def run_ell(file_in, file_tab, file_dat, mag, **ellipse_par): # prochaine etape : mettre en argument sous une certaine forme les parametres associes epar des taches 1) strict minimum sous forme de dico fixe 2) tout pouvoir changer sous forme de dictionnaire et tester les cles ... # import iraf packages iraf.stsdas() iraf.analysis() iraf.isophote() p = Popen("ds9", shell = True) time.sleep(5) iraf.display(file_in, 1) set_iraf_param(ellipse_par) # iraf.lpar(iraf.geompar) iraf.ellipse(file_in, file_tab, mag0 = str(mag), verbose = "no") # iraf.lpar(iraf.isoimap) iraf.isoimap(file_in, file_tab) iraf.tproject(file_tab, "temp.fits", "SMA,INTENS,INT_ERR,ELLIP,ELLIP_ERR, PA, PA_ERR, X0, Y0, TFLUX_C, TMAG_E,NPIX_E") iraf.tprint("temp.fits", pwidth = 200, Stdout = file_dat) iraf.imdel("temp.fits") p.kill()
def displayImage(fitsfile): # Now open ds9 (this assumes no ds9 instance is yet running) d = ds9.ds9() iraf.display.setParam("image", fitsfile) iraf.display(mode="h") if saveImage: # Zoom to fit d.set('zoom to fit') # Change the colormap and scaling #d.set('cmap bb') #d.set('scale log') # Add a label #d.set('regions command {text 30 20 #text="Fun with pyds9" font="times 18 bold"}') # Now you can play in ds9 to your heart's content. # Check back to see what the current color scale is. #print d.get('scale') # Finally, save your completed image (including regions or labels) d.set('saveimage png %s2.png' % fitsfile) time.sleep(2)
def viewCubeMov(self, inCube, step=10, **kwargs): print "\nSTEPPING THROUGH " + inCube # obtain number of wavelength samples in cube hdul = nWave = hdul["SCI"].data.shape[0] # step through cube, summing images within each chunk cubeChunk = "chunk.fits" for i in range(0, nWave, step): iraf.imdelete(cubeChunk) if i + 9 > nWave - 1: lastFrame = str(nWave - 1) else: lastFrame = str(i + 9) iraf.imcombine(inCube + "[SCI][*,*," + str(i) + ":" + lastFrame + \ "]", cubeChunk, project="yes", combine="sum", logfile="") print "Displaying chunk [" + str(i) + ":" + lastFrame + "]" iraf.display(cubeChunk, frame="1", contrast=0.) time.sleep(2) # delete the last wavelength chunk and close the cube iraf.imdelete(cubeChunk) hdul.close() return
def get_cal_spec_line(filename1, filename2): print 'Run get_cal_spec_line, apall...' outname = 'a' + filename1 if os.path.isfile(outname): print outname, 'is already exist' else: print 'display %s 1' % filename1 iraf.display(image = filename1, frame = 1) iraf.apall(input = filename1 , output = outname, apertures = '', format = 'multispec' , references = filename2, profiles = '', interactive = True , find = False, recenter = False, resize = False , edit = False, trace = False, fittrace = False , extract = True, extras = False, review = True , line = 'INDEF', nsum = 10, lower = -15.0 , upper = 15.0, apidtable = '', b_function = 'chebyshev' , b_order = 1, b_sample = '-30:-20,20:30', b_naverage = -3 , b_niterate = 0, b_low_reject = 3.0, b_high_reject = 3.0 , b_grow = 0.0, width = 5.0, radius = 10.0 , threshold = 0.0, nfind = 1, minsep = 5.0 , maxsep = 1000.0, order = 'increasing', aprecenter = '' , npeaks = 'INDEF', shift = True, llimit ='INDEF' , ulimit = 'INDEF', ylevel = 0.1, peak = True , bkg = True, r_grow = 0.0, avglimits = False , t_nsum = 10, t_step = 10, t_nlost = 3, t_function = 'spline3' , t_order = 3, t_sample = '*', t_naverage = 1 , t_niterate = 0, t_low_reject = 3.0, t_high_reject = 3.0 , t_grow = 0.0, background = 'none', skybox = 1 , weights = 'none', pfit = 'fit1d', clean = False , saturation = 'INDEF', readnoise = 9.4, gain = 0.35 , lsigma = 4.0, usigma = 4.0, nsubaps = 1) print 'splot %s' % outname iraf.splot(images = outname) return outname
def photautocal(self,reference,reflimit=30,selflimit=30): """Find the rough WCS for this image, based on reference star_phootmetry, by cross-identifying stars by ID in DS9""" iraf.display(self.image,1) temp = iraf.pdump(self.photfile,"xcen,ycen,id","MAG<%f"%selflimit,Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(1,"STDIN",Stdin=temp) iraf.display(reference.image,2) temp = iraf.pdump(reference.photfile,"xcen,ycen,id","MAG<%f"%reflimit,Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(2,"STDIN",Stdin=temp) fred = open('tempautocal','w') input1=None input2=None print "Cross identify at least five stars, <q> to continue" while (input1!='q')and(input2!='q'): print input1 = raw_input("Star ID on Frame 1: ") input2 = raw_input("Matches star ID on Frame 2: ") try: star1 = self[int(input1)] star2 = reference[int(input2)] except: print "Known star integers required" continue fred.write("%f %f %f %f\n"%(star1[1],star1[2],star2[7],star2[8])) fred.close() iraf.ccmap(input='tempautocal',images=self.image,lngunits='degrees', database='database',fit='rxyscale',update='yes',inter='yes') print "Recalculating data" self.calcradec() print "If happy, now run ast_by_photometry"
def cos_clear3(filenames): outname = 'c3' + filenames[0] if os.path.isfile(outname): print outname, 'is already exist' else: inname = '' for i in filenames: inname = inname + ',' + i inname = inname[1:] print 'runing cos_clear3, imcombine...' print 'make file', outname iraf.imcombine(input = inname , output = outname, headers = '', bpmasks = '' , rejmasks = '', nrejmasks = '', expmasks = '' , sigmas = '', imcmb = '$I', logfile = 'STDOUT' , combine = 'average', reject = 'avsigclip', project = False , outtype = 'real', outlimits = 'none', offsets = 'none' , masktype = '', maskvalue = 0.0, blank = 0.0 , scale = 'none', zero = 'none', weight = 'exposure' , statsec = '', expname = 'EXPTIME', lthreshold = 'INDEF' , hthreshold = 'INDEF', nlow = 0, nhigh = 1 , nkeep = 1, mclip = True, lsigma = 3.0 , hsigma = 8.0, rdnoise = 'RDNOISE', gain = 'GAIN' , snoise = 0.0, sigscale = 0.1, pclip = -0.5, grow = 0.0) print 'display %s 1' % outname iraf.display(image = outname, frame = 1) valget = raw_input('Are you need to run crmedian?(y or n): ') if valget == 'Y' or valget == 'y': return cos_clear1([outname]) else: return outname
def cos_clear2(filenames): outname = 'fake_' + filenames[0] if os.path.isfile(outname): print outname, 'is already exist' else: inname = filenames[0] + ',' + filenames[1] print 'runing cos_clear2, imcombine...' print 'make file', outname iraf.imcombine(input = inname , output = outname, headers = '', bpmasks = '' , rejmasks = '', nrejmasks = '', expmasks = '' , sigmas = '', imcmb = '$I', logfile = 'STDOUT' , combine = 'average', reject = 'minmax', project = False , outtype = 'real', outlimits = 'none', offsets = 'none' , masktype = 'none', maskvalue = 0, blank = 0.0 , scale = 'exposure', zero = 'none', weight = 'none' , statsec = '', expname = 'EXPTIME', lthreshold = 'INDEF' , hthreshold = 'INDEF', nlow = 0, nhigh = 1 , nkeep = 1, mclip = True, lsigma = 3.0 , hsigma = 10.0, rdnoise = 'RDNOISE', gain = 'GAIN' , snoise = 0.0, sigscale = 0.1, pclip = -0.5, grow = 0.0) iraf.hedit(images = outname , fields = 'ncombine', value = '0', add = True , addonly = False, delete = False, verify = False , show = True, update = True) iraf.hedit(images = outname , fields = 'EXPTIME', value = '0', add = True , addonly = False, delete = False, verify = False , show = True, update = True) print 'display %s 1' % outname iraf.display(image = outname, frame = 1) filenames.append(outname) return cos_clear3(filenames)
def single_display(image_id, frame=1): """ Display the flat field reduced image for a given image ID (as defined in the GDB). """ _prep_ds9() produce_flat(image_id, True) print "single", image_id filename, cam = get_cam_flat_filename(image_id) iraf.display(filename, frame)
def displayFile(self, filename, frame=None, **kargs ): assert type(frame) == int self.frame( frame ) if self.pyds9_sup: self.set( 'file ' + str(filename) ) else: iraf.display( filename, frame )
def display_image(img,frame,_z1,_z2,scale,_xcen=0.5,_ycen=0.5,_xsize=1,_ysize=1,_erase='yes'): goon='True' import glob, subprocess, os, time ds9 = subprocess.Popen("ps -U {:d} u | grep -v grep | grep ds9".format(os.getuid()),shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() if len(ds9)== 0 : subproc = subprocess.Popen('ds9',shell=True) time.sleep(3) if glob.glob(img): from pyraf import iraf iraf.images(_doprint=0) import string,os if _z2: try: sss=iraf.display(img + '[0]', frame, xcen=_xcen, ycen=_ycen, xsize=_xsize, ysize=_ysize, erase=_erase,\ fill='yes', zscale='no', zrange='no', z1=_z1, z2=_z2,Stdout=1) except: print '' print '### ERROR: PROBLEM OPENING DS9' print '' goon='False' else: try: sss=iraf.display(img + '[0]', frame, xcen=_xcen, ycen=_ycen, xsize=_xsize, ysize=_ysize, erase=_erase, fill='yes', Stdout=1) except: print '' print '### ERROR: PROBLEM OPENING DS9' print '' goon=False if scale and goon: answ0 = raw_input('>>> Cuts OK ? [y/n] ? [y] ') if not answ0: answ0='y' elif answ0=='no' or answ0=='NO': answ0='n' while answ0=='n': _z11=float(string.split(string.split(sss[0])[0],'=')[1]) _z22=float(string.split(string.split(sss[0])[1],'=')[1]) z11 = raw_input('>>> z1 = ? ['+str(_z11)+'] ? ') z22 = raw_input('>>> z2 = ? ['+str(_z22)+'] ? ') if not z11: z11=_z11 else: z11=float(z11) if not z22: z22=_z22 else: z22=float(z22) print z11,z22 sss=iraf.display(img + '[0]',frame,fill='yes', xcen=_xcen, ycen=_ycen, xsize=_xsize, ysize=_ysize, erase=_erase,\ zrange='no', zscale='no', z1=z11, z2=z22, Stdout=1) answ0 = raw_input('>>> Cuts OK ? [y/n] ? [y] ') if not answ0: answ0='y' elif answ0=='no' or answ0=='NO': answ0='n' if goon: _z1,_z2=string.split(string.split(sss[0])[0],'=')[1],string.split(string.split(sss[0])[1],'=')[1] else: print 'Warning: image '+str(img)+' not found in the directory ' return _z1,_z2,goon
def MatchNSubtract(TargetImg,Template,OutputImage,fitgeometry="general"): """ Creates OutputImage = TargetImg - Template after scaling and matching Template to TargetImg. fitgeometry can be set to 'rotate' when the Template is also TIRSPEC data Otherwise if Template is 2MASS or other instrument set it as 'general' """ AlignedImg = os.path.splitext(TargetImg)[0]+"_"+os.path.basename(Template) AlignedImg = os.path.splitext(AlignedImg)[0][:115]+'.fits' # Reduce filename length for iraf geopmap TransformDBfile = AlignImage(TargetImg,Template,AlignedImg,fitgeometry=fitgeometry) # Now get the Good sky region coordinates SkyCoordsFile = os.path.splitext(TargetImg)[0]+'_BlankSky.coo' if not os.path.isfile(SkyCoordsFile) : iraf.display(TargetImg,1) print ('For taking coordinates of good sky. Press _x_ over blank sky areas.') imx=iraf.imexam(Stdout=1) with open(SkyCoordsFile,'w') as foo : #Creating blank sky coords files for line in imx : foo.write(line.split()[0] +' '+line.split()[1]+'\n') # Now get the regions in the image whose brightness has to be cancelled by scaling FluxCoordsFile = os.path.splitext(TargetImg)[0]+'_FluxRegions.coo' if not os.path.isfile(FluxCoordsFile) : iraf.display(TargetImg,1) print ('Press _x_ over areas you want to minimise the residual flux after subtraction') imx=iraf.imexam(Stdout=1) with open(FluxCoordsFile,'w') as foo : #Creating Flux ares which we have to remove in subtraction for line in imx : foo.write(line.split()[0] +' '+line.split()[1]+'\n') #Now we first has to remove background from both the images. TargetSkySubtractedFile = os.path.splitext(TargetImg)[0]+'_SkyS.fits' if not os.path.isfile(TargetSkySubtractedFile): skyvalue = SkySubtractImage(TargetImg,TargetSkySubtractedFile,SkyCoordsFile) else: print('Warning: Using old {0} file'.format(TargetSkySubtractedFile)) AlignedSkySubtractedFile = os.path.splitext(AlignedImg)[0]+'_SkyS.fits' if not os.path.isfile(AlignedSkySubtractedFile): skyvalue = SkySubtractImage(AlignedImg,AlignedSkySubtractedFile,SkyCoordsFile) else: print('Warning: Using old {0} file'.format(AlignedSkySubtractedFile)) #We shall now extract the totel Flux in each tiles from both the images TargetFluxinTiles = ExtractTiles(TargetSkySubtractedFile,FluxCoordsFile,Summeryfunction=np.sum,hsize=7*1.5) TemplateFluxinTiles = ExtractTiles(AlignedSkySubtractedFile,FluxCoordsFile,Summeryfunction=np.sum,hsize=7*1.5) def DiffSquareSum(x): return np.sum([(targetF - x*templateF)**2 for targetF,templateF in zip(TargetFluxinTiles,TemplateFluxinTiles)]) res = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(DiffSquareSum) Scale = res.x print('Scaling to match the fluxes is {0}'.format(Scale)) iraf.imarith(operand1=AlignedSkySubtractedFile,op="*",operand2=Scale,result=os.path.splitext(AlignedSkySubtractedFile)[0]+'M.fits') iraf.imarith(operand1=TargetSkySubtractedFile,op="-",operand2=os.path.splitext(AlignedSkySubtractedFile)[0]+'M.fits',result=OutputImage)
def rectifySpec(self, inIm, **kwargs): # remove previous rectified spectra iraf.imdelete("t" + inIm) # transform the spectra and view the result iraf.gftransform(inIm, **kwargs) print "\nDisplaying 2D spectra" iraf.display("t" + inIm + "[SCI]") return
def FlattenData(): filters = ['J', '1113', '1184'] for filt in filters: s = 'm*' + filt + '*.fits' files = glob.glob(s) flat = 'flat' + filt for file in files: out = 'f' + file print file, " -> ", out iraf.imarith(file, '/', flat, out) iraf.display(out, 1)
def OnOpen(self,e): """ Open a file""" dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", self.dirname, "", "*.*", wx.OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.filename = dlg.GetFilename() self.dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() imagename = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename) d = ds9.ds9() iraf.display.setParam("image", imagename) iraf.display(mode="h") dlg.Destroy()
def OnOpen(self, e): """ Open a file""" dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", self.dirname, "", "*.*", wx.OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.filename = dlg.GetFilename() self.dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() imagename = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename) d = ds9.ds9() iraf.display.setParam("image", imagename) iraf.display(mode="h") dlg.Destroy()
def label_objects(images, xfield, yfield): '''Given a list of images, allow the user to pick an object in the display and have the x and y coordinates saved as header keywords xfield and yfield.''' files = get_files(images) print "Please use the 'a' key to select objects" for file in files: iraf.display(file, 1) res = iraf.imexamine(file, Stdout=1) #res = iraf.rimcursor(file, Stdout=1) x, y = map(float, (string.split(res[2])[0:2])) iraf.hedit(images=file, fields=xfield, value=x, add=1, verify=0) iraf.hedit(images=file, fields=yfield, value=y, add=1, verify=0)
