Esempio n. 1
    def mouseMovimiento(self, xoffset, yoffset, detector=True):
        # Valores del mouse
        xoffset = xoffset * self.sensibilidad
        yoffset = yoffset * self.sensibilidad

        self.dataX = self.dataX + xoffset
        self.dataY = self.dataY + yoffset

        # Si detecta un mouse que tome los siguientes datos
        if detector:
            # Si el dato es mayor o menor al dato en y que tome los datos
            if (self.dataY > 45.0):
                self.dataY = 45.0
            if (self.dataY < -45.0):
                self.dataY = -45.0

        # Vector para la camara frontal
        front = Vector3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        # Encontramos cada uno de los datos de la camara front tanto en x, y e z
        front.x = cos(radians(self.dataX)) * cos(radians(self.dataY))
        front.y = sin(radians(self.dataY))
        front.z = sin(radians(self.dataX)) * cos(radians(self.dataY))

        # Normalizamos el vector, para obtener datos cercanos
        # debug ---> print(self.frontal)
        self.frontal = vector.normalise(front)
        # debug ---> print(self.derecha)
        # debug ---> print(self.arriba)
        self.derecha = vector.normalise(
            vector3.cross(self.frontal, Vector3([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])))
        self.arriba = vector.normalise(
            vector3.cross(self.derecha, self.frontal))
Esempio n. 2
def point_closest_point_on_line( point, line ):
    """Calculates the point on the line that is closest to
    the specified point.

    :param numpy.array point: The point to check with.
    :param numpy.array line: The line to check against.
    :rtype: numpy.array
    :return: The closest point on the line to the point.
    rl = va->b (relative line)
    rp = va->p (relative point)
    u' = u / |u| (normalise)
    cp = a + (u' * (u'.v))
    a = line start
    b = line end
    p = point
    cp = closest point
    rl = line[ 1 ] - line[ 0 ]
    rp = point - line[ 0 ]
    vector.normalise( rl )
    dot = rl, rp )
    return line[ 0 ] + (rl * dot)
Esempio n. 3
    def look_at(self, position, target, world_up):
        # 1.Position = known
        # 2.Calculate cameraDirection
        zaxis = vector.normalise(position - target)
        # 3.Get positive right axis vector
        xaxis = vector.normalise(
            vector3.cross(vector.normalise(world_up), zaxis))
        # 4.Calculate the camera up vector
        yaxis = vector3.cross(zaxis, xaxis)

        # create translation and rotation matrix
        translation = Matrix44.identity()
        translation[3][0] = -position.x
        translation[3][1] = -position.y
        translation[3][2] = -position.z

        rotation = Matrix44.identity()
        rotation[0][0] = xaxis[0]
        rotation[1][0] = xaxis[1]
        rotation[2][0] = xaxis[2]
        rotation[0][1] = yaxis[0]
        rotation[1][1] = yaxis[1]
        rotation[2][1] = yaxis[2]
        rotation[0][2] = zaxis[0]
        rotation[1][2] = zaxis[1]
        rotation[2][2] = zaxis[2]

        return translation * rotation
Esempio n. 4
    def move_camera(self, direction):
        current_frame = time.get_ticks()
        delta_time = current_frame - self.last_frame
        camera_speed = delta_time / 20000

        if direction == "UP":
            self.camera_position[1] += camera_speed
            self.last_cam_y = self.camera_position[1]
        if direction == "DOWN":
            self.camera_position[1] -= camera_speed
            self.last_cam_y = self.camera_position[1]
        if direction == "FORWARD":
            self.camera_position += camera_speed * self.camera_front
        if direction == "BACK":
            self.camera_position -= camera_speed * self.camera_front
        if direction == "LEFT":
            self.camera_position -= vector.normalise(
                vector3.cross(np.array(self.camera_front, dtype=np.float32),
                              np.array([0., 1., 0.],
                                       dtype=np.float32))) * camera_speed
        if direction == "RIGHT":
            self.camera_position += vector.normalise(
                vector3.cross(np.array(self.camera_front, dtype=np.float32),
                              np.array([0., 1., 0.],
                                       dtype=np.float32))) * camera_speed
        self.camera_position[1] = self.last_cam_y
Esempio n. 5
    def _gl_look_at(self, pos, target, up) -> numpy.ndarray:
        """The standard lookAt method.

