Esempio n. 1
def loc_orbs(mol: gto.Mole, mo_coeff: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], \
             s: np.ndarray, ref: str, variant: str) -> np.ndarray:
        this function returns a set of localized MOs of a specific variant
    # loop over spins
    for i, spin_mo in enumerate((mol.alpha, mol.beta)):

        if variant == 'fb':
            # foster-boys procedure
            loc = lo.Boys(mol, mo_coeff[i][:, spin_mo])
            loc.conv_tol = LOC_CONV
            # FB MOs
            mo_coeff[i][:, spin_mo] = loc.kernel()
        elif variant == 'pm':
            # pipek-mezey procedure
            loc = lo.PM(mol, mo_coeff[i][:, spin_mo])
            loc.conv_tol = LOC_CONV
            # PM MOs
            mo_coeff[i][:, spin_mo] = loc.kernel()
        elif 'ibo' in variant:
            # orthogonalized IAOs
            iao = lo.iao.iao(mol, mo_coeff[i][:, spin_mo])
            iao = lo.vec_lowdin(iao, s)
            # IBOs
            mo_coeff[i][:, spin_mo] = lo.ibo.ibo(mol, mo_coeff[i][:, spin_mo], iaos=iao, \
                                                 grad_tol = LOC_CONV, exponent=int(variant[-1]), verbose=0)
        # closed-shell reference
        if ref == 'restricted' and mol.spin == 0:
            mo_coeff[i + 1][:, spin_mo] = mo_coeff[i][:, spin_mo]

    return mo_coeff
Esempio n. 2
from pyscf import lo
from import molden

mol = gto.M(
    atom = '''
C    0.000000000000     1.398696930758     0.000000000000
C    0.000000000000    -1.398696930758     0.000000000000
C    1.211265339156     0.699329968382     0.000000000000
C    1.211265339156    -0.699329968382     0.000000000000
C   -1.211265339156     0.699329968382     0.000000000000
C   -1.211265339156    -0.699329968382     0.000000000000
H    0.000000000000     2.491406946734     0.000000000000
H    0.000000000000    -2.491406946734     0.000000000000
H    2.157597486829     1.245660462400     0.000000000000
H    2.157597486829    -1.245660462400     0.000000000000
H   -2.157597486829     1.245660462400     0.000000000000
H   -2.157597486829    -1.245660462400     0.000000000000''',
    basis = '6-31g')
mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()

pz_idx = numpy.array([17,20,21,22,23,30,36,41,42,47,48,49])-1
loc_orb = lo.Boys(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:,pz_idx]).kernel()
molden.from_mo(mol, 'boys.molden', loc_orb)

loc_orb = lo.ER(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:,pz_idx]).kernel()
molden.from_mo(mol, 'edmiston.molden', loc_orb)

loc_orb = lo.PM(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:,pz_idx]).kernel()
molden.from_mo(mol, 'pm.molden', loc_orb)

Esempio n. 3
#!/usr/bin/env python
PM localization for PBC systems.  It supports gamma point only.

import numpy as np
from pyscf.pbc import gto
from pyscf.pbc import scf
from pyscf import lo

cell = gto.Cell()
cell.atom = '''
 C                  3.17500000    3.17500000    3.17500000
 H                  2.54626556    2.54626556    2.54626556
 H                  3.80373444    3.80373444    2.54626556
 H                  2.54626556    3.80373444    3.80373444
 H                  3.80373444    2.54626556    3.80373444
cell.basis = 'sto3g'
cell.a = np.eye(3) * 6.35

mf = scf.RHF(cell).density_fit().run()
lmo = lo.PM(cell, mf.mo_coeff[:, 1:5]).kernel()

nk = [1, 1, 1]
abs_kpts = cell.make_kpts(nk)
kmf = scf.KRHF(cell, abs_kpts).density_fit().run()
lmo = lo.PM(cell, kmf.mo_coeff[0][:, 1:5]).kernel()
Esempio n. 4
    def init(self,molecule,charge,spin,basis_set,orb_basis='scf',cas=False,cas_nstart=None,cas_nstop=None,cas_nel=None,loc_nstart=None,loc_nstop=None,
    # {{{
        import pyscf
        from pyscf import gto, scf, ao2mo, molden, lo
        pyscf.lib.num_threads(1)  #with degenerate states and multiple processors there can be issues
        #PYSCF inputs
        print(" ---------------------------------------------------------")
        print("                      Using Pyscf:")
        print(" ---------------------------------------------------------")
        print("                                                          ")

        mol = gto.Mole()
        mol.atom = molecule

        mol.max_memory = 1000 # MB
        mol.symmetry = True
        mol.charge = charge
        mol.spin = spin
        mol.basis = basis_set


