Esempio n. 1
def test_mc(correct, msgs, state=None):
    """Test multiple choice exercise.

    Test for a MultipleChoiceExercise. The correct answer (as an integer) and feedback messages
    are passed to this function.

        correct (int): the index of the correct answer (should be an instruction). Starts at 1.
        msgs (list(str)): a list containing all feedback messages belonging to each choice of the
                          student. The list should have the same length as the number of instructions.
    if not issubclass(type(correct), int):
        raise ValueError("correct should be an integer")

    rep = Reporter.active_reporter
    student_process = state.student_process
    if not isDefinedInProcess(MC_VAR_NAME, student_process):
        raise NameError("Option not available in the student process")
        selected_option = getOptionFromProcess(student_process, MC_VAR_NAME)
        if not issubclass(type(selected_option), int):
            raise ValueError("selected_option should be an integer")

        if selected_option < 1 or correct < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "selected_option and correct should be greater than zero")

        if selected_option > len(msgs) or correct > len(msgs):
            raise ValueError("there are not enough feedback messages defined")

        feedback_msg = msgs[selected_option - 1]

        rep.success_msg = msgs[correct - 1]

        rep.do_test(EqualTest(selected_option, correct, feedback_msg))
Esempio n. 2
def test_mc(correct, msgs, state=None):
    """Test multiple choice exercise.

    Test for a MultipleChoiceExercise. The correct answer (as an integer) and feedback messages
    are passed to this function.

        correct (int): the index of the correct answer (should be an instruction). Starts at 1.
        msgs (list(str)): a list containing all feedback messages belonging to each choice of the
        student. The list should have the same length as the number of instructions.
    if not issubclass(type(correct), int):
        raise ValueError("correct should be an integer")

    rep = Reporter.active_reporter
    rep.set_tag("fun", "test_mc")
    student_process = state.student_process
    if not isDefinedInProcess(MC_VAR_NAME, student_process):
        raise NameError("Option not available in the student process")
        selected_option = getOptionFromProcess(student_process, MC_VAR_NAME)
        if not issubclass(type(selected_option), int):
            raise ValueError("selected_option should be an integer")

        if selected_option < 1 or correct < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "selected_option and correct should be greater than zero")

        if selected_option > len(msgs) or correct > len(msgs):
            raise ValueError("there are not enough feedback messages defined")

        feedback_msg = msgs[selected_option - 1]

        rep.set_success_msg(msgs[correct - 1])

        rep.do_test(EqualTest(selected_option, correct, feedback_msg))