def cat_with_some_pols(): # Mock catalog with a couple sources polarized. Nsrcs = 30 Nfreqs = 10 freqs = np.linspace(100, 130, Nfreqs) * 1e6 * units.Hz pol_inds = range(12, 15) stokes = np.zeros((4, Nfreqs, Nsrcs)) stokes[0, :, :] = 1.0 stokes[1, :, pol_inds] = 0.2 stokes[2, :, pol_inds] = 1.2 stokes[3, :, pol_inds] = 0.3 ra = Longitude(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, Nsrcs), 'rad') dec = Latitude(np.linspace(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 3, Nsrcs), 'rad') sky = pyradiosky.SkyModel( name=np.arange(Nsrcs).astype(str), ra=ra, dec=dec, stokes=stokes * units.Jy, spectral_type='full', freq_array=freqs ) return sky
def test_healpix_catalog(): pytest.importorskip('astropy_healpix') path = os.path.join(SKY_DATA_PATH, 'healpix_disk.hdf5') sky = pyradiosky.SkyModel() sky.read_healpix_hdf5(path) params = {'sources': {'catalog': path}} hpx_sky = pyuvsim.simsetup.initialize_catalog_from_params( params, return_recarray=False )[0] assert hpx_sky == sky
def test_skymodeldata_share(): # Test the SkyModelData share method. sky = pyradiosky.SkyModel('src', Longitude('10d'), Latitude('5d'), np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]) * units.Jy, 'spectral_index', reference_frequency=np.array([100e6]) * units.Hz, spectral_index=np.array([-0.74])) smd = pyuvsim.simsetup.SkyModelData() if mpi.rank == 0: smd = pyuvsim.simsetup.SkyModelData(sky) smd.share() # Shares among processes. sky2 = smd.get_skymodel() assert sky2 == sky
def test_mock_catalog_zenith_source(hera_loc): time = Time(2457458.65410, scale='utc', format='jd') array_location = hera_loc source_coord = SkyCoord( alt=Angle(90 * units.deg), az=Angle(0 * units.deg), obstime=time, frame='altaz', location=array_location ) icrs_coord = source_coord.transform_to('icrs') ra = icrs_coord.ra dec = icrs_coord.dec test_source = pyradiosky.SkyModel('src0', ra, dec, units.Quantity([1, 0, 0, 0], 'Jy'), 'flat') cat, mock_keywords = pyuvsim.create_mock_catalog(time, arrangement='zenith') assert cat == test_source
def test_mock_catalogs(): time = Time(2458098.27471265, scale='utc', format='jd') arrangements = ['off-zenith', 'zenith', 'cross', 'triangle', 'long-line', 'random', 'hera_text'] cats = {} for arr in arrangements: # rseed is only used by the "random" mock catalog cat, mock_kwds = pyuvsim.simsetup.create_mock_catalog(time, arr, rseed=2458098) cats[arr] = cat # For each mock catalog, verify the Ra/Dec source positions against a text catalog. text_catalogs = { 'cross': 'mock_cross_2458098.27471.txt', 'hera_text': 'mock_hera_text_2458098.27471.txt', 'long-line': 'mock_long-line_2458098.27471.txt', 'off-zenith': 'mock_off-zenith_2458098.27471.txt', 'triangle': 'mock_triangle_2458098.27471.txt', 'random': 'mock_random_2458098.27471.txt', 'zenith': 'mock_zenith_2458098.27471.txt' } with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="Invalid mock catalog arrangement: invalid_catalog_name"): pyuvsim.create_mock_catalog(time, 'invalid_catalog_name') radec_catalog = pyradiosky.SkyModel() for arr in arrangements: radec_catalog.read_text_catalog( os.path.join(SIM_DATA_PATH, 'test_catalogs', text_catalogs[arr]) ) assert np.all(radec_catalog == cats[arr]) cat, mock_kwds = pyuvsim.simsetup.create_mock_catalog(time, 'random', save=True) loc = eval(mock_kwds['array_location']) loc = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(loc[1], loc[0], loc[2]) # Lon, Lat, alt fname = 'mock_catalog_random.npz' alts_reload = np.load(fname)['alts'] cat.update_positions(time, loc) alt, az = cat.alt_az assert np.all(alt > np.radians(30.)) assert np.allclose(alts_reload, np.degrees(alt)) os.remove(fname)
