Esempio n. 1
def _register_dialog():
    dialog_options = [
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.HEALTH, 5),
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.MANA, 5),
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.SPEED, 5),
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.POWER, 10),
        DialogOptionData("\"Good bye\"", "cancel", None)
    text_low_level = "Huh?! Well, aren't you the brave one, making it all the way out here! I would think " \
                     "twice before heading down that way! Well since you are here, see if any of these " \
                     "potions are of interest."
    text_high_level = "You are on the doorsteps of the Red Baron's domain! Please be careful. " \
                      "Here, see if any of these potions can be of use."
    dialog_low_level = DialogData(PORTRAIT_ICON_SPRITE, text_low_level,
    dialog_high_level = DialogData(PORTRAIT_ICON_SPRITE, text_high_level,

    def get_dialog_data(game_state: GameState) -> DialogData:
        if game_state.player_state.level < 5:
            return dialog_low_level
            return dialog_high_level

    register_conditional_npc_dialog_data(NPC_TYPE, get_dialog_data)
Esempio n. 2
def register_sorcerer_npc():
    size = (30, 30)  # Must not align perfectly with grid cell size (pathfinding issues)
    sprite = Sprite.NEUTRAL_NPC_SORCERER
    portrait_icon_sprite = PortraitIconSprite.SORCERER
    npc_type = NpcType.NEUTRAL_SORCERER
    movement_speed = 0.03
    register_npc_data(npc_type, NpcData.neutral(sprite, size, movement_speed))
    register_npc_behavior(npc_type, NpcMind)
    dialog_options = [
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.HEALTH, 5),
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.MANA, 5),
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.SPEED, 5),
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.POWER, 10),
        DialogOptionData("\"Good bye\"", "cancel", None)]
    dialog_text_body = "Greetings. I am glad to see that you have made it this far! However, great danger lies ahead... " \
                       "Here, see if any of these potions are of interest to you."
    dialog_data = DialogData(portrait_icon_sprite, dialog_text_body, dialog_options)
    register_npc_dialog_data(npc_type, dialog_data)
    sprite_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/graphics/enemy_sprite_sheet_3.png")
    original_sprite_size = (32, 32)
    scaled_sprite_size = (48, 48)
    x = 3
    indices_by_dir = {
        Direction.DOWN: [(x, 4), (x + 1, 4), (x + 2, 4)],
        Direction.LEFT: [(x, 5), (x + 1, 5), (x + 2, 5)],
        Direction.RIGHT: [(x, 6), (x + 1, 6), (x + 2, 6)],
        Direction.UP: [(x, 7), (x + 1, 7), (x + 2, 7)]
    register_entity_sprite_map(sprite, sprite_sheet, original_sprite_size, scaled_sprite_size, indices_by_dir,
                               (-8, -16))
    register_portrait_icon_sprite_path(portrait_icon_sprite, 'resources/graphics/portrait_sorcerer_npc.png')
Esempio n. 3
def _register_dialog():
    dialog_text_body = "Ah.. You're new here, aren't you? Interested in my stock of potions? They come at a price of course..."
    consumables_1 = [
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.BREW, 2),
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.HEALTH_LESSER, 3),
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.MANA_LESSER, 3)
    consumables_2 = [
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.SPEED, 4),
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.POWER, 10)
    bye_option = DialogOptionData("\"Good bye\"", "cancel", None)

    name = "Zak"
    dialog_low_level = DialogData(name, PORTRAIT_ICON_SPRITE, dialog_text_body,
                                  consumables_1 + [bye_option])
    dialog_high_level = DialogData(
        name, PORTRAIT_ICON_SPRITE, dialog_text_body,
        consumables_1 + consumables_2 + [bye_option])

    def get_dialog_data(game_state: GameState) -> DialogData:
        if game_state.player_state.level < 3:
            return dialog_low_level
            return dialog_high_level

    register_conditional_npc_dialog_data(NPC_TYPE, get_dialog_data)
Esempio n. 4
def _register_dialog():
    bye_option = DialogOptionData("\"Good bye\"", "cancel", None)
    name = "Tink"
    low_level_dialog = DialogData(
        "These aren't any regular old statues! They are magical gateways to distant places! "
        "I'm extracting their powers into something more ... mobile! "
        "Just give me a while, and come back later!",