        #mf = scf.RHF(mol).run(init_guess='atom')
        mf = scf.RHF(mol).run(conv_tol=scf_conv_tol)
        #C = mf.mo_coeff #MO coeffs
        enu = mf.energy_nuc()
        print(" SCF Total energy: %12.8f" %mf.e_tot) 
        print(" SCF Elec  energy: %12.8f" %(mf.e_tot-enu))
        if mol.symmetry == True:
            from pyscf import symm
            mo = symm.symmetrize_orb(mol, mf.mo_coeff)
            osym = symm.label_orb_symm(mol, mol.irrep_name, mol.symm_orb, mo)
            #symm.addons.symmetrize_space(mol, mo, s=None, check=True, tol=1e-07)
            for i in range(len(osym)):
                print("%4d %8s %16.8f"%(i+1,osym[i],mf.mo_energy[i]))

        #orbitals and lectrons
        n_orb = mol.nao_nr()
        n_b , n_a = mol.nelec 
        nel = n_a + n_b
        self.n_orb = mol.nao_nr()

        if cas == True:
            cas_norb = cas_nstop - cas_nstart
            from pyscf import mcscf
            assert(cas_nstart != None)
            assert(cas_nstop != None)
            assert(cas_nel != None)
            cas_nstart = 0
            cas_nstop = n_orb
            cas_nel = nel

        ##AO 2 MO Transformation: orb_basis or scf
        if orb_basis == 'scf':
            print("\nUsing Canonical Hartree Fock orbitals...\n")
            C = cp.deepcopy(mf.mo_coeff)
            print("C shape")

        elif orb_basis == 'lowdin':
            assert(cas == False)
            S = mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph')
            print("Using lowdin orthogonalized orbitals")

            C = lowdin(S)

        elif orb_basis == 'boys':
            pyscf.lib.num_threads(1)  #with degenerate states and multiple processors there can be issues
            cl_c = mf.mo_coeff[:, :cas_nstart]
            cl_a = lo.Boys(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, cas_nstart:cas_nstop]).kernel(verbose=4)
            cl_v = mf.mo_coeff[:, cas_nstop:]
            C = np.column_stack((cl_c, cl_a, cl_v))

        elif orb_basis == 'boys2':
            pyscf.lib.num_threads(1)  #with degenerate states and multiple processors there can be issues
            cl_c = mf.mo_coeff[:, :loc_nstart]
            cl_a = lo.Boys(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, loc_nstart:loc_nstop]).kernel(verbose=4)
            cl_v = mf.mo_coeff[:, loc_nstop:]
            C = np.column_stack((cl_c, cl_a, cl_v))

        elif orb_basis == 'PM':
            pyscf.lib.num_threads(1)  #with degenerate states and multiple processors there can be issues
            cl_c = mf.mo_coeff[:, :cas_nstart]
            cl_a = lo.PM(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, cas_nstart:cas_nstop]).kernel(verbose=4)
            cl_v = mf.mo_coeff[:, cas_nstop:]
            C = np.column_stack((cl_c, cl_a, cl_v))

        elif orb_basis == 'PM2':
            pyscf.lib.num_threads(1)  #with degenerate states and multiple processors there can be issues
            cl_c = mf.mo_coeff[:, :loc_nstart]
            cl_a = lo.PM(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, loc_nstart:loc_nstop]).kernel(verbose=4)
            cl_v = mf.mo_coeff[:, loc_nstop:]
            C = np.column_stack((cl_c, cl_a, cl_v))

        elif orb_basis == 'ER':
            pyscf.lib.num_threads(1)  #with degenerate states and multiple processors there can be issues
            cl_c = mf.mo_coeff[:, :cas_nstart]
            cl_a = lo.PM(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, cas_nstart:cas_nstop]).kernel(verbose=4)
            cl_v = mf.mo_coeff[:, cas_nstop:]
            C = np.column_stack((cl_c, cl_a, cl_v))

