def download_and_load(remote_files, local_dir, download_only=False, varformat=None, get_support_data=False, prefix='', suffix=''): """ Download cdf files. Load cdf files into pytplot variables. TODO: Loading files into pytplot has problems. """ result = [] """ # For debug only msg = local_dir + str(download_only) + " ... " + '==='.join(remote_files) title = 'Download Files' show_my_message(title, msg) print(msg) """ remotehttp = "" count = 0 dcount = 0 for remotef in remote_files: f = remotef.strip().replace(remotehttp, '', 1) localf = local_dir + os.path.sep + f resp, err, locafile = pyspedas.download_files(remotef, localf) count += 1 if resp: print(str(count) + '. File was downloaded. Location: ' + locafile) dcount += 1 result.append(localf) if not download_only: try: pytplot.cdf_to_tplot(locafile, varformat, get_support_data, prefix, suffix, False, True) except ValueError as err: msg = "cdf_to_tplot could not load " + locafile msg += "\n\n" msg += "Error from pytplot: " + str(err) print(msg) show_my_message("Error!", msg) else: print( str(count) + '. There was a problem. Could not download \ file: ' + remotef) print(err) print('Downloaded ' + str(dcount) + ' files.') print('tplot variables:') print(pyspedas.tplot_names()) return result
def test_cdf_swe_read(): pytplot.cdf_to_tplot(current_directory + "/testfiles/mvn_swe_l2_svyspec_20170619_v04_r04.cdf") pytplot.options('diff_en_fluxes', 'colormap', 'magma') pytplot.options('diff_en_fluxes', 'ztitle', 'FLUX') pytplot.options('diff_en_fluxes', 'ytitle', 'Energy') pytplot.options("diff_en_fluxes", "spec", 1) pytplot.options("diff_en_fluxes", "crosshair_y", "banana") pytplot.options("diff_en_fluxes", "crosshair_z", "tomato") pytplot.options("diff_en_fluxes", 'panel_size', 1) pytplot.options('diff_en_fluxes', 'ylog', 1) pytplot.options('diff_en_fluxes', 'zlog', 1) pytplot.tplot(1, testing=True)
def load(trange=['2013-11-5', '2013-11-6'], datatype='1min', level='hro2', suffix='', get_support_data=False, get_ignore_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=True): """ This function loads OMNI (Combined 1AU IP Data; Magnetic and Solar Indices) data; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrapper: """ if 'min' in datatype: pathformat = level + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/omni_' + level + '_' + datatype + '_%Y%m01_v??.cdf' elif 'hour' in datatype: pathformat = 'hourly/%Y/omni2_h0_mrg1hr_%Y%m01_v??.cdf' else: raise TypeError("%r are invalid keyword arguments" % datatype) # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) out_files = [] files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, get_ignore_data=get_ignore_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def omni_load(dates, level, downloadonly=False, varformat=None, get_support_data=False, prefix='', suffix=''): """Loads OMNI data into pytplot variables""" file_list = omni_filename(dates, level) # 1. Download files count = 0 downloaded_files = [] for remotef, localf in file_list: count += 1 resp, err, localfile = pyspedas.download_files(remotef, localf) if resp: print(str(count) + '. File was downloaded. Location: ' + localfile) downloaded_files.append(localfile) else: print(str(count) + '. Error: Could not download file: ' + remotef) print(err) print('Downloaded ' + str(len(downloaded_files)) + ' files.') # 2. Load files into tplot downloaded_vars = [] if not downloadonly: try: downloaded_vars = pytplot.cdf_to_tplot(downloaded_files, varformat, get_support_data, prefix, suffix, False, True) except TypeError as e: msg = "cdf_to_tplot could not load all data.\nError:\n" + str(e) print(msg) print('Loaded ' + str(len(downloaded_vars)) + ' variables.') # 3. Time clip if len(downloaded_vars) > 0: pyspedas.time_clip(downloaded_vars, dates[0], dates[1], '')
def load(trange=['2019-02-01', '2019-02-02'], site=None, suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads Magnetic Induction Coil Array (MICA) data; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrapper: pyspedas.mica.induction """ if site == None: print('A valid MICA site code name must be entered.') print('Current site codes include: ') print( 'NAL, LYR, LOR, ISR, SDY, IQA, SNK, MCM, SPA, JBS, NEV, HAL, PG2[3,4,5]' ) return pathformat = site.upper() + '/%Y/%m/mica_ulf_' + site.lower( ) + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) out_files = [] files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix='_' + site.upper() + suffix, merge=True, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['2018-11-5', '2018-11-6'], probe=['noaa19'], instrument='sem', datatype='*', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads POES Space Environment Monitor data. This function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrapper: pyspedas.poes.sem """ if not isinstance(probe, list): probe = [probe] out_files = [] for prb in probe: if instrument == 'sem': pathformat = prb + '/sem2_fluxes-2sec/%Y/' + prb + '_poes-sem2_fluxes-2sec_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def download(self, remote_files, local_dir, download_only=False, varformat=None, get_support_data=False, prefix='', suffix=''): """ Download cdf files. Load cdf files into pytplot variables. TODO: Loading files into pytplot sometimes does not work. """ result = [] loaded_vars = [] remotehttp = "" count = 0 dcount = 0 for remotef in remote_files: tplot_loaded = 0 f = remotef.strip().replace(remotehttp, '', 1) localf = local_dir + os.path.sep + f localfile = download(remote_file=remotef, local_file=localf) if localfile == None: continue localfile = localfile[0] # download returns an array count += 1 if localfile != '': dcount += 1 if not download_only: try: cdf_vars = pytplot.cdf_to_tplot( localfile, varformat, get_support_data, prefix, suffix, False, True) if cdf_vars != [] and cdf_vars != None: loaded_vars.extend(cdf_vars) tplot_loaded = 1 except ValueError as err: msg = "cdf_to_tplot could not load " + localfile msg += "\n\n" msg += "Error from pytplot: " + str(err) print(msg) tplot_loaded = 0 else: print( str(count) + '. There was a problem. Could not download \ file: ' + remotef) tplot_loaded = -1 localfile = '' result.append([remotef, localfile, tplot_loaded]) print('Downloaded ' + str(dcount) + ' files.') if not download_only: loaded_vars = list(set(loaded_vars)) print('tplot variables:') for var in loaded_vars: print(var) return result
def load(trange=['2020-06-01', '2020-06-02'], instrument='mag', datatype='rtn-normal', mode=None, level='l2', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the Solar Orbiter mission; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: pyspedas.solo.mag pyspedas.solo.epd pyspedas.solo.rpw pyspedas.solo.swa """ if instrument == 'mag': pathformat = instrument+'/science/'+level+'/'+datatype+'/%Y/solo_'+level+'_'+instrument+'-'+datatype+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'epd': pathformat = instrument+'/science/'+level+'/'+datatype+'/'+mode+'/%Y/solo_'+level+'_'+instrument+'-'+datatype+'-'+mode+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'rpw': pathformat = instrument+'/science/'+level+'/'+datatype+'/%Y/solo_'+level+'_'+instrument+'-'+datatype+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'swa': if datatype == 'pas-eflux': pathformat = instrument+'/science/'+level+'/'+datatype+'/%Y/solo_'+level+'_'+instrument+'-'+datatype+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) out_files = [] files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['2013-11-5', '2013-11-6'], instrument='dcb', datatype='', level='l2', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the FAST mission; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: """ file_resolution = 24*3600. if instrument == 'dcb': pathformat = 'dcf/'+level+'/'+instrument+'/%Y/%m/fast_hr_'+instrument+'_%Y%m%d%H????_v??.cdf' file_resolution = 3600. if instrument == 'acb': pathformat = 'acf/'+level+'/%Y/fa_'+level+'_acf_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'esa': pathformat = instrument+'/'+level+'/'+datatype+'/%Y/%m/fa_'+instrument+'_'+level+'_'+datatype+'_%Y%m%d??????