Esempio n. 1
def save_linrate(ifgs_dict, params, tiles, out_type):
    Save linear rate outputs.
    :param ifgs_dict: xxxx
    :param params: xxxx
    :param tiles: xxxx
    :param out_type: xxxx
    :return xxxx
    """'Starting PyRate postprocessing {}'.format(out_type))
    gt, md, wkt = ifgs_dict['gt'], ifgs_dict['md'], ifgs_dict['wkt']
    epochlist = ifgs_dict['epochlist']
    ifgs = [v for v in ifgs_dict.values() if isinstance(v, PrereadIfg)]
    dest = os.path.join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], out_type + ".tif")
    md[ifc.EPOCH_DATE] = epochlist.dates
    if out_type == 'linrate':
        md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.LINRATE
    elif out_type == 'linerror':
        md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.LINERROR
        md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.LINSAMP

    rate = np.zeros(shape=ifgs[0].shape, dtype=np.float32)
    for t in tiles:
        rate_file = os.path.join(params[cf.TMPDIR],
                                 out_type + '_{}.npy'.format(t.index))
        rate_tile = np.load(file=rate_file)
             t.top_left_x:t.bottom_right_x] = rate_tile
    shared.write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, rate, dest, np.nan)
    npy_rate_file = os.path.join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], out_type + '.npy'), arr=rate)'Finished PyRate postprocessing {}'.format(out_type))
Esempio n. 2
def write_timeseries_geotiff(ifgs, params, tsincr, pr_type):
    # setup metadata for writing into result files
    gt, md, wkt = get_geotiff_header_info(ifgs[0].data_path)
    epochlist = algorithm.get_epochs(ifgs)[0]

    for i in range(tsincr.shape[2]):
        md[ifc.EPOCH_DATE] = epochlist.dates[i + 1]
        md['SEQUENCE_POSITION'] = i + 1  # sequence position

        data = tsincr[:, :, i]
        dest = join(params[cf.OUT_DIR],
                    pr_type + "_" + str(epochlist.dates[i + 1]) + ".tif")
        md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = pr_type
        write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, data, dest, np.nan)
Esempio n. 3
def write_linrate_tifs(ifgs, params, res):
    #'Writing linrate results')
    rate, error, samples = res
    gt, md, wkt = get_geotiff_header_info(ifgs[0].data_path)
    epochlist = algorithm.get_epochs(ifgs)[0]
    dest = join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], "linrate.tif")
    md[ifc.EPOCH_DATE] = epochlist.dates
    md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.LINRATE
    write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, rate, dest, np.nan)
    dest = join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], "linerror.tif")
    md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.LINERROR
    write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, error, dest, np.nan)
    dest = join(params[cf.OUT_DIR], "linsamples.tif")
    md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.LINSAMP
    write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, samples, dest, np.nan)
    write_linrate_numpy_files(error, rate, samples, params)
Esempio n. 4
def postprocess_timeseries(rows, cols, params):
    Postprocess time series output.
    :param rows: xxxx
    :param cols: xxxx
    :param params: xxxx
    :return xxxx    
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    xlks, _, crop = cf.transform_params(params)
    base_unw_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST])
    dest_tifs = cf.get_dest_paths(base_unw_paths, crop, params, xlks)
    output_dir = params[cf.TMPDIR]

    # load previously saved prepread_ifgs dict
    preread_ifgs_file = join(output_dir, '')
    ifgs = cp.load(open(preread_ifgs_file, 'rb'))

    # metadata and projections
    gt, md, wkt = ifgs['gt'], ifgs['md'], ifgs['wkt']
    epochlist = ifgs['epochlist']
    ifgs = [v for v in ifgs.values() if isinstance(v, PrereadIfg)]

    tiles = run_pyrate.get_tiles(dest_tifs[0], rows, cols)

    # load the first tsincr file to determine the number of time series tifs
    tsincr_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'tsincr_0.npy')
    tsincr = np.load(file=tsincr_file)

    # pylint: disable=no-member
    no_ts_tifs = tsincr.shape[2]
    # we create 2 x no_ts_tifs as we are splitting tsincr and tscuml
    # to all processes.
    process_tifs = mpiops.array_split(range(2 * no_ts_tifs))

    # depending on nvelpar, this will not fit in memory
    # e.g. nvelpar=100, nrows=10000, ncols=10000, 32bit floats need 40GB memory
    # 32 * 100 * 10000 * 10000 / 8 bytes = 4e10 bytes = 40 GB
    # the double for loop helps us overcome the memory limit'process {} will write {} ts (incr/cuml) tifs of '
             'total {}'.format(mpiops.rank, len(process_tifs), no_ts_tifs * 2))
    for i in process_tifs:
        tscum_g = np.empty(shape=ifgs[0].shape, dtype=np.float32)
        if i < no_ts_tifs:
            for n, t in enumerate(tiles):
                tscum_file = os.path.join(output_dir,
                tscum = np.load(file=tscum_file)

                md[ifc.EPOCH_DATE] = epochlist.dates[i + 1]
                # sequence position; first time slice is #0
                md['SEQUENCE_POSITION'] = i + 1
                        t.top_left_x:t.bottom_right_x] = tscum[:, :, i]
                dest = os.path.join(
                    'tscuml' + "_" + str(epochlist.dates[i + 1]) + ".tif")
                md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.CUML
                shared.write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, tscum_g, dest, np.nan)
            tsincr_g = np.empty(shape=ifgs[0].shape, dtype=np.float32)
            i %= no_ts_tifs
            for n, t in enumerate(tiles):
                tsincr_file = os.path.join(output_dir,
                tsincr = np.load(file=tsincr_file)

                md[ifc.EPOCH_DATE] = epochlist.dates[i + 1]
                # sequence position; first time slice is #0
                md['SEQUENCE_POSITION'] = i + 1
                         t.top_left_x:t.bottom_right_x] = tsincr[:, :, i]
                dest = os.path.join(
                    'tsincr' + "_" + str(epochlist.dates[i + 1]) + ".tif")
                md[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.INCR
                shared.write_output_geotiff(md, gt, wkt, tsincr_g, dest,
                                            np.nan)'process {} finished writing {} ts (incr/cuml) tifs of '
             'total {}'.format(mpiops.rank, len(process_tifs), no_ts_tifs * 2))