def s1_preprocessing(archive, maxdate, processdir, sensor, product, resolution, recursive, polarization, acquisition_mode, verbose): """Preprocess Sentinel-1 scenes""" from pyroSAR import Archive, identify from pyroSAR.snap import geocode from datetime import datetime archive = Archive(archive) if maxdate == None: maxdate ="%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") selection_proc =, recursive=recursive, polarizations=polarization, maxdate=maxdate, sensor=sensor, product=product, acquisition_mode=acquisition_mode, verbose=verbose) archive.close() print(selection_proc) for scene in selection_proc: geocode(infile=scene, outdir=processdir, tr=resolution, scaling='db') click.echo("eo2cube s1_create_archive")
def test_export_extra(self, tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), test=True, export_extra=['foobar']) geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), test=True, export_extra=['localIncidenceAngle'])
def geocode_and_stack(infile: Path, outfile: Path, temp_dir: Path = Path("tmp/"), dem_type="AW3D30", **kwargs): """Process one sentinel 1 zip file. The main preprocessing is done inside geocode. In the future, this may be rewritten to allow more control over the processing graph""" bbox = identify(str(infile)).bbox() print("Downloading DEM files") vrt = dem_autoload(geometries=[bbox], demType=dem_type, vrt=f"{dem_type}.vrt", buffer=0.01) print("Converting DEM Files") dem_create(vrt, str(f"{dem_type}.tif")) geocode(str(infile), str(temp_dir), externalDEMFile=str(f"{dem_type}.tif"), **kwargs) os.remove(f"{dem_type}.tif") file_list = [ str(file) for file in temp_dir.iterdir() if file.suffix == ".tif" ] print("Stacking GeoTiffs") stack_geotiffs(file_list, str(outfile)) shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
def test_geotype(self, tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), geocoding_type='foobar', test=True) geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), test=True, geocoding_type='SAR simulation cross correlation')
def test_shp(self, tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] ext = {'xmin': 12, 'xmax': 13, 'ymin': 53, 'ymax': 54} with bbox(ext, 4326) as new: with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), shapefile=new, test=True) with identify(scene).bbox() as box: ext = box.extent ext['xmax'] -= 1 with bbox(ext, 4326) as new: geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), shapefile=new, test=True)
def get_tile(START, END, gjson, out): # search database for matching archives print('Querying database...') footprint = geojson_to_wkt(read_geojson(gjson)) products = api.query(footprint, ingestiondate=(START, END), platformname='Sentinel-1', producttype='GRD', sensoroperationalmode='IW', orbitdirection='ASCENDING', polarisationmode='VH') # download archive print('Downloading archive...') pmd = api.download_all(products, directory_path='./temp/') fname = './temp/' + list(pmd[0].values())[0]['title'] + '.zip' # unpack and ingest print('Unpacking archive...') scene = pyroSAR.identify(fname) scene.unpack('./temp/', overwrite=True) # geocode print('Geocoding data...') shp = vector.Vector(filename=gjson) geocode(infile=scene, outdir='./temp/', tr=int(sys.argv[3]), scaling='db', removeS1ThermalNoise=True, demResamplingMethod='BISINC_21_POINT_INTERPOLATION', terrainFlattening=True, allow_RES_OSV=True, speckleFilter='Refined Lee', shapefile=shp, cleanup=True) # save image print('Copying image...') smd = scene.scanMetadata() iname = './temp/' + [ file for file in os.listdir('./temp/') if '{}__{}___{}_{}_VH'.format(smd['sensor'], smd['acquisition_mode'], smd['orbit'], smd['start']) in file ][0] shutil.copy2(iname, out) # done print('Done.')
