class DimensionalSynthesis(QWidget, Ui_Form): """Dimensional synthesis widget. User can run the dimensional synthesis here. """ def __init__(self, parent: MainWindowBase) -> None: """Reference names: + Iteration collections. + Result data. + Main window function references. """ super(DimensionalSynthesis, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.mech: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.path: Dict[int, List[_Coord]] = {} # Some reference of 'collections' self.collections = parent.collections.configure_widget.collections self.get_collection = parent.get_configure self.input_from = parent.input_from self.output_to = parent.output_to self.save_reply_box = parent.save_reply_box self.project_no_save = parent.project_no_save self.merge_result = parent.merge_result self.update_ranges = parent.main_canvas.update_ranges self.set_solving_path = parent.main_canvas.set_solving_path self.get_zoom = parent.main_canvas.get_zoom self.prefer = parent.prefer # Data and functions self.mechanism_data: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] self.alg_options: Dict[str, Union[int, float]] = {} self.alg_options.update(DEFAULT_PARAMS) self.alg_options.update(PARAMS[AlgorithmType.DE]) # Canvas self.preview_canvas = PreviewCanvas(self) self.preview_layout.addWidget(self.preview_canvas) # Splitter self.main_splitter.setStretchFactor(0, 10) self.main_splitter.setStretchFactor(1, 100) self.up_splitter.setSizes([80, 100]) self.down_splitter.setSizes([20, 80]) # Table widget column width header = self.parameter_list.horizontalHeader() header.setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.algorithm_options: Dict[AlgorithmType, QRadioButton] = {} for option in PARAMS: button = QRadioButton(option.value, self) button.clicked.connect(self.__set_algorithm_default) self.algorithm_options[option] = button self.algorithm_layout.addWidget(button) self.clear() def clear(self) -> None: """Clear all sub-widgets.""" self.mechanism_data.clear() self.result_list.clear() self.__clear_settings() self.__has_result() def __clear_settings(self) -> None: """Clear sub-widgets that contain the setting.""" self.clear_path(ask=False) self.path.clear() self.mech.clear() self.preview_canvas.clear() self.profile_name.clear() self.algorithm_options[AlgorithmType.DE].setChecked(True) self.__set_algorithm_default() self.parameter_list.setRowCount(0) self.target_points.clear() self.target_label.setVisible(self.has_target()) self.expression_string.clear() self.update_range() self.__able_to_generate() def has_target(self) -> bool: """Return True if the panel is no target settings.""" return self.target_points.count() > 0 @Slot(name='on_clear_button_clicked') def __user_clear(self) -> None: if not self.profile_name.text(): return if QMessageBox.question( self, "Clear setting", "Do you want to clear the setting?" ) == QMessageBox.Yes: self.__clear_settings() def load_results(self, mechanism_data: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: """Append results of project database to memory.""" for e in mechanism_data: self.mechanism_data.append(e) self.__add_result(e) def __current_path_changed(self) -> None: """Call the canvas to update to current target path.""" self.set_solving_path({n: tuple(p) for n, p in self.path.items()}) self.__able_to_generate() def current_path(self) -> List[_Coord]: """Return the pointer of current target path.""" item = self.target_points.currentItem() if item is None: return [] return self.path[int(item.text().replace('P', ''))] @Slot(str, name='on_target_points_currentTextChanged') def __set_target(self, _=None) -> None: """Switch to the current target path.""" self.path_list.clear() for x, y in self.current_path(): self.path_list.addItem(f"({x:.04f}, {y:.04f})") self.__current_path_changed() @Slot(name='on_path_clear_clicked') def clear_path(self, *, ask: bool = True) -> None: """Clear the current target path.""" if ask: if QMessageBox.question( self, "Clear path", "Are you sure to clear the current path?" ) != QMessageBox.Yes: return self.current_path().clear() self.path_list.clear() self.