Esempio n. 1
def test_indexing():
    program = (Program(Declare("ro", "BIT"), H(0), Y(1), CNOT(0, 1)).measure(
        0, MemoryReference("ro", 0)).if_then(MemoryReference("ro", 0),
                                             Program(X(0)), Program()))
    assert program[1] == H(0)
    for ii, instr in enumerate(program.instructions):
        assert program[ii] == instr
Esempio n. 2
def test_measurement_calls():
    p = Program()
    p.inst(Declare('ro', 'BIT', 2), MEASURE(0, MemoryReference('ro', 1)),
           MEASURE(0, MemoryReference('ro', 1)))
    assert p.out() == ('DECLARE ro BIT[2]\n'
                       'MEASURE 0 ro[1]\n'
                       'MEASURE 0 ro[1]\n')
Esempio n. 3
def estimate_assignment_probs(
    q: int,
    trials: int,
    cxn: Union["QVMConnection", "QPUConnection"],
    p0: Optional["Program"] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Estimate the readout assignment probabilities for a given qubit ``q``.
    The returned matrix is of the form::

            [[p00 p01]
             [p10 p11]]

    :param q: The index of the qubit.
    :param trials: The number of samples for each state preparation.
    :param cxn: The quantum abstract machine to sample from.
    :param p0: A header program to prepend to the state preparation programs.
    :return: The assignment probability matrix
    from pyquil.quil import Program

    if p0 is None:  # pragma no coverage
        p0 = Program()
    results_i = np.sum( + Program(I(q), MEASURE(q, MemoryReference("ro", 0))), [0],
    results_x = np.sum( + Program(X(q), MEASURE(q, MemoryReference("ro", 0))), [0],

    p00 = 1.0 - results_i / float(trials)
    p11 = results_x / float(trials)
    return np.array([[p00, 1 - p11], [1 - p00, p11]])
Esempio n. 4
def test_jumps():
    parse_equals("LABEL @test_1", JumpTarget(Label("test_1")))
    parse_equals("JUMP @test_1", Jump(Label("test_1")))
    parse_equals("JUMP-WHEN @test_1 ro[0]",
                 JumpWhen(Label("test_1"), MemoryReference("ro", 0)))
    parse_equals("JUMP-UNLESS @test_1 ro[1]",
                 JumpUnless(Label("test_1"), MemoryReference("ro", 1)))
Esempio n. 5
def test_warn_on_pragma_with_trailing_measures():
    "Check that to_latex warns when measurement alignment conflicts with gate group pragma."
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        _ = to_latex(Program(Declare('ro', 'BIT'),
                             MEASURE(0, MemoryReference('ro')),
                             MEASURE(1, MemoryReference('ro'))))
Esempio n. 6
def test_measurement_calls():
    p = Program()
        Declare("ro", "BIT", 2),
        MEASURE(0, MemoryReference("ro", 1)),
        MEASURE(0, MemoryReference("ro", 1)),
    assert p.out() == ("DECLARE ro BIT[2]\nMEASURE 0 ro[1]\nMEASURE 0 ro[1]\n")
Esempio n. 7
def test_unary_classicals():
    p = Program()
        MOVE(MemoryReference("ro", 0), 1),
        MOVE(MemoryReference("ro", 1), 0),
        NOT(MemoryReference("ro", 2)),
        NEG(MemoryReference("ro", 3)),
    assert p.out() == "MOVE ro[0] 1\nMOVE ro[1] 0\nNOT ro[2]\nNEG ro[3]\n"
Esempio n. 8
def _addr(classical):
    # type: (QuilParser.AddrContext) -> MemoryReference
    if classical.IDENTIFIER() is not None:
        if classical.INT() is not None:
            return MemoryReference(str(classical.IDENTIFIER()), int(classical.INT().getText()))
            return MemoryReference(str(classical.IDENTIFIER()), 0)
        return Addr(int(classical.INT().getText()))
Esempio n. 9
def test_split_measures():
    """Check that we can split terminal measurements."""

