------"))
    line = sorted([(-1 if _.startswith(machine) else 0, _) for _ in line])
    line = [_[1] for _ in line]
    return line
Esempio n. 9
def drop_database(instance, database, exc=True):
    remove a database
    @param      instance    instance name
    @param      database    database name
    @param      exc         if True and if the database does not exist, raise an Exception
    ins = get_list_database(instance)
    if database not in ins:
        if exc:
            raise Exception("database %s does not exist" % database)
        cmd = 'sqlcmd -S %s -Q "DROP DATABASE %s"' % (instance, database)
        out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True, shell=True, log_error=False)
        if len(err) > 0:
            raise Exception("error: %s" % err)
Esempio n. 10
def create_database (instance, database, exc = True) :
    create a database
    @param      instance    instance name
    @param      database    database name
    @param      exc         if True and if the database exists, raise an Exception
    fLOG (OutputPrint = True)
    fLOG (get_list_database ('PCXAVIER\\SQLEXPRESS'))
    create_database ('PCXAVIER\\SQLEXPRESS', "essai_database")
    drop_database ('PCXAVIER\\SQLEXPRESS', "essai_database")
    ins = get_list_database (instance)
    if database in ins :
        if exc : raise Exception ("database %s already exists" % database)
    else :
        cmd         = 'sqlcmd -S %s -Q "CREATE DATABASE %s"' % (instance, database)
        out,err     = run_cmd (cmd, wait = True, shell = True, log_error = False)
        if len (err) > 0 :
            raise Exception ("error: %s" % err)
Esempio n. 11
def create_database(instance, database, exc=True):
    create a database
    @param      instance    instance name
    @param      database    database name
    @param      exc         if True and if the database exists, raise an Exception

    fLOG (OutputPrint = True)
    fLOG (get_list_database ('PCXAVIER\\SQLEXPRESS'))
    create_database ('PCXAVIER\\SQLEXPRESS', "essai_database")
    drop_database ('PCXAVIER\\SQLEXPRESS', "essai_database")
    ins = get_list_database(instance)
    if database in ins:
        if exc:
            raise Exception("database %s already exists" % database)
        cmd = 'sqlcmd -S %s -Q "CREATE DATABASE %s"' % (instance, database)
        out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True, shell=True, log_error=False)
        if len(err) > 0:
            raise Exception("error: %s" % err)