def edit_rules(): """Edit rules Edit the rules that process inbound events""" my_rules = rules.get_all_rules() my_rules.append(DEFAULT_RULE) selected_rule_id = select( label="Existing rules", options=[{ "label": rule["name"], "value": rule["id"] } for rule in my_rules], ) # Rules have unique IDs from the database:"selected_rule: {selected_rule_id}") use_rule = [r for r in my_rules if r["id"] == int(selected_rule_id)][0] updated_rule = input_group( "Rule editing", [ input("name", type=TEXT, name="name", value=use_rule["name"], required=True), # Need ttextarea( textarea( "Rule names", name="rule", rows=10, code={ "mode": "python", # code language "theme": "darcula", # Codemirror theme. Visit to get more themes }, value=f"""{use_rule['rule']}\n""", ), actions( "actions", [ # {"label": "test", "value": "test"}, { "label": "save", "value": "save" }, ], name="action", help_text="Save", ), ], ) if updated_rule is not None: rl = dict(updated_rule) if rl["action"] == "save": rule_info = rules.save_rule(rl["name"], rl["rule"], selected_rule_id) put_row(put_text("Rule")) put_row(put_code(pprint.pformat(rule_info, indent=1))) # Use webhook_info's ID to add/update the extractor put_text(f"The rule added is: {updated_rule}")
def index(): print("run") put_text("12345") out = output() put_scrollable(out, keep_bottom=True) while True: il = input_group("233", [input(name="aaa", value="23456")]) outp(out, il)
def main(): """PyWebIO聊天室 和当前所有在线的人聊天 """ global chat_msgs run_js("alert('233')") put_markdown( "## PyWebIO聊天室\n欢迎来到聊天室,你可以和当前所有在线的人聊天。你可以在浏览器的多个标签页中打开本页面来测试聊天效果。" "本应用使用不到80行代码实现,源代码[链接](", lstrip=True) msg_box = output() put_scrollable(msg_box, height=300, keep_bottom=True) nickname = input("请输入你的昵称", required=True, validate=lambda n: '昵称已被使用' if n in online_users or n == '📢' else None) online_users.add(nickname) chat_msgs.append( ('📢', '`%s`加入聊天室. 当前在线人数 %s' % (nickname, len(online_users)))) msg_box.append( put_markdown('`📢`: `%s`加入聊天室. 当前在线人数 %s' % (nickname, len(online_users)))) @defer_call def on_close(): online_users.remove(nickname) chat_msgs.append( ('📢', '`%s`退出聊天室. 当前在线人数 %s' % (nickname, len(online_users)))) refresh_task = run_async(refresh_msg(nickname, msg_box)) while True: data = input_group('发送消息', [ input(name='msg', help_text='消息内容支持行内Markdown语法'), actions(name='cmd', buttons=['发送', '多行输入', { 'label': '退出', 'type': 'cancel' }]) ], validate=lambda d: ('msg', '消息不为空') if d['cmd'] == '发送' and not d['msg'] else None) if data is None: break if data['cmd'] == '多行输入': data['msg'] = '\n' + textarea('消息内容', help_text='消息内容支持Markdown语法') msg_box.append( put_markdown('`%s`: %s' % (nickname, data['msg']), sanitize=True)) chat_msgs.append((nickname, data['msg'])) refresh_task.close() toast("你已经退出聊天室")
def demo(): inputs = input_group("Salary Prediction", [ input("Enter your age: ", type=NUMBER, name='age'), input("Enter your years of experience: ", type=NUMBER, name="year_exp") ]) if (inputs["age"] >= 16 and inputs["age"] <= 20) and (inputs["year_exp"] <= 1): put_text("Your Expected Salary: {}".format(10000)) elif (inputs["age"] >= 21 and inputs["age"] <= 26) and (inputs["year_exp"] >= 2 and inputs["year_exp"] < 5): put_text("Your Expected Salary: {}".format(40000)) elif (inputs["age"] >= 27) and (inputs["year_exp"] >= 5): put_text("Your Expected Salary: {}".format(90000)) else: put_text("Not in scoped rules!")
