def main(): """ """ # parse the arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Entry to Pyrad processing framework') # positional arguments parser.add_argument('days', nargs='+', type=str, help='Dates to process. Format YYYYMMDD') # keyword arguments parser.add_argument( '--euclid_basepath', type=str, default='/store/msrad/lightning/meteorage/', help='name of folder containing the EUCLID lightning data') parser.add_argument( '--lma_basepath', type=str, default='/store/msrad/radar/pyrad_products/rad4alp_hydro_PHA/', help='name of folder containing the LMA lightning data') parser.add_argument( '--lma_basename', type=str, default='Santis_data', help='base name of the files containing the LMA lightning data') parser.add_argument( '--datatypes', type=str, default='hydro,KDPc,dBZc,RhoHVc,TEMP,ZDRc', help='Name of the polarimetric moments to process. Coma separated') parser.add_argument( '--labels', type=str, default=('hydro [-],KDPc [deg/Km],dBZc [dBZ],RhoHVc [-],' + 'TEMP [deg C],ZDRc [dB]'), help='Labels in the csv file for each polarimetric variable') parser.add_argument( '--nsources_min', type=int, default=10, help='Minimum number of sources to consider the LMA flash valid') parser.add_argument( '--scale_factor', type=float, default=1.2, help='Factor by which the area covered by the LMA flash has to be ' + 'enlarged to find EUCLID strokes') parser.add_argument( '--delay', type=float, default=100000., help= 'delay after end of LMA flash where to look for EUCLID strokes [micros]' ) parser.add_argument( '--anticipation', type=float, default=100000., help= 'anticipation of the start of an LMA flash where to look for EUCLID strokes [micros]' ) parser.add_argument( '--min_area', type=float, default=25., help='Minimum size of the area where to look for an EUCLID stroke [km]' ) parser.add_argument( '--euclidtype', type=str, default='CGt', help='Type of Euclid stroke. Can be: CGt, CGp, CGn, IC') args = parser.parse_args() print("====== EUCLID data processing started: %s" % datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) atexit.register(_print_end_msg, "====== EUCLID data processing finished: ") day_vec = [] for day in args.days: day_vec.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(day, '%Y%m%d')) datatype_vec = args.datatypes.split(',') pol_vals_labels = args.labels.split(',') if np.size(datatype_vec) != np.size(pol_vals_labels): warn( str(np.size(datatype_vec)) + ' datatypes but ' + str(np.size(pol_vals_labels)) + ' labels. Their number must be equal') return flashnr_sel_all =[], dtype=int) t_start_sel_all =[], dtype=datetime.datetime) t_end_sel_all =[], dtype=datetime.datetime) area_sel_all =[]) neuclid_sel_all =[], dtype=int) for day in day_vec: day_str = day.strftime('%Y%m%d') fname_lma = args.lma_basepath + day_str + '_' + args.lma_basename + '.csv' fname_euclid = args.euclid_basepath + 'THX/THX' + day.strftime( '%y%j0000') + '.prd' print('Reading EUCLID data file ' + fname_euclid) (stroke_time, lon_euclid, lat_euclid, intens, ns, mode, intra, ax, ki2, ecc, incl, sind) = read_meteorage(fname_euclid) print('Reading LMA data file ' + fname_lma) flashnr, time_data, time_in_flash, lat_lma, lon_lma, alt_lma, dBm, pol_vals_dict = ( read_lightning_all(fname_lma, labels=pol_vals_labels)) flashnr_first = np.unique(flashnr, return_index=False) # keep strokes of interest if args.euclidtype == 'CGt' or args.euclidtype == 'CGp' or args.euclidtype == 'CGn': time_EU_filt = stroke_time[intra == 0] lon_EU_filt = lon_euclid[intra == 0] lat_EU_filt = lat_euclid[intra == 0] if args.euclidtype == 'CGp': intens_EU_filt = intens[intra == 0] time_EU_filt = time_EU_filt[intens_EU_filt > 0.] lon_EU_filt = lon_EU_filt[intens_EU_filt > 0.] lat_EU_filt = lat_EU_filt[intens_EU_filt > 0.] elif args.euclidtype == 'CGn': intens_EU_filt = intens[intra == 0] time_EU_filt = time_EU_filt[intens_EU_filt < 0.] lon_EU_filt = lon_EU_filt[intens_EU_filt < 0.] lat_EU_filt = lat_EU_filt[intens_EU_filt < 0.] else: time_EU_filt = stroke_time[intra == 1] lon_EU_filt = lon_euclid[intra == 1] lat_EU_filt = lat_euclid[intra == 1] # get Swiss coordinates chy_EU, chx_EU, _ = wgs84_to_swissCH1903(lon_EU_filt, lat_EU_filt, np.zeros(lon_EU_filt.size), no_altitude_transform=True) chy_lma, chx_lma, _ = wgs84_to_swissCH1903(lon_lma, lat_lma, alt_lma, no_altitude_transform=True) flashnr_filt = np.asarray([], dtype=int) time_data_filt = np.asarray([], dtype=datetime.datetime) time_in_flash_filt = np.asarray([], dtype=float) lat_filt = np.asarray([], dtype=float) lon_filt = np.asarray([], dtype=float) alt_filt = np.asarray([], dtype=float) dBm_filt = np.asarray([], dtype=float) pol_vals_dict_filt = dict() for label in pol_vals_labels: pol_vals_dict_filt.update({label:[])}) nflashes_time_rejected = 0 nflashes_area_rejected = 0 nflashes_insufficient_sources = 0 nflashes_small_area_rejected = 0 nstrokes_accepted = 0 flashnr_sel =[], dtype=int) t_start_sel =[], dtype=datetime.datetime) t_end_sel =[], dtype=datetime.datetime) area_sel =[]) neuclid_sel =[], dtype=int) for flash_ID in flashnr_first: # get LMA data of flash flashnr_flash = flashnr[flashnr == flash_ID] time_data_flash = time_data[flashnr == flash_ID] time_in_flash_flash = time_in_flash[flashnr == flash_ID] lat_flash = lat_lma[flashnr == flash_ID] lon_flash = lon_lma[flashnr == flash_ID] alt_flash = alt_lma[flashnr == flash_ID] dBm_flash = dBm[flashnr == flash_ID] pol_vals_dict_flash = dict() for key in pol_vals_dict.keys(): pol_vals_dict_flash.update( {key: pol_vals_dict[key][flashnr == flash_ID]}) if flashnr_flash.size < args.nsources_min: # print('Not enough sources for flash '+str(flash_ID)) nflashes_insufficient_sources += 1 continue chy_flash = chy_lma[flashnr == flash_ID] chx_flash = chx_lma[flashnr == flash_ID] # check if there are EUCLID strokes within LMA time t_start = time_data_flash[0] - datetime.timedelta( microseconds=args.anticipation) t_end = time_data_flash[-1] + datetime.timedelta( microseconds=args.delay) ind = np.where( np.logical_and(time_EU_filt >= t_start, time_EU_filt <= t_end))[0] if ind.size == 0: # print('No EUCLID '+args.euclidtype+' flashes within time of LMA flash '+str(flash_ID)) nflashes_time_rejected += 1 continue # check if there are EUCLID strokes within LMA area lon_EU_flash = lon_EU_filt[ind] lat_EU_flash = lat_EU_filt[ind] chy_EU_flash = chy_EU[ind] chx_EU_flash = chx_EU[ind] points_flash_lma = shapely.geometry.MultiPoint( list(zip(chy_flash, chx_flash))) points_EU = shapely.geometry.MultiPoint( list(zip(chy_EU_flash, chx_EU_flash))) rectangle_lma = points_flash_lma.minimum_rotated_rectangle # print('LMA area before scaling : '+str(rectangle_lma.area*1e-6)) if rectangle_lma.area * 1e-6 == 0: # print('LMA area too small for flash '+str(flash_ID)) nflashes_small_area_rejected += 1 # Plot position of LMA sources AND EUCLID stroke types = np.zeros(lat_flash.size) figfname = args.lma_basepath + 'rejected_' + day_str + '_' + str( flash_ID) + '_LMA_EUCLID_' + args.euclidtype + '_pos.png' figfname = plot_pos( lat_flash, lon_flash, types, [figfname], cb_label='Type of detection 0: LMA, 1: EUCLID', titl=day_str + ' ' + str(flash_ID) + ' rejected LMA flash\nLMA and EUCLID ' + args.euclidtype + ' positions') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) continue roi_lma = shapely.affinity.scale(rectangle_lma, xfact=args.scale_factor, yfact=args.scale_factor) area_roi = roi_lma.area * 1e-6 if area_roi < args.min_area: scale_factor = args.scale_factor while area_roi < args.min_area: scale_factor += 0.1 roi_lma = shapely.affinity.scale(rectangle_lma, xfact=scale_factor, yfact=scale_factor) area_roi = roi_lma.area * 1e-6 # print('scale_factor: '+str(scale_factor)) # print('LMA area after scaling : '+str(roi_lma.area*1e-6)) if roi_lma.disjoint(points_EU): # print('No EUCLID '+args.euclidtype+' flashes within area of LMA flash '+str(flash_ID)) nflashes_area_rejected += 1 # # Plot position of LMA sources AND EUCLID stroke # lats = np.append(lat_flash, lat_EU_flash) # lons = np.append(lon_flash, lon_EU_flash) # types = np.append(np.zeros(lat_flash.size), np.ones(lat_EU_flash.size)) # # figfname = args.lma_basepath+'rejected_'+day_str+'_'+str(flash_ID)+'_LMA_EUCLID_'+args.euclidtype+'_pos.png' # figfname = plot_pos( # lats, lons, types, [figfname], # cb_label='Type of detection 0: LMA, 1: EUCLID', # titl=day_str+' '+str(flash_ID)+' rejected LMA flash\nLMA and EUCLID '+args.euclidtype+' positions') # print('Plotted '+' '.join(figfname)) continue flashnr_filt = np.append(flashnr_filt, flashnr_flash) time_data_filt = np.append(time_data_filt, time_data_flash) time_in_flash_filt = np.append(time_in_flash_filt, time_in_flash_flash) lat_filt = np.append(lat_filt, lat_flash) lon_filt = np.append(lon_filt, lon_flash) alt_filt = np.append(alt_filt, alt_flash) dBm_filt = np.append(dBm_filt, dBm_flash) for key in pol_vals_dict_filt.keys(): pol_vals_dict_filt[key] = pol_vals_dict_filt[key], pol_vals_dict_flash[key]) if not roi_lma.contains(points_EU): points_EU = points_EU.intersection(roi_lma) inds = [] if points_EU.geom_type == 'Point': ind = np.where( np.logical_and(chy_EU_flash == points_EU.x, chx_EU_flash == points_EU.y)) if len(ind) == 1: ind = ind[0] inds.extend(ind) else: points_EU_list = list(points_EU) for point in points_EU_list: ind = np.where( np.logical_and(chy_EU_flash == point.x, chx_EU_flash == point.y)) if len(ind) == 1: ind = ind[0] inds.extend(ind) lon_EU_flash = lon_EU_flash[inds] lat_EU_flash = lat_EU_flash[inds] print( str(lon_EU_flash.size) + ' EUCLID ' + args.euclidtype + ' flashes for LMA flash ' + str(flash_ID)) nstrokes_accepted += lon_EU_flash.size # # Plot position of LMA sources AND EUCLID stroke # lats = np.append(lat_flash, lat_EU_flash) # lons = np.append(lon_flash, lon_EU_flash) # types = np.append(np.zeros(lat_flash.size), np.ones(lat_EU_flash.size)) # # figfname = args.lma_basepath+day_str+'_'+str(flash_ID)+'_LMA_EUCLID_'+args.euclidtype+'_pos.png' # figfname = plot_pos( # lats, lons, types, [figfname], # cb_label='Type of detection 0: LMA, 1: EUCLID', # titl=day_str+' '+str(flash_ID)+' LMA flash\nLMA and EUCLID '+args.euclidtype+' positions') # print('Plotted '+' '.join(figfname)) flashnr_sel = np.append(flashnr_sel, flash_ID) t_start_sel = np.append(t_start_sel, time_data_flash[0]) t_end_sel = np.append(t_end_sel, time_data_flash[-1]) area_sel = np.append(area_sel, rectangle_lma.area * 1e-6) neuclid_sel = np.append(neuclid_sel, lon_EU_flash.size) # Plot histogram of number of EUCLID strokes bins_edges = np.arange(-0.5, 21.5, 1) fname_hist = args.lma_basepath + day_str + '_' + args.lma_basename + '_n' + args.euclidtype + '_hist.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram( bins_edges, neuclid_sel, [fname_hist], labelx='Number of EUCLID strokes per LMA flash', titl=day_str + ' EUCLID ' + args.euclidtype + ' strokes per LMA flash') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = args.lma_basepath + day_str + '_' + args.lma_basename + '_n' + args.euclidtype + '_hist.csv' _, hist_neuclid = compute_histogram(neuclid_sel, None, bin_edges=bins_edges) hist_neuclid, _ = np.histogram(hist_neuclid, bins=bins_edges) fname_hist = write_histogram(bins_edges, hist_neuclid, fname_hist) print('Written ' + fname_hist) # Plot histogram of LMA flash area bins_edges = np.arange(0., 2010., 10.) fname_hist = args.lma_basepath + day_str + '_' + args.lma_basename + '_' + args.euclidtype + '_LMA_area_hist.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram( bins_edges, area_sel, [fname_hist], labelx='Area of LMA flash [km2]', titl=day_str + ' area of LMA flash with associated EUCLID ' + args.euclidtype + ' strokes') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = args.lma_basepath + day_str + '_' + args.lma_basename + '_' + args.euclidtype + '_LMA_area_hist.csv' _, hist_area = compute_histogram(area_sel, None, bin_edges=bins_edges) hist_area, _ = np.histogram(hist_area, bins=bins_edges) fname_hist = write_histogram(bins_edges, hist_area, fname_hist) print('Written ' + fname_hist) # Plot histogram of LMA flash duration [milliseconds] duration = for i in range(t_end_sel.size): duration[i] = 1e3 * (t_end_sel[i] - t_start_sel[i]).total_seconds() bins_edges = np.arange(0., 1010., 10.) fname_hist = args.lma_basepath + day_str + '_' + args.lma_basename + '_' + args.euclidtype + '_LMA_duration_hist.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram( bins_edges, duration, [fname_hist], labelx='Duration of LMA flash [ms]', titl=day_str + ' Duration of LMA flash with associated EUCLID ' + args.euclidtype + ' strokes') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = args.lma_basepath + day_str + '_' + args.lma_basename + '_' + args.euclidtype + '_LMA_duration_hist.csv' _, hist_duration = compute_histogram(duration, None, bin_edges=bins_edges) hist_duration, _ = np.histogram(hist_duration, bins=bins_edges) fname_hist = write_histogram(bins_edges, hist_duration, fname_hist) print('Written ' + fname_hist) flashnr_filt_first = np.unique(flashnr_filt, return_index=False) print('N EUCLID strokes: ' + str(time_EU_filt.size)) print('N EUCLID strokes in LMA flashes accepted: ' + str(nstrokes_accepted) + '\n') print('N LMA flashes: ' + str(flashnr_first.size)) print('N LMA flashes insufficient sources: ' + str(nflashes_insufficient_sources)) print('N LMA flashes time rejected: ' + str(nflashes_time_rejected)) print('N LMA flashes small area rejected: ' + str(nflashes_small_area_rejected)) print('N LMA flashes area rejected: ' + str(nflashes_area_rejected)) print('N LMA flashes accepted: ' + str(flashnr_filt_first.size)) print('N LMA sources accepted: ' + str(flashnr_filt.size) + '\n\n\n') # write the results in a file vals_list = [] for label in pol_vals_labels: vals_list.append(pol_vals_dict_filt[label]) fname = args.lma_basepath + day_str + '_' + args.lma_basename + '_' + args.euclidtype + '.csv' write_ts_lightning(flashnr_filt, time_data_filt, time_in_flash_filt, lat_filt, lon_filt, alt_filt, dBm_filt, vals_list, fname, pol_vals_labels) print('written to ' + fname) flashnr_sel_all = np.append(flashnr_sel_all, flashnr_sel) t_start_sel_all = np.append(t_start_sel_all, t_start_sel) t_end_sel_all = np.append(t_end_sel_all, t_end_sel) area_sel_all = np.append(area_sel_all, area_sel) neuclid_sel_all = np.append(neuclid_sel_all, neuclid_sel) # Plot histogram of number of EUCLID strokes bins_edges = np.arange(-0.5, 21.5, 1) fname_hist = args.lma_basepath + args.lma_basename + '_n' + args.euclidtype + '_hist.