Esempio n. 1
class BBBot:

    def __init__(self, config: Config):
        """Create a bot using the config. Required keys: bot.key, bot.running, bot.chat_id, bot.offset"""
        self.config = config
        self.running = config['bot'].getboolean('running', True)

        self._bot = Bot(config['bot'].get('key'))
        self._chat_id = config['bot'].getint('chat_id', 0)


    def consume_messages(self):
        offset = self.config['bot'].getint('offset', 0)
        for msg in'getUpdates', offset=offset, request_timeout=100):
            if 'channel_post' in msg and msg['channel_post']['chat']['id'] == self._chat_id \
                    and 'text' in msg['channel_post']:
                text = msg['channel_post']['text'].lower()
                if text in PAUSE_COMMANDS:
                    self.running = False
                elif text in START_COMMANDS:
                    self.running = True

            offset = msg['update_id']

        self.config.set('bot', 'running', str(self.running))
        self.config.set('bot', 'offset', str(offset))

    def send_message(self, message: str, formatting='HTML'):
        self._bot.send_message(self._chat_id, message, parse_mode=formatting)
Esempio n. 2
class TeleflaskBase(TeleflaskMixinBase):
    __version__ = VERSION

    def __init__(self, api_key, app=None, blueprint=None,
                 # FlaskTgBot kwargs:
                 hostname=None, hostpath=None, hookpath="/income/{API_KEY}",
                 debug_routes=False, disable_setting_webhook=False,
                 # pytgbot kwargs:
        A new Teleflask(Base) object.
        :param api_key: The key for the telegram bot api.
        :type  api_key: str

        :param app: The flask app if you don't like to call :meth:`init_app` yourself. 
        :type  app: flask.Flask | None
        :param blueprint: A blueprint, where the telegram webhook (and the debug endpoints, see `debug_routes`) will be registered in.
                          Use if you don't like to call :meth:`init_app` yourself.
                          If not set, but `app` is, it will register any routes to the `app` itself.
        :type  blueprint: flask.Blueprint | None

        :param hostname: The hostname or IP (and maybe a port) where this server is reachable in the internet.
                         Specify the path with :param hostpath:
                         Used to calculate the webhook url.
                         Also configurable via environment variables. See calculate_webhook_url()
        :param hostpath: The host url the base of where this bot is reachable.
                         Examples: None (for root of server) or "/bot2"
                         Note: The webhook will only be set on initialisation.
                         Also configurable via environment variables. See calculate_webhook_url()
        :param hookpath: The endpoint of the telegram webhook.
                        Defaults to "/income/<API_KEY>"
                        Note: The webhook will only be set on initialisation.
                        Also configurable via environment variables. See calculate_webhook_url()
        :param debug_routes: Add extra url endpoints usefull for debugging. See setup_routes(...)

        :param disable_setting_webhook: Disable updating the webhook when starting. Useful for unit tests.

        :param return_python_objects: Enable return_python_objects in pytgbot. See
        self.__api_key = api_key = None  # will be set in self.init_bot()
        self.update_listener = list()
        self.commands = dict()
        self._return_python_objects = return_python_objects
        self._webhook_url = None  # will be filled out by self.calculate_webhook_url() in self.init_app(...)
        self.hostname = hostname  # e.g. ""
        self.hostpath = hostpath
        self.hookpath = hookpath
        if app or blueprint:
            self.init_app(app, blueprint=blueprint, debug_routes=debug_routes)
        # end if
    # end def

    def init_bot(self):
        Creates the bot, and retrieves information about the bot itself (username, user_id) from telegram.
        if not  # so you can manually set it before calling `init_app(...)`,
            # e.g. a mocking bot class for unit tests
   = Bot(self.__api_key, return_python_objects=self._return_python_objects)
        elif != self._return_python_objects:
            # we don't have the same setting as the given one
            raise ValueError("The already set bot has return_python_objects {given}, but we have {our}".format(
      , our=self._return_python_objects
        # end def
        myself =
            self._user_id =
            self._username = myself.username
            self._user_id = myself["result"]["id"]
            self._username = myself["result"]["username"]
        # end if
    # end def

    def init_app(self, app, blueprint=None, debug_routes=False):
        Gives us access to the flask app (and optionally provide a Blueprint),
        where we will add a routing endpoint for the telegram webhook.
        Calls `self.init_bot()`.

