Esempio n. 1
def compare_binary(roc1: ROC,
                   roc2: ROC,
                   alt_hypothesis: float = 0.05,
                   seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[bool, float]:
    """Compute roc1 < roc2 using binary comparison with bootstrapping.

    The idea behind the this algorithm is to bootstrap roc1 and roc2, and
    compute the AUC (Area Under the Curve) for each of the bootstraps for roc1
    and roc2. For each bootstraps of roc1 and roc2 we compute the difference of
    the AUCs of ROC curves. Let

        aucs_diff = [auc11 - auc21, auc12 - auc22, ..., auc1n - auc2n],

    where auc1i is the AUC of ith bootstrap of roc1, and auc2i is the AUC of
    the ith bootstrap of roc2. We define the statistical strength, i.e.
    p-value, for which we can reject the zero hypothesis roc1 > roc2 as

        p_value = sum(aucs_diff > 0) / n.

    If p_value is smaller than alt_hypothesis we accept the alternative
    hypothesis roc1 < roc2.

        The "to be assumed" smaller ROC curve than roc2.
        The "to be assumed" larger ROC curve than roc1.
        The density for which we reject the zero hypothesis, and for which we
        therefore accept roc1 < roc2.
        Seed used for DeLong bootstrapping. If no seed is given a random seed
        will be used, resulting in non-deterministic results.

        If alt_hypothesis is not between 0 and 1.

    Tuple of a boolean and the p-value. I.e. the boolean represents if we can
    accept the alternative hypothesis roc1 < roc2, and the p-value represents
    the strength with which we accept the alternative hypothesis roc1 < roc2.

    if not 0 <= alt_hypothesis <= 1:
        raise ValueError('Alternative hypothesis must be between 0 and 1.')

    bootstrap_auc1 = np.array(
        list(roc.auc for roc in bootstrap_roc(roc1, seed=seed)))
    bootstrap_auc2 = np.array(
        list(roc.auc for roc in bootstrap_roc(roc2, seed=seed)))

    aucs = bootstrap_auc2 - bootstrap_auc1
    p_value = sum(aucs <= 0) / aucs.size

    return p_value < alt_hypothesis, p_value
Esempio n. 2
    def test_bootstrap_roc_n_jobs(self):
        gt = [True, True, False, False]
        est = [0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4]
        roc = ROC(gt, est)

        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            bootstrap_roc(roc, n_jobs=0)

        for n_jobs in [-2, -1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16]:
            result = bootstrap_roc(roc, n_jobs=n_jobs)
            assert len(result) == 1000
Esempio n. 3
    def test_bootstrap_roc_num_bootstraps(self):
        gt = [True, True, False, False]
        est = [0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4]
        roc = ROC(gt, est)

        for num_bootstraps in [-1000, -1, 0]:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                bootstrap_roc(roc, num_bootstraps=num_bootstraps)

        for num_bootstraps in [1, 2, 8, 100, 1000, 10000]:
            result = bootstrap_roc(roc, num_bootstraps=num_bootstraps)
            assert len(result) == num_bootstraps
Esempio n. 4
    def test_bootstrap_roc_ex1(self):
        gt = [True, True, False, False]
        est = [0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4]
        roc = ROC(gt, est)

        result = bootstrap_roc(roc)
        assert len(result) == 1000
Esempio n. 5
    def test_bootstrap_roc_ex2(self):
        ex_rng = np.random.RandomState(37)
        num = 10000
        ex_gt = ex_rng.binomial(1, 0.5, num)
        ex_est = ex_rng.rand((num))
        ex_roc = ROC(ex_gt, ex_est)
        ex_roc_auc_list = [roc.auc for roc in bootstrap_roc(ex_roc, seed=37)]

        assert np.isclose(np.mean(ex_roc_auc_list), 0.5042963196452369)
        assert np.isclose(np.var(ex_roc_auc_list)**.5, 0.006105232099260582)
Esempio n. 6
    def bootstrap_confidence(self,
                             num_bootstraps: int = 1000,
                             num_bootstrap_jobs: int = 1,
                             show_min_max: bool = False,
                             mean_roc: bool = False,
                             p_value: float = 0.05,
                             seed: Optional[int] = None) -> BootstrapPlot:
        """Compute ROC curve confidence with bootstrapping.

