def acquire_single_power_spectrum(self):
        STAIRS_MODE = False
        self._capture_count += 1

        if STAIRS_MODE:
            STAIR_WIDTH = 50
            stair_start = self._capture_count % self._numpts
            stair_start = np.floor(stair_start / STAIR_WIDTH) * STAIR_WIDTH
            stair_stop = stair_start + STAIR_WIDTH
            ps_dBm = np.zeros(self._numpts) - 80
            ps_dBm[stair_start:stair_stop] = -20
            timestamp_s = self._capture_count
            drv = self._driver
            vrt_data, context = read_data_and_context(drv, self._numpts)

            assert isinstance(vrt_data, pyrf.vrt.DataPacket)
            ps_dBm = compute_fft(drv, vrt_data, context, convert_to_dbm=True)

            #Accumulate history...
            timestamp_s = calc_vrt_sample_time_s(vrt_data)
        self.capture_history.add_row(ps_dBm, timestamp_s=timestamp_s)

        self._last_power_spectrum_dBm = ps_dBm
        return ps_dBm
Esempio n. 2
 def acquire_single_power_spectrum(self):
     STAIRS_MODE = False
     self._capture_count += 1
     if STAIRS_MODE:
         STAIR_WIDTH = 50
         stair_start = self._capture_count % self._numpts
         stair_start = np.floor(stair_start / STAIR_WIDTH) * STAIR_WIDTH
         stair_stop = stair_start + STAIR_WIDTH
         ps_dBm = np.zeros(self._numpts) - 80
         ps_dBm[stair_start:stair_stop] = -20
         timestamp_s = self._capture_count
         drv = self._driver
         vrt_data, context = read_data_and_context(drv, self._numpts)
         assert isinstance(vrt_data, pyrf.vrt.DataPacket)
         ps_dBm = compute_fft(drv, vrt_data, context, convert_to_dbm=True)
         #Accumulate history...
         timestamp_s = calc_vrt_sample_time_s(vrt_data)
     self.capture_history.add_row(ps_dBm, timestamp_s = timestamp_s)
     self._last_power_spectrum_dBm = ps_dBm
     return ps_dBm
Esempio n. 3
def update():
    # update the plot to show new data
    global p3, z, colors
    # read data
    data, context = read_data_and_context(dut, powerSize)
    # ignore the reference level so plot doesn't change positions
    context['reflevel'] = STATIC_REFLEVEL
    # compute the fft of the complex data
    powData = compute_fft(dut, data, context)
    # compress the FFT into a 128 array
    zData = represent_fft_to_plot(powData)

    # move the data stream as well as colours back to show new data
    for i in range (ySize):
        if i == 0:
            colors[:,ySize - i,:] = colors[:, ySize - i - 1,:]
            z[:,ySize - i] = z[:, ySize - i - 1]
        z[:,0] = zData[:,0]

    # grab new color
    colors[:,0,:] = create_color_heatmap(powData)
    colors[:,1,:] = create_color_heatmap(powData)
    # update the plot
    p3.setData(z = z, colors = colors.reshape(xSize*ySize,4))
Esempio n. 4
 def update_screen(self):
     data, context = read_data_and_context(
         compute_fft(self.dut, data, context),
Esempio n. 5
 def initDUT(self):
     self.center_freq = self.dut.freq()
     self.decimation_factor = self.dut.decimation()
     data, context = read_data_and_context(self.dut)
         compute_fft(self.dut, data, context),
Esempio n. 6
 def read_data(self, spp):
     Check if we have permission to read data.
     :param spp: the number of samples in a packet
     :returns: data class, context dictionary, and fft array
     data, context = read_data_and_context(self, spp)
     pow_data = compute_fft(self, data, context)
     return data, context, pow_data
def update():

    global dut, curve, fft_plot, freq_range, max_location

    # read data
    data, context = read_data_and_context(dut, SAMPLE_SIZE)
    center_freq = context['rffreq']
    bandwidth = context['bandwidth']
    # compute the fft and plot the data
    pow_data = compute_fft(dut, data, context)
    if self.marker_freq == None:
        self.marker_freq = self.center_freq
    # update axes limits
    plot_xmin = (center_freq) - (bandwidth / 2)
    plot_xmax = (center_freq) + (bandwidth / 2)

    # update the frequency range (Hz)
    freq_range = np.linspace(plot_xmin , plot_xmax, SAMPLE_SIZE)
    # initialize the x-axis of the plot
    fft_plot.setLabel('bottom', text= 'Frequency', units = 'Hz', unitPrefix=None)