__current_path_changed() @Slot(name='on_path_copy_clicked') def __copy_path(self) -> None: """Copy the current path coordinates to clipboard.""" QApplication.clipboard().setText('\n'.join( f"[{x}, {y}]," for x, y in self.current_path() )) @Slot(name='on_path_paste_clicked') def __paste_path(self) -> None: """Paste path data from clipboard.""" self.__read_path_from_csv(QApplication.clipboard().text()) @Slot(name='on_import_csv_button_clicked') def __import_csv(self) -> None: """Paste path data from a text file.""" file_name = self.input_from( "path data", ["Text file (*.txt)", "Comma-Separated Values (*.csv)"] ) if not file_name: return with open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as f: data = self.__read_path_from_csv(data) def __read_path_from_csv(self, raw: str) -> None: """Turn string to float then add them to current target path.""" try: path = parse_path(raw) except LarkError as e: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Wrong format", f"{e}") else: self.set_path(path) @Slot(name='on_save_path_button_clicked') def __save_path(self): """Save current path.""" path = self.current_path() if not path: return file_name = self.output_to("Path file", ["Text file (*.txt)"]) if not file_name: return with open(file_name, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("\n".join(f"{x}, {y}" for x, y in path)) self.save_reply_box("Path file", file_name) @Slot(name='on_import_xlsx_button_clicked') def __import_xlsx(self) -> None: """Paste path data from a Excel file.""" file_name = self.input_from( "Excel project", ["Microsoft Office Excel (*.xlsx *.xlsm *.xltx *.xltm)"] ) if not file_name: return wb = load_workbook(file_name) sheets = wb.get_sheet_names() name, ok = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Sheets", "Select a sheet:", sheets, 0) if not ok: return def get_path(sheet: str) -> Iterator[_Coord]: """Keep finding until there is no value""" ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheets.index(sheet)) i = 1 while True: sx = ws.cell(i, 1).value sy = ws.cell(i, 2).value if None in {sx, sy}: break try: yield float(sx), float(sy) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.warning(self, "File error", f"{e}") return i += 1 self.set_path(get_path(name)) @Slot(name='on_edit_path_button_clicked') def __adjust_path(self) -> None: """Show up path adjust dialog and get back the changes of current target path. """ dlg = EditPathDialog(self) dlg.exec_() dlg.deleteLater() self.__current_path_changed() @Slot(name='on_efd_button_clicked') def __efd_path(self) -> None: """Elliptical Fourier Descriptors.""" path = self.current_path() n, ok = QInputDialog.getInt( self, "Elliptical Fourier Descriptors", "The number of points:", len(path), 3 ) if not ok: return dlg = QProgressDialog("Path transform.", "Cancel", 0, 1, self) dlg.setWindowTitle("Elliptical Fourier Descriptors") self.set_path(efd_fitting(path, n)) dlg.setValue(1) dlg.deleteLater() @Slot(name='on_norm_path_button_clicked') def __norm_path(self) -> None: """Normalize current path.""" scale, ok = QInputDialog.getDouble( self, "Scale", "Length of unit vector:", 60, 0.01, 1000, 2) if ok: self.set_path(norm_path(self.current_path(), scale)) def add_point(self, x: float, y: float) -> None: """Add path data to list widget and current target path.""" self.current_path().append((x, y)) self.path_list.addItem(f"({x:.04f}, {y:.04f})") self.path_list.setCurrentRow(self.path_list.count() - 1) self.__current_path_changed() def set_path(self, path: Iterable[_Coord]) -> None: """Set the current path.""" self.clear_path(ask=False) for x, y in path: self.add_point(x, y) self.__current_path_changed() @Slot(float, float) def set_point(self, x: float, y: float) -> None: """Set the coordinate of current target path.""" if not self.edit_target_point_button.isChecked(): return for i, (cx, cy) in enumerate(self.current_path()): if hypot(x - cx, y - cy) < 10 / self.get_zoom(): index = i self.path_list.setCurrentRow(index) break else: return self.current_path()[index] = (x, y) self.path_list.item(index).setText(f"({x:.04f}, {y:.04f})") self.