def test_pyuecc(self): (pub1, pri1) = pyuecc.make_key() logging.debug('pub key %s' % pub1) logging.debug('pri key %s' % pri1) assert len(pub1) == 64 assert len(pri1) == 64 (pub2, pri2) = pyuecc.make_key() spri1 = pyuecc.shared_secret(pub1, pri2) spri2 = pyuecc.shared_secret(pub2, pri1) logging.debug('shared key %s' % spri1) assert spri1 == spri2 cpub1 = pyuecc.compress(pub1) logging.debug('compressed key %s' % cpub1) assert len(cpub1) == 33 _pub1 = pyuecc.decompress(cpub1) logging.debug('decompressed key %s' % _pub1) assert _pub1 == pub1 msg = b'test' sig1 = pyuecc.sign(pri1, msg) ok = pyuecc.verify(pub1, msg, sig1) logging.debug('signature %s' % sig1) assert ok ok = pyuecc.verify(pub2, msg, sig1) assert not ok
def decrypt_handshake(self, msg): """ decrypt handshake message structured: decoded msg must be json str and key 'public_key' must be included. :param bytes msg: encrypted handshake message :return: decrypted message """ received_public = pyuecc.decompress(msg[0:33]) self.create_channel_keys(received_public) shared_key = get_sha256( pyuecc.shared_secret(received_public, self.mynode.private) ) aes =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=IVCounter(msg[33:37])) dec_msg = aes.encrypt(msg[37:-4]).decode() try: jmsg = json.loads(dec_msg) except Exception: logging.error('msg is not json') return None if 'public_key' not in jmsg: logging.error('public_key not included') return None remote_permanent_public = base64.b64decode(jmsg['public_key']) hmac_key = pyuecc.shared_secret(remote_permanent_public, self.mynode.private) + msg[33:37] sig = fold3(, msg[37:-4], hashlib.sha256).digest()) if sig != msg[-4:]: logging.error('signature unmatched') return None return dec_msg