Esempio n. 1
def polarScan(num_points=54): # You may request up to 811 points, max.

    lidar.scan() #take reading

    # LIDAR data properties
    dist_amnt = lidar.scan.dist_data_amnt   # Number of distance data points reported from the lidar
    angle_res = lidar.scan.dist_angle_res   # Angular resolution reported from lidar

    # create the column of distances
    scan_points = np.asarray(lidar.scan.distances) #store the reported readings and cast as numpy.array
    inc_ang = (dist_amnt/(num_points+1))*angle_res  # Calculate angle increment for scan_points resized to num_points
    scan_points = np.asarray(np.array_split(scan_points,num_points))  # Split array into sections
    scan_points = [item[0] for item in scan_points]   # output first element in each section into a list
    scan_points = np.asarray(scan_points) # cast the list into an array
    scan_points = np.reshape(scan_points,(scan_points.shape[0],1)) # Turn scan_points row into column

    #create the column of angles
    angles = np.zeros(num_points)
    x = len(angles)
    for i in range(x): #run this loop
        angles[i] = (i*lidar.scan.dist_angle_res*lidar.scan.dist_data_amnt/num_points)+(start_angle)
    angles = np.reshape(angles,(angles.shape[0],1))  # Turn angles row into column

    #create the polar coordinates of scan
    scan_points = np.hstack((scan_points,angles))    # Turn two (54,) arrays into a single (54,2) matrix
    scan_points = np.round(scan_points,3) # Round each element in array to 3 decimal places

Esempio n. 2
def nearest_point():

    lidar.scan() #take reading

    # LIDAR data properties
    dist_amnt = lidar.scan.dist_data_amnt   # Number of distance data points reported from the lidar
    angle_res = lidar.scan.dist_angle_res   # Angular resolution reported from lidar

    # create the column of distances
    scan_points = np.asarray(lidar.scan.distances) #store the reported readings and cast as numpy.array
    inc_ang = (dist_amnt/(num_points+1))*angle_res  # Calculate angle increment for scan_points resized to num_points
    scan_points = np.asarray(np.array_split(scan_points,num_points))  # Split array into sections
    scan_points = [item[0] for item in scan_points]   # output first element in each section into a list
    scan_points = np.asarray(scan_points) # cast the list into an array
    scan_points = np.reshape(scan_points,(scan_points.shape[0],1)) # Turn scan_points row into column

    #create the column of angles
    angles = np.zeros(54)
    x = len(angles)
    for i in range(x): #run this loop
        angles[i] = (i*lidar.scan.dist_angle_res*lidar.scan.dist_data_amnt/num_points)+(start_angle)
    angles = np.reshape(angles,(angles.shape[0],1))  # Turn angles row into column

    #create the polar coordinates of scan
    scan_points = np.hstack((scan_points,angles))    # Turn two (54,) arrays into a single (54,2) matrix
    scan_points = np.round(scan_points,3) # Round each element in array to 3 decimal places

    # convert the polar coordinates into cartesian
    scan_cart = np.zeros((num_points,2))
    d = len(scan_cart) # return the number of elements in scan
    for d in range(d):

    # calculate the distances between p0 and scan x_points
    vector_lengths = np.zeros(num_points)
    k = 0.004 # minimum distance for a reading considered to be valid
    d = len(scan_cart) #return the number of elements in scan
    for d in range(d):
        a = scan_cart[d,0]-p1[0] # difference in x values
        b = scan_cart[d,1]-p1[1] # difference in y values
        c = np.sqrt(a**2 + b**2) # take the hypotenuse
        if c < k:
            c = 5.0 # for nonvalid measurements, raise to 5 meters
        vector_lengths[d]= c # assign hypotenuse to vector length

    #"filter" returns array of all values greater than k, and min finds the minimum
    d_min = min(filter(lambda x: x > k, vector_lengths))
    myIndex = np.argmin(vector_lengths)
    myYValue =  scan_cart[myIndex,1] #column 1 is y values in scan_cart
    myPoint = np.array([ d_min, myYValue ])
    myPoint = np.round(myPoint, decimals = 3)
    #print(d_min) #print out the closest detected obstacle
Esempio n. 3
import pysicktim as lidar

# data = lidar.demo_data(file="demo_data_test.dat")
# data = lidar.demo_data(file="demo_data_test_empty.dat")
lidar.scan(demo=True, file="demo_data_test.dat")

Esempio n. 4
# Import pysicktim library as "lidar"
import pysicktim as lidar
import numpy as np
import L2_log as log

# Repeat code nested in for loop 10 times
for x in range(1):
    # while True:

    lidar.scan()  # Requests and returns list of LiDAR
    # distance data in meters

    scan_points = np.asarray(lidar.scan.distances)
    a = scan_points[338:474:1]
    print("sum is", a.sum())
    print("std is", np.std(a))

    # print distance list
Esempio n. 5
def get_distance():                                      #returns array 
    lidar.scan()                                	    # Requests and returns list of LiDAR
    	            	                                # distance data in meters
    scan_points = np.asarray(lidar.scan.distances)      # assign all points to scan_points
    sweep_dis = scan_points[300:500:1]                  # a = points on the array from 338 - 474
    return sweep_dis                                    #sweep_dis = 0.4 m sweep (distances)
Esempio n. 6
import socket
import pysicktim as lidar

port = 9999

socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
socket.bind(("", port))

while 1:
        request, ip = socket.recvfrom(1024)
        packet = str(int(lidar.scan.dist_start_ang)) , str(int(lidar.scan.dist_angle_res*10000)) , str(lidar.scan.dist_data_amnt), lidar.scan.raw_distances
        packet = " ".join(packet)
        socket.sendto(packet.encode(), ip)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        socket.sendto(packet.encode(), ip)
Esempio n. 7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import pysicktim as lidar  #   Import TIM5xx Library as "lidar"


data = lidar.scan()

print("Telegram Length: ", lidar.scan.telegram_len, "\n")

print("Command Type:\t", lidar.scan.cmd_type)
print("Command     :\t", lidar.scan.cmd)
print("Version Num :\t", lidar.scan.version)
print("Device Num  :\t", lidar.scan.device_num)

print("Serial Num  :\t", lidar.scan.serial_num)
print("Device Stat :\t", lidar.scan.device_stat)
print("Telegrm Cnt :\t", lidar.scan.telegram_cnt)
print("Scan Count  :\t", lidar.scan.scan_cnt)

print("\nTime since start (\u03BCs):\t\t", lidar.scan.uptime)
print("Time of transmission (\u03BCs):\t", lidar.scan.trans_time)
print("Digital Inputs Status:\t\t", lidar.scan.input_stat)
print("Digital Outputs Status:\t\t", lidar.scan.output_stat)
print("Layer Angle :\t\t\t", lidar.scan.layer_ang)
print("Scan Frequency (Hz):\t\t", lidar.scan.scan_freq)
print("Measurement Frequency (Hz):\t", lidar.scan.meas_freq)
print("Amount of Encoder Data :\t", lidar.scan.enc_amount)
print("# of valid 16 bit channels :\t", lidar.scan.num_16bit_chan)
