def dijkstra(source, graph):
    pQueue = PriorityQueue()
    graph[source]['dist'] = 0
    for v in graph:
        pQueue.enqueue((graph[v]['dist'], v))
    while not pQueue.isEmpty():
        u = pQueue.dequeue()
        baseDist = graph[u]['dist']
        print('Visiting',u, 'at distance', baseDist)
        print('Edges from this vertex', graph[u]['edgeTo'])
        for w in graph[u]['edgeTo']:
            edgeLen = graph[u]['edgeTo'][w]
            newDist = baseDist + edgeLen
            currentDist = graph[w]['dist']
            if newDist < currentDist:
                graph[w]['dist'] = newDist
                print('Distance to', w, 'set to', baseDist, '+', edgeLen, '=', newDist)
                pQueue.changePriority(w, newDist)
    # Print the results
    print('Final result: distances of all vertices from ' + source)
    distancesList = []
    for v in graph:
        distancesList.append((v, graph[v]['dist']))
Esempio n. 2
def prim(first, graph):
    pQueue = PriorityQueue()
    graph[first]['dist'] = 0
    for i in graph:
        pQueue.enqueue((graph[i]['dist'], i))
    mst = []
    # dictionary to record for each vertex in the queue its nearest vertex in the tree
    nearestInTreeTo = {}
    print('Removing front item', first, 'from priority queue')
    while not pQueue.isEmpty():
        u = pQueue.dequeue()

        print('Inspecting neighbours of vertex', u)

        for w in graph[u]['edgeTo']:

            edgeLen = graph[u]['edgeTo'][w]
            print(u, 'to', w,':', edgeLen)

            currentDist = graph[w]['dist']
            if w in pQueue and edgeLen < currentDist:
                graph[w]['dist'] = edgeLen
                pQueue.changePriority(w, edgeLen)
                nearestInTreeTo[w] = u

        if not pQueue.isEmpty():

            print('PriorityQueue is now :', pQueue.getEntries())

            nextVertex = pQueue.peek()
            print('Next vertex is:', nextVertex)
            weight = graph[nextVertex]['dist']
            newEdge = [[(nearestInTreeTo[nextVertex], nextVertex), weight]]

            print('Nearest in tree to', nextVertex,'is', nearestInTreeTo[nextVertex])
            print('Adding', newEdge, 'to the tree')
            mst = mst + [[(nearestInTreeTo[nextVertex], nextVertex), weight]]

            print('Tree is now :', mst)
            print('Removing front item', nextVertex, 'from priority queue')

    print('MST completed')
    return mst