    prog = Program(Declare('ro', 'BIT'), X(0), MEASURE(0,
                   X(1), MEASURE(1, MemoryReference('ro')))
    meas, instr = split_on_terminal_measures(prog)
    assert len(meas) == 2
    assert len(instr) == 3
    assert all(isinstance(instr, Measurement) for instr in meas)
Esempio n. 10
def test_unary_classicals():
    p = Program()
    p.inst(TRUE(MemoryReference("ro", 0)),
           FALSE(MemoryReference("ro", 1)),
           NOT(MemoryReference("ro", 2)),
           NEG(MemoryReference("ro", 3)))
    assert p.out() == 'MOVE ro[0] 1\n' \
                      'MOVE ro[1] 0\n' \
                      'NOT ro[2]\n' \
                      'NEG ro[3]\n'
Esempio n. 11
def test_parsing_raw_capture():
        "DECLARE iqs REAL[200000]\n" 'RAW-CAPTURE 0 "ro_rx" 0.001 iqs',
        Declare("iqs", "REAL", 200000),
        RawCapture(Frame([Qubit(0)], "ro_rx"), 0.001, MemoryReference("iqs")),
        "DECLARE iqs REAL[200000]\n" 'NONBLOCKING RAW-CAPTURE 0 "ro_rx" 0.001 iqs',
        Declare("iqs", "REAL", 200000),
        RawCapture(Frame([Qubit(0)], "ro_rx"), 0.001, MemoryReference("iqs"), nonblocking=True),
Esempio n. 12
def parse_mref(val: str) -> MemoryReference:
    """ Parse a memory reference from its string representation. """
    val = val.strip()
        if val[-1] == "]":
            name, offset = val.split("[")
            return MemoryReference(name, int(offset[:-1]))
            return MemoryReference(val)
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse memory reference {val}.")
Esempio n. 13
def test_memory_commands():
    parse_equals("DECLARE mem OCTET[32] SHARING mem2 OFFSET 16 REAL OFFSET 32 REAL",
                 Declare("mem", "OCTET", 32, shared_region="mem2", offsets=[(16, "REAL"), (32, "REAL")]))
    parse_equals("STORE mem ro[2] ro[0]", STORE("mem", MemoryReference("ro", 2), MemoryReference("ro", 0)))
    parse_equals("LOAD ro[8] mem mem[4]", LOAD(MemoryReference("ro", 8), "mem", MemoryReference("mem", 4)))
    parse_equals("CONVERT ro[1] ro[2]", CONVERT(MemoryReference("ro", 1), MemoryReference("ro", 2)))
    parse_equals("EXCHANGE ro[0] ro[1]", EXCHANGE(MemoryReference("ro", 0), MemoryReference("ro", 1)))
    parse_equals("MOVE mem[2] 4", MOVE(MemoryReference("mem", 2), 4))
Esempio n. 14
def test_parsing_capture():
    wf = FlatWaveform(duration=1.0, iq=1.0)
        "DECLARE iq REAL[2]\n" 'CAPTURE 0 "ro_rx" flat(duration: 1.0, iq: 1.0) iq',
        Declare("iq", "REAL", 2),
        Capture(Frame([Qubit(0)], "ro_rx"), wf, MemoryReference("iq")),
        "DECLARE iq REAL[2]\n" 'NONBLOCKING CAPTURE 0 "ro_rx" flat(duration: 1.0, iq: 1.0) iq',
        Declare("iq", "REAL", 2),
        Capture(Frame([Qubit(0)], "ro_rx"), wf, MemoryReference("iq"), nonblocking=True),
Esempio n. 15
def test_unsupported_ops():
    target = Label("target")
    base_prog = Program(Declare("reg1", "BIT"), Declare("reg2", "BIT"), H(0), JumpTarget(target), CNOT(0, 1))

    bad_ops = [WAIT, Jump(target), MOVE(MemoryReference("reg1"), MemoryReference("reg2"))]

    assert to_latex(base_prog)

    for op in bad_ops:
        prog = base_prog + op
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            _ = to_latex(prog)
Esempio n. 16
def test_halt():
    prog = Program(Declare("ro", "BIT"), X(0), MEASURE(0, MemoryReference("ro", 0)))
    prog.inst(X(0), MEASURE(0, MemoryReference("ro", 0)))
    qam = PyQVM(n_qubits=1, quantum_simulator_type=ReferenceWavefunctionSimulator)
    # HALT should stop execution; measure should give 1
    assert qam.ram["ro"][0] == 1

    prog = Program(Declare("ro", "BIT"), X(0)).inst(X(0)).inst(MEASURE(0, MemoryReference("ro", 0)))
    qam = PyQVM(n_qubits=1, quantum_simulator_type=ReferenceWavefunctionSimulator)
    assert qam.ram["ro"][0] == 0
Esempio n. 17
def test_if_option():
    p = (Program(Declare("ro", "BIT", 1), X(0)).measure(
        0, MemoryReference("ro", 0)).if_then(MemoryReference("ro", 0),
    assert p.out() == ("DECLARE ro BIT[1]\n"
                       "X 0\n"
                       "MEASURE 0 ro[0]\n"
                       "JUMP-WHEN @THEN1 ro[0]\n"
                       "JUMP @END2\n"
                       "LABEL @THEN1\n"
                       "X 1\n"
                       "LABEL @END2\n")

    assert isinstance(p.instructions[3], JumpWhen)
Esempio n. 18
def test_construction_syntax():
    p = (Program().inst(Declare("ro", "BIT", 2), X(0), Y(1),
                        Z(0)).measure(0, MemoryReference("ro", 1)))
    assert p.out() == ("DECLARE ro BIT[2]\nX 0\nY 1\nZ 0\nMEASURE 0 ro[1]\n")
    p = (Program().inst(Declare("ro", "BIT", 3), X(0)).inst(Y(1)).measure(
        0, MemoryReference("ro", 1)).inst(MEASURE(1, MemoryReference("ro",
    assert p.out() == (
        "DECLARE ro BIT[3]\nX 0\nY 1\nMEASURE 0 ro[1]\nMEASURE 1 ro[2]\n")
    p = (Program().inst(Declare("ro", "BIT", 2),
                        X(0)).measure(0, MemoryReference("ro", 1)).inst(
                            Y(1), X(0)).measure(0, MemoryReference("ro", 0)))
    assert p.out() == (
        "DECLARE ro BIT[2]\nX 0\nMEASURE 0 ro[1]\nY 1\nX 0\nMEASURE 0 ro[0]\n")
Esempio n. 19
    def declare(self, name, memory_type='BIT', memory_size=1, shared_region=None, offsets=None):
        """DECLARE a quil variable

        This adds the declaration to the current program and returns a MemoryReference to the
        base (offset = 0) of the declared memory.

        .. note::
            This function returns a MemoryReference and cannot be chained like some
            of the other Program methods. Consider using ``inst(DECLARE(...))`` if you
            would like to chain methods, but please be aware that you must create your
            own MemoryReferences later on.

        :param name: Name of the declared variable
        :param memory_type: Type of the declared memory: 'BIT', 'REAL', 'OCTET' or 'INTEGER'
        :param memory_size: Number of array elements in the declared memory.
        :param shared_region: You can declare a variable that shares its underlying memory
            with another region. This allows aliasing. For example, you can interpret an array
            of measured bits as an integer.
        :param offsets: If you are using ``shared_region``, this allows you to share only
            a part of the parent region. The offset is given by an array type and the number
            of elements of that type. For example,
            ``DECLARE target-bit BIT SHARING real-region OFFSET 1 REAL 4 BIT`` will let you use
            target-bit to poke into the fourth bit of the second real from the leading edge of
        :return: a MemoryReference to the start of the declared memory region, ie a memory
            reference to ``name[0]``.
        self.inst(Declare(name=name, memory_type=memory_type, memory_size=memory_size,
                          shared_region=shared_region, offsets=offsets))
        return MemoryReference(name=name, declared_size=memory_size)
 def to_pyquil(e: Expr) -> Union[float, Expression]:
     if isinstance(e, Number):
         return float(e)
     elif isinstance(e, Symbol):
         return MemoryReference(str(e))
     elif isinstance(e, sin):
         return quil_sin(to_pyquil(e))
     elif isinstance(e, cos):
         return quil_cos(to_pyquil(e))
     elif isinstance(e, Add):
         args = [to_pyquil(a) for a in e.args]
         acc = args[0]
         for a in args[1:]:
             acc += a
         return acc
     elif isinstance(e, Mul):
         args = [to_pyquil(a) for a in e.args]
         acc = args[0]
         for a in args[1:]:
             acc *= a
         return acc
     elif isinstance(e, Pow):
         args = Pow_(to_pyquil(e.base),
                     to_pyquil(e.exp))  # type: ignore
     elif e == pi:
         return math.pi
         raise NotImplementedError(
             "Sympy expression could not be converted to a Quil expression: "
             + str(e))
Esempio n. 21
def augment_program_with_memory_values(quil_program, memory_map):
    This function allocates the classical memory values (gate angles) to a parametric quil program in order to use it
    on a Numpy-based simulator