        :param app: the :class:`flask.Flask` app
        :type  app: flask.Flask
        :param blueprint: A blueprint, where the telegram webhook (and the debug endpoints, see `debug_routes`) will be registered in.
                          If `None` was provided, it will register any routes to the `app` itself.
        :type  blueprint: flask.Blueprint | None

        :param debug_routes: Add extra url endpoints, useful for debugging. See setup_routes(...)
        :type  debug_routes: bool

        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        """ = app
        self.blueprint = blueprint
        hookpath, self._webhook_url = self.calculate_webhook_url(hostname=self.hostname, hostpath=self.hostpath, hookpath=self.hookpath)
        self.setup_routes(hookpath=hookpath, debug_routes=debug_routes)
        self.set_webhook()  # this will set the webhook in the bot api.

    def calculate_webhook_url(self, hostname=None, hostpath=None, hookpath="/income/{API_KEY}"):
        Calculates the webhook url.
        Please note, this doesn't change any registered view function!
        Returns a tuple of the hook path (the url endpoint for your flask app) and the full webhook url (for telegram)
        Note: Both can include the full API key, as replacement for ``{API_KEY}`` in the hookpath.


        Your bot is at ````,
        you want your flask to get the updates at ``/tg-webhook/{API_KEY}``.
        This means Telegram will have to send the updates to ``{API_KEY}``.
        You now would set
            hostname = "",
            hostpath = "/bot2",
            hookpath = "/tg-webhook/{API_KEY}"
        Note: Set ``hostpath`` if you are behind a reverse proxy, and/or your flask app root is *not* at the web server root.
        :param hostname: A hostname. Without the protocol.
                         Examples: "localhost", "", ""
                         If None (default), the hostname comes from the URL_HOSTNAME environment variable, or from if that fails.
        :param hostpath: The path after the hostname. It must start with a slash.
                         Use this if you aren't at the root at the server, i.e. use url_rewrite.
                         Example: "/bot2"
                         If None (default), the path will be read from the URL_PATH environment variable, or "" if that fails.
        :param hookpath: Template for the route of incoming telegram webhook events. Must start with a slash.
                         The placeholder {API_KEY} will replaced with the telegram api key.
                         Note: This doesn't change any routing. You need to update any registered @app.route manually!
        :return: the tuple of calculated (hookpath, webhook_url).
        :rtype: tuple
        import os, requests
        # #
        # #  try to fill out empty arguments
        # #
        if not hostname:
            hostname = os.getenv('URL_HOSTNAME', None)
        # end if
        if hostpath is None:
            hostpath = os.getenv('URL_PATH', "")
        # end if
        if not hookpath:
            hookpath = "/income/{API_KEY}"
        # end if
        # #
        # #  check if the path looks at least a bit valid
        # #
        logger.debug("hostname={hostn!r}, hostpath={hostp!r}, hookpath={hookp!r}".format(
            hostn=hostname, hostp=hostpath, hookp=hookpath
        if hostname:
            if hostname.endswith("/"):
                raise ValueError("hostname can't end with a slash: {value}".format(value=hostname))
            # end if
            if hostname.startswith("https://"):
                hostname = hostname[len("https://"):]
                logger.warning("Automatically removed \"https://\" from hostname. Don't include it.")
            # end if
            if hostname.startswith("http://"):
                raise ValueError("Don't include the protocol ('http://') in the hostname. "
                                 "Also telegram doesn't support http, only https.")
            # end if
        else:  # no hostname
            info = requests.get('').json()
            hostname = str(info["ip"])
            logger.warning("URL_HOSTNAME env not set, falling back to ip address: {ip!r}".format(ip=hostname))
        # end if
        if not hostpath == "" and not hostpath.startswith("/"):
  "hostpath didn't start with a slash: {value!r} Will be added automatically".format(value=hostpath))
            hostpath = "/" + hostpath
        # end def
        if not hookpath.startswith("/"):
            raise ValueError("hookpath must start with a slash: {value!r}".format(value=hostpath))
        # end def
        hookpath = hookpath.format(API_KEY=self.__api_key)
        if not hostpath:
  "URL_PATH is not set.")
        webhook_url = "https://{hostname}{hostpath}{hookpath}".format(hostname=hostname, hostpath=hostpath, hookpath=hookpath)
        logger.debug("Tele={hostn!r}, hostpath={hostp!r}, hookpath={hookp!r}".format(
            hostn=hostname, hostp=hostpath, hookp=hookpath
        return hookpath, webhook_url
    # end def

    def username(self):
        return self._username
    # end def

    def user_id(self):
        return self._user_id
    # end def

    def webhook_url(self):
        return self._webhook_url
    # end def

    def set_webhook(self):
        Sets the telegram webhook.
        Checks Telegram if there is a webhook set, and if it needs to be changed. 