def runsextractor(image, auto): s = "sex " + str(image) flag = 0 while ~flag: print s os.system(s) os.system('') iraf.display(image, 1, fill='yes') iraf.display(image, 2, fill='yes') iraf.display('check.fits', 3, fill='yes') iraf.display('background.fits', 4) iraf.tvmark(2, '', color=204, radii=2) #iraf.tvmark(4,'',color=204,radii=2) if auto > 0.: break try: flag = raw_input( "how does it look? 1=keep, 0=adjust \n") flag = int(flag) except ValueError: print "Sorry, didn't get that. Let's try one more time." flag = raw_input( "how does it look? 1=keep, 0=adjust \n") flag = int(flag) if flag > .1: break junk = raw_input("Edit Hit any key when ready \n")
def marksn2(img,fitstab,frame=1,fitstab2='',verbose=False): from pyraf import iraf from numpy import array #,log10 import lsc iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.digiphot(_doprint=0) iraf.daophot(_doprint=0) iraf.images(_doprint=0) iraf.imcoords(_doprint=0) iraf.proto(_doprint=0) iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') hdr=lsc.util.readhdr(fitstab) _filter=lsc.util.readkey3(hdr,'filter') column=lsc.lscabsphotdef.makecatalogue([fitstab])[_filter][fitstab] rasex=array(column['ra0'],float) decsex=array(column['dec0'],float) if fitstab2: hdr=lsc.util.readhdr(fitstab2) _filter=lsc.util.readkey3(hdr,'filter') _exptime=lsc.util.readkey3(hdr,'exptime') column=lsc.lscabsphotdef.makecatalogue([fitstab2])[_filter][fitstab2] rasex2=array(column['ra0'],float) decsex2=array(column['dec0'],float) iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img + '[0]',frame,fill=True,Stdout=1) vector=[] for i in range(0,len(rasex)): vector.append(str(rasex[i])+' '+str(decsex[i])) xy = iraf.wcsctran('STDIN',output="STDOUT",Stdin=vector,Stdout=1,image=img+'[0]',inwcs='world',units='degrees degrees',outwcs='logical',\ formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='yes')[3:] iraf.tvmark(frame,'STDIN',Stdin=list(xy),mark="circle",number='yes',label='no',radii=10,nxoffse=5,nyoffse=5,color=207,txsize=2) if verbose: # print 2.5*log10(_exptime) for i in range(0,len(column['ra0'])): print xy[i],column['ra0'][i],column['dec0'][i],column['magp3'][i],column['magp4'][i],column['smagf'][i],column['magp2'][i] if fitstab2: vector2=[] for i in range(0,len(rasex2)): vector2.append(str(rasex2[i])+' '+str(decsex2[i])) xy1 = iraf.wcsctran('STDIN',output="STDOUT",Stdin=vector2,Stdout=1,image=img+'[0]',inwcs='world',units='degrees degrees',outwcs='logical',\ formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='yes')[3:] iraf.tvmark(frame,'STDIN',Stdin=list(xy1),mark="cross",number='yes',label='no',radii=10,nxoffse=5,nyoffse=5,color=205,txsize=2)
def aperphot( imgs, posname, aper1, aper2, aper3, ): postfix = '.obs' for i in xrange(len(imgs)): basename, exten = os.path.splitext(imgs[i]) photname = basename + postfix meanpsf = 2.0 std = 70.0 iraf.display(imgs[i], frame=1) iraf.tvmark(frame=1, coords=posname, autolog='No', mark='circle', radii=30, lengths=3, font='raster', color=204, label='No', number='Yes', txsize=3) iraf.datapars.ccdread = 'CCDRON' iraf.datapars.gain = 'CCDGAIN' iraf.datapars.scale = 1.0 iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf = meanpsf iraf.datapars.sigma = std iraf.datapars.filter = 'INSFLNAM' iraf.datapars.datamax = 1000000.0 iraf.centerpars.cbox = 8.0 iraf.centerpars.calgorithm = 'centroid' iraf.fitskypars.salgorithm = 'median' iraf.fitskypars.annulus = aper2 # ------ important ------ iraf.fitskypars.dannulus = aper3 # ------ important ------ #iraf.photpars.apertures = meanpsf # ------ important ------ iraf.photpars.apertures = aper1 # ------ important ------ iraf.phot(image=imgs[i], coords=posname, output=photname, interactive=False, verify=False)
def subSky(self, inIm, **kwargs): print "\nSUBTRACTING SKY FROM " + inIm # delete previous sky-subtracted spectra iraf.imdelete("s" + inIm) # subtract the sky and view the result (as image and datacube) iraf.gfskysub(inIm, **kwargs) print "\nDisplaying 2D spectra" iraf.display("s" + inIm + "[SCI]") print "\nDisplaying data cube" self.viewCube("s" + inIm, extname="SCI", version="1") return
def viewWhiteIm(self, inIm, **kwargs): print "\nDISPLAYING WHITE-LIGHT IMAGE" idx = inIm.find(".") #whiteIm = inIm[:idx] + "_2d.fits" whiteIm = "whiteIm_" + inIm iraf.imdelete(whiteIm) iraf.imcombine(inIm + "[SCI]", whiteIm, project="yes", combine="sum", \ logfile="") iraf.display(whiteIm) return
def autoast(self,infile='',RAfield='RAJ2000',decfield='DEJ2000',magfield='Vmag',magoff=None, markmax=30,crosses=False): """Calibrate image from file of data (2mass etc) by making initial astrometry by selecting a handful of stars, them using the other cal routines RAfield: column with RA (decimal!). decfield: column with dec (decimal!). magfield: column to calibrate magnitude by""" global xpoint,ypoint if self.image is None: print "No image to calibrate data by" return RA,dec,mag = load_data(infile,RAfield,decfield,magfield) fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(8,8)) pylab.clf() try: magoff = magoff or mag.max() pylab.scatter(RA[mag>0],dec[mag>0],s=10**(0.4*(magoff-mag[mag>0])),hold=0,alpha=0.5) except: crosses=True if crosses: pylab.plot(RA,dec,'k+') pylab.axis([RA.max(),RA.min(),dec.min(),dec.max()]) pylab.draw() cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',self._on_press) iraf.display(self.image,1) iraf.tvmark(1,"STDIN",Stdin=iraf.pdump(self.photfile,"xcen,ycen,id","MAG<%f"%markmax,Stdout=1)) print "Pick five stars with middle button, then enter their IDs in order,\n<q> to continue" ids = []; self.xpoint=[]; self.ypoint=[] select = None while not(select=='q'): select=raw_input('Star ID: ') try: ids.append(int(select)) except: pass fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect('button_press_event') fred = open('autocalcoords','w') for i in range(min(len(ids),len(self.xpoint))): try: x,y = self[ids[i]][[1,2]] locmin = ((self.xpoint[i]-RA)**2+(self.ypoint[i]-dec)**2).argmin() fred.write('%f %f %15.12e %15.12e\n'%(x,y,RA[locmin],dec[locmin])) except: print "Coord pair %i failed"%i fred.close() iraf.ccmap(input='autocalcoords',images=self.image,lngunits='degrees', database='database',fit='rxyscale',update='yes',inter='yes') print "Recalculating..." self.calcradec() print "If happy, now run ast_by_file"
def runsextractor(image): s="sex "+str(image) for i in range(1000): os.system(s) os.system('') iraf.display(image,2) iraf.tvmark(2,'',color=207,radii=7) try: flag= raw_input("how does it look? 1=keep, 0=adjust \n") flag=float(flag) except ValueError: print "Sorry, didn't get that. Let's try one more time." flag= raw_input("how does it look? 1=keep, 0=adjust \n") flag=float(flag) if flag > .1: break flag= raw_input("Edit Hit any key when ready \n")
def displayresults(self): iraf.display(self.sex_image, 1, fill='yes', contrast=0.01) iraf.display(self.sex_image, 2, fill='yes', contrast=0.01) iraf.display('check.fits', 3, fill='yes', contrast=0.01) iraf.display('background.fits', 4, contrast=0.01) iraf.tvmark(2, self.prefix + '_sex_xy.txt', color=204, radii=2, mark='circle')
def shift_align(filenames): if len(filenames) == 0: return '' fno = 1 for i in filenames: iraf.display(image = i, frame = fno) fno += 1 print 'The fits number is', len(filenames) if len(filenames) > 1: print 'Please check the fits pic and determine whether you need to shift the pic' print 'imexamine...' iraf.imexamine() valget = raw_input('Are you need to shift the fits picture?(y)') if valget == 'y' or valget == 'Y': nfilenames = [filenames[0]] for i2 in filenames: print 'implot ' + i2 iraf.implot(image = i2) fno = 1 iraf.immatch() while fno < len(filenames): valget = raw_input('Please input ' + filenames[fno] + ' xshift, yshift: ') valget = valget.split() fxshift = float(valget[0]) fyshift = float(valget[1]) ims_key = 1 if os.path.isfile('shift_' + filenames[fno]): valget = raw_input('shift_' + filenames[fno] + ' is already exist, are you want to delete the old one?(y):') if valget == 'y' or valget == 'Y' or valget == 'yes' or valget == 'Yes': os.remove('shift_' + filenames[fno]) else: ims_key = 0 if ims_key == 1: print 'what happend????????????????' iraf.imshift(input = filenames[fno] , output = 'shift_' + filenames[fno], xshift = fxshift , yshift = fyshift, shifts_file = '', interp_type = 'linear' , boundary_type = 'nearest', constant = 0.0) nfilenames.append('shift_' + filenames[fno]) fno += 1 for i2 in xrange(len(nfilenames)): iraf.display(image = nfilenames[i2], frame = i2 + 1) iraf.imexamine() return cos_clear(nfilenames) return cos_clear(filenames)
def source_list(filename): print('*****************************') print('now selecting the sources') iraf.display(filename, 1) print( 'Please do the following:\n1. Press enter here and then click on any source in the DS9 window. \n2. Press (comma) in the middle of source(s) to get FWHM.\n3. Press q to quit. \n ' ) imx = iraf.imexam(Stdout=1) xval = np.zeros(len(imx)) yval = np.zeros(len(imx)) for i in range(1, len(imx)): xval[i] = eval(imx[i].split()[0]) yval[i] = eval(imx[i].split()[1]) with open('co_ordinates_list.txt', 'w') as f: for i in range(1, len(imx)): print(xval[i], '\t', yval[i], file=f) return (xval, yval)
def CreateMatchingXYCoords(TargetImg,Template,MatchingXYcoordsFile): """ Creates Xref Yref X Y, a 4 coulumn matched coordinates file MatchingXYcoordsFile.""" iraf.display(TargetImg,1) print('Choose _atleast_ 9 matching stars') print('First Select maximum number of stars from this Target image by pressing _a_ on good stars. Press q to finish.') imxTarget = iraf.imexam(Stdout=1) iraf.display(Template,1) print('Press q to read from '+os.path.splitext(Template)[0]+'_TemplXY.coo'+'. OR Select exactly same stars in same order from this Template image by pressing _a_ and then press q to finish.') imxTemplate = iraf.imexam(Stdout=1) if len(imxTemplate) == 0: # Default to the predefinted coo file with open(os.path.splitext(Template)[0]+'_TemplXY.coo') as defaultcoo: imxTemplate = [line.rstrip() for line in defaultcoo] with open(MatchingXYcoordsFile,'w') as foo : #Creating XYXY file i=2 while i < len(imxTemplate) : foo.write(imxTarget[i].split()[0] +' '+imxTarget[i].split()[1]+' '+imxTemplate[i].split()[0]+' '+imxTemplate[i].split()[1]+'\n') i=i+2 print("Xref Yref X Y Table created in "+MatchingXYcoordsFile)
def cos_clear1(filenames): outname = 'c1' + filenames[0] if os.path.isfile(outname): print outname, 'is already exist' else: print 'runing cos_clear1, crmedian...' print 'make file', outname iraf.crmedian(input = filenames[0] , output = outname, crmask = '', median = '' , sigma = '', residual = '', var0 = 0.0 , var1 = 0.0, var2 = 0.0, lsigma = 10.0 , hsigma = 3.0, ncmed = 5, nlmed = 5 , ncsig = 25, nlsig = 25) print 'display %s 1' % outname iraf.display(image = outname, frame = 1) valget = raw_input('is the fits ok(y)?') if valget == 'n' or valget == 'N': print 'I can\'t to do more, may be you can change the parameter of crmedian and run again.' print 'Now, let\'s get to pyraf and try yourself, the filename is: ' + outname return outname
def iraf_fwhm(): print(' We need to get the FWHM using IRAF tasks.') print(' Opening DS9 for image display.') os.system("ds9 &") filename = input('Enter the filename:') iraf.display(filename, 1) print( 'Please do the following:\n1. Press enter here and then click on any source in the DS9 window. \n2. Press (comma) in the middle of source(s) to get FWHM.\n3. Press q to quit. \n ' ) imx = iraf.imexam(Stdout=1) sum1 = 0 if (imx[1].split()[10] == 'INDEF'): fwhm = 8.0 print('Fwhm:', 'INDEF', 'but taken as 8.0') else: for i in range(1, len(imx)): token = i sum1 += eval(imx[i].split()[10]) fwhm = sum1 / token print("Average FWHM in pixels:", fwhm, ' in arc seconds:', 0.53 * fwhm) return (fwhm, filename)
def display_triplet(root): # Display the original, template and difference images in 3 frames SN = root + "SN.fits" diff = root + "diff.fits" temp = root + "temp.fits" iraf.display(SN, 1) iraf.display(temp, 2) iraf.display(diff, 3)
def photometry(filenames): """ Do photometry of the files """ for item in range(len(filenames)): print('Photometry on file', filenames[item][0]) iraf.imstat(filenames[item][0]) iraf.display(filenames[item][0], 1) print( 'Press , (comma) on your target to get the coord and then q, but DONT press r \n' ) imx = iraf.imexam(Stdout=1) # If there is an error like "# ^SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing" then make imx[2] instead imx[3] in all places. It is mainly a file reading problem Xref = eval( imx[1].split() [0]) #Using the first star as ref star for cose shift calculation Yref = eval(imx[1].split()[1]) if (imx[1].split()[10] == 'INDEF'): fwhm = 4.0 print('fwhm:', 'INDEF', 'but taken as 4.0') else: fwhm = eval(imx[1].split()[10]) print('fwhm:', fwhm) print('Reference cord:', Xref, Yref) file1 = open('coord_list', 'w') file1.write('{0:0.3f}\t{1:0.3f}\n'.format(Xref, Yref)) file1.close() Xref1, Yref1 = np.loadtxt('coord_list') print('Xref1, Yref1', Xref1, Yref1) do_phot(filenames[item][0], 'coord_list', fwhm=fwhm, sky_annulus=10.0, width_sky=10., zeropoint=25.) print('All photometry is done. Enjoy! Check .phot file')
def findsolution(image,alsfile,datafile,source="GSC"): stars = CMD.star_photometry(alsfile,image,False) datfile = mydata=datfile[-1].data datfile.close() iraf.display(image,1) temp=iraf.pdump(alsfile,'xcen,ycen,id','yes',Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(1,"STDIN",Stdin=temp) rafield,decfield = fields[source] ra = mydata.field(rafield) dec= mydata.field(decfield) raint = int(min(ra)) decint= int(min(dec)) print "ra offset by %i, dec by %i\n"%(raint,decint) clf() plot(ra-raint,dec-decint,'k+') print "Require 4 stars matched to make simple solution" print "Enter co-ordinates as acurately as you can:-" fred = open('ccmapfile','w') for i in range(4): idin=input("Star %i ID: "%i) mystar=stars[idin] rain=input("Star %i RA: " %i) + raint decin=input("Star %i DEC: "%i) + decint radiff = ra-rain decdiff = dec-decin radecdiff = radiff**2+decdiff**2 locmin = radecdiff.argmin() raout = ra[locmin] decout = dec[locmin] fred.write("%7.2f %7.2f %10.6f %10.6f\n"%(mystar[1],mystar[2],raout,decout)) fred.close() iraf.ccmap('ccmapfile','database',images=image,xcolumn=1,ycolumn=2,lngcolumn=3, latcolumn=4,lngunits='degrees',latunits='degrees',insystem='j2000', fitgeometry='rxyscale') findbettersolution(image,alsfile,datafile,source=source)
