def test_modified_GramSchmidt_RankDeficient(self):

        # Generate a random set of vectors, make one of them a linear combination
        # of the others, and use modGramSchmidt to orthogonalize them

        systemsize = 10

        # Initialize ArnoldiSampling object
        alpha = 1.0
        num_sample = 4
        arnoldi = ArnoldiSampling(alpha, num_sample)

        # Create arrays for modified_GramSchmidt
        Z = np.random.rand(systemsize, num_sample)
        Z[:,num_sample-1] = Z[:,0:num_sample-1].dot(np.random.rand(num_sample-1))
        H = np.zeros([num_sample, num_sample-1])

        for i in range(-1, num_sample-2):
            arnoldi.modified_GramSchmidt(i, H, Z)
            # Check that the vectors are unit normal
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.norm(Z[:,i+1]), 1, places=14)

        # calling now should produce lin_depend flag
        lin_depend = arnoldi.modified_GramSchmidt(num_sample-2, H, Z)
    def test_arnoldiSample_og_positiveDefinite(self):

        # Use a synthetic quadratic function, and check that arnoldiSample recovers
        # its eigenvalues and eigenvectors

        systemsize = 10

        # Generate QuantityOfInterest
        QoI = examples.RandomQuadratic(systemsize, positive_definite=True)

        # generate data at initial point (1,1,1,...,1)^T
        xdata = np.zeros([systemsize, systemsize+1])
        fdata = np.zeros(systemsize+1)
        gdata = np.zeros([systemsize, systemsize+1])
        xdata[:,0] = np.ones(systemsize)
        fdata[0] = QoI.eval_QoI(xdata[:,0], np.zeros(systemsize))
        gdata[:,0] = QoI.eval_QoIGradient(xdata[:,0], np.zeros(systemsize))

        # Initialize ArnoldiSampling object
        alpha = 1.0
        num_sample = systemsize+1
        arnoldi = ArnoldiSampling(alpha, num_sample)

        # Generate sample
        eigenvals = np.zeros(systemsize)
        eigenvecs = np.zeros([systemsize, systemsize])
        grad_red = np.zeros(systemsize)
        arnoldi.arnoldiSample_og(QoI, xdata, fdata, gdata, eigenvals, eigenvecs,

        # Check that eigenvalues and eigenvectors agree
        for i in range(0, systemsize):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(eigenvals[i], QoI.E[i], places=7)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(abs([:,i], QoI.V[:,i])), 1.0, places=7)
    def test_modified_GramSchmidt_fullRank(self):

        # Generate a random set of vectors and use modGramSchmidt to
        # orthogonalize them

        systemsize = 10

        # Initialize ArnoldiSampling object
        alpha = 1.0
        num_sample = 4
        arnoldi = ArnoldiSampling(alpha, num_sample)

        # Create arrays for modified_GramSchmidt
        Z = np.random.rand(systemsize, num_sample)
        H = np.zeros([num_sample, num_sample-1])

        # Populate Z
        for i in range(-1, num_sample-1):
            arnoldi.modified_GramSchmidt(i, H, Z)
            # Check that the vectors are unit normal
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.norm(Z[:,i+1]), 1, places=14)

        # Check that the vectors are orthogonal
        for i in range(0, num_sample):
            for j in range(i+1, num_sample):
                self.assertAlmostEqual([:,i], Z[:,j]), 0, places=14)
    def test_dimensionReduction_arnoldi_partial(self):

        # Compute 21 major the eigenmodes of an isoprobabilistic Hadamard
        # quadratic system using Arnoldi sampling and verify against the exact
        # computation

        systemsize = 64
        eigen_decayrate = 2.0
        num_sample = 51

        # Create Hadmard Quadratic object
        QoI = examples.HadamardQuadratic(systemsize, eigen_decayrate)

        # Initialize chaospy distribution
        std_dev = np.random.rand(QoI.systemsize)
        sqrt_Sigma = np.diag(std_dev)
        mu = np.random.rand(QoI.systemsize)
        jdist = cp.MvNormal(mu, sqrt_Sigma)

        # Estimate the eigenmodes of the Hessenberg matrix using Arnoldi
        perturbation_size = 1.e-6
        arnoldi = ArnoldiSampling(perturbation_size, num_sample)
        eigenvals = np.zeros(num_sample-1)
        eigenvecs = np.zeros([QoI.systemsize, num_sample-1])
        mu_iso = np.zeros(QoI.systemsize)
        mu_iso[:] = 0.0
        gdata0 = np.zeros([QoI.systemsize, num_sample])
        gdata0[:,0] =, np.zeros(QoI.systemsize)),
        dim, error_estimate = arnoldi.arnoldiSample(QoI, jdist, mu_iso, gdata0,
                                                    eigenvals, eigenvecs)