def test_skymodeldata(component_type, cat_with_some_pols): # Test that SkyModelData class can properly recreate a SkyModel and subselect. if component_type == 'point': sky = cat_with_some_pols else: pytest.importorskip('astropy_healpix') path = os.path.join(SKY_DATA_PATH, 'healpix_disk.hdf5') sky = pyradiosky.SkyModel() sky.read_healpix_hdf5(path) smd = pyuvsim.simsetup.SkyModelData(sky) assert (smd.ra == sky.ra.deg).all() assert (smd.dec == sky.dec.deg).all() if isinstance(sky.stokes, units.Quantity): smd.stokes_I *= units.Unit(smd.flux_unit) if smd.polarized is not None: smd.stokes_Q *= units.Unit(smd.flux_unit) smd.stokes_U *= units.Unit(smd.flux_unit) smd.stokes_V *= units.Unit(smd.flux_unit) assert (smd.stokes_I == sky.stokes[0]).all() if smd.polarized is not None: assert (smd.stokes_Q == sky.stokes[..., smd.polarized][1]).all() assert (smd.stokes_U == sky.stokes[..., smd.polarized][2]).all() assert (smd.stokes_V == sky.stokes[..., smd.polarized][3]).all() # Make skymodel from SkyModelData. sky1 = smd.get_skymodel() assert sky1 == sky # Now try with subselection: sky1_sub = smd.get_skymodel(range(8, 13)) assert sky1.check() assert sky1_sub.check() assert sky1_sub.Ncomponents == 5 if smd.polarized is not None: assert sky1_sub._n_polarized == 1
def test_mock_catalog_off_zenith_source(hera_loc): src_az = Angle('90.0d') src_alt = Angle('85.0d') time = Time(2457458.65410, scale='utc', format='jd') array_location = hera_loc source_coord = SkyCoord( alt=src_alt, az=src_az, obstime=time, frame='altaz', location=array_location ) icrs_coord = source_coord.transform_to('icrs') ra = icrs_coord.ra dec = icrs_coord.dec test_source = pyradiosky.SkyModel('src0', ra, dec, units.Quantity([1.0, 0, 0, 0], "Jy"), 'flat') cat, mock_keywords = pyuvsim.create_mock_catalog(time, arrangement='off-zenith', alt=src_alt.deg) assert cat == test_source
def test_skymodeldata_with_quantity_stokes(unit, cat_with_some_pols): # Support for upcoming pyradiosky change setting SkyModel.stokes # to an astropy Quantity. if unit == 'Jy': sky = cat_with_some_pols else: pytest.importorskip('analytic_diffuse') sky, _ = pyuvsim.simsetup.create_mock_catalog(, arrangement='diffuse', diffuse_model='monopole', map_nside=16 ) if not isinstance(sky.stokes, units.Quantity): sky.stokes *= units.Unit(unit) smd = pyuvsim.simsetup.SkyModelData(sky) assert np.all(sky.stokes.to_value(unit)[0] == smd.stokes_I) assert smd.flux_unit == unit sky2 = smd.get_skymodel() if units.Quantity != pyradiosky.SkyModel()._stokes.expected_type: sky.stokes = sky.stokes.to_value(unit) assert sky2 == sky