def kait_disp(): inlis = iraffiles('*') for image in inlis: root = image[:len(image) - 12] iraf.display("" % root, 1) if os.path.exists('%s.z.can' % root): iraf.tvmark(1, '%s.z.can' % root, radii=10) if os.path.exists('' % root): iraf.tvmark(1, '' % root, radii=10) iraf.display('' % root, 2) iraf.display('' % root, 3) if os.path.exists('%s.z.cans' % root): iraf.tvmark(3, '%s.z.cans' % root, radii=10) iraf.imexam()
def kait_disp(): inlis=iraffiles('*') for image in inlis: root=image[:len(image)-12] iraf.display("" % root, 1) if os.path.exists('%s.z.can' % root): iraf.tvmark(1,'%s.z.can' % root, radii=10) if os.path.exists('' % root): iraf.tvmark(1,'' % root, radii=10) iraf.display('' % root,2) iraf.display('' % root, 3) if os.path.exists('%s.z.cans' % root): iraf.tvmark(3, '%s.z.cans' % root, radii=10) iraf.imexam()
def CheckFiles(): os.chdir('/Volumes/DATA/NITES/Results/M71/CheckCalibs/') os.system('cp ~/ .') from pyraf import iraf templist=commands.getoutput('ls').split('\n') flat,dark,bias,night=[],[],[],[] for i in range(0,len(templist)): os.chdir(templist[i]) print "\nCurrent Directory: " + str(templist[i]) iraf.display(image='Flat.fits', frame=1) #iraf.imexam(frame=1,image='Flat.fits',input='Flat.fits') x=raw_input("(Good? y/n): ") flat.append(x) iraf.display(image='Dark.fits', frame=2) #iraf.imexam(frame=2,image='Dark.fits',input='Dark.fits') y=raw_input("(Good? y/n): ") dark.append(y) iraf.display(image='Zero.fits', frame=3) #iraf.imexam(frame=3,image='Zero.fits',input='Zero.fits') z=raw_input("(Good? y/n): ") bias.append(z) night.append(templist[i]) os.chdir('../') return 0
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, interactive, ds9, fixaperture=False,_catalog=''): try: import agnkey import string hdr = agnkey.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: pixelscale = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int( string.split(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if instrument in ['kb05', 'kb70', 'kb71', 'kb73', 'kb74', 'kb75', 'kb76', 'kb77', 'kb78', 'kb79']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 45000 elif instrument in ['fl02', 'fl03', 'fl04']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 120000 elif instrument in ['fs01', 'em03']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 elif instrument in ['fs02', 'fs03']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 elif instrument in ['em01']: scale = pixelscale _datamax = 65000 try: _wcserr = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'wcserr') if float(_wcserr) == 0: if instrument in ['kb05', 'kb70', 'kb71', 'kb73', 'kb74', 'kb75', 'kb76', 'kb77', 'kb78', 'kb79']: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif instrument in ['fl02', 'fl03', 'fl04']: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif instrument in ['fs01', 'fs02', 'fs03', 'em03', 'em01']: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) * .75 elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = float(agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) sys.exit('astrometry not good') except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if interactive: iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() elif _catalog: # cat1=agnkey.agnastrodef.readtxt(_catalog) # cat1['ra'],cat1['dec'] ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img,inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) #print a,b,c ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() print 'use catalog' else: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_ap.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], float(fluxrad[i]))) ff.close() ## End automatic selection print 80 * "#" photmag = apfit(img, fwhm, hdr, interactive, _datamax, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, \ Stdout=1, image=img, inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", \ format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] exptime = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf = [], [], [], [], [], [] merrp2, merrp3, merrp4, smagerrf = [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec)): aa = radec[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(agnkey.agnabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp2.append(aa[6]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) merrp4.append(aa[8]) tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(pyfits.ColDefs([ pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), pyfits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), pyfits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), pyfits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), pyfits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='merrp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp4), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), pyfits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp2), 9999), float)), ])) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) agnkey.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [agnkey.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) agnkey.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except: result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
def display_image(img, frame, _z1, _z2, scale, _xcen=0.5, _ycen=0.5, _xsize=1, _ysize=1, _erase='yes'): # print "LOGX:: Entering `display_image` method/function in %(__file__)s" # % globals() goon = 'True' import glob import subprocess import time import os ds9 = subprocess.Popen("ps -U" + str(os.getuid()) + "|grep -v grep | grep ds9", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() if len(ds9) == 0: subproc = subprocess.Popen('ds9', shell=True) time.sleep(3) if glob.glob(img): from pyraf import iraf iraf.images(_doprint=0) import string import os if _z2: try: sss = iraf.display(img, frame, xcen=_xcen, ycen=_ycen, xsize=_xsize, ysize=_ysize, erase=_erase, fill='yes', zscale='no', zrange='no', z1=_z1, z2=_z2, Stdout=1) except: print '' print '### ERROR: PROBLEM OPENING DS9' print '' goon = 'False' else: try: sss = iraf.display(img, frame, xcen=_xcen, ycen=_ycen, xsize=_xsize, ysize=_ysize, erase=_erase, fill='yes', Stdout=1) except: print '' print '### ERROR: PROBLEM OPENING DS9' print '' goon = False if scale and goon: answ0 = raw_input('>>> Cuts OK ? [y/n] ? [y] ') if not answ0: answ0 = 'y' elif answ0 == 'no' or answ0 == 'NO': answ0 = 'n' while answ0 == 'n': _z11 = float(string.split(string.split(sss[0])[0], '=')[1]) _z22 = float(string.split(string.split(sss[0])[1], '=')[1]) z11 = raw_input('>>> z1 = ? [' + str(_z11) + '] ? ') z22 = raw_input('>>> z2 = ? [' + str(_z22) + '] ? ') if not z11: z11 = _z11 else: z11 = float(z11) if not z22: z22 = _z22 else: z22 = float(z22) print z11, z22 sss = iraf.display(img, frame, fill='yes', xcen=_xcen, ycen=_ycen, xsize=_xsize, ysize=_ysize, erase=_erase, zrange='no', zscale='no', z1=z11, z2=z22, Stdout=1) answ0 = raw_input('>>> Cuts OK ? [y/n] ? [y] ') if not answ0: answ0 = 'y' elif answ0 == 'no' or answ0 == 'NO': answ0 = 'n' if goon: _z1, _z2 = string.split(string.split(sss[0])[0], '=')[ 1], string.split(string.split(sss[0])[1], '=')[1] else: print 'Warning: image ' + str(img) + ' not found in the directory ' return _z1, _z2, goon
def completeness():#measure completeness on final image #combinepath=bcdpath+'pbcd/Combine/output_apex_step2' combinepath=bcdpath+'pbcd/Combine/apex_1frame_step2' os.chdir(combinepath) file='mosaic_extract_final.tbl' input=open(file,'r') xgal=[]#positions of previous detections with snr > 3 ygal=[] fap4gal=[] for line in input: if line.find('#') > -1: #skip lines with '#' in them continue if line.find('\\') > -1: #skip lines with '#' in them continue if line.find('|') > -1: #skip lines with '#' in them continue t=line.split() xgal.append(float(t[8])) ygal.append(float(t[10])) fap4gal.append(float(t[28])) input.close() xgal=N.array(xgal,'f') ygal=N.array(ygal,'f') fsimall=[] matchflagsimall=[] f2all=[] f3all=[] f4all=[] deblendsimall=[] snrsimall=[] myminmag=24.75 mymaxmag=27.4 myfmin=10.**((25.-mymaxmag)/2.5)#ZP=25 myfmax=10.**((25.-myminmag)/2.5)#ZP=25 #below is loop to create image w/artificial sources, extract, and compare for k in range(100): createflag=1.#create image w/artificial sources? detectflag=1.#detect sources in image? if createflag > 0.1: xnoise=[] ynoise=[] infile=open('noisecoords.dat','r') for line in infile: t=line.split() xnoise.append(float(t[0])) ynoise.append(float(t[1])) infile.close() nstar=10 xsim=N.zeros(nstar,'d') ysim=N.zeros(nstar,'d') msim=N.zeros(nstar,'d') outfile=open('stars.coords.dat','w') for i in range(nstar): #j=int(round(1.*len(xnoise)*random.uniform(0,1))) #xsim[i]=xnoise[j] #ysim[i]=ynoise[j] j=0 for j in range(10000): xt=int(round(random.uniform(5.,125.))) yt=int(round(random.uniform(5.,140.))) d=pylab.sqrt((xt-xgal)**2+(yt-ygal)**2)#make sure sim galaxies are not near real galaxies if min(d) > -1.: d2=pylab.sqrt((xt-xsim)**2+(yt-ysim)**2)#make sure sim points are not on top of each other if min(d2) > 5.: print i,'got a good point after ',j,' tries',xt,yt break j=j+1 xsim[i]=xt ysim[i]=yt k=random.uniform(myfmin,myfmax) msim[i]=25.-2.5*pylab.log10(k) #print k,msim[i] s='%8.2f %8.2f %8.2f \n' % (xsim[i],ysim[i],msim[i]) outfile.write(s) outfile.close() #os.system('rm stars.coords.dat') #iraf.starlist('stars.coords.dat',nstars=100,spatial='uniform',xmax=130,ymax=145,luminosity='uniform',minmag=22.,maxmag=30.0,mzero=22.0,sseed='INDEF',power=0.6,alpha=0.74,lseed='INDEF') os.system('rm mosaic-completeness.fits') #iraf.mkobjects(input='mosaic_minus_median_extract.fits',output='mosaic-completeness.fits',objects='stars.coords.dat',radius=1.13,magzero=25.,background=0.,gain=5.,rdnoise=0.,poisson='no')#don't convolve w/PRF #os.system('cp ../cal/MIPS24_PRF_HD_center.fits .')#convolve star w/SSC PRF os.system('cp ../cal/mips24_prf_mosaic_2.45_4x.fits .')#convolve star w/SSC PRF iraf.mkobjects(input='mosaic_minus_median_extract.fits',output='mosaic-completeness.fits',objects='stars.coords.dat',radius=14,star='mips24_prf_mosaic_2.45_4x.fits',magzero=25.,background=0.,gain=5.,rdnoise=0.,poisson='no') #os.system('cp ../cal/PRF_estimate.fits .')#convolve gaussian w/measured PRF #iraf.mkobjects(input='mosaic_minus_median_extract.fits',output='mosaic-completeness.fits',objects='stars.coords.dat',radius=15,star='PRF_estimate.fits',magzero=25.,background=0.,gain=5.,rdnoise=0.,poisson='no') os.system('ls *.fits') os.system('pwd') iraf.display('mosaic_minus_median_extract.fits',1,contrast=0.01) iraf.display('mosaic-completeness.fits',2,contrast=0.01) iraf.tvmark(1,'stars.coords.dat') iraf.tvmark(2,'stars.coords.dat') fsim=10.**((25.-msim)/2.5)#ZP=25 if createflag < .1:#read in positions and magnitudes of artdata sources xsim=[] ysim=[] msim=[] infile=open('stars.coords.dat','r') for line in infile: if line.find('#') > -1: continue t=line.split() xsim.append(float(t[0])) ysim.append(float(t[1])) msim.append(float(t[2])) infile.close() xsim=N.array(xsim,'f') ysim=N.array(ysim,'f') msim=N.array(msim,'f') fsim=10.**((25.-msim)/2.5)#ZP=25 if detectflag > 0.1:#now run detection on mosaic-completeness.fits combinepath=bcdpath+'pbcd/Combine/' os.chdir(combinepath) print combinepath #os.system(' -n -i output_apex_step2/mosaic-completeness.fits') #combinepath=bcdpath+'pbcd/Combine/output_apex_step2' os.system(' -n -i apex_1frame_step2/mosaic-completeness.fits') combinepath=bcdpath+'pbcd/Combine/apex_1frame_step2' os.chdir(combinepath) print combinepath file='mosaic-completeness_extract_raw.tbl' input=open(file,'r') ngal=0 for line in input: if line.find('Conversion') > -1: t=line.split('=') convfactor=float(t[1])#conversion from ADU to uJy #aperr=aveaperr*convfactor #convert noise in ADU to uJy using conv factor from apex print "Conversion Factor = ",convfactor #print "aveaperr = ",aveaperr #print "aperr = ",aperr continue if line.find('#') > -1: #skip lines with '#' in them continue if line.find('\\') > -1: #skip lines with '#' in them continue if line.find('|') > -1: #skip lines with '#' in them continue ngal=ngal+1 input.close() id24 = N.zeros(ngal,'f') imagex24 = N.zeros(ngal,'f') imagey24 = N.zeros(ngal,'f') ra24 = N.zeros(ngal,'f') dec24 = N.zeros(ngal,'f') f24 = N.zeros(ngal,'d')#flux errf24 = N.zeros(ngal,'d') fap1 = N.zeros(ngal,'d')#flux in aperture 1 (1,1.5,2,2.6,3,3.5,4,4.5,5.,5.5) pixels fap2 = N.zeros(ngal,'d')#flux fap3 = N.zeros(ngal,'d')#flux fap4 = N.zeros(ngal,'d')#flux in ap 4 - this is one w/ap cor of 1.67 (Calzetti et al 2007) fap5 = N.zeros(ngal,'d')#flux fap6 = N.zeros(ngal,'d')#flux fap7 = N.zeros(ngal,'d')#flux fap8 = N.zeros(ngal,'d')#flux fap9 = N.zeros(ngal,'d')#flux fap10 = N.zeros(ngal,'d')#flux snr24 = N.zeros(ngal,'d')#SNR calculated by mopex deblend = N.zeros(ngal,'f')#SNR calculated by mopex input=open(file,'r') i=0 output=open('xy24raw.dat','w') for line in input: if line.find('#') > -1: #skip lines with '#' in them continue if line.find('\\') > -1: #skip lines with '#' in them continue if line.find('|') > -1: #skip lines with '#' in them continue t=line.split() #print "length of t = ",len(t) #print (t[8]),(t[10]),(t[13]),(t[14]),(t[18]),(t[2]),(t[23]),(t[24]),(t[25]),(t[26]),(t[27]),(t[28]),(t[29]),(t[30]),(t[31]),(t[32]) (imagex24[i],imagey24[i],f24[i],errf24[i],snr24[i],deblend[i],fap1[i],fap2[i],fap3[i],fap4[i],fap5[i],fap6[i],fap7[i],fap8[i],fap9[i],fap10[i])=(float(t[8]),float(t[10]),float(t[13]),float(t[14]),float(t[18]),float(t[2]),float(t[25]),float(t[26]),float(t[27]),float(t[28]),float(t[29]),float(t[30]),float(t[31]),float(t[32]),float(t[33]),float(t[34])) s='%6.2f %6.2f \n'%(imagex24[i],imagey24[i]) output.write(s) i=i+1 input.close()#44 -> 43 output.close() iraf.tvmark(1,'xy24raw.dat',color=204,radi=2) iraf.tvmark(2,'xy24raw.dat',color=204,radi=2) delta=1.