Esempio n. 1
class DependentMaternGP(TimeSeriesModel):
    A time series model in which each output dimension is modeled as a univariate Gaussian Process
    with a Matern kernel. The different output dimensions become correlated because the Gaussian
    Processes are driven by a correlated Wiener process; see reference [1] for details.
    The targets are assumed to be evenly spaced in time. Training and inference are logarithmic
    in the length of the time series T.

    :param float nu: The order of the Matern kernel; must be 1.5.
    :param float dt: The time spacing between neighboring observations of the time series.
    :param int obs_dim: The dimension of the targets at each time step.
    :param torch.Tensor log_length_scale_init: optional initial values for the kernel length scale
        given as a `obs_dim`-dimensional tensor
    :param torch.Tensor log_obs_noise_scale_init: optional initial values for the observation noise scale
        given as a `obs_dim`-dimensional tensor

    [1] "Dependent Matern Processes for Multivariate Time Series," Alexander Vandenberg-Rodes, Babak Shahbaba.
    def __init__(self,

        if nu != 1.5:
            raise NotImplementedError("The only supported value of nu is 1.5")

        self.dt = dt
        self.obs_dim = obs_dim

        if log_obs_noise_scale_init is None:
            log_obs_noise_scale_init = -2.0 * torch.ones(obs_dim)
        assert log_obs_noise_scale_init.shape == (obs_dim, )


        self.kernel = MaternKernel(nu=nu,
        self.full_state_dim = self.kernel.state_dim * obs_dim

        # we demote self.kernel.log_kernel_scale from being a nn.Parameter
        # since the relevant scales are now encoded in the wiener noise matrix
        del self.kernel.log_kernel_scale
        self.kernel.register_buffer("log_kernel_scale", torch.zeros(obs_dim))

        self.log_obs_noise_scale = nn.Parameter(log_obs_noise_scale_init)
        self.log_diag_wiener_noise = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(obs_dim))
        self.off_diag_wiener_noise = nn.Parameter(
            0.03 * torch.randn(obs_dim, obs_dim))

        obs_matrix = torch.zeros(self.full_state_dim, obs_dim)
        for i in range(obs_dim):
            obs_matrix[self.kernel.state_dim * i, i] = 1.0
        self.register_buffer("obs_matrix", obs_matrix)

    def _get_obs_noise_scale(self):
        return self.log_obs_noise_scale.exp()

    def _get_init_dist(self, stationary_covariance):
        return torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(

    def _get_obs_dist(self):
        return dist.Normal(self.obs_matrix.new_zeros(self.obs_dim),

    def _get_wiener_cov(self):
        eye = torch.eye(self.obs_dim,
        chol = eye * self.log_diag_wiener_noise.exp(
        ) + self.off_diag_wiener_noise.tril(-1)
        wiener_cov =, chol.t()).reshape(self.obs_dim, 1,
                                                      self.obs_dim, 1)
        wiener_cov = wiener_cov * wiener_cov.new_ones(self.kernel.state_dim, 1,
        return wiener_cov.reshape(self.full_state_dim, self.full_state_dim)

    def _stationary_covariance(self):
        rho_j = math.sqrt(3.0) * (
        rho_i = rho_j.unsqueeze(-1)
        block = 2.0 * self.kernel.mask00 + \
            (rho_i - rho_j) * (self.kernel.mask01 - self.kernel.mask10) + \
            (2.0 * rho_i * rho_j) * self.kernel.mask11
        block = block / (rho_i + rho_j).pow(3.0)
        block = block.transpose(-2, -3).reshape(self.full_state_dim,
        return self._get_wiener_cov() * block

    def _get_trans_dist(self, trans_matrix, stationary_covariance):
        covar = stationary_covariance - torch.matmul(
            trans_matrix.transpose(-1, -2),
            torch.matmul(stationary_covariance, trans_matrix))
        return MultivariateNormal(covar.new_zeros(self.full_state_dim), covar)

    def _trans_matrix_distribution_stat_covar(self, dts):
        stationary_covariance = self._stationary_covariance()
        trans_matrix = self.kernel.transition_matrix(dt=dts)
        trans_matrix = block_diag_embed(trans_matrix)
        trans_dist = self._get_trans_dist(trans_matrix, stationary_covariance)
        return trans_matrix, trans_dist, stationary_covariance

    def _get_dist(self):
        Get the `GaussianHMM` distribution that corresponds to a `DependentMaternGP`
        trans_matrix, trans_dist, stat_covar = self._trans_matrix_distribution_stat_covar(
        return dist.GaussianHMM(self._get_init_dist(stat_covar), trans_matrix,
                                trans_dist, self.obs_matrix,

    def log_prob(self, targets):
        :param torch.Tensor targets: A 2-dimensional tensor of real-valued targets
            of shape `(T, obs_dim)`, where `T` is the length of the time series and `obs_dim`
            is the dimension of the real-valued `targets` at each time step
        :returns torch.Tensor: A (scalar) log probability
        assert targets.dim() == 2 and targets.size(-1) == self.obs_dim
        return self._get_dist().log_prob(targets)

