Esempio n. 1
def main():

  # Command line options
  parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", help="Read config from FILE", metavar="FILE")
  parser.add_option("--nDim", dest="nDim", default=2, help="Define the number of DIMENSIONS",
  parser.add_option("--nZone", dest="nZone", default=1, help="Define the number of ZONES", metavar="NZONE")
  parser.add_option("--parallel", action="store_true",
                    help="Specify if we need to initialize MPI", dest="with_MPI", default=False)
  parser.add_option("--fsi", dest="fsi", default="False", help="Launch the FSI driver", metavar="FSI")
  parser.add_option("--fem", dest="fem", default="False", help="Launch the FEM driver (General driver)", metavar="FEM")
  parser.add_option("--harmonic_balance", dest="harmonic_balance", default="False",
                    help="Launch the Harmonic Balance (HB) driver", metavar="HB")
  parser.add_option("--poisson_equation", dest="poisson_equation", default="False",
                    help="Launch the poisson equation driver (General driver)", metavar="POIS_EQ")
  parser.add_option("--wave_equation", dest="wave_equation", default="False",
                    help="Launch the wave equation driver (General driver)", metavar="WAVE_EQ")
  parser.add_option("--heat_equation", dest="heat_equation", default="False",
                    help="Launch the heat equation driver (General driver)", metavar="HEAT_EQ")

  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
  options.nDim  = int( options.nDim )
  options.nZone = int( options.nZone )
  options.fsi = options.fsi.upper() == 'TRUE'
  options.fem = options.fem.upper() == 'TRUE'
  options.harmonic_balance = options.harmonic_balance.upper() == 'TRUE'
  options.poisson_equation = options.poisson_equation.upper() == 'TRUE'
  options.wave_equation    = options.wave_equation.upper()    == 'TRUE'
  options.heat_equation    = options.heat_equation.upper()    == 'TRUE'

  if options.filename == None:
    raise Exception("No config file provided. Use -f flag")

  if options.with_MPI == True:
    from mpi4py import MPI			# use mpi4py for parallel run (also valid for serial)
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    comm = 0 

  # Initialize the corresponding driver of SU2, this includes solver preprocessing
    if (options.nZone == 1) and ( options.fem or options.poisson_equation or options.wave_equation or options.heat_equation ):
      SU2Driver = pysu2.CSinglezoneDriver(options.filename, options.nZone, comm);
    elif options.harmonic_balance:
      SU2Driver = pysu2.CHBDriver(options.filename, options.nZone, comm);
    elif (options.nZone >= 2):
      SU2Driver = pysu2.CMultizoneDriver(options.filename, options.nZone, comm);
      SU2Driver = pysu2.CSinglezoneDriver(options.filename, options.nZone, comm);
  except TypeError as exception:
    print('A TypeError occured in pysu2.CDriver : ',exception)
    if options.with_MPI == True:
      print('ERROR : You are trying to initialize MPI with a serial build of the wrapper. Please, remove the --parallel option that is incompatible with a serial build.')
      print('ERROR : You are trying to launch a computation without initializing MPI but the wrapper has been built in parallel. Please add the --parallel option in order to initialize MPI for the wrapper.')

  # Launch the solver for the entire computation

  # Postprocess the solver and exit cleanly

  if SU2Driver != None:
    del SU2Driver
def main():