            pos: current position
            target: target position to look at
            up: direction up
            numpy.ndarray: The matrix
        z = vector.normalise(pos - target)
        x = vector.normalise(vector3.cross(vector.normalise(up), z))
        y = vector3.cross(z, x)

        translate = matrix44.create_identity()
        translate[3][0] = -pos.x
        translate[3][1] = -pos.y
        translate[3][2] = -pos.z

        rotate = matrix44.create_identity()
        rotate[0][0] = x[0]  # -- X
        rotate[1][0] = x[1]
        rotate[2][0] = x[2]
        rotate[0][1] = y[0]  # -- Y
        rotate[1][1] = y[1]
        rotate[2][1] = y[2]
        rotate[0][2] = z[0]  # -- Z
        rotate[1][2] = z[1]
        rotate[2][2] = z[2]

        return matrix44.multiply(translate, rotate)
Esempio n. 6
    def update_camera_vectors(self):
        front = Vector3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        front.x = cos(radians(self.yaw)) * cos(radians(self.pitch))
        front.y = sin(radians(self.pitch))
        front.z = sin(radians(self.yaw)) * cos(radians(self.pitch))

        self.camera_front = vector.normalise(front)
        self.camera_right = vector.normalise(vector3.cross(self.camera_front, Vector3([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])))
        self.camera_up = vector.normalise(vector3.cross(self.camera_right, self.camera_front))
Esempio n. 7
    def _update_yaw_and_pitch(self) -> None:
        """Updates the camera vectors based on the current yaw and pitch"""
        front = Vector3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        front.x = cos(radians(self.yaw)) * cos(radians(self.pitch))
        front.y = sin(radians(self.pitch))
        front.z = sin(radians(self.yaw)) * cos(radians(self.pitch))

        self.dir = vector.normalise(front)
        self.right = vector.normalise(vector3.cross(self.dir, self._up))
        self.up = vector.normalise(vector3.cross(self.right, self.dir))
Esempio n. 8
    def update_camera_vectors(self):
        front = glm.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        front.x = cos(radians(self.jaw)) * cos(radians(self.pitch))
        front.y = sin(radians(self.pitch))
        front.z = sin(radians(self.jaw)) * cos(radians(self.pitch))

        self.camera_front = vector.normalise(front)
        self.camera_right = vector.normalise(
            vector3.cross(self.camera_front, glm.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)))
        self.camera_up = vector.normalise(
            vector3.cross(self.camera_right, self.camera_front))
Esempio n. 9
 def set_position(self, camera_position_index: CameraPose):
     self.move_vector = Vector3([0, 0, 0])
     self.camera_up = Vector3([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
     self.camera_pos = CAMERA_POSE_POSITION[camera_position_index]
     self.camera_pos = self.base + self.camera_pos
     self.camera_front = Vector3(
         vector.normalise(self.base - self.camera_pos))
     self.set_yaw_pitch_from_front(not camera_position_index == 0)
     self.camera_right = Vector3(
         vector.normalise(np.cross(self.camera_up, self.camera_front)))
     self.yaw_offset = 0.0
Esempio n. 10
def lookAtMatrix( camera, target, up ):
   forward = vector.normalise(target - camera)
   side = vector.normalise( vector.cross( forward, up ) )
   #shifts 'up' to the camera's up
   up = vector.cross( side, forward )

   matrix2 = array(
      [[ side[0], up[0], -forward[0], 0.0 ],
       [ side[1], up[1], -forward[1], 0.0 ], 
       [ side[2], up[2], -forward[2], 0.0 ], 
       [     0.0,   0.0,         0.0, 1.0 ]],
      dtype = float32)

   return array(mat4.multiply( mat4.create_from_translation( -camera ), matrix2 ), dtype=float32)
Esempio n. 11
	def AdjustView(self, eyePosition, targetPosition, upVector):
		eye = Vector3(eyePosition)
		target = Vector3(targetPosition)
		up = Vector3(upVector)
		zaxis = vector.normalise(eye - target)    # The "forward" vector.
		xaxis = vector.normalise(vector3.cross(up, zaxis)) # The "right" vector.
		yaxis = vector3.cross(zaxis, xaxis)     # The "up" vector.

		# Create a 4x4 view matrix from the right, up, forward and eye position vectors
		self.view.r1 = [xaxis[0], yaxis[0], zaxis[0], 0]
		self.view.r2 = [xaxis[1], yaxis[1], zaxis[1], 0]
		self.view.r3 = [xaxis[2], yaxis[2], zaxis[2], 0]
		self.view.r4 =[ xaxis, eye ), yaxis, eye ), zaxis, eye ),  1 ]

		return self.view
 def test_spherical( self ):
     angle_vector = numpy.array([ 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ])
     angle_vector = vector.normalise( angle_vector )
     normals = numpy.array([
         [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
         [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ],
         [ angle_vector[ 0 ], angle_vector[ 1 ], angle_vector[ 2 ] ]
     uv = Spherical(
         scale = (2.0, 1.0),
         offset = (0.0, 0.0)
     # ignored anyway
     vertices = []
     texture_coords = uv.generate_coordinates(
         texture_coords[ 0 ][ 1 ],
         "UV coordinates incorrect"
Esempio n. 13
File: Progetto: jstasiak/Pyrr
def create_ray( start, direction ):
    return numpy.array(
            vector.normalise( direction )
Esempio n. 14
    def point_camera(self):
        pos = mouse.get_rel()
        x_offset = pos[0]
        y_offset = pos[1]

        x_offset *= self.sensitivity
        y_offset *= self.sensitivity

        self.yaw += x_offset * self.sensitivity
        self.pitch += -y_offset * self.sensitivity

        if self.pitch > 89.0:
            self.pitch = 89.0
        if self.pitch < -89.0:
            self.pitch = -89.0

        direction_x = cos(radians(self.pitch)) * cos(radians(self.yaw))
        direction_y = sin(radians(self.pitch))
        direction_z = cos(radians(self.pitch)) * sin(radians(self.yaw))
        self.camera_front = vector.normalise(
            np.array([direction_x, direction_y, direction_z],
        self.camera_front = Vector3(self.camera_front)

        view_matrix = self.look_at(self.camera_position,
                                   self.camera_position + self.camera_front)
        glUniformMatrix4fv(self.view_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, view_matrix)
Esempio n. 15
def normalise( quat ):
    """Ensure a quaternion is unit length (length ~= 1.0).

    The quaternion is **not** changed in place.
    :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion to normalise.
    :rtype: numpy.array
    :return: The normalised quaternion(s).
    return vector.normalise( quat )
Esempio n. 16
File: Progetto: jstasiak/Pyrr
def create_from_line( line ):
    Converts a line or line segment to a ray.
    # direction = vend - vstart
    return numpy.array(
            line[ 0 ],
            vector.normalise( line[ 1 ] - line[ 0 ] )
Esempio n. 17
    def track_update_camera_vectors(self):
        pos = Vector3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        pos.x = self.distance * cos(radians(self.yaw)) * cos(
        pos.y = self.distance * sin(radians(self.pitch))
        pos.z = self.distance * sin(radians(self.yaw)) * cos(

        self.camera_pos = pos
        self.camera_right = vector.normalise(
            vector3.cross(self.world_centre, self.camera_up))
Esempio n. 18
    def test_create_from_position(self):
        position = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        normal = np.array([0.0, 3.0, 0.0])
        result = plane.create_from_position(position, normal)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(result, [0., 1., 0., 0.]))