#max number of pixels for a match #get rid of objects that were detected in original image. Otherwise, matching will think any object near a sim galaxy is the sim galaxy. A faint galaxy placed on type of a pre-existing bright galaxy will be detected. newgalflag=N.ones(len(imagex24),'i') for i in range(len(imagex24)): (imatch, matchflag,nmatch)=findnearest(imagex24[i],imagey24[i],xgal,ygal,delta) if matchflag > 0.: dflux=abs(fap4gal[imatch] - fap4[i])/fap4[i] if dflux < .1:#position of real galaxy, flux difference less than 10% -> not a new galaxy newgalflag[i] = 0 #keep only galaxies that are new imagex24 = N.compress(newgalflag,imagex24) imagey24 = N.compress(newgalflag,imagey24) fap1 = N.compress(newgalflag,fap1) fap2 = N.compress(newgalflag,fap2) fap3 = N.compress(newgalflag,fap3) fap4 = N.compress(newgalflag,fap4) fap5 = N.compress(newgalflag,fap5) fap6 = N.compress(newgalflag,fap6) fap7 = N.compress(newgalflag,fap7) fap8 = N.compress(newgalflag,fap8) fap9 = N.compress(newgalflag,fap9) fap10 =N.compress(newgalflag,fap10) snr24 =N.compress(newgalflag,snr24) deblend = N.compress(newgalflag,deblend) delta=2.#max number of pixels for a match matchflagsim=N.zeros(len(xsim),'i') fmeas1=N.zeros(len(xsim),'f') fmeas2=N.zeros(len(xsim),'f') fmeas3=N.zeros(len(xsim),'f') fmeas4=N.zeros(len(xsim),'f') fmeas5=N.zeros(len(xsim),'f') fmeas6=N.zeros(len(xsim),'f') fmeas7=N.zeros(len(xsim),'f') fmeas8=N.zeros(len(xsim),'f') fmeas9=N.zeros(len(xsim),'f') fmeas10=N.zeros(len(xsim),'f') fmeas24=N.zeros(len(xsim),'f') deblendsim=N.zeros(len(xsim),'f') snrsim=N.zeros(len(xsim),'f') for i in range(len(xsim)): (imatch, matchflag,nmatch)=findnearest(xsim[i],ysim[i],imagex24,imagey24,delta) matchflagsim[i]=matchflag if matchflag > .1: fmeas1[i]=fap1[int(imatch)] fmeas2[i]=fap2[int(imatch)] fmeas3[i]=fap3[int(imatch)] fmeas4[i]=fap4[int(imatch)] fmeas5[i]=fap5[int(imatch)] fmeas6[i]=fap6[int(imatch)] fmeas7[i]=fap7[int(imatch)] fmeas8[i]=fap8[int(imatch)] fmeas9[i]=fap9[int(imatch)] fmeas10[i]=fap10[int(imatch)] fmeas24[i]=f24[int(imatch)] deblendsim[i]=deblend[int(imatch)] snrsim[i]=snr24[int(imatch)] fsimall=fsimall+list(fsim) matchflagsimall=matchflagsimall+list(matchflagsim) f2all=f2all+list(fmeas2) f3all=f3all+list(fmeas3) f4all=f4all+list(fmeas4) deblendsimall=deblendsimall+list(deblendsim) snrsimall=snrsimall+list(snrsim) fsim=N.array(fsimall,'f') matchflagsim=N.array(matchflagsimall,'f') fmeas2=N.array(f2all,'f') fmeas3=N.array(f3all,'f') fmeas4=N.array(f4all,'f') deblendsim=N.array(deblendsimall,'f') snrsim=N.array(snrsimall,'f') #make plots using all realizations pylab.cla() pylab.clf() fsim=fsim*convfactor fs=pylab.compress((matchflagsim > 0.1) & (deblendsim < 1.5),fsim) #f1=pylab.compress((matchflagsim > 0.1) & (deblendsim < 1.5),fmeas1) f2=pylab.compress((matchflagsim > 0.1) & (deblendsim < 1.5),fmeas2) f3=pylab.compress((matchflagsim > 0.1) & (deblendsim < 1.5),fmeas3) f4=pylab.compress((matchflagsim > 0.1) & (deblendsim < 1.5),fmeas4) #f242=pylab.compress((matchflagsim > 0.1) & (deblendsim < 1.5),fmeas24) r4=pylab.median(fs/f4) r3=pylab.median(fs/f3) r2=pylab.median(fs/f2) print "average ratios ap 4",pylab.average(fs/f4),r4,pylab.std((fs/f4)/pylab.average(fs/f2)) print "average ratios ap 3",pylab.average(fs/f3),pylab.median(fs/f3),pylab.std((fs/f3)/pylab.average(fs/f3)) print "average ratios ap 2",pylab.average(fs/f2),pylab.median(fs/f2),pylab.std((fs/f2)/pylab.average(fs/f2)) s='f4 w/apcor = %3.2f(%4.2f)'%(r4,pylab.average(abs(fs-f4*r4)/fs)) pylab.plot(fs,f4*r4,'b.',label=s) pylab.plot(fs,f4,'bo',label='f4') s='f3 w/apcor = %3.2f(%4.2f)'%(r3,pylab.average(abs(fs-f3*r3)/fs)) pylab.plot(fs,f3*r3,'g.',label=s) pylab.plot(fs,f3,'go',label='f3') s='f2 w/apcor = %3.2f(%4.2f)'%(r2,pylab.average(abs(fs-f2*r2)/fs)) pylab.plot(fs,f2*r2,'r.',label=s) pylab.plot(fs,f2,'ro',label='f2') #pylab.plot(fs,f1,'co',label='f1') #pylab.plot(fs,f242,'k.',label='f24') pylab.legend(loc='best') x=N.arange(0.,max(fs),10.) y=x pylab.plot(x,y,'k-') #y=2.*x #pylab.plot(x,y,'k--') #y=3.*x #pylab.plot(x,y,'k--') #y=4.*x #pylab.plot(x,y,'k--') #y=5.*x #pylab.plot(x,y,'k--') pylab.xlabel('F(24) Input') pylab.ylabel('F(24) measured') #pylab.axis([0.,50.,0.,50.]) s=str(prefix)+'fluxcomp.eps' pylab.savefig(s) pylab.cla() pylab.clf() nbins=20 fmin=10.#min(fsim) fmax=max(fsim) df=5.#(fmax-fmin)/(1.*nbins) bins=N.arange(fmin,(fmax+df),df) (xbin,ybin,ybinerr)=mystuff.completeness(bins,fsim,matchflagsim) s=str(prefix)+'FracComplvsFlux.dat' outdat=open(s,'w') print "Completeness vs Input Flux" for i in range(len(xbin)): print i, xbin[i],ybin[i],ybinerr[i] t='%8.2f %8.4f %8.4f\n'%(xbin[i],ybin[i],ybinerr[i]) outdat.write(t) outdat.close() #for i in range(len(fsim)): #if snrsim[i] > 3.: # print i, fsim[i],matchflagsim[i],deblendsim[i],abs(fsim[i]-fmeas4[i]*1.67)/fsim[i],snrsim[i] #(xbin,ybin2,ybin2err)=mystuff.scipyhist2(bins,fmeas4) #pylab.plot(xbin,ybin,'bo') #pylab.plot(xbin,ybin2,'ro') #s=str(prefix)+'NDetectvsFlux.eps' #pylab.savefig(s) pylab.cla() pylab.clf() pylab.plot(xbin,ybin,'ko') pylab.errorbar(xbin,ybin,yerr=ybinerr,fmt=None,ecolor='k') s=str(prefix)+'FracComplvsFlux.eps' pylab.axhline(y=1.0,ls='-') pylab.axhline(y=.8,ls='--') pylab.axvline(x=80.0,ls=':',color='b') pylab.xlabel('Input Flux (uJy)') pylab.ylabel('Completeness') pylab.axis([0.,max(xbin)+df,-.05,1.05]) pylab.savefig(s) os.system('cp *.eps /Users/rfinn/clusters/spitzer/completeness/.') os.system('cp *vsFlux.dat /Users/rfinn/clusters/spitzer/completeness/.')
def doit(fn,dp,mt): """ JHT: this is the module that analyses an ALFOSC image of a Vertical Slit, and recommends an alignment offset to the current APERTURE WHEEL stepper motor units.""" ## First check if data file exists if not os.access(dp+fn+".fits",os.F_OK): messageOut(mt,"File not found: "+dp+fn+".fits\n") return "File not found: "+dp+fn+".fits" messageOut(mt,"\nVertical-Slit analysis of file: "+dp+fn+".fits\n") from pyraf import iraf from pyraf import gwm ## Read current grism wheel position from image FITS header iraf.images.imutil.imgets(dp+fn,"GRISM") grismid=iraf.images.imutil.imgets.value if grismid.find("pen")==-1: messageOut(mt,"Vertical-Slit mode: grism wheel should be Open\n") return "File %s: Vertical-Slit mode: grism wheel should be Open" % fn ## Read current aperture wheel position from image FITS header iraf.images.imutil.imgets(dp+fn,"APERTUR") slitid=iraf.images.imutil.imgets.value if slitid.find("Vert")==-1: messageOut(mt,"Vertical-Slit mode: no vertical slit in aperture wheel\n") return "File %s: Vertical-Slit mode: no vertical slit in aperture wheel" % fn slitwidth=float(slitid.split('_',9)[1].strip('\"')) messageOut(mt,"Slit width "+str(slitwidth)+" "+slitid+"\n") iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.noao.imred(_doprint=0) iraf.noao.imred.specred(_doprint=0) if not os.access("/tmp/tiasgat/",os.F_OK): os.mkdir("/tmp/tiasgat/") os.chmod("/tmp/tiasgat/",0777) if os.access("/tmp/tiasgat/plot",os.F_OK): os.remove("/tmp/tiasgat/plot") if os.access("/tmp/tiasgat/plot2",os.F_OK): os.remove("/tmp/tiasgat/plot2") if os.access("/tmp/tiasgat/aplast",os.F_OK): os.remove("/tmp/tiasgat/aplast") if os.access("/tmp/tiasgat/tvmarks",os.F_OK): os.remove("/tmp/tiasgat/tvmarks") if os.access("/tmp/tiasgat/logfile",os.F_OK): os.remove("/tmp/tiasgat/logfile") ## Note that this will *not* update any uparm files !! (see pyraf documentation) iraf.noao.imred.specred.dispaxis=2 iraf.noao.imred.specred.database="/tmp/tiasgat/" iraf.noao.imred.specred.plotfile="/tmp/tiasgat/plot" iraf.noao.imred.specred.logfile="/tmp/tiasgat/logfile" width=6*slitwidth # x6 or else the widest slits go wrong if width<4: width=4 # smaller than 4 and apfind will not find it messageOut(mt,"Using width of "+str(width)+" pixels \n") iraf.noao.imred.specred.apedit.width=width ## Display image on ds9 iraf.set(stdimage="imt512") iraf.display(dp+fn,1,fill="no",Stdout="/dev/null") # Suppress IRAF query for number of apertures to find # This is only necesary for the widest slits: then the call to # apfind results in an empty database file, as it cannot find an aperture. # But aptrace works fine anyway (except for the annoying query) !? iraf.noao.imred.specred.apfind.setParam('nfind.p_value', 1) iraf.noao.imred.specred.apfind.setParam('nfind.p_mode','h') ## 'find' and trace spectrum; this will dump a plot to /tmp/tiasgat/plot lines = iraf.noao.imred.specred.apfind(dp+fn,nfind=1,interactive="no", edit="no", nsum=20, Stdout=1) for i in range (0,len(lines)): messageOut(mt,lines[i]+"\n") lines = iraf.noao.imred.specred.aptrace(dp+fn,interactive="no",step=5,low_reject=2.5, high_reject=2.5,function="leg",order=2,niterate=5,naverage=1, Stdout=1) for i in range (0,len(lines)): messageOut(mt,lines[i]+"\n") ## Start graphics window; select the correct plot; show plot gwm.window("Tiasgat! graphics") iraf.plot.gkiextract("/tmp/tiasgat/plot",2,Stdout="/tmp/tiasgat/plot2") gwm.getActiveGraphicsWindow().load("/tmp/tiasgat/plot2") ### how to read the aperture file, as output by aptrace #### ### ### center line 6 gives zero point ### max,min lines 24-25 n = (2 * x - (max + min)) / (max - min) ### c1,c2 lines 26-27 ### ### The polynomial can be expressed as the sum ### ### poly = sum from i=1 to order {c_i * z_i} ### ### where the the c_i are the coefficients and the z_i are defined ### interatively as: ### ### z_1 = 1 ### z_2 = n ### z_i = ((2*i-3) * n * z_{i-1} - (i-2) * z_{i-2}) / (i - 1) ### ### So for order=2 and for vertical slit/grism: X=center+c1+c2*n ### X=center + c1 + c2*(2 * Y - (max + min)) / (max - min) ### translated to X=a + bY ### a=center + c1 - c2*(max+min)/(max-min) ### b=2*C2/(max-min) ## Read the aperture definition file apfile=open("/tmp/tiasgat/ap"+dp.replace('/','_')+fn,'r') lines=apfile.readlines() apfile.close() #print lines[5], lines[23:] c0 = float(lines[5].split(None,9)[1].strip()) lower = float(lines[23].strip()) upper = float(lines[24].strip()) c1 = float(lines[25].strip()) c2 = float(lines[26].strip()) a = c0 + c1 - c2*(upper+lower)/(upper-lower) b = 2*c2/(upper-lower) #print "zeropoint ", a, " slope ",b ## Remove aperture definition file if os.access("/tmp/tiasgat/ap"+dp.replace('/','_')+fn,os.F_OK): os.remove("/tmp/tiasgat/ap"+dp.replace('/','_')+fn) ## Mark the fit on the image display if os.access("/tmp/tiasgat/tvmarks",os.F_OK): os.remove("/tmp/tiasgat/tvmarks") tvmarkfile=open("/tmp/tiasgat/tvmarks",'w') for i in range(int(lower),int(upper)+1,3): tvmarkfile.write(str(a+b*i)+" "+str(i)+" 100 s \n") tvmarkfile.close(),"",commands="/tmp/tiasgat/tvmarks",interactive="no") ## Read current grism wheel position from image FITS header iraf.images.imutil.imgets(dp+fn,"ALAPRSTP") oldwheelunits=float(iraf.images.imutil.imgets.value) #print "APERSTEP", oldwheelunits ## Read binning FITS headers iraf.images.imutil.imgets(dp+fn,"CDELT1") xbin=float(iraf.images.imutil.imgets.value) iraf.images.imutil.imgets(dp+fn,"CDELT2") ybin=float(iraf.images.imutil.imgets.value) iraf.images.imutil.imgets(dp+fn,"CRVAL1") xstart=float(iraf.images.imutil.imgets.value) messageOut(mt,"\nBinning factors "+str(int(xbin))+" x "+str(int(ybin))+"\n") #messageOut(mt,"Xstart "+str(int(xstart))+"\n") #messageOut(mt,"half "+str(int((lower+upper)/2))+"\n") if xbin==1: messageOut(mt,"\nSlitpos: X-position at CCD center "+str((xstart-1+a+b*(lower+upper)/2))+" according to fit\n") else: messageOut(mt,"\nSlitpos: X-binning is not 1: set wrongly in ?!\n\n") ## Correct the angle for the binning factors. ## A full wheel turn corresponds to 320000 units offsetangle=320000 * math.atan(b*xbin/ybin) / (2*math.pi) messageOut(mt,"Alignment: Offset to motor units "+str(offsetangle)+"\n") newwheelunits=offsetangle + oldwheelunits if newwheelunits < 0: newwheelunits+=320000 return "Result for %s : current APERTURE wheel units %d, suggested new value %d" % \ (fn, (0.5+oldwheelunits), (0.5+newwheelunits))
def absphot(img,_field,_catalogue,_fix,_color,rejection,_interactive,_type='fit',redo=False,show=False,cutmag=-1,database='dataredulco',_calib='sloan'): from import fits import lsc import math import sys,re,string,os from lsc.util import readkey3, readhdr from numpy import array, compress, zeros, median, std, asarray, isfinite,mean from pyraf import iraf if show: from pylab import ion,plot,draw,clf import time iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.digiphot(_doprint=0) iraf.daophot(_doprint=0) iraf.images(_doprint=0) iraf.imcoords(_doprint=0) iraf.proto(_doprint=0) t = tbdata = t[1].data hdr2=t[1].header hdr=lsc.util.readhdr(img) _cat=readkey3(hdr,'catalog') _telescope=lsc.util.readkey3(hdr,'telescop') _instrume=lsc.util.readkey3(hdr,'instrume') _filter=lsc.util.readkey3(hdr,'filter') _airmass=lsc.util.readkey3(hdr,'airmass') _exptime=lsc.util.readkey3(hdr,'exptime') _date=lsc.util.readkey3(hdr,'date-obs') _object=lsc.util.readkey3(hdr,'object') _ra=lsc.util.readkey3(hdr,'RA') _dec=lsc.util.readkey3(hdr,'DEC') print _filter if _telescope in ['lsc','1m0-04','1m0-05','1m0-09']: kk=lsc.sites.extintion('ctio') elif _telescope in ['elp','1m0-08']: kk=lsc.sites.extintion('mcdonald') elif _telescope in ['cpt','1m0-12','1m0-10','1m0-13']: kk=lsc.sites.extintion('southafrica') elif _telescope in ['ftn','Faulkes Telescope North']: kk=lsc.sites.extintion('mauna') elif _telescope in ['1m0-03','1m0-11','coj','fts','Faulkes Telescope South']: kk=lsc.sites.extintion('siding') if _calib not in ['sloan','sloanprime','natural','apass','']: colorefisso=lsc.sites.colfix(_instrume) else: colorefisso=lsc.sites.colfix(_instrume,_calib) print redo print _cat if _cat and not redo: print 'already calibrated' else: try: lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'zcat','X',string.split(re.sub('.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) if os.path.isfile(string.split(re.sub('.diff.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]): lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'zcat','X',string.split(re.sub('.diff.