def __init__(self, concentration): if < 1: raise NotImplementedError('concentration < 1 is not supported') self.concentration = concentration self._standard_gamma = Gamma(concentration, concentration.new_tensor([1.]).squeeze().expand_as(concentration)) # The following are Marsaglia & Tsang's variable names. self._d = self.concentration - 1.0 / 3.0 self._c = 1.0 / torch.sqrt(9.0 * self._d) # Compute log scale using Gamma.log_prob(). x = self._d.detach() # just an arbitrary x. log_scale = self.propose_log_prob(x) + self.log_prob_accept(x) - self.log_prob(x) super(RejectionStandardGamma, self).__init__(self.propose, self.log_prob_accept, log_scale)
class NaiveDirichlet(Dirichlet): """ Implementation of ``Dirichlet`` via ``Gamma``. This naive implementation has stochastic reparameterized gradients, which have higher variance than PyTorch's ``Dirichlet`` implementation. """ def __init__(self, concentration): super(NaiveDirichlet, self).__init__(concentration) self._gamma = Gamma(concentration, torch.ones_like(concentration)) def rsample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): gammas = self._gamma.rsample(sample_shape) return gammas / gammas.sum(-1, True)
class NaiveBeta(Beta): """ Implementation of ``Beta`` via ``Gamma``. This naive implementation has stochastic reparameterized gradients, which have higher variance than PyTorch's ``Beta`` implementation. """ def __init__(self, concentration1, concentration0): super(NaiveBeta, self).__init__(concentration1, concentration0) alpha_beta = torch.stack([concentration1, concentration0], -1) self._gamma = Gamma(alpha_beta, torch.ones_like(alpha_beta)) def rsample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): gammas = self._gamma.rsample(sample_shape) probs = gammas / gammas.sum(-1, True) return probs[..., 0]
class RejectionStandardGamma(Rejector): """ Naive Marsaglia & Tsang rejection sampler for standard Gamma distibution. This assumes `concentration >= 1` and does not boost `concentration` or augment shape. """ def __init__(self, concentration): if < 1: raise NotImplementedError('concentration < 1 is not supported') self.concentration = concentration self._standard_gamma = Gamma(concentration, concentration.new_tensor([1.]).squeeze().expand_as(concentration)) # The following are Marsaglia & Tsang's variable names. self._d = self.concentration - 1.0 / 3.0 self._c = 1.0 / torch.sqrt(9.0 * self._d) # Compute log scale using Gamma.log_prob(). x = self._d.detach() # just an arbitrary x. log_scale = self.propose_log_prob(x) + self.log_prob_accept(x) - self.log_prob(x) super(RejectionStandardGamma, self).__init__(self.propose, self.log_prob_accept, log_scale) def propose(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): # Marsaglia & Tsang's x == Naesseth's epsilon x = self.concentration.new_empty(sample_shape + self.concentration.shape).normal_() y = 1.0 + self._c * x v = y * y * y return (self._d * v).clamp_(1e-30, 1e30) def propose_log_prob(self, value): v = value / self._d result = -self._d.log() y = v.pow(1 / 3) result -= torch.log(3 * y ** 2) x = (y - 1) / self._c result -= self._c.log() result += Normal(torch.zeros_like(self.concentration), torch.ones_like(self.concentration)).log_prob(x) return result def log_prob_accept(self, value): v = value / self._d y = torch.pow(v, 1.0 / 3.0) x = (y - 1.0) / self._c log_prob_accept = 0.5 * x * x + self._d * (1.0 - v + torch.log(v)) log_prob_accept[y <= 0] = -float('inf') return log_prob_accept def log_prob(self, x): return self._standard_gamma.log_prob(x)
class RejectionStandardGamma(Rejector): """ Naive Marsaglia & Tsang rejection sampler for standard Gamma distibution. This assumes `concentration >= 1` and does not boost `concentration` or augment shape. """ def __init__(self, concentration): if < 1: raise NotImplementedError('concentration < 1 is not supported') self.concentration = concentration self._standard_gamma = Gamma( concentration,[1.]).squeeze().expand_as(concentration)) # The following are Marsaglia & Tsang's variable names. self._d = self.concentration - 1.0 / 3.0 self._c = 1.0 / torch.sqrt(9.0 * self._d) # Compute log scale using Gamma.log_prob(). x = self._d.detach() # just an arbitrary x. log_scale = self.propose_log_prob(x) + self.log_prob_accept( x) - self.log_prob(x) super().__init__(self.propose, self.log_prob_accept, log_scale, batch_shape=concentration.shape, event_shape=()) def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(RejectionStandardGamma, _instance) batch_shape = torch.Size(batch_shape) new.concentration = self.concentration.expand(batch_shape) new._standard_gamma = self._standard_gamma.expand(batch_shape) new._d = self._d.expand(batch_shape) new._c = self._c.expand(batch_shape) # Compute log scale using Gamma.log_prob(). x = new._d.detach() # just an arbitrary x. log_scale = new.propose_log_prob(x) + new.log_prob_accept( x) - new.log_prob(x) super(RejectionStandardGamma, new).