def data(tmpdir_factory, _cookiecutter_config_file, docker_compose): p = tmpdir_factory.mktemp("data") compose = p.join("docker-compose.yaml") compose.write(docker_compose) snakefile = p.join("Snakefile") SNAKEFILE.copy(snakefile) cluster_config = p.join("cluster-config.yaml") CLUSTERCONFIG.copy(cluster_config) template = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), os.pardir) output_factory = tmpdir_factory.mktemp c = Cookies(template, output_factory, _cookiecutter_config_file) c._new_output_dir = lambda: str(p.join("slurm")) c.bake( extra_context={ 'partition': 'normal', 'output': 'logs/slurm-%j.out', 'error': 'logs/slurm-%j.err' }) # Advanced setting c = Cookies(template, output_factory, _cookiecutter_config_file) c._new_output_dir = lambda: str(p.join("slurm-advanced")) c.bake( extra_context={ 'partition': 'normal', 'output': 'logs/slurm-%j.out', 'error': 'logs/slurm-%j.err', 'submit_script': '' }) return p
def _cookie_factory(sbatch_defaults=_sbatch_defaults, advanced="no", cluster_name=None, cluster_config=None, yamlconfig=_yamlconfig_default): cookie_template = pjoin(os.path.abspath(pytest.dname), os.pardir) output_factory = tmpdir_factory.mktemp c = Cookies(cookie_template, output_factory, _cookiecutter_config_file) c._new_output_dir = lambda: str(datadir) extra_context = { "sbatch_defaults": sbatch_defaults, "advanced_argument_conversion": advanced } if cluster_name is not None: extra_context["cluster_name"] = cluster_name if cluster_config is not None: extra_context["cluster_config"] = cluster_config c.bake(extra_context=extra_context) config = datadir.join("slurm").join("config.yaml") config_d = dict([ tuple(line.split(":")) for line in"\n") if line != "" ]) config_d.update(**yamlconfig) config.write("\n".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in config_d.items()))
def test_project_id_hook(cookies: Cookies) -> None: wrong_ids = [ "qwe/qwe", "qwe?qwe", "qwe!qwe", "qwe.qwe", "qwe%qwe", "qwe-qwe", "-qwe", "qwe-", "qwe-qwe", "123", "1 23", "1qwe23", ] correct_ids = [ "qwe", "q", "qwe_qwe", "_qwe", "qwe_", "qwe123", "qwe_123", "qwe" * 20, ] for id_ in wrong_ids: result = cookies.bake(extra_context={"project_id": id_}) assert result.exit_code != 0, id_ assert isinstance(result.exception, FailedHookException) for id_ in correct_ids: result = cookies.bake(extra_context={"project_id": id_}) assert result.exit_code == 0, id_
def test_homepage_context(context: Dict[str, Any], expected: str, cookies: Cookies) -> None: """Default homepage is generated from repository URL.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context=context) actual = result.context["project_homepage"] assert actual == expected
def test_bake_project_and_run_tests(cookies: Cookies): result = cookies.bake() project_path_str = str(result.project) with utils.use_cwd(project_path_str): with utils.use_poetry(): utils.check_call("poetry run pytest")
def test_project_config_with_comments(cookies: Cookies, preserve_comments: str) -> None: result = cookies.bake( extra_context={ "project_dir": "project-with-comments", "preserve Neuro Flow template hints": preserve_comments, } ) assert result.exit_code == 0 comment_sign = "#" with inside_dir(str(result.project_path)): live_file_content = Path(".neuro/live.yml").read_text() project_file_content = Path(".neuro/project.yml").read_text() l_com_exists = comment_sign in live_file_content p_com_exists = comment_sign in project_file_content if preserve_comments == "yes": assert l_com_exists, ".neuro/live.yml file does not contain comments" assert p_com_exists, ".neuro/project.yml file does not contain comments" elif preserve_comments == "no": assert not l_com_exists, ".neuro/live.yml file contains comments" assert not p_com_exists, ".neuro/project.yml file contains comments" else: raise RuntimeError( f"invalid value '{preserve_comments}' for 'preserve_comments' arg. " " Only 'yes' and 'no' are allowed." )
def test_prettier_format(cookies: Cookies) -> None: """Generated files must pass Prettier format checker.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context={}) proj_dir = result.project_path process = run_command(command="prettier --check .", work_dir=proj_dir) assert process.returncode == 0, process.stderr.decode("utf-8")
def test_existing_paths(context: Dict[str, Any], paths: List[str], cookies: Cookies) -> None: """Check that specific paths exist after scaffolding.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context=context) for path in paths: file_path = result.project_path / path assert file_path.exists()
def test_removed_paths(context: Dict[str, Any], paths: List[str], cookies: Cookies) -> None: """Check that specific paths are removed after scaffolding.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context=context) for path in paths: remove_path = result.project_path / path assert not remove_path.exists()
def test_bake_project_with_default_options_works(cookies: Cookies): result = cookies.bake() assert result.exception is None assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.project.isdir() assert result.project.listdir(), "Output dir should contain some files"