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) except: print 'module mysqldef not found' column=makecatalogue([img])[_filter][img] rasex=array(column['ra0'],float) decsex=array(column['dec0'],float) if _type=='fit': magsex=array(column['smagf'],float) magerrsex=array(column['smagerrf'],float) elif _type=='ph': magsex=array(column['magp3'],float) magerrsex=array(column['merrp3'],float) else: sys.exit(_type+' not valid (ph or fit)') print len(rasex) if not cutmag: cutmag=99 #else: cutmag= cutmag-2.5*math.log10(float(_exptime)) if len(compress( array(magsex) < float(cutmag) , magsex)) < 5 : cutmag=99 # not cut if only few object rasex = compress(array(magsex,float)<=cutmag,rasex) decsex = compress(array(magsex,float)<=cutmag,decsex) magerrsex = compress(array(magsex,float)<=cutmag,magerrsex) magsex = compress(array(magsex,float)<=cutmag,array(magsex)) print len(rasex) if _interactive: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(re.sub('.sn2','',img),1,fill=True,Stdout=1) vector=[] for i in range(0,len(rasex)): vector.append(str(rasex[i])+' '+str(decsex[i])) xy = iraf.wcsctran('STDIN',output="STDOUT",Stdin=vector,Stdout=1,image=img,inwcs='world',units='degrees degrees',outwcs='logical',\ formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='yes')[3:] iraf.tvmark(1,'STDIN',Stdin=list(xy),mark="circle",number='yes',label='no',radii=10,nxoffse=5,nyoffse=5,color=207,txsize=2) # raw_input('here') if _catalogue: ######## use external catalogue if _catalogue[0]=='/': stdcooC=lsc.lscastrodef.readtxt(_catalogue) else: stdcooC=lsc.lscastrodef.readtxt(lsc.__path__[0]+'/standard/cat/'+_catalogue) rastdC,decstdL=array(stdcooC['ra'],float),array(stdcooC['dec'],float) lsc.util.delete('tmp.stdL.pix') colonne=str(stdcooC['rapos'])+' '+str(stdcooC['decpos']) if _catalogue[0]=='/': iraf.wcsctran(_catalogue,'tmp.stdL.pix',img,inwcs='world',units='degrees degrees',outwcs='logical',\ columns=colonne,formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') else: iraf.wcsctran(lsc.__path__[0]+'/standard/cat/'+_catalogue,'tmp.stdL.pix',img,inwcs='world',units='degrees degrees',outwcs='logical',\ columns=colonne,formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') standardpixC=lsc.lscastrodef.readtxt('tmp.stdL.pix') if _interactive: iraf.tvmark(1,'tmp.stdL.pix',mark="circle",number='yes',label='no',radii=8,nxoffse=5,nyoffse=5,color=204,txsize=2) xstdC=standardpixC['ra'] ystdC=standardpixC['dec'] idstdC=standardpixC['id'] xstdC=compress((array(xstdC,float)<readkey3(hdr,'XDIM'))&(array(xstdC,float)>0)&(array(ystdC,float)>0)&(array(ystdC,float)<readkey3(hdr,'YDIM')),xstdC) xstdL=xstdLL=xstdS=xstdC standardpixL=standardpixLL=standardpixS=standardpixC stdcooL=stdcooLL=stdcooS=stdcooC else: ######## check if it is landolt field stdcooL=lsc.lscastrodef.readtxt(lsc.__path__[0]+'/standard/cat/') rastdL,decstdL=array(stdcooL['ra'],float),array(stdcooL['dec'],float) lsc.util.delete('tmp.stdL.pix') iraf.wcsctran(lsc.__path__[0]+'/standard/cat/','tmp.stdL.pix',img,inwcs='world',units='degrees degrees',outwcs='logical',\ columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') standardpixL=lsc.lscastrodef.readtxt('tmp.stdL.pix') if _interactive: iraf.tvmark(1,'tmp.stdL.pix',mark="circle",number='yes',label='no',radii=8,nxoffse=5,nyoffse=5,color=204,txsize=2) print 'yelow circles sextractor' xstdL=standardpixL['ra'] ystdL=standardpixL['dec'] idstdL=standardpixL['id'] xstdL=compress((array(xstdL,float)<readkey3(hdr,'XDIM'))&(array(xstdL,float)>0)&(array(ystdL,float)>0)&(array(ystdL,float)<readkey3(hdr,'YDIM')),xstdL) ######## check if it is Stetson field stdcooLL=lsc.lscastrodef.readtxt(lsc.__path__[0]+'/standard/cat/StetsonCat.dat') ww=asarray([i for i in range(len(stdcooLL['ra'])) if ( abs(float(stdcooLL['ra'][i])-float(_ra))<.2 and abs(float(stdcooLL['dec'][i])-_dec)<.2 )]) if len(ww)>0: for hh in stdcooLL.keys(): if type(stdcooLL[hh])!=int: if hh not in ['id','ra','dec']: stdcooLL[hh]=array(array(stdcooLL[hh])[ww],float) else: stdcooLL[hh]=array(stdcooLL[hh])[ww] lll=[] for i in range(0,len(stdcooLL['ra'])): lll.append(stdcooLL['ra'][i]+' '+stdcooLL['dec'][i]) rastdLL,decstdLL=array(stdcooLL['ra'],float),array(stdcooLL['dec'],float) lsc.util.delete('tmp.stdLL.pix') iraf.wcsctran('STDIN','tmp.stdLL.pix',img,inwcs='world',Stdin=lll,units='degrees degrees',outwcs='logical',\ columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') if _interactive: iraf.tvmark(1,'tmp.stdLL.pix',mark="cross",number='yes',label='no',radii=8,nxoffse=5,nyoffse=5,color=204,txsize=2) print 'red crosses Stetson' standardpixLL={} for ii in stdcooLL.keys(): standardpixLL[ii]=stdcooLL[ii] standardpixLL['ra']=array(iraf.proto.fields('tmp.stdLL.pix',fields='1',Stdout=1),float) #standardpixLL['ra'] standardpixLL['dec']=array(iraf.proto.fields('tmp.stdLL.pix',fields='2',Stdout=1),float) #standardpixLL['dec'] xstdLL=array(iraf.proto.fields('tmp.stdLL.pix',fields='1',Stdout=1),float) #standardpixLL['ra'] ystdLL=array(iraf.proto.fields('tmp.stdLL.pix',fields='2',Stdout=1),float) #standardpixLL['dec'] idstdLL=standardpixLL['id'] xstdLL=compress((array(xstdLL,float)<readkey3(hdr,'XDIM'))&(array(xstdLL,float)>0)&(array(ystdLL,float)>0)&(array(ystdLL,float)<readkey3(hdr,'YDIM')),xstdLL) ######## check if it is sloan field magsel0,magsel1=12,18 _ids=lsc.lscastrodef.sloan2file(_ra,_dec,20,float(magsel0),float(magsel1),'') ascifile='' stdcooS=lsc.lscastrodef.readtxt(ascifile) rastdS,decstdS=array(stdcooS['ra'],float),array(stdcooS['dec'],float) lsc.util.delete('tmp.stdS.pix') iraf.wcsctran(ascifile,'tmp.stdS.pix',img,inwcs='world',units='degrees degrees',outwcs='logical',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') standardpixS=lsc.lscastrodef.readtxt('tmp.stdS.pix') if _interactive: iraf.tvmark(1,'tmp.stdS.pix',mark="cross",number='yes',label='no',radii=8,nxoffse=5,nyoffse=5,color=205,txsize=2) print 'green cross sloan' xstdS=standardpixS['ra'] ystdS=standardpixS['dec'] idstdS=standardpixS['id'] xstdS=compress((array(xstdS,float)<readkey3(hdr,'XDIM'))&(array(xstdS,float)>0)&(array(ystdS,float)>0)&(array(ystdS,float)<readkey3(hdr,'YDIM')),xstdS) ##############################################3 if not _catalogue and len(xstdLL)>0: xstdL=xstdLL standardpixL=standardpixLL stdcooL=stdcooLL if _filter in ['U', 'B', 'V', 'R','I','Bessell-B','Bessell-V','Bessell-R','Bessell-I']: filters={'U':'U', 'B':'B', 'V':'V', 'R':'R', 'I':'I','Bessell-B':'B','Bessell-V':'V','Bessell-R':'R','Bessell-I':'I'} if _color: colors=lsc.myloopdef.chosecolor(_color,False) if not colors: colors={'U':['UB'],'B':['UB','BV'],'V':['BV','VR'],'R':['VR','RI'],'I':['RI']} else: colors={'U':['UB'],'B':['UB','BV'],'V':['BV','VR'],'R':['VR','RI'],'I':['RI']} if _field=='sloan': standardpix,stdcoo={'ra':[9999],'dec':[9999],'id':[1]},{'ra':[9999],'dec':[9999]} print 'filters and field selected do not match' else: _field='landolt' if len(xstdL)>=1: standardpix=standardpixL stdcoo=stdcooL if not _catalogue: if len(xstdLL)>0: _catalogue='StetsonCat.dat' else: _catalogue='landolt.dat' elif len(xstdS)>=1: if not _catalogue: _catalogue='sdss8' standardpix=standardpixS stdcoo=stdcooS stdcoo=lsc.lscastrodef.transformsloanlandolt(stdcoo) if not _catalogue: _catalogue='sdss8' print '\n### transform sloan in landolt' else: print 'landolt, but catalogue not found' standardpix,stdcoo={'ra':[9999],'dec':[9999],'id':[1]},{'ra':[9999],'dec':[9999]} elif _filter in ['up','gp','rp','ip','zs','SDSS-G','SDSS-R','SDSS-I','Pan-Starrs-Z']: filters={'up':'u','ip':'i','gp':'g','rp':'r','zs':'z','SDSS-G':'g','SDSS-R':'r','SDSS-I':'i','Pan-Starrs-Z':'z'} if _color: colors=lsc.myloopdef.chosecolor(_color,False) if not colors: colors={'i':['ri','iz'],'r':['gr','ri'],'g':['ug','gr'],'z':['iz'],'u':['ug']} else: colors={'i':['ri','iz'],'r':['gr','ri'],'g':['ug','gr'],'z':['iz'],'u':['ug']} if _field=='landolt': standardpix,stdcoo={'ra':[9999],'dec':[9999],'id':[1]},{'ra':[9999],'dec':[9999]} print 'filters and field selected do not match' else: _field='sloan' if len(xstdS)>=1: if not _catalogue: _catalogue='sdss8' standardpix=standardpixS stdcoo=stdcooS elif len(xstdL)>=1: standardpix=standardpixL stdcoo=stdcooL stdcoo=lsc.lscastrodef.transformlandoltsloan(stdcoo) if not _catalogue: _catalogue='landolt.dat' print '\n### transform landolt to sloan' else: print 'sloan, but not in the sdss footprint' standardpix,stdcoo={'ra':[9999],'dec':[9999],'id':[1]},{'ra':[9999],'dec':[9999]} xstd=standardpix['ra'] ystd=standardpix['dec'] idstd=standardpix['id'] rastd,decstd=array(stdcoo['ra'],float),array(stdcoo['dec'],float) xstd0=compress((array(xstd,float)<readkey3(hdr,'XDIM'))&(array(xstd,float)>0)&(array(ystd,float)>0)&(array(ystd,float)<readkey3(hdr,'YDIM')),xstd) if len(xstd0)>1: ######## go only if standard stars are in the field ########## magstd0={} airmass0={} result={} fileph={} print '\n### standard field: '+str(_field) ystd0=compress((array(xstd,float)<readkey3(hdr,'XDIM'))&(array(xstd,float)>0)&(array(ystd,float)>0)\ &(array(ystd,float)<readkey3(hdr,'YDIM')),ystd) rastd0=compress((array(xstd,float)<readkey3(hdr,'XDIM'))&(array(xstd,float)>0)&(array(ystd,float)>0)\ &(array(ystd,float)<readkey3(hdr,'YDIM')),rastd) decstd0=compress((array(xstd,float)<readkey3(hdr,'XDIM'))&(array(xstd,float)>0)&(array(ystd,float)>0)\ &(array(ystd,float)<readkey3(hdr,'YDIM')),decstd) idstd0=compress((array(xstd,float)<readkey3(hdr,'XDIM'))&(array(xstd,float)>0)&(array(ystd,float)>0)\ &(array(ystd,float)<readkey3(hdr,'YDIM')),idstd) stdcoo0={} for key in stdcoo.keys(): if key in 'ugrizUBVRI': stdcoo0[key]=compress((array(xstd,float)<readkey3(hdr,'XDIM'))&(array(xstd,float)>0)&(array(ystd,float)>0)\ &(array(ystd,float)<readkey3(hdr,'YDIM')),stdcoo[key]) ############################################################### # pos0 = standard pos1 = sextractor distvec,pos0,pos1=lsc.lscastrodef.crossmatch(array(rastd0),array(decstd0),array(rasex),array(decsex),10) for key in stdcoo0.keys(): stdcoo0[key]=stdcoo0[key][pos0] rastd0=rastd0[pos0] decstd0=decstd0[pos0] idstd0=idstd0[pos0] rasex=rasex[pos1] decsex=decsex[pos1] # after change in may 2013 mag in sn2.fits file are already at 1s magsex=magsex[pos1]-kk[filters[_filter]]*float(_airmass) # - K x airmass # magsex=magsex[pos1]+2.5*math.log10(float(_exptime))-kk[filters[_filter]]*float(_airmass) # mag exptime - K x airmass ################################################################################# if _field=='landolt': print '\n### landolt system' for _filtlandolt in 'UBVRI': if _filtlandolt==filters[_filter]: airmass0[_filtlandolt]= 0 #_airmass else: airmass0[_filtlandolt]= 0 magstd0[_filtlandolt]=stdcoo0[_filtlandolt] fileph['mU']=zeros(len(rastd0))+999 fileph['mB']=zeros(len(rastd0))+999 fileph['mV']=zeros(len(rastd0))+999 fileph['mR']=zeros(len(rastd0))+999 fileph['mI']=zeros(len(rastd0))+999 fileph['V']=magstd0['V'] fileph['BV']=array(array(magstd0['B'],float)-array(magstd0['V'],float),str) fileph['UB']=array(array(magstd0['U'],float)-array(magstd0['B'],float),str) fileph['VR']=array(array(magstd0['V'],float)-array(magstd0['R'],float),str) fileph['RI']=array(array(magstd0['R'],float)-array(magstd0['I'],float),str) elif _field=='sloan': for _filtsloan in 'ugriz': if _filtsloan==filters[_filter]: airmass0[_filtsloan]= 0 # _airmass else: airmass0[_filtsloan]=0 magstd0[_filtsloan]=stdcoo0[_filtsloan] fileph['mu']=zeros(len(rastd0))+999 fileph['mg']=zeros(len(rastd0))+999 fileph['mr']=zeros(len(rastd0))+999 fileph['mi']=zeros(len(rastd0))+999 fileph['mz']=zeros(len(rastd0))+999 fileph['r']=magstd0['r'] fileph['gr']=array(array(magstd0['g'],float)-array(magstd0['r'],float),str) fileph['ri']=array(array(magstd0['r'],float)-array(magstd0['i'],float),str) fileph['ug']=array(array(magstd0['u'],float)-array(magstd0['g'],float),str) fileph['iz']=array(array(magstd0['i'],float)-array(magstd0['z'],float),str) ######################################################################################## zero=[] magcor=[] fil = open(re.sub('.fits','.ph',img),'w') fil.write(str(_instrume)+' '+str(_date)+'\n') fil.write('*** '+_object+' '+str(len(magsex))+'\n') if _field=='landolt': fil.write('%6.6s\t%6.6s\t%6.6s\t%6.6s\t%6.6s\n' % (str(1),str(1),str(1),str(1),str(1))) # exptime fil.write('%6.6s\t%6.6s\t%6.6s\t%6.6s\t%6.6s\n' % (str(airmass0['U']),str(airmass0['B']),str(airmass0['V']),str(airmass0['R']),str(airmass0['I']))) elif _field=='sloan': fil.write('%6.6s\t%6.6s\t%6.6s\t%6.6s\t%6.6s\n' % (str(1),str(1),str(1),str(1),str(1))) # exptime fil.write('%6.6s\t%6.6s\t%6.6s\t%6.6s\t%6.6s\n' % (str(airmass0['u']),str(airmass0['g']),str(airmass0['r']),str(airmass0['i']),str(airmass0['z']))) for i in range(0,len(magsex)): fileph['m'+filters[_filter]][i]=magsex[i] # instrumental mangitude of std in pos0[i] if _field=='landolt': stringastandard='%12.12s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s' % (idstd0[i],fileph['V'][i],fileph['BV'][i],fileph['UB'][i],\ fileph['VR'][i],fileph['RI'][i]) fil.write('%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%60.60s\n' \ % (str(fileph['mU'][i]),str(fileph['mB'][i]),str(fileph['mV'][i]),str(fileph['mR'][i]),str(fileph['mI'][i]),str(stringastandard))) elif _field=='sloan': stringastandard='%12.12s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s' % (idstd0[i],fileph['r'][i],fileph['gr'][i],fileph['ug'][i],\ fileph['ri'][i],fileph['iz'][i]) fil.write('%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%7.7s\t%60.60s\n' \ % (str(fileph['mu'][i]),str(fileph['mg'][i]),str(fileph['mr'][i]),str(fileph['mi'][i]),str(fileph['mz'][i]),str(stringastandard))) zero.append(float(float(magstd0[filters[_filter]][i]))-float(magsex[i])) magcor.append(magsex[i]) fil.close() if show: import time from pylab import ion,plot,draw ion() aa=mean(compress(abs(array(zero))<99,zero)) xxx=compress((abs(array(magcor))<99)&(abs(array(zero))<99),magcor) yyy=compress((abs(array(zero))<99)&(abs(array(magcor))<99),zero) plot(xxx,yyy,'or') plot([min(compress(abs(array(magcor))<99,magcor)),max(compress(abs(array(magcor))<99,magcor))],[aa,aa],'-b') draw() print std(compress(abs(array(zero))<99,zero)) time.sleep(5) colorvec=colors[filters[_filter]] for col in colorvec: col0=magstd0[col[0]] col1=magstd0[col[1]] colstd0=array(col0,float)-array(col1,float) ################## sex ###################### colore=[] for i in range(0,len(pos1)): colore.append(colstd0[i]) colore1=compress(abs(array(zero))<50,array(colore)) zero1=compress(abs(array(zero))<50,array(zero)) zero2=compress(abs(array(colore1))<2,array(zero1)) colore2=compress(abs(array(colore1))<2,array(colore1)) if _fix: fisso=colorefisso[filters[_filter]+col] else: fisso='' if len(colore2)==0: print 'no calibration, '+_filter+' '+_field b,a,sa,sb=9999,9999,0,0 else: if _interactive: a,sa,b,sb=fitcol(colore2,zero2,_filter,col,fisso) else: a,sa,b,sb=fitcol2(colore2,zero2,_filter,col,fisso,show,rejection) print a,sa,b,sb result[filters[_filter]+col]=[a,sa,b,sb] if result: print '\n### zeropoint ..... done at airmass 0' if _catalogue: lsc.util.updateheader(img,0,{'CATALOG':[str(string.split(_catalogue,'/')[-1]),'catalogue source']}) stringa='' for ll in result: for kk in range(0,len(result[ll])): if not isfinite(result[ll][kk]): result[ll][kk]=0.0 valore='%3.3s %6.6s %6.6s %6.6s %6.6s' % (str(ll),str(result[ll][0]),str(result[ll][2]),str(result[ll][1]),str(result[ll][3])) print '### ',valore lsc.util.updateheader(img,0,{'zp'+ll:[str(valore),'a b sa sb in y=a+bx']}) if ll[0]==ll[2]: num=2 elif ll[0]==ll[1]: num=1 else: sys.exit('somthing wrong with color '+ll) print ll,num try: print 'zcol'+str(num),ll[1:],string.split(re.sub('.