        p0 = position + [1., 0., 0.]
        p = position
        n = vector.normalise(normal)
        coplanar = p - p0
        self.assertEqual(np.sum(n * coplanar), 0.)
Esempio n. 19
        def single_vector():
            vec = numpy.array( [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ] )
            result = vector.normalise( vec )

            length = numpy.array(
                [ math.sqrt( numpy.sum( vec ** 2 ) ) ]
            expected = vec / length

                numpy.array_equal( result, expected ),
                "Vector normalise not unit length"
Esempio n. 20
 def gravitational_force_from(self, other) -> Vector3:
     :math:`\vec{F} = -G * (m_1 * m_2)/(|r|^2) * \vec{r}`
     if self.intersecting and other.intersecting:
         return Vector3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
         return -(
             * self.mass
             * other.mass
             / self.squared_distance_to(other)
         ) * vector.normalise(self.vector_to(other))
Esempio n. 21
def look_at(position: Vector3, target: Vector3, world_up: Vector3) -> Matrix44:
    z_axis: Vector3 = vector.normalise(position - target)
    x_axis: Vector3 = vector.normalise(
        vector3.cross(vector.normalise(world_up), z_axis))
    y_axis: Vector3 = vector3.cross(z_axis, x_axis)

    translation: Matrix44 = Matrix44.identity()
    translation[3][0] = -position.x
    translation[3][1] = -position.y
    translation[3][2] = -position.z

    rotation: Matrix44 = Matrix44.identity()
    rotation[0][0] = x_axis[0]
    rotation[1][0] = x_axis[1]
    rotation[2][0] = x_axis[2]
    rotation[0][1] = y_axis[0]
    rotation[1][1] = y_axis[1]
    rotation[2][1] = y_axis[2]
    rotation[0][2] = z_axis[0]
    rotation[1][2] = z_axis[1]
    rotation[2][2] = z_axis[2]

    return rotation * translation
Esempio n. 22
    def lookAtMe(self, position, target, world_up):
        # Calculamos la direccion de la camara en z
        zaxis = vector.normalise(position - target)
        # Calculamos la direccion de la camara en x
        xaxis = vector.normalise(
            vector3.cross(vector.normalise(world_up), zaxis))
        # Calculamos la direccion de la camara en y
        yaxis = vector3.cross(zaxis, xaxis)

        # Creamos la matriz de transaltion y de rotation
        translation = Matrix44.identity()
        rotation = Matrix44.identity()
        matrix identidad = [
            1, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 1, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 1, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 1
        # Dentro de la matriz ingresamos cada uno de los valores
        translation[3][0] = -position.x
        translation[3][1] = -position.y
        translation[3][2] = -position.z

        # Añadimos a la matriz los valores
        rotation[0][0] = xaxis[0]
        rotation[1][0] = xaxis[1]
        rotation[2][0] = xaxis[2]
        rotation[0][1] = yaxis[0]
        rotation[1][1] = yaxis[1]
        rotation[2][1] = yaxis[2]
        rotation[0][2] = zaxis[0]
        rotation[1][2] = zaxis[1]
        rotation[2][2] = zaxis[2]

        return translation * rotation
Esempio n. 23
    def update_camera_vectors(self):
        if not self.rotate_around_base:
            front: Vector3 = Vector3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
            front.x = cos(radians(self.yaw + self.yaw_offset)) * cos(
            front.y = sin(radians(self.pitch))
            front.z = sin(radians(self.yaw + self.yaw_offset)) * cos(