__init__(new.propose, new.log_prob_accept, log_scale, batch_shape=batch_shape, event_shape=()) new._validate_args = self._validate_args return new @weakmethod def propose(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): # Marsaglia & Tsang's x == Naesseth's epsilon` x = torch.randn(sample_shape + self.concentration.shape, dtype=self.concentration.dtype, device=self.concentration.device) y = 1.0 + self._c * x v = y * y * y return (self._d * v).clamp_(1e-30, 1e30) def propose_log_prob(self, value): v = value / self._d result = -self._d.log() y = v.pow(1 / 3) result -= torch.log(3 * y**2) x = (y - 1) / self._c result -= self._c.log() result += Normal(torch.zeros_like(self.concentration), torch.ones_like(self.concentration)).log_prob(x) return result @weakmethod def log_prob_accept(self, value): v = value / self._d y = torch.pow(v, 1.0 / 3.0) x = (y - 1.0) / self._c log_prob_accept = 0.5 * x * x + self._d * (1.0 - v + torch.log(v)) log_prob_accept[y <= 0] = -float('inf') return log_prob_accept def log_prob(self, x): return self._standard_gamma.log_prob(x)
def __init__(self, concentration, rate, validate_args=None): concentration, rate = broadcast_all(concentration, rate) self._gamma = Gamma(concentration, rate) super(GammaPoisson, self).__init__(self._gamma._batch_shape, validate_args=validate_args)
class GammaPoisson(TorchDistribution): r""" Compound distribution comprising of a gamma-poisson pair, also referred to as a gamma-poisson mixture. The ``rate`` parameter for the :class:`~pyro.distributions.Poisson` distribution is unknown and randomly drawn from a :class:`~pyro.distributions.Gamma` distribution. .. note:: This can be treated as an alternate parametrization of the :class:`~pyro.distributions.NegativeBinomial` (``total_count``, ``probs``) distribution, with `concentration = total_count` and `rate = (1 - probs) / probs`. :param float or torch.Tensor concentration: shape parameter (alpha) of the Gamma distribution. :param float or torch.Tensor rate: rate parameter (beta) for the Gamma distribution. """ arg_constraints = { 'concentration': constraints.positive, 'rate': constraints.positive } support = def __init__(self, concentration, rate, validate_args=None): concentration, rate = broadcast_all(concentration, rate) self._gamma = Gamma(concentration, rate) super(GammaPoisson, self).__init__(self._gamma._batch_shape, validate_args=validate_args) @property def concentration(self): return self._gamma.concentration @property def rate(self): return self._gamma.rate def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(GammaPoisson, _instance) batch_shape = torch.Size(batch_shape) new._gamma = self._gamma.expand(batch_shape) super(GammaPoisson, new).__init__(batch_shape, validate_args=False) new._validate_args = self._validate_args return new def sample(self, sample_shape=()): rate = self._gamma.sample(sample_shape) return Poisson(rate).sample() def log_prob(self, value): if self._validate_args: self._validate_sample(value) post_value = self.concentration + value return -_log_beta(self.concentration, value + 1) - post_value.log() + \ self.concentration * self.rate.log() - post_value * (1 + self.rate).log() @property def mean(self): return self.concentration / self.rate @property def variance(self): return self.concentration / self.rate.pow(2) * (1 + self.rate)
def __init__(self, concentration1, concentration0, validate_args=None): super(NaiveBeta, self).__init__(concentration1, concentration0, validate_args=validate_args) alpha_beta = torch.stack([concentration1, concentration0], -1) self._gamma = Gamma(alpha_beta, torch.ones_like(alpha_beta))
def __init__(self, concentration, validate_args=None): super(NaiveDirichlet, self).__init__(concentration) self._gamma = Gamma(concentration, torch.ones_like(concentration), validate_args=validate_args)
def __init__(self, concentration, rate, validate_args=None): base_dist = Gamma(concentration, rate) super(InverseGamma, self).__init__(base_dist, PowerTransform(-1.0), validate_args=validate_args)
def __init__(self, concentration, rate, validate_args=None): base_dist = Gamma(concentration, rate) super().__init__(base_dist, PowerTransform(-base_dist.rate.new_ones(())), validate_args=validate_args)
def __init__(self, concentration1, concentration0): super(NaiveBeta, self).__init__(concentration1, concentration0) alpha_beta = torch.stack([concentration1, concentration0], -1) self._gamma = Gamma(alpha_beta, torch.ones_like(alpha_beta))
def __init__(self, concentration): super(NaiveDirichlet, self).__init__(concentration) self._gamma = Gamma(concentration, torch.ones_like(concentration))