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1] lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'zcol'+str(num),ll[1:],string.split(re.sub('.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'z'+str(num),result[ll][0],string.split(re.sub('.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'c'+str(num),result[ll][2],string.split(re.sub('.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'dz'+str(num),result[ll][1],string.split(re.sub('.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'dc'+str(num),result[ll][3],string.split(re.sub('.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) if os.path.isfile(string.split(re.sub('.diff.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]): lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'zcol'+str(num),ll[1:],string.split(re.sub('.diff.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'z'+str(num),result[ll][0],string.split(re.sub('.diff.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'c'+str(num),result[ll][2],string.split(re.sub('.diff.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'dz'+str(num),result[ll][1],string.split(re.sub('.diff.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'dc'+str(num),result[ll][3],string.split(re.sub('.diff.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) if result[ll][0]!=9999: print _catalogue lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'zcat',string.split(_catalogue,'/')[-1],string.split(re.sub('.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) if os.path.isfile(string.split(re.sub('.diff.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]): lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'zcat',string.split(_catalogue,'/')[-1],string.split(re.sub('.diff.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) else: lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'zcat','X',string.split(re.sub('.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) if os.path.isfile(string.split(re.sub('.diff.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]): lsc.mysqldef.updatevalue(database,'zcat','X',string.split(re.sub('.diff.sn2.fits','.fits',img),'/')[-1]) except: print 'module mysqldef not found'
iraf.immatch.gregister(_dirtemp + tempmask0, tempmask, "tmp$db"+temp_file0, temp_file0+"_tmpcoo", geometr="geometric", interpo=_interpolation, boundar='constant', constan=0, flux='yes', verbose='no') except: # this is strange, sometime the registration of the msk fail the first time, but not the second time iraf.immatch.gregister(_dirtemp + tempmask0, tempmask, "tmp$db"+temp_file0, temp_file0+"_tmpcoo", geometr="geometric", interpo=_interpolation, boundar='constant', constan=0, flux='yes', verbose='no') if os.path.isfile(_dirtemp +re.sub('.fits','.var.fits',imgtemp0)): if _verbose: print 'variance image already there, do not create noise image' iraf.immatch.gregister(_dirtemp + re.sub('.fits','.var.fits',imgtemp0), temp_file0+'_tempnoise3.fits', "tmp$db"+temp_file0, temp_file0+"_tmpcoo", geometr="geometric", interpo=_interpolation, boundar='constant', constan=0, flux='yes', verbose='no') if _show: iraf.display(imgtemp, frame=4, fill='yes') iraf.display(_dirtemp + imgtemp0, frame=3, fill='yes') iraf.display(imgtarg, frame=2, fill='yes') iraf.display(_dir + imgtarg0, frame=1, fill='yes') ########################################################### data_targ, head_targ = pyfits.getdata(imgtarg, header=True) exp_targ = agnkey.util.readkey3(head_targ, 'exptime') sat_targ = agnkey.util.readkey3(head_targ, 'saturate') gain_targ = agnkey.util.readkey3(head_targ, 'gain') rn_targ = agnkey.util.readkey3(head_targ,'ron') data_temp, head_temp = pyfits.getdata(imgtemp, header=True) exp_temp = agnkey.util.readkey3(head_temp, 'exptime') sat_temp = agnkey.util.readkey3(head_temp, 'saturate')
def maskImages(filename): #Read in the full width half maximum from the input file imageHeader =".fits")[0] fwhm = imageHeader.header['SEEING'] ######CONFIG STUFF###### z1_default=-12 #Change this value to alter the low end of the image display z2_default=1000 #Change this value to alter the high end of the image display ztrans_default='log' #Change this to 'log' to use a logarithmic intensity plot in the display of the R image iraf.imedit.radius=3.0*fwhm #Change this value to change imedit's default radius. ######################## #Determine if a masked R image exists; create one if it does not. maskedExists=False try: with open(filename+'Masked.fits'):maskedExists=True except IOError: print 'The masked file does not exist. Creating masked file...' mask = fits.getdata(filename+'MaskReversed.fits') base = fits.getdata(filename+'.fits') result = np.multiply(base,mask) hdu=fits.PrimaryHDU(result) hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu]) hdulist.writeto(filename+'Masked.fits') print 'Masked file written as testDataMasked.fits' #Display the image's Ha counterpart iraf.display(filename+'_Ha.fits',2) #Set the display parameters for the R image iraf.display.z1=z1_default iraf.display.z2=z2_defulat iraf.display.ztrans=ztrans_default iraf.imedit.command="display $image 1 erase=$erase fill=no order=0 >& dev$null" #Determine if a handmasked image exists handmaskedExists=False try: with open(filename+'_Handmasked.fits'):handmaskedExists=True print 'Handmasked image detected, loading it for further editing...' except IOError: print 'Creating new handmask image...' #Print some useful commands print 'Here are some pertinent commands used in imedit\ne Fill circles with constant value\n+/- increase/decrease radius\nk Fill circles with input data (spot healing, essentially)\nu Undo the last change\nq Finish editing the image and write the output\nQ Finish editing without writing output\ni Reset editor to initial loaded image' #if a handmasked image does not exist, load the R image for editing otherwise load the handmask to edit it. iraf.display.zscale='no' iraf.display.zrange='no' if (not handmaskedExists): iraf.imedit(filename+'Masked.fits',filename+'_Handmasked.fits') else: iraf.imedit(filename+'_Handmasked.fits','') #Repeat the process for Ha. print 'Mask Ha. Same commands apply' haHandmaskedExists=False iraf.display.zscale='yes' iraf.display.zrange='yes'
else: iraf.imedit(filename+'_Handmasked.fits','') #Repeat the process for Ha. print 'Mask Ha. Same commands apply' haHandmaskedExists=False iraf.display.zscale='yes' iraf.display.zrange='yes' try: with open(filename+'_HaHandmasked.fits'):haHandmaskedExists=True print 'Ha handmasked image detected, loading it for further editing...' except IOError: print 'Creating new Ha handmask image...' iraf.display(filename+'Masked.fits',2) if (haHandmaskedExists): iraf.imedit(filename+'_HaHandmasked.fits','') else: iraf.imedit(filename+'_Ha.fits',filename+'_HaHandmasked.fits') #This reads through a handmasked set of R and Ha images and extracts the #masks from it, writing it as (filename)handmask.fits and (filename #)_HaHandmask.fits def getMasks(filename): #Delete the old masks, if any exist. iraf.imdelete(filename+'_Handmask.fits') iraf.imdelete(filename+'_HaHandmask.fits') #Extract the mask from the masked R image, using a handmasked image if one exists otherwise using the masked image maskValue = 0.0
def runellipse(files,xcenter,ycenter,minr,ipa,initialr,maxr,iellip,nframe=1,myradius=15): initialradius=myradius #print 'got here' #print files for i in range(len(files)): myradius=initialradius mfile=files[i] #mask image outfile1='m'+mfile if os.path.isfile(outfile1): print "found masked file ",outfile1 print "skipping imedit and running ellipse interactively" continueWithProgram=1 continueWithObject=1 else: print "can't find masked file ",outfile1 print "running imedit" continueWithProgram,continueWithObject=runimedit(mfile,outfile1,nframe) if not continueWithProgram: print "quitting program" return if not continueWithObject: print "going on to next image" continue #run ellipse t=mfile.split('.') efile=t[0]+'.tab' imprefix=t[0] try: os.remove(efile) except OSError: print 'everything is ok' #continue print "First pass through ellipse to find center" iraf.ellipse(input=outfile1,output=efile,x0=xcenter,y0=ycenter,hcenter='no',sma0=initialr,minsma=minr,maxsma=maxr,pa=ipa,hpa='no',ellip=iellip,hellip='no',interactive='no') #print 'Displaying isophotes from first pass. Hit q in DS9 window to quit' #iraf.isoexam(table=efile) os.system('rm junk.txt') iraf.tprint(table=efile,pwidth='INDEF',showhdr='no', Stdout='junk.txt') os.system("awk '{print $2, $7, $9, $11, $13}' < junk.txt > junk2.txt") #run ellipse a second time, keeping PA and ellip fixed #allow user to adjust the radius where PA and ellip are measured infile=open('junk2.txt','r') for line in infile: t=line.split() if float(t[0]) > myradius: newxcenter=float(t[3]) newycenter=float(t[4]) break s='rm '+efile os.system(s) #draw ellipse with ds9 iraf.display(outfile1,1) (myellip,mypa)=findellipse(outfile1,newxcenter,newycenter) flag2=str(raw_input('Do you want to skip this one? y=skip, any other key to continue ')) if flag2.find('y') > -1: s='mv *'+imprefix+'* ../PeculiarGalaxies/' print s os.system(s) continue #run ellipse interactively #allow user to repeat until satisfied with script repeatflag=1 while repeatflag: s='rm '+efile os.system(s) iraf.ellipse(input=outfile1,output=efile,x0=newxcenter,y0=newycenter,hcenter='yes',sma0=initialr,minsma=minr,maxsma=maxr,pa0=mypa,hpa='yes',ellip0=myellip,hellip='yes',interactive='no') print 'Displaying isophotes from second pass using r = ',myradius print 'Hit q in the DS9 window to quit' iraf.isoexam(table=efile) flag=str(raw_input('Are you happy with the fit? y=yes n=no x=quit ')) flag=str(flag) print 'this is what I think you typed ',flag if flag.find('n') > -1: s='rm '+efile os.system(s) repeatflag=1 elif flag.find('x') > -1: repeatflag=0 print 'i think repeatflag = 0', repeatflag return else: s='mv *'+imprefix+'* ../Finished/' os.system(s) repeatflag=0 print 'i think repeatflag = 0 ', repeatflag print 'repeatflag = ',repeatflag
def displayDS9(self, image, buffer): ''' Displays the given image on DS9. The function requires that the DS9 is already running. In the future this should be changed. ''' I.display(image, buffer)
imgdir + '" --filename=imgs.txt --width 600 --height 250 &') print( 'What do you want to do? Enter a = Align ; c = Combine ; s = Weighted average of Exptime ; i = Inspect ; e = Exit and go to Next filter directory' ) choice = raw_input('Enter your Choice (a,c,s,i or e) :') if (choice == "e"): break # breaking to move to next filter image directory elif (choice == "i"): while 1: imgEX = input( 'Enter the Sl.No# of Image you want to Examine [Enter a large number not in image list to exit] : ' ) if imgEX >= len(images): break iraf.display(images[imgEX], 1) iraf.imexam() elif (choice == "c"): # Simply combining imgINP = map( int, raw_input( 'Enter the Sl.No#s of all Images to combine [ Eg: 1,2,3 ] : ' ).split(',')) i = len(imgINP) if i < 2: break # minimum 2 images to combine are not there.. for j in imgINP: #Sanity check if j >= len(images): print('Wrong serial number ' + str(j) + ' given.. exiting the combine task..') break inpVAR = ','.join([images[j] for j in imgINP])
def runellipse(files, xcenter, ycenter, minr, initialr, maxr, nframe=1): for i in range(len(files)): #for i in range(5): mfile = files[i] repeatflag = 1 while (repeatflag > 0.1): iraf.display(mfile, frame=nframe, fill='yes') outfile1 = 'm' + mfile print mfile print 'Running imedit to mask out other sources in the field:' print 'Enter b to mask out a circular region' print 'Enter a to mark the corners of a rectangle' print 'Enter q when finished' try: os.remove(outfile1) except OSError: print 'everything is ok' print 'running imedit ', mfile, outfile1 iraf.imedit(mfile, outfile1) t = mfile.split('.') efile = t[0] + '.tab' print 'Running ellipse to fit isophotes to galaxy:' print 'Enter h to continue fitting' try: os.remove(efile) except OSError: print 'everything is ok' iraf.ellipse(input=outfile1, output=efile, x0=xcenter, y0=ycenter, hcenter='yes', sma0=initialr, minsma=minr, maxsma=maxr) print 'Displaying isophotes. Hit q to quit' iraf.isoexam(table=efile) # try: # iraf.ellipse(input=outfile1,output=efile,x0=xcenter,y0=ycenter,hcenter='yes',sma0=initialr,minsma=minr,maxsma=maxr) # except: # print efile," already exists so I am deleting it. Hit Cntrl-c if you don't want to delete" # s='rm '+efile # os.system(s) # iraf.ellipse(input=outfile1,output=efile,x0=xcenter,y0=ycenter,hcenter='yes',sma0=initialr,minsma=minr,maxsma=maxr) flag = str( raw_input('Are you happy with the fit? y=yes n=no x=quit ')) flag = str(flag) print 'this is what I think you typed ', flag if flag.find('y') > -1: s = 'mv *' + t[0] + '* Finished/' os.system(s) repeatflag = 0 print 'i think repeatflag = 0', repeatflag if flag.find('n') > -1: s = 'rm *' + t[0] + '*.tab' os.system(s) s = 'rm m' + t[0] + '*.fits' os.system(s) repeatflag = 1 print 'i think repeatflag = 1', repeatflag if flag.find('x') > -1: repeatflag = 0 print 'i think repeatflag = 0', repeatflag return print 'repeatflag = ', repeatflag