        elif orb_basis == 'ER2':
            pyscf.lib.num_threads(1)  #with degenerate states and multiple processors there can be issues
            cl_c = mf.mo_coeff[:, :loc_nstart]
            cl_a = lo.ER(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, loc_nstart:loc_nstop]).kernel(verbose=4)
            cl_v = mf.mo_coeff[:, loc_nstop:]
            C = np.column_stack((cl_c, cl_a, cl_v))

        elif orb_basis == 'ibmo':
            loc_vstop =  loc_nstop - n_a

            mo_occ = mf.mo_coeff[:,mf.mo_occ>0]
            mo_vir = mf.mo_coeff[:,mf.mo_occ==0]
            c_core = mo_occ[:,:loc_nstart]
            iao_occ = lo.iao.iao(mol, mo_occ[:,loc_nstart:])
            iao_vir = lo.iao.iao(mol, mo_vir[:,:loc_vstop])
            c_out  = mo_vir[:,loc_vstop:]

            # Orthogonalize IAO
            iao_occ = lo.vec_lowdin(iao_occ, mf.get_ovlp())
            iao_vir = lo.vec_lowdin(iao_vir, mf.get_ovlp())

            # Method 1, using Knizia's alogrithm to localize IAO orbitals
            Generate IBOS from orthogonal IAOs
            ibo_occ = lo.ibo.ibo(mol, mo_occ[:,loc_nstart:], iaos = iao_occ)
            ibo_vir = lo.ibo.ibo(mol, mo_vir[:,:loc_vstop], iaos = iao_vir)

            C = np.column_stack((c_core,ibo_occ,ibo_vir,c_out))

            print("Error:NO orbital basis defined")

        molden.from_mo(mol, 'orbitals.molden', C)

        if cas == True:
            mycas = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, cas_norb, cas_nel)
            h1e_cas, ecore = mycas.get_h1eff(mo_coeff = C)  #core core orbs to form ecore and eff
            h2e_cas = ao2mo.kernel(mol, C[:,cas_nstart:cas_nstop], aosym='s4',compact=False).reshape(4 * ((cas_norb), )) 
            #return h1e_cas,h2e_cas,ecore,C,mol,mf
            self.h = h1e_cas
            self.g = h2e_cas
            self.ecore = ecore
   = mf
            self.mol = mol
            self.C = cp.deepcopy(C[:,cas_nstart:cas_nstop])
            J,K = mf.get_jk()
            self.J = self.C.T @ J @ self.C
            self.K = self.C.T @ J @ self.C

            #HF density
            if orb_basis == 'scf':
                #C = C[:,cas_nstart:cas_nstop]
                D = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff=C)
                S = mf.get_ovlp()
                sal, svec = np.linalg.eigh(S)
                idx = sal.argsort()[::-1]
                sal = sal[idx]
                svec = svec[:, idx]
                sal = sal**-0.5
                sal = np.diagflat(sal)
                X = svec @ sal @ svec.T
                C_ao2mo = np.linalg.inv(X) @ C
                Cocc = C_ao2mo[:, :n_a]
                D = Cocc @ Cocc.T
                DMO = C_ao2mo.T   @ D @ C_ao2mo
                #only for cas space 
                DMO = DMO[cas_nstart:cas_nstop,cas_nstart:cas_nstop]
                self.dm_aa = DMO
                self.dm_bb = DMO

            if 0:
                h =
                g = ao2mo.kernel(mol,C,aosym='s4',compact=False).reshape(4*((n_orb),))
                const,heff = get_eff_for_casci(cas_nstart,cas_nstop,h,g)
                idx = range(cas_nstart,cas_nstop)
                h = h[:,idx] 
                h = h[idx,:] 
                g = g[:,:,:,idx] 
                g = g[:,:,idx,:] 
                g = g[:,idx,:,:] 
                g = g[idx,:,:,:] 

                self.ecore = const
                self.h = h + heff
                self.g = g 

        elif cas==False:
            h =
            g = ao2mo.kernel(mol,C,aosym='s4',compact=False).reshape(4*((n_orb),))
            #return h, g, enu, C,mol,mf
            self.h = h
            self.g = g
            self.ecore = enu
   = mf
            self.mol = mol
            self.C = C
            J,K = mf.get_jk()
            self.J = self.C.T @ J @ self.C
            self.K = self.C.T @ J @ self.C