    :param Program quil_program: parametric quil program which would require classical memory allocation
    :param Dict memory_map: dictionary with as keys the MemoryReference or String descrbing the classical memory, and
        with items() an array of values for that classical memory

    :return: quil program with gate angles from memory_map allocated to the (originally parametric) program
    :rtype: Program
    p = Program()

    # this function allocates the memory values for a parametric program correctly...

    if len(memory_map.keys()) == 0:
        return quil_program
    elif isinstance(list(memory_map.keys())[0], MemoryReference):
        for k, v in memory_map.items():
            p += MOVE(k, v)
    elif isinstance(list(memory_map.keys())[0], str):
        for name, arr in memory_map.items():
            for index, value in enumerate(arr):
                p += MOVE(MemoryReference(name, offset=index), value)
        raise TypeError(
            "Bad memory_map type; expected Dict[str, List[Union[int, float]]]."

    p += quil_program

    return percolate_declares(p)
Esempio n. 22
def test_control_flows_2():
    # create a program that branches based on the value of a classical register
    x_prog = Program(X(0))
    z_prog = Program()
    branch = Program(H(1)).measure(1, MemoryReference("ro", 1)) \
        .if_then(MemoryReference("ro", 1), x_prog, z_prog) \
        .measure(0, MemoryReference("ro", 0))
    assert branch.out() == ('DECLARE ro BIT[2]\n'
                            'H 1\n'
                            'MEASURE 1 ro[1]\n'
                            'JUMP-WHEN @THEN1 ro[1]\n'
                            'JUMP @END2\n'
                            'LABEL @THEN1\n'
                            'X 0\n'
                            'LABEL @END2\n'
                            'MEASURE 0 ro[0]\n')
Esempio n. 23
def test_if_then_inherits_defined_gates():
    p1 = Program()
    p1.measure(0, MemoryReference("ro", 0))

    p2 = Program()
    p2.defgate("A", np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]))
    p2.inst(("A", 0))

    p3 = Program()
    p3.defgate("B", np.array([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]]))
    p3.inst(("B", 0))

    p1.if_then(MemoryReference("ro", 0), p2, p3)
    assert p2.defined_gates[0] in p1.defined_gates
    assert p3.defined_gates[0] in p1.defined_gates
Esempio n. 24
def test_dagger():
    p = Program(X(0), H(0))
    assert p.dagger().out() == "DAGGER H 0\nDAGGER X 0\n"

    p = Program(X(0), MEASURE(0, MemoryReference("ro", 0)))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    # ensure that modifiers are preserved
    p = Program()
    control = 0
    target = 1
    cnot_control = 2
    p += X(target).controlled(control)
    p += Y(target).controlled(control)
    p += Z(target).controlled(control)
    p += H(target).controlled(control)
    p += S(target).controlled(control)
    p += T(target).controlled(control)
    p += PHASE(pi, target).controlled(control)
    p += CNOT(cnot_control, target).controlled(control)

    for instr, instr_dagger in zip(reversed(p._instructions),
        assert "DAGGER " + instr.out() == instr_dagger.out()
Esempio n. 25
    def augment_program_with_memory_values(
        quil_program: Program,
        memory_map: Union[Dict[str, List[Union[int, float]]],
                          Dict[MemoryReference, Any]],
    ) -> Program:
        p = Program()