_*_v??.cdf' if instrument == 'teams': pathformat = 'teams/'+level+'/%Y/fa_'+level+'_tms_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange, res=file_resolution) out_files = [] for remote_file in remote_names: files = download(remote_file=remote_file, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, merge=True, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['2013-11-5', '2013-11-6'], instrument='reptile', datatype='flux', level='l2', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the CSSWE mission; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrapper: pyspedas.csswe.reptile """ if instrument == 'reptile': pathformat = level + '/' + instrument + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/csswe_' + instrument + '_6sec-' + datatype + '-' + level + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) out_files = [] for remote_file in remote_names: files = download(remote_file=remote_file, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, merge=True, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['2018-11-5', '2018-11-6'], probe='1', instrument='lad', datatype='', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads TWINS data; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: pyspedas.twins.lad pyspedas.twins.ephemeris pyspedas.twins.imager """ if not isinstance(probe, list): probe = [probe] probe = [str(prb) for prb in probe] out_files = [] for prb in probe: if instrument == 'lad': pathformat = 'twins' + prb + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/twins' + prb + '_l1_lad_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'imager': pathformat = 'twins' + prb + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/twins' + prb + '_l1_imager_%Y%m%d??_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'ephemeris': pathformat = 'twins' + prb + '/' + instrument + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/twins' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_def_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) for remote_file in remote_names: files = download(remote_file=remote_file, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, merge=True, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['1997-01-03', '1997-01-04'], instrument='mfe', datatype='k0', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the Polar mission; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappera: pyspedas.polar.mfe pyspedas.polar.efi pyspedas.polar.pwi pyspedas.polar.hydra pyspedas.polar.tide pyspedas.polar.timas pyspedas.polar.cammice pyspedas.polar.ceppad pyspedas.polar.uvi pyspedas.polar.vis pyspedas.polar.pixie pyspedas.polar.orbit """ if instrument == 'mfe': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/po_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'efi': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/po_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'pwi': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/po_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'hydra': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/po_' + datatype + '_hyd_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'tide': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/po_' + datatype + '_tid_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'timas': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/po_' + datatype + '_tim_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'cammice': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/po_' + datatype + '_cam_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'ceppad': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/po_' + datatype + '_cep_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'uvi': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/po_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'vis': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/po_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'pixie': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/po_' + datatype + '_pix_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'spha': pathformat = 'orbit/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/po_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) out_files = [] files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['2013-11-5', '2013-11-6'], instrument='fgm', datatype='k0', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, varnames=[], time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the ACE mission; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: pyspedas.ace.mfi pyspedas.ace.swe pyspedas.ace.epam pyspedas.ace.cris pyspedas.ace.sis pyspedas.ace.uleis pyspedas.ace.sepica pyspedas.ace.swics """ if instrument == 'fgm': pathformat = 'mag/level_2_cdaweb/mfi_' + datatype + '/%Y/ac_' + datatype + '_mfi_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'swe': pathformat = 'swepam/level_2_cdaweb/swe_' + datatype + '/%Y/ac_' + datatype + '_swe_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'epm': pathformat = 'epam/level_2_cdaweb/epm_' + datatype + '/%Y/ac_' + datatype + '_epm_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'cris': pathformat = 'cris/level_2_cdaweb/cris_' + datatype + '/%Y/ac_' + datatype + '_cris_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'sis': pathformat = 'sis/level_2_cdaweb/sis_' + datatype + '/%Y/ac_' + datatype + '_sis_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'ule': pathformat = 'uleis/level_2_cdaweb/ule_' + datatype + '/%Y/ac_' + datatype + '_ule_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'sep': pathformat = 'sepica/level_2_cdaweb/sep_' + datatype + '/%Y/ac_' + datatype + '_sep_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'swics': filename_dtype = datatype.split('_')[1] + '_' + datatype.split('_')[0] pathformat = 'swics/level_2_cdaweb/' + datatype + '/%Y/ac_' + filename_dtype + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) out_files = [] files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['2013-11-5', '2013-11-6'], probe='a', instrument='mag', level='l2', datatype='8hz', coord='RTN', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the STEREO mission; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: pyspedas.stereo.mag pyspedas.stereo.plastic """ out_files = [] if not isinstance(probe, list): probe = [probe] if datatype == '32hz': burst = 'B' else: burst = '' for prb in probe: if prb == 'a': direction = 'ahead' elif prb == 'b': direction = 'behind' if instrument == 'mag': pathformat = 'impact/level1/'+direction+'/mag/'+coord+'/%Y/%m/ST'+prb.upper()+'_L1_MAG'+burst+'_'+coord+'_%Y%m%d_V??.cdf' elif instrument == 'plastic': CONFIG['remote_data_dir'] = '' if level == 'l2': pathformat = 'plastic/level2/Protons/Derived_from_1D_Maxwellian/'+direction+'/'+datatype+'/%Y/ST'+prb.upper()+'_L2_PLA_1DMax_'+datatype+'_%Y%m%d_V??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) for remote_file in remote_names: files = download(remote_file=remote_file, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, merge=True, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def mms_part_des_photoelectrons(dist_var): """ Loads and returns the FPI/DES photoelectron model based on stepper ID Input ---------- dist_var: str tplot variable containing DES distribution data Notes ---------- For more information on the model, see: Returns ---------- Dictionary containing the photoelectron model """ data = get_data(dist_var) if data is None: logging.error('Problem reading DES distribution variable') return # get the metadata for the 'energy_table_name' from the global attributes metadata = get_data(dist_var, metadata=True) try: table_name = metadata['CDF']['GATT']['Energy_table_name'] except KeyError: logging.error('Problem extracting the energy table name from the DF metadata') return stepper_id = table_name.replace('.txt', '').split('energies_des_')[-1] # we'll need the data rate data_rate = dist_var.split('_')[-1] # download the model file from the SDC pe_model = download( last_version=True, remote_path='', remote_file='mms_fpi_'+data_rate+'_l2_des-bgdist_v?.?.?_p'+stepper_id+'.cdf', local_path=os.path.join(CONFIG['local_data_dir'], 'mms'+os.path.sep+'sdc'+os.path.sep+'public'+os.path.sep+'data'+os.path.sep+'models'+os.path.sep+'fpi'+os.path.sep+'')) if len(pe_model) != 1: logging.error('Problem downloading DES model from the SDC') return model_vars = cdf_to_tplot(pe_model[0], get_support_data=True) if data_rate == 'fast': bg_dist = get_data('mms_des_bgdist_fast') nphoto = get_data('mms_des_numberdensity_fast') return {'bg_dist': bg_dist, 'n': nphoto} elif data_rate == 'brst': bg_dist_0 = get_data('mms_des_bgdist_p0_brst') bg_dist_1 = get_data('mms_des_bgdist_p1_brst') nphoto_0 = get_data('mms_des_numberdensity_p0_brst') nphoto_1 = get_data('mms_des_numberdensity_p1_brst') return {'bgdist_p0': bg_dist_0, 'bgdist_p1': bg_dist_1, 'n_0': nphoto_0, 'n_1': nphoto_1} # shouldn't get here logging.error('Error: something went wrong with the photoelectron model') return
