Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self,
        if not isinstance(proj_dict, dict):
            raise TypeError('Wrong type for proj_dict: %s. Expected dict.' %

        super(AreaDefinition, self).__init__(lons, lats, nprocs)
        self.area_id = area_id = name
        self.proj_id = proj_id
        self.x_size = int(x_size)
        self.y_size = int(y_size)
        self.shape = (y_size, x_size)
        if lons is not None:
            if lons.shape != self.shape:
                raise ValueError('Shape of lon lat grid must match '
                                 'area definition')
        self.size = y_size * x_size
        self.ndim = 2
        self.pixel_size_x = (area_extent[2] - area_extent[0]) / float(x_size)
        self.pixel_size_y = (area_extent[3] - area_extent[1]) / float(y_size)
        self.proj_dict = proj_dict
        self.area_extent = tuple(area_extent)

        # Calculate area_extent in lon lat
        proj = _spatial_mp.Proj(**proj_dict)
        corner_lons, corner_lats = proj((area_extent[0], area_extent[2]),
                                        (area_extent[1], area_extent[3]),
        self.area_extent_ll = (corner_lons[0], corner_lats[0], corner_lons[1],

        # Calculate projection coordinates of center of upper left pixel
        self.pixel_upper_left = \
            (float(area_extent[0]) +
             float(self.pixel_size_x) / 2,
             float(area_extent[3]) -
             float(self.pixel_size_y) / 2)

        # Pixel_offset defines the distance to projection center from origen (UL)
        # of image in units of pixels.
        self.pixel_offset_x = -self.area_extent[0] / self.pixel_size_x
        self.pixel_offset_y = self.area_extent[3] / self.pixel_size_y

        self._projection_x_coords = None
        self._projection_y_coords = None

        self.dtype = dtype
Esempio n. 2
    def get_xy_from_lonlat(self, lon, lat):
        """Retrieve closest x and y coordinates (column, row indices) for the
        specified geolocation (lon,lat) if inside area. If lon,lat is a point a
        ValueError is raised if the return point is outside the area domain. If
        lon,lat is a tuple of sequences of longitudes and latitudes, a tuple of
        masked arrays are returned.


        lon : point or sequence (list or array) of longitudes
        lat : point or sequence (list or array) of latitudes


        (x, y) : tuple of integer points/arrays

        if isinstance(lon, list):
            lon = np.array(lon)
        if isinstance(lat, list):
            lat = np.array(lat)

        if ((isinstance(lon, np.ndarray) and
             not isinstance(lat, np.ndarray)) or
            (not isinstance(lon, np.ndarray) and
             isinstance(lat, np.ndarray))):
            raise ValueError("Both lon and lat needs to be of " +
                             "the same type and have the same dimensions!")

        if isinstance(lon, np.ndarray) and isinstance(lat, np.ndarray):
            if lon.shape != lat.shape:
                raise ValueError("lon and lat is not of the same shape!")

        pobj = _spatial_mp.Proj(self.proj4_string)
        upl_x = self.area_extent[0]
        upl_y = self.area_extent[3]
        xscale = abs(self.area_extent[2] -
                     self.area_extent[0]) / float(self.x_size)
        yscale = abs(self.area_extent[1] -
                     self.area_extent[3]) / float(self.y_size)

        xm_, ym_ = pobj(lon, lat)
        x__ = (xm_ - upl_x) / xscale
        y__ = (upl_y - ym_) / yscale

        if isinstance(x__, np.ndarray) and isinstance(y__, np.ndarray):
            mask = (((x__ < 0) | (x__ > self.x_size)) |
                    ((y__ < 0) | (y__ > self.y_size)))
            return ('int'), mask=mask,
          'int'), mask=mask,
            if ((x__ < 0 or x__ > self.x_size) or
                    (y__ < 0 or y__ > self.y_size)):
                raise ValueError('Point outside area:( %f %f)' % (x__, y__))
            return int(x__), int(y__)
Esempio n. 3
 def colrow2lonlat(self, cols, rows):
     Return longitudes and latitudes for the given image columns
     and rows. Both scalars and arrays are supported.
     To be used with scarse data points instead of slices
     (see get_lonlats).
     p = _spatial_mp.Proj(self.proj4_string)
     x = self.proj_x_coords
     y = self.proj_y_coords
     return p(y[y.size - cols], x[x.size - rows], inverse=True)
Esempio n. 4
    def outer_boundary_corners(self):
        """Returns the lon,lat of the outer edges of the corner points
        from pyresample.spherical_geometry import Coordinate
        proj = _spatial_mp.Proj(**self.proj_dict)

