Esempio n. 1
    def recv_server_workers(self, raw_text):
        """Slowly assemble a server workers message line by line"""
        # If we received a '.', we've finished parsing this workers message
        # Pack up our output and reset our response queue
        if raw_text == '.':
            output_response = tuple(self._workers_response)
            self._workers_response = []
            return False

        split_tokens = raw_text.split(' ')
        if len(split_tokens) < self.WORKERS_FIELDS:
            raise ProtocolError(
                'Received %d tokens, expected >= 4 tokens: %r' %
                (len(split_tokens), split_tokens))

        if split_tokens[3] != ':':
            raise ProtocolError('Malformed worker response: %r' %
                                (split_tokens, ))

        # Label our fields and make the results Python friendly
        worker_dict = {}
        worker_dict['file_descriptor'] = split_tokens[0]
        worker_dict['ip'] = split_tokens[1]
        worker_dict['client_id'] = split_tokens[2]
        worker_dict['tasks'] = tuple(split_tokens[4:])
        return True
Esempio n. 2
def pack_text_command(cmd_type, cmd_args):
    """Parse a text command and return a single line at a time"""
        raise ProtocolError('Unknown cmd_type: Received %s, expecting %s' %

    cmd_line = cmd_args.get('raw_text')
    if cmd_line is None:
        raise ProtocolError(
            'Did not receive arguments any valid arguments: %s' % cmd_args)

    return str(cmd_line)
Esempio n. 3
    def recv_server_maxqueue(self, raw_text):
        """Maxqueue response is a simple passthrough"""
        if raw_text != 'OK':
            raise ProtocolError("Expected 'OK', received: %s" % raw_text)

        return False
Esempio n. 4
    def recv_server_status(self, raw_text):
        """Slowly assemble a server status message line by line"""
        # If we received a '.', we've finished parsing this status message
        # Pack up our output and reset our response queue
        if raw_text == '.':
            output_response = tuple(self._status_response)
            self._status_response = []
            return False

        # If we didn't get a final response, split our line and interpret all
        # the data
        split_tokens = raw_text.split('\t')
        if len(split_tokens) != self.STATUS_FIELDS:
            raise ProtocolError(
                'Received %d tokens, expected %d tokens: %r' %
                (len(split_tokens), self.STATUS_FIELDS, split_tokens))

        # Label our fields and make the results Python friendly
        task, queued_count, running_count, worker_count = split_tokens

        status_dict = {}
        status_dict['task'] = task
        status_dict['queued'] = int(queued_count)
        status_dict['running'] = int(running_count)
        status_dict['workers'] = int(worker_count)
        return True
Esempio n. 5
def pack_binary_command(cmd_type, cmd_args, is_response=False):
    """Packs the given command using the parameter ordering specified in
    *NOTE* Expects that all arguments in cmd_args are already str's.
    expected_cmd_params = GEARMAN_PARAMS_FOR_COMMAND.get(cmd_type, None)
    if expected_cmd_params is None or cmd_type == GEARMAN_COMMAND_TEXT_COMMAND:
        raise ProtocolError(
            'Received unknown binary command: %s' %

    expected_parameter_set = set(expected_cmd_params)
    received_parameter_set = set(cmd_args.keys())
    if expected_parameter_set != received_parameter_set:
        raise ProtocolError(
            'Received arguments did not match expected arguments: %r != %r' %
            (expected_parameter_set, received_parameter_set))

    # Select the right expected magic
    if is_response:
        magic = MAGIC_RES_STRING
        magic = MAGIC_REQ_STRING

    # !NOTE! str should be replaced with bytes in Python 3.x
    # We will iterate in ORDER and str all our command arguments
    if compat.any(not isinstance(param_value, str)
                  for param_value in cmd_args.values()):
        raise ProtocolError('Received non-binary arguments: %r' % cmd_args)

    data_items = [cmd_args[param] for param in expected_cmd_params]
    binary_payload = NULL_CHAR.join(data_items).encode()

