Esempio n. 1
def FunctionWithExceptions(funcname, calls):
    execution = EmptyProjectExecution()
    function = Function(funcname, sorted(calls[0][0].keys()))
    function.calls = [FunctionCall(function,
                                   stable_serialize_call_arguments(execution, i),
                                   exception=execution.serialize(e)) for (i,e) in calls]
    return function
Esempio n. 2
def counted(objects):
    """Count how many times each object appears in a list and return
    list of (object, count) tuples.

    >>> counted(['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'a'])
    [('a', 3), ('b', 2), ('c', 1)]
    >>> counted([])
    return [(obj, len(list(group))) for obj, group in groupby(sorted(objects))]
Esempio n. 3
def FunctionWithCalls(funcname, calls):
    def fc(function, args, output, execution):
        call = FunctionCall(function, stable_serialize_call_arguments(execution, args))
        # Output needs to be created after the Call object is created.
        return call
    execution = EmptyProjectExecution()
    function = Function(funcname, sorted(calls[0][0].keys()))
    function.calls = [fc(function, i, o, execution) for (i,o) in calls]
    return function
Esempio n. 4
def counted(objects):
    """Count how many times each object appears in a list and return
    list of (object, count) tuples.

    >>> counted(['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'a'])
    [('a', 3), ('b', 2), ('c', 1)]
    >>> counted([])
    return [(obj, len(list(group))) for obj, group in groupby(sorted(objects))]
Esempio n. 5
def stable_serialize_call_arguments(execution, args):
    """Work just like execution.serialize_call_arguments, but serialize
    arguments in lexicographical order, so test outputs are stable.

    This doesn't change semantics of the serialization process (as objects
    identity will be preserved), yet it makes testing it much easier.
    serialized_args = {}
    for key, value in sorted(args.iteritems()):
        serialized_args[key] = execution.serialize(value)
    return serialized_args
Esempio n. 6
def call_as_string(object_name, args, assigned_names={}):
    """Generate code for calling an arbitrary object with given arguments.
    Use `call_as_string_for` when you have a definition to base the call on.

    >>> from test.helper import make_fresh_serialize
    >>> serialize = make_fresh_serialize()

    Since we don't have a definition to base the generated call on, we use
    keywords to name all arguments:
        >>> call_as_string('fun', {'a': serialize(1), 'b': serialize(2)})
        'fun(a=1, b=2)'
        >>> call_as_string('capitalize', {'str': serialize('string')})

    Uses references to existing objects where possible...
        >>> result = call_as_string('call', {'f': serialize(call_as_string)})
        >>> result
        >>> result.uncomplete

    ...but marks the resulting call as uncomplete if at least one of objects
    appearing in a call cannot be constructed.
        >>> result = call_as_string('map', {'f': serialize(lambda x: 42), 'L': serialize([1,2,3])})
        >>> result
        'map(L=[1, 2, 3], f=<TODO: function>)'
        >>> result.uncomplete

    Uses names already assigned to objects instead of inlining their
    construction code.
        >>> mutable = serialize([])
        >>> call_as_string('merge', {'seq1': mutable, 'seq2': serialize([1,2,3])},
        ...     {mutable: 'alist'})
        'merge(seq1=alist, seq2=[1, 2, 3])'
    arguments = []
    for arg, value in sorted(args.iteritems()):
        constructor = constructor_as_string(value, assigned_names)
        arguments.append(combine(arg, constructor, template="%s=%s"))
    return combine(object_name, join(", ", arguments), template="%s(%s)")
Esempio n. 7
def call_as_string(object_name, args, assigned_names={}):
    """Generate code for calling an arbitrary object with given arguments.
    Use `call_as_string_for` when you have a definition to base the call on.

    >>> from test.helper import make_fresh_serialize
    >>> serialize = make_fresh_serialize()

    Since we don't have a definition to base the generated call on, we use
    keywords to name all arguments:
        >>> call_as_string('fun', {'a': serialize(1), 'b': serialize(2)})
        'fun(a=1, b=2)'
        >>> call_as_string('capitalize', {'str': serialize('string')})

    Uses references to existing objects where possible...
        >>> result = call_as_string('call', {'f': serialize(call_as_string)})
        >>> result
        >>> result.uncomplete

    ...but marks the resulting call as uncomplete if at least one of objects
    appearing in a call cannot be constructed.
        >>> result = call_as_string('map', {'f': serialize(lambda x: 42), 'L': serialize([1,2,3])})
        >>> result
        'map(L=[1, 2, 3], f=<TODO: function>)'
        >>> result.uncomplete

    Uses names already assigned to objects instead of inlining their
    construction code.
        >>> mutable = serialize([])
        >>> call_as_string('merge', {'seq1': mutable, 'seq2': serialize([1,2,3])},
        ...     {mutable: 'alist'})
        'merge(seq1=alist, seq2=[1, 2, 3])'
    arguments = []
    for arg, value in sorted(args.iteritems()):
        constructor = constructor_as_string(value, assigned_names)
        arguments.append(combine(arg, constructor, template="%s=%s"))
    return combine(object_name, join(", ", arguments), template="%s(%s)")
Esempio n. 8
def map_as_kwargs(mapobject):
    # Keys of kwargs argument must be strings - assertion is checked by
    # the interpreter on runtime.
    return sorted([(eval(k.reconstructor), v) for k,v in mapobject.mapping])
Esempio n. 9
def map_as_kwargs(mapobject):
    # Keys of kwargs argument must be strings - assertion is checked by
    # the interpreter on runtime.
    return sorted([(eval(k.reconstructor), v) for k, v in mapobject.mapping])
Esempio n. 10
def sorted_test_method_descriptions(descriptions):
    return sorted(descriptions, key=lambda md:
Esempio n. 11
def sorted_test_method_descriptions(descriptions):
    return sorted(descriptions, key=lambda md: