def get_lines_from_file(filename, interp_coord='LINEAR'): """ Returns a list of ConstraintLine from an input file TODO 1: Value is ignored in i2s file format """ lines = [] if filename is not None: if filename.endswith('.i2s'): with bk.Read(filename) as in_i2s: in_i2s.read_header() for i, line in enumerate(in_i2s.get_open_polylines()): lines.append( ConstraintLine(i, list(line.polyline().coords), interp_coord)) elif filename.endswith('.shp'): if shp.get_shape_type(filename) not in (shapefile.POLYLINE, shapefile.POLYLINEZ, shapefile.POLYLINEM): raise TatooineException( "The type of file %s is not POLYLINEZ[M]" % filename) for i, line in enumerate(shp.get_open_polylines(filename)): lines.append( ConstraintLine(i, list(line.polyline().coords), interp_coord)) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Only shp and i2s formats are supported for constraint lines" ) return lines
def run(self): if self.state == Node.SUCCESS: return try: with open(self.filename): pass except PermissionError:'Access denied.') return = PolylineData() is_i2s = self.filename[-4:] == '.i2s' if is_i2s: with BlueKenue.Read(self.filename) as f: f.read_header() for poly in f.get_open_polylines():['Value']) else: try: for poly in Shapefile.get_open_polylines(self.filename): except ShapefileException as e: return if'the file does not contain any 2D open polyline.') return self.success('The file contains {} open line{}.'.format( len(, 's' if len( > 1 else ''))
def get_hydraulic_axis(infile_axis): """ @brief: Extract a unique line from i2s input file @param infile_axis <str>: path to file @return <shapely.geometry.LineString>: polyline representing the hydraulic axis """ if infile_axis.endswith('.i2s'): with bk.Read(infile_axis) as in_i2s: in_i2s.read_header() lines = list(in_i2s.get_open_polylines()) elif infile_axis.endswith('.shp'): if shp.get_shape_type(infile_axis) not in (shapefile.POLYLINE, shapefile.POLYLINEZ, shapefile.POLYLINEM): raise TatooineException("The type of file %s is not POLYLINE[ZM]" % infile_axis) lines = list(shp.get_open_polylines(infile_axis)) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Only shp and i2s formats are supported for hydraulic axis") nb_lines = len(lines) if nb_lines != 1: raise TatooineException( "The file '{}' contains {} polylines instead of a unique line to define " "the hydraulic axis".format(infile_axis, nb_lines)) return lines[0].polyline()
def _build_polygon(self): outline_pts = list(self.polyline_1.coords) + list(reversed(self.polyline_2.coords)) self.polygon = geo.Polygon(outline_pts) if not self.polygon.is_simple: # FIXME: it should be "if not self.polygon.is_valid" print("Distance ligne = %s" % self.polyline_1.distance(self.polyline_2)) print("Distance début = %s" % self.polyline_1.interpolate(0, normalized=True).distance( self.polyline_2.interpolate(0, normalized=True))) print("Distance fin = %s" % self.polyline_1.interpolate(1, normalized=True).distance( self.polyline_2.interpolate(1, normalized=True))) with bk.Write('debug.i3s') as out_i3s: out_i3s.write_header() out_i3s.write_lines([Polyline(self.polygon.exterior.coords)], [0.0]) sys.exit("ERROR: Zone is invalid. Check polyline direction consistancy!")
