def v4l2_video_capture(): frame = Frame('/dev/video0') frame_data = frame.get_frame() while True: q.put(frame_data) q.get() if q.qsize() > 1 else time.sleep(0.01)
from pyv4l2.frame import Frame from pyv4l2.control import Control frame = Frame('/dev/video0') frame_data = frame.get_frame() control = Control("/dev/video0") print(control.get_controls()) print(control.get_control_value(9963776)) print(control.set_control_value(9963776, 8))
def record(self): """ Start recording """ self.frame = Frame(self.device_name)
class pyv4l2_reader: """ This class was created to look as similar to the openCV features used in Howdy as possible for overall code cleanliness. """ # Init def __init__(self, device_name, device_format): self.device_name = device_name self.device_format = device_format self.height = 0 self.width = 0 self.probe() self.frame = "" def set(self, prop, setting): """ Setter method for height and width """ if prop == CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH: self.width = setting elif prop == CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT: self.height = setting def get(self, prop): """ Getter method for height and width """ if prop == CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH: return self.width elif prop == CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT: return self.height def probe(self): """ Probe the video device to get height and width info """ vd = open(self.device_name, 'r') fmt = v4l2.v4l2_format() fmt.type = v4l2.V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE ret = fcntl.ioctl(vd, v4l2.VIDIOC_G_FMT, fmt) vd.close() if ret == 0: height = fmt.fmt.pix.height width = fmt.fmt.pix.width else: # Could not determine the resolution from ioctl call. Reverting to slower ffmpeg.probe() method import ffmpeg probe = ffmpeg.probe(self.device_name) height = int(probe['streams'][0]['height']) width = int(probe['streams'][0]['width']) if self.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) == 0: self.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, int(height)) if self.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) == 0: self.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, int(width)) def record(self): """ Start recording """ self.frame = Frame(self.device_name) def grab(self): """ Read a sigle frame from the IR camera. """ def read(self): """ Read a sigle frame from the IR camera. """ if not self.frame: self.record() # Grab a raw frame from the camera frame_data = self.frame.get_frame() # Convert the raw frame_date to a numpy array img = (numpy.frombuffer(frame_data, numpy.uint8)) # Convert the numpy array to a proper grayscale image array img_bgr = cvtColor(img, COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # Convert the grayscale image array into a proper RGB style numpy array img2 = (numpy.frombuffer(img_bgr, numpy.uint8).reshape([352, 352, 3])) # Return a single frame of video return 0, img2 def release(self): """ Empty our array. If we had a hold on the camera, we would give it back here. """ = () self.num_frames_read = 0 if self.frame: self.frame.close()
parser.add_argument('--width', type=int, default=720) parser.add_argument('--height', type=int, default=576) parser.add_argument('--scale', type=float, default=1.) parser.add_argument('--visdom-server', type=str, default='http://localhost') parser.add_argument('--visdom', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default='/dev/video0') args = parser.parse_args() w = int(args.width // args.scale) h = int(args.height // args.scale) os.system('v4l2-ctl -d {device} --set-fmt-video width={w},height={h}'.format( device=args.device, w=w, h=h)) frame = Frame(args.device) if args.visdom: import visdom vis = visdom.Visdom(server=args.visdom_server) pi = pigpio.pi() if not pi.connected: print("could not connect spi") exit() spi = pi.spi_open(0, 750000, 0) SYNC_PIN = 24 pi.set_mode(SYNC_PIN, pigpio.INPUT) NUM_LEDS_H = 16 NUM_LEDS_V = 24
def get_picture(self, idx): frame = Frame('/dev/video%d' % idx) frame_data = frame.get_frame() print frame_data
* Also, set your video device (default /dev/video0) * Hit h and l to adjust the threshold multiplier (Lower (h) gives more frequent updates * While it waits for some initial frames, it otherwise begins right away, so it doesn't have a proper average for the brightness peaks. The end result is you get some images showing quickly, then they should reduce in frequency. ''') avg_over=5 # Number of frames for averaging, to remove noise. # This same count is used for figuring out the # threshold of peak brightness. (I currently keep # those entire images, but I could just keep their # sums for detecting peaks. Should fix that later.) frame = Frame(vdev) pltimg = None plt.ion() #def __init__(self, dims=None, count=None, dtype=np.uint8): imgsbuf = ImageBuf(dims=(ih,iw,3), count=avg_over) diffbuf = ImageBuf(dims=(ih,iw,3), count=avg_over) framecount=0 anomalycount=0 #thresh = 217000 tmult = 1.15 while True: imgd = frame.get_frame() framecount += 1 img = np.frombuffer(imgd, dtype=np.uint8) img = img.reshape((ih,iw,3)) imgsbuf.add(img)