        assert isinstance(, Bot)
        existing_webhook =

        if self._return_python_objects:
            from pytgbot.api_types.receivable import WebhookInfo
            assert isinstance(existing_webhook, WebhookInfo)
            webhook_url = existing_webhook.url
            webhook_meta = existing_webhook.to_array()
            webhook_url = existing_webhook["result"]["url"]
            webhook_meta = existing_webhook["result"]
        # end def
        del existing_webhook"Last webhook pointed to {url!r}.\nMetadata: {hook}".format(
            url=self.hide_api_key(webhook_url), hook=self.hide_api_key("{!r}".format(webhook_meta))
        if webhook_url == self.webhook_url:
  "Webhook set correctly. No need to change.")
            if not"DISABLE_SETTING_TELEGRAM_WEBHOOK", False):
      "Setting webhook to {url}".format(url=self.hide_api_key(self.webhook_url)))
      "Would set webhook to {url!r}, but is disabled by DISABLE_SETTING_TELEGRAM_WEBHOOK config.".format(url=self.hide_api_key(self.webhook_url)))
            # end if
        # end if
    # end def

    def do_startup(self):
        This code is executed after server boot.
        Sets the telegram webhook (see :meth:`set_webhook(self)`)
        and calls `super().do_setup()` for the superclass (e.g. other mixins)

        self.init_bot()  # retrieve username, user_id from telegram
        self.set_webhook()  # register telegram webhook
        super().do_startup()  # do more registered startup actions.
    # end def

    def hide_api_key(self, string):
        Replaces the api key with "<API_KEY>" in a given string.
        Note: if the given object is no string, :meth:`str(object)` is called first.

        :param string: The str which can contain the api key.
        :return: string with the key replaced
        if not isinstance(string, str):
            string = str(string)
        # end if
        return string.replace(self.__api_key, "<API_KEY>")
    # end def

    def jsonify(self, func):
        Converts the returned value of the function to json, and sets mimetype to "text/json".
        It will also automatically replace the api key where found in the output with "<API_KEY>".

            def foobar():
               return {"foo": "bar"}
            # end def
            # app is a instance of this class

        There are some special cases to note:

        - :class:`tuple` is interpreted as (data, status).
                return {"error": "not found"}, 404
            would result in a 404 page, with json content {"error": "not found"}

        - :class:`flask.Response` will be returned directly, except it is in a :class:`tuple`
            In that case the status code of the returned response will be overwritten by the second tuple element.

        - :class:`TgBotApiObject` will be converted to json too. Status code 200.

        - An exception will be returned as `{"error": "exception raised"}` with status code 503.

        :param func: the function to wrap
        :return: the wrapped function returning json responses.
        from functools import wraps
        from flask import Response
        import json
        logger.debug("func: {}".format(func))

        def jsonify_inner(*args, **kwargs):
                result = func(*args, **kwargs)
                logger.exception("failed executing {name}.".format(name=func.__name__), exc_info=True)
                result = {"error": "exception raised"}, 503
            # end def
            status = None  # will be 200 if not otherwise changed
            if isinstance(result, tuple):
                response, status = result
                response = result
            # end if
            if isinstance(response, Response):
                if status:
                    response.status_code = status
                # end if
                return response
            # end if
            if isinstance(response, TgBotApiObject):
                response = response.to_array()
            # end if
            response = json.dumps(response)
            # end if
            assert isinstance(response, str)
            response_kwargs = {}
            response_kwargs.setdefault("mimetype", "text/json")
            if status:
                response_kwargs["status"] = status
            # end if
            res = Response(self.hide_api_key(response), **response_kwargs)
            logger.debug("returning: {}".format(res))
            return res
        # end def inner
        return jsonify_inner
    # end def

    def view_exec(self, api_key, command):
        Issue commands. E.g. /exec/TELEGRAM_API_KEY/getMe

        :param api_key: gets checked, so you can't just execute commands.
        :param command: the actual command
        if api_key != self.__api_key:
            error_msg = "Wrong API key: {wrong_key!r}".format(wrong_key=api_key)
            return {"status": "error", "message": error_msg, "error_code": 403}, 403
        # end if
        from flask import request
        from pytgbot.exceptions import TgApiServerException
        logger.debug("COMMAND: {cmd}, ARGS: {args}".format(cmd=command, args=request.args))
            res =, **request.args)
            if self._return_python_objects:
                return res.to_array()
                return res
            # end if
        except TgApiServerException as e:
            return {"status": "error", "message": e.description, "error_code": e.error_code}, e.error_code
        # end try
    # end def

    def view_status(self):
        Returns the status about the bot's webhook.