def from_file(filename, label, field_id=None, project_straight_line=False): section_seq = CrossSectionSequence() if filename.endswith('.i3s'): with bk.Read(filename) as in_i3s: in_i3s.read_header() for i, line in enumerate(in_i3s.get_open_polylines()): line_id = i if field_id is None else line.attributes()[ 0] # Use `Value` if field is not None z_array = np.array([(coord[2], ) for coord in line.polyline().coords], dtype=float_vars('Z')) line = line.to_2d() section = CrossSection(line_id, list(line.polyline().coords), label) section.coord.values = z_array section_seq.add_section(section) elif filename.endswith('.shp'): shp_type = shp.get_shape_type(filename) if shp_type in (shapefile.POLYLINEZ, shapefile.POLYLINEM): field_id_index = get_field_index(filename, field_id) for i, line in enumerate(shp.get_open_polylines(filename)): line_id = i if field_id is None else line.attributes( )[field_id_index] z_array = np.array([(coord[2], ) for coord in line.polyline().coords], dtype=float_vars(['Z'])) line = line.to_2d() section = CrossSection(line_id, list(line.polyline().coords), label) section.coord.values = z_array section_seq.add_section(section) elif shp_type in (shapefile.POINT, shapefile.POINTZ): field_id_index = get_field_index(filename, field_id) field_indexes, field_names = [], [] if shp_type == shapefile.POINTZ: field_names.append('Z') for index, name in shp.get_numeric_attribute_names(filename): if name.startswith('Z'): field_indexes.append(index) field_names.append(name) coords, z_layers = [], [] last_point_id = None for i, (point, attributes) in enumerate( shp.get_points(filename, with_z=shp_type == shapefile.POINTZ)): point_id = attributes[ field_id_index] # FIXME: should raise exception if field_id_index is None! if i > 0 and point_id != last_point_id: z_array = np.array(z_layers, dtype=float_vars(field_names)) section = CrossSection(last_point_id, coords, label) section.coord.values = z_array section_seq.add_section(section) coords, z_layers = [], [] coords.append(point[:2]) if shp_type == shapefile.POINTZ: z_layers.append((point[2], ) + tuple(attributes[index] for index in field_indexes)) else: z_layers.append( tuple(attributes[index] for index in field_indexes)) last_point_id = point_id z_array = np.array(z_layers, dtype=float_vars(field_names)) section = CrossSection(last_point_id, coords, label) section.coord.values = z_array section_seq.add_section(section) else: raise TatooineException( "The type of file %s is not POINT[Z] or POLYLINEZ[M]" % filename) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Only shp and i3s formats are supported for cross-sections") if project_straight_line: for section in section_seq: section.project_straight_line() return section_seq
def export_sections(self, path): """ Export generated profiles in a shp, i3s or georefC file /!\ Not relevant if constant_long_disc is False TODO: Use class MascaretGeoFile """ values = self.interp_values_from_geom() if path.endswith('.georefC'): with open(path, 'w') as out_geo: for dist in np.unique(self.points['Xl']): pos = self.points['Xl'] == dist points = self.points[pos] # Compute Xt (FIXME: rather keep from previous calculations...) Xt = np.sqrt( np.power(np.ediff1d(points['X'], to_begin=0.), 2) + np.power(np.ediff1d(points['Y'], to_begin=0.), 2)) Xt = Xt.cumsum() points = append_fields(points, 'Xt', Xt, usemask=False) for i, row in enumerate(points): if i == 0: positions_str = ' %f %f %f %f' % ( row['X'], row['Y'], points[-1]['X'], points[-1]['Y']) positions_str += ' AXE %f %f' % ( row['X'], row['Y'] ) # FIXME: not the axis position... out_geo.write( 'Profil Bief_0 %s %f%s\n' % ('P' + str(dist), dist, positions_str)) layers_str = ' ' + ' '.join([ COURLIS_FLOAT_FMT % x for x in values[:, pos][:, i] ]) out_geo.write( '%f%s B %f %f\n' % (row['Xt'], layers_str, row['X'], row['Y'])) return lines = [] for dist in np.unique(self.points['Xl']): pos = self.points['Xl'] == dist line = geometry.Polyline([ (x, y, z) for (x, y), z in zip(self.points[pos][['X', 'Y']], values[0, :]) ]) line.add_attribute(dist) lines.append(line) if path.endswith('.i3s'): with bk.Write(path) as out_i3s: out_i3s.write_header() out_i3s.write_lines(lines, [l.attributes()[0] for l in lines]) elif path.endswith('.shp'): shp.write_shp_lines(path, shapefile.POLYLINEZ, lines, 'Z') else: raise NotImplementedError( "Only the shp (POLYLINEZ), i3s and georefC formats are supported for " "the generated cross-sections file")
