def do_post(self, url, locator, request, settings={}, headers={}, https=True): ''' can be used for non multi-part posts ''' print("*** POST *** (thr: %s, t: %s) %s" % (_thread.get_ident(), time.time(), url + locator)) params = pytaf_utils.anystring_as_utf8(request) if DEBUG: print("params:", params) api_qa_cert = os.getenv("PYTAF_HOME") + "/resources/cert.pem" certificate_file = settings.get("cert_file", api_qa_cert) host = settings.get('host', url) cookie = settings.get('cookie', None) content_type = settings.get('content_type', "text/xml") headers["Content-type"] = content_type if host != None: headers['host'] = host if cookie != None: headers['Set-Cookie'] = cookie if DEBUG: print(headers) if https == True: conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(url, cert_file=certificate_file) else: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url) start_time = time.time() conn.request("POST", locator, params, headers) response = conn.getresponse() end_time = time.time() if DEBUG: print("http response time: (thr: %s, t: %s)" % (_thread.get_ident(), round(float(end_time - start_time), 2))) if DEBUG: print(response.status, response.reason) # response.getheaders() data = # read() returns a bytes object if DEBUG: print (data) return {"data": data, "status": response.status, "reason": response.reason}
def do_test(self, modules, settings, test, params): result = (False, "error") start_time = end_time = elapsed_time = 0 found_module = None test_was_found = False for module in modules: try: if DEBUG: print("do test %s from module %s" % (test, module)) method_to_call = getattr(module, test) found_module = str(module) test_was_found = True start_time = int(time.time()) print("------------\n starting test: %s" % test) print(" start time: %s" % print("------------") args = {"settings": settings, "params": params} result = method_to_call(args) end_time = int(time.time()) elapsed_time = end_time - start_time except Exception as inst: if DEBUG: print("exception from methodToCall: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]) continue if test_was_found == False: print( "error: pytaf did not find the test case (%s) \ in the modules defined in the config file (%s)" % (test, str(modules)) ) return # tests return (True|False, String) error_message = str(result[1]) # could be Exception, hence the cast status = result[0] try: if status == True: # any return value except False is PASSED status_string = "PASSED" else: status_string = "FAILED" module_string = "" if found_module != None: idx1 = found_module.rfind(os.sep) + 1 idx2 = found_module.find(".py") module_string = found_module[idx1:idx2] self.results.append( {"test_method": test, "status": status_string, "message": error_message[:1024], "module": module_string} ) if status != False: result_str = "RESULT ===> PASSED: %s" % test else: result_str = "RESULT ===> FAILED: %s, %s" % (test, pytaf_utils.anystring_as_utf8(error_message)) if elapsed_time > 0: result_str = "%s, elapsed time: %s seconds" % (result_str, str(elapsed_time)) print("%s\n---------------" % result_str) except: print(pytaf_utils.formatExceptionInfo()) return status