    def _filter(self, targets):
        Return the filtering state for the associated state space model.
        assert targets.dim() == 2 and targets.size(-1) == self.obs_dim
        return self._get_dist().filter(targets)

    def _forecast(self, dts, filtering_state, include_observation_noise=True):
        Internal helper for forecasting.
        assert dts.dim() == 1
        dts = dts.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
        trans_matrix, trans_dist, _ = self._trans_matrix_distribution_stat_covar(
        trans_obs = torch.matmul(trans_matrix, self.obs_matrix)

        predicted_mean = torch.matmul(filtering_state.loc.unsqueeze(-2),
        predicted_function_covar = torch.matmul(trans_obs.transpose(-1, -2),
                                                torch.matmul(filtering_state.covariance_matrix, trans_obs)) + \
            torch.matmul(self.obs_matrix.t(), torch.matmul(trans_dist.covariance_matrix, self.obs_matrix))

        if include_observation_noise:
            predicted_function_covar = predicted_function_covar + self._get_obs_noise_scale(

        return predicted_mean, predicted_function_covar

    def forecast(self, targets, dts):
        :param torch.Tensor targets: A 2-dimensional tensor of real-valued targets
            of shape `(T, obs_dim)`, where `T` is the length of the time series and `obs_dim`
            is the dimension of the real-valued targets at each time step. These
            represent the training data that are conditioned on for the purpose of making
        :param torch.Tensor dts: A 1-dimensional tensor of times to forecast into the future,
            with zero corresponding to the time of the final target `targets[-1]`.
        :returns torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal: Returns a predictive MultivariateNormal
            distribution with batch shape `(S,)` and event shape `(obs_dim,)`, where `S` is the size of `dts`.
        filtering_state = self._filter(targets)
        predicted_mean, predicted_covar = self._forecast(dts, filtering_state)
        return MultivariateNormal(predicted_mean, predicted_covar)
Esempio n. 2
class DependentMaternGP(TimeSeriesModel):
    A time series model in which each output dimension is modeled as a univariate Gaussian Process
    with a Matern kernel. The different output dimensions become correlated because the Gaussian
    Processes are driven by a correlated Wiener process; see reference [1] for details.
    If, in addition, `linearly_coupled` is True, additional correlation is achieved through
    linear mixing as in :class:`LinearlyCoupledMaternGP`. The targets are assumed to be evenly
    spaced in time. Training and inference are logarithmic in the length of the time series T.

    :param float nu: The order of the Matern kernel; must be 1.5.
    :param float dt: The time spacing between neighboring observations of the time series.
    :param int obs_dim: The dimension of the targets at each time step.
    :param bool linearly_coupled: Whether to linearly mix the various gaussian processes in the likelihood.
        Defaults to False.
    :param torch.Tensor length_scale_init: optional initial values for the kernel length scale
        given as a ``obs_dim``-dimensional tensor
    :param torch.Tensor obs_noise_scale_init: optional initial values for the observation noise scale
        given as a ``obs_dim``-dimensional tensor

    [1] "Dependent Matern Processes for Multivariate Time Series," Alexander Vandenberg-Rodes, Babak Shahbaba.
    def __init__(self, nu=1.5, dt=1.0, obs_dim=1, linearly_coupled=False,
                 length_scale_init=None, obs_noise_scale_init=None):

        if nu != 1.5:
            raise NotImplementedError("The only supported value of nu is 1.5")

        self.dt = dt
        self.obs_dim = obs_dim

        if obs_noise_scale_init is None:
            obs_noise_scale_init = 0.2 * torch.ones(obs_dim)
        assert obs_noise_scale_init.shape == (obs_dim,)


        self.kernel = MaternKernel(nu=nu, num_gps=obs_dim,
        self.full_state_dim = self.kernel.state_dim * obs_dim

        # we demote self.kernel.kernel_scale from being a nn.Parameter
        # since the relevant scales are now encoded in the wiener noise matrix
        del self.kernel.kernel_scale
        self.kernel.register_buffer("kernel_scale", torch.ones(obs_dim))

        self.obs_noise_scale = PyroParam(obs_noise_scale_init,
        self.wiener_noise_tril = PyroParam(torch.eye(obs_dim) +
                                           0.03 * torch.randn(obs_dim, obs_dim).tril(-1),

        if linearly_coupled:
            self.obs_matrix = nn.Parameter(0.3 * torch.randn(self.obs_dim, self.obs_dim))
            obs_matrix = torch.zeros(self.full_state_dim, obs_dim)
            for i in range(obs_dim):
                obs_matrix[self.kernel.state_dim * i, i] = 1.0
            self.register_buffer("obs_matrix", obs_matrix)

    def _get_obs_matrix(self):
        if self.obs_matrix.size(0) == self.obs_dim:
            # (num_gps, obs_dim) => (state_dim * num_gps, obs_dim)
            selector = [1.0] + [0.0] * (self.kernel.state_dim - 1)
            return self.obs_matrix.repeat_interleave(self.kernel.state_dim, dim=0) * \
            return self.obs_matrix