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram( bins_edges, neuclid_sel_all, [fname_hist], labelx='Number of EUCLID strokes per LMA flash', titl='EUCLID ' + args.euclidtype + ' strokes per LMA flash') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = args.lma_basepath + args.lma_basename + '_n' + args.euclidtype + '_hist.csv' _, hist_neuclid = compute_histogram(neuclid_sel_all, None, bin_edges=bins_edges) hist_neuclid, _ = np.histogram(hist_neuclid, bins=bins_edges) fname_hist = write_histogram(bins_edges, hist_neuclid, fname_hist) print('Written ' + fname_hist) # Plot histogram of LMA flash area bins_edges = np.arange(0., 2010., 10.) fname_hist = args.lma_basepath + args.lma_basename + '_' + args.euclidtype + '_LMA_area_hist.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram( bins_edges, area_sel_all, [fname_hist], labelx='Area of LMA flash [km2]', titl='area of LMA flash with associated EUCLID ' + args.euclidtype + ' strokes') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = args.lma_basepath + args.lma_basename + '_' + args.euclidtype + '_LMA_area_hist.csv' _, hist_area = compute_histogram(area_sel_all, None, bin_edges=bins_edges) hist_area, _ = np.histogram(hist_area, bins=bins_edges) fname_hist = write_histogram(bins_edges, hist_area, fname_hist) print('Written ' + fname_hist) # Plot histogram of LMA flash duration [milliseconds] duration = for i in range(t_end_sel.size): duration[i] = 1e3 * (t_end_sel_all[i] - t_start_sel_all[i]).total_seconds() print(duration[i]) bins_edges = np.arange(0., 1010., 10.) fname_hist = args.lma_basepath + args.lma_basename + '_' + args.euclidtype + '_LMA_duration_hist.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram( bins_edges, duration, [fname_hist], labelx='Duration of LMA flash [ms]', titl='Duration of LMA flash with associated EUCLID ' + args.euclidtype + ' strokes') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = args.lma_basepath + args.lma_basename + '_' + args.euclidtype + '_LMA_duration_hist.csv' _, hist_duration = compute_histogram(duration, None, bin_edges=bins_edges) hist_duration, _ = np.histogram(hist_duration, bins=bins_edges) fname_hist = write_histogram(bins_edges, hist_duration, fname_hist) print('Written ' + fname_hist)
def main(): """ """ # parse the arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Entry to Pyrad processing framework') # positional arguments parser.add_argument('days', nargs='+', type=str, help='Dates to process. Format YYYYMMDD') # keyword arguments parser.add_argument( '--basepath', type=str, default='/store/msrad/lightning/meteorage/', help='name of folder containing the EUCLID lightning data') parser.add_argument( '--lon', type=str, default='8.9000010,9.2000000,9.4999970,9.4999970,8.9000010', help=('longitude of the points defining the perimeter of the area ' + 'of interest')) parser.add_argument( '--lat', type=str, default='47.0000030,47.0000030,47.0000030,47.5999930,47.5999930', help=('latitude of the points defining the perimeter of the area ' + 'of interest')) args = parser.parse_args() print("====== EUCLID data processing started: %s" % datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) atexit.register(_print_end_msg, "====== EUCLID data processing finished: ") day_vec = [] for day in args.days: day_vec.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(day, '%Y%m%d')) lons = args.lon.split(',') lats =',') if np.size(lons) != np.size(lats): warn( str(np.size(lons)) + ' longitudes but ' + str(np.size(lats)) + ' latitudes. Their number must be equal') return lon_list = [] lat_list = [] for i, lon in enumerate(lons): lon_list.append(float(lon)) lat_list.append(float(lats[i])) roi = {'lon': lon_list, 'lat': lat_list} bin_edges_intens = np.arange(-100., 101., 1.) lat_all = np.asarray([], dtype=float) lon_all = np.asarray([], dtype=float) intens_all = np.asarray([], dtype=float) intra_all = np.asarray([], dtype=int) for day in day_vec: day_str = day.strftime('%y%m%d') fname = args.basepath + 'THX/THX' + day.strftime('%y%j0000') + '.prd' print('Reading EUCLID data file ' + fname) (stroke_time, lon, lat, intens, ns, mode, intra, ax, ki2, ecc, incl, sind) = read_meteorage(fname) print('N strokes: ' + str(stroke_time.size)) print('IC: ' + str(intra[intra == 1].size)) print('CG: ' + str(intra[intra == 0].size)) inds, is_roi = belongs_roi_indices(lat, lon, roi) if is_roi == 'None': print('No strokes in ROI') continue lon_roi = lon[inds] lat_roi = lat[inds] intens_roi = intens[inds] intra_roi = intra[inds] # add valid data to list lat_all = np.append(lat_all, lat_roi) lon_all = np.append(lon_all, lon_roi) intens_all = np.append(intens_all, intens_roi) intra_all = np.append(intra_all, intra_roi) print('N strokes: ' + str(lon_roi.size)) print('IC: ' + str(intra_roi[intra_roi == 1].size)) print('CG: ' + str(intra_roi[intra_roi == 0].size)) # plot position all strokes figfname = args.basepath + day_str + '_EUCLID_strokes_pos.png' figfname = plot_pos(lat_roi, lon_roi, intens_roi, [figfname], cb_label='stroke intensity [kA]', titl=day_str + ' EUCLID stroke position') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) # plot position IC figfname = args.basepath + day_str + '_EUCLID_IC_pos.png' figfname = plot_pos(lat_roi[intra_roi == 1], lon_roi[intra_roi == 1], intens_roi[intra_roi == 1], [figfname], cb_label='stroke intensity [kA]', titl=day_str + ' EUCLID IC position') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) # plot position CG lat_CG = lat_roi[intra_roi == 0] lon_CG = lon_roi[intra_roi == 0] intens_CG = intens_roi[intra_roi == 0] figfname = args.basepath + day_str + '_EUCLID_CG_pos.png' figfname = plot_pos(lat_CG, lon_CG, intens_CG, [figfname], cb_label='stroke intensity [kA]', titl=day_str + ' EUCLID CG position') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) # plot position CGp figfname = args.basepath + day_str + '_EUCLID_CGp_pos.png' figfname = plot_pos(lat_CG[intens_CG > 0.], lon_CG[intens_CG > 0.], intens_CG[intens_CG > 0.], [figfname], cb_label='stroke intensity [kA]', titl=day_str + ' EUCLID CGp position') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) # plot position CGn figfname = args.basepath + day_str + '_EUCLID_CGn_pos.png' figfname = plot_pos(lat_CG[intens_CG < 0.], lon_CG[intens_CG < 0.], intens_CG[intens_CG < 0.], [figfname], cb_label='stroke intensity [kA]', titl=day_str + ' EUCLID CGn position') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) # Plot histogram intensity all strokes fname_hist = args.basepath + day_str + '_EUCLID_strokes_hist_intens.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram(bin_edges_intens, intens_roi, [fname_hist], labelx='Intensity [kA]', titl=day_str + ' EUCLID stroke intensity') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) # Plot histogram intensity IC fname_hist = args.basepath + day_str + '_EUCLID_IC_hist_intens.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram(bin_edges_intens, intens_roi[intra_roi == 1], [fname_hist], labelx='Intensity [kA]', titl=day_str + ' EUCLID IC intensity') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) # Plot histogram intensity CG fname_hist = args.basepath + day_str + '_EUCLID_CG_hist_intens.