Esempio n. 1
    def _test_ea_diag(self, kmf, kshift=0):
        cc = kccsd.KUCCSD(kmf)
        Ecc = cc.kernel()[0]

        eom = kccsd_uhf.EOMEA(cc)
        imds = eom.make_imds()
        t1a, t1b = imds.t1
        nkpts, nocc_a, nvir_a = t1a.shape
        nkpts, nocc_b, nvir_b = t1b.shape
        nocc = nocc_a + nocc_b
        nvir = nvir_a + nvir_b
        diag = kccsd_uhf.eaccsd_diag(eom, kshift, imds=imds)

        I = np.identity(diag.shape[0], dtype=complex)
        indices = np.arange(diag.shape[0])
        H = np.zeros((I.shape[0], len(indices)), dtype=complex)
        for j, idx in enumerate(indices):
            H[:, j] = kccsd_uhf.eaccsd_matvec(eom,
                                              I[:, idx],

        diag_ref = np.zeros(len(indices), dtype=complex)
        diag_out = np.zeros(len(indices), dtype=complex)
        for j, idx in enumerate(indices):
            diag_ref[j] = H[idx, j]
            diag_out[j] = diag[idx]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(diag_ref - diag_out)
            abs(diff) < KGCCSD_TEST_THRESHOLD,
            "Difference in EA diag: {}".format(diff))
Esempio n. 2
    def _test_ip_diag(self,kmf,kshift=0):
        cc = kccsd.KUCCSD(kmf)
        Ecc = cc.kernel()[0]

        eom = kccsd_uhf.EOMIP(cc)
        imds = eom.make_imds()
        t1a,t1b = imds.t1
        nkpts, nocc_a, nvir_a = t1a.shape
        nkpts, nocc_b, nvir_b = t1b.shape
        nocc = nocc_a + nocc_b
        diag = kccsd_uhf.ipccsd_diag(eom,kshift,imds=imds)
        I = np.zeros((diag.shape[0],diag.shape[0]),dtype=complex)
        I[:nocc,:nocc] = np.identity(nocc,dtype=complex)
        indices = get_ip_identity(nocc_a,nocc_b,nvir_a,nvir_b,nkpts,I)
        H = np.zeros((I.shape[0],len(indices)),dtype=complex)
        for j,idx in enumerate(indices):
            H[:,j] = kccsd_uhf.ipccsd_matvec(eom,I[:,idx],kshift,imds=imds)

        diag_ref = np.zeros(len(indices),dtype=complex)
        diag_out = np.zeros(len(indices),dtype=complex)
        for j,idx in enumerate(indices):
            diag_ref[j] = H[idx,j]
            diag_out[j] = diag[idx]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(diag_ref - diag_out)
        self.assertTrue(abs(diff) < thresh,"Difference in IP diag: {}".format(diff))
Esempio n. 3
    def _test_ea_diag(self,kmf,kshift=0):
        cc = kccsd.KUCCSD(kmf)
        Ecc = cc.kernel()[0]

        eom = kccsd_uhf.EOMEA(cc)
        imds = eom.make_imds()
        t1a,t1b = imds.t1
        nkpts, nocc_a, nvir_a = t1a.shape
        nkpts, nocc_b, nvir_b = t1b.shape
        nocc = nocc_a + nocc_b
        nvir = nvir_a + nvir_b
        diag = kccsd_uhf.eaccsd_diag(eom,kshift,imds=imds)
        I = np.zeros((diag.shape[0],diag.shape[0]),dtype=complex)
        I[:nvir,:nvir] = np.identity(nvir,dtype=complex)
        indices = get_ea_identity(kshift,nocc_a,nocc_b,nvir_a,nvir_b,nkpts,I,cc)
        H = np.zeros((I.shape[0],len(indices)),dtype=complex)
        for j,idx in enumerate(indices):
            H[:,j] = kccsd_uhf.eaccsd_matvec(eom,I[:,idx],kshift,imds=imds)

        diag_ref = np.zeros(len(indices),dtype=complex)
        diag_out = np.zeros(len(indices),dtype=complex)
        for j,idx in enumerate(indices):
            diag_ref[j] = H[idx,j]
            diag_out[j] = diag[idx]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(diag_ref - diag_out)
        self.assertTrue(abs(diff) < thresh,"Difference in EA diag: {}".format(diff))
Esempio n. 4
    def test_he_131_diag(self):
        kpts = cell.make_kpts([1,3,1])
        kmf = pbcscf.KGHF(cell, kpts, exxdiv=None)
        Escf = kmf.scf()
        cc = kccsd.KGCCSD(kmf)
        Ecc = cc.kernel()[0]

Esempio n. 5
    def test_he_112_diag(self):
        kpts = cell.make_kpts([1, 1, 2])
        kmf = pbcscf.KGHF(cell, kpts, exxdiv=None)
        Escf = kmf.scf()
        cc = kccsd.KGCCSD(kmf)
        Ecc = cc.kernel()[0]

Esempio n. 6
def run_kcell(cell, n, nk):
    # Do a k-point calculation                  #
    abs_kpts = cell.make_kpts(nk, wrap_around=True)
    #cell.verbose = 7

    # HF
    kmf = pbcscf.KRHF(cell, abs_kpts, exxdiv=None)
    kmf.conv_tol = 1e-14
    ekpt = kmf.scf()

    # CCSD
    cc = pbcc.kccsd_rhf.RCCSD(kmf)
    cc.conv_tol = 1e-8
    ecc, t1, t2 = cc.kernel()
    return ekpt, ecc
Esempio n. 7
def run_kcell(cell, n, nk):
    # Do a k-point calculation                  #
    abs_kpts = cell.make_kpts(nk, wrap_around=True)
    #cell.verbose = 7

    # HF
    kmf = pbcscf.KRHF(cell, abs_kpts, exxdiv=None)
    kmf.conv_tol = 1e-14
    ekpt = kmf.scf()

    # CCSD
    cc = pbcc.kccsd_rhf.RCCSD(kmf)
    cc.conv_tol = 1e-8
    ecc, t1, t2 = cc.kernel()
    return ekpt, ecc
Esempio n. 8
    def test_frozen_n3(self):
        mesh = 5
        cell = make_test_cell.test_cell_n3([mesh] * 3)
        nk = (1, 1, 2)
        ehf_bench = -8.348616843863795
        ecc_bench = -0.037920339437169

        abs_kpts = cell.make_kpts(nk, with_gamma_point=True)

        # RHF calculation
        kmf = pbcscf.KRHF(cell, abs_kpts, exxdiv=None)
        kmf.conv_tol = 1e-9
        ehf = kmf.scf()

        # KRCCSD calculation, equivalent to running supercell
        # calculation with frozen=[0,1,2] (if done with larger mesh)
        cc =, frozen=[[0], [0, 1]])
        cc.diis_start_cycle = 1
        ecc, t1, t2 = cc.kernel()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ehf, ehf_bench, 9)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ecc, ecc_bench, 9)
Esempio n. 9
    def test_frozen_n3(self):
        mesh = 5
        cell = make_test_cell.test_cell_n3([mesh]*3)
        nk = (1, 1, 2)
        ehf_bench = -8.348616843863795
        ecc_bench = -0.037920339437169

        abs_kpts = cell.make_kpts(nk, with_gamma_point=True)

        # RHF calculation
        kmf = pbcscf.KRHF(cell, abs_kpts, exxdiv=None)
        kmf.conv_tol = 1e-9
        ehf = kmf.scf()

        # KRCCSD calculation, equivalent to running supercell
        # calculation with frozen=[0,1,2] (if done with larger mesh)
        cc = pbcc.kccsd_rhf.RCCSD(kmf, frozen=[[0],[0,1]])
        cc.diis_start_cycle = 1
        ecc, t1, t2 = cc.kernel()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ehf, ehf_bench, 9)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ecc, ecc_bench, 7)