# #################### if createcal=='yes': iraf.niri.niflat("@fflats.lis", flatfile="flat.fits", lampsoff="@fflatdarks.lis", \ darks="@fshortdarks.lis", bpmfile="", fl_inter='no') else: print "using flats.fits" ##### # #Displaying flat and bad pixel mask # ##### beep() beep() iraf.display("flat.fits[sci]",1) sleep(5) # 5 sec beep() beep() iraf.display("",2) sleep(5) ######## # # F2prepare science # ########
hdulist.close() imgs_txt.write(str(i)+' '+img+' '+str(Obj)+' '+str(Exptime)+' '+str(Commentx)+' '+str(Comment)+' '+str(Filter)+'\n') i=i+1 # Now list is ready, continuing with what to do imgs_txt.close() junk = os.system(DISPLAY_MENU_CMD.format(**{"imgdir":imgdir,"imglist":IMGListFile})) print ('What do you want to do? Enter a = Align ; c = Combine ; s = Weighted average of Exptime ; i = Inspect ; e = Exit and go to Next filter directory') choice=raw_input('Enter your Choice (a,c,s,i or e) :') if ( choice == "e" ) : break # breaking to move to next filter image directory elif (choice == "i") : while 1 : imgEX=input('Enter the Sl.No# of Image you want to Examine [Enter a large number not in image list to exit] : ') if imgEX >= len(images) : break iraf.display(images[imgEX],1) iraf.imexam() elif (choice == "c" ) : # Simply combining imgINP=map(int, raw_input('Enter the Sl.No#s of all Images to combine [ Eg: 1,2,3 ] : ').split(',')) i=len(imgINP) if i < 2 : break # minimum 2 images to combine are not there.. for j in imgINP : #Sanity check if j >= len(images) : print('Wrong serial number '+str(j)+' given.. exiting the combine task..') break inpVAR=','.join([images[j] for j in imgINP]) name=raw_input('Enter the name for combined image without .fits extension : ') iraf.imcombine(input=inpVAR, output=name+'.fits',combine="average") elif (choice == "s" ) : # Summing and finally dividing by total EXPTIME imgINP=map(int, raw_input('Enter the Sl.No#s of all Images to average by weighted sum of EXPTIME [ Eg: 1,2,3 ] : ').split(','))
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, psfstars, distance, interactive, psffun='gauss', fixaperture=False, _catalog='', _datamax=None, show=False): try: import lsc, string hdr = lsc.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int(string.split(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if _datamax is None: _datamax = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'datamax') _wcserr = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'wcserr') print _wcserr if float(_wcserr) == 0: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 if 'PSF_FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) else: sys.exit('astrometry not good') #except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' xdim, ydim = iraf.hselect(img+'[0]', 'i_naxis1,i_naxis2', 'yes', Stdout=1)[0].split() print img, fwhm, threshold, scale,xdim ################################################################################# ################### write file to compute psf _psf.coo ############ ################################################################################# if _catalog: print '\n#### use catalog to measure the psf' ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img + '[0]',inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] line='' for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) if float(a) < float(xdim) and float(b) < float(ydim) and float(b) > 0: line = line + '%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c) if line: ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') ff.write(line) ff.close() else: sys.exit('error: no catalog objects are in the field') elif interactive: iraf.display(img + '[0]', 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ############# write file for PSF ######################### ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() fwhm = np.median(_fws) else: ############ run sextractor ##################################### xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) tot = np.compress(abs(np.array(fluxrad) * 1.6 - fwhm) / fwhm < .5, fluxrad) if len(tot) < 5: print 'warning: fwhm from sexractor different from fwhm computed during pre-reduction' print 'try using option --fwhm xxx' ff = open('tmp.cursor', 'w') image_hdu = + '.fits') for i in range(len(xs)): _xs = np.delete(xs, i) _ys = np.delete(ys, i) dist2 = np.sqrt((_xs - xs[i]) ** 2 + (_ys - ys[i]) ** 2) ########### cut star, not near other object ########################## if abs(fluxrad[i] * 1.6 - fwhm) / fwhm < .5 and min(dist2) > distance * fwhm: x1, x2 = int(xs[i] - fwhm * 3), int(xs[i] + fwhm * 3) y1, y2 = int(ys[i] - fwhm * 3), int(ys[i] + fwhm * 3) if x1 < 1: x1 = 1 if y1 < 1: y1 = 1 if x2 > int(xdim): x2 = int(xdim) if y2 > int(ydim): y2 = int(ydim) fmax = np.max(image_hdu[0].data[y1-1:y2, x1-1:x2]) ########## cut saturated object ######################## if float(fmax) < _datamax: # not saturated ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f 1 m \n' % (xs[i], ys[i])) ff.close() image_hdu.close() iraf.delete('tmp.lo?,tmp.sta?,tmp.gk?', verify=False) iraf.psfmeasure(img+'[0]', imagecur='tmp.cursor', logfile='tmp.log', radius=int(fwhm), iter=3, display=False, StdoutG='tmp.gki') ff = open('tmp.log') righe = ff.readlines() xn = [float(righe[3].split()[1])] yn = [float(righe[3].split()[2])] _fw = [float(righe[3].split()[4])] for r in righe[4:-2]: if len(r) > 0: xn.append(float(r.split()[0])) yn.append(float(r.split()[1])) _fw.append(float(r.split()[3])) print 'FWHM: ', righe[-1].split()[-1] print 80 * "#" ###### ############## eliminate double object identification ########################### xns, yns, _fws = [xn[0]], [yn[0]], [_fw[0]] for i in range(1, len(xn)): if abs(xn[i] - xn[i - 1]) > .2 and abs(yn[i] - yn[i - 1]) > .2: xns.append(xn[i]) yns.append(yn[i]) _fws.append(_fw[i]) ######### write clean file for PSF ######################### fw = [] ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xns)): if abs(_fws[i] - fwhm) / fwhm < .3: ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) fw.append(_fws[i]) ff.close() ## End automatic selection ###################################################################################### ################### write file of object to store in fits table ############# ###################################################################################### if _catalog: ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img + '[0]',inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() elif interactive: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) ff.close() else: os.system('cp _psf.coo _psf2.coo') # dflux = fluxrad - np.median(fluxrad) # fstar = np.compress(dflux < np.std(fluxrad), fluxrad) ################################################################################################################# print 80 * "#" photmag, pst, fitmag = psffit(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, interactive, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) photmag2, fitmag2 = psffit2(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, Stdout=1, image=img + '[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] radec2 = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag2, Stdout=1, image=img + '[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] if interactive or show: iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img + '[0]', 1, fill=True, Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=15, label=True, Stdin=photmag, nxoffset=5, nyoffset=5, txsize=2) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=35, label=False, Stdin=pst, color=208) # iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='cross', length=35, label=False, Stdin=fitmag2, color=204) idpsf = [] for i in range(len(pst)): idpsf.append(pst[i].split()[2]) dmag = [] for i in range(len(radec)): ra, dec, idph, magp2, magp3, magp4, merrp2, merrp3, merrp4 = radec[i].split() dmag.append(9.99) for j in range(len(fitmag)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag[j].split() if idph == idf and idph in idpsf and \ magp3 != 'INDEF' and magf != 'INDEF': dmag[i] = float(magp3) - float(magf) break _dmag = np.compress(np.array(dmag) < 9.99, np.array(dmag)) print '>>> Aperture correction (phot) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d ' % \ (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) if len(_dmag) > 3: _dmag = np.compress(np.abs(_dmag - np.median(_dmag)) < 2 * np.std(_dmag), _dmag) print '>>> 2 sigma rejection) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d [default]' \ % (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) print '>>> fwhm %s ' % (str(fwhm)) for i in range(len(dmag)): if dmag[i] == 9.99: dmag[i] = '' else: dmag[i] = '%6.3f' % (dmag[i]) exptime = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf, merrp3, smagerrf = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec2)): aa = radec2[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(lsc.lscabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(lsc.lscabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) _smagf, _smagerrf = 9999, 9999 for j in range(len(fitmag2)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag2[j].split() if idf == idp: _smagf = magf _smagerrf = magerrf break smagf.append(_smagf) smagerrf.append(_smagerrf) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(fits.ColDefs([fits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), fits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), fits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), fits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), fits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagf), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagerrf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagerrf), 9999), float)), ])) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) lsc.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCO': [np.mean(_dmag), 'Aperture correction']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCOERR': [np.std(_dmag), 'Aperture correction error']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except: result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
def ecpsf(img, ofwhm, threshold, psfstars, distance, interactive, ds9, psffun='gauss', fixaperture=False, _catalog='', _datamax=None, show=False): try: import lsc, string hdr = lsc.util.readhdr(img + '.fits') instrument = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'instrume') print 'INSTRUMENT:', instrument if 'PIXSCALE' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PIXSCALE') elif 'CCDSCALE' in hdr: if 'CCDXBIN' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDXBIN') elif 'CCDSUM' in hdr: scale = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSCALE') * int(string.split(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'CCDSUM'))[0]) if _datamax is None and 'kb' in instrument: _datamax = 45000 elif _datamax is None: _datamax = 65000 _wcserr = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'wcserr') print _wcserr if float(_wcserr) == 0: if 'L1FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1FWHM')) elif 'L1SEEING' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'L1SEEING')) * scale else: seeing = 3 else: seeing = 3 if 'PSF_FWHM' in hdr: seeing = float(lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'PSF_FWHM')) else: sys.exit('astrometry not good') #except: sys.exit('astrometry not good') fwhm = seeing / scale print 'FWHM[header] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' if ofwhm: fwhm = float(ofwhm) print ' FWHM[input] ', fwhm, ' in pixel' xdim, ydim = iraf.hselect(img+'[0]', 'i_naxis1,i_naxis2', 'yes', Stdout=1)[0].split() print img, fwhm, threshold, scale,xdim ################################################################################# ################### write file to compute psf _psf.coo ############ ################################################################################# if interactive: iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True) iraf.delete('tmp.lo?', verify=False) print '_' * 80 print '>>> Mark reference stars with "a". Then "q"' print '-' * 80 iraf.imexamine(img, 1, wcs='logical', logfile='tmp.log', keeplog=True) xyrefer = iraf.fields('tmp.log', '1,2,6,15', Stdout=1) xns, yns, _fws = [], [], [] ############# write file for PSF ######################### ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xyrefer)): xns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[0])) yns.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[1])) _fws.append(float(xyrefer[i].split()[3])) ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) ff.close() fwhm = np.median(_fws) elif _catalog: print '\n#### use catalog to measure the psf' ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img + '[0]',inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] line='' for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) if float(a) < float(xdim) and float(b) < float(ydim) and float(b) > 0: line = line + '%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c) if line: ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') ff.write(line) ff.close() else: sys.exit('error: no catalog objects are in the field') else: ############ run sextractor ##################################### xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) tot = np.compress(abs(np.array(fluxrad) * 1.6 - fwhm) / fwhm < .5, fluxrad) if len(tot) < 5: print 'warning: fwhm from sexractor different from fwhm computed during pre-reduction' print 'try using option --fwhm xxx' ff = open('tmp.cursor', 'w') image_hdu = + '.fits') for i in range(len(xs)): _xs = np.delete(xs, i) _ys = np.delete(ys, i) dist2 = np.sqrt((_xs - xs[i]) ** 2 + (_ys - ys[i]) ** 2) ########### cut star, not near other object ########################## if abs(fluxrad[i] * 1.6 - fwhm) / fwhm < .5 and min(dist2) > distance * fwhm: x1, x2 = int(xs[i] - fwhm * 3), int(xs[i] + fwhm * 3) y1, y2 = int(ys[i] - fwhm * 3), int(ys[i] + fwhm * 3) if x1 < 1: x1 = 1 if y1 < 1: y1 = 1 if x2 > int(xdim): x2 = int(xdim) if y2 > int(ydim): y2 = int(ydim) fmax = np.max(image_hdu[0].data[y1-1:y2, x1-1:x2]) ########## cut saturated object ######################## if float(fmax) < _datamax: # not saturated ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f 1 m \n' % (xs[i], ys[i])) ff.close() image_hdu.close() iraf.delete('tmp.lo?,tmp.sta?,tmp.gk?', verify=False) iraf.psfmeasure(img+'[0]', imagecur='tmp.cursor', logfile='tmp.log', radius=int(fwhm), iter=3, display=False, StdoutG='tmp.gki') ff = open('tmp.log') righe = ff.readlines() xn = [float(righe[3].split()[1])] yn = [float(righe[3].split()[2])] _fw = [float(righe[3].split()[4])] for r in righe[4:-2]: if len(r) > 0: xn.append(float(r.split()[0])) yn.append(float(r.split()[1])) _fw.append(float(r.split()[3])) print 'FWHM: ', righe[-1].split()[-1] print 80 * "#" ###### ############## eliminate double object identification ########################### xns, yns, _fws = [xn[0]], [yn[0]], [_fw[0]] for i in range(1, len(xn)): if abs(xn[i] - xn[i - 1]) > .2 and abs(yn[i] - yn[i - 1]) > .2: xns.append(xn[i]) yns.append(yn[i]) _fws.append(_fw[i]) ######### write clean file for PSF ######################### fw = [] ff = open('_psf.