Esempio n. 1
    def from_array(array):
        Deserializes a new Update from a given dictionary.

        :return: new Update instance.
        :rtype: Update
        if array is None or not array:
            return None
        # end if
        assert(isinstance(array, dict))
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.inline import ChosenInlineResult
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.inline import InlineQuery
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.updates import CallbackQuery
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.updates import Message
        data = {}
        data['update_id'] = int(array.get('update_id'))
        data['message'] = Message.from_array(array.get('message')) if array.get('message') is not None else None
        data['edited_message'] = Message.from_array(array.get('edited_message')) if array.get('edited_message') is not None else None
        data['channel_post'] = Message.from_array(array.get('channel_post')) if array.get('channel_post') is not None else None
        data['edited_channel_post'] = Message.from_array(array.get('edited_channel_post')) if array.get('edited_channel_post') is not None else None
        data['inline_query'] = InlineQuery.from_array(array.get('inline_query')) if array.get('inline_query') is not None else None
        data['chosen_inline_result'] = ChosenInlineResult.from_array(array.get('chosen_inline_result')) if array.get('chosen_inline_result') is not None else None
        data['callback_query'] = CallbackQuery.from_array(array.get('callback_query')) if array.get('callback_query') is not None else None
        return Update(**data)
Esempio n. 2
def submit_sticker_message(message: Message):
    if not isinstance(message, Message) or not isinstance(message.sticker, Sticker):
    # end if
            GETSTICKERS_DOMAIN + '/api/v3/submit/sticker',
                "key": GETSTICKERS_API_KEY,
                "bot_id": __sticker_crawl.user_id,
                "message": message.to_array(),
    except requests.HTTPError as e:
            result = repr(e.response.json())
            result = e.response.text
        # end try
        logger.warning(f'Submitting sticker to failed with error code {e.response.status_code}: {result}')
        logger.warning('Submitting sticker to failed.', exc_info=True)
Esempio n. 3
    def from_array(array):
        Deserializes a new CallbackQuery from a given dictionary.

        :return: new CallbackQuery instance.
        :rtype: CallbackQuery
        if array is None or not array:
            return None
        # end if
        assert (isinstance(array, dict))

        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.peer import User
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.updates import Message

        data = {}
        data['id'] = str(array.get('id'))
        data['from_peer'] = User.from_array(array.get('from'))
        data['chat_instance'] = str(array.get('chat_instance'))
        data['message'] = Message.from_array(
            array.get('message')) if array.get('message') is not None else None
        data['inline_message_id'] = str(
            array.get('inline_message_id')) if array.get(
                'inline_message_id') is not None else None
        data['data'] = str(
            array.get('data')) if array.get('data') is not None else None
        data['game_short_name'] = str(
            array.get('game_short_name')) if array.get(
                'game_short_name') is not None else None
        return CallbackQuery(**data)
Esempio n. 4
    def from_array(array):
        Deserializes a new Update from a given dictionary.

        :return: new Update instance.
        :rtype: Update
        if array is None or not array:
            return None
        # end if
        assert (isinstance(array, dict))

        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.inline import ChosenInlineResult
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.inline import InlineQuery
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.updates import CallbackQuery
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.updates import Message

        data = {}
        data['update_id'] = int(array.get('update_id'))
        data['message'] = Message.from_array(
            array.get('message')) if array.get('message') is not None else None
        data['edited_message'] = Message.from_array(
            array.get('edited_message')) if array.get(
                'edited_message') is not None else None
        data['channel_post'] = Message.from_array(array.get(
            'channel_post')) if array.get('channel_post') is not None else None
        data['edited_channel_post'] = Message.from_array(
            array.get('edited_channel_post')) if array.get(
                'edited_channel_post') is not None else None
        data['inline_query'] = InlineQuery.from_array(array.get(
            'inline_query')) if array.get('inline_query') is not None else None
        data['chosen_inline_result'] = ChosenInlineResult.from_array(
            array.get('chosen_inline_result')) if array.get(
                'chosen_inline_result') is not None else None
        data['callback_query'] = CallbackQuery.from_array(
            array.get('callback_query')) if array.get(
                'callback_query') is not None else None
        return Update(**data)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_commands(self):
        self.m.BEST_PONY = self.s
        self.assertEqual(self.m.CURRENT, self.m.DEFAULT)
        self.assertEqual(, 'DEFAULT')

