Esempio n. 1
 def upload_media(self, filepath, backup_in_remote=True):
     u"""Upload a media asset by rsync-ing the local file to the shared storage mount point of the orchestrator !"""
     # FIXME detect name based on hostname ?
     os.chmod(self.id_rsa, 0600)
     api_host, local_cfg = self.api_host, self.api_local_config
     bkp_path = local_cfg.storage_uploads_path + u'_bkp/'
     dst_path = local_cfg.storage_uploads_path
     if not dst_path:
         raise ValueError(to_bytes(u'Unable to retrieve shared storage uploads directory.'))
     if backup_in_remote:
         # Mirror the local file into a 'backup' directory on the shared storage, then into the destination directory
         rsync(filepath, u'{0}:{1}'.format(api_host, bkp_path), cli_output=True, makedest=True, archive=True,
               progress=True, rsync_path=u'sudo rsync', extra='ssh -i {0}'.format(self.id_rsa))
         sync_bkp_to_upload = u'sudo rsync -ah --progress {0} {1}'.format(bkp_path, dst_path)
         ssh(api_host, cli_output=True, id=self.id_rsa, remote_cmd=sync_bkp_to_upload)
         # Mirror the local file into the destination directory of the shared storage
         rsync(filepath, u'{0}:{1}'.format(api_host, dst_path), cli_output=True, makedest=True, archive=True,
               progress=True, rsync_path=u'sudo rsync', extra='ssh -i {0}'.format(self.id_rsa))
     ssh(api_host, id=self.id_rsa, remote_cmd=u'sudo chown www-data:www-data {0} -R'.format(dst_path))
     return u'{0}://{1}/{2}/uploads/{3}'.format(u'glusterfs', local_cfg.storage_address,
                                                local_cfg.storage_mountpoint, os.path.basename(filepath))
Esempio n. 2
 def remove_medias(self):
     u"""Remove all medias from the shared storage mount point of the orchestrator !"""
     # FIXME detect name based on hostname ?
     os.chmod(self.id_rsa, 0600)
     medias_path_filter = os.path.join(self.api_local_config.storage_medias_path(), u'*')
     ssh(self.api_host, id=self.id_rsa, remote_cmd=u'sudo rm -rf {0}'.format(medias_path_filter))