            #HF density
            if orb_basis == 'scf':
                D = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff=None)
                S = mf.get_ovlp()
                sal, svec = np.linalg.eigh(S)
                idx = sal.argsort()[::-1]
                sal = sal[idx]
                svec = svec[:, idx]
                sal = sal**-0.5
                sal = np.diagflat(sal)
                X = svec @ sal @ svec.T
                C_ao2mo = np.linalg.inv(X) @ C
                Cocc = C_ao2mo[:, :n_a]
                D = Cocc @ Cocc.T
                DMO = C_ao2mo.T   @ D @ C_ao2mo
                self.dm_aa = DMO
                self.dm_bb = DMO
Esempio n. 5
def localize(pyscf_mf, loc_type='pm', verbose=0):
    """ Localize orbitals given a PySCF mean-field object

        pyscf_mf:  PySCF mean field object
        loc_type (str): localization type;
            Pipek-Mezey ('pm') or Edmiston-Rudenberg ('er')
        verbose (int): print level during localization

        pyscf_mf:  Updated PySCF mean field object with localized orbitals
    # Note: After loading with `load_casfile_to_pyscf()` you can quiet message
    # by resetting mf.mol, i.e., mf.mol = gto.M(...)
    # but this assumes you have the *exact* molecular specification on hand.
    # I've gotten acceptable results by restoring mf.mol this way (usually
    # followed by calling mf.kernel()). But consistent localization is not a
    # given (not unique) despite restoring data this way, hence the message.
    if len(pyscf_mf.mol.atom) == 0:
        sys.exit("`localize()` requires atom loc. and atomic basis to be" + \
                 " defined.\n  " + \
                 "It also can be sensitive to the initial guess and MO" + \
                 " coefficients.\n  " + \
                 "Best to try re-creating the PySCF molecule and doing the" + \
                 " SCF, rather than\n  " + \
                 "try to load the mean-field object with" + \
                 " `load_casfile_to_pyscf()`. You can \n " + \
                 "try to provide the missing information, but consistency" + \
                 " cannot be guaranteed!")

    # Split-localize (localize DOCC, SOCC, and virtual separately)
    docc_idx = np.where(np.isclose(pyscf_mf.mo_occ, 2.))[0]
    socc_idx = np.where(np.isclose(pyscf_mf.mo_occ, 1.))[0]
    virt_idx = np.where(np.isclose(pyscf_mf.mo_occ, 0.))[0]

    # Pipek-Mezey
    if loc_type.lower() == 'pm':
        print("Localizing doubly occupied ... ", end="")
        loc_docc_mo = lo.PM(
            pyscf_mf.mo_coeff[:, docc_idx]).kernel(verbose=verbose)
        print("singly occupied ... ", end="")
        loc_socc_mo = lo.PM(
            pyscf_mf.mo_coeff[:, socc_idx]).kernel(verbose=verbose)
        print("virtual ... ", end="")
        loc_virt_mo = lo.PM(
            pyscf_mf.mo_coeff[:, virt_idx]).kernel(verbose=verbose)

    # Edmiston-Rudenberg
    elif loc_type.lower() == 'er':
        print("Localizing doubly occupied ... ", end="")
        loc_docc_mo = lo.ER(
            pyscf_mf.mo_coeff[:, docc_idx]).kernel(verbose=verbose)
        print("singly occupied ... ", end="")
        loc_socc_mo = lo.ER(
            pyscf_mf.mo_coeff[:, socc_idx]).kernel(verbose=verbose)
        print("virtual ... ", end="")
        loc_virt_mo = lo.ER(
            pyscf_mf.mo_coeff[:, virt_idx]).kernel(verbose=verbose)