    def _get_init_dist(self, stationary_covariance):
        return torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(self.obs_matrix.new_zeros(self.full_state_dim),

    def _get_obs_dist(self):
        return dist.Normal(self.obs_matrix.new_zeros(self.obs_dim),

    def _get_wiener_cov(self):
        chol = self.wiener_noise_tril
        wiener_cov =, chol.t()).reshape(self.obs_dim, 1, self.obs_dim, 1)
        wiener_cov = wiener_cov * wiener_cov.new_ones(self.kernel.state_dim, 1, self.kernel.state_dim)
        return wiener_cov.reshape(self.full_state_dim, self.full_state_dim)

    def _stationary_covariance(self):
        rho_j = math.sqrt(3.0) / self.kernel.length_scale.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
        rho_i = rho_j.unsqueeze(-1)
        block = 2.0 * self.kernel.mask00 + \
            (rho_i - rho_j) * (self.kernel.mask01 - self.kernel.mask10) + \
            (2.0 * rho_i * rho_j) * self.kernel.mask11
        block = block / (rho_i + rho_j).pow(3.0)
        block = block.transpose(-2, -3).reshape(self.full_state_dim, self.full_state_dim)
        return self._get_wiener_cov() * block

    def _get_trans_dist(self, trans_matrix, stationary_covariance):
        covar = stationary_covariance - torch.matmul(trans_matrix.transpose(-1, -2),
                                                     torch.matmul(stationary_covariance, trans_matrix))
        return MultivariateNormal(covar.new_zeros(self.full_state_dim), covar)

    def _trans_matrix_distribution_stat_covar(self, dts):
        stationary_covariance = self._stationary_covariance()
        trans_matrix = self.kernel.transition_matrix(dt=dts)
        trans_matrix = block_diag_embed(trans_matrix)
        trans_dist = self._get_trans_dist(trans_matrix, stationary_covariance)
        return trans_matrix, trans_dist, stationary_covariance

    def get_dist(self, duration=None):
        Get the :class:`~pyro.distributions.GaussianHMM` distribution that corresponds to a :class:`DependentMaternGP`

        :param int duration: Optional size of the time axis ``event_shape[0]``.
            This is required when sampling from homogeneous HMMs whose parameters
            are not expanded along the time axis.
        trans_matrix, trans_dist, stat_covar = self._trans_matrix_distribution_stat_covar(self.dt)
        return dist.GaussianHMM(self._get_init_dist(stat_covar), trans_matrix,
                                trans_dist, self._get_obs_matrix(), self._get_obs_dist(), duration=duration)

    def log_prob(self, targets):
        :param torch.Tensor targets: A 2-dimensional tensor of real-valued targets
            of shape ``(T, obs_dim)``, where ``T`` is the length of the time series and ``obs_dim``
            is the dimension of the real-valued ``targets`` at each time step
        :returns torch.Tensor: A (scalar) log probability
        assert targets.dim() == 2 and targets.size(-1) == self.obs_dim
        return self.get_dist().log_prob(targets)

    def _filter(self, targets):
        Return the filtering state for the associated state space model.
        assert targets.dim() == 2 and targets.size(-1) == self.obs_dim
        return self.get_dist().filter(targets)

    def _forecast(self, dts, filtering_state, include_observation_noise=True):
        Internal helper for forecasting.
        assert dts.dim() == 1
        dts = dts.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
        trans_matrix, trans_dist, _ = self._trans_matrix_distribution_stat_covar(dts)
        obs_matrix = self._get_obs_matrix()
        trans_obs = torch.matmul(trans_matrix, obs_matrix)

        predicted_mean = torch.matmul(filtering_state.loc.unsqueeze(-2), trans_obs).squeeze(-2)
        predicted_function_covar = torch.matmul(trans_obs.transpose(-1, -2),
                                                torch.matmul(filtering_state.covariance_matrix, trans_obs)) + \
            torch.matmul(obs_matrix.t(), torch.matmul(trans_dist.covariance_matrix, obs_matrix))

        if include_observation_noise:
            predicted_function_covar = predicted_function_covar + self.obs_noise_scale.pow(2.0)

        return predicted_mean, predicted_function_covar

    def forecast(self, targets, dts):
        :param torch.Tensor targets: A 2-dimensional tensor of real-valued targets
            of shape ``(T, obs_dim)``, where ``T`` is the length of the time series and ``obs_dim``
            is the dimension of the real-valued targets at each time step. These
            represent the training data that are conditioned on for the purpose of making
        :param torch.Tensor dts: A 1-dimensional tensor of times to forecast into the future,
            with zero corresponding to the time of the final target ``targets[-1]``.
        :returns torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal: Returns a predictive MultivariateNormal
            distribution with batch shape ``(S,)`` and event shape ``(obs_dim,)``, where ``S`` is the size of ``dts``.
        filtering_state = self._filter(targets)
        predicted_mean, predicted_covar = self._forecast(dts, filtering_state)
        return MultivariateNormal(predicted_mean, predicted_covar)