def load(trange=['2018-11-5', '2018-11-6'], instrument='fields', datatype='mag_rtn', level='l2', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads Parker Solar Probe data into tplot variables; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: psp.fields: FIELDS data psp.spc: Solar Probe Cup data psp.spe: SWEAP/SPAN-e data psp.spi: SWEAP/SPAN-i data psp.epihi: ISoIS/EPI-Hi data psp.epilo: ISoIS/EPI-Lo data psp.epi ISoIS/EPI (merged Hi-Lo) data """ file_resolution = 24*3600. if instrument == 'fields': pathformat = instrument + '/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/psp_fld_' + level + '_' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d%H_v??.cdf' file_resolution = 6*3600. elif instrument == 'spc': pathformat = 'sweap/spc/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/psp_swp_spc_' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'spe': pathformat = 'sweap/spe/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/psp_swp_sp?_*_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'spi': pathformat = 'sweap/spi/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/psp_swp_spi_*_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'epihi': pathformat = 'isois/epihi/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/psp_isois-epihi_' + level + '*_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'epilo': pathformat = 'isois/epilo/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/psp_isois-epilo_' + level + '*_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'epi': pathformat = 'isois/merged/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/psp_isois_' + level + '-' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange, res=file_resolution) out_files = [] files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['1998-04-06', '1998-04-07'], instrument='mam', datatype='pp', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the Equator-S mission; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: pyspedas.equator_s.mam pyspedas.equator_s.edi pyspedas.equator_s.esa (3DA) pyspedas.equator_s.epi pyspedas.equator_s.ici pyspedas.equator_s.pcd pyspedas.equator_s.sfd """ if instrument == 'mam': pathformat = datatype + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/eq_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'edi': pathformat = datatype + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/eq_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == '3da': pathformat = datatype + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/eq_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'epi': pathformat = datatype + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/eq_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'ici': pathformat = datatype + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/eq_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'pcd': pathformat = datatype + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/eq_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'sfd': pathformat = datatype + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/eq_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) out_files = [] files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['2013-11-5', '2013-11-6'], instrument='fgm', datatype='h0', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the WIND mission; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: pyspedas.wind.mfi pyspedas.wind.swe pyspedas.wind.sms pyspedas.wind.threedp pyspedas.wind.waves pyspedas.wind.orbit """ if instrument == 'fgm': pathformat = 'mfi/mfi_' + datatype + '/%Y/wi_' + datatype + '_mfi_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'swe': pathformat = 'swe/swe_' + datatype + '/%Y/wi_' + datatype + '_swe_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'sms': pathformat = 'sms/' + datatype + '/sms_' + datatype + '/%Y/wi_' + datatype + '_sms_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'waves': pathformat = 'waves/wav_' + datatype + '/%Y/wi_' + datatype + '_wav_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'orbit': pathformat = 'orbit/' + datatype + '/%Y/wi_' + datatype.split( '_')[1] + '_' + datatype.split('_')[0] + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == '3dp': if datatype == '3dp_emfits_e0': pathformat = '3dp/' + datatype + '/%Y/wi_' + datatype.split( '_')[1] + '_' + datatype.split('_')[2] + '_' + datatype.split( '_')[0] + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' else: pathformat = '3dp/' + datatype + '/%Y/wi_' + datatype.split( '_')[1] + '_' + datatype.split('_')[0] + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) out_files = [] files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update, last_version=True) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['2013-11-5', '2013-11-6'], instrument='fgm', probe='c', level='l2', stations=None, # ground mag data greenland=None, # also for ground mag data suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the THEMIS mission; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: pyspedas.themis.fgm pyspedas.themis.efi pyspedas.themis.scm pyspedas.themis.fft pyspedas.themis.fbk pyspedas.themis.esa pyspedas.themis.sst pyspedas.themis.gmom pyspedas.themis.gmag pyspedas.themis.state """ if not isinstance(probe, list): probe = [probe] out_files = [] for prb in probe: if instrument == 'fgm': pathformat = ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf') elif instrument == 'fit': pathformat = ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf') elif instrument == 'efi': if level == 'l2': pathformat = ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf') elif level == 'l1': pathformat = [('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/vaf/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_vaf_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/vap/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_vap_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/vaw/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_vaw_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/vbf/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_vbf_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/vbp/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_vbp_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/vbw/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_vbw_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/eff/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_eff_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/efw/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_efw_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/efp/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_efp_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf')] elif instrument == 'scm': if level == 'l2': pathformat = ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf') elif level == 'l1': pathformat = [('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/scp/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_scp_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/scf/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_scf_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/scw/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_scw_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf')] elif instrument == 'fft': if level == 'l2': pathformat = ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf') elif level == 'l1': pathformat = [('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/fff_16/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_fff_16_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/fff_32/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_fff_32_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/fff_64/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_fff_64_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/ffp_16/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_ffp_16_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/ffp_32/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_ffp_32_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/ffp_64/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_ffp_64_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/ffw_16/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_ffw_16_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/ffw_32/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_ffw_32_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf'), ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/ffw_64/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_ffw_64_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf')] elif instrument == 'fbk': pathformat = ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf') elif instrument == 'esa': pathformat = ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf') elif instrument == 'sst': pathformat = ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf') elif instrument == 'mom': pathformat = ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf') elif instrument == 'gmom': pathformat = ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf') elif instrument == 'state': pathformat = ('th' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/th' + prb + '_' + level + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d.cdf') elif instrument == 'gmag': if stations is None: logging.error('No stations specified') return else: pathformat = [] for site, in_greenland in zip(stations, greenland): if in_greenland: pathformat.append('thg/greenland_gmag/' + level + '/mag/' + site + '/%Y/thg_' + level + '_mag_' + site + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf') else: pathformat.append('thg/' + level + '/mag/' + site + '/%Y/thg_' + level + '_mag_' + site + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf') if not isinstance(pathformat, list): pathformat = [pathformat] for file_format in pathformat: # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=file_format, trange=trange) files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update, last_version=True) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, merge=True, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['2017-03-27', '2017-03-28'], instrument='mgf', datatype='8sec', mode=None, site=None, level='l2', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, uname=None, passwd=None, time_clip=False): """ This function is not meant to be called directly; please see the instrument specific wrappers: pyspedas.erg.mgf() pyspedas.erg.hep() pyspedas.erg.orb() pyspedas.erg.lepe() pyspedas.erg.lepi() pyspedas.erg.mepe() pyspedas.erg.mepi() pyspedas.erg.pwe_ofa() pyspedas.erg.pwe_efd() pyspedas.erg.pwe_hfa() pyspedas.erg.xep() """ prefix = 'erg_' + instrument + '_' + level + '_' file_res = 24 * 3600. if instrument == 'mgf': pathformat = 'satellite/erg/' + instrument + '/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/%m/erg_' + instrument + '_' + level + '_' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d_v??.??.cdf' elif instrument == 'hep': pathformat = 'satellite/erg/' + instrument + '/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/%m/erg_' + instrument + '_' + level + '_' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d_v??_??.cdf' elif instrument == 'orb': pathformat = 'satellite/erg/' + instrument + '/' + level + '/opq/%Y/%m/erg_' + instrument + '_' + level + '_op_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'lepe': pathformat = 'satellite/erg/' + instrument + '/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/%m/erg_' + instrument + '_' + level + '_' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d_v??_??.cdf' elif instrument == 'lepi': pathformat = 'satellite/erg/' + instrument + '/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/%m/erg_' + instrument + '_' + level + '_' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d_v??_??.cdf' elif instrument == 'mepe': pathformat = 'satellite/erg/' + instrument + '/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/%m/erg_' + instrument + '_' + level + '_' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d_v??_??.cdf' elif instrument == 'mepi': pathformat = 'satellite/erg/' + instrument + '/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/%m/erg_' + instrument + '_' + level + '_' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d_v??_??.cdf' elif instrument == 'pwe_ofa': pathformat = 'satellite/erg/pwe/ofa/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/%m/erg_' + instrument + '_' + level + '_' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d_v??_??.cdf' elif instrument == 'pwe_efd': pathformat = 'satellite/erg/pwe/efd/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/%m/erg_' + instrument + '_' + level + '_' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d_v??_??.cdf' elif instrument == 'pwe_hfa': pathformat = 'satellite/erg/pwe/hfa/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/' + mode + '/%Y/%m/erg_' + instrument + '_' + level + '_' + datatype + '_' + mode + '_%Y%m%d_v??_??.cdf' elif instrument == 'xep': pathformat = 'satellite/erg/' + instrument + '/' + level + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/%m/erg_' + instrument + '_' + level + '_' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d_v??_??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange, res=file_res) out_files = [] files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update, last_version=True, username=uname, password=passwd) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load_csa(trange=['2001-02-01', '2001-02-03'], probes=['C1'], datatypes=['CP_CIS-CODIF_HS_H1_MOMENTS'], downloadonly=False, time_clip=True, suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], notplot=False): """Load data using the Cluster Science Data archive. Parameters: trange : list of str Time range [start, end]. probes : list of str List of Cluster probes. Use ['*'] to load all. See cl_master_probes(). datatypes : list of str List of Cluster data types. Use ['*'] to load all. See cl_master_datatypes(). downloadonly: bool If true, do not use cdf_to_tplot. time_clip: bool If true, apply time clip to data. suffix: str (for pytplot) The tplot variable names will be given this suffix. By default, no suffix is added. get_support_data: bool (for pytplot) Data with an attribute "VAR_TYPE" with a value of "support_data" will be loaded into tplot. By default, only loads in data with a "VAR_TYPE" attribute of "data". varformat : str (for pytplot) The file variable formats to load into tplot. Wildcard character "*" is accepted. By default, all variables are loaded in. varnames: str or list of str (for pytplot) Load these variables only. If [] or ['*'], then load everything. notplot: bool (for pytplot) If True, then data are returned in a hash table instead of being stored in tplot variables (useful for debugging, and access to multi-dimensional data products) Returns: List of tplot variables created (unless notplot keyword is used). """ # Empty output in case of errors. tvars = [] # Start and end dates start_date = cl_format_time(trange[0]) end_date = cl_format_time(trange[1]) # Delivery format delivery_format = 'CDF_ISTP' # Delivery interval delivery_interval = 'ALL' # TODO: Create a function that can resolve wildcards # similar to IDL spedas ssl_check_valid_name # my_datatypes=ssl_check_valid_name(uc_datatypes,master_datatypes) # my_probes=ssl_check_valid_name(uc_probes,master_probes) if not probes: # list is empty return tvars elif probes[0] == '*': # load all probes probes = cl_master_probes() if not datatypes: # list is empty return tvars elif datatypes[0] == '*': # load all probes datatypes = cl_master_datatypes() # Construct the query string base_url = '' query_string = ('retrieval_type=PRODUCT&START_DATE=' + start_date + '&END_DATE=' + end_date + '&DELIVERY_FORMAT=' + delivery_format + '&DELIVERY_INTERVAL=' + delivery_interval + '&NON_BROWSER') for p in probes: for d in datatypes: query_string += '&DATASET_ID=' + p + '_' + d # Encode the url urllib.parse.quote url = base_url + (query_string) local_path = CONFIG['local_data_dir'] Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) out_gz = local_path + 'temp_cluster_file.tar.gz' # Temp file name # Download the file. print("Downloading Cluster data, please wait....") try: r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True) r.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print("Download HTTP error: ", err) return tvars except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print("Download error: ", e) return tvars print("Download complete.") # Open the downloaded file. with open(out_gz, 'wb') as w: w.write(r.content) # Extract the tar archive. tar =, "r:gz") f = tar.getnames() tar.extractall(path=local_path) tar.close() # Remove the tar.gz file but keep the extracted. os.remove(out_gz) # Get unique set of files. f_set = set(f) # File list with full path. out_files = [local_path+s for s in list(f_set)] out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files # Load data into tplot try: tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) except IndexError as e: print("cdf_to_tplot cannot load Cluster cdf file.") print("File: ", out_files[0]) print("IndexError:", e) return tvars except TypeError as e: print("cdf_to_tplot cannot load Cluster cdf file.") print("File: ", out_files[0]) print("TypeError:", e) return tvars if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load( trange=['2018-11-5', '2018-11-6'], probe='a', instrument='emfisis', level='l3', datatype='magnetometer', suffix='', cadence='4sec', # for EMFISIS mag data coord='sm', # for EMFISIS mag data wavetype='waveform', # for EMFISIS waveform data rel='rel04', # for ECT data get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads Van Allen Probes (RBSP) data; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: pyspedas.rbsp.emfisis pyspedas.rbsp.rbspice pyspedas.rbsp.efw pyspedas.rbsp.mageis pyspedas.rbsp.hope pyspedas.rbsp.rept pyspedas.rbsp.rps """ if not isinstance(probe, list): probe = [probe] out_files = [] for prb in probe: if instrument == 'emfisis': if datatype == 'density' or datatype == 'housekeeping' or datatype == 'wna-survey': pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/rbsp-' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '-' + level + '_%Y%m%d_v*.cdf' elif datatype == 'wfr' or datatype == 'hfr': pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/' + datatype + '/' + wavetype + '/%Y/rbsp-' + prb + '_' + datatype + '-' + wavetype + '_' + instrument + '-' + level + '_%Y%m%d*_v*.cdf' else: if level == 'l2' and datatype == 'magnetometer': pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/' + datatype + '/uvw/%Y/rbsp-' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_uvw_' + instrument + '-' + level + '_%Y%m%d*_v*.cdf' else: pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/' + datatype + '/' + cadence + '/' + coord + '/%Y/rbsp-' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_' + cadence + '-' + coord + '_' + instrument + '-' + level + '_%Y%m%d_v*.cdf' elif instrument == 'rbspice': pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/rbsp-' + prb + '-' + instrument + '_lev-' + str( level[-1]) + '?' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d_v*.cdf' elif instrument == 'efw': if level == 'l3': pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/rbsp' + prb + '_' + instrument + '-' + level + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' else: pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/' + instrument + '/' + datatype + '/%Y/rbsp' + prb + '_' + instrument + '-' + level + '_' + datatype + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'mageis': pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/ect/' + instrument + '/sectors/' + rel + '/%Y/rbsp' + prb + '_' + rel + '_ect-mageis-' + level + '_%Y%m%d_v*.cdf' elif instrument == 'hope': if datatype == 'moments': pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/ect/' + instrument + '/' + datatype + '/' + rel + '/%Y/rbsp' + prb + '_' + rel + '_ect-hope-mom-' + level + '_%Y%m%d_v*.cdf' elif datatype == 'pitchangle': pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/ect/' + instrument + '/' + datatype + '/' + rel + '/%Y/rbsp' + prb + '_' + rel + '_ect-hope-pa-' + level + '_%Y%m%d_v*.cdf' elif datatype == 'spinaverage': pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/ect/' + instrument + '/' + datatype + '/' + rel + '/%Y/rbsp' + prb + '_' + rel + '_ect-hope-sci-' + level + 'sa_%Y%m%d_v*.cdf' elif instrument == 'rept': pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/ect/' + instrument + '/sectors/' + rel + '/%Y/rbsp' + prb + '_' + rel + '_ect-rept-sci-' + level + '_%Y%m%d_v*.cdf' elif instrument == 'rps': if datatype == 'rps-1min': pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/rps/psbr-rps-1min/%Y/rbsp' + prb + '_' + level + '-1min_psbr-rps_%Y%m%d_v*.cdf' elif datatype == 'rps': pathformat = 'rbsp' + prb + '/' + level + '/rps/psbr-rps/%Y/rbsp' + prb + '_' + level + '_psbr-rps_%Y%m%d_v*.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def mms_load_data(trange=['2015-10-16', '2015-10-17'], probe='1', data_rate='srvy', level='l2', instrument='fgm', datatype='', varformat=None, prefix='', suffix='', get_support_data=False, time_clip=False, no_update=False, center_measurement=False, available=False, notplot=False, latest_version=False, major_version=False, min_version=None, cdf_version=None, spdf=False): """ This function loads MMS data into pyTplot variables This function is not meant to be called directly. Please see the individual load routines for documentation and use. """ if not isinstance(probe, list): probe = [probe] if not isinstance(data_rate, list): data_rate = [data_rate] if not isinstance(level, list): level = [level] if not isinstance(datatype, list): datatype = [datatype] probe = [str(p) for p in probe] # allows the user to pass in trange as list of datetime objects if type(trange[0]) == datetime and type(trange[1]) == datetime: trange = [ time_string(trange[0].timestamp()), time_string(trange[1].timestamp()) ] # allows the user to pass in trange as a list of floats (unix times) if isinstance(trange[0], float): trange[0] = time_string(trange[0]) if isinstance(trange[1], float): trange[1] = time_string(trange[1]) start_date = parse(trange[0]).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d') # need to request full day, then parse out later end_date = parse(time_string(time_double(trange[1]) - 0.1)).