    # overwrite orbitals with localized orbitals
    pyscf_mf.mo_coeff[:, docc_idx] = loc_docc_mo.copy()
    pyscf_mf.mo_coeff[:, socc_idx] = loc_socc_mo.copy()
    pyscf_mf.mo_coeff[:, virt_idx] = loc_virt_mo.copy()

    return pyscf_mf
Esempio n. 6
def init_pyscf(molecule, charge, spin, basis, orbitals):
    # {{{
    #PYSCF inputs
    print(" ---------------------------------------------------------")
    print("                                                          ")
    print("                      Using Pyscf:")
    print("                                                          ")
    print(" ---------------------------------------------------------")
    print("                                                          ")
    mol = gto.Mole()
    mol.atom = molecule

    # this is needed to prevent openblas - openmp clash for some reason
    # todo: take out

    mol.max_memory = 1000  # MB
    mol.charge = charge
    mol.spin = spin
    mol.basis = basis

    #orbitals and electrons
    n_orb = mol.nao_nr()
    n_b, n_a = mol.nelec
    nel = n_a + n_b

    mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()
    #mf = scf.ROHF(mol).run()
    C = mf.mo_coeff  #MO coeffs
    S = mf.get_ovlp()

    print(" Orbs1:")
    Cl = cp.deepcopy(C)
    if orbitals == "boys":
        print("\nUsing Boys localised orbitals:\n")
        cl_o = lo.Boys(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, :n_a]).kernel(verbose=4)
        cl_v = lo.Boys(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, n_a:]).kernel(verbose=4)
        Cl = np.column_stack((cl_o, cl_v))

    elif orbitals == "pipek":
        print("\nUsing Pipek-Mezey localised orbitals:\n")
        cl_o = lo.PM(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, :n_a]).kernel(verbose=4)
        cl_v = lo.PM(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, n_a:]).kernel(verbose=4)
        Cl = np.column_stack((cl_o, cl_v))
    elif orbitals == "edmiston":
        print("\nUsing Edmiston-Ruedenberg localised orbitals:\n")
        cl_o = lo.ER(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, :n_a]).kernel(verbose=4)
        cl_v = lo.ER(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, n_a:]).kernel(verbose=4)
        Cl = np.column_stack((cl_o, cl_v))
#    elif orbitals == "svd":
#        print("\nUsing SVD localised orbitals:\n")
#        cl_o = cp.deepcopy(mf.mo_coeff[:,:n_a])
#        cl_v = cp.deepcopy(mf.mo_coeff[:,n_a:])
#        [U,s,V] = np.linalg.svd(cl_o)
#        cl_o =
#        Cl = np.column_stack((cl_o,cl_v))
    elif orbitals == "canonical":
        print("\nUsing Canonical orbitals:\n")
        print("Error: Wrong orbital specification:")

    print(" Overlap:")

    # sort by cluster
    blocks = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]]
    O = Cl[:, :n_a]
    V = Cl[:, n_a:]
    [sorted_order, cluster_sizes] = mulliken_clustering(blocks, mol, O)
    O = O[:, sorted_order]
    [sorted_order, cluster_sizes] = mulliken_clustering(blocks, mol, V)
    V = V[:, sorted_order]
    Cl = np.column_stack((O, V))

    C = cp.deepcopy(Cl)
    # dump orbitals for viewing
    molden.from_mo(mol, 'orbitals_canon.molden', C)
    molden.from_mo(mol, 'orbitals_local.molden', Cl)

    E_nu = gto.Mole.energy_nuc(mol)
    T = mol.intor('int1e_kin_sph')
    V = mol.intor('int1e_nuc_sph')
    hcore = T + V
    S = mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph')
    g = mol.intor('int2e_sph')

    print("\nSystem and Method:")

    print("Basis set                                      :%12s" % (mol.basis))
    print("Number of Orbitals                             :%10i" % (n_orb))
    print("Number of electrons                            :%10i" % (nel))
    print("Nuclear Repulsion                              :%16.10f " % E_nu)
    print("Electronic SCF energy                          :%16.10f " %
          (mf.e_tot - E_nu))
    print("SCF Energy                                     :%16.10f" %

    print(" AO->MO")
    g = np.einsum("pqrs,pl->lqrs", g, C)
    g = np.einsum("lqrs,qm->lmrs", g, C)
    g = np.einsum("lmrs,rn->lmns", g, C)
    g = np.einsum("lmns,so->lmno", g, C)

    h = reduce(, (C.conj().T, hcore, C))