def getInfo(): info = input_group("Fuqaro haqida ma'lumot", [ input('Ism', name='ism'), input( 'Familiya', name='familiya', ), input( 'Otasining ismi', name='otasi', ), input( "Tug'ilgan yil", name='tyil', ), input( "Tug'ilgan kun", name='tkun', ), input( "Tug'ilgan oy", name='toy', ), input( 'Telefon raqami', name='telefon', ), input( 'Pasport seriyasi', name='seriya', ), input( 'Pasport raqami', name='pass_raqam', ), input( 'Passport berilgan sana', name='pass_sana', ) ]) return info
def loop(): while True: data = input_group(inputs=get_inputs()) if data is None: save() break if data['action'] == 'Next': modified[V.lang][f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}'] = data[ V.lang].replace("\\n", "\n") deep_set(dict_lang[V.lang], f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}', data[V.lang].replace("\\n", "\n")) next_key() if data['action'] == 'Skip': next_key() elif data['action'] == 'Submit': modified[V.lang][f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}'] = data[ V.lang].replace("\\n", "\n") deep_set(dict_lang[V.lang], f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}', data[V.lang].replace("\\n", "\n")) continue
def bmi_app(): name=input("Whats Your name") put_text('Hi, welcome to our website', name) user_info=input_group("User_info",[input('Whats Your age?',name='age',type=FLOAT) ]) if user_info['age']<16: put_warning('Sorry You cant access our website') else: put_success('Congrats, You can use our website!') height = input("Input your height(cm):", type=FLOAT) weight = input("Input your weight(kg):", type=FLOAT) BMI = weight / (height / 100) ** 2 top_status = [(16, 'Severely underweight'), (18.5, 'Underweight'), (25, 'Normal'), (30, 'Overweight'), (35, 'Moderately obese'), (float('inf'), 'Severely obese')] for top, status in top_status: if BMI <= top: put_text('Your BMI: %.1f. Category: %s' % (BMI, status)) break
def setting(): data = input_group(inputs=[ select(name='language', label='Language', options=LANGUAGES, value=V.lang, required=True), checkbox( name='check', label='Other settings', options=[{ "label": 'Button [Next] only shows untranslated key', 'value': 'untranslated', 'selected': V.untranslated_only }, { "label": 'Do not fill input with old value (only effect the language you selected)', "value": "clear", "selected": V.clear }]) ]) V.lang = data['language'] V.untranslated_only = True if 'untranslated' in data['check'] else False V.clear = True if 'clear' in data['check'] else False
def edit_webhook(): """Edit webhook and its extractor This should be changed to work with a programattically named webhook that has a randmoly named inbound address. For now, we name it I guess """ my_hooks = extractions.get_all_webhooks() my_hooks.append({ "id": 0, "name": "Your new webhook could go here!", "path": "Enter the path that this will be matched on", "queue_name": "base name for the queue", }) selected_hook_id = select( label="Existing webhooks", options=[{ "label": hook.get("name", "No hook name found"), "value": hook.get("id", 0), } for hook in my_hooks], ) # Rules have unique IDs from the database:"selected_hook: {selected_hook_id}") my_hook = dict() my_extractor = dict() my_hook.update(DEFAULT_HOOK) my_extractor.update(DEFAULT_EXTRACTOR) if selected_hook_id != 0: my_hook = extractions.get_webhook(selected_hook_id) my_extractor = extractions.get_hook_extractor(selected_hook_id) # TODO: update validator to avoid default hook 0 names updated_extractor = input_group( "Hook data and hook extractor", [ input("name", type=TEXT, name="name", value=my_hook["name"], required=True), # Need to get a way to carry around the IDs input("path", type=TEXT, name="path", value=my_hook["path"], required=True), # Need to get a way to carry around the IDs input( "queue_name", type=TEXT, name="queue_name", value=my_hook["queue_name"], required=True, ), # Need to get a way to carry around the IDs textarea( "Example message", name="example", rows=10, code={ "mode": "python", # code language "theme": "darcula", # Codemirror theme. Visit to get more themes }, value=my_extractor["example"], ), textarea( "Edit an extraction rule", name="extractor", rows=10, code={ "mode": "python", # code language "theme": "darcula", # Codemirror theme. Visit to get more themes }, value=my_extractor["extractor"], ), actions( "actions", [ { "label": "test", "value": "test" }, { "label": "save", "value": "save" }, ], name="action", help_text="Save or test", ), ], validate=test_extractor, ) # Pretty much can't be none, but let's follow the example from # if updated_extractor is not None: uex = dict(updated_extractor) if uex["action"] == "save": webhook_info = extractions.save_webhook(selected_hook_id, uex["name"], uex["path"], uex["queue_name"]) extractor_info = extractions.save_extractor( uex["name"], webhook_info["id"], uex["extractor"], uex["example"]) put_row(put_text("Webhook")) put_row(put_code(pprint.pformat(webhook_info, indent=1))) put_row(put_text("Extractor")) put_row(put_code(pprint.pformat(extractor_info, indent=1)))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 import pywebio.input as inp import pywebio.output as out # Body Mass Index calculator info = inp.input_group("Entry", [ inp.input("Mass (kg)", name="mass", type=inp.NUMBER, required=True), inp.input("Height (cm)", name="height", type=inp.NUMBER, required=True) ]) mass = info["mass"] height = info["height"] # převod výšky na metry height = height / 100.0 # výpočet (bez jakýchkoli kontrol) bmi = mass / (height * height) # výpis výsledku out.put_info("BMI = ", bmi)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 import pywebio.input as inp import pywebio.output as out # Body Mass Index calculator info = inp.input_group("Entry", [ inp.input("Mass (kg)", name="mass"), inp.input("Height (cm)", name="height") ]) mass = float(info["mass"]) height = float(info["height"]) # převod výšky na metry height = height / 100.0 # výpočet (bez jakýchkoli kontrol) bmi = mass / (height * height) # výpis výsledku out.put_info("BMI = ", bmi)