    high_level_dialog = DialogData(
        text_body="Hah! I managed to infuse the statues' teleporting powers into these stones. " \
                  "You can carry them with you and use them any time you want to return to this place! "
                  "Isn't that neat?",
        options=[buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.WARP_STONE, 2), bye_option])

    def get_dialog_data(game_state: GameState) -> DialogData:
        if game_state.player_state.level < 2:
            return low_level_dialog
            return high_level_dialog

    register_conditional_npc_dialog_data(NPC_TYPE, get_dialog_data)
def register_warpstone_merchant_npc():
    size = (
        30, 30
    )  # Must not align perfectly with grid cell size (pathfinding issues)
    ui_icon_sprite = PortraitIconSprite.WARPSTONE_MERCHANT
    movement_speed = 0.03
    register_npc_data(npc_type, NpcData.neutral(sprite, size, movement_speed))
    register_npc_behavior(npc_type, NpcMind)
    introduction = "Hah! I managed to infuse the statues' teleporting powers into these stones. " \
                   "You can carry them with you and use them any time you want to return to this place!"
    dialog_options = [
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.WARP_STONE, 2),
        DialogOptionData("\"Good bye\"", "cancel", None)
    dialog_data = DialogData(ui_icon_sprite, introduction, dialog_options)
    register_npc_dialog_data(npc_type, dialog_data)
    sprite_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/graphics/manga_spritesheet.png")
    original_sprite_size = (32, 32)
    scaled_sprite_size = (48, 48)
    x = 0
    y = 0
    indices_by_dir = {
        Direction.DOWN: [(x, y), (x + 1, y), (x + 2, y)],
        Direction.LEFT: [(x, y + 1), (x + 1, y + 1), (x + 2, y + 1)],
        Direction.RIGHT: [(x, y + 2), (x + 1, y + 2), (x + 2, y + 2)],
        Direction.UP: [(x, y + 3), (x + 1, y + 3), (x + 2, y + 3)]
    register_entity_sprite_map(sprite, sprite_sheet, original_sprite_size,
                               scaled_sprite_size, indices_by_dir, (-8, -16))
Esempio n. 6
def register_ninja_npc():
    size = (
        30, 30
    )  # Must not align perfectly with grid cell size (pathfinding issues)
    sprite = Sprite.NEUTRAL_NPC_NINJA
    portrait_icon_sprite = PortraitIconSprite.NINJA
    npc_type = NpcType.NEUTRAL_NINJA
    movement_speed = 0.03
    register_npc_data(npc_type, NpcData.neutral(sprite, size, movement_speed))
    register_npc_behavior(npc_type, NpcMind)

    dialog_options = [
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.BREW, 2),
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.HEALTH_LESSER, 3),
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.MANA_LESSER, 3),
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.SPEED, 4),
        buy_consumable_option(ConsumableType.POWER, 10),
        DialogOptionData("\"Good bye\"", "cancel", None)
    dialog_text_body = "Ah.. You're new here, aren't you? Interested in my stock of potions? " \
                       "They come at a price of course..."
    dialog_data = DialogData(portrait_icon_sprite, dialog_text_body,
    register_npc_dialog_data(npc_type, dialog_data)
    sprite_sheet = SpriteSheet("resources/graphics/enemy_sprite_sheet_3.png")
    original_sprite_size = (32, 32)
    scaled_sprite_size = (48, 48)
    x = 6
    indices_by_dir = {
        Direction.DOWN: [(x, 0), (x + 1, 0), (x + 2, 0)],
        Direction.LEFT: [(x, 1), (x + 1, 1), (x + 2, 1)],
        Direction.RIGHT: [(x, 2), (x + 1, 2), (x + 2, 2)],
        Direction.UP: [(x, 3), (x + 1, 3), (x + 2, 3)]
    register_entity_sprite_map(sprite, sprite_sheet, original_sprite_size,
                               scaled_sprite_size, indices_by_dir, (-8, -16))
        portrait_icon_sprite, 'resources/graphics/ninja_portrait.png')