    #    #mf = mf.density_fit(auxbasis='weigend')
    #    #mf._eri = None
    #    mcc = cc.UCCSD(mf)
    #    eris = mcc.ao2mo()
    #    eris.g = g
    #    eris.focka = h
    #    eris.fockb = h
    #    emp2, t1, t2 = mcc.init_amps(eris)
    #    exit()
    #    print(abs(t2).sum() - 4.9318753386922278)
    #    print(emp2 - -0.20401737899811551)
    #    t1, t2 = update_amps(mcc, t1, t2, eris)
    #    print(abs(t1).sum() - 0.046961325647584914)
    #    print(abs(t2).sum() - 5.378260578551683   )
    #    exit()

    return (n_orb, n_a, n_b, h, g, mol, E_nu, mf.e_tot, C, S)
Esempio n. 7
mol = gto.M(

mf = mol.HF().run()

# split localizing by Pipek-Mezey
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'localized':
    print("Using PM localized orbitals")
    C = np.hstack((lo.PM(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, mf.mo_occ > 0]).kernel(),
                   lo.PM(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, mf.mo_occ == 0]).kernel()))
    print("Using RHF orbitals")
    C = mf.mo_coeff

tree = t3ns.T3NS(mol, c=C, network='T3NS')

tree.kernel(D=50, doci=True, max_sweeps=10, verbosity=2)
tree.kernel(D=50, doci=True, max_sweeps=10, verbosity=2)

E = tree.kernel(D=100,
Esempio n. 8
cell.pseudo = 'gth-pade'
cell.verbose = 5'Angstrom')
mf = scf.RHF(cell)
generates IAOs
mo_occ = mf.mo_coeff[:, mf.mo_occ > 0]
#a = lo.iao.iao(cell, mo_occ, minao='minao')
#a = lo.iao.iao(cell, mo_occ, minao='gth-szv')
a = iao.iao(cell, mo_occ, minao='gth-szv', scf_basis=True,
            ref_basis='gth-szv')  # scf basis
print "IAO shape: ", a.shape
molden.from_mo(cell, 'diamondiao_szv.molden', a)

# Orthogonalize IAO
a = lo.vec_lowdin(a, mf.get_ovlp())
molden.from_mo(cell, 'diamondiao_szv_ortho.molden', a)

loc_obj = lo.PM(cell, a)
cost_before = loc_obj.cost_function()
print "cost function before localization: ", cost_before
loc_orb = loc_obj.kernel()
molden.from_mo(cell, 'diamondiao_szv_PM.molden', loc_orb)

#ibo must take the orthonormalized IAOs
#ibo = lo.ibo.ibo(cell, mo_occ, a)
#print "IBO shape: ", ibo.shape
#molden.from_mo(cell, 'diamondibo_szv_ibo.molden', ibo)
mycas = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 6)
# Be careful with the keyword argument "base". By default sort_mo function takes
# the 1-based indices. The return indices of .argsort() method above are 0-based
cas_orbs = mycas.sort_mo(cas_list, mf.mo_coeff, base=0)

# Localized orbitals are often used as the initial guess of CASSCF method.
# When localizing SCF orbitals, it's better to call the localization twice to
# obtain the localized orbitals for occupied space and virtual space
# separately. This split localization scheme can ensure that the initial core
# determinant sits inside the HF occupied space.
nocc = mol.nelectron // 2
loc1 = lo.PM(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, :nocc]).kernel()
loc2 = lo.PM(mol, mf.mo_coeff[:, nocc:]).kernel()
loc_orbs = numpy.hstack((loc1, loc2))
pz_pop = mo_mapping.mo_comps('C 2pz', mol, loc_orbs)
cas_list = pz_pop.argsort()[-6:]
print('cas_list', cas_list)
print('pz population for active space orbitals', pz_pop[cas_list])

# Symmetry was enabled in this molecule. By default, symmetry-adapted CASSCF
# algorithm will be called for molecule with symmetry. However, the orbital
# localization above breaks the orbital spatial symmetry. If proceeding the
# symmetry-adapted CASSCF calculation, the program may complain that the
# CASSCF initial guess is not symmetrized after certain attempts of orbital
# symmetrization. The simplest operation for this problem is to mute the
# spatial symmetry of the molecule.