__current_path_changed() @Slot(name='on_close_path_clicked') def __close_path(self) -> None: """Add a the last point same as first point.""" path = self.current_path() if self.path_list.count() > 1 and path[0] != path[-1]: self.add_point(*path[0]) @Slot(name='on_point_up_clicked') def __move_up_point(self) -> None: """Target point move up.""" row = self.path_list.currentRow() if not (row > 0 and self.path_list.count() > 1): return path = self.current_path() path.insert(row - 1, (path[row][0], path[row][1])) path.pop(row + 1) c = self.path_list.currentItem().text()[1:-1].split(", ") self.path_list.insertItem(row - 1, f"({c[0]}, {c[1]})") self.path_list.takeItem(row + 1) self.path_list.setCurrentRow(row - 1) self.__current_path_changed() @Slot(name='on_point_down_clicked') def __move_down_point(self) -> None: """Target point move down.""" row = self.path_list.currentRow() if not ( row < self.path_list.count() - 1 and self.path_list.count() > 1 ): return path = self.current_path() path.insert(row + 2, (path[row][0], path[row][1])) path.pop(row) c = self.path_list.currentItem().text()[1:-1].split(", ") self.path_list.insertItem(row + 2, f"{c[0]}, {c[1]}") self.path_list.takeItem(row) self.path_list.setCurrentRow(row + 1) self.__current_path_changed() @Slot(name='on_point_delete_clicked') def __delete_point(self) -> None: """Delete a target point.""" row = self.path_list.currentRow() if not row > -1: return self.current_path().pop(row) self.path_list.takeItem(row) self.__current_path_changed() def __able_to_generate(self) -> None: """Set button enable if all the data are already.""" self.point_num.setText( "<p><span style=\"font-size:12pt;" f"color:#00aa00;\">{self.path_list.count()}</span></p>" ) n = bool( self.mech and self.path_list.count() > 2 and self.expression_string.text() ) for button in ( self.save_path_button, self.edit_path_button, self.efd_button, self.norm_path_button, self.synthesis_button, ): button.setEnabled(n) @Slot(name='on_synthesis_button_clicked') def __synthesis(self) -> None: """Start synthesis.""" # Check if the amount of the target points are same. length = -1 for path in self.path.values(): if length < 0: length = len(path) if len(path) != length: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Target Error", "The length of target paths should be the same." ) return # Get the algorithm type for option, button in self.algorithm_options.items(): if button.isChecked(): algorithm = option break else: raise ValueError("no option") mech = deepcopy(self.mech) mech['shape_only'] = self.shape_only_option.isChecked() mech['wavelet_mode'] = self.wavelet_mode_option.isChecked() if mech['shape_only']: if QMessageBox.question( self, "Elliptical Fourier Descriptor", "An even distribution will make the comparison more accurate.\n" "Do you make sure yet?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.Yes ) == QMessageBox.No: return mech['expression'] = parse_vpoints(mech.pop('expression', [])) mech['target'] = deepcopy(self.path) def name_in_table(target_name: str) -> int: """Find a target_name and return the row from the table.""" for r in range(self.parameter_list.rowCount()): if self.parameter_list.item(r, 0).text() == target_name: return r return -1 placement: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float, float]] = mech['placement'] for name in placement: row = name_in_table(f"P{name}") placement[name] = ( self.parameter_list.cellWidget(row, 2).value(), self.parameter_list.cellWidget(row, 3).value(), self.parameter_list.cellWidget(row, 4).value(), ) # Start progress dialog dlg = ProgressDialog(algorithm, mech, self.alg_options, self) if not dlg.exec_(): dlg.deleteLater() return mechanisms_plot: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] for data in dlg.mechanisms: mechanisms_plot.append({ 'time_fitness': data.pop('time_fitness'), 'algorithm': data['algorithm'], }) self.mechanism_data.append(data) self.__add_result(data) self.