            Number of bootstraps to apply on the ROC curve. The number of ROC
            curves returned by this method is equal to num_bootstraps.
            Number of jobs used to compute the bootstraps for the ROC curve in
            parallel. If n_jobs is set negative all available cpu threads will
            be used.
            If set to True this method will return the minimum and maximum
            values obtained during bootstrapping.
            If set to True all bootstrapped ROC curves are used to create an
            averaged ROC curve. Usually this ROC curve looks more smooth than
            the original ROC curve, and therefore can be used for smoothing the
            original ROC curve.
            Value between 0 and 1. This value shows the confidence area of the
            ROC curve.
            Seed used for bootstrapping the ROC curve. If seed is set to None
            a random seed will be chosen, which will lead to non-deterministic

            A named tuple containing: `xrange`, the false positive rate;
            `min_quantile`, the smallest true positive rate values within the
            given confidence; `max_quantile`, the largest true positive rate
            values within the given confidence; `mean`, if mean_roc is set, the
            averaged true positive values over the bootstrapped ROC curves;
            `min`, if show_min_max is set, the smallest true positive rate
            values over the bootstrapped ROC curves; `max`, if show_min_max is
            set, the largest true positive rate values of the bootstrapped ROC

        if not 0 <= p_value < 1:
            raise ValueError('P-value should be between 0 and 1.')

        # Import bootstrap_roc locally to avoid cross reference imports.
        from pyroc import bootstrap_roc
        bs_roc_list = bootstrap_roc(self,

        arange = np.arange(0, 1.01, 0.01)
        interp_list = []
        for cur_roc in bs_roc_list:
            cur_fps, cur_tps, _ = cur_roc.roc()
            interp_list.append(np.interp(arange, cur_fps, cur_tps))
        interp_funcs = np.vstack(interp_list)

        return BootstrapPlot(
            min=np.min(interp_funcs, axis=0) if show_min_max else None,
            max=np.max(interp_funcs, axis=0) if show_min_max else None,
            mean=np.mean(interp_funcs, axis=0) if mean_roc else None,
            min_quantile=np.quantile(interp_funcs, p_value / 2, axis=0),
            max_quantile=np.quantile(interp_funcs, 1 - p_value / 2, axis=0))
Esempio n. 7
"""Simple example to show how to use bootstrapping for ROC curves."""

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from pyroc import ROC, bootstrap_roc

# Simple example to test bootstrap
ex_rng = np.random.RandomState(37)
num = 100
ex_gt = ex_rng.binomial(1, 0.5, num)
ex_est = ex_rng.rand((num))
ex_roc = ROC(ex_gt, ex_est)
ex_roc_list = bootstrap_roc(ex_roc, seed=37)
ex_roc_auc_list = [roc.auc for roc in ex_roc_list]

print(f'Average ROC AUC: {np.mean(ex_roc_auc_list)}'
      f' +/- {np.var(ex_roc_auc_list)**.5}')

ax = ex_roc.plot(bootstrap=True,
ax = ex_roc.plot(bootstrap=True,
Esempio n. 8
def compare_bootstrap(roc1: ROC,
                      roc2: ROC,
                      alt_hypothesis: float = 0.05,
                      seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[bool, float]:
    """Compute roc1 < roc2 with alternative hypothesis using DeLong

    The idea behind the this algorithm is to bootstrap roc1 and roc2, and
    compute the AUC (Area Under the Curve) for each of the bootstraps for roc1
    and roc2. For each bootstraps of roc1 and roc2 we compute the difference of
    the AUCs of ROC curves. Let

        aucs_diff = [auc11 - auc21, auc12 - auc22, ..., auc1n - auc2n],

    where auc1i is the AUC of ith bootstrap of roc1, and auc2i is the AUC of
    the ith bootstrap of roc2. We define a new stochast by

        Z = mean(aucs_diff) / std(aucs_diff).

    We assume that Z ~ N(0, 1), i.e. Z is drawn from a Gaussian distribution
    centered around 0 with standard deviation 1. Our zero hypothesis is that
    roc1 >= roc2, or in other words that P(Z) < 1 - alt_hypothesis. So that our
    alternative hypothesis is that roc1 < roc2. We reject the zero hypothesis
    if P(Z) > 1 - alt_hypothesis.

        The "to be assumed" smaller ROC curve than roc2.
        The "to be assumed" larger ROC curve than roc1.
        The density for which we reject the zero hypothesis, and for which we
        therefore accept roc1 < roc2.
        Seed used for DeLong bootstrapping. If no seed is given a random seed
        will be used, resulting in non-deterministic results.

        If alt_hypothesis is not between 0 and 1.

    Tuple of a boolean and the p-value. I.e. the boolean represents if we can
    accept the alternative hypothesis roc1 < roc2, and the p-value represents
    the strength with which we accept the alternative hypothesis roc1 < roc2.

    if not 0 <= alt_hypothesis <= 1:
        raise ValueError('Alternative hypothesis must be between 0 and 1.')

    bootstrap_auc1 = np.array(
        list(roc.auc for roc in bootstrap_roc(roc1, seed=seed)))
    bootstrap_auc2 = np.array(
        list(roc.auc for roc in bootstrap_roc(roc2, seed=seed)))

    aucs = bootstrap_auc2 - bootstrap_auc1
    sample = np.mean(aucs)
    if np.std(aucs) > 0:
        sample /= np.std(aucs)

    p_value = 1 - gaussian_cdf(sample)

    return p_value < alt_hypothesis, p_value