        # we stupidly allowed memory_map to be of type Dict[MemoryReference, Any], whereas
        # takes a memory initialization argument of type Dict[str, List[Union[int, float]]. until
        # we are in a position to remove this, we support both styles of input.

        if len(memory_map.keys()) == 0:
            return quil_program
        elif isinstance(list(memory_map.keys())[0], MemoryReference):
                "Use of memory_map values of type Dict[MemoryReference, Any] have been "
                "deprecated.  Please use Dict[str, List[Union[int, float]]], as with "
                " .")
            for k, v in memory_map.items():
                p += MOVE(k, v)
        elif isinstance(list(memory_map.keys())[0], str):
            for name, arr in memory_map.items():
                for index, value in enumerate(arr):
                    p += MOVE(MemoryReference(cast(str, name), offset=index),
            raise TypeError(
                "Bad memory_map type; expected Dict[str, List[Union[int, float]]]."

        p += quil_program

        return percolate_declares(p)
Esempio n. 26
def test_control_flows_2():
    # create a program that branches based on the value of a classical register
    x_prog = Program(X(0))
    z_prog = Program()
    branch = (Program(Declare("ro", "BIT", 2),
                      H(1)).measure(1, MemoryReference("ro", 1)).if_then(
                          MemoryReference("ro", 1), x_prog,
                          z_prog).measure(0, MemoryReference("ro", 0)))
    assert branch.out() == ("DECLARE ro BIT[2]\n"
                            "H 1\n"
                            "MEASURE 1 ro[1]\n"
                            "JUMP-WHEN @THEN1 ro[1]\n"
                            "JUMP @END2\n"
                            "LABEL @THEN1\n"
                            "X 0\n"
                            "LABEL @END2\n"
                            "MEASURE 0 ro[0]\n")
Esempio n. 27
    def augment_program_with_memory_values(self, quil_program: Program) -> Program:
        p = Program()

        for k, v in self._variables_shim.items():
            p += MOVE(MemoryReference(, offset=k.index), v)

        p += quil_program

        return percolate_declares(p)
Esempio n. 28
def test_is_protoquil():
    prog = Program(Declare('ro', 'BIT'), MEASURE(1, MemoryReference("ro", 0)),
                   H(1), RESET())
    assert prog.is_protoquil()

    prog = Program(Declare('ro', 'BIT'), H(0), Y(1), CNOT(0, 1)) \
        .measure(0, MemoryReference("ro", 0)) \
        .if_then(MemoryReference("ro", 0), Program(X(0)), Program())
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    assert not prog.is_protoquil()

    prog = Program(Declare('ro', 'BIT'), ClassicalNot(MemoryReference("ro",
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    assert not prog.is_protoquil()
Esempio n. 29
def test_classical_regs_implicit_ro():
    p = Program()
    p.inst(Declare("reg", "BIT", 2), X(0)).measure(0,
                                                   MemoryReference("reg", 1))
    assert p.out() == "DECLARE reg BIT[2]\nX 0\nMEASURE 0 reg[1]\n"
    assert p.declarations == {
        "ro": Declare("ro", "BIT", 1),
        "reg": Declare("reg", "BIT", 2),
Esempio n. 30
def test_get_qubits():
    pq = Program(Declare('ro', 'BIT'), X(0), CNOT(0, 4), MEASURE(5, MemoryReference("ro", 0)))
    assert pq.get_qubits() == {0, 4, 5}

    q = [QubitPlaceholder() for _ in range(6)]
    pq = Program(Declare('ro', 'BIT'), X(q[0]), CNOT(q[0], q[4]), MEASURE(q[5], MemoryReference("ro", 0)))
    qq = QubitPlaceholder()
    pq.inst(Y(q[2]), X(qq))
    assert address_qubits(pq).get_qubits() == {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

    qubit_index = 1
    p = Program(("H", qubit_index))
    assert p.get_qubits() == {qubit_index}
    q1 = QubitPlaceholder()
    q2 = QubitPlaceholder()
    p.inst(("CNOT", q1, q2))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        _ = address_qubits(p).get_qubits()
    assert e.match('Your program mixes instantiated qubits with placeholders')