        # Compute the exact eigenmodes
        Hessian = QoI.eval_QoIHessian(mu, np.zeros(QoI.systemsize))
        Hessian_Product = np.matmul(sqrt_Sigma, np.matmul(Hessian, sqrt_Sigma))
        exact_eigenvals, exact_eigenvecs = np.linalg.eig(Hessian_Product)

        # Sort in descending order
        sort_ind1 = exact_eigenvals.argsort()[::-1]
        sort_ind2 = eigenvals.argsort()[::-1]
        lambda_exact = exact_eigenvals[sort_ind1]
        lambda_arnoldi = eigenvals[sort_ind2]

        # Compare the eigenvalues
        for i in range(0, num_sample-1):
            if i < 10:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(lambda_arnoldi[i], lambda_exact[i], places=6)
                # print "lambda_exact[i] = ", lambda_exact[i], "lambda_arnoldi[i] = ", lambda_arnoldi[i]
                self.assertAlmostEqual(lambda_arnoldi[i], lambda_exact[i], places=1)

        # Compare the eigenvectors
        V_exact = exact_eigenvecs[:, sort_ind1]
        V_arnoldi = eigenvecs[:, sort_ind2]
        for i in range(0, num_sample-1):
            product = abs([:,i], V_arnoldi[:,i]))
            if i < 10:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(product, 1.0, places=6)
    def test_arnoldiSample_complete(self):

        # Compute all of the eigenmodes of an isoprobabilistic Hadamard
        # quadratic system using Arnoldi sampling and verify against the exact
        # computation

        systemsize = 16
        eigen_decayrate = 2.0

        # Create Hadmard Quadratic object
        QoI = examples.HadamardQuadratic(systemsize, eigen_decayrate)

        # Initialize chaospy distribution
        std_dev = np.random.rand(QoI.systemsize)
        sqrt_Sigma = np.diag(std_dev)
        mu = np.random.rand(QoI.systemsize)
        jdist = cp.MvNormal(mu, sqrt_Sigma)

        # Estimate the eigenmodes of the Hessenberg matrix using Arnoldi
        perturbation_size = 1.e-6
        num_sample = QoI.systemsize+1
        arnoldi = ArnoldiSampling(perturbation_size, num_sample)
        eigenvals = np.zeros(num_sample-1)
        eigenvecs = np.zeros([QoI.systemsize, num_sample-1])
        mu_iso = np.zeros(QoI.systemsize)
        mu_iso[:] = 0.0
        gdata0 = np.zeros([QoI.systemsize, num_sample])
        gdata0[:,0] =, np.zeros(QoI.systemsize)),
        dim, error_estimate = arnoldi.arnoldiSample(QoI, jdist, mu_iso, gdata0,
                                                    eigenvals, eigenvecs)

        # Compute the exact eigenmodes
        Hessian = QoI.eval_QoIHessian(mu, np.zeros(QoI.systemsize))
        Hessian_Product = np.matmul(sqrt_Sigma, np.matmul(Hessian, sqrt_Sigma))
        exact_eigenvals, exact_eigenvecs = np.linalg.eig(Hessian_Product)

        # Sort in descending order
        sort_ind1 = exact_eigenvals.argsort()[::-1]
        sort_ind2 = eigenvals.argsort()[::-1]

        # Compare the eigenvalues
        err_eigenvals = abs(exact_eigenvals[sort_ind1] -
        self.assertTrue((err_eigenvals < 1.e-7).all())

        # Compare the eigenvectors
        V_exact = exact_eigenvecs[:, sort_ind1]
        V_arnoldi = eigenvecs[:, sort_ind2]
        product = np.zeros(QoI.systemsize)
        for i in range(0, systemsize):
            product[i] = abs([:,i], V_arnoldi[:,i]))
            self.assertAlmostEqual(product[i], 1.0, places=7)
    def test_arnoldiSample_og_reducedGradient(self):

        # use a nonlinear function and a small perturbation to test the reduced
        # gradient produced by arnoldiSample

        systemsize = 10

        # Generate QuantityOfInterest
        QoI = examples.ExponentialFunction(systemsize)

        # generate data at initial point (1,1,1,...,1)^T
        xdata = np.zeros([systemsize, systemsize+1])
        fdata = np.zeros(systemsize+1)
        gdata = np.zeros([systemsize, systemsize+1])
        xdata[:,0] = np.ones(systemsize)
        fdata[0] = QoI.eval_QoI(xdata[:,0], np.zeros(systemsize))
        gdata[:,0] = QoI.eval_QoIGradient(xdata[:,0], np.zeros(systemsize))

        # Initialize ArnoldiSampling object
        alpha = np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps)
        num_sample = systemsize+1
        arnoldi = ArnoldiSampling(alpha, num_sample)

        # Generate sample
        eigenvals = np.zeros(systemsize)
        eigenvecs = np.zeros([systemsize, systemsize])
        grad_red = np.zeros(systemsize)
        dim, error_estimate = arnoldi.arnoldiSample_og(QoI, xdata, fdata, gdata,
                                                    eigenvals, eigenvecs,

        # check reduced gradient;
        # rotate back out of eigenvector coordinates
        g =
        err_g = abs(g - gdata[:,0])
        self.assertTrue((err_g < 1.e-6).all())
    def getDominantDirections(self, QoI, jdist, **kwargs):
        Given a Quantity of Interest and a jpint distribution of the random
        variables, this function computes the directions along which the
        function is most nonlinear. We call these nonlinear directions as
        dominant directions.