__set_time(dlg.time_spend) self.project_no_save() dlg.deleteLater() dlg = ChartDialog("Convergence Data", mechanisms_plot, self.preview_canvas.monochrome, self) dlg.exec_() dlg.deleteLater() def __set_time(self, time: float) -> None: """Set the time label.""" self.timeShow.setText( f"<html><head/><body><p><span style=\"font-size:16pt\">" f"{int(time // 60):02d}min {time % 60:05.02f}s" f"</span></p></body></html>" ) def __add_result(self, result: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Add result items, except add to the list.""" item = QListWidgetItem(result['algorithm']) interrupt = result['interrupted'] if interrupt == 'False': interrupt_icon = "task_completed.png" elif interrupt == 'N/A': interrupt_icon = "question.png" else: interrupt_icon = "interrupted.png" item.setIcon(QIcon(QPixmap(f":/icons/{interrupt_icon}"))) if interrupt == 'False': interrupt_text = "No interrupt." else: interrupt_text = f"Interrupt at: {interrupt}" text = f"{result['algorithm']} ({interrupt_text})" if interrupt == 'N/A': text += "\n※Completeness is unknown." item.setToolTip(text) self.result_list.addItem(item) @Slot(name='on_delete_button_clicked') def __delete_result(self) -> None: """Delete a result.""" row = self.result_list.currentRow() if not row > -1: return if QMessageBox.question( self, "Delete", "Delete this result from list?" ) != QMessageBox.Yes: return self.mechanism_data.pop(row) self.result_list.takeItem(row) self.project_no_save() self.__has_result() @Slot(QModelIndex, name='on_result_list_clicked') def __has_result(self, *_) -> None: """Set enable if there has any result.""" enable = self.result_list.currentRow() > -1 for button in ( self.merge_button, self.delete_button, self.result_load_settings, self.result_clipboard ): button.setEnabled(enable) @Slot(QModelIndex, name='on_result_list_doubleClicked') def __show_result(self, _=None) -> None: """Double click result item can show up preview dialog.""" row = self.result_list.currentRow() if not row > -1: return dlg = PreviewDialog(self.mechanism_data[row], self.__get_path(row), self.preview_canvas.monochrome, self) dlg.exec_() dlg.deleteLater() @Slot(name='on_merge_button_clicked') def __merge_result(self) -> None: """Merge mechanism into main canvas.""" row = self.result_list.currentRow() if not row > -1: return if QMessageBox.question( self, "Merge", "Add the result expression into storage?" ) == QMessageBox.Yes: expression: str = self.mechanism_data[row]['expression'] self.merge_result(expression, self.__get_path(row)) def __get_path(self, row: int) -> List[List[_Coord]]: """Using result data to generate paths of mechanism.""" result = self.mechanism_data[row] expression: str = result['expression'] same: Dict[int, int] = result['same'] inputs: List[Tuple[_Pair, _Coord]] = result['input'] input_list = [] for (b, d), _ in inputs: for i in range(b): if i in same: b -= 1 for i in range(d): if i in same: d -= 1 input_list.append((b, d)) vpoints = parse_vpoints(expression) expr = t_config(vpoints, input_list) b, d = input_list[0] base_angle = vpoints[b].slope_angle(vpoints[d]) path: List[List[_Coord]] = [[] for _ in range(len(vpoints))] for angle in range(360 + 1): try: result_list = expr_solving( expr, {i: f"P{i}" for i in range(len(vpoints))}, vpoints, [base_angle + angle] + [0] * (len(input_list) - 1) ) except ValueError: nan = float('nan') for i in range(len(vpoints)): path[i].append((nan, nan)) else: for i in range(len(vpoints)): coord = result_list[i] if type(coord[0]) is tuple: path[i].append(cast(_Coord, coord[1])) else: path[i].append(cast(_Coord, coord)) return path @Slot(name='on_result_clipboard_clicked') def __copy_result_text(self) -> None: """Copy pretty print result as text.""" QApplication.clipboard().setText( pprint.pformat(self.mechanism_data[self.result_list.currentRow()]) ) @Slot(name='on_save_profile_clicked') def __save_profile(self) -> None: """Save as new profile to collection widget.""" if not self.mech: return name, ok = QInputDialog.getText( self, "Profile name", "Please enter the profile name:" ) if not ok: return i = 0 while (not name) and (name not in self.collections): name = f"Structure_{i}" i += 1 mech = deepcopy(self.mech) for key in ('placement', 