def test_sliceassembly(self, tmpdir, testdata): scene1 = testdata['s1'] scene2 = testdata['s1_2'] wf = geocode([scene1, scene2], str(tmpdir), test=True, returnWF=True) for n in range(1, 4): groups = groupbyWorkers(wf, n=n) split(wf, groups)
def test_geocode(tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), test=True) xmlfile = finder(str(tmpdir), ['*.xml'])[0] tree = Workflow(xmlfile) nodes = tree.nodes() assert is_consistent(nodes) is True groups = groupbyWorkers(xmlfile, 2) split(xmlfile, groups) id = identify(scene) basename = '{}_{}'.format(id.outname_base(), tree.suffix) procdir = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), basename) assert os.path.isdir(procdir) tempdir = os.path.join(procdir, 'temp') assert os.path.isdir(tempdir) parts = finder(tempdir, ['*.xml']) assert len(parts) == 4
def test_pol(self, tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), polarizations=1, test=True) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), polarizations='foobar', test=True) geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), polarizations='VV', test=True)
def test_refarea(self, tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), terrainFlattening=True, refarea='beta0', test=True) with pytest.raises(ValueError): geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), terrainFlattening=False, refarea='foobar', test=True) geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), terrainFlattening=True, refarea='gamma0', test=True)
def worker(sitename): ####################################################################################### # setup general processing parameters resolution = 20 ####################################################################################### # define the directories for writing temporary and final results sitedir = os.path.join(maindir, sitename) outdir = os.path.join(sitedir, 'proc_out') ####################################################################################### # load the test site geometry into a vector object sites = vector.Vector('/.../testsites.shp') # query the test site by name; a column name 'Site_Name' must be saved in your shapefile site = sites["Site_Name='{}'".format(sitename)] ####################################################################################### # query the database for scenes to be processed with Archive(dbfile) as archive: selection_proc =, processdir=outdir, sensor=('S1A', 'S1B'), product='GRD', acquisition_mode='IW', vv=1) print('{0}: {1} scenes found for site {2}'.format(socket.gethostname(), len(selection_proc), sitename)) ####################################################################################### # call to processing utility if len(selection_proc) > 1: print('start processing') for scene in selection_proc: geocode(infile=scene, outdir=outdir, tr=resolution, scaling='db') return len(selection_proc)
if os.path.isdir(outdir2)==False: os.mkdir(outdir2) """ if 'Ardfern' in site: site_shapefile = '/home/dmilodow/DataStore_DTM/STFC/DATA/EDINAAerial/%s_2015/%s_bbox_wgs84.shp' % (site,site) else: site_shapefile = '/home/dmilodow/DataStore_DTM/STFC/DATA/EDINAAerial/%s_2017/%s_bbox_wgs84.shp' % (site,site) dem_file = '/home/dmilodow/DataStore_DTM/STFC/DATA/OStopo/%s/%s_DTM_OSgrid.tif' % (site,site) # process with pyroSAR for scene in scenes: geocode(scene, outdir=outdir1, t_srs=crs_epsg, tr=resolution, scaling='dB', polarizations='all', geocoding_type='Range-Doppler', removeS1BorderNoise=True, removeS1BorderNoiseMethod='pyroSAR', removeS1ThermalNoise=True, terrainFlattening=True, externalDEMFile=dem_file, externalDEMNoDataValue=dem_ndv, externalDEMApplyEGM=True, speckleFilter=False, refarea='gamma0', shapefile=site_shapefile) """ geocode(scene, outdir=outdir2, t_srs=crs_epsg, tr=resolution, scaling='dB', polarizations='all', geocoding_type='Range-Doppler', removeS1BorderNoise=True, removeS1BorderNoiseMethod='pyroSAR', removeS1ThermalNoise=True, terrainFlattening=True, externalDEMFile=dem_file, externalDEMNoDataValue=dem_ndv, externalDEMApplyEGM=True, speckleFilter='Refined Lee', refarea='gamma0', shapefile=site_shapefile) """ # Regrid final rasters onto the same grid. For now, use a nearest neighbour # interpolation
