Esempio n. 1
	def __init__(self, display, logfile=LOGFILE, eventdetection=EVENTDETECTION, \
		saccade_velocity_threshold=35, saccade_acceleration_threshold=9500, \

		"""Initializes the EyeTribeTracker object
		display	-- a pygaze.display.Display instance
		keyword arguments
		logfile	-- logfile name (string value); note that this is the
				   name for the eye data log file (default = LOGFILE)

		# try to copy docstrings (but ignore it if it fails, as we do
		# not need it for actual functioning of the code)
			copy_docstr(BaseEyeTracker, EyeTribeTracker)
			# we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied
			# docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs
			# in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost

		# object properties
		self.disp = display
		self.screen = Screen()
		self.dispsize = DISPSIZE # display size in pixels
		self.screensize = SCREENSIZE # display size in cm
		self.kb = Keyboard(keylist=['space', 'escape', 'q'], timeout=1)
		self.errorbeep = Sound(osc='saw',freq=100, length=100)
		# output file properties
		self.outputfile = logfile
		# eye tracker properties
		self.connected = False
		self.recording = False
		self.errdist = 2 # degrees; maximal error for drift correction
		self.pxerrdist = 30 # initial error in pixels
		self.maxtries = 100 # number of samples obtained before giving up (for obtaining accuracy and tracker distance information, as well as starting or stopping recording)
		self.prevsample = (-1,-1)
		self.prevps = -1
		# event detection properties
		self.fixtresh = 1.5 # degrees; maximal distance from fixation start (if gaze wanders beyond this, fixation has stopped)
		self.fixtimetresh = 100 # milliseconds; amount of time gaze has to linger within self.fixtresh to be marked as a fixation
		self.spdtresh = saccade_velocity_threshold # degrees per second; saccade velocity threshold
		self.accthresh = saccade_acceleration_threshold # degrees per second**2; saccade acceleration threshold
		self.eventdetection = eventdetection
		self.weightdist = 10 # weighted distance, used for determining whether a movement is due to measurement error (1 is ok, higher is more conservative and will result in only larger saccades to be detected)

		# connect to the tracker
		self.eyetribe = EyeTribe(logfilename=logfile)

		# get info on the sample rate
		self.samplerate = self.eyetribe._samplefreq
		self.sampletime = 1000.0 * self.eyetribe._intsampletime

		# initiation report
		self.log("pygaze initiation report start")
		self.log("display resolution: %sx%s" % (self.dispsize[0],self.dispsize[1]))
		self.log("display size in cm: %sx%s" % (self.screensize[0],self.screensize[1]))
		self.log("samplerate: %.2f Hz" % self.samplerate)
		self.log("sampletime: %.2f ms" % self.sampletime)
		self.log("fixation threshold: %s degrees" % self.fixtresh)
		self.log("speed threshold: %s degrees/second" % self.spdtresh)
		self.log("acceleration threshold: %s degrees/second**2" % self.accthresh)
		self.log("pygaze initiation report end")

    # INIT
    elif "Initialize EyeTribe" in message:
        # get the file name
            # (message: "Initialize EyeTribe; logfilename=%s")
            logfilename = message[message.find('logfilename=') + 12:]
                "WARNING in Initialize EyeTribe: invalid logfilename, using default"
            logfilename = None
        # initialize the EyeTribe
            tracker = EyeTribe(logfilename=logfilename)
            print("Initialize EyeTribe: success!")
                "ERROR in Initialize EyeTribe: could not initialize new EyeTribe object."
                "ERROR in Initialize EyeTribe: could not initialize new EyeTribe object."

    elif message == "Calibration start":
        # check if there is an initialized tracker yet
        if tracker == None:
            print('ERROR in Calibration start: tracker was not initialized.')
Esempio n. 3
# screen stuff
RESOLUTION = (1280, 1024)
BGC = (0, 0, 0)

# files and paths
DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
LOGFILE = os.path.join(DIR, 'example_data.txt')
IMGDIR = os.path.join(DIR, 'imgs')
IMGNAMES = os.listdir(IMGDIR)

# # # # #

# start communications with the EyeTribe tracker
tracker = EyeTribe(logfilename=LOGFILE)

# initialize PyGame

# create a new display
disp = pygame.display.set_mode(RESOLUTION, pygame.FULLSCREEN)

# compile a list of images
images = {}
for filename in IMGNAMES:
    # check if the extension is a JPEG image
    if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.jpg':
        # load the image, and add to the image dict
        images[filename] = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(IMGDIR, filename))