        :return: webhook info
            res =  # TODO: fix to work with return_python_objects==False
            return res.to_array()
        except TgApiServerException as e:
            return {"status": "error", "message": e.description, "error_code": e.error_code}, e.error_code
        # end try

    def view_updates(self):
        This processes incoming telegram updates.

        from pprint import pformat
        from flask import request
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.updates import Update

            request.headers if hasattr(request, "headers") else None
        update = Update.from_array(request.get_json())
            result = self.process_update(update)
        except Exception as e:
            result = {"status": "error", "message": str(e)}
        result = result if result else {"status": "probably ok"}"returning result: {}".format(result))
        return result
    # end def

    def view_hostinfo(self):
        Get infos about your host, like IP etc.
        import socket
        import requests
        info = requests.get('').json()
        info["host"] = socket.gethostname()
        info["version"] = self.VERSION
        return info
    # end def

    def get_router(self):
        Where to call `add_url_rule` (aka. `@route`) on.
        Returns either the blueprint if there is any, or the app.
        :raises ValueError: if neither blueprint nor app is set.
        :returns: either the blueprint if it is set, or the app.
        :rtype: flask.Blueprint | flask.Flask
        if self.blueprint:
            return self.blueprint
        # end if
        if not
            raise ValueError("The app ( is not set.")
        # end if

    def setup_routes(self, hookpath, debug_routes=False):
        Sets the pathes to the registered blueprint/app:
            - "webhook" (self.view_updates) at hookpath
        Also, if `debug_routes` is `True`:
            - "exec" (self.view_exec) at "/exec/API_KEY/<command>"  (`API_KEY` is filled in, `<command>` is any Telegram API command.)
            - "status" (self.view_status) at "/status"
            - "hostinfo" (self.view_hostinfo) at "/hostinfo"
        :param hookpath: The path where it expects telegram updates to hit the flask app/blueprint.
        :type  hookpath: str
        :param debug_paths: Add several debug pathes.
        :type  debug_routes: bool
        # Todo: Find out how to handle blueprints
        if not and not self.blueprint:
            raise ValueError("No app ( or Blueprint (self.blueprint) was set.")
        # end if
        router = self.get_router()"Adding webhook route: {url!r}".format(url=hookpath))
        router.add_url_rule(hookpath, endpoint="webhook", view_func=self.view_updates, methods=['POST'])
        if debug_routes:
            router.add_url_rule("/exec/{api_key}/<command>".format(api_key=self.__api_key), endpoint="exec" , view_func=self.view_exec)
            router.add_url_rule("/status", endpoint="status", view_func=self.view_status)
            router.add_url_rule("/hostinfo", endpoint="hostinfo", view_func=self.view_hostinfo)
        # end if
    # end def

    def process_update(self, update):
    # end def

    def process_result(self, update, result):
        Send the result.
        It may be a :class:`Message` or a list of :class:`Message`s
        Strings will be send as :class:`TextMessage`, encoded as raw text.
        :param manager:
        :param result:
        from ..messages import Message
        reply_to, reply_id = None, None
        if update.message and and update.message.message_id:
            reply_to, reply_id =, update.message.message_id
        # end if
        if update.channel_post and and update.channel_post.message_id:
            reply_to, reply_id =, update.channel_post.message_id
        # end if
        if update.edited_message and and update.edited_message.message_id:
            reply_to, reply_id =, update.edited_message.message_id
        # end if
        if update.edited_channel_post and and update.edited_channel_post.message_id:
            reply_to, reply_id =, update.edited_channel_post.message_id
        # end if
        if isinstance(result, (Message, str, list, tuple)):
            self.send_message(result, reply_to, reply_id)
        elif result is False or result is None:
            logger.debug("Ignored result {res!r}".format(res=result))
            # ignore it
            logger.warn("Unexpected plugin result: {type}".format(type=type(result)))
        # end if
    # end def

    def send_message(self, message, reply_to, reply_id):
        Sends a Message.
        Plain strings will become an unformatted TextMessage.
        Supports to mass send lists, tuples, Iterable.