  # Command line options
  parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", help="Read config from FILE", metavar="FILE")
  parser.add_option("--nDim", dest="nDim", default=2, help="Define the number of DIMENSIONS",
  parser.add_option("--nZone", dest="nZone", default=1, help="Define the number of ZONES",
  parser.add_option("--parallel", action="store_true",
                    help="Specify if we need to initialize MPI", dest="with_MPI", default=False)

  parser.add_option("--fsi", dest="fsi", default="False", help="Launch the FSI driver", metavar="FSI")

  parser.add_option("--fem", dest="fem", default="False", help="Launch the FEM driver (General driver)", metavar="FEM")

  parser.add_option("--harmonic_balance", dest="harmonic_balance", default="False",
                    help="Launch the Harmonic Balance (HB) driver", metavar="HB")

  parser.add_option("--poisson_equation", dest="poisson_equation", default="False",
                    help="Launch the poisson equation driver (General driver)", metavar="POIS_EQ")

  parser.add_option("--wave_equation", dest="wave_equation", default="False",
                    help="Launch the wave equation driver (General driver)", metavar="WAVE_EQ")

  parser.add_option("--heat_equation", dest="heat_equation", default="False",
                    help="Launch the heat equation driver (General driver)", metavar="HEAT_EQ")

  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
  options.nDim  = int( options.nDim )
  options.nZone = int( options.nZone )
  options.fsi = options.fsi.upper() == 'TRUE'
  options.fem = options.fem.upper() == 'TRUE'
  options.harmonic_balance = options.harmonic_balance.upper() == 'TRUE'
  options.poisson_equation = options.poisson_equation.upper() == 'TRUE'
  options.wave_equation    = options.wave_equation.upper()    == 'TRUE'
  options.heat_equation    = options.heat_equation.upper()    == 'TRUE'

  # Import mpi4py for parallel run
  if options.with_MPI == True:
    from mpi4py import MPI
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    comm = 0
    rank = 0

  # Initialize the corresponding driver of SU2, this includes solver preprocessing
    if (options.nZone == 1) and ( options.fem or options.poisson_equation or options.wave_equation or options.heat_equation ):
      SU2Driver = pysu2.CSinglezoneDriver(options.filename, options.nZone, comm);
    elif options.harmonic_balance:
      SU2Driver = pysu2.CHBDriver(options.filename, options.nZone, comm);
    elif (options.nZone == 2) and (options.fsi):
      SU2Driver = pysu2.CFSIDriver(options.filename, options.nZone, comm);
      SU2Driver = pysu2.CSinglezoneDriver(options.filename, options.nZone, comm);
  except TypeError as exception:
    print('A TypeError occured in pysu2.CDriver : ',exception)
    if options.with_MPI == True:
      print('ERROR : You are trying to initialize MPI with a serial build of the wrapper. Please, remove the --parallel option that is incompatible with a serial build.')
      print('ERROR : You are trying to launch a computation without initializing MPI but the wrapper has been built in parallel. Please add the --parallel option in order to initialize MPI for the wrapper.')

  MovingMarkerID = None
  MovingMarker = 'plate'       #specified by the user

  # Get all the tags with the moving option
  MovingMarkerList =  SU2Driver.GetAllMovingMarkersTag()

  # Get all the markers defined on this rank and their associated indices.
  allMarkerIDs = SU2Driver.GetAllBoundaryMarkers()

  # Check if the specified marker has a moving option and if it exists on this rank.
  if MovingMarker in MovingMarkerList and MovingMarker in allMarkerIDs.keys():
    MovingMarkerID = allMarkerIDs[MovingMarker]

  # Number of vertices on the specified marker (per rank)
  nVertex_MovingMarker = 0         #total number of vertices (physical + halo)
  nVertex_MovingMarker_HALO = 0    #number of halo vertices
  nVertex_MovingMarker_PHYS = 0    #number of physical vertices

  if MovingMarkerID != None:
    nVertex_MovingMarker = SU2Driver.GetNumberVertices(MovingMarkerID)
    nVertex_MovingMarker_HALO = SU2Driver.GetNumberHaloVertices(MovingMarkerID)
    nVertex_MovingMarker_PHYS = nVertex_MovingMarker - nVertex_MovingMarker_HALO

  # Retrieve some control parameters from the driver
  deltaT = SU2Driver.GetUnsteady_TimeStep()
  TimeIter = SU2Driver.GetTime_Iter()
  nTimeIter = SU2Driver.GetnTimeIter()
  time = TimeIter*deltaT

