Esempio n. 1
def plot_and_test(args, xarr=np.linspace(-25,25,1000), moments=moments, nsigcut=None):
    arrargs = np.array([0] + list(args))

    gg = gaussian(xarr, *args)

    noise = np.random.randn(1000)

    moments_nonoise = np.array(moments(xarr,gg,veryverbose=True))

    fmtstring = "h: %6.2f a: %6.2f x: %6.2f w: %6.2f "
    print("No noise")
    print("Moments:    "+fmtstring % tuple(moments_nonoise) )
    print("Difference: "+fmtstring % tuple(moments_nonoise-arrargs))
    print("diff^2: %0.2f" % (((gg-gaussian(xarr,*moments_nonoise[1:]))**2).sum()))

    def plottest_withnoise(noiseamp, spnum, xarr=xarr, gg=gg, noise=noise):
        fitspec = gg+noiseamp*noise
        moments_noise1 = np.array(moments(xarr,fitspec,veryverbose=True,nsigcut=nsigcut))
        print("Noise = %i%% of peak" % (round(noiseamp/args[0]*100)))
        print("Moments:    "+fmtstring % tuple(moments_noise1) )
        print("Difference: "+fmtstring % tuple(moments_noise1-arrargs))
        print("chi^2: %0.2f" % ( (((fitspec-gaussian(xarr,*moments_noise1[1:]))**2) / ((noise*noiseamp)**2)).sum() / len(noise) ),)
        print("correct chi^2: %0.2f" % ( (((fitspec-gg)**2) / ((noise*noiseamp)**2)).sum() / len(noise) ))

    for noiseamp,spnum in zip((0.5,2,5),(2,3,4)):
        plottest_withnoise(noiseamp, spnum)
Esempio n. 2
def hfonly_66_fixed(x, dv, amp1, amp2, width, **kwargs):

    dx1 = 26.9
    dx2 = 31.4

    return (gaussian(x, amp1, dv+dx1, width)+
            gaussian(x, amp1, dv-dx1, width)+
            gaussian(x, amp2, dv+dx2, width)+
            gaussian(x, amp2, dv-dx2, width))
Esempio n. 3
 def plottest_withnoise(noiseamp, spnum, xarr=xarr, gg=gg, noise=noise):
     fitspec = gg+noiseamp*noise
     moments_noise1 = np.array(moments(xarr,fitspec,veryverbose=True,nsigcut=nsigcut))
     print("Noise = %i%% of peak" % (round(noiseamp/args[0]*100)))
     print("Moments:    "+fmtstring % tuple(moments_noise1) )
     print("Difference: "+fmtstring % tuple(moments_noise1-arrargs))
     print("chi^2: %0.2f" % ( (((fitspec-gaussian(xarr,*moments_noise1[1:]))**2) / ((noise*noiseamp)**2)).sum() / len(noise) ),)
     print("correct chi^2: %0.2f" % ( (((fitspec-gg)**2) / ((noise*noiseamp)**2)).sum() / len(noise) ))
Esempio n. 4
def toy_observation(snr=2,
                    truth_narrow=[4, 40, 1.0],
                    truth_wide=[2, 41, 3.0]):
    if debug:  # <CheatMode>

    # initialize the spectral axis
    xunit, bunit = 'km/s', 'K'
    refX = 120 * u.GHz
    log.debug("Genarating a spactral axis instance from {}"
              " to {} {}".format(v1, v2, xunit))
    xarr = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(v1, v2, nchan) * u.Unit(xunit),

    # generate a spectrum approximated by a gaussian
    log.debug("Gaussian parameters for the"
              " narrow component: {}".format(truth_narrow))
    log.debug("Gaussian parameters for the"
              " wide component: {}".format(truth_wide))
    true_data_narrow = gaussian(xarr, *truth_narrow)
    true_data_wide = gaussian(xarr, *truth_wide)

    true_total = true_data_narrow + true_data_wide
    signal_peak = true_total.max()
    log.debug("For a signal-to-noise ratio of {} the square root of noise"
              " variance is {:.2f} {}.".format(snr, signal_peak / snr, bunit))
    noise = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=signal_peak / snr, size=xarr.size)