        :param message: A Message object.
        :type  message: Message | str | list | tuple |
        :param instant: Send without waiting for the plugin's function to be done. True to send as soon as possible.
        False or None to wait until the plugin's function is done and has returned, messages the answers in a bulk.
        :type  instant: bool or None
        from pytgbot.exceptions import TgApiException
        from ..messages import Message, TextMessage

        logger.debug("Got {}".format(message))
        if not isinstance(message, (Message, str, list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError("Is not a Message type (or str or tuple/list).")
        # end if
        if isinstance(message, tuple):
            message = [x for x in message]
        # end if
        if not isinstance(message, list):
            message = [message]
        # end if
        assert isinstance(message, list)
        for msg in message:
            if isinstance(msg, str):
                assert not isinstance(message, str)  # because we would split a string to pieces.
                msg = TextMessage(msg, parse_mode="text")
            # end if
            if not isinstance(msg, Message):
                raise TypeError("Is not a Message type.")
            # end if
            # if msg._next_msg:  # TODO: Reply message?
            #     message.insert(message.index(msg) + 1, msg._next_msg)
            #     msg._next_msg = None
            from requests.exceptions import RequestException
                msg.send(, reply_to, reply_id)
            except (TgApiException, RequestException):
                logger.exception("Manager failed messages. Message was {msg!s}".format(msg=msg))
Esempio n. 3
class TeleflaskBase(TeleflaskMixinBase):
    __version__ = VERSION

    def __init__(
            # FlaskTgBot kwargs:
            # pytgbot kwargs:
        A new Teleflask(Base) object.
        :param api_key: The key for the telegram bot api.
        :type  api_key: str

        :param app: The flask app if you don't like to call :meth:`init_app` yourself. 
        :type  app: flask.Flask | None
        :param blueprint: A blueprint, where the telegram webhook (and the debug endpoints, see `debug_routes`) will be registered in.
                          Use if you don't like to call :meth:`init_app` yourself.
                          If not set, but `app` is, it will register any routes to the `app` itself.
        :type  blueprint: flask.Blueprint | None

        :param hostname: The hostname or IP (and maybe a port) where this server is reachable in the internet.
                         Specify the path with :param hostpath:
                         Used to calculate the webhook url.
                         Also configurable via environment variables. See calculate_webhook_url()
        :param hostpath: The host url the base of where this bot is reachable.
                         Examples: None (for root of server) or "/bot2"
                         Note: The webhook will only be set on initialisation.
                         Also configurable via environment variables. See calculate_webhook_url()
        :param hookpath: The endpoint of the telegram webhook.
                        Defaults to "/income/<API_KEY>"
                        Note: The webhook will only be set on initialisation.
                        Also configurable via environment variables. See calculate_webhook_url()
        :param debug_routes: Add extra url endpoints usefull for debugging. See setup_routes(...)

        :param disable_setting_webhook: Disable updating the webhook when starting. Useful for unit tests.

        :param return_python_objects: Enable return_python_objects in pytgbot. See
        self.__api_key = api_key = None  # will be set in self.init_bot()
        self.update_listener = list()
        self.commands = dict()
        self._return_python_objects = return_python_objects
        self._webhook_url = None  # will be filled out by self.calculate_webhook_url() in self.init_app(...)
        self.hostname = hostname  # e.g. ""
        self.hostpath = hostpath
        self.hookpath = hookpath
        self.disable_setting_webhook = disable_setting_webhook
        if app or blueprint:
            self.init_app(app, blueprint=blueprint, debug_routes=debug_routes)
        # end if

    # end def

    def init_bot(self):
        Creates the bot, and retrieves information about the bot itself (username, user_id) from telegram.
        if not  # so you can manually set it before calling `init_app(...)`,
            # e.g. a mocking bot class for unit tests
   = Bot(self.__api_key,
        elif != self._return_python_objects:
            # we don't have the same setting as the given one
            raise ValueError(
                "The already set bot has return_python_objects {given}, but we have {our}"
        # end def
        myself =
            self._user_id =
            self._username = myself.username
            self._user_id = myself["result"]["id"]
            self._username = myself["result"]["username"]
        # end if

    # end def

    def init_app(self, app, blueprint=None, debug_routes=False):
        Gives us access to the flask app (and optionally provide a Blueprint),
        where we will add a routing endpoint for the telegram webhook.
        Calls `self.init_bot()`.