        corner_lons, corner_lats = proj((self.area_extent[0], self.area_extent[2],
                                         self.area_extent[2], self.area_extent[0]),
                                        (self.area_extent[3], self.area_extent[3],
                                         self.area_extent[1], self.area_extent[1]),
        return [Coordinate(corner_lons[0], corner_lats[0]),
                Coordinate(corner_lons[1], corner_lats[1]),
                Coordinate(corner_lons[2], corner_lats[2]),
                Coordinate(corner_lons[3], corner_lats[3])]
Esempio n. 5
def get_linesample(lons, lats, source_area_def, nprocs=1):
    """Returns index row and col arrays for resampling

    lons : numpy array
        Lons. Dimensions must match lats
    lats : numpy array   
        Lats. Dimensions must match lons
    source_area_def : object 
        Source definition as AreaDefinition object
    nprocs : int, optional 
        Number of processor cores to be used

    (row_indices, col_indices) : tuple of numpy arrays
        Arrays for resampling area by array indexing

    # Proj.4 definition of source area projection
    if nprocs > 1:
        source_proj = _spatial_mp.Proj_MP(**source_area_def.proj_dict)
        source_proj = _spatial_mp.Proj(**source_area_def.proj_dict)

    # get cartesian projection values from longitude and latitude
    source_x, source_y = source_proj(lons, lats, nprocs=nprocs)

    # Find corresponding pixels (element by element conversion of ndarrays)
    source_pixel_x = (source_area_def.pixel_offset_x +
                      source_x / source_area_def.pixel_size_x).astype(np.int32)

    source_pixel_y = (source_area_def.pixel_offset_y -
                      source_y / source_area_def.pixel_size_y).astype(np.int32)

    return source_pixel_y, source_pixel_x
Esempio n. 6
    def get_xy_from_lonlat(self, lon, lat):
        """Retrieve closest x and y coordinates (column, row indices) for the
        specified geolocation (lon,lat) if inside area. If lon,lat is a point a
        ValueError is raised if the return point is outside the area domain. If
        lon,lat is a tuple of sequences of longitudes and latitudes, a tuple of
        masked arrays are returned.


        lon : point or sequence (list or array) of longitudes
        lat : point or sequence (list or array) of latitudes


        (x, y) : tuple of integer points/arrays

        if isinstance(lon, list):
            lon = np.array(lon)
        if isinstance(lat, list):
            lat = np.array(lat)

        if ((isinstance(lon, np.ndarray) and not isinstance(lat, np.ndarray))
            (not isinstance(lon, np.ndarray) and isinstance(lat, np.ndarray))):
            raise ValueError("Both lon and lat needs to be of " +
                             "the same type and have the same dimensions!")

        if isinstance(lon, np.ndarray) and isinstance(lat, np.ndarray):
            if lon.shape != lat.shape:
                raise ValueError("lon and lat is not of the same shape!")

        pobj = _spatial_mp.Proj(self.proj4_string)
        xm_, ym_ = pobj(lon, lat)

        return self.get_xy_from_proj_coords(xm_, ym_)
Esempio n. 7
    def get_lonlats(self, nprocs=None, data_slice=None, cache=False, dtype=None):
        """Returns lon and lat arrays of area.

        nprocs : int, optional
            Number of processor cores to be used.
            Defaults to the nprocs set when instantiating object
        data_slice : slice object, optional
            Calculate only coordinates for specified slice
        cache : bool, optional
            Store result the result. Requires data_slice to be None

        (lons, lats) : tuple of numpy arrays
            Grids of area lons and and lats

        if dtype is None:
            dtype = self.dtype

        if self.lons is None or self.lats is None:
            #Data is not cached
            if nprocs is None:
                nprocs = self.nprocs

            # Proj.4 definition of target area projection
            if nprocs > 1:
                target_proj = _spatial_mp.Proj_MP(**self.proj_dict)
                target_proj = _spatial_mp.Proj(**self.proj_dict)

            # Get coordinates of local area as ndarrays
            target_x, target_y = self.get_proj_coords(
                data_slice=data_slice, dtype=dtype)

            # Get corresponding longitude and latitude values
            lons, lats = target_proj(target_x, target_y, inverse=True,
            lons = np.asanyarray(lons, dtype=dtype)
            lats = np.asanyarray(lats, dtype=dtype)

            if cache and data_slice is None:
                # Cache the result if requested
                self.lons = lons
                self.lats = lats

            # Free memory
            #Data is cached
            if data_slice is None:
                # Full slice
                lons = self.lons
                lats = self.lats
                lons = self.lons[data_slice]
                lats = self.lats[data_slice]

        return lons, lats