'target'): for mp in mech[key]: mech[key][mp] = None self.collections[name] = mech self.project_no_save() @Slot(name='on_load_profile_clicked') def __load_profile(self) -> None: """Load profile from collections dialog.""" dlg = CollectionsDialog( self.collections, self.get_collection, self.project_no_save, self.prefer.tick_mark_option, self.preview_canvas.monochrome, self ) if not dlg.exec_(): dlg.deleteLater() return params = dlg.params name = dlg.deleteLater() del dlg # Check the profile if not (params['target'] and params['input'] and params['placement']): QMessageBox.warning( self, "Invalid profile", "The profile is not configured yet." ) return self.__set_profile(name, params) def __set_profile(self, profile_name: str, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Set profile to sub-widgets.""" self.__clear_settings() self.mech = deepcopy(params) expression: str = self.mech['expression'] self.expression_string.setText(expression) target: Dict[int, List[_Coord]] = self.mech['target'] for p in sorted(target): self.target_points.addItem(f"P{p}") if target[p]: self.path[p] = target[p].copy() else: self.path[p] = [] if self.has_target(): self.target_points.setCurrentRow(0) self.target_label.setVisible(self.has_target()) inputs: List[Tuple[_Pair, List[float]]] = self.mech.get('input', []) self.mech['input'] = inputs placement: Dict[int, Optional[_Range]] = self.mech.get('placement', {}) self.mech['placement'] = placement # Table settings self.parameter_list.setRowCount(0) self.parameter_list.setRowCount(len(inputs) + len(placement) + 1) row = 0 def spinbox( v: float = 0., *, minimum: float = 0., maximum: float = 9999., prefix: bool = False ) -> QDoubleSpinBox: double_spinbox = QDoubleSpinBox() double_spinbox.setMinimum(minimum) double_spinbox.setMaximum(maximum) double_spinbox.setValue(v) if prefix: double_spinbox.setPrefix("±") return double_spinbox def set_angle(index1: int, index2: int) -> Callable[[float], None]: """Return a slot function use to set angle value.""" @Slot(float) def func(value: float) -> None: inputs[index1][1][index2] = value return func # Angles for i, ((b, d), se) in enumerate(inputs): self.parameter_list.setItem(row, 0, QTableWidgetItem(f"P{b}->P{d}")) self.parameter_list.setItem(row, 1, QTableWidgetItem('input')) s1 = spinbox(se[0], maximum=360.) s2 = spinbox(se[1], maximum=360.) self.parameter_list.setCellWidget(row, 2, s1) self.parameter_list.setCellWidget(row, 3, s2) s1.valueChanged.connect(set_angle(i, 0)) s2.valueChanged.connect(set_angle(i, 1)) row += 1 # Grounded joints self.preview_canvas.from_profile(self.mech) pos_list = parse_pos(expression) for node, ref in sorted(self.preview_canvas.same.items()): pos_list.insert(node, pos_list[ref]) for p in sorted(placement): coord = placement[p] self.parameter_list.setItem(row, 0, QTableWidgetItem(f"P{p}")) self.parameter_list.setItem(row, 1, QTableWidgetItem('placement')) x, y = self.preview_canvas.pos[p] for i, s in enumerate([ spinbox(coord[0] if coord else x, minimum=-9999.), spinbox(coord[1] if coord else y, minimum=-9999.), spinbox(coord[2] if coord else 5., prefix=True), ]): s.valueChanged.connect(self.update_range) self.parameter_list.setCellWidget(row, i + 2, s) row += 1 # Default value of upper and lower self.mech['upper'] = self.mech.get('upper', 100) self.mech['lower'] = self.mech.get('lower', 0) def set_link(opt: str) -> Callable[[float], None]: """Set link length.""" @Slot(float) def func(value: float) -> None: self.mech[opt] = value return func self.parameter_list.setItem(row, 0, QTableWidgetItem("L")) self.parameter_list.setItem(row, 1, QTableWidgetItem('link')) for i, (s, tag) in enumerate([(spinbox(), 'upper'), (spinbox(), 'lower')]): s.setValue(self.mech[tag]) s.valueChanged.connect(set_link(tag)) self.parameter_list.setCellWidget(row, i + 2, s) # Update previews self.update_range() self.profile_name.setText(profile_name) # Default value of algorithm option if 'settings' in self.mech: self.alg_options.update(self.mech['settings']) else: self.__set_algorithm_default() self.