        update = Update(1,
                                        from_peer=User(3, False, "Günter"),
                                        chat=Chat(4, 'supergroup',
                                                  'FAKE CHAT'),
        called = [False, False]

        def call_me(i):
            def call_me_inner(u, text):
      'called {i}.'.format(i=i))
                self.assertEqual(u, update)
                called[i] = True

            # end def
            return call_me_inner

        # end def


        self.assertEqual(self.m.CURRENT, self.s)
        self.assertEqual(self.m.CURRENT, self.m.BEST_PONY)
        self.assertEqual(, 'BEST_PONY')

            self.m.CURRENT, self.m.DEFAULT,
            "load_state_for_chat_user should set DEFAULT (None) state again.")
  , 'DEFAULT',
            "load_state_for_chat_user should set DEFAULT (None) state again.")
            'DEFAULT should have been called: load_state_for_chat_user set DEFAULT (None) state again.'
            'BEST_PONY should not have been called: load_state_for_chat_user set DEFAULT (None) state again.'
Esempio n. 6
    def from_array(array):
        Deserialize a new Chat from a given dictionary.

        :return: new Chat instance.
        :rtype: Chat
        if array is None or not array:
            return None
        # end if
        assert_type_or_raise(array, dict, parameter_name="array")
        from import ChatPhoto
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.updates import Message

        data = {}
        data['id'] = int(array.get('id'))
        data['type'] = u(array.get('type'))
        data['title'] = u(
            array.get('title')) if array.get('title') is not None else None
        data['username'] = u(array.get('username')) if array.get(
            'username') is not None else None
        data['first_name'] = u(array.get('first_name')) if array.get(
            'first_name') is not None else None
        data['last_name'] = u(array.get('last_name')) if array.get(
            'last_name') is not None else None
        data['all_members_are_administrators'] = bool(
            array.get('all_members_are_administrators')) if array.get(
                'all_members_are_administrators') is not None else None
        data['photo'] = ChatPhoto.from_array(
            array.get('photo')) if array.get('photo') is not None else None
        data['description'] = u(array.get('description')) if array.get(
            'description') is not None else None
        data['invite_link'] = u(array.get('invite_link')) if array.get(
            'invite_link') is not None else None
        data['pinned_message'] = Message.from_array(
            array.get('pinned_message')) if array.get(
                'pinned_message') is not None else None
        data['sticker_set_name'] = u(
            array.get('sticker_set_name')) if array.get(
                'sticker_set_name') is not None else None
        data['can_set_sticker_set'] = bool(
            array.get('can_set_sticker_set')) if array.get(
                'can_set_sticker_set') is not None else None
        data['_raw'] = array
        return Chat(**data)
Esempio n. 7
    def from_array(array):
        Deserializes a new CallbackQuery from a given dictionary.

        :return: new CallbackQuery instance.
        :rtype: CallbackQuery
        if array is None or not array:
            return None
        # end if
        assert(isinstance(array, dict))
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.peer import User
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.updates import Message
        data = {}
        data['id'] = str(array.get('id'))
        data['from_peer'] = User.from_array(array.get('from'))
        data['chat_instance'] = str(array.get('chat_instance'))
        data['message'] = Message.from_array(array.get('message')) if array.get('message') is not None else None
        data['inline_message_id'] = str(array.get('inline_message_id')) if array.get('inline_message_id') is not None else None
        data['data'] = str(array.get('data')) if array.get('data') is not None else None
        data['game_short_name'] = str(array.get('game_short_name')) if array.get('game_short_name') is not None else None
        return CallbackQuery(**data)
Esempio n. 8
    def from_array(array):
        Deserializes a new Message from a given dictionary.

