Esempio n. 1
  def gw_corr_int(self, sn2w, eps=None):
    This computes an integral part of the GW correction at energies sn2e[spin,len(self.nn)]
    -\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty } \sum_m \frac{I^{nm}(i\omega{'})}{E_n + i\omega{'}-E_m^0} d\omega{'}
    see eq (16) within DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.9b00436

    if not hasattr(self, 'snmw2sf'):
      if self.restart_w is True:
        from pyscf.nao.m_restart import read_rst_h5py
        self.snmw2sf, msg = read_rst_h5py()
        self.snmw2sf = self.get_snmw2sf()

    sn2int = [np.zeros_like(n2w, dtype=self.dtype) for n2w in sn2w ]
    eps = self.dw_excl if eps is None else eps

    # split into mo_energies
    for s,ww in enumerate(sn2w):
      # split mo_energies into each spin channel
      for n,w in enumerate(ww):
        #print(__name__, 's,n,w int corr', s,n,w)
        # runs over orbitals
        for m in range(self.norbs):
          if abs(w-self.ksn2e[0,s,m])<eps : continue
          state_corr = ((self.dw_ia*self.snmw2sf[s][n,m,:] / \
              (w + 1j*self.ww_ia-self.ksn2e[0,s,m])).sum()/pi).real
          #print(n, m, -state_corr, w-self.ksn2e[0,s,m])
          sn2int[s][n] -= state_corr

    return sn2int
Esempio n. 2
  def gw_corr_int_iter(self, sn2w, eps=None):
    This computes an integral part of the GW correction at GW class while uses get_snmw2sf_iter

    if self.restart_w is True:
      from pyscf.nao.m_restart import read_rst_h5py
      self.snmw2sf, msg = read_rst_h5py()
      self.snmw2sf = self.get_snmw2sf_iter()

    return self.gw_corr_int(sn2w, eps=None)