__able_to_generate() @Slot(name='on_result_load_settings_clicked') def __load_result_settings(self) -> None: """Load settings from a result.""" self.__has_result() row = self.result_list.currentRow() if not row > -1: return self.__clear_settings() result = self.mechanism_data[row] for option, button in self.algorithm_options.items(): if result.get('algorithm', "") == option.value: button.setChecked(True) break else: raise ValueError("no option") # Copy to mechanism params self.__set_profile("External setting", result) self.__set_time(result.get('time', 0)) # Load settings self.alg_options.clear() self.alg_options.update(result.get('settings', {})) self.shape_only_option.setChecked(result.get('shape_only', False)) self.wavelet_mode_option.setChecked(result.get('wavelet_mode', False)) @Slot() def __set_algorithm_default(self) -> None: """Set the algorithm settings to default.""" self.alg_options.clear() self.alg_options.update(DEFAULT_PARAMS) for option, button in self.algorithm_options.items(): if button.isChecked(): self.alg_options.update(PARAMS[option]) @Slot(name='on_advance_button_clicked') def __show_advance(self) -> None: """Get the settings from advance dialog.""" for option, button in self.algorithm_options.items(): if button.isChecked(): algorithm = option break else: raise ValueError("no option") dlg = AlgorithmOptionDialog(algorithm, self.alg_options, self) if not dlg.exec_(): dlg.deleteLater() return self.alg_options['report'] = self.alg_options.pop('max_gen', None) self.alg_options.pop('min_fit', None) self.alg_options.pop('max_time', None) if dlg.max_gen_option.isChecked(): self.alg_options['max_gen'] = dlg.max_gen.value() elif dlg.min_fit_option.isChecked(): self.alg_options['min_fit'] = dlg.min_fit.value() elif dlg.max_time_option.isChecked(): # Three spinbox value translate to second. self.alg_options['max_time'] = ( dlg.max_time_h.value() * 3600 + dlg.max_time_m.value() * 60 + dlg.max_time_s.value() ) else: raise ValueError("invalid option") pop_size = dlg.pop_size.value() if algorithm == AlgorithmType.RGA: self.alg_options['nPop'] = pop_size elif algorithm == AlgorithmType.Firefly: self.alg_options['n'] = pop_size elif algorithm == AlgorithmType.DE: self.alg_options['NP'] = pop_size elif algorithm == AlgorithmType.TLBO: self.alg_options['class_size'] = pop_size for row in range(dlg.alg_table.rowCount()): option = dlg.alg_table.item(row, 0).text() self.alg_options[option] = dlg.alg_table.cellWidget(row, 1).value() dlg.deleteLater() @Slot() def update_range(self) -> None: """Update range values to main canvas.""" def t(row: int, col: int) -> Union[str, float]: item = self.parameter_list.item(row, col) if item is None: w: QDoubleSpinBox = self.parameter_list.cellWidget(row, col) return w.value() else: return item.text() self.update_ranges({ cast(str, t(row, 0)): ( cast(float, t(row, 2)), cast(float, t(row, 3)), cast(float, t(row, 4)), ) for row in range(self.parameter_list.rowCount()) if t(row, 1) == 'placement' }) @Slot(name='on_expr_copy_clicked') def __copy_expr(self) -> None: """Copy profile expression.""" text = self.expression_string.text() if text: QApplication.clipboard().setText(text) @Slot(bool, name='on_wavelet_mode_option_clicked') def __set_norm(self, enabled: bool) -> None: """Set normalization.""" self.shape_only_option.setChecked(enabled) self.shape_only_option.setEnabled(not enabled)
class CollectionsDialog(QDialog, Ui_Dialog): """Option dialog. Load the settings after closed. Any add, rename, delete operations will be apply immediately """ collections: Dict[str, Any] params: Mapping[str, Any] def __init__( self, collections: Mapping[str, Any], get_collection: Callable[[], Mapping[str, Any]], project_no_save: Callable[[], None], show_ticks: int, monochrome: bool, parent: QWidget ): """We put the 'collections' (from iteration widget) reference here.""" super(CollectionsDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() | Qt.WindowMaximizeButtonHint & ~Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) self.collections = dict(collections) self.get_collection = get_collection self.project_no_save = project_no_save # Current profile name = "" self.params = {} self.preview_canvas = PreviewCanvas(self) self.preview_layout.addWidget(self.preview_canvas) self.preview_canvas.set_show_ticks(show_ticks) self.preview_canvas.set_monochrome_mode(monochrome) self.common_list.addItems(all_collections()) self.collections_list.addItems(self.collections) # Splitter self.main_splitter.setSizes([200, 200]) self.sub_splitter.setSizes([100, 200]) self.