# construct paths and logger raw_path = os.path.dirname(scene) ard_path = raw_path.replace('raw', 'ard') + "/snap" # check scene content and credentials if True: # checkScene( scene ): out_path = os.path.join(ard_path, args.product) snap.geocode( infile=scene, outdir=out_path, t_srs=32632, tr=args.res, shapefile='/data/S1_ARD/code/aoi/testsite_alps.shp', cleanup=False, export_extra=[ 'incidenceAngleFromEllipsoid', 'localIncidenceAngle', 'projectedLocalIncidenceAngle', 'DEM' ], groupsize=1) else: print('scene crosses anti-meridian: ' + scene) else: print('no scenes found: ' + args.path) else: print('file does not exist: ' + args.dem)
def test_offset(self, tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), offset=(100, 100, 0, 0), test=True)
def geocode(infile, outdir, shapefile, job_id, job_id_vsc="9999", externalDEMFile=None, refarea='gamma0', terrainFlattening=True, tmp_dir=None, logdir=None): start_time = time.time() identifier = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(infile)[1])[0] if not tmp_dir: tmp_dir = "/tmp" tmp_dir_snap = os.path.join(tmp_dir, str(uuid4()), identifier) os.makedirs(tmp_dir_snap, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) if not logdir: logdir = outdir + "/logs" os.makedirs(outdir + "/logs", exist_ok=True) # Setup logger json_format = logging.Formatter(f'{{"filepath": "{infile}", "job_id": "{job_id}", "job_id_vsc": "{job_id_vsc}", "time": "%(asctime)s", "level": "%(levelname)s", "message": "%(message)s"}}') log_file = os.path.join(logdir, f"{os.path.basename(infile)}.jsonl") logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file, level=logging.DEBUG) root = logging.getLogger() hdlr = root.handlers[0] hdlr.setFormatter(json_format) if externalDEMFile:"Starting cropping DEM {externalDEMFile}.") # Crop DEM to bbox of infile externalDEMFile = crop_DEM(infile, externalDEMFile, tmp_dir_snap)"Finished cropping DEM {externalDEMFile}.") epsg = 4326 sampling = 10 # in meters # Direct SNAP/pyroSAR stdout to Python variable try: sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO()"Starting pyroSAR SNAP processing chain.") xml_file = snap.geocode(infile=infile, outdir=tmp_dir_snap, refarea=refarea, t_srs=epsg, tr=sampling, shapefile=shapefile, externalDEMFile=externalDEMFile, externalDEMApplyEGM=False, terrainFlattening=terrainFlattening, cleanup=True, allow_RES_OSV=True, scaling='linear', groupsize=1, removeS1ThermalNoise=True, returnWF=True ) # Set stdout to default value sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # Analyze logs form SNAP/pyroSAR error_patterns = ('failed', 'error', 'exception', 'severe') skip_patterns = ('\t', 'Caused by') output_lines = mystdout.getvalue().split('\n') equi7_flag = True for output_line in output_lines: skip_flag = any([True if pattern in output_line.lower() else False for pattern in skip_patterns]) or len(output_line) == 0 error_flag = any([True if pattern in output_line.lower() else False for pattern in error_patterns]) # if output_line.startswith('\t') or output_line.startswith('Caused by') or len(output_line) == 0: if skip_flag: # Skip embedded Java tracebacks or empty lines continue elif error_flag: # if any([True if pattern in output_line.lower() else False for pattern in error_patterns]): logging.error(output_line) equi7_flag = False else: if equi7_flag:"Finished pyroSAR SNAP processing chain.") # Move log file and SNAP xml file to outdir"Starting to tile output with Equi7.") shutil.move(xml_file, xml_file.replace(tmp_dir_snap, outdir)) orb_dir = os.path.basename(f"{xml_file}")[10].replace('A', 'ascending').replace('D', 'descending') e7 = equi7grid.Equi7Grid(sampling=10) file_list = glob(tmp_dir_snap + "/S1*.tif") for k, this_file in enumerate(file_list): # Ad polarization info to snap filename file_dir, filename = (os.path.dirname(this_file), os.path.basename(this_file)) filename = filename[:28] + identifier[9] + filename[28:] this_file_new = os.path.join(file_dir, filename) shutil.move(this_file, this_file_new) this_file = this_file_new # Add metadata to geotiff headers['', '-mo', 'snap_version=7.0', '-mo', f'snap_xml_graph={xml_file}', '-mo', 'proc_facility=EODC-cloud', '-mo', f'start_time={identifier[17:32]}', '-mo', f'end_time={identifier[33:48]}', '-mo', f'orbit_direction={orb_dir}', this_file ], capture_output=True) # Reproject and tile to EQUI7 _ = image2equi7grid(e7, image=this_file, output_dir=outdir, gdal_path="/usr/bin") # Delete empty files (sometimes created by EQUI7) output_files = glob(outdir + f"/EQUI7_EU010M/*/*{identifier[17:32]}*") for output_file in output_files: # Empty files created by EQUI7 are 734 KB in size # Remove if filesize under 1 MB filesize = round(os.path.getsize(output_file) / 1024) if filesize < 1024: os.remove(output_file)"Deleted {output_file} with size {str(filesize)}K.") shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir_snap)"Deleted temp dir {tmp_dir_snap}")"Finished to tile output with Equi7.") proc_time = time.time() - start_time minutes = floor(proc_time / 60) seconds = round(((proc_time / 60) - minutes) * 60)"Success! File {infile} processed in {str(minutes)} minutes and {str(seconds)} seconds.") except Exception as exp: # Set stdout to default value sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ logging.error(f"{exp}") shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir_snap)"Deleted temp dir {tmp_dir_snap}")