        :param app: the :class:`flask.Flask` app
        :type  app: flask.Flask
        :param blueprint: A blueprint, where the telegram webhook (and the debug endpoints, see `debug_routes`) will be registered in.
                          If `None` was provided, it will register any routes to the `app` itself.
        :type  blueprint: flask.Blueprint | None

        :param debug_routes: Add extra url endpoints, useful for debugging. See setup_routes(...)
        :type  debug_routes: bool

        :return: None
        :rtype: None
        """ = app
        self.blueprint = blueprint
        hookpath, self._webhook_url = self.calculate_webhook_url(
        self.setup_routes(hookpath=hookpath, debug_routes=debug_routes)
        self.set_webhook()  # this will set the webhook in the bot api.

    def calculate_webhook_url(self,
        Calculates the webhook url.
        Please note, this doesn't change any registered view function!
        Returns a tuple of the hook path (the url endpoint for your flask app) and the full webhook url (for telegram)
        Note: Both can include the full API key, as replacement for ``{API_KEY}`` in the hookpath.


        Your bot is at ````,
        you want your flask to get the updates at ``/tg-webhook/{API_KEY}``.
        This means Telegram will have to send the updates to ``{API_KEY}``.
        You now would set
            hostname = "",
            hostpath = "/bot2",
            hookpath = "/tg-webhook/{API_KEY}"
        Note: Set ``hostpath`` if you are behind a reverse proxy, and/or your flask app root is *not* at the web server root.
        :param hostname: A hostname. Without the protocol.
                         Examples: "localhost", "", ""
                         If None (default), the hostname comes from the URL_HOSTNAME environment variable, or from if that fails.
        :param hostpath: The path after the hostname. It must start with a slash.
                         Use this if you aren't at the root at the server, i.e. use url_rewrite.
                         Example: "/bot2"
                         If None (default), the path will be read from the URL_PATH environment variable, or "" if that fails.
        :param hookpath: Template for the route of incoming telegram webhook events. Must start with a slash.
                         The placeholder {API_KEY} will replaced with the telegram api key.
                         Note: This doesn't change any routing. You need to update any registered @app.route manually!
        :return: the tuple of calculated (hookpath, webhook_url).
        :rtype: tuple
        import os, requests
        # #
        # #  try to fill out empty arguments
        # #
        if not hostname:
            hostname = os.getenv('URL_HOSTNAME', None)
        # end if
        if hostpath is None:
            hostpath = os.getenv('URL_PATH', "")
        # end if
        if not hookpath:
            hookpath = "/income/{API_KEY}"
        # end if
        # #
        # #  check if the path looks at least a bit valid
        # #
            "hostname={hostn!r}, hostpath={hostp!r}, hookpath={hookp!r}".
            format(hostn=hostname, hostp=hostpath, hookp=hookpath))
        if hostname:
            if hostname.endswith("/"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "hostname can't end with a slash: {value}".format(
            # end if
            if hostname.startswith("https://"):
                hostname = hostname[len("https://"):]
                    "Automatically removed \"https://\" from hostname. Don't include it."
            # end if
            if hostname.startswith("http://"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Don't include the protocol ('http://') in the hostname. "
                    "Also telegram doesn't support http, only https.")
            # end if
        else:  # no hostname
            info = requests.get('').json()
            hostname = str(info["ip"])
                "URL_HOSTNAME env not set, falling back to ip address: {ip!r}".
        # end if
        if not hostpath == "" and not hostpath.startswith("/"):
                "hostpath didn't start with a slash: {value!r} Will be added automatically"
            hostpath = "/" + hostpath
        # end def
        if not hookpath.startswith("/"):
            raise ValueError(
                "hookpath must start with a slash: {value!r}".format(
        # end def
        hookpath = hookpath.format(API_KEY=self.__api_key)
        if not hostpath:
  "URL_PATH is not set.")
        webhook_url = "https://{hostname}{hostpath}{hookpath}".format(
            hostname=hostname, hostpath=hostpath, hookpath=hookpath)
            "Tele={hostn!r}, hostpath={hostp!r}, hookpath={hookp!r}".format(
                hostn=hostname, hostp=hostpath, hookp=hookpath))
        return hookpath, webhook_url

    # end def

    def username(self):
        return self._username

    # end def

    def user_id(self):
        return self._user_id

    # end def

    def webhook_url(self):
        return self._webhook_url

    # end def

    def set_webhook(self):
        Sets the telegram webhook.
        Checks Telegram if there is a webhook set, and if it needs to be changed. 