__has_collection() self.__can_open() @Slot(str, name='on_collections_list_currentTextChanged') def __can_open(self, _=None) -> None: """Set the button box to enable when data is already.""" self.button_box.button(QDialogButtonBox.Open).setEnabled( self.collections_list.currentRow() > -1 ) def __has_collection(self) -> None: """Set the buttons to enable when user choose a data.""" has_collection = bool(self.collections) for button in [ self.rename_button, self.copy_button, self.delete_button ]: button.setEnabled(has_collection) @Slot(name='on_rename_button_clicked') def __rename(self) -> None: """Show up a string input to change the data name.""" row = self.collections_list.currentRow() if not row > -1: return name, ok = QInputDialog.getText( self, "Profile name", "Please enter the profile name:" ) if not ok: return if not name: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Profile name", "Can not use blank string to rename." ) return item = self.collections_list.item(row) self.collections[name] = self.collections.pop(item.text()) item.setText(name) self.project_no_save() @Slot(name='on_copy_button_clicked') def __copy(self) -> None: """Ask a name to copy a data.""" row = self.collections_list.currentRow() if not row > -1: return name, ok = QInputDialog.getText( self, "Profile name", "Please enter a new profile name:" ) if not ok: return if not name: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Profile name", "Can not use blank string to rename." ) return name_old = self.collections_list.item(row).text() self.collections[name] = self.collections[name_old].copy() self.collections_list.addItem(name) self.project_no_save() @Slot(name='on_delete_button_clicked') def __delete(self) -> None: """Delete a data.""" row = self.collections_list.currentRow() if not row > -1: return if QMessageBox.question( self, "Delete", "Do you want to delete this structure?" ) != QMessageBox.Yes: return item = self.collections_list.takeItem(row) self.collections.pop(item.text()) self.preview_canvas.clear() self.__has_collection() self.project_no_save() @Slot(QListWidgetItem, name='on_common_list_itemClicked') def __choose_common(self, _=None) -> None: """Update preview canvas for common data.""" item = self.common_list.currentItem() if not item: return = item.text() self.params = collection_list( self.preview_canvas.from_profile(self.params) @Slot(QListWidgetItem, name='on_collections_list_itemClicked') def __choose_collections(self, _=None) -> None: """Update preview canvas for a project data.""" item = self.collections_list.currentItem() if not item: return = item.text() self.params = deepcopy(self.collections[]) self.preview_canvas.from_profile(self.params) @Slot(name='on_project_button_clicked') def __from_canvas(self) -> None: """Get a collection data from current mechanism.""" try: collection = self.get_collection() except ValueError as error: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Mechanism not support.", str(error)) return num = 0 name = f"mechanism{num}" while name in self.collections: name = f"mechanism{num}" num += 1 self.collections[name] = deepcopy(collection) self.collections_list.addItem(name) self.project_no_save() self.__has_collection() @Slot(name='on_common_load_clicked') @Slot(QListWidgetItem, name='on_common_list_itemDoubleClicked') def __load_common(self, _=None) -> None: """Load a common data and close.""" self.__choose_common() self.accept() @Slot(name='on_button_box_accepted') @Slot(QListWidgetItem, name='on_collections_list_itemDoubleClicked') def __load_collections(self, _=None) -> None: """Load a project data and close.""" self.__choose_collections() self.accept()