def fake_tasks(): sky = pyradiosky.SkyModel('src', Longitude('10d'), Latitude('5d'), np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]) * units.Jy, 'spectral_index', reference_frequency=np.array([100e6]) * units.Hz, spectral_index=np.array([-0.74])) n_tasks = 30 t0 = freq = 50 * units.Hz objs = [ pyuvsim.UVTask(sky, t0, freq, None, None, freq_i=ii) for ii in range(n_tasks) ] for ti, task in enumerate(objs): task.visibility_vector = np.random.uniform( 0, 3) + np.random.uniform(0, 3) * 1j task.uvdata_index = (ti, 0, 0) task.sources = 1 # Replace with something easier to compare later. objs[ti] = task return objs
def gsm_sky_model(freqs, resolution="hi", nside=None): """ Return a pyradiosky SkyModel object populated with a Global Sky Model datacube in healpix format. Parameters ---------- freqs : array_like Frequency array, in Hz. resolution : str, optional Whether to use the high or low resolution pygdsm maps. Options are 'hi' or 'low'. nside : int, optional Healpix nside to up- or down-sample the GSM sky model to. Default: `None` (use the default from `pygdsm`, which is 1024). Returns ------- sky_model : pyradiosky.SkyModel SkyModel object. """ import pygdsm # Initialise GSM object gsm = pygdsm.GlobalSkyModel2016(data_unit="TRJ", resolution=resolution, freq_unit="Hz") # Construct GSM datacube hpmap = gsm.generate(freqs=freqs) # FIXME: nside=1024, ring ordering, galactic coords hpmap_units = "K" # Set nside or resample nside_gsm = int(astropy_healpix.npix_to_nside(hpmap.shape[-1])) if nside is None: # Use default nside from pygdsm map nside = nside_gsm else: # Transform to a user-selected nside hpmap_new = np.zeros((hpmap.shape[0], astropy_healpix.nside_to_npix(nside)), dtype=hpmap.dtype) for i in range(hpmap.shape[0]): hpmap_new[i,:] = hp.ud_grade(hpmap[i,:], nside_out=nside, order_in="RING", order_out="RING") hpmap = hpmap_new # Get datacube properties npix = astropy_healpix.nside_to_npix(nside) indices = np.arange(npix) history = "pygdsm.GlobalSkyModel2016, data_unit=TRJ, resolution=low, freq_unit=MHz" freq = units.Quantity(freqs, "hertz") # hmap is in K stokes = units.Quantity(np.zeros((4, len(freq), len(indices))), hpmap_units) stokes[0] = hpmap * units.Unit(hpmap_units) # Construct pyradiosky SkyModel sky_model = pyradiosky.SkyModel( nside=nside, hpx_inds=indices, stokes=stokes, spectral_type="full", freq_array=freq, history=history, frame="galactic", hpx_order="ring" ) sky_model.healpix_interp_transform(frame='icrs', full_sky=True, inplace=True) # do coord transform assert sky_model.component_type == "healpix" return sky_model
new_map = healpix_utils.load_map( '{}/Stokes{}_average_map_empirical_rm_in_eor0.fits'.format( sourcedir, pol_name)) maps.append(new_map) # Check that the pixel arrays are identical for pol_ind in range(len(pols) - 1): if np.max(np.abs(maps[pol_ind].pix_arr - maps[pol_ind + 1].pix_arr)) != 0: print('ERROR: Mismatched pixel arrays.') sys.exit(1) Ncomponents = np.shape(maps[0].signal_arr)[0] stokes = np.zeros((4, 1, Ncomponents)) for pol_ind in range(len(pols)): stokes[pol_ind, :, :] = maps[pol_ind].signal_arr stokes = Quantity(stokes, 'Jy/sr') freq_array = Quantity([182000000], 'Hz') if maps[0].nest: hpx_order = 'nested' else: hpx_order = 'ring' skymodel = pyradiosky.SkyModel(component_type='healpix', spectral_type='flat', stokes=stokes, freq_array=freq_array, hpx_inds=maps[0].pix_arr, hpx_order=hpx_order, nside=maps[0].nside) skymodel.write_skyh5('/Users/ruby/EoR/diffuse_map.skyh5')