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram(bin_edges_intens, intens_roi[intra_roi == 0], [fname_hist], labelx='Intensity [kA]', titl=day_str + ' EUCLID CG intensity') lat_CG = lat_all[intra_all == 0] lon_CG = lon_all[intra_all == 0] intens_CG = intens_all[intra_all == 0] print('N strokes: ' + str(lon_all.size)) print('IC: ' + str(intra_all[intra_all == 1].size)) print('CG: ' + str(lon_CG.size)) print('CGp: ' + str(lon_CG[intens_CG > 0].size)) print('CGn: ' + str(lon_CG[intens_CG < 0].size)) # plot position all strokes figfname = args.basepath + 'EUCLID_strokes_pos.png' figfname = plot_pos(lat_all, lon_all, intens_all, [figfname], cb_label='stroke intensity [kA]', titl=day_str + ' EUCLID stroke position') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) # plot position IC figfname = args.basepath + 'EUCLID_IC_pos.png' figfname = plot_pos(lat_all[intra_all == 1], lon_all[intra_all == 1], intens_all[intra_all == 1], [figfname], cb_label='stroke intensity [kA]', titl='EUCLID IC position') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) # plot position CG figfname = args.basepath + 'EUCLID_CG_pos.png' figfname = plot_pos(lat_CG, lon_CG, intens_CG, [figfname], cb_label='stroke intensity [kA]', titl='EUCLID CG position') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) # plot position CGp figfname = args.basepath + 'EUCLID_CGp_pos.png' figfname = plot_pos(lat_CG[intens_CG > 0.], lon_CG[intens_CG > 0.], intens_CG[intens_CG > 0.], [figfname], cb_label='stroke intensity [kA]', titl='EUCLID CGp position') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) # plot position CGn figfname = args.basepath + 'EUCLID_CGn_pos.png' figfname = plot_pos(lat_CG[intens_CG < 0.], lon_CG[intens_CG < 0.], intens_CG[intens_CG < 0.], [figfname], cb_label='stroke intensity [kA]', titl='EUCLID CGn position') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) # Plot histogram intensity all strokes fname_hist = args.basepath + 'EUCLID_strokes_hist_intens.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram(bin_edges_intens, intens_all, [fname_hist], labelx='Intensity [kA]', titl='EUCLID stroke intensity') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) # Plot histogram intensity IC fname_hist = args.basepath + 'EUCLID_IC_hist_intens.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram(bin_edges_intens, intens_all[intra_all == 1], [fname_hist], labelx='Intensity [kA]', titl='EUCLID IC intensity') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) # Plot histogram intensity CG fname_hist = args.basepath + 'EUCLID_CG_hist_intens.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram(bin_edges_intens, intens_all[intra_all == 0], [fname_hist], labelx='Intensity [kA]', titl='EUCLID CG intensity') print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist))
def main(): """ """ # basepath = '/data/pyrad_products/rad4alp_hydro_PHA/' basepath = '/store/msrad/radar/pyrad_products/rad4alp_hydro_PHA/' day_vec = [ datetime.datetime(2017, 6, 29), datetime.datetime(2017, 6, 30), datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 10), datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 14), datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 18), datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 19), datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 30), datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 1) ] # day_vec = [ # datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 14)] basename = 'Santis_data_entropy_CGpn' filt_type = 'keep_all' nsources_min = 10 if 'entropy' in basename: pol_vals_labels = [ 'hydro', 'entropy', 'propAG', 'propCR', 'propIH', 'propLR', 'propMH', 'propRN', 'propRP', 'propVI', 'propWS' ] datatype_vec = [ 'hydro', 'entropy', 'propAG', 'propCR', 'propIH', 'propLR', 'propMH', 'propRN', 'propRP', 'propVI', 'propWS' ] step_list = [None, 0.1, 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.] else: pol_vals_labels = [ 'hydro [-]', 'KDPc [deg/Km]', 'dBZc [dBZ]', 'RhoHVc [-]', 'TEMP [deg C]', 'ZDRc [dB]' ] datatype_vec = ['hydro', 'KDPc', 'dBZc', 'RhoHVc', 'TEMP', 'ZDRc'] step_list = [None, 0.05, 0.5, 0.001, 1., 0.1] for label in pol_vals_labels: if 'hydro' in label: hydro_label = label break print("====== Lightning post-processing started: %s" % datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) atexit.register(_print_end_msg, "====== Lightning post-processing finished: ") # read all the data to analyze flashnr, time_data, time_in_flash, lat, lon, alt, dBm, pol_vals_dict = ( read_data(basepath, day_vec, basename=basename, pol_vals_labels=pol_vals_labels)) # flashnr, time_data, time_in_flash, lat, lon, alt, dBm, pol_vals_dict = ( # read_data_two_sources( # basepath, day_vec, basename1='Santis_data_entropy', # basename2='Santis_data_entropy_CGt', basename_out='Santis_data_entropy_no_CG', # keep_common=False, # pol_vals_labels=pol_vals_labels)) # Get indices of data to keep if filt_type == 'keep_all': ind, data_ID, subtitl = get_indices_all_data(flashnr, nsources_min=nsources_min) elif filt_type == 'keep_solid': ind, data_ID, subtitl = get_indices_solid_phase( flashnr, pol_vals_dict[hydro_label], nsources_min=nsources_min) elif filt_type == 'keep_liquid': ind, data_ID, subtitl = get_indices_liquid_phase( flashnr, pol_vals_dict[hydro_label], nsources_min=nsources_min) elif filt_type == 'keep_liquid_origin': ind, data_ID, subtitl = get_indices_liquid_phase_origin( flashnr, pol_vals_dict[hydro_label], nsources_min=nsources_min) else: warn('Unknown filter type ' + filt_type) return flashnr_filt = flashnr[ind] time_data_filt = time_data[ind] time_in_flash_filt = time_in_flash[ind] lat_filt = lat[ind] lon_filt = lon[ind] alt_filt = alt[ind] dBm_filt = dBm[ind] pol_vals_dict_filt = deepcopy(pol_vals_dict) for key in pol_vals_dict.keys(): pol_vals_dict_filt[key] = pol_vals_dict[key][ind] # # write the filtered data in a file # vals_list = [] # for label in pol_vals_labels: # vals_list.append(pol_vals_dict_filt[label]) # # fname = basepath+basename'_'+data_ID+'.csv' # write_ts_lightning( # flashnr_filt, time_data_filt, time_in_flash_filt, lat_filt, lon_filt, # alt_filt, dBm_filt, vals_list, fname, pol_vals_labels) # print('written to '+fname) # get flashes origin of filtered data flashnr_first, ind_first = np.unique(flashnr_filt, return_index=True) time_data_first = time_data_filt[ind_first] time_in_flash_first = time_in_flash_filt[ind_first] lat_first = lat_filt[ind_first] lon_first = lon_filt[ind_first] alt_first = alt_filt[ind_first] dBm_first = dBm_filt[ind_first] pol_vals_dict_first = deepcopy(pol_vals_dict_filt) for key in pol_vals_dict_filt.keys(): pol_vals_dict_first[key] = pol_vals_dict_filt[key][ind_first] # get duration and area of flash duration_filt = area_filt = chy_filt, chx_filt, _ = wgs84_to_swissCH1903(lon_filt, lat_filt, alt_filt, no_altitude_transform=True) for i, flash_ID in enumerate(flashnr_first): time_data_flash = time_data_filt[flashnr_filt == flash_ID] duration_filt[i] = ( 1e3 * (time_data_flash[-1] - time_data_flash[0]).total_seconds()) chy_flash = chy_filt[flashnr_filt == flash_ID] chx_flash = chx_filt[flashnr_filt == flash_ID] points_flash = shapely.geometry.MultiPoint( list(zip(chy_flash, chx_flash))) area_filt[i] = points_flash.minimum_rotated_rectangle.area * 1e-6 print('N flashes: ' + str(flashnr_first.size)) print('N sources: ' + str(flashnr_filt.size)) # Analyse the data # create histograms of hydrometeor proportions if 'propAG' in pol_vals_dict_filt: bins_centers = np.arange(0, 10, 1) bins_edges = np.arange(-0.5, 10.5, 1) # Create histogram of number of differnt hydrometeors types in each # radar range gate. All sources nhydros_hist = hist_nhydros_gate(pol_vals_dict_filt, percent_min=10.) fname = (basepath + data_ID + '_allsources_ts_trajlightning_nhydro.png') plot_histogram2(bins_centers, nhydros_hist, [fname], labelx='Number of hydrometeors in radar range gate', labely='occurrence', titl='Trajectory Histogram All Sources' + subtitl) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname) # store histogram fname = (basepath + data_ID + '_allsources_ts_trajlightning_nhydro.csv') write_histogram(bins_edges, nhydros_hist, fname) print('Written ' + fname) # Create histogram of number of different hydrometeors types in each # radar range gate. First source nhydros_hist = hist_nhydros_gate(pol_vals_dict_first, percent_min=10.) fname = (basepath + data_ID + '_firstsource_ts_trajlightning_nhydro.png') plot_histogram2(bins_centers, nhydros_hist, [fname], labelx='Number of hydrometeors in radar range gate', labely='occurrence', titl='Trajectory Histogram First Sources' + subtitl) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname) # store histogram fname = (basepath + data_ID + '_firstsource_ts_trajlightning_nhydro.csv') write_histogram(bins_edges, nhydros_hist, fname) print('Written ' + fname) return # Create histograms of dominant hydrometeors all sources hydro_hist2 = hist_dominant_hydrometeors(pol_vals_dict_filt, percent_min=10.) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_allsources_ts_trajlightning_hydro_dominant.png' fname_hist = _plot_time_range(bins_edges, bins_edges, hydro_hist2, None, [fname_hist], titl='Trajectory Histogram All Sources' + subtitl, xlabel='Dominant hydrometeor', ylabel='2nd most dominant hydrometeor', vmin=0, clabel='Occurrence', figsize=[10, 8], dpi=72) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) # Create histogram of dominant hydrometeors first sources hydro_hist2 = hist_dominant_hydrometeors(pol_vals_dict_first, percent_min=10.) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_firstsource_ts_trajlightning_hydro_dominant.png' fname_hist = _plot_time_range( bins_edges, bins_edges, hydro_hist2, None, [fname_hist], titl='Trajectory Histogram First Sources' + subtitl, xlabel='Dominant hydrometeor', ylabel='2nd most dominant hydrometeor', vmin=0, clabel='Occurrence', figsize=[10, 8], dpi=72) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) # create histogram of percentage of dominant hydrometeor all sources hydro_hist = hist_hydrometeor_mixtures(pol_vals_dict_filt) fname = (basepath + data_ID + '_allsources_ts_trajlightning_hydro_prop.png') plot_histogram2(bins_centers, hydro_hist, [fname], labelx='radar echo classification (-)', labely='percentage', titl='Trajectory Histogram All Sources' + subtitl) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname) # store histogram fname = (basepath + data_ID + '_allsources_ts_trajlightning_hydro_prop.csv') write_histogram(bins_edges, hydro_hist, fname) print('Written ' + fname) # create histogram of percentage of dominant hydrometeor first sources hydro_hist = hist_hydrometeor_mixtures(pol_vals_dict_first) fname = (basepath + data_ID + '_firstsource_ts_trajlightning_hydro_prop.png') plot_histogram2(bins_centers, hydro_hist, [fname], labelx='radar echo classification (-)', labely='percentage', titl='Trajectory Histogram First Sources' + subtitl) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname) # store histogram fname = (basepath + data_ID + '_firstsource_ts_trajlightning_hydro_prop.csv') write_histogram(bins_edges, hydro_hist, fname) print('Written ' + fname) for i, key in enumerate(pol_vals_labels): step = step_list[i] datatype = datatype_vec[i] field_name = get_fieldname_pyart(datatype) field_dict = get_metadata(field_name) labelx = get_colobar_label(field_dict, field_name) vals = pol_vals_dict_filt[key] bins, values = compute_histogram(vals, field_name, step=step) print(datatype + ' min: ' + str(vals.min())) print(datatype + ' max: ' + str(vals.max())) # Plot all sources histogram fname_first_source = (basepath + data_ID + '_allsources_ts_trajlightning_' + datatype + '.png') plot_histogram(bins, values, [fname_first_source], labelx=labelx, titl='Trajectory Histogram All Sources' + subtitl) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname_first_source) # store histogram fname_first_source = (basepath + data_ID + '_allsources_ts_trajlightning_' + datatype + '.csv') hist_values, _ = np.histogram(values, bins=bins) write_histogram(bins, hist_values, fname_first_source) print('Written ' + fname_first_source) # First sources vals = pol_vals_dict_first[key] bins, values = compute_histogram(vals, field_name, step=step) # Plot first source histogram fname_first_source = (basepath + data_ID + '_firstsource_ts_trajlightning_' + datatype + '.png') plot_histogram(bins, values, [fname_first_source], labelx=labelx, titl='Trajectory Histogram First Source' + subtitl) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname_first_source) # store histogram fname_first_source = (basepath + data_ID + '_firstsource_ts_trajlightning_' + datatype + '.csv') hist_values_first, _ = np.histogram(values, bins=bins) write_histogram(bins, hist_values_first, fname_first_source) print('Written ' + fname_first_source) # Get histograms of sources altitude and power # define histogram bin edges bin_edges_alt = np.arange(-50., 14150., 100.) bin_edges_dBm = np.arange(-17., 47., 1.) bin_edges_time = np.arange(0, 25, 1) bin_edges_area = np.arange(0., 2100., 100.) bin_edges_duration = np.arange(0., 1100., 100.) # Plot histogram of LMA flash area _, area_filt_values = compute_histogram(area_filt, None, bin_edges=bin_edges_area) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_area.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram(bin_edges_area, area_filt_values, [fname_hist], labelx='Area [km2]', titl='Flash area' + subtitl) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_area.csv' hist_area, _ = np.histogram(area_filt_values, bins=bin_edges_area) fname_hist = write_histogram(bin_edges_area, hist_area, fname_hist) print('Written ' + fname_hist) # Plot histogram of LMA flash duration _, duration_filt_values = compute_histogram(duration_filt, None, bin_edges=bin_edges_duration) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_duration.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram(bin_edges_duration, duration_filt_values, [fname_hist], labelx='Duration [ms]', titl='Flash duration' + subtitl) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_duration.csv' hist_duration, _ = np.histogram(duration_filt_values, bins=bin_edges_duration) fname_hist = write_histogram(bin_edges_duration, hist_duration, fname_hist) print('Written ' + fname_hist) # Plot histogram time of occurrence time_hour_first = occurrence_time(time_data_first) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_time.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram(bin_edges_time, time_hour_first, [fname_hist], labelx='Hour [UTC]', titl='Flash occurrence time' + subtitl) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_time.csv' hist_time, _ = np.histogram(time_hour_first, bins=bin_edges_time) fname_hist = write_histogram(bin_edges_time, hist_time, fname_hist) print('Written ' + fname_hist) # Plot histogram altitude all sources _, alt_filt_values = compute_histogram(alt_filt, None, bin_edges=bin_edges_alt) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_alt.