  # Extract the initial position of each node on the moving marker
  CoordX = np.zeros(nVertex_MovingMarker)
  CoordY = np.zeros(nVertex_MovingMarker)
  for iVertex in range(nVertex_MovingMarker):
    CoordX[iVertex] = SU2Driver.GetVertexCoordX(MovingMarkerID, iVertex)
    CoordY[iVertex] = SU2Driver.GetVertexCoordY(MovingMarkerID, iVertex)

  # Time loop is defined in Python so that we have acces to SU2 functionalities at each time step
  if rank == 0:
    print("\n------------------------------ Begin Solver -----------------------------\n")
  if options.with_MPI == True:

  while (TimeIter < nTimeIter):
    # Define the rigid body displacement and set the new coords of each node on the marker
    d_y = 0.0175*sin(2*pi*time)
    for iVertex in range(nVertex_MovingMarker):
      newCoordX = CoordX[iVertex]
      newCoordY = CoordY[iVertex] + d_y
      SU2Driver.SetVertexCoordX(MovingMarkerID, iVertex, newCoordX)
      SU2Driver.SetVertexCoordY(MovingMarkerID, iVertex, newCoordY)
      SU2Driver.SetVertexCoordZ(MovingMarkerID, iVertex, 0.0)
      SU2Driver.SetVertexVarCoord(MovingMarkerID, iVertex)
    # Time iteration preprocessing
    # Run one time iteration (e.g. dual-time)
    # Update the solver for the next time iteration
    # Monitor the solver and output solution to file if required
    stopCalc = SU2Driver.Monitor(TimeIter)
    if (stopCalc == True):
    # Update control parameters
    TimeIter += 1
    time += deltaT

  # Postprocess the solver and exit cleanly

  if SU2Driver != None:
    del SU2Driver
def main():

  # Command line options
  parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", help="Read config from FILE", metavar="FILE")
  parser.add_option("--nDim", dest="nDim", default=2, help="Define the number of DIMENSIONS",
  parser.add_option("--nZone", dest="nZone", default=1, help="Define the number of ZONES",
  parser.add_option("--periodic", dest="periodic", default="False", help="Define whether the problem has periodic boundary conditions", metavar="PERIODIC")
  parser.add_option("--parallel", action="store_true",
                    help="Specify if we need to initialize MPI", dest="with_MPI", default=False)

  parser.add_option("--fsi", dest="fsi", default="False", help="Launch the FSI driver", metavar="FSI")

  parser.add_option("--fem", dest="fem", default="False", help="Launch the FEM driver (General driver)", metavar="FEM")

  parser.add_option("--harmonic_balance", dest="harmonic_balance", default="False",
                    help="Launch the Harmonic Balance (HB) driver", metavar="HB")

  parser.add_option("--poisson_equation", dest="poisson_equation", default="False",
                    help="Launch the poisson equation driver (General driver)", metavar="POIS_EQ")

  parser.add_option("--wave_equation", dest="wave_equation", default="False",
                    help="Launch the wave equation driver (General driver)", metavar="WAVE_EQ")

  parser.add_option("--heat_equation", dest="heat_equation", default="False",
                    help="Launch the heat equation driver (General driver)", metavar="HEAT_EQ")

  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
  options.nDim  = int( options.nDim )
  options.nZone = int( options.nZone )
  options.periodic = options.periodic.upper() == 'TRUE'
  options.fsi = options.fsi.upper() == 'TRUE'
  options.fem = options.fem.upper() == 'TRUE'
  options.harmonic_balance = options.harmonic_balance.upper() == 'TRUE'
  options.poisson_equation = options.poisson_equation.upper() == 'TRUE'
  options.wave_equation    = options.wave_equation.upper()    == 'TRUE'
  options.heat_equation    = options.heat_equation.upper()    == 'TRUE'