def test_flakehell_passes(cookies: Cookies, context: Dict[str, str], context_override: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Generated project should pass flakehell.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context={**context, **context_override}) try: # The black step is executed by the post hooks # we need to run everything in the same step so that flakehell uses the # virtualenv. sh.bash( "-c", "virtualenv -p `which python3.7` env; " "source env/bin/activate; " "pip install pip-tools; " "pip-compile -U --allow-unsafe; " "pip-compile -U --allow-unsafe " " --output-file requirements-dev.txt; " "pip install -r requirements-dev.txt; " "pip install -e .; " "black --exclude env .; " "flakehell lint src tests", _cwd=str(result.project), ) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as error:
def test_project_dir_hook(cookies: Cookies) -> None: result = cookies.bake(extra_context={"project_dir": "myproject"}) assert result.exit_code == 0 result = cookies.bake(extra_context={"project_dir": "my-project"}) assert result.exit_code == 0 result = cookies.bake(extra_context={"project_dir": "my?project"}) assert result.exit_code != 0 if sys.platform == "win32": # Unfortunately, pre_gen hook is called before cookiecutter copies the template # into the TMP dir for rendering. # This will not hurt the user, # but the error message will also include a traceback assert isinstance(result.exception, OSError) else: assert isinstance(result.exception, FailedHookException) result = cookies.bake(extra_context={"project_dir": "t" * 256}) assert result.exit_code != 0
def test_yamllint_passes(cookies: Cookies, context: Dict[str, str], context_override: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Generated project pass yamllint.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context={**context, **context_override}) try: sh.yamllint(".", _cwd=str(result.project)) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as error:
def test_badges_separate_lines(context: Dict[str, Any], cookies: Cookies) -> None: """Readme files must have all badge links on separate lines.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context=context) readme = result.project_path / "" regex = re.compile(r"img\.shields\.io") for line in readme.read_text().split("\n"): assert len(regex.findall(line)) < 2
def test_black_is_able_to_correct_files( cookies: Cookies, context: Dict[str, str], context_override: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Black is run on the post hooks, make sure it runs without problem.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context={**context, **context_override}) try:"--exclude", "migrations", _cwd=str(result.project)) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as error:
def bake_in_temp_dir(cookies: Cookies, *args, **kwargs): """ Delete the temporal directory that is created when executing the tests :param cookies: pytest_cookies.Cookies, cookie to be baked and its temporal files will be removed """ result = cookies.bake(*args, **kwargs) try: yield result finally: rmtree(str(result.project))
def data(tmpdir_factory, _cookiecutter_config_file): p = tmpdir_factory.mktemp("data") snakefile = p.join("Snakefile") SNAKEFILE.copy(snakefile) cluster_config = p.join("cluster-config.yaml") CLUSTERCONFIG.copy(cluster_config) template = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), os.pardir) output_factory = tmpdir_factory.mktemp defaults = "partition=normal output=logs/slurm-%j.out error=logs/slurm-%j.err" c = Cookies(template, output_factory, _cookiecutter_config_file) c._new_output_dir = lambda: str(p.join("slurm")) c.bake(extra_context={"sbatch_defaults": defaults}) # Advanced setting c = Cookies(template, output_factory, _cookiecutter_config_file) c._new_output_dir = lambda: str(p.join("slurm-advanced")) c.bake(extra_context={ "sbatch_defaults": defaults, "advanced_argument_conversion": "yes", }) return p
def get_cli(cookies: Cookies, context: Dict[str, str]) -> ModuleType: result: Result = cookies.bake(extra_context=context) project_path, project_slug, project_dir = project_info(result) module_path: str = os.path.join(project_dir, '') module_name: str = '.'.join([project_slug, 'cli']) spec: ModuleSpec = util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, module_path) cli: ModuleType = util.module_from_spec(spec) assert spec.loader is not None spec.loader.exec_module(cli) # type: ignore return cli
def test_text_existence( context: Dict[str, Any], paths: List[str], text: str, exist: bool, cookies: Cookies, ) -> None: """Check for existence of text in files.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context=context) for path in paths: text_exists = text in (result.project_path / path).read_text() assert text_exists == exist
def bake_in_temp_dir(cookies: Cookies, *args: Any, **kwargs: Dict[str, str]) -> Result: """ Delete the temporal directory that is created when executing the tests :param cookies: pytest_cookies.Cookies, cookie to be baked and its temporal files will be removed """ result = cookies.bake(*args, **kwargs) # print('=' * 80 + '\n', "Result info:", repr(result), '\n' + ('=' * 80)) try: yield result finally: rmtree(str(result.project))