        assert isinstance(, Bot)
        existing_webhook =

        if self._return_python_objects:
            from pytgbot.api_types.receivable import WebhookInfo
            assert isinstance(existing_webhook, WebhookInfo)
            webhook_url = existing_webhook.url
            webhook_meta = existing_webhook.to_array()
            webhook_url = existing_webhook["result"]["url"]
            webhook_meta = existing_webhook["result"]
        # end def
        del existing_webhook
            "Last webhook pointed to {url!r}.\nMetadata: {hook}".format(
        if webhook_url == self.webhook_url:
  "Webhook set correctly. No need to change.")
      "Setting webhook to {url}".format(
                    "Would set webhook to {url!r}, but is disabled by DISABLE_SETTING_TELEGRAM_WEBHOOK config."
            # end if
        # end if

    # end def

    def do_startup(self):
        This code is executed after server boot.
        Sets the telegram webhook (see :meth:`set_webhook(self)`)
        and calls `super().do_setup()` for the superclass (e.g. other mixins)

        self.init_bot()  # retrieve username, user_id from telegram
        self.set_webhook()  # register telegram webhook
        super().do_startup()  # do more registered startup actions.

    # end def

    def hide_api_key(self, string):
        Replaces the api key with "<API_KEY>" in a given string.
        Note: if the given object is no string, :meth:`str(object)` is called first.

        :param string: The str which can contain the api key.
        :return: string with the key replaced
        if not isinstance(string, str):
            string = str(string)
        # end if
        return string.replace(self.__api_key, "<API_KEY>")

    # end def

    def jsonify(self, func):
        Converts the returned value of the function to json, and sets mimetype to "text/json".
        It will also automatically replace the api key where found in the output with "<API_KEY>".

            def foobar():
               return {"foo": "bar"}
            # end def
            # app is a instance of this class

        There are some special cases to note:

        - :class:`tuple` is interpreted as (data, status).
                return {"error": "not found"}, 404
            would result in a 404 page, with json content {"error": "not found"}

        - :class:`flask.Response` will be returned directly, except it is in a :class:`tuple`
            In that case the status code of the returned response will be overwritten by the second tuple element.

        - :class:`TgBotApiObject` will be converted to json too. Status code 200.

        - An exception will be returned as `{"error": "exception raised"}` with status code 503.

        :param func: the function to wrap
        :return: the wrapped function returning json responses.
        from functools import wraps
        from flask import Response
        import json
        logger.debug("func: {}".format(func))

        def jsonify_inner(*args, **kwargs):
                result = func(*args, **kwargs)
                    "failed executing {name}.".format(name=func.__name__),
                result = {"error": "exception raised"}, 503
            # end def
            status = None  # will be 200 if not otherwise changed
            if isinstance(result, tuple):
                response, status = result
                response = result
            # end if
            if isinstance(response, Response):
                if status:
                    response.status_code = status
                # end if
                return response
            # end if
            if isinstance(response, TgBotApiObject):
                response = response.to_array()
            # end if
            response = json.dumps(response)
            # end if
            assert isinstance(response, str)
            response_kwargs = {}
            response_kwargs.setdefault("mimetype", "text/json")
            if status:
                response_kwargs["status"] = status
            # end if
            res = Response(self.hide_api_key(response), **response_kwargs)
            logger.debug("returning: {}".format(res))
            return res

        # end def inner
        return jsonify_inner

    # end def

    def view_exec(self, api_key, command):
        Issue commands. E.g. /exec/TELEGRAM_API_KEY/getMe

        :param api_key: gets checked, so you can't just execute commands.
        :param command: the actual command
        if api_key != self.__api_key:
            error_msg = "Wrong API key: {wrong_key!r}".format(
            return {
                "status": "error",
                "message": error_msg,
                "error_code": 403
            }, 403
        # end if
        from flask import request
        from pytgbot.exceptions import TgApiServerException
        logger.debug("COMMAND: {cmd}, ARGS: {args}".format(cmd=command,
            res =, **request.args)
            if self._return_python_objects:
                return res.to_array()
                return res
            # end if
        except TgApiServerException as e:
            return {
                "status": "error",
                "message": e.description,
                "error_code": e.error_code
            }, e.error_code
        # end try

    # end def

    def view_status(self):
        Returns the status about the bot's webhook.