def test_scaling(self, tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), scaling='foobar', test=True)
def main(s1_archive, out_path, t_srs='utm', tr=10, polarization='all', bbox=None, shapefile=None, scaling='db', geocoding_type='Range-Doppler', remove_s1_border_noise=True, remove_s1_thermal_noise=False, offset_left=None, offset_right=None, offset_top=None, offset_bottom=None, external_dem_file=None, external_dem_no_data_value=None, external_dem_apply_egm=True, terrain_flattening=True, basename_extension=None, test=False, export_extra=None, group_size=2, cleanup=True, return_wf=False): # identify the scene from input archive print("Identifying S1 scene from input archive.") scene = pyroSAR.identify(s1_archive) print("Success") # deal with offsets offset = (offset_left, offset_right, offset_top, offset_bottom) if set(offset) == set([None]): offset = None if t_srs.lower() == 'utm': # get the bbox scene_extent = scene.bbox().extent scene_bbox = box(scene_extent['xmin'], scene_extent['ymin'], scene_extent['xmax'], scene_extent['ymax']) # get the lat and long from the aoi centroid long = scene_bbox.centroid.x lat = scene_bbox.centroid.y # use the longitude to get the utm zone (3rd element in returned list c = utm.from_latlon(lat, long) utm_zone = c[2] # build the epsg code if lat >= 0.0: t_srs = int("326%s" % (str(utm_zone))) else: t_srs = int("327%s" % (str(utm_zone))) else: # try to convert to an integer -- if it doesn't work, leave as is try: t_srs = int(t_srs) except ValueError: pass # deal with basename extensions if basename_extension is None: basename_extensions = None else: basename_extensions = [basename_extension] # deal with export_extra if export_extra is not None: export_extra = list(map(str, export_extra.split(','))) # make the output directory if it doesn't exist if os.path.exists(out_path) is False: os.mkdir(out_path) # if bbox is provided, convert to format expected by pyroSAR if bbox is not None: bbox = map(float, bbox.split(',')) shapefile = spatialist.bbox( dict(zip(['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax'], bbox)), crs=spatialist.auxil.crsConvert(4326, 'epsg')) print("Geocoding image according to input options.") geocode(infile=scene, outdir=out_path, t_srs=t_srs, tr=tr, polarizations=[polarization], shapefile=shapefile, scaling=scaling, geocoding_type=geocoding_type, removeS1BoderNoise=remove_s1_border_noise, removeS1ThermalNoise=remove_s1_thermal_noise, offset=offset, externalDEMFile=external_dem_file, externalDEMNoDataValue=external_dem_no_data_value, externalDEMApplyEGM=external_dem_apply_egm, terrainFlattening=terrain_flattening, basename_extensions=basename_extensions, test=test, export_extra=export_extra, groupsize=group_size, cleanup=cleanup, returnWF=return_wf) print("Processing completed successfully.")
def test_pol_list(self, tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), polarizations=['VV', 'VH'], test=True)
def test_srs(self, tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), t_srs='foobar', test=True) geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), t_srs=32632, test=True)
def test_geocode(): scene = 'pyroSAR/tests/data/' geocode(scene, 'pyroSAR/tests/data', test=True) os.remove( 'pyroSAR/tests/data/S1A__IW___A_20150222T170750_bnr_Orb_Cal_TF_TC_dB_proc.xml' )
def test_infile_type(self, tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] with pytest.raises(TypeError): geocode(infile=123, outdir=str(tmpdir), test=True) id = identify(scene) geocode(infile=id, outdir=str(tmpdir), test=True)
def test_geocode(tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), test=True)
def test_externalDEM(self, tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] dem_dummy = testdata['tif'] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), externalDEMFile='foobar', test=True) geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), externalDEMFile=dem_dummy, test=True)
def test_speckleFilter(self, tmpdir, testdata): scene = testdata['s1'] with pytest.raises(ValueError): geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), speckleFilter='foobar', test=True) geocode(scene, str(tmpdir), speckleFilter='Refined Lee', test=True)