    # grab new cursor region
    cursor_region = region_selection_lines.getRegion()
    index_region = np.zeros(2)
    index_region[0] =  int((cursor_region[0] - plot_xmin) * SAMPLE_SIZE/bandwidth)
    if index_region[0] < 0:
        index_region[0] = 0
    index_region[1] =  int((cursor_region[1] - plot_xmin) * SAMPLE_SIZE/bandwidth)
    if index_region[1] > SAMPLE_SIZE:
        index_region[1] = SAMPLE_SIZE

    max_index = find_max_index(pow_data[np.amin(index_region):np.amax(index_region)])
    if max_index < np.amin(index_region):
        max_index = max_index + np.amin(index_region)

    max_freq = freq_range[max_index]
    max_pow = pow_data[max_index]
    label.setText("<span style='color: green'>Max Frequency Location=%0.1f MHz,  Power=%0.1f dBm</span>" % (max_freq/1e6, max_pow))
    # TODO: use better method than bellow
    # hold maximum positions
    pos = np.random.normal(size=(2,1), scale=1e-9)
    max_location.setData(x =pos[0] + max_freq , y =  pos[0] + max_pow, size = 20, symbol = 't')
    curve.setData(freq_range,pow_data, pen = 'g')
Esempio n. 8
 def read_data(self, spp):
     Check if we have permission to read data.
     :param spp: the number of samples in a packet
     :returns: data class, context dictionary, and fft array
     data, context = read_data_and_context(self, spp)
     pow_data = compute_fft(self, data, context)
     return data, context, pow_data
Esempio n. 9
    def read_data(self, spp):
        Read and return a data packet, as well as computed power spectral density data, of *spp* (samples per packet) size, the associated context info and the computed power spetral data.
        If a block of data is requested (such as *ppb* is more than 1), loop through this function to retreive all data.
        See also data other capture functions: :meth:`pyrf.util.capture_spectrum`, :meth:`pyrf.capture_device.capture_time_domain`

        :param int spp: the number of samples in a VRT packet (256 to 65504) in a multiple of 32
        :returns: data, context dictionary, and power spectral data array
        data, context = read_data_and_context(self, spp)
        pow_data = compute_fft(self, data, context)
        return data, context, pow_data
Esempio n. 10
File: Progetto: pyrf/pyrf
    def read_data(self, spp):
        Read and return a data packet, as well as computed power spectral density data, of *spp* (samples per packet) size, the associated context info and the computed power spetral data.
        If a block of data is requested (such as *ppb* is more than 1), loop through this function to retreive all data.
        See also data other capture functions: :meth:`pyrf.util.capture_spectrum`, :meth:`pyrf.capture_device.capture_time_domain`

        :param int spp: the number of samples in a VRT packet (256 to 65504) in a multiple of 32
        :returns: data, context dictionary, and power spectral data array
        data, context = read_data_and_context(self, spp)
        pow_data = compute_fft(self, data, context)
        return data, context, pow_data
Esempio n. 11
def update():
    global dut, i_curve, q_curve
    # read data
    data, context = read_data_and_context(dut, SAMPLE_SIZE)
    iq_data =
    # extract i and q data and normalize
    i_data = (np.array(iq_data[:,0], dtype=float)) / 8192
    q_data = (np.array(iq_data[:,1], dtype=float)) / 8192
    # update curves
    i_curve.setData(freq_range, i_data, pen = 'g')
    q_curve.setData(freq_range, q_data, pen = 'r')
Esempio n. 12
def update():
    global dut, fft_curve, max_curve, freq_range
    # read data
    data, context = read_data_and_context(dut, SAMPLE_SIZE)
    # compute the fft and plot the data
    pow_data = compute_fft(dut, data, context)
    for i in range(len(pow_data)):
        if pow_data[i] > max_hold[i]:
            max_hold[i] = pow_data[i]
    fft_curve.setData(freq_range,pow_data,pen = 'g')
    max_curve.setData(freq_range,max_hold,pen = 'y')
Esempio n. 13
def update():
    global dut, curve, fft_plot, plot_xmin, plot_xmax

    # read data
    data, context = read_data_and_context(dut, SAMPLE_SIZE)
    # compute the fft and plot the data
    pow_data = compute_fft(dut, data, context)

    # update the frequency range (Hz)
    freq_range = np.linspace(plot_xmin, plot_xmax, len(pow_data))

    # initialize the x-axis of the plot
    fft_plot.setXRange(plot_xmin, plot_xmax)
    fft_plot.setLabel('bottom', text='Frequency', units='Hz', unitPrefix=None)
    curve.setData(freq_range, pow_data, pen='g')
Esempio n. 14
def update():
    global dut, curve, fft_plot, plot_xmin, plot_xmax
    # read data
    data, context = read_data_and_context(dut, SAMPLE_SIZE)
    # compute the fft and plot the data
    pow_data = compute_fft(dut, data, context)