    # Pack the header in the !4sII format then append the binary payload
    payload_size = len(binary_payload)
    packing_format = '!4sII%ds' % payload_size
    return struct.pack(
Esempio n. 6
    def send_text_command(self, command_line):
        """Send our administrative text command"""
        expected_server_command = None
        for server_command in EXPECTED_GEARMAN_SERVER_COMMANDS:
            if command_line.startswith(server_command):
                expected_server_command = server_command

        if not expected_server_command:
            raise ProtocolError(
                'Attempted to send an unknown server command: %r' %


        output_text = '%s\n' % command_line
        self.send_command(GEARMAN_COMMAND_TEXT_COMMAND, raw_text=output_text)
Esempio n. 7
    def _pack_command(self, cmd_type, cmd_args):
        """Converts a command to its raw binary format"""
        if cmd_type not in GEARMAN_PARAMS_FOR_COMMAND:
            raise ProtocolError('Unknown command: %r' %

        if _DEBUG_MODE_:
            gearman_logger.debug('%s - Send - %s - %r', hex(id(self)),
                                 get_command_name(cmd_type), cmd_args)

        if cmd_type == GEARMAN_COMMAND_TEXT_COMMAND:
            return pack_text_command(cmd_type, cmd_args)
            # We'll be sending a response if we know we're a server side
            # command
            is_response = bool(self._is_server_side)
            return pack_binary_command(cmd_type, cmd_args, is_response)
Esempio n. 8
def parse_text_command(in_buffer):
    """Parse a text command and return a single line at a time"""
    cmd_type = None
    cmd_args = None
    cmd_len = 0
    in_buffer = in_buffer.decode()
    if '\n' not in in_buffer:
        return cmd_type, cmd_args, cmd_len

    text_command, in_buffer = in_buffer.split('\n', 1)
    if NULL_CHAR in text_command:
        raise ProtocolError('Received unexpected character: %s' % text_command)

    # Fake gearman command "TEXT_COMMAND" used to process server admin client
    # responses
    cmd_args = dict(raw_text=text_command)
    cmd_len = len(text_command) + 1

    return cmd_type, cmd_args, cmd_len
Esempio n. 9
def parse_binary_command(in_buffer, is_response=True):
    """Parse data and return (command type, command arguments dict, command
    size) or (None, None, data) if there's not enough data for a complete
    in_buffer_size = len(in_buffer)
    magic = None
    cmd_type = None
    cmd_args = None
    cmd_len = 0
    expected_packet_size = None

    # If we don't have enough data to parse, error early
    if in_buffer_size < COMMAND_HEADER_SIZE:
        return cmd_type, cmd_args, cmd_len

    # By default, we'll assume we're dealing with a gearman command
    magic, cmd_type, cmd_len = struct.unpack(
        '!4sII', in_buffer[:COMMAND_HEADER_SIZE])
    magic = magic.decode('utf-8')

    received_bad_response = is_response and bool(magic != MAGIC_RES_STRING)
    received_bad_request = not is_response and bool(magic != MAGIC_REQ_STRING)
    if received_bad_response or received_bad_request:
        raise ProtocolError('Malformed Magic')

    expected_cmd_params = GEARMAN_PARAMS_FOR_COMMAND.get(cmd_type, None)

    # GEARMAN_COMMAND_TEXT_COMMAND is a faked command that we use to support
    # server text-based commands
    if expected_cmd_params is None or cmd_type == GEARMAN_COMMAND_TEXT_COMMAND:
        raise ProtocolError('Received unknown binary command: %s' % cmd_type)

    # If everything indicates this is a valid command, we should check to see
    # if we have enough stuff to read in our buffer
    expected_packet_size = COMMAND_HEADER_SIZE + cmd_len
    if in_buffer_size < expected_packet_size:
        return None, None, 0

    binary_payload = in_buffer[COMMAND_HEADER_SIZE:expected_packet_size]
    binary_payload = binary_payload.decode('utf-8')
    split_arguments = []

    if len(expected_cmd_params) > 0:
        split_arguments = binary_payload.split(
            NULL_CHAR, len(expected_cmd_params) - 1)
    elif binary_payload:
        raise ProtocolError(
            'Expected no binary payload: %s' %

    # This is a sanity check on the binary_payload.split() phase
    # We should never be able to get here with any VALID gearman data
    if len(split_arguments) != len(expected_cmd_params):
        raise ProtocolError(
            'Received %d argument(s), expecting %d argument(s): %s' % (

    # Iterate through the split arguments and assign them labels based on
    # their order
    cmd_args = dict((param_label, param_value) for param_label,
                    param_value in zip(expected_cmd_params, split_arguments))
    return cmd_type, cmd_args, expected_packet_size