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xns)): if abs(_fws[i] - fwhm) / fwhm < .3: ff.write('%10.3f %10.3f %7.2f \n' % (xns[i], yns[i], float(_fws[i]))) fw.append(_fws[i]) ff.close() ## End automatic selection ###################################################################################### ################### write file of object to store in fits table ############# ###################################################################################### if interactive: xs, ys, ran, decn, magbest, classstar, fluxrad, bkg = runsex(img, fwhm, threshold, scale) ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in range(len(xs)): ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (xs[i], ys[i], fluxrad[i])) ff.close() elif _catalog: ddd=iraf.wcsctran(input=_catalog,output='STDOUT',Stdout=1,image=img + '[0]',inwcs='world',outwcs='logical', units='degrees degrees',columns='1 2',formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='no') ddd=[i for i in ddd if i[0]!='#'] ddd=[' '.join(i.split()[0:3]) for i in ddd] ff = open('_psf2.coo', 'w') for i in ddd: a,b,c = string.split(i) ff.write('%10s %10s %10s \n' % (a, b, c)) ff.close() else: os.system('cp _psf.coo _psf2.coo') # dflux = fluxrad - np.median(fluxrad) # fstar = np.compress(dflux < np.std(fluxrad), fluxrad) ################################################################################################################# print 80 * "#" photmag, pst, fitmag = psffit(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, interactive, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) photmag2, fitmag2 = psffit2(img, fwhm, psfstars, hdr, _datamax, psffun, fixaperture) radec = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag, Stdout=1, image=img + '[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] radec2 = iraf.wcsctran(input='STDIN', output='STDOUT', Stdin=photmag2, Stdout=1, image=img + '[0]', inwcs='logical', outwcs='world', columns="1 2", format='%13.3H %12.2h', min_sig=9, mode='h')[3:] if ds9 == 0 and (interactive or show): iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img, 1, fill=True, Stdout=1) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=15, label=True, Stdin=photmag, nxoffset=5, nyoffset=5, txsize=2) iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='circle', radii=35, label=False, Stdin=pst, color=208) # iraf.tvmark(1, coords='STDIN', mark='cross', length=35, label=False, Stdin=fitmag2, color=204) idpsf = [] for i in range(len(pst)): idpsf.append(pst[i].split()[2]) dmag = [] for i in range(len(radec)): ra, dec, idph, magp2, magp3, magp4, merrp2, merrp3, merrp4 = radec[i].split() dmag.append(9.99) for j in range(len(fitmag)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag[j].split() if idph == idf and idph in idpsf and \ magp3 != 'INDEF' and magf != 'INDEF': dmag[i] = float(magp3) - float(magf) break _dmag = np.compress(np.array(dmag) < 9.99, np.array(dmag)) print '>>> Aperture correction (phot) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d ' % \ (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) if len(_dmag) > 3: _dmag = np.compress(np.abs(_dmag - np.median(_dmag)) < 2 * np.std(_dmag), _dmag) print '>>> 2 sigma rejection) %6.3f +/- %5.3f %3d [default]' \ % (np.mean(_dmag), np.std(_dmag), len(_dmag)) print '>>> fwhm %s ' % (str(fwhm)) for i in range(len(dmag)): if dmag[i] == 9.99: dmag[i] = '' else: dmag[i] = '%6.3f' % (dmag[i]) exptime = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') object = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'object').replace(' ', '') filtro = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') ####################################### rap, decp, magp2, magp3, magp4, smagf, merrp3, smagerrf = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] rap0, decp0 = [], [] for i in range(len(radec2)): aa = radec2[i].split() rap.append(aa[0]) decp.append(aa[1]) rap0.append(lsc.lscabsphotdef.deg2HMS(ra=aa[0])) decp0.append(lsc.lscabsphotdef.deg2HMS(dec=aa[1])) idp = aa[2] magp2.append(aa[3]) magp3.append(aa[4]) magp4.append(aa[5]) merrp3.append(aa[7]) _smagf, _smagerrf = 9999, 9999 for j in range(len(fitmag2)): raf, decf, idf, magf, magerrf = fitmag2[j].split() if idf == idp: _smagf = magf _smagerrf = magerrf break smagf.append(_smagf) smagerrf.append(_smagerrf) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(fits.ColDefs([fits.Column(name='ra', format='20A', array=np.array(rap)), fits.Column(name='dec', format='20A', array=np.array(decp)), fits.Column(name='ra0', format='E', array=np.array(rap0)), fits.Column(name='dec0', format='E', array=np.array(decp0)), fits.Column(name='magp2', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp2) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp2), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='magp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp3), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='merrp3', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(merrp3) != 'INDEF'), np.array(merrp3), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='magp4', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(magp4) != 'INDEF'), np.array(magp4), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='smagf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagf), 9999), float)), fits.Column(name='smagerrf', format='E', array=np.array(np.where((np.array(smagerrf) != 'INDEF'), np.array(smagerrf), 9999), float)), ])) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr) thdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu]) lsc.util.delete(img + '.sn2.fits') thdulist.writeto(img + '.sn2.fits') lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCO': [np.mean(_dmag), 'Aperture correction']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'APCOERR': [np.std(_dmag), 'Aperture correction error']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'XDIM': [lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis1'), 'x number of pixels']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'YDIM': [lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'naxis2'), 'y number of pixels']}) lsc.util.updateheader(img + '.sn2.fits', 0, {'PSF_FWHM': [fwhm * scale, 'FWHM (arcsec) - computed with daophot']}) os.chmod(img + '.sn2.fits', 0664) os.chmod(img + '.psf.fits', 0664) result = 1 except: result = 0 fwhm = 0.0 traceback.print_exc() return result, fwhm * scale
def display_image(img, frame, _z1, _z2, scale, _xcen=0.5, _ycen=0.5, _xsize=1, _ysize=1, _erase='yes'): goon = 'True' import glob, subprocess, os, time # removing u : this option does not work on mac ds9 = subprocess.Popen("ps -U {:d} | grep -v grep | grep ds9".format( os.getuid()), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() if len(ds9) == 0: subproc = subprocess.Popen('ds9', shell=True) time.sleep(3) if glob.glob(img): from pyraf import iraf iraf.images(_doprint=0) import string, os if _z2: try: sss=iraf.display(img + '[0]', frame, xcen=_xcen, ycen=_ycen, xsize=_xsize, ysize=_ysize, erase=_erase,\ fill='yes', zscale='no', zrange='no', z1=_z1, z2=_z2,Stdout=1) except: print '' print '### ERROR: PROBLEM OPENING DS9' print '' goon = 'False' else: try: sss = iraf.display(img + '[0]', frame, xcen=_xcen, ycen=_ycen, xsize=_xsize, ysize=_ysize, erase=_erase, fill='yes', Stdout=1) except: print '' print '### ERROR: PROBLEM OPENING DS9' print '' goon = False if scale and goon: answ0 = raw_input('>>> Cuts OK ? [y/n] ? [y] ') if not answ0: answ0 = 'y' elif answ0 == 'no' or answ0 == 'NO': answ0 = 'n' while answ0 == 'n': _z11 = float(string.split(string.split(sss[0])[0], '=')[1]) _z22 = float(string.split(string.split(sss[0])[1], '=')[1]) z11 = raw_input('>>> z1 = ? [' + str(_z11) + '] ? ') z22 = raw_input('>>> z2 = ? [' + str(_z22) + '] ? ') if not z11: z11 = _z11 else: z11 = float(z11) if not z22: z22 = _z22 else: z22 = float(z22) print z11, z22 sss=iraf.display(img + '[0]',frame,fill='yes', xcen=_xcen, ycen=_ycen, xsize=_xsize, ysize=_ysize, erase=_erase,\ zrange='no', zscale='no', z1=z11, z2=z22, Stdout=1) answ0 = raw_input('>>> Cuts OK ? [y/n] ? [y] ') if not answ0: answ0 = 'y' elif answ0 == 'no' or answ0 == 'NO': answ0 = 'n' if goon: _z1, _z2 = string.split(string.split(sss[0])[0], '=')[1], string.split( string.split(sss[0])[1], '=')[1] else: print 'Warning: image ' + str(img) + ' not found in the directory ' return _z1, _z2, goon
def marksn2(img, fitstab, frame=1, fitstab2='', verbose=False): from pyraf import iraf from numpy import array #,log10 import lsc iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.digiphot(_doprint=0) iraf.daophot(_doprint=0) iraf.images(_doprint=0) iraf.imcoords(_doprint=0) iraf.proto(_doprint=0) iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') hdr = lsc.util.readhdr(fitstab) _filter = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') column = lsc.lscabsphotdef.makecatalogue([fitstab])[_filter][fitstab] rasex = array(column['ra0'], float) decsex = array(column['dec0'], float) if fitstab2: hdr = lsc.util.readhdr(fitstab2) _filter = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'filter') _exptime = lsc.util.readkey3(hdr, 'exptime') column = lsc.lscabsphotdef.makecatalogue([fitstab2])[_filter][fitstab2] rasex2 = array(column['ra0'], float) decsex2 = array(column['dec0'], float) iraf.set(stdimage='imt1024') iraf.display(img + '[0]', frame, fill=True, Stdout=1) vector = [] for i in range(0, len(rasex)): vector.append(str(rasex[i]) + ' ' + str(decsex[i])) xy = iraf.wcsctran('STDIN',output="STDOUT",Stdin=vector,Stdout=1,image=img+'[0]',inwcs='world',units='degrees degrees',outwcs='logical',\ formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='yes')[3:] iraf.tvmark(frame, 'STDIN', Stdin=list(xy), mark="circle", number='yes', label='no', radii=10, nxoffse=5, nyoffse=5, color=207, txsize=2) if verbose: # print 2.5*log10(_exptime) for i in range(0, len(column['ra0'])): print xy[i], column['ra0'][i], column['dec0'][i], column['magp3'][ i], column['magp4'][i], column['smagf'][i], column['magp2'][i] if fitstab2: vector2 = [] for i in range(0, len(rasex2)): vector2.append(str(rasex2[i]) + ' ' + str(decsex2[i])) xy1 = iraf.wcsctran('STDIN',output="STDOUT",Stdin=vector2,Stdout=1,image=img+'[0]',inwcs='world',units='degrees degrees',outwcs='logical',\ formats='%10.1f %10.1f',verbose='yes')[3:] iraf.tvmark(frame, 'STDIN', Stdin=list(xy1), mark="cross", number='yes', label='no', radii=10, nxoffse=5, nyoffse=5, color=205, txsize=2)
iraf.imdelete('tmpdq@' + ic.lst_sci) for sci in iraf.type(ic.lst_sci, Stdout=1): sci = sci.strip() iraf.copy('eqxbrg' + sci + '.fits', 'tmp' + sci + '.fits') for j in np.arange(ic.nslit): iraf.proto.fixpix('tmp' + sci + '.fits[sci,{0:1d}]'.format(j + 1), 'mskbadcol_' + sci + '_{0:1d}.pl'.format(j + 1), linterp='1,2,3,4') iraf.copy('tmp' + sci + '.fits', 'xeqxbrg' + sci + '.fits') for j in np.arange(ic.nslit): iraf.imarith('mskbadcol_' + sci + '_{0:1d}.pl'.format(j + 1), '+', 'xeqxbrg' + sci + '.fits[dq,{0:1d}]'.format(j + 1), 'tmpdq' + sci + '.fits[dq,{0:1d}]'.format(j + 1)) iraf.imcopy('tmpdq' + sci + '.fits[dq,{0:1d}][*,*]'.format(j + 1), 'xeqxbrg' + sci + '.fits[dq,{0:1d}][*,*]'.format(j + 1)) iraf.proto.fixpix('tmp' + sci + '.fits[sci,{0:1d}]'.format(j + 1), 'mskbadcol_' + sci + '_{0:1d}.pl'.format(j + 1), linterp='1,2,3,4') for sci in iraf.type(ic.lst_sci, Stdout=1): for j in np.arange(ic.nslit): os.system('ds9 &') iraf.sleep(5.0) iraf.display(image='eqxbrg' + sci + '.fits[sci,{0:1d}]'.format(j + 1), frame=1) iraf.display(image='xeqxbrg' + sci + '.fits[sci,{0:1d}]'.format(j + 1), frame=2) # Printing the running time print('--- %s seconds ---' % (time.time() - start_time))
for i in range(0,len(slist)): if os.path.isfile(slist[i]) == True: print str(slist[i]) + " exists, skipping..." elif os.path.isfile(slist[i]) == False: command="scp -r [email protected]:/data/jmcc/diapl/"+str(slist[i]) + " ." os.system(command) yn=[] print "\nSelect images to keep or exclude!\n" # display the images for i in range(0,len(slist)): print "Image: " + str(slist[i]) + " [" + str(i+1) + "/" + str(len(slist)) + "]" iraf.display(image=slist[i],frame='1') q=raw_input("(e.g. y): ") yn.append(q) # enter y to keep a frame, anything else to reject it new_tpl_list=[] for i in range(0,len(yn)): if str(yn[i]) == 'y': new_tpl_list.append(slist[i]) # rename the template list print "Make new template.list?" tpl_yn=raw_input("(e.g. y): ") if str(tpl_yn) == 'y':
def runimedit(mfile,outfile1,nframe): continueWithProgram=1 continueWithObject=1 repeatflag=1 while (repeatflag > 0.1): iraf.display(mfile,frame=nframe, fill='yes') print mfile print 'Running imedit to mask out other sources in the field:' print 'Enter b to mask out a circular region' print 'Enter a to mark the corners of a rectangle' print 'Enter q when finished' try: os.remove(outfile1) except OSError: print 'everything is ok' print 'running imedit ',mfile, outfile1 iraf.imedit(mfile,outfile1) flag=str(raw_input('Are you happy with the editing? n=no x=quit y (or any other key) = yes ')) flag=str(flag) print 'this is what I think you typed ',flag if flag.find('n') > -1: flag2=str(raw_input('What is wrong? r=redo masking, o=nearby object, p=partial image, x=quit ')) if flag2.find('r') > -1: s='rm '+outfile1 os.system(s) repeatflag=1 print 'i think repeatflag = 1 ', repeatflag elif flag2.find('o') > -1: s='rm '+outfile1 os.system(s) s='mv '+mfile+' NearbyObjects/' os.system(s) continueWithObject=0 return continueWithProgram,continueWithObject elif flag2.find('p') > -1: s='rm '+outfile1 os.system(s) s='mv '+mfile+' PartialImages/' os.system(s) continueWithObject=0 return continueWithProgram,continueWithObject elif flag2.find('x') > -1: continueWithProgram=0 repeatflag=0 print 'i think repeatflag = 0', repeatflag return continueWithProgram,continueWithObject else: repeatflag=0 elif flag.find('x') > -1: print 'i think you want to exit' continueWithProgram=0 repeatflag=0 return continueWithProgram,continueWithObject else: repeatflag=0 return continueWithProgram,continueWithObject