Esempio n. 1
def _action_call_wrapper(f):
    ''' Monitor controller calls and performs some pre and post processing '''
    def wrapper(*kargs, **kwargs):
        inst = f.im_self
        name = f.__name__
        is_render_view = (name is "render_view")
        is_async = (hasattr(f, 'is_async') and f.is_async is True)
        is_action = (is_render_view or is_async)
        # Session recovery
            user_data = session.recover()
            if user_data:
                inst._session_recovery(inst, user_data[0], user_data[1])
        except Exception, e:
            Logger.error("Could not recover session", e)  
        # Format arguments
        formatted_kargs = format_http_args(kwargs)
        # Execute method
        start_time = time()
        if is_action:
            inst._before_action(name, **formatted_kargs)
            if is_async:
                res = _process_async_call(f, formatted_kargs)
                res = f(*kargs, **formatted_kargs)
            inst._after_action(name, **formatted_kargs)
            res = f(*kargs, **formatted_kargs)
        dt = round((time() - start_time) * 1000, 2)
        if is_render_view:
            Logger.debug("Rendered view %s in %s ms" % (kargs[0], dt))
        elif is_async:
            Logger.debug("Executed async call to %s in %s ms" % (name, dt))
        return res
Esempio n. 2
0 = True
    return ret_f     

def _process_async_call(f, args):
    ''' Process an asynchronous action call and automatically format the response '''
        res = f(**args)
        data = res if res is not None else {}
        json_resp = format_async_response(data)
    except cherrypy.HTTPError, e:
        raise e
    except Exception, e:
        Logger.error("Error while processing call to %s" % f.__name__, e)
        json_resp = format_async_response(None, False, e)
    if Config.is_dev():
        Logger.debug("Async response to %s: %s" % (f.__name__, json_resp))
    return json_resp

##  CONTROLLER  #################################

class BaseController(object):
    ''' Base controller
    Abstract base for all controllers.
    Contains all sorts of helpers and structures that may be needed in controllers.
    instances = dict()
    web_dir = None
    def __init__(self, name, path):