    observed = true_total + noise

    log.setLevel('INFO')  # <\CheatMode>

    # make a spectrum class instance in Tmb units

    sp = Spectrum(xarr=xarr, data=observed, unit=u.Unit(bunit), header={})
    sp.header['NPEAKS'] = 2
    sp.header['NOISERMS'] = round(signal_peak / snr, 4)
    for comp, name in zip([truth_narrow, truth_wide], ['1', '2']):
        sp.header['AMP_' + name] = comp[0]
        sp.header['XOFF_' + name] = comp[1]
        sp.header['SIG_' + name] = comp[2]
    return sp
Esempio n. 5
 def plottest_withnoise(noiseamp, spnum, xarr=xarr, gg=gg, noise=noise):
     fitspec = gg + noiseamp * noise
     moments_noise1 = np.array(
         moments(xarr, fitspec, veryverbose=True, nsigcut=nsigcut))
     print("Noise = %i%% of peak" % (round(noiseamp / args[0] * 100)))
     print("Moments:    " + fmtstring % tuple(moments_noise1))
     print("Difference: " + fmtstring % tuple(moments_noise1 - arrargs))
     pylab.subplot(2, 2, spnum)
     pylab.plot(xarr, fitspec, 'k')
     pylab.plot(xarr, gaussian(xarr, *moments_noise1[1:]), 'r')
         "chi^2: %0.2f" %
         ((((fitspec - gaussian(xarr, *moments_noise1[1:]))**2) /
           ((noise * noiseamp)**2)).sum() / len(noise)), )
     print("correct chi^2: %0.2f" %
           ((((fitspec - gg)**2) /
             ((noise * noiseamp)**2)).sum() / len(noise)))
Esempio n. 6
def hfonly(x, dv, dx1, amp1, width1, dx2, amp2, width2, return_hyperfine_components=False, **kwargs):

    if return_hyperfine_components:
        return (gaussian(x, amp1, dv+dx1, width1),
                gaussian(x, amp1, dv-dx1, width1),
                gaussian(x, amp2, dv+dx2, width2),
                gaussian(x, amp2, dv-dx2, width2))
        return (gaussian(x, amp1, dv+dx1, width1)+
                gaussian(x, amp1, dv-dx1, width1)+
                gaussian(x, amp2, dv+dx2, width2)+
                gaussian(x, amp2, dv-dx2, width2))
Esempio n. 7
def plot_and_test(args,
                  xarr=np.linspace(-25, 25, 1000),
    arrargs = np.array([0] + list(args))

    gg = gaussian(xarr, *args)

    noise = np.random.randn(1000)

    moments_nonoise = np.array(moments(xarr, gg, veryverbose=True))

    fmtstring = "h: %6.2f a: %6.2f x: %6.2f w: %6.2f "
    print("No noise")
    print("Moments:    " + fmtstring % tuple(moments_nonoise))
    print("Difference: " + fmtstring % tuple(moments_nonoise - arrargs))
    pylab.subplot(2, 2, 1)
    pylab.plot(xarr, gg, 'k')
    pylab.plot(xarr, gaussian(xarr, *moments_nonoise[1:]), 'r')
    print("diff^2: %0.2f" %
          (((gg - gaussian(xarr, *moments_nonoise[1:]))**2).sum()))

    def plottest_withnoise(noiseamp, spnum, xarr=xarr, gg=gg, noise=noise):
        fitspec = gg + noiseamp * noise
        moments_noise1 = np.array(
            moments(xarr, fitspec, veryverbose=True, nsigcut=nsigcut))
        print("Noise = %i%% of peak" % (round(noiseamp / args[0] * 100)))
        print("Moments:    " + fmtstring % tuple(moments_noise1))
        print("Difference: " + fmtstring % tuple(moments_noise1 - arrargs))
        pylab.subplot(2, 2, spnum)
        pylab.plot(xarr, fitspec, 'k')
        pylab.plot(xarr, gaussian(xarr, *moments_noise1[1:]), 'r')
            "chi^2: %0.2f" %
            ((((fitspec - gaussian(xarr, *moments_noise1[1:]))**2) /
              ((noise * noiseamp)**2)).sum() / len(noise)), )
        print("correct chi^2: %0.2f" %
              ((((fitspec - gg)**2) /
                ((noise * noiseamp)**2)).sum() / len(noise)))

    for noiseamp, spnum in zip((0.5, 2, 5), (2, 3, 4)):
        plottest_withnoise(noiseamp, spnum)
Esempio n. 8
def generate_cubes(nCubes=90, nBorder=1, noise_rms=0.1, fix_vlsr=False,
	                   random_seed=None, remove_low_sep=False, remove_high_sep=False, remove_low_snr=False, set_name='GAS_reg', regression=False, plot=False):
    This places nCubes random cubes into the specified output directory