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram(bin_edges_alt, alt_filt_values, [fname_hist], labelx='Altitude [m MSL]', titl='Flash sources altitude' + subtitl) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_alt.csv' hist_alt, _ = np.histogram(alt_filt_values, bins=bin_edges_alt) fname_hist = write_histogram(bin_edges_alt, hist_alt, fname_hist) print('Written ' + fname_hist) # Plot histogram altitude first sources _, alt_first_values = compute_histogram(alt_first, None, bin_edges=bin_edges_alt) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_alt_first_source.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram(bin_edges_alt, alt_first_values, [fname_hist], labelx='Altitude [m MSL]', titl='Flash first source altitude' + subtitl) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_alt_first_source.csv' hist_alt_fist, _ = np.histogram(alt_first_values, bins=bin_edges_alt) fname_hist = write_histogram(bin_edges_alt, hist_alt_fist, fname_hist) print('Written ' + fname_hist) # Plot histogram power all sources _, dBm_filt_values = compute_histogram(dBm_filt, None, bin_edges=bin_edges_dBm) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_dBm.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram(bin_edges_dBm, dBm_filt_values, [fname_hist], labelx='Power [dBm]', titl='Flash sources power' + subtitl) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_dBm.csv' hist_dBm, _ = np.histogram(dBm_filt_values, bins=bin_edges_dBm) fname_hist = write_histogram(bin_edges_dBm, hist_dBm, fname_hist) print('Written ' + fname_hist) # Plot histogram power first sources _, dBm_first_values = compute_histogram(dBm_first, None, bin_edges=bin_edges_dBm) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_dBm_first_source.png' fname_hist = plot_histogram(bin_edges_dBm, dBm_first_values, [fname_hist], labelx='Power [dBm]', titl='Flash first source power' + subtitl) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_hist_dBm_first_source.csv' hist_dBm_first, _ = np.histogram(dBm_first_values, bins=bin_edges_dBm) fname_hist = write_histogram(bin_edges_dBm, hist_dBm_first, fname_hist) print('Written ' + fname_hist) # Plot 2D histogram all sources H, _, _ = np.histogram2d(alt_filt_values, dBm_filt_values, bins=[bin_edges_alt, bin_edges_dBm]) # set 0 values to blank H = H[H == 0] = fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_2Dhist_alt_dBm.png' fname_hist = _plot_time_range(bin_edges_alt, bin_edges_dBm, H, None, [fname_hist], titl='LMA sources Altitude-Power histogram' + subtitl, xlabel='Altitude [m MSL]', ylabel='Power [dBm]', clabel='Occurrence', vmin=0, vmax=None, figsize=[10, 8], dpi=72) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) # Plot 2D histogram first sources H, _, _ = np.histogram2d(alt_first_values, dBm_first_values, bins=[bin_edges_alt, bin_edges_dBm]) # set 0 values to blank H = H[H == 0] = fname_hist = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_2Dhist_alt_dBm_first_source.png' fname_hist = _plot_time_range( bin_edges_alt, bin_edges_dBm, H, None, [fname_hist], titl='LMA first sources Altitude-Power histogram' + subtitl, xlabel='Altitude [m MSL]', ylabel='Power [dBm]', clabel='Occurrence', vmin=0, vmax=None, figsize=[10, 8], dpi=72) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(fname_hist)) # plot position all sources figfname = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_LMA_sources_pos_max_height_on_top.png' figfname = plot_pos(lat_filt, lon_filt, alt_filt, [figfname], sort_altitude='Highest_on_top', cb_label='Source height [m MSL]', titl='Flash sources position. Highest on top' + subtitl) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) figfname = basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_LMA_sources_pos_min_height_on_top.png' figfname = plot_pos(lat_filt, lon_filt, alt_filt, [figfname], sort_altitude='Lowest_on_top', cb_label='Source height [m MSL]', titl='Flash sources position. Lowest on top' + subtitl) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) # plot position first source figfname = (basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_LMA_first_source_pos_max_height_on_top.png') figfname = plot_pos(lat_first, lon_first, alt_first, [figfname], sort_altitude='Highest_on_top', cb_label='Source height [m MSL]', titl='First flash source position. Highest on top' + subtitl) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname)) figfname = (basepath + data_ID + '_Santis_LMA_first_source_pos_min_height_on_top.png') figfname = plot_pos(lat_first, lon_first, alt_first, [figfname], sort_altitude='Lowest_on_top', cb_label='Source height [m MSL]', titl='First flash source position. Lowest on top' + subtitl) print('Plotted ' + ' '.join(figfname))
def main(): """ """ # parse the arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Entry to Pyrad processing framework') # positional arguments parser.add_argument('days', nargs='+', type=str, help='Dates to process. Format YYYYMMDD') # keyword arguments parser.add_argument( '--basepath', type=str, default='/store/msrad/radar/pyrad_products/rad4alp_hydro_PHA/', help='name of folder containing the radar data') parser.add_argument( '--datatypes', type=str, default='hydro,KDPc,dBZc,RhoHVc,TEMP,ZDRc', help='Name of the polarimetric moments to process. Coma separated') parser.add_argument('--steps', type=str, default='None,0.05,0.5,0.001,1.,0.1', help='Step of the histogram for each data type') args = parser.parse_args() print("====== LMA trajectories radar data processing started: %s" % datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) atexit.register( _print_end_msg, "====== LMA trajectories radar data processing finished: ") day_vec = [] for day in args.days: day_vec.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(day, '%Y%m%d')) datatype_vec = args.datatypes.split(',') steps = args.steps.split(',') if np.size(datatype_vec) != np.size(steps): warn( str(np.size(datatype_vec)) + ' datatypes but ' + str(np.size(steps)) + ' steps. Their number must be equal') return step_list = [] for step in steps: if step == 'None': step_list.append(None) else: step_list.append(float(step)) for j, datatype in enumerate(datatype_vec): step = step_list[j] field_name = get_fieldname_pyart(datatype) field_dict = get_metadata(field_name) labelx = get_colobar_label(field_dict, field_name) values_list = [] values_first_list = [] flash_cnt = 0 source_cnt = 0 for day in day_vec: day_dir = day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') day_str = day.strftime('%Y%m%d') fname_test = (args.basepath + day_dir + '/*_traj/AT_FLASH/' + day_str + '*_allflash_ts_trajlightning_' + datatype + '.csv') fname_list = glob.glob(fname_test) if not fname_list: warn('No file found in ' + fname_test) continue fname = fname_list[0] basepath_out = os.path.dirname(fname) fname_first_source = (basepath_out + '/' + day_str + '_firstsource_ts_trajlightning_' + datatype + '.png') fname_all_sources = (basepath_out + '/' + day_str + '_allsources_ts_trajlightning_' + datatype + '.png') print('\nReading file ' + fname) time_flash, flashnr, _, val_at_flash, _, _, _, _ = ( read_lightning_traj(fname)) print('N sources: ' + str(flashnr.size)) source_cnt += flashnr.size # Plot all sources histogram bins, values = compute_histogram(val_at_flash, field_name, step=step) print('Valid values: ' + str(values.size)) values_list.extend(values) plot_histogram(bins, values, [fname_all_sources], labelx=labelx, titl=("Trajectory Histogram %s" % time_flash[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname_all_sources) # Get and plot first sources histogram flashnr_first, unique_ind = np.unique(flashnr, return_index=True) print('N flashes: ' + str(flashnr_first.size)) flash_cnt += flashnr_first.size val_first = val_at_flash[unique_ind] time_flash_first = time_flash[unique_ind] bins, values = compute_histogram(val_first, field_name, step=step) values_first_list.extend(values) plot_histogram(bins, values, [fname_first_source], labelx=labelx, titl=("Trajectory Histogram First Source %s" % time_flash_first[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname_first_source) print('N sources total: ' + str(source_cnt)) print('N flashes total: ' + str(flash_cnt)) values_list = np.asarray(values_list) values_first_list = np.asarray(values_first_list) print('Valid values total: ' + str(values_list.size)) print('Valid flashes total: ' + str(values_first_list.size)) # Plot all sources histogram fname_all_sources = (args.basepath + '/allsources_ts_trajlightning_' + datatype + '.png') plot_histogram(bins, values_list, [fname_all_sources], labelx=labelx, titl="Trajectory Histogram All Sources") print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname_all_sources) # store histogram fname_all_sources = (args.basepath + 'allsources_ts_trajlightning_' + datatype + '.csv') hist_values, _ = np.histogram(values_list, bins=bins) write_histogram(bins, hist_values, fname_all_sources) print('Written ' + ' '.join(fname_all_sources)) # Plot first source histogram fname_first_source = (args.basepath + 'firstsource_ts_trajlightning_' + datatype + '.png') plot_histogram(bins, values_first_list, [fname_first_source], labelx=labelx, titl="Trajectory Histogram First Source") print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname_first_source) # store histogram fname_first_source = (args.basepath + 'firstsource_ts_trajlightning_' + datatype + '.csv') hist_values_first, _ = np.histogram(values_first_list, bins=bins) write_histogram(bins, hist_values_first, fname_first_source) print('Written ' + ' '.join(fname_all_sources))
def main(): """ """ # parse the arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Entry to Pyrad processing framework') # positional arguments parser.add_argument( 'days', nargs='+', type=str, help='Dates to process. Format YYYY-MM-DD') # keyword arguments parser.add_argument( '--nsources_min', type=int, default=10, help='Minimum number of sources to consider the LMA flash valid') parser.add_argument( '--trtbase', type=str, default='/store/msrad/radar/trt/', help='name of folder containing the TRT cell data') parser.add_argument( '--flashpath', type=str, default='/store/msrad/lightning/LMA/Santis/', help='name of the folder containing the Santis LMA data') args = parser.parse_args() print("====== LMA data TRT processing started: %s" % datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) atexit.register(_print_end_msg, "====== LMA data TRT processing finished: ") print('trt path: '+args.trtbase) time_dir_list = args.days # Get bins altitude alt_min = 0. alt_max = 14000. step = 100. bin_edges = np.linspace( alt_min-step/2., alt_max+step/2, num=int((alt_max-alt_min)/step)+2) trt_list = [] for time_dir in time_dir_list: trt_list.extend(glob.glob( args.trtbase+time_dir+'/TRTC_cell_plots/All/*.trt')) trt_list.extend(glob.glob( args.trtbase+time_dir+'/TRTC_cell_plots/Some/*.trt')) cell_ID_list =[], dtype=int) time_list =[], dtype=datetime.datetime) lon_list =[], dtype=float) lat_list =[], dtype=float) flash_density_list =[], dtype=float) sources_density_list =[], dtype=float) rank_flash_density_list =[], dtype=float) area_list =[], dtype=float) nflash_list =[], dtype=int) nsources_list =[], dtype=int) for trt_fname in trt_list: print('processing TRT cell file '+trt_fname) trtpath = os.path.dirname(trt_fname)+'/' # reading TRT cell file (traj_ID, yyyymmddHHMM, lon_trt, lat_trt, _, _, _, area, _, _, _, RANKr, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, cell_contour) = ( read_trt_traj_data(trt_fname)) # reading lightning file infostr = os.path.basename(trt_fname).split('.')[0] dt_str = infostr[0:12] dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_str, '%Y%m%d%H%M') flashnr, time_data, _, lat, lon, alt, _ = read_lightning( args.flashpath+dt.strftime("%y%m%d")+'.txt') if flashnr is None: continue # Filter data with less than nsources_min sources unique_flashnr = np.unique(flashnr, return_index=False) ind = [] for flash in unique_flashnr: ind_flash = np.where(flashnr == flash)[0] if ind_flash.size < args.nsources_min: continue ind.extend(ind_flash) if np.size(ind) == 0: continue flashnr = flashnr[ind] time_data = time_data[ind] lat = lat[ind] lon = lon[ind] alt = alt[ind] # Get first sources data _, unique_ind = np.unique(flashnr, return_index=True) lat_first = lat[unique_ind] lon_first = lon[unique_ind] alt_first = alt[unique_ind] # dBm_first = dBm[unique_ind] time_first = time_data[unique_ind] # Find cell period cell_dt_s = np.empty(yyyymmddHHMM.size, dtype=float) for i, cell_time in enumerate(yyyymmddHHMM): cell_dt_s[i] = (cell_time-yyyymmddHHMM[0]).total_seconds() t_res = np.mean(cell_dt_s[1:]-cell_dt_s[:-1]) # analyze first sources print('\n\n--- Processing first sources ----') nflashes = np.zeros(yyyymmddHHMM.size, dtype=int) for i, cell_time in enumerate(yyyymmddHHMM): cell_time_str = cell_time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # Find flashes within time step of cell tstart_cell_step = cell_time-datetime.timedelta(seconds=t_res) inds = np.where(np.logical_and( time_first > tstart_cell_step, time_first <= cell_time))[0] if inds.size == 0: warn('No flashes within time step') fname_hist = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr + '_hist_alt_first_source.csv') fname_hist = write_histogram( bin_edges, np.zeros(bin_edges.size-1, dtype=int), fname_hist, step=step) print('----- save to '+fname_hist) continue lat_cell = lat_first[inds] lon_cell = lon_first[inds] alt_cell = alt_first[inds] # Find flashes within cell contour inds, is_roi = belongs_roi_indices( lat_cell, lon_cell, cell_contour[i]) if is_roi == 'None': warn('No flashes within cell contour') fname_hist = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr + '_hist_alt_first_source.csv') fname_hist = write_histogram( bin_edges, np.zeros(bin_edges.size-1, dtype=int), fname_hist, step=step) print('----- save to '+fname_hist) continue elif is_roi == 'All': inds = inds[0] lat_cell = lat_cell[inds] lon_cell = lon_cell[inds] alt_cell = alt_cell[inds] # compute number of flashes nflashes[i] = lat_cell.size # Plot altitude histogram fname_hist = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr + '_hist_alt_first_source.png') titl = ( cell_time_str+' '+infostr + ' TRT cell. Flash first source altitude') fname_hist = plot_histogram( bin_edges, alt_cell, [fname_hist], labelx='Altitude [m MSL]', titl=titl) print('Plotted '+' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr + '_hist_alt_first_source.csv') hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(alt_cell, bins=bin_edges) fname_hist = write_histogram( bin_edges, hist, fname_hist, step=step) print('----- save to '+fname_hist) # plot position first source figfname = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr + '_first_source_pos_max_height_on_top.png') titl = ( cell_time_str+' '+infostr + ' first flash source position. Highest on top') figfname = plot_pos( lat_cell, lon_cell, alt_cell, [figfname], sort_altitude='Highest_on_top', cb_label='Source height [m MSL]', titl=titl) print('Plotted '+' '.join(figfname)) # plot time series lightning density figfname = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr+'_dens_first_sources.png') titl = infostr+' First sources density' figfname = plot_timeseries( yyyymmddHHMM, [nflashes/area], [figfname], labelx='Time [UTC]', labely='Flash dens [Flashes/Km2]', labels=['Flash density'], title=titl, period=0, timeformat=None, colors=None, linestyles=None, markers=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, dpi=72) print('Plotted '+' '.join(figfname)) # plot time series lightning figfname = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr+'_N_first_sources.png') titl = infostr+' Number of first sources in cell' figfname = plot_timeseries( yyyymmddHHMM, [nflashes], [figfname], labelx='Time [UTC]', labely='N flashes', labels=['N flashes'], title=titl, period=0, timeformat=None, colors=None, linestyles=None, markers=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, dpi=72) print('Plotted '+' '.join(figfname)) # plot time-hist_height flist = glob.glob( trtpath+'*_'+infostr+'_hist_alt_first_source.csv') if not flist: warn('No histogram files found in '+trtpath + ' for TRT cell '+infostr) else: tbin_edges, bin_edges, data_ma, _ = read_histogram_ts( flist, 'flash_altitude') vmax = np.max(data_ma) if vmax == 0.: warn('Unable to plot histogram. No valid data') else: data_ma[data_ma == 0.] = fname_hist = ( trtpath+infostr+'_trt_HISTOGRAM_alt_first_source.png') titl = ('TRT cell '+infostr+'\n' + 'Altitude of first flash source') _plot_time_range( tbin_edges, bin_edges, data_ma, 'frequency_of_occurrence', [fname_hist], titl=titl, ylabel='Altitude [m MSL]', vmin=0., vmax=vmax, figsize=[10, 8], dpi=72) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname_hist) # Append flash data cell_ID_list =, traj_ID) time_list =, yyyymmddHHMM) lon_list =, lon_trt) lat_list =, lat_trt) flash_density_list =, nflashes/area) rank_flash_density_list = rank_flash_density_list, RANKr) area_list =, area) nflash_list =, nflashes) # analyze all flashes print('\n\n--- Processing all sources ----') nflashes = np.zeros(yyyymmddHHMM.size, dtype=int) for i, cell_time in enumerate(yyyymmddHHMM): cell_time_str = cell_time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # Find flashes within time step of cell tstart_cell_step = cell_time-datetime.timedelta(seconds=t_res) inds = np.where(np.logical_and( time_data > tstart_cell_step, time_data <= cell_time))[0] if inds.size == 0: warn('No flashes within time step') fname_hist = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr + '_hist_alt_all_sources.csv') fname_hist = write_histogram( bin_edges, np.zeros(bin_edges.size-1, dtype=int), fname_hist, step=step) print('----- save to '+fname_hist) continue lat_cell = lat[inds] lon_cell = lon[inds] alt_cell = alt[inds] # Find flashes within cell contour inds, is_roi = belongs_roi_indices( lat_cell, lon_cell, cell_contour[i]) if is_roi == 'None': warn('No flashes within cell contour') fname_hist = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr + '_hist_alt_all_sources.csv') fname_hist = write_histogram( bin_edges, np.zeros(bin_edges.size-1, dtype=int), fname_hist, step=step) print('----- save to '+fname_hist) continue elif is_roi == 'All': inds = inds[0] lat_cell = lat_cell[inds] lon_cell = lon_cell[inds] alt_cell = alt_cell[inds] # compute number of flashes nflashes[i] = lat_cell.size # Plot altitude histogram fname_hist = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr + '_hist_alt_all_sources.png') titl = ( cell_time_str+' '+infostr + ' TRT cell. Flash all sources altitude') fname_hist = plot_histogram( bin_edges, alt_cell, [fname_hist], labelx='Altitude [m MSL]', titl=titl) print('Plotted '+' '.join(fname_hist)) fname_hist = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr + '_hist_alt_all_sources.csv') hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(alt_cell, bins=bin_edges) fname_hist = write_histogram( bin_edges, hist, fname_hist, step=step) print('----- save to '+fname_hist) # plot position first source figfname = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr + '_all_sources_pos_max_height_on_top.png') titl = ( cell_time_str+' '+infostr + ' all flash sources position. Highest on top') figfname = plot_pos( lat_cell, lon_cell, alt_cell, [figfname], sort_altitude='Highest_on_top', cb_label='Source height [m MSL]', titl=titl) print('Plotted '+' '.join(figfname)) # plot time series lightning figfname = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr+'_N_all_sources.png') titl = infostr+' Number of sources in cell' figfname = plot_timeseries( yyyymmddHHMM, [nflashes], [figfname], labelx='Time [UTC]', labely='N flashes', labels=['N flashes'], title=titl, period=0, timeformat=None, colors=None, linestyles=None, markers=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, dpi=72) print('Plotted '+' '.join(figfname)) # plot time series lightning density figfname = ( trtpath+cell_time_str+'_'+infostr+'_dens_all_sources.png') titl = infostr+' Sources density' figfname = plot_timeseries( yyyymmddHHMM, [nflashes/area], [figfname], labelx='Time [UTC]', labely='Source dens [Sources/Km2]', labels=['Source density'], title=titl, period=0, timeformat=None, colors=None, linestyles=None, markers=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, dpi=72) print('Plotted '+' '.join(figfname)) # plot time-hist_height flist = glob.glob( trtpath+'*_'+infostr+'_hist_alt_all_sources.csv') if not flist: warn('No histogram files found in '+trtpath + ' for TRT cell '+infostr) else: tbin_edges, bin_edges, data_ma, _ = read_histogram_ts( flist, 'flash_altitude') vmax = np.max(data_ma) if vmax == 0.: warn('Unable to plot histogram. No valid data') else: data_ma[data_ma == 0.] = fname_hist = ( trtpath+'/'+infostr+'_trt_HISTOGRAM_alt_all_source.png') titl = ( 'TRT cell '+infostr+'\n'+'Altitude of all flash sources') _plot_time_range( tbin_edges, bin_edges, data_ma, 'frequency_of_occurrence', [fname_hist], titl=titl, ylabel='Altitude [m MSL]', vmin=0., vmax=np.max(data_ma), figsize=[10, 8], dpi=72) print("----- plot to '%s'" % fname_hist) # Append sources data sources_density_list =, nflashes/area) nsources_list =, nflashes) fname = args.trtbase+'cell_LMA_flashes.csv' write_trt_cell_lightning( cell_ID_list, time_list, lon_list, lat_list, area_list, rank_flash_density_list, nflash_list, flash_density_list, fname) fname = args.trtbase+'cell_LMA_sources.csv' write_trt_cell_lightning( cell_ID_list, time_list, lon_list, lat_list, area_list, rank_flash_density_list, nsources_list, sources_density_list, fname)