    # update the frequency range (Hz)
    freq_range = np.linspace(plot_xmin , plot_xmax, len(pow_data))
    # initialize the x-axis of the plot
    fft_plot.setLabel('bottom', text= 'Frequency', units = 'Hz', unitPrefix=None)
    curve.setData(freq_range,pow_data, pen = 'g')
def update():
    global dut, curve, fft_plot, freq_range, center_freq, bandwidth, cont_pow_data, fade_curve
    # read data
    data, context = read_data_and_context(dut, SAMPLE_SIZE)
    center_freq = context['rffreq']
    bandwidth = context['bandwidth']
    # update axes limits
    plot_xmin = (center_freq) - (bandwidth / 2)
    plot_xmax = (center_freq) + (bandwidth / 2)
    # update the frequency range (Hz)
    freq_range = np.linspace(plot_xmin , plot_xmax, SAMPLE_SIZE)
    # initialize the x-axis of the plot
    fft_plot.setLabel('bottom', text= 'Frequency', units = 'Hz', unitPrefix=None)
    # compute the fft and plot the data
    powData = compute_fft(dut, data, context)

    for i in range(number_of_fade_curves):

        #fade_curve[i].setData(freq_range,cont_pow_data[i,:],pen = (255,0,255,i * (255 / number_of_fade_curves)) )
        if i ==  number_of_fade_curves - 1:
            cont_pow_data[i,:] = powData
            cont_pow_data[i,:] = cont_pow_data[i + 1,:]
    variance = np.zeros(number_of_curves)
    for i in range(number_of_curves):
        variance[i] = np.std(cont_pow_data[:,i])
        if variance[i] < 10:
            color = 'r'
            color = 'b'
        x = np.array(freq_range[i * 8:(i * 8) + 7])
        y = np.array(powData[i * 8:(i * 8) + 7])
        if i == 57:
            color = 'g'
        curve[i].setData(x,y,pen = color)
Esempio n. 16
def update():
    global dut, curve, fft_plot, freq_range, max_location

    # read data
    data, context = read_data_and_context(dut, SAMPLE_SIZE)
    # retrieve freq and bandwidth to update axis
    center_freq = context['rffreq']
    bandwidth = context['bandwidth']
    # update axes limits
    plot_xmin = (center_freq) - (bandwidth / 2)
    plot_xmax = (center_freq) + (bandwidth / 2)

    # update the frequency range (Hz)
    freq_range = np.linspace(plot_xmin , plot_xmax, SAMPLE_SIZE)
    # update the x-axis of the plot
    fft_plot.setLabel('bottom', text= 'Frequency', units = 'Hz', unitPrefix=None)
    # compute the fft and plot the data
    pow_data = compute_fft(dut, data, context)
    # determine the index of the maximum point
    max_index = np.argmax(pow_data)
    # retrieve maximum power and freq of max power
    max_freq = freq_range[max_index]
    max_pow = pow_data[max_index]
    # update label
    label.setText("<span style='color: green'>Max Frequency Location=%0.1f MHz,  Power=%0.1f dBm</span>" % (max_freq/1e6, max_pow))

    # TODO: Find a better way then using an array with small random values
    # create array of small numbers
    pos = np.random.normal(size=(2,1), scale=1e-9)
    # update scatter plot
    max_location.setData(x =pos[0] + max_freq , y =  pos[0] + max_pow, size = 20, symbol = 't')
    # update fft curve
    curve.setData(freq_range,pow_data, pen = 'g')
Esempio n. 17
def update():
    global dut, curve, fft_plot, freq_range, center_freq, bandwidth
    # read data
    data, context = read_data_and_context(dut, SAMPLE_SIZE)
    center_freq = context['rffreq']
    bandwidth = context['bandwidth']
    # update axes limits
    plot_xmin = (center_freq) - (bandwidth / 2)
    plot_xmax = (center_freq) + (bandwidth / 2)
    # update the frequency range (Hz)
    freq_range = np.linspace(plot_xmin , plot_xmax, SAMPLE_SIZE)
    # initialize the x-axis of the plot
    fft_plot.setLabel('bottom', text= 'Frequency', units = 'Hz', unitPrefix=None)
    # compute the fft and plot the data
    powData = compute_fft(dut, data, context)
    curve.setData(freq_range,powData, pen = 'g')
Esempio n. 18
trigger = TriggerSettings(

# capture 1 packet
data, context = read_data_and_context(dut, 1024)

# compute the fft of the complex data
powdata = compute_fft(dut, data, context)

# setup my graph
fig = figure(1)
axis([0, 1024, -120, 20])

xlabel("Sample Index")

# plot something
plot(powdata, color='blue')

# show graph
Esempio n. 19
# setup test conditions
trigger = TriggerSettings(trigtype="LEVEL",

# capture 1 packet
data, context = read_data_and_context(dut, 1024)

# compute the fft of the complex data
powdata = compute_fft(dut, data, context)

# setup my graph
fig = figure(1)
axis([0, 1024, -120, 20])

xlabel("Sample Index")

# plot something
plot(powdata, color='blue')

# show graph