    #if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
    #    os.mkdir(output_dir)
    cube_km ='random_cube_NH3_11_0.fits')
    xarr11 = cube_km.with_spectral_unit( / u.s, velocity_convention='radio').spectral_axis.value[250:-250]

    xarr11 = numpy.flip(xarr11, axis=0) #flip so negative VLSR on left

    #xarr11 = spaxis((np.linspace(-500, 499, 500) * 5.72e-6
     #                + nh3con.freq_dict['oneone'] / 1e9),
      #              unit='GHz',
       #             refX=nh3con.freq_dict['oneone'] / 1e9,
        #            velocity_convention='radio', refX_unit='GHz')
    #xarr22 = spaxis((np.linspace(-500, 499, 1000) * 5.72e-6
    #                 + nh3con.freq_dict['twotwo'] / 1e9), unit='GHz',
    #                refX=nh3con.freq_dict['twotwo'] / 1e9,
    #                velocity_convention='radio', refX_unit='GHz')

    out_arr = []
    out_vels = []

    nDigits = int(np.ceil(np.log10(nCubes)))
    if random_seed:
    # Check that ncubes divisible by 3
    if (nCubes % 3 != 0):
	print 'Warning: Number of cubes not divisible by 3'
	print 'Setting ncubes to 90'
	nCubes = 90
    # Ensure output is balanced between each class
    nComps = np.concatenate((np.ones(nCubes/3).astype(int), np.zeros(nCubes/3).astype(int), np.zeros(nCubes/3).astype(int)+2))
    if regression:
	nComps = np.ones(nCubes)+1
    out_y1 = np.where(np.array(nComps)==1, 1, 0)
    out_y2 = np.where(np.array(nComps)==0, 1, 0)
    out_y3 = np.where(np.array(nComps)==2, 1, 0)

    mu_range_spectral = [-10, 10]
    sigma_range_spectral = [0.15, 0.8]
    #Width1NT = 0.1 * np.exp(1.5 * np.random.randn(nCubes))
    #Width2NT = 0.1 * np.exp(1.5 * np.random.randn(nCubes))

    #sigma1 = np.sqrt(Width1NT + 0.08**2)
    #sigma2 = np.sqrt(Width2NT + 0.08**2)
    #peak_range_spectral = [0.4, 6.0]
    mn = numpy.random.uniform(0.05, 0.25, size=nCubes) #rms noise added .01 - 0.1 # 0.05 - 0.2
    Voff1 = numpy.random.uniform(mu_range_spectral[0], mu_range_spectral[1], size=(nCubes))
    sigma1 = numpy.random.uniform(sigma_range_spectral[0], sigma_range_spectral[1], size=(nCubes))
    #peak1 = numpy.random.uniform(peak_range_spectral[0], peak_range_spectral[1], size=(nCubes))
    #peak1 = numpy.random.uniform(0.25*3, 0.05*40, size=(nCubes))
    #peak1 = mn*3 + np.random.rand(nCubes) * mn*20
    peak1 = numpy.ones(nCubes)

    xoff = np.random.randint(2, size=nCubes)
    sigma2 = numpy.random.uniform(sigma_range_spectral[0], sigma_range_spectral[1], size=(nCubes))
    Voff2 = Voff1 + numpy.max(numpy.column_stack((sigma1, sigma2)),axis=1)*numpy.random.uniform(1.5, 5, size=(nCubes))*xoff
    #Voff2 = numpy.random.uniform(mu_range_spectral[0], mu_range_spectral[1], size=(nCubes))
    #peak2 = numpy.random.uniform(peak_range_spectral[0], peak_range_spectral[1], size=(nCubes))
    #peak2 = numpy.random.uniform(0.25*3, 0.05*40, size=(nCubes))
    #peak2 = mn*3 + np.random.rand(nCubes) * mn*20
    peak2 = numpy.random.uniform(2*mn, 1.0, size=(nCubes))