        * `QoI` : QuantityOfInterest object
        * `jdist` : Joint distribution object


        mu = cp.E(jdist)
        covariance = cp.Cov(jdist)
        # Check if variance covariance matrix is diagonal
        if np.count_nonzero(covariance -
                            np.diag(np.diagonal(covariance))) == 0:
            sqrt_Sigma = np.sqrt(covariance)
            raise NotImplementedError
        # TODO: Break the long if blocks into functions
        if self.use_exact_Hessian == True:

            # Get the Hessian of the QoI
            xi = np.zeros(QoI.systemsize)
            Hessian = QoI.eval_QoIHessian(mu, xi)

            # Compute the eigen modes of the Hessian of the Hadamard Quadratic
            Hessian_Product = np.matmul(sqrt_Sigma,
                                        np.matmul(Hessian, sqrt_Sigma))
            self.iso_eigenvals, self.iso_eigenvecs = np.linalg.eig(

            self.num_sample = QoI.systemsize

            # Next,
            # Get the system energy of Hessian_Product
            system_energy = np.sum(self.iso_eigenvals)
            ind = []

            # get the indices of dominant eigenvalues in descending order
            sort_ind = self.iso_eigenvals.argsort()[::-1]

            # Check the threshold
            for i in range(0, self.num_sample):
                dominant_eigen_val_ind = sort_ind[0:i + 1]
                reduced_energy = np.sum(
                if reduced_energy <= self.threshold_factor * system_energy:

            if len(ind) == 0:

            self.dominant_indices = ind

            # approximate the hessian of the QoI in the isoprobabilistic space
            # 1. Initialize ArnoldiSampling object
            # Check if the system size is smaller than the number of arnoldi sample - 1
            if QoI.systemsize < self.num_sample - 1:
                self.num_sample = QoI.systemsize + 1

            arnoldi = ArnoldiSampling(self.sample_radius, self.num_sample)

            # 2. Declare arrays
            # 2.1 iso-eigenmodes
            self.iso_eigenvals = np.zeros(self.num_sample - 1)
            self.iso_eigenvecs = np.zeros(
                [QoI.systemsize, self.num_sample - 1])
            # 2.2 solution and function history array
            mu_iso = np.zeros(QoI.systemsize)
            gdata0 = np.zeros([QoI.systemsize, self.num_sample])

            # 3. Approximate eigenvalues using ArnoldiSampling
            # 3.1 Convert x into a standard normal distribution
            mu_iso[:] = 0.0
            gdata0[:, 0] =
                QoI.eval_QoIGradient(mu, np.zeros(QoI.systemsize)), sqrt_Sigma)
            dim, error_estimate = arnoldi.arnoldiSample(
                QoI, jdist, mu_iso, gdata0, self.iso_eigenvals,

            # Check how many eigen pairs are good. We will exploit the fact that
            # the eigen pairs are already sorted in a descending order. We will
            # only use "good" eigen pairs to estimate the dominant directions.
            ctr = 0
            for i in range(0, dim):
                if error_estimate[i] < self.min_eigen_accuracy:
                    ctr += 1
            # print('error_estimate = ', error_estimate)
            # Compute the accumulated energy
            # acc_energy = np.sum(np.square(self.iso_eigenvals[0:ctr]))

            # Compute the magnitude of the eigenvalues w.r.t the largest eigenvalues
            relative_ratio = self.iso_eigenvals[0:ctr] / self.iso_eigenvals[0]

            # We will only use eigenpairs which whose relative size > discard_ratio
            # Since we are considering the size we consider the absolute magnitude
            usable_pairs = np.where(
                np.abs(relative_ratio) > self.discard_ratio)

            if 'max_eigenmodes' in kwargs:
                max_eigenmodes = kwargs['max_eigenmodes']
                if usable_pairs[0].size < max_eigenmodes:
                    self.dominant_indices = usable_pairs[0]
                    self.dominant_indices = usable_pairs[0][0:max_eigenmodes]
                self.dominant_indices = usable_pairs[0]

        # For either of the two cases of Exact hessian or inexact Hessian, we
        # specify the dominant indices
        self.dominant_dir = self.iso_eigenvecs[:, self.dominant_indices]