            self.camera_front = vector.normalize(front)
            self.camera_right = vector.normalize(
                vector3.cross(self.camera_front, Vector3([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])))
            self.camera_up = vector.normalise(
                vector3.cross(self.camera_right, self.camera_front))
            self.camera_pos = self.camera_pos + self.camera_right * self.move_vector.x * self.move_speed
            self.camera_pos = self.camera_pos + self.camera_up * self.move_vector.y * self.move_speed
            self.camera_pos = self.camera_pos + self.camera_front * self.move_vector.z * self.move_speed
            self.yaw_offset += self.rotation_speed
            front: Vector3 = Vector3([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
            front.x = cos(radians(self.yaw + self.yaw_offset)) * cos(
            front.y = sin(radians(self.pitch))
            front.z = sin(radians(self.yaw + self.yaw_offset)) * cos(
            front_offset = vector.normalize(front) - self.camera_front
            self.camera_pos -= front_offset * vector.length(self.camera_pos -

            self.camera_front = vector.normalize(front)
            self.camera_right = vector.normalize(
                vector3.cross(self.camera_front, Vector3([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])))
            self.camera_up = vector.normalise(
                vector3.cross(self.camera_right, self.camera_front))
            self.camera_pos = self.camera_pos + self.camera_right * self.move_vector.x * self.move_speed
            self.camera_pos = self.camera_pos + self.camera_up * self.move_vector.y * self.move_speed
            self.camera_pos = self.camera_pos + self.camera_front * self.move_vector.z * self.move_speed
Esempio n. 24
 def __init__( self, position, forward, up, size = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) ):
     Creates a Box with the bottom left corner at position with the normal
     being the depth and up the height
     @param position: The 3d vector representing the centre of the box.
     @param forward: The forward vector of the box. Must be co-planar with the up vector.
     @param up: The up vector of the box. Must be co-planar with the forward vector.
     will be normalised during construction.
     @param size: The size of the box where X is right, Y is forward, Z is up 
     @raise ValueError: raised if the up vector is not co-planar
     super( BoxWrap, self ).__init__()
     self.position = numpy.array( position, dtype = float )
     self.size = size
     self.forward = numpy.array( forward, dtype = float )
     self.up = numpy.array( up, dtype = float )
     vector.normalise( self.forward )
     vector.normalise( self.up )
     if self.forward, self.up ) != 0.0:
         raise ValueError( "Vectors are not co-planar" )
Esempio n. 25
    def look_at(self, position, target, up=Vector3([0., 1., 0.])):
        direction = vector.normalise(position - target)
        direction = np.array(direction, dtype=np.float32)
        up = np.array(up, dtype=np.float32)
        camera_right = vector.normalise(vector3.cross(up, direction))
        camera_up = vector.normalise(vector3.cross(direction, camera_right))

        translation = Matrix44.identity()
        translation[3][0] = -position[0]
        translation[3][1] = -position[1]
        translation[3][2] = -position[2]

        rotation = Matrix44.identity()
        rotation[0][0] = camera_right[0]
        rotation[1][0] = camera_right[1]
        rotation[2][0] = camera_right[2]
        rotation[0][1] = camera_up[0]
        rotation[1][1] = camera_up[1]
        rotation[2][1] = camera_up[2]
        rotation[0][2] = direction[0]
        rotation[1][2] = direction[1]
        rotation[2][2] = direction[2]

        return np.array(translation * rotation, dtype=np.float32)
Esempio n. 26
    def __init__(self, position, forward, up, size=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)):
        Creates a Box with the bottom left corner at position with the normal
        being the depth and up the height
        @param position: The 3d vector representing the centre of the box.
        @param forward: The forward vector of the box. Must be co-planar with the up vector.
        @param up: The up vector of the box. Must be co-planar with the forward vector.
        will be normalised during construction.
        @param size: The size of the box where X is right, Y is forward, Z is up 
        @raise ValueError: raised if the up vector is not co-planar
        super(BoxWrap, self).__init__()

        self.position = numpy.array(position, dtype=float)
        self.size = size

        self.forward = numpy.array(forward, dtype=float)
        self.up = numpy.array(up, dtype=float)


        if, self.up) != 0.0:
            raise ValueError("Vectors are not co-planar")
Esempio n. 27
        def batch_normalise():
            vec = numpy.array([ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ] )
            batch = numpy.tile( vec, (3, 1) )
            result = vector.normalise( batch )
            lengths = numpy.array(
                [ math.sqrt( numpy.sum( vec ** 2 ) ) ]
            lengths = numpy.tile( lengths, (3,1) )
            expected = batch / lengths

                numpy.array_equal( result, expected ),
                "Batch vector normalise not unit length"
Esempio n. 28
def create_from_position( position, normal ):
    """Creates a plane at position with the normal being above the plane
    and up being the rotation of the plane.