    #print numpy.where(numpy.absolute(peak1-peak2)<mn)

    #print np.where(np.abs(Voff1-Voff2)<np.max(np.column_stack((Width1, Width2)), axis=1))[0]

    if remove_low_sep:
        # Find where centroids are too close
        too_close = np.where(np.abs(Voff1-Voff2)<np.max(np.column_stack((sigma1, sigma2)), axis=1))
        # Move the centroids farther apart by the length of largest line width 
        min_Voff = np.min(np.column_stack((Voff2[too_close],Voff1[too_close])), axis=1)
        max_Voff = np.max(np.column_stack((Voff2[too_close],Voff1[too_close])), axis=1)
        Voff1[too_close]=min_Voff-np.max(np.column_stack((sigma1[too_close], sigma2[too_close])), axis=1)/2.
        Voff2[too_close]=max_Voff+np.max(np.column_stack((sigma1[too_close], sigma2[too_close])), axis=1)/2.

    if remove_high_sep:
        # Find where centroids are too close
        too_far = np.where(np.abs(Voff1-Voff2)>5.0)
        # Move the centroids farther apart by the length of largest line width 
        Voff2[too_far]=Voff1[too_far]-sigma2[too_far]*numpy.random.uniform(2, 3, size=(len(too_far)))

    if remove_low_snr:
	low_snr = np.where(np.min(np.column_stack((peak1,peak2)), axis=1)/mn<4.0)
	mn[low_snr] = np.min(np.column_stack((peak1,peak2)), axis=1)[low_snr]/4.0

    #print Voff1[too_close]
    #print Voff2[too_close]

    #print len(np.where(np.abs(Voff1-Voff2)<np.max(np.column_stack((Width1, Width2)), axis=1))[0])

    # Normalize centroids between -1 and 1
    Voff1_norm = 2*((Voff1-min(xarr11))/(max(xarr11)-min(xarr11)))-1 
    Voff2_norm = 2*((Voff2-min(xarr11))/(max(xarr11)-min(xarr11)))-1

    # Normalize dispersion to be number of channels
    step = abs(xarr11[23]-xarr11[24])
    sigma1_norm = sigma1/step
    sigma2_norm = sigma2/step

    scale = np.array([[0.05, 0.05, 0.05]]) # Tpeak, Sig, Voff
    gradX1 = np.random.randn(nCubes, 3) * scale
    gradY1 = np.random.randn(nCubes, 3) * scale
    gradX2 = np.random.randn(nCubes, 3) * scale
    gradY2 = np.random.randn(nCubes, 3) * scale

    for i in ProgressBar(range(nCubes)):
        xmat, ymat = np.indices((2 * nBorder + 1, 2 * nBorder + 1))
        cube11 = np.zeros((xarr11.shape[0], 2 * nBorder + 1, 2 * nBorder + 1))

        for xx, yy in zip(xmat.flatten(), ymat.flatten()):
            T1 = peak1[i] * (1 + gradX1[i, 0] * (xx - 1)
                             + gradY1[i, 0] * (yy - 1))
            T2 = peak2[i] * (1 + gradX2[i, 0] * (xx - 1)
                             + gradY2[i, 0] * (yy - 1))

            W1 = np.abs(sigma1[i] * (1 + gradX1[i, 1] * (xx - 1)
                                     + gradY1[i, 1] * (yy - 1)))
            W2 = np.abs(sigma2[i] * (1 + gradX2[i, 1] * (xx - 1)
                                     + gradY2[i, 1] * (yy - 1)))
            V1 = Voff1[i] + (gradX2[i, 2] * (xx - 1) + gradY2[i, 2] * (yy - 1))
            V2 = Voff2[i] + (gradX2[i, 2] * (xx - 1) + gradY2[i, 2] * (yy - 1))

