def main(options): objName = options.srcID radInDeg = float(options.radius) outFileName = options.output inOnePatch = options.patch # Get the sources in the cut-out as a VO table url = '' t = vo.conesearch(url, pos = vo.object2pos(objName), radius = radInDeg ) f = open(outFileName, 'w') if options.patch: # Write all selected components as a single patch f.write("FORMAT = Name, Type, Patch, Ra, Dec, I, Q, U, V, MajorAxis, MinorAxis, Orientation, ReferenceFrequency='147610000.0', SpectralIndex='[]'\n\n") # Get the coordinates of the source c = SkyCoord(float(vo.object2pos(objName)[0]), float(vo.object2pos(objName)[1]), unit='deg') newRA = c.to_string('hmsdms').split(' ')[0].replace('h',':').replace('m',':').replace('s','') newDec = c.to_string('hmsdms').split(' ')[1].replace('d','.').replace('m','.').replace('s','') # Create the patch f.write(' , , Patch, {ra}, {dec}\n'.format(ra=newRA, dec=newDec)) for item in t: # VO table has RA and DEC in degrees. Convert it to hmsdms format c = SkyCoord(float(item['RA']), float(item['DEC']), unit='deg') newRA = c.to_string('hmsdms').split(' ')[0].replace('h',':').replace('m',':').replace('s','') newDec = c.to_string('hmsdms').split(' ')[1].replace('d','.').replace('m','.').replace('s','') # Determine whether source is extended sratio = item['Sint']/item['Spk'] if sratio > 1.25: srctype='GAUSSIAN' majaxsize = (max([item['MAJAX'],25.])**2-25.**2)**0.5 minaxsize = (max([item['MINAX'],25.])**2-25.**2)**0.5 else: srctype='POINT' majaxsize = "" minaxsize = "" # Write an entry for this source into the output file inside the above defined patch f.write("{name}, {type}, Patch, {ra}, {dec}, {i}, 0, 0, 0, {ma}, {mi}, {pa}, , [-0.8]\n".format(name=item['ID'], type=srctype, ra=newRA, dec=newDec, i=item['Sint']/1e3, ma=majaxsize, mi=minaxsize, pa=item['PA'])) else: # Writes sources without a patch f.write("FORMAT = Name, Type, Ra, Dec, I, Q, U, V, MajorAxis, MinorAxis, Orientation, ReferenceFrequency='147610000.0', SpectralIndex='[]'\n\n") for item in t: # VO table has RA and DEC in degrees. Convert it to hmsdms format c = SkyCoord(float(item['RA']), float(item['DEC']), unit='deg') newRA = c.to_string('hmsdms').split(' ')[0].replace('h',':').replace('m',':').replace('s','') newDec = c.to_string('hmsdms').split(' ')[1].replace('d','.').replace('m','.').replace('s','') # Determine whether source is extended sratio = item['Sint']/item['Spk'] if sratio > 1.25: srctype='GAUSSIAN' majaxsize = (max([item['MAJAX'],25.])**2-25.**2)**0.5 minaxsize = (max([item['MINAX'],25.])**2-25.**2)**0.5 else: srctype='POINT' majaxsize = "" minaxsize = "" # Write an entry for this source into the output file f.write("{name}, {type}, {ra}, {dec}, {i}, 0, 0, 0, {ma}, {mi}, {pa}, , [-0.8]\n".format(name=item['ID'], type=srctype, ra=newRA, dec=newDec, i=item['Sint']/1e3, ma=majaxsize, mi=minaxsize, pa=item['PA'])) f.close()
def searchLofarPublicArchive(srcName, distance): # First get the coordinates of the source from NED try: t = vo.object2pos(srcName, db='NED') except: raise Exception('Error: Unable to resolve the specified target') ra = t[0] dec = t[1] # Get a list of all the pointings in the LTA project = 'ALL' ok = context.set_project(project) obs_ids = set() query = (Pointing.rightAscension < (ra + distance)) &\ (Pointing.rightAscension > (ra - distance)) &\ (Pointing.declination < (dec + distance)) &\ (Pointing.declination > (dec - distance)) projectID = [] for pointing in query: query_subarr = SubArrayPointing.pointing == pointing for subarr in query_subarr: query_obs = Observation.subArrayPointings.contains(subarr) for obs in query_obs: print obs.observingMode, obs.numberOfBitsPerSample, obs.numberOfSubArrayPointings if obs.numberOfSubArrayPointings <= 2 and \ obs.numberOfBitsPerSample >= 8: #obs.observingMode == 'Interferometer': projectID.append( obs.get_project() ) return projectID