def slf_flux2d(args): if len(args.scalars) > 2: logger.critical('Only two scalars can be integrated!') sys.exit(2) # Read set of lines from input file polylines = [] if args.in_sections.endswith('.i2s'): with BlueKenue.Read(args.in_sections) as f: f.read_header() for polyline in f.get_open_polylines(): polylines.append(polyline) elif args.in_sections.endswith('.shp'): try: for polyline in Shapefile.get_open_polylines(args.in_sections): polylines.append(polyline) except ShapefileException as e: logger.critical(e) sys.exit(3) else: logger.critical('File "%s" is not a i2s or shp file.' % args.in_sections) sys.exit(2) if not polylines: logger.critical('The file does not contain any open polyline.') sys.exit(1) logger.debug('The file contains {} open polyline{}.'.format( len(polylines), 's' if len(polylines) > 1 else '')) # Read Serafin file with Serafin.Read(args.in_slf, args.lang) as resin: resin.read_header() resin.get_time() if not resin.header.is_2d: logger.critical('The file has to be a 2D Serafin!') sys.exit(3) # Determine flux computations properties var_IDs = args.vectors + args.scalars variables_missing = [ var_ID for var_ID in var_IDs if var_ID not in resin.header.var_IDs ] if variables_missing: if len(variables_missing) > 1: logger.critical( 'Variables {} are not present in the Serafin file'.format( variables_missing)) else: logger.critical( 'Variable {} is not present in the Serafin file'.format( variables_missing[0])) logger.critical( 'Check also `--lang` argument for variable detection.') sys.exit(1) if var_IDs not in PossibleFluxComputation.common_fluxes(): logger.warn( 'Flux computations is not common. Check what you are doing (or the language).' ) flux_type = PossibleFluxComputation.get_flux_type(var_IDs) section_names = ['Section %i' % (i + 1) for i in range(len(polylines))] calculator = FluxCalculator(flux_type, var_IDs, resin, section_names, polylines, args.ech) calculator.construct_triangles(tqdm) calculator.construct_intersections() result = [] for time_index, time in enumerate(tqdm(resin.time, unit='frame')): i_result = [str(time)] values = [] for var_ID in calculator.var_IDs: values.append(resin.read_var_in_frame(time_index, var_ID)) for j in range(len(polylines)): intersections = calculator.intersections[j] flux = calculator.flux_in_frame(intersections, values) i_result.append(settings.FMT_FLOAT.format(flux)) result.append(i_result) # Write CSV mode = 'w' if args.force else 'x' with open(args.out_csv, mode) as out_csv: calculator.write_csv(result, out_csv, args.sep)
def slf_volume(args): # Read set of lines from input file polygons = [] if args.in_polygons.endswith('.i2s'): with BlueKenue.Read(args.in_polygons) as f: f.read_header() for poly in f.get_polygons(): polygons.append(poly) elif args.in_polygons.endswith('.shp'): try: for polygon in Shapefile.get_polygons(args.in_polygons): polygons.append(polygon) except ShapefileException as e: logger.error(e) sys.exit(3) else: logger.error('File "%s" is not a i2s or shp file.' % args.in_polygons) sys.exit(2) if not polygons: logger.error('The file does not contain any polygon.') sys.exit(1) logger.debug('The file contains {} polygon{}.'.format(len(polygons), 's' if len(polygons) > 1 else '')) names = ['Polygon %d' % (i + 1) for i in range(len(polygons))] # Read Serafin file with Serafin.Read(args.in_slf, args.lang) as resin: resin.read_header() resin.get_time() if not resin.header.is_2d: logger.error('The file has to be a 2D Serafin!') sys.exit(3) # Check variables consistency if args.upper_var not in resin.header.var_IDs: logger.error('Upper variable "%s" is not in Serafin file' % args.upper_var) sys.exit(1) upper_var = args.upper_var lower_var = args.lower_var if args.lower_var is not None: if args.lower_var == 'init': lower_var = VolumeCalculator.INIT_VALUE else: if lower_var not in resin.header.var_IDs: logger.error('Lower variable "%s" is not in Serafin file' % lower_var) sys.exit(1) if args.detailed: volume_type = VolumeCalculator.POSITIVE else: volume_type = VolumeCalculator.NET calculator = VolumeCalculator(volume_type, upper_var, lower_var, resin, names, polygons, args.ech) calculator.construct_triangles(tqdm) calculator.construct_weights(tqdm) result = [] for time_index in tqdm(calculator.time_indices, unit='frame'): i_result = [str(resin.time[time_index])] values = calculator.read_values_in_frame(time_index) for j in range(len(calculator.polygons)): weight = calculator.weights[j] volume = calculator.volume_in_frame_in_polygon(weight, values, calculator.polygons[j]) if calculator.volume_type == VolumeCalculator.POSITIVE: for v in volume: i_result.append(settings.FMT_FLOAT.format(v)) else: i_result.append(settings.FMT_FLOAT.format(volume)) result.append(i_result) # Write CSV mode = 'w' if args.force else 'x' with open(args.out_csv, mode) as out_csv: calculator.write_csv(result, out_csv, args.sep)