    :param numpy.array position: The position of the plane.
    :param numpy.array normal: The normal of the plane. Will be normalised
        during construction.
    :rtype: numpy.array
    :return: A plane that crosses the specified position with the specified
    # -d = a * px  + b * py + c * pz
    n = vector.normalise( normal )
    d = -numpy.sum( n * position )
    return numpy.array( [ n[ 0 ], n[ 1 ], n[ 2 ], d ] )
Esempio n. 29
    def test_spherical(self):
        angle_vector = numpy.array([1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
        angle_vector = vector.normalise(angle_vector)

        normals = numpy.array(
            [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
             [angle_vector[0], angle_vector[1], angle_vector[2]]])

        uv = Spherical(scale=(2.0, 1.0), offset=(0.0, 0.0))

        # ignored anyway
        vertices = []
        texture_coords = uv.generate_coordinates(vertices, normals)

        self.assertEqual(texture_coords[0][1], 0.5, "UV coordinates incorrect")
Esempio n. 30
    def apply( quat, vec3 ):
        v = numpy.array( vec )
        return v + 2.0 * vector.cross(
            vector.cross( quat[:-1], v ) + (quat[-1] * v)
        length = vector.length( vec3 )
        vec3 = vector.normalise( vec3 )

        # use the vector to create a new quaternion
        # this is basically the vector3 to vector4 conversion with W = 0
        vec_quat = numpy.array( [ vec3[ 0 ], vec3[ 1 ], vec3[ 2 ], 0.0 ] )

        # quat * vec * quat^-1
        result = cross( quat, cross( vec_quat, conjugate( quat ) ) )
        return result[ :-1 ] * length
Esempio n. 31
def point_closest_point_on_ray( point, ray ):
    """Calculates the point on a ray that is closest to a point.

    :param numpy.array point: The point to check with.
    :param numpy.array ray: The ray to check against.
    :rtype: numpy.array
    :return: The closest point on the ray to the point.
    t = (p - rp).n
    cp = rp + (n * t)
    p is the point
    rp is the ray origin
    n is the ray normal of unit length
    t is the distance along the ray to the point
    normalised_n = vector.normalise( ray[ 1 ] )
    relative_point = (point - ray[ 0 ])
    t = relative_point, normalised_n )
    return ray[ 0 ] + ( normalised_n * t )
Esempio n. 32
   def regenViewMatrix(self):
      forward = array([ math.cos( self.verticalAngle ) * math.sin( self.horizontalAngle ),
                        math.sin( self.verticalAngle ),
                        math.cos( self.verticalAngle ) * math.cos( self.horizontalAngle ) ])
      up = array([0.,-1.,0.,])
      side = -vector.normalise( vector.cross( forward, up ) )
      #shifts 'up' to the camera's up
      up = vector.cross( side, forward )

      matrix2 = array(
         [[ side[0], up[0], forward[0], 0.0 ],
          [ side[1], up[1], forward[1], 0.0 ], 
          [ side[2], up[2], forward[2], 0.0 ], 
          [     0.0,   0.0,         0.0, 1.0 ]],
         dtype = float32)

      self.position += forward * self.xMovement
      self.position += side    * self.yMovement

      self.xMovement = self.yMovement = 0.

      self.viewMatrix =  array(mat4.multiply( mat4.create_from_translation( self.position ), matrix2 ), dtype=float32)