def test_mkdocs_build(cookies: Cookies) -> None: """Mkdocs must be able to build documentation for baked project.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context={}) expected = 0 process = run_command(command="poetry install", work_dir=result.project_path) # Poetry prints errors to stdout instead of stderr. assert process.returncode == expected, process.stdout.decode("utf-8") process = run_command(command="poetry run mkdocs build", work_dir=result.project_path) assert process.returncode == expected, process.stderr.decode("utf-8")
def test_project_generation_without_external_hooks( cookies: Cookies, context: Dict[str, str], context_override: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Test that project is generated and fully rendered.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context={**context, **context_override}) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.exception is None assert result.project.basename == context_override.get( "project_slug", context.get("project_slug", None)) assert result.project.isdir() paths = build_files_list(str(result.project)) assert paths check_paths(paths)
def test_pytest_test(cookies: Cookies) -> None: """Generated files must pass Pytest unit tests.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context={}) expected = 0 process = run_command(command="poetry install", work_dir=result.project_path) # Poetry prints errors to stdout instead of stderr. assert process.returncode == expected, process.stdout.decode("utf-8") process = run_command(command="poetry run pytest", work_dir=result.project_path) # Pytest prints errors to stdout instead of stderr. assert process.returncode == expected, process.stdout.decode("utf-8")
def test_project_description(cookies: Cookies) -> None: descriptions = [ # " ", "Descrition!", "123", "", ] for descr in descriptions: result = cookies.bake(extra_context={"project_description": descr}) assert result.exit_code == 0, descr with inside_dir(str(result.project_path)): readme_content = Path("").read_text() if descr: assert "## Project description" in readme_content assert descr in readme_content
def bake_in_temp_dir(cookies: Cookies, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Result: """Delete the temporal directory that is created when executing the tests. Args: cookies: A cookie to be baked and its temporal files will be removed. *args: Variable length argument list to be passed to the bake command. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments to be passed to the bake command. Yields: The baked cookie. """ result = cookies.bake(*args, **kwargs) try: yield result finally: rmtree(str(result.project_path))
def test_generated_package_is_installable(cookies: Cookies, context: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Generated project should be able to build the documentation.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context={**context}) try: result = sh.bash( "-c", "virtualenv -p `which python3.7` env; " "source env/bin/activate; " "pip install -e .; " "python -c 'import my_test_project'", _cwd=str(result.project), ) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as error:
def test_mkdocs_build_valid_site(cookies: Cookies, context: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Generated project should be able to build the documentation.""" result = cookies.bake(extra_context={**context}) try: result = sh.bash( "-c", "virtualenv -p `which python3.7` env; " "source env/bin/activate; " "pip install pip-tools; " "pip-compile --allow-unsafe; " "pip-compile docs/ --output-file docs/requirements.txt; " "pip install -r docs/requirements.txt; " "pip install -e .; " "mkdocs build", _cwd=str(result.project), ) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as error:
def test_neuro_flow_live(cookies: Cookies, preserve_comments: str) -> None: result = cookies.bake( extra_context={ "project_dir": "test-project", "project_id": "awesome_project", "preserve Neuro Flow template hints": preserve_comments, } ) with inside_dir(str(result.project_path)): proc = exec("neuro-flow --show-traceback ps") assert "JOB" in proc.stdout, proc proc = exec("neuro-flow --show-traceback status train", assert_exit_code=False) assert "is not running" in proc.stdout, proc proc = exec("neuro-flow --show-traceback run --dry-run train") assert "neuro run" in proc.stdout, proc assert "--tag=project:awesome-project" in proc.stdout, proc proc = exec("neuro-flow --show-traceback run --dry-run remote_debug") assert "neuro run" in proc.stdout, proc assert "--tag=project:awesome-project" in proc.stdout, proc
def test_run_flake8(cookies: Cookies) -> None: result = cookies.bake(extra_context={"project_dir": "flake8-compat"}) with inside_dir(str(result.project_path)): subprocess.check_call(["flake8"])
def test_project_tree(cookies: Cookies) -> None: result = cookies.bake(extra_context={"project_dir": "test-project"}) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.exception is None assert == "test-project"