        :return: new Message instance.
        :rtype: Message
        if array is None or not array:
            return None
        # end if
        assert (isinstance(array, dict))

        from import Audio
        from import Contact
        from import Document
        from import Game
        from import Location
        from import MessageEntity
        from import PhotoSize
        from import Sticker
        from import Venue
        from import Video
        from import Voice
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.peer import Chat
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.peer import User
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.updates import Message

        data = {}
        data['message_id'] = int(array.get('message_id'))
        data['date'] = int(array.get('date'))
        data['chat'] = Chat.from_array(array.get('chat'))
        data['from_peer'] = User.from_array(
            array.get('from')) if array.get('from') is not None else None
        data['forward_from'] = User.from_array(array.get(
            'forward_from')) if array.get('forward_from') is not None else None
        data['forward_from_chat'] = Chat.from_array(
            array.get('forward_from_chat')) if array.get(
                'forward_from_chat') is not None else None
        data['forward_from_message_id'] = int(
            array.get('forward_from_message_id')) if array.get(
                'forward_from_message_id') is not None else None
        data['forward_date'] = int(array.get('forward_date')) if array.get(
            'forward_date') is not None else None
        data['reply_to_message'] = Message.from_array(
            array.get('reply_to_message')) if array.get(
                'reply_to_message') is not None else None
        data['edit_date'] = int(array.get('edit_date')) if array.get(
            'edit_date') is not None else None
        data['text'] = str(
            array.get('text')) if array.get('text') is not None else None
        data['entities'] = MessageEntity.from_array_list(
            list_level=1) if array.get('entities') is not None else None
        data['audio'] = Audio.from_array(
            array.get('audio')) if array.get('audio') is not None else None
        data['document'] = Document.from_array(array.get(
            'document')) if array.get('document') is not None else None
        data['game'] = Game.from_array(
            array.get('game')) if array.get('game') is not None else None
        data['photo'] = PhotoSize.from_array_list(
            list_level=1) if array.get('photo') is not None else None
        data['sticker'] = Sticker.from_array(
            array.get('sticker')) if array.get('sticker') is not None else None
        data['video'] = Video.from_array(
            array.get('video')) if array.get('video') is not None else None
        data['voice'] = Voice.from_array(
            array.get('voice')) if array.get('voice') is not None else None
        data['caption'] = str(
            array.get('caption')) if array.get('caption') is not None else None
        data['contact'] = Contact.from_array(
            array.get('contact')) if array.get('contact') is not None else None
        data['location'] = Location.from_array(array.get(
            'location')) if array.get('location') is not None else None
        data['venue'] = Venue.from_array(
            array.get('venue')) if array.get('venue') is not None else None
        data['new_chat_member'] = User.from_array(
            array.get('new_chat_member')) if array.get(
                'new_chat_member') is not None else None
        data['left_chat_member'] = User.from_array(
            array.get('left_chat_member')) if array.get(
                'left_chat_member') is not None else None
        data['new_chat_title'] = str(array.get('new_chat_title')) if array.get(
            'new_chat_title') is not None else None
        data['new_chat_photo'] = PhotoSize.from_array_list(
            list_level=1) if array.get('new_chat_photo') is not None else None
        data['delete_chat_photo'] = bool(
            array.get('delete_chat_photo')) if array.get(
                'delete_chat_photo') is not None else None
        data['group_chat_created'] = bool(
            array.get('group_chat_created')) if array.get(
                'group_chat_created') is not None else None
        data['supergroup_chat_created'] = bool(
            array.get('supergroup_chat_created')) if array.get(
                'supergroup_chat_created') is not None else None
        data['channel_chat_created'] = bool(
            array.get('channel_chat_created')) if array.get(
                'channel_chat_created') is not None else None
        data['migrate_to_chat_id'] = int(
            array.get('migrate_to_chat_id')) if array.get(
                'migrate_to_chat_id') is not None else None
        data['migrate_from_chat_id'] = int(
            array.get('migrate_from_chat_id')) if array.get(
                'migrate_from_chat_id') is not None else None
        data['pinned_message'] = Message.from_array(
            array.get('pinned_message')) if array.get(
                'pinned_message') is not None else None
        return Message(**data)
Esempio n. 9
    def from_array(array):
        Deserializes a new Message from a given dictionary.