  # Import mpi4py for parallel run
  if options.with_MPI == True:
    from mpi4py import MPI
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    comm = 0 
    rank = 0

  # Initialize the corresponding driver of SU2, this includes solver preprocessing
    if (options.nZone == 1) and ( options.fem or options.poisson_equation or options.wave_equation or options.heat_equation ):
      SU2Driver = pysu2.CGeneralDriver(options.filename, options.nZone, options.nDim, options.periodic, comm);
    elif options.harmonic_balance:
      SU2Driver = pysu2.CHBDriver(options.filename, options.nZone, options.nDim, options.periodic, comm);
    elif (options.nZone == 2) and (options.fsi):
      SU2Driver = pysu2.CFSIDriver(options.filename, options.nZone, options.nDim, options.periodic, comm);
      SU2Driver = pysu2.CFluidDriver(options.filename, options.nZone, options.nDim, options.periodic, comm);
  except TypeError as exception:
    print('A TypeError occured in pysu2.CDriver : ',exception)
    if options.with_MPI == True:
      print('ERROR : You are trying to initialize MPI with a serial build of the wrapper. Please, remove the --parallel option that is incompatible with a serial build.')
      print('ERROR : You are trying to launch a computation without initializing MPI but the wrapper has been built in parallel. Please add the --parallel option in order to initialize MPI for the wrapper.')

  CHTMarkerID = None
  CHTMarker = 'plate'       # Specified by the user

  # Get all the tags with the CHT option
  CHTMarkerList =  SU2Driver.GetAllCHTMarkersTag()

  # Get all the markers defined on this rank and their associated indices.
  allMarkerIDs = SU2Driver.GetAllBoundaryMarkers()

  #Check if the specified marker has a CHT option and if it exists on this rank.
  if CHTMarker in CHTMarkerList and CHTMarker in allMarkerIDs.keys():
    CHTMarkerID = allMarkerIDs[CHTMarker]

  # Number of vertices on the specified marker (per rank)
  nVertex_CHTMarker = 0         #total number of vertices (physical + halo)
  nVertex_CHTMarker_HALO = 0    #number of halo vertices
  nVertex_CHTMarker_PHYS = 0    #number of physical vertices

  if CHTMarkerID != None:
    nVertex_CHTMarker = SU2Driver.GetNumberVertices(CHTMarkerID)
    nVertex_CHTMarker_HALO = SU2Driver.GetNumberHaloVertices(CHTMarkerID)
    nVertex_CHTMarker_PHYS = nVertex_CHTMarker - nVertex_CHTMarker_HALO

  # Retrieve some control parameters from the driver
  deltaT = SU2Driver.GetUnsteady_TimeStep()
  TimeIter = SU2Driver.GetExtIter()
  nTimeIter = SU2Driver.GetnExtIter()
  time = TimeIter*deltaT

  # Time loop is defined in Python so that we have acces to SU2 functionalities at each time step
  if rank == 0:
    print("\n------------------------------ Begin Solver -----------------------------\n")
  if options.with_MPI == True:

  while (TimeIter < nTimeIter):
    # Time iteration preprocessing
    # Define the homogeneous unsteady wall temperature on the structure (user defined)
    WallTemp = 293.0 + 57.0*sin(2*pi*time)
    # Set this temperature to all the vertices on the specified CHT marker
    for iVertex in range(nVertex_CHTMarker):
      SU2Driver.SetVertexTemperature(CHTMarkerID, iVertex, WallTemp)
    # Tell the SU2 drive to update the boundary conditions
    # Run one time iteration (e.g. dual-time)
    # Update the solver for the next time iteration
    # Monitor the solver and output solution to file if required
    stopCalc = SU2Driver.Monitor(TimeIter)
    if (stopCalc == True):
    # Update control parameters
    TimeIter += 1
    time += deltaT

  # Postprocess the solver and exit cleanly

  if SU2Driver != None:
    del SU2Driver