        :return: webhook info
            res =
            )  # TODO: fix to work with return_python_objects==False
            return res.to_array()
        except TgApiServerException as e:
            return {
                "status": "error",
                "message": e.description,
                "error_code": e.error_code
            }, e.error_code
        # end try

    def view_updates(self):
        This processes incoming telegram updates.

        from pprint import pformat
        from flask import request
        from pytgbot.api_types.receivable.updates import Update

            request.headers if hasattr(request, "headers") else None))
        update = Update.from_array(request.get_json())
            result = self.process_update(update)
        except Exception as e:
            result = {"status": "error", "message": str(e)}
        result = result if result else {"status": "probably ok"}"returning result: {}".format(result))
        return result

    # end def

    def view_hostinfo(self):
        Get infos about your host, like IP etc.
        import socket
        import requests
        info = requests.get('').json()
        info["host"] = socket.gethostname()
        info["version"] = self.VERSION
        return info

    # end def

    def get_router(self):
        Where to call `add_url_rule` (aka. `@route`) on.
        Returns either the blueprint if there is any, or the app.
        :raises ValueError: if neither blueprint nor app is set.
        :returns: either the blueprint if it is set, or the app.
        :rtype: flask.Blueprint | flask.Flask
        if self.blueprint:
            return self.blueprint
        # end if
        if not
            raise ValueError("The app ( is not set.")
        # end if

    def setup_routes(self, hookpath, debug_routes=False):
        Sets the pathes to the registered blueprint/app:
            - "webhook" (self.view_updates) at hookpath
        Also, if `debug_routes` is `True`:
            - "exec" (self.view_exec) at "/exec/API_KEY/<command>"  (`API_KEY` is filled in, `<command>` is any Telegram API command.)
            - "status" (self.view_status) at "/status"
            - "hostinfo" (self.view_hostinfo) at "/hostinfo"
        :param hookpath: The path where it expects telegram updates to hit the flask app/blueprint.
        :type  hookpath: str
        :param debug_paths: Add several debug pathes.
        :type  debug_routes: bool
        # Todo: Find out how to handle blueprints
        if not and not self.blueprint:
            raise ValueError(
                "No app ( or Blueprint (self.blueprint) was set.")
        # end if
        router = self.get_router()"Adding webhook route: {url!r}".format(url=hookpath))
        if debug_routes:
        # end if

    # end def

    def process_update(self, update):

    # end def

    def process_result(self, update, result):
        Send the result.
        It may be a :class:`Message` or a list of :class:`Message`s
        Strings will be send as :class:`TextMessage`, encoded as raw text.
        :param manager:
        :param result:
        from ..messages import Message
        reply_to, reply_id = None, None
        if update.message and and update.message.message_id:
            reply_to, reply_id =, update.message.message_id
        # end if
        if update.channel_post and and update.channel_post.message_id:
            reply_to, reply_id =, update.channel_post.message_id
        # end if
        if update.edited_message and and update.edited_message.message_id:
            reply_to, reply_id =, update.edited_message.message_id
        # end if
        if update.edited_channel_post and and update.edited_channel_post.message_id:
            reply_to, reply_id =, update.edited_channel_post.message_id
        # end if
        if isinstance(result, (Message, str, list, tuple)):
            self.send_message(result, reply_to, reply_id)
        elif result is False or result is None:
            logger.debug("Ignored result {res!r}".format(res=result))
            # ignore it
                "Unexpected plugin result: {type}".format(type=type(result)))
        # end if

    # end def

    def send_message(self, message, reply_to, reply_id):
        Sends a Message.
        Plain strings will become an unformatted TextMessage.
        Supports to mass send lists, tuples, Iterable.

        :param message: A Message object.
        :type  message: Message | str | list | tuple |
        :param instant: Send without waiting for the plugin's function to be done. True to send as soon as possible.
        False or None to wait until the plugin's function is done and has returned, messages the answers in a bulk.
        :type  instant: bool or None
        from pytgbot.exceptions import TgApiException
        from ..messages import Message, TextMessage

        logger.debug("Got {}".format(message))
        if not isinstance(message, (Message, str, list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError("Is not a Message type (or str or tuple/list).")
        # end if
        if isinstance(message, tuple):
            message = [x for x in message]
        # end if
        if not isinstance(message, list):
            message = [message]
        # end if
        assert isinstance(message, list)
        for msg in message:
            if isinstance(msg, str):
                assert not isinstance(
                    message, str)  # because we would split a string to pieces.
                msg = TextMessage(msg, parse_mode="text")
            # end if
            if not isinstance(msg, Message):
                raise TypeError("Is not a Message type.")
            # end if
            # if msg._next_msg:  # TODO: Reply message?
            #     message.insert(message.index(msg) + 1, msg._next_msg)
            #     msg._next_msg = None
            from requests.exceptions import RequestException
                msg.send(, reply_to, reply_id)
            except (TgApiException, RequestException):
                    "Manager failed messages. Message was {msg!s}".format(