        :return: new Message instance.
        :rtype: Message
        if array is None or not array:
            return None
        # end if
        assert(isinstance(array, dict))
        from import Audio
        from import Contact
        from import Document
        from import Game
        from import Location
        from import MessageEntity
        from import PhotoSize
        from import Sticker
        from import Venue
        from import Video
        from import Voice
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.peer import Chat
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.peer import User
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.updates import Message
        data = {}
        data['message_id'] = int(array.get('message_id'))
        data['date'] = int(array.get('date'))
        data['chat'] = Chat.from_array(array.get('chat'))
        data['from_peer'] = User.from_array(array.get('from')) if array.get('from') is not None else None
        data['forward_from'] = User.from_array(array.get('forward_from')) if array.get('forward_from') is not None else None
        data['forward_from_chat'] = Chat.from_array(array.get('forward_from_chat')) if array.get('forward_from_chat') is not None else None
        data['forward_from_message_id'] = int(array.get('forward_from_message_id')) if array.get('forward_from_message_id') is not None else None
        data['forward_date'] = int(array.get('forward_date')) if array.get('forward_date') is not None else None
        data['reply_to_message'] = Message.from_array(array.get('reply_to_message')) if array.get('reply_to_message') is not None else None
        data['edit_date'] = int(array.get('edit_date')) if array.get('edit_date') is not None else None
        data['text'] = str(array.get('text')) if array.get('text') is not None else None
        data['entities'] = MessageEntity.from_array_list(array.get('entities'), list_level=1) if array.get('entities') is not None else None
        data['audio'] = Audio.from_array(array.get('audio')) if array.get('audio') is not None else None
        data['document'] = Document.from_array(array.get('document')) if array.get('document') is not None else None
        data['game'] = Game.from_array(array.get('game')) if array.get('game') is not None else None
        data['photo'] = PhotoSize.from_array_list(array.get('photo'), list_level=1) if array.get('photo') is not None else None
        data['sticker'] = Sticker.from_array(array.get('sticker')) if array.get('sticker') is not None else None
        data['video'] = Video.from_array(array.get('video')) if array.get('video') is not None else None
        data['voice'] = Voice.from_array(array.get('voice')) if array.get('voice') is not None else None
        data['caption'] = str(array.get('caption')) if array.get('caption') is not None else None
        data['contact'] = Contact.from_array(array.get('contact')) if array.get('contact') is not None else None
        data['location'] = Location.from_array(array.get('location')) if array.get('location') is not None else None
        data['venue'] = Venue.from_array(array.get('venue')) if array.get('venue') is not None else None
        data['new_chat_member'] = User.from_array(array.get('new_chat_member')) if array.get('new_chat_member') is not None else None
        data['left_chat_member'] = User.from_array(array.get('left_chat_member')) if array.get('left_chat_member') is not None else None
        data['new_chat_title'] = str(array.get('new_chat_title')) if array.get('new_chat_title') is not None else None
        data['new_chat_photo'] = PhotoSize.from_array_list(array.get('new_chat_photo'), list_level=1) if array.get('new_chat_photo') is not None else None
        data['delete_chat_photo'] = bool(array.get('delete_chat_photo')) if array.get('delete_chat_photo') is not None else None
        data['group_chat_created'] = bool(array.get('group_chat_created')) if array.get('group_chat_created') is not None else None
        data['supergroup_chat_created'] = bool(array.get('supergroup_chat_created')) if array.get('supergroup_chat_created') is not None else None
        data['channel_chat_created'] = bool(array.get('channel_chat_created')) if array.get('channel_chat_created') is not None else None
        data['migrate_to_chat_id'] = int(array.get('migrate_to_chat_id')) if array.get('migrate_to_chat_id') is not None else None
        data['migrate_from_chat_id'] = int(array.get('migrate_from_chat_id')) if array.get('migrate_from_chat_id') is not None else None
        data['pinned_message'] = Message.from_array(array.get('pinned_message')) if array.get('pinned_message') is not None else None
        return Message(**data)