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S' ) # -1 second to avoid getting data for the next day download_only = CONFIG['download_only'] no_download = False if no_update or CONFIG['no_download']: no_download = True if spdf: return mms_load_data_spdf(trange=trange, probe=probe, data_rate=data_rate, level=level, instrument=instrument, datatype=datatype, varformat=varformat, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, time_clip=time_clip, no_update=no_update, center_measurement=center_measurement, notplot=notplot, latest_version=latest_version, major_version=major_version, min_version=min_version, cdf_version=cdf_version) user = None if not no_download: sdc_session, user = mms_login_lasp() out_files = [] available_files = [] for prb in probe: for drate in data_rate: for lvl in level: for dtype in datatype: if user is None: url = '' + start_date + '&end_date=' + end_date + '&sc_id=mms' + prb + '&instrument_id=' + instrument + '&data_rate_mode=' + drate + '&data_level=' + lvl else: url = '' + start_date + '&end_date=' + end_date + '&sc_id=mms' + prb + '&instrument_id=' + instrument + '&data_rate_mode=' + drate + '&data_level=' + lvl if dtype != '': url = url + '&descriptor=' + dtype if CONFIG['debug_mode']:'Fetching: ' + url) if no_download == False: # query list of available files try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=ResourceWarning) http_json = sdc_session.get( url, verify=True).json() if CONFIG['debug_mode']: 'Filtering the results down to your trange' ) files_in_interval = mms_files_in_interval( http_json['files'], trange) if available: for file in files_in_interval: file['file_name'] + ' (' + str( np.round(file['file_size'] / (1024. * 1024), decimals=1)) + ' MB)') available_files.append(file['file_name']) continue for file in files_in_interval: file_date = parse(file['timetag']) if dtype == '': out_dir = os.sep.join([ CONFIG['local_data_dir'], 'mms' + prb, instrument, drate, lvl, file_date.strftime('%Y'), file_date.strftime('%m') ]) else: out_dir = os.sep.join([ CONFIG['local_data_dir'], 'mms' + prb, instrument, drate, lvl, dtype, file_date.strftime('%Y'), file_date.strftime('%m') ]) if drate.lower() == 'brst': out_dir = os.sep.join( [out_dir, file_date.strftime('%d')]) out_file = os.sep.join( [out_dir, file['file_name']]) if CONFIG['debug_mode']:'File: ' + file['file_name'] + ' / ' + file['timetag']) if os.path.exists(out_file) and str( os.stat(out_file).st_size) == str( file['file_size']): if not download_only:'Loading ' + out_file) out_files.append(out_file) continue if user is None: download_url = '' + file[ 'file_name'] else: download_url = '' + file[ 'file_name']'Downloading ' + file['file_name'] + ' to ' + out_dir) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", category=ResourceWarning) fsrc = sdc_session.get(download_url, stream=True, verify=True) ftmp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) with open(, 'wb') as f: copyfileobj(fsrc.raw, f) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) # if the download was successful, copy to data directory copy(, out_file) out_files.append(out_file) fsrc.close() ftmp.close() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: # No/bad internet connection; try loading the files locally logging.error('No internet connection!') if out_files == []: if not download_only:'Searching for local files...') out_files = mms_get_local_files( prb, instrument, drate, lvl, dtype, trange) if out_files == [] and CONFIG[ 'mirror_data_dir'] != None: # check for network mirror; note: network mirrors are assumed to be read-only # and we always copy the files from the mirror to the local data directory # before trying to load into tplot variables 'No local files found; checking network mirror...' ) out_files = mms_get_local_files(prb, instrument, drate, lvl, dtype, trange, mirror=True) if not no_download: sdc_session.close() if available: return available_files if not download_only: out_files = sorted(out_files) filtered_out_files = mms_file_filter(out_files, latest_version=latest_version, major_version=major_version, min_version=min_version, version=cdf_version) if filtered_out_files == []:'No matching CDF versions found.') return new_variables = cdf_to_tplot(filtered_out_files, varformat=varformat, merge=True, get_support_data=get_support_data, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, center_measurement=center_measurement, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return new_variables if new_variables == []: logging.warning('No data loaded.') return if time_clip: for new_var in new_variables: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return new_variables else: return out_files
def load_data(filenames=None, instruments=None, level='l2', insitu=True, iuvs=False, start_date='2014-01-01', end_date='2020-01-01', update_prefs=False, only_update_prefs=False, local_dir=None, list_files=False, new_files=False, exclude_orbit_file=False, download_only=False, varformat=None, prefix='', suffix='', get_support_data=False): """ This function downloads MAVEN data loads it into tplot variables, if applicable. """ # 1. Download files maven_files = maven_filenames(filenames, instruments, level, insitu, iuvs, start_date, end_date, update_prefs, only_update_prefs, local_dir) # Keep track of what files are downloaded downloaded_files = [] for instr in maven_files.keys(): if maven_files[instr]: s = maven_files[instr][0] data_dir = maven_files[instr][1] public = maven_files[instr][2] if list_files: for f in s: print(f) return if new_files: s = get_new_files(s, data_dir, instr, level) print("Your request will download a total of: " + str(len(s)) + " files for instrument " + str(instr)) print('Would you like to proceed with the download? ') valid_response = False cancel = False while not valid_response: response = (input('(y/n) > ')) if response == 'y' or response == 'Y': valid_response = True cancel = False elif response == 'n' or response == 'N': print('Cancelled download. Returning...') valid_response = True cancel = True else: print('Invalid input. Please answer with y or n.') if cancel: continue if not exclude_orbit_file: print( "Before downloading data files, checking for updated orbit # file from" ) print("") get_orbit_files() i = 0 display_progress(i, len(s)) for f in s: i = i + 1 full_path = create_dir_if_needed(f, data_dir, level) get_file_from_site(f, public, full_path) display_progress(i, len(s)) downloaded_files.append(os.path.join(full_path, f)) # 2. Load files into tplot if downloaded_files: # Flatten out downloaded files from list of lists of filenames if isinstance(downloaded_files[0], list): downloaded_files = [ item for sublist in downloaded_files for item in sublist ] # Only load in files into tplot if we actually downloaded CDF files cdf_files = [f for f in downloaded_files if '.cdf' in f] if not download_only: # Create tplot variables downloaded_tplot_vars = pytplot.cdf_to_tplot( cdf_files, varformat=varformat, get_support_data=get_support_data, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, merge=True) return downloaded_tplot_vars
def load(trange=['2018-11-5', '2018-11-6'], probe='1', instrument='fgm', datatype='up', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the Cluster mission; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: pyspedas.cluster.fgm pyspedas.cluster.aspoc pyspedas.cluster.cis pyspedas.cluster.dwp pyspedas.cluster.edi pyspedas.cluster.efw pyspedas.cluster.peace pyspedas.cluster.rapid pyspedas.cluster.staff pyspedas.cluster.wbd pyspedas.cluster.whi """ if not isinstance(probe, list): probe = [probe] probe = [str(prb) for prb in probe] # these will need to be strings from now on out_files = [] res = 24 * 3600 if instrument != 'wbd': # note: can't use last_version with WBD data due to using wild cards for the times (and not just in the version) last_version = True else: last_version = False for prb in probe: if instrument == 'fgm': if datatype == 'cp': pathformat = 'c' + prb + '/cp/%Y/c' + prb + '_cp_fgm_spin_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' else: pathformat = 'c' + prb + '/' + datatype + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/c' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'aspoc': pathformat = 'c' + prb + '/' + datatype + '/asp/%Y/c' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_asp_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'cis': pathformat = 'c' + prb + '/' + datatype + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/c' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'dwp': pathformat = 'c' + prb + '/' + datatype + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/c' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'edi': pathformat = 'c' + prb + '/' + datatype + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/c' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'efw': pathformat = 'c' + prb + '/' + datatype + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/c' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'peace': pathformat = 'c' + prb + '/' + datatype + '/pea/%Y/c' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_pea_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'rapid': pathformat = 'c' + prb + '/' + datatype + '/rap/%Y/c' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_rap_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'staff': pathformat = 'c' + prb + '/' + datatype + '/sta/%Y/c' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_sta_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'whi': pathformat = 'c' + prb + '/' + datatype + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/c' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'wbd': pathformat = 'c' + prb + '/' + instrument + '/%Y/%m/c' + prb + '_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d%H%M_v??.cdf' res = 600.0 # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange, res=res) files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update, last_version=last_version) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['2009-01-01', '2009-01-02'], instrument='vhm', datatype='1min', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function is not meant to be called directly; please see the instrument specific wrappers in """ if instrument == 'vhm': pathformat = 'mag_cdaweb/vhm_'+datatype+'/%Y/uy_'+datatype+'_vhm_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'swoops': if datatype in ['bai_m0', 'bai_m1', 'bae_m0']: pathformat = 'plasma/swoops_cdaweb/'+datatype+'/%Y/uy_'+datatype.split('_')[1]+'_'+datatype.split('_')[0]+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' else: pathformat = 'plasma/swoops_cdaweb/'+datatype+'/%Y/uy_'+datatype+'_%Y0101_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'swics': pathformat = 'plasma/swics_cdaweb/'+datatype+'/%Y/uy_'+datatype.split('_')[1]+'_'+datatype.split('_')[0]+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'urap': pathformat = 'radio/urap_cdaweb/'+datatype+'/%Y/uy_'+datatype.split('_')[1]+'_'+datatype.split('_')[0]+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'epac': if datatype == 'epac_m1': pathformat = 'particle/epac_cdaweb/'+datatype+'/%Y/uy_m1_epa_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'hiscale': pathformat = 'particle/hiscale_cdaweb/'+datatype+'/%Y/uy_'+datatype.split('_')[1]+'_'+datatype.split('_')[0]+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'cospin': pathformat = 'particle/cospin_cdaweb/'+datatype+'/%Y/uy_m0_'+datatype+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'grb': pathformat = 'gamma/grb_cdaweb/'+datatype+'/%Y/uy_'+datatype.split('_')[1]+'_'+datatype.split('_')[0]+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) out_files = [] files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['2013-11-5', '2013-11-6'], instrument='mgf', datatype='k0', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the Geotail mission; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: pyspedas.geotail.mgf pyspedas.geotail.efd pyspedas.geotail.lep pyspedas.geotail.cpi pyspedas.geotail.epi pyspedas.geotail.pwi """ tvars_created = [] if instrument == 'mgf': if datatype == 'k0': pathformat = 'mgf/mgf_k0/%Y/ge_' + datatype + '_mgf_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif datatype == 'eda3sec' or datatype == 'edb3sec': pathformat = 'mgf/' + datatype + '_mgf/%Y/ge_' + datatype + '_mgf_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'efd': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/ge_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'lep': if datatype == 'k0': pathformat = 'lep/lep_k0/%Y/ge_' + datatype + '_lep_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'cpi': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/ge_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'epi': pathformat = 'epic/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/ge_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'pwi': pathformat = instrument + '/' + instrument + '_' + datatype + '/%Y/ge_' + datatype + '_' + instrument + '_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) out_files = [] files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load(trange=['2004-11-5', '2004-11-6'], instrument='lena', datatype='k0', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads IMAGE data; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: pyspedas.image.lena pyspedas.image.mena pyspedas.image.hena pyspedas.image.rpi pyspedas.image.euv pyspedas.image.fuv """ if instrument == 'lena': pathformat = instrument+'/'+instrument+'_'+datatype+'/%Y/im_'+datatype+'_'+instrument+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'mena': pathformat = instrument+'/'+instrument+'_'+datatype+'/%Y/im_'+datatype+'_'+instrument+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'hena': pathformat = instrument+'/'+instrument+'_'+datatype+'/%Y/im_'+datatype+'_'+instrument+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'rpi': pathformat = instrument+'/'+instrument+'_'+datatype+'/%Y/im_'+datatype+'_'+instrument+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'euv': pathformat = instrument+'/'+instrument+'_'+datatype+'/%Y/im_'+datatype+'_'+instrument+'_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'fuv': pathformat = instrument+'/wic_'+datatype+'/%Y/im_'+datatype+'_wic_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif instrument == 'orbit': if datatype == 'def_or': pathformat = instrument+'/def_or/%Y/im_or_def_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' elif datatype == 'pre_or': pathformat = instrument+'/pre_or/%Y/im_or_pre_%Y%m%d_v??.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange) out_files = [] files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, merge=True, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars
def load_data(filenames=None, instruments=None, level='l2', type=None, insitu=True, iuvs=False, start_date='2014-01-01', end_date='2020-01-01', update_prefs=False, only_update_prefs=False, local_dir=None, list_files=False, new_files=True, exclude_orbit_file=False, download_only=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], prefix='', suffix='', get_support_data=False, auto_yes=False): """ This function downloads MAVEN data loads it into tplot variables, if applicable. """ if not isinstance(instruments, list) and instruments is not None: instruments = [instruments] if not isinstance(type, list) and type is not None: type = [type] if not isinstance(filenames, list) and filenames is not None: filenames = [filenames] # 1. Get a list of MAVEN files queries from the above seach parameters maven_files = maven_filenames(filenames, instruments, level, insitu, iuvs, start_date, end_date, update_prefs, only_update_prefs, local_dir) # If we are not asking for KP data, this flag ensures only ancillary data is loaded in from the KP files if level != 'kp': ancillary_only = True else: ancillary_only = False # Convert to list if not isinstance(type, list): type = [type] # Keep track of what files are downloaded files_to_load = [] # Loop through all instruments, download files locally if needed for instr in maven_files.keys(): bn_files_to_load = [] if maven_files[instr]: s = maven_files[instr][0] data_dir = maven_files[instr][1] public = maven_files[instr][2] # Add to list of files to load for f in s: # Filter by type if type != [None] and instr != 'kp': file_type_match = False desc = l2_regex.match(f).group("description") for t in type: if t in desc: file_type_match = True if not file_type_match: continue # Check if the files are KP data if instr == 'kp': full_path = create_dir_if_needed(f, data_dir, 'insitu') else: full_path = create_dir_if_needed(f, data_dir, level) bn_files_to_load.append(f) files_to_load.append(os.path.join(full_path, f)) if list_files: for f in s: print(f) return if new_files: if instr == 'kp': s = get_new_files(bn_files_to_load, data_dir, instr, 'insitu') else: s = get_new_files(bn_files_to_load, data_dir, instr, level) if len(s) == 0: continue print("Your request will download a total of: " + str(len(s)) + " files for instrument " + str(instr)) print('Would you like to proceed with the download? ') valid_response = False cancel = False if auto_yes: valid_response = True while not valid_response: response = (input('(y/n) > ')) if response == 'y' or response == 'Y': valid_response = True cancel = False elif response == 'n' or response == 'N': print('Cancelled download. Returning...') valid_response = True cancel = True else: print('Invalid input. Please answer with y or n.') if cancel: continue i = 0 display_progress(i, len(s)) for f in s: i = i + 1 if instr == 'kp': full_path = create_dir_if_needed(f, data_dir, 'insitu') else: full_path = create_dir_if_needed(f, data_dir, level) get_file_from_site(f, public, full_path) display_progress(i, len(s)) # 2. Load files into tplot if files_to_load: # Flatten out downloaded files from list of lists of filenames if isinstance(files_to_load[0], list): files_to_load = [ item for sublist in files_to_load for item in sublist ] # Only load in files into tplot if we actually downloaded CDF files cdf_files = [f for f in files_to_load if '.cdf' in f] sts_files = [f for f in files_to_load if '.sts' in f] kp_files = [f for f in files_to_load if '.tab' in f] loaded_tplot_vars = [] if not download_only: for f in cdf_files: # Loop through CDF files desc = l2_regex.match(os.path.basename(f)).group("description") if desc != '' and suffix == '': created_vars = pytplot.cdf_to_tplot( f, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, string_encoding='utf-8', get_support_data=get_support_data, prefix=prefix, suffix=desc, merge=True) else: created_vars = pytplot.cdf_to_tplot( f, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, string_encoding='utf-8', get_support_data=get_support_data, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, merge=True) # Specifically for SWIA and SWEA data, make sure the plots have log axes and are spectrograms instr = l2_regex.match(os.path.basename(f)).group("instrument") if instr in ["swi", "swe"]: pytplot.options(created_vars, 'spec', 1) loaded_tplot_vars.append(created_vars) for f in sts_files: # Loop through STS (Mag) files desc = l2_regex.match(os.path.basename(f)).group("description") if desc != '' and suffix == '': loaded_tplot_vars.append( pytplot.sts_to_tplot(f, prefix=prefix, suffix=desc, merge=True)) else: loaded_tplot_vars.append( pytplot.sts_to_tplot(f, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, merge=True)) # Remove the Decimal Day column, not really useful for tvar in loaded_tplot_vars: if "DDAY_" in tvar: pytplot.del_data(tvar) del tvar # Flatten out the list and only grab the unique tplot variables flat_list = list( set([ item for sublist in loaded_tplot_vars for item in sublist ])) # Load in KP data specifically for all of the Ancillary data (position, attitude, Ls, etc) if kp_files != []: kp_data_loaded = maven_kp_to_tplot( filename=kp_files, ancillary_only=ancillary_only, instruments=instruments) # Link all created KP data to the ancillary KP data for tvar in kp_data_loaded:, "mvn_kp::spacecraft::altitude", link_type='alt'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::mso_x", link_type='x'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::mso_y", link_type='y'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::mso_z", link_type='z'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::geo_x", link_type='geo_x'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::geo_y", link_type='geo_y'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::geo_z", link_type='geo_z'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::sub_sc_longitude", link_type='lon'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::sub_sc_latitude", link_type='lat') # Link all created tplot variables to the corresponding KP data for tvar in flat_list:, "mvn_kp::spacecraft::altitude", link_type='alt'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::mso_x", link_type='x'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::mso_y", link_type='y'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::mso_z", link_type='z'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::geo_x", link_type='geo_x'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::geo_y", link_type='geo_y'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::geo_z", link_type='geo_z'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::sub_sc_longitude", link_type='lon'), "mvn_kp::spacecraft::sub_sc_latitude", link_type='lat') # Return list of unique KP data return flat_list
def load(trange=['2020-06-01', '2020-06-02'], instrument='mag', datatype='rtn-normal', mode=None, level='l2', suffix='', get_support_data=False, varformat=None, varnames=[], downloadonly=False, notplot=False, no_update=False, time_clip=False): """ This function loads data from the Solar Orbiter mission; this function is not meant to be called directly; instead, see the wrappers: pyspedas.solo.mag pyspedas.solo.epd pyspedas.solo.rpw pyspedas.solo.swa """ # Defaults for L2, L3 data science_or_low_latency = 'science' date_format = '%Y%m%d' cdf_version = '??' res = 24*3600. if level == 'll02': science_or_low_latency = 'low_latency' date_format = '%Y%m%dt%H%M??-*' cdf_version = '???' res = 60.0 if instrument == 'mag': pathformat = instrument+'/'+science_or_low_latency+'/'+level+'/'+datatype+'/%Y/solo_'+level+'_'+instrument+'-'+datatype+'_'+date_format+'_v'+cdf_version+'.cdf' elif instrument == 'epd': pathformat = instrument+'/'+science_or_low_latency+'/'+level+'/'+datatype+'/'+mode+'/%Y/solo_'+level+'_'+instrument+'-'+datatype+'-'+mode+'_'+date_format+'_v'+cdf_version+'.cdf' elif instrument == 'rpw': pathformat = instrument+'/'+science_or_low_latency+'/'+level+'/'+datatype+'/%Y/solo_'+level+'_'+instrument+'-'+datatype+'_'+date_format+'_v'+cdf_version+'.cdf' elif instrument == 'swa': if level == 'l2' or level == 'll02': if datatype == 'pas-eflux' or datatype == 'pas-grnd-mom' or datatype == 'pas-vdf': pathformat = instrument+'/'+science_or_low_latency+'/'+level+'/'+datatype+'/%Y/solo_'+level+'_'+instrument+'-'+datatype+'_'+date_format+'_v'+cdf_version+'.cdf' else: date_format = '%Y%m%dt%H%M??-*' res = 60.0 pathformat = instrument+'/'+science_or_low_latency+'/'+level+'/'+datatype+'/%Y/solo_'+level+'_'+instrument+'-'+datatype+'_'+date_format+'_v'+cdf_version+'.cdf' elif level == 'l1': if datatype == 'his-pha' or datatype == 'his-sensorrates' or datatype == 'pas-3d' or datatype == 'pas-cal' or datatype == 'pas-mom': pathformat = instrument+'/'+science_or_low_latency+'/'+level+'/'+datatype+'/%Y/solo_'+level+'_'+instrument+'-'+datatype+'_'+date_format+'_v'+cdf_version+'.cdf' else: date_format = '%Y%m%dt%H%M??-*' res = 60.0 pathformat = instrument+'/'+science_or_low_latency+'/'+level+'/'+datatype+'/%Y/solo_'+level+'_'+instrument+'-'+datatype+'_'+date_format+'_v'+cdf_version+'.cdf' # find the full remote path names using the trange remote_names = dailynames(file_format=pathformat, trange=trange, res=res) out_files = [] files = download(remote_file=remote_names, remote_path=CONFIG['remote_data_dir'], local_path=CONFIG['local_data_dir'], no_download=no_update) if files is not None: for file in files: out_files.append(file) out_files = sorted(out_files) if downloadonly: return out_files tvars = cdf_to_tplot(out_files, suffix=suffix, get_support_data=get_support_data, varformat=varformat, varnames=varnames, notplot=notplot) if notplot: return tvars if time_clip: for new_var in tvars: tclip(new_var, trange[0], trange[1], suffix='') return tvars