def main(options): # Get the list of calibrators calList =',') # Resolve the target try: t = vo.object2pos(, db='NED') except: print 'Unable to query the target. Terminating execution' sys.exit(1) target = SkyCoord(ra=t[0]*, dec=t[1]* print "\nTarget: {} ({} {})\n".format(, t[0], t[1]) print "Calibrator\tDistance from target" print "==========\t====================" for cal in calList: try: c = vo.object2pos(cal) except: print 'Unable to resolve target {}'.format(cal) continue calib = SkyCoord(ra=c[0]*, dec=c[1]* distance = target.separation(calib) print "{}\t{}".format(cal, distance)
#! /usr/bin/env python import pyvo as vo # obtain your list of positions from somewhere sourcenames = ["ngc4258", "m101", "m51"] mysources = {} for src in sourcenames: mysources[src] = vo.object2pos(src) # create an output directory for cutouts import os if not os.path.exists("NVSSimages"): os.mkdir("NVSSimages") # setup a query object for NVSS nvss = "" query = vo.sia.SIAQuery(nvss) query.size = 0.2 # degrees query.format = 'image/fits' for name, pos in mysources.items(): query.pos = pos results = query.execute() for image in results: print "Downloading %s..." % name image.cachedataset(filename="NVSSimages/%s.fits" % name)
#! /usr/bin/env python import pyvo as vo # find archives with x-ray images archives = vo.regsearch(servicetype='image', waveband='xray') # position of my favorite source pos = vo.object2pos('Cas A') # find images and list in a file with open('cas-a.csv', 'w') as csv: print >> csv, "Archive short name,Archive title,Image", \ "title,RA,Dec,format,URL" for arch in archives: print "searching %s..." % arch.shortname try: matches =, size=0.25) except vo.DALAccessError, ex: print "Trouble accessing %s archive (%s)"\ % (arch.shortname, str(ex)) continue print "...found %d images" % matches.nrecs for image in matches: print >> csv, ','.join( (arch.shortname, arch.title, image.title, str(image.ra), str(image.dec), image.format, image.getdataurl()) )
#! /usr/bin/env python import pyvo as vo # obtain your list of positions from somewhere sourcenames = ["ngc4258", "m101", "m51"] mysources = {} for src in sourcenames: mysources[src] = vo.object2pos(src) # create an output directory for cutouts import os if not os.path.exists("NVSSimages"): os.mkdir("NVSSimages") # setup a query object for NVSS nvss = "" query = vo.sia.SIAQuery(nvss) query.size = 0.2 # degrees query.format = 'image/fits' for name, pos in mysources.items(): query.pos = pos results=query.execute() for image in results: print "Downloading %s..." % name image.cachedataset(filename="NVSSimages/%s.fits" % name)
#! /usr/bin/env python import pyvo as vo # find archives with x-ray images archives = vo.regsearch(servicetype='image', waveband='xray') # position of my favorite source pos = vo.object2pos('Cas A') # find images and list in a file with open('cas-a.csv', 'w') as csv: print("Archive short name,Archive title,Image" "title,RA,Dec,format,URL", file=csv) for arch in archives: print("searching %s..." % arch.shortname) try: matches =, size=0.25) except vo.DALAccessError as ex: print("Trouble accessing %s archive (%s)" % (arch.shortname, str(ex))) continue print("...found %d images" % matches.nrecs) for image in matches: print(','.join( (arch.shortname, arch.title, image.title, str(image.ra), str(image.dec), image.format, image.getdataurl())), file=csv)