            if nComps[i] == 1:
                spec11 = ig.gaussian(xarr11, T1,V1,W1)
                #spec22 = ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr22, T1,
                #                              ntot=N1,
                #                              width=W1,
                #                              xoff_v=V1)
                if (xx == nBorder) and (yy == nBorder):
                    Tmax11a = np.max(spec11)
		    Tmax11b = 0
                    Tmax11 = np.max(spec11)
            if nComps[i] == 2:
                spec11a = ig.gaussian(xarr11, T1,V1,W1)
                spec11b = ig.gaussian(xarr11, T2,V2,W2)
                spec11 = spec11a + spec11b

                if (xx == nBorder) and (yy == nBorder):
                    Tmax11a = peak1[i]
                    Tmax11b = peak2[i]
                    Tmax11 = np.max(spec11)
		    #plt.plot(xarr11, spec11)
		    #plt.scatter([Voff1[i], Voff2[i]], [T1,T2], color='red', alpha=0.5)
            if nComps[i]==0:
	        cube11[:, yy, xx] = np.zeros(500)
		cube11[:, yy, xx] = spec11
            #cube22[:, yy, xx] = spec22
	if nComps[i]!=0:
		Tmax11a /= np.max(cube11)
		Tmax11b /= np.max(cube11)
		cube11 /= np.max(cube11)
        cube11 += np.random.randn(*cube11.shape) * mn[i]
        #cube22 += np.random.randn(*cube22.shape) * noise_rms
	#loc11 = cube11[:,1,1].reshape(500,1)
	#loc11 = loc11/np.max(loc11)
	#glob11 = np.mean(cube11.reshape(500,9),axis=1)
	#glob11 = glob11/np.max(glob11)

	loc11 = cube11[:,1,1].reshape(500,1)
	T1 = Tmax11a/np.max(loc11)
	T2 = Tmax11b/np.max(loc11)
	loc11 = loc11/np.max(loc11)
	glob11 = np.mean(cube11.reshape(500,9),axis=1)
	glob11 = glob11/np.max(glob11)
	z = np.column_stack((loc11,glob11))
	V1 = Voff1_norm[i]
	V2 = Voff2_norm[i]
	W1 = sigma1_norm[i]
	W2 = sigma2_norm[i]
	out_vel = [min([V1,V2]), max([V1,V2]), [W1,W2][np.argmin([V1,V2])], [W1,W2][np.argmax([V1,V2])], [T1,T2][np.argmin([V1,V2])], [T1,T2][np.argmax([V1,V2])]]
	if plot and nComps[i]==2:
		if nComps[i]==1:
			tt = 'One-Component'
		elif nComps[i]==2:
			tt = 'Two-Component'
			tt = 'Noise-Only'
		plt.plot(xarr11, loc11) #, label='central pixel (local)'
		plt.plot(xarr11, glob11+1) #, label='3x3 average (global)'
		plt.errorbar([Voff1[i], Voff2[i]], [0,0.1], xerr=[sigma1[i],sigma2[i]], color='orange', fmt='none')
		plt.scatter([Voff1[i], Voff2[i]], [T1,T2], color='red', alpha=0.5)
		plt.scatter([Voff1[i], Voff2[i]], [T1+1,T2+1], color='red', alpha=0.5)

		plt.xlabel('Synthetic $V_{LSR}$', size=14)
		plt.ylabel('Normalized Intensity', size=14)
		plt.title(tt, size=14)

		#xxx = numpy.linspace(-1,1,500)
		#step = abs(xxx[1]-xxx[2])
		#plt.plot(xxx, loc11) #, label='central pixel (local)'
		#plt.plot(xxx, glob11+1) #, label='3x3 average (global)'
		#plt.errorbar([Voff1_norm[i], Voff2_norm[i]], [0,0.1], xerr=[sigma1_norm[i]*step,sigma2_norm[i]*step], color='orange', fmt='none')
		#plt.scatter([Voff1_norm[i], Voff2_norm[i]], [T1,T2], color='red', alpha=0.5)

    with h5py.File('three_class_' + set_name + '.h5', 'w') as hf:
	hf.create_dataset('data', data=np.array(out_arr))
    with h5py.File('labels_three_class_' + set_name + '.h5', 'w') as hf:
	hf.create_dataset('data', data=np.column_stack((out_y1, out_y2, out_y3)))
    with h5py.File('params_three_class_' + set_name + '.h5', 'w') as hf:
	hf.create_dataset('data', data=np.array(out_vels))