Esempio n. 1
    def add_qualifier(self, item, claim, qual, summary=None):
        Check if a qualifier is present at the given claim, otherwise add it.

        Known issue: This will qualify an already referenced claim
            this must therefore be tested for before.

        @param item: itemPage to check
        @param claim: Claim to check
        @param qual: Qualifier to check
        @param summary: summary to append to auto-generated edit summary
        if not qual:
            raise pywikibot.Error(
                'Cannot call add_qualifier() without a qualifier.')
        # check if already present
        if self.has_qualifier(qual, claim):
            return False

        q_claim = self.make_simple_claim(qual.prop, qual.itis)

            claim.addQualifier(q_claim, summary=summary)  # writes to database
            pywikibot.output('Adding qualifier {0} to {1} in {2}'.format(
                qual.prop, claim.getID(), item))
            return True
        except as e:
            if e.code == 'modification-failed':
                pywikibot.output('modification-failed error: '
                                 'qualifier to {0} to {1} in {2}'.format(
                                     qual.prop, claim.getID(), item))
                return False
                raise pywikibot.Error('Something went very wrong trying to '
                                      'add a qualifier: {}'.format(e))
Esempio n. 2
def main(*args):
    """Run the bot from the command line and handle any arguments."""
    # handle arguments
    rows = None
    add_new = True
    cursor = None
    cache_max_age = 0

    for arg in pywikibot.handle_args(args):
        option, sep, value = arg.partition(':')
        if option == '-rows':
            if helpers.is_pos_int(value):
                rows = int(value)
                raise pywikibot.Error(usage)
        elif option == '-new':
            if value.lower() in ('t', 'true'):
                add_new = True
            elif value.lower() in ('f', 'false'):
                add_new = False
                raise pywikibot.Error(usage)
        elif option == '-cursor':
            cursor = value
        elif option == '-wdq_cache':
            cache_max_age = int(value)

    painting_gen = get_painting_generator(rows=rows, cursor=cursor)

    paintings_bot = PaintingsBot(painting_gen, INVNO_P, cache_max_age)
    paintings_bot.add_new = add_new
Esempio n. 3
def review(revisionID, comment='', getagain=False):
    This function will review the given revision ID with the given comment.
    If getagain is set, it will get a new token (not necessary since it will
    try to get a new token automatically if the old one is broken)
    # print('review will start id: %s - %s' % (revisionID, getagain))
    predata = {
        'action': 'review',
        'format': 'xml',
        'revid': str(revisionID),
        'token': pywikibot.getSite().getToken(getagain=getagain),
        'comment': comment,

    address = pywikibot.getSite().family.apipath(pywikibot.getSite().lang)
    data = api.postForm(pywikibot.getSite(), address, predata)

    if data.find('review result=\"Success\"') == -1:
        if not data.find('Invalid token') == -1:
            if getagain:
                raise pywikibot.Error('Invalid Token')
                review(revisionID, comment='', getagain=True)
            raise pywikibot.Error('Review unsuccessful %s' % data)
    def get_single_entry(uuid):
        """Retrieve the data on a single kulturnav entry.

        Raises an pywikibot.Error if:
        * @graph is not a key in the json response
        * a non-json response is received

        @param uuid: the uuid for the target item
        @type uuid: str
        @return: the entry object
        @rtype: dict
        @raise: pywikibot.Error
        query_url = ''
        item_url = query_url % uuid
            record_page = urllib2.urlopen(item_url)
            json_data = json.loads(
        except ValueError as e:
            raise pywikibot.Error('Error loading KulturNav item at '
                                  '%s with error %s' % (item_url, e))
        if json_data.get(u'@graph'):
            return json_data
            raise pywikibot.Error('No @graph in KulturNav reply at '
                                  '%s\n data: %s' % (item_url, json_data))
Esempio n. 5
def get_single_painting(item):
    """Retrieve the data on a single painting.

    Raises an pywikibot.Error if a non-json response is received or if the
    query status is not success.

    @param item: an item entry from the search results
    @type item: dict
    @return: the painting object
    @rtype: dict
    @raise: pywikibot.Error
    url = '' + \
          config.APIKEY + \
    item_url = url % item.get('id').lstrip('/')
    # retrieve and load the data
        api_page = urllib2.urlopen(item_url)
        json_data = json.loads(
    except ValueError as e:
        raise pywikibot.Error('Error loading Europeana item at '
                              '%s with error %s' % (item_url, e))

    # check that it worked
    if json_data.get(u'success'):
        return json_data
        raise pywikibot.Error('Error loading Europeana item at '
                              '%s with data:\n%s' % (item_url, json_data))
Esempio n. 6
def undo(pagetitle, revisionOld, revisionNew, comment = '', getagain = False):
    This function will try to undo the page to the old revision ID
    If getagain is set, it will get a new token (not necessary since it will
    try to get a new token automatically if the old one is broken)
    predata = {
            'action'        : 'edit',
            'format'        : 'xml',
            'title'         : pagetitle,
            'undo'          : str(revisionOld),
            'undoafter'     : str(revisionNew),
            'token'         : pywikibot.getSite().getToken(),
            'summary'       : comment,
    address = pywikibot.getSite().family.apipath(pywikibot.getSite().lang)
    data = api.postForm(pywikibot.getSite(), address, predata=predata)
    dom = minidom.parseString(data.encode('utf8'))

    # print('undo data posted, page %s' % pagetitle)
    error = dom.getElementsByTagName('error')
    if not len(error) ==0:
        if not data.find('Invalid token') == -1:
            if getagain: raise pywikibot.Error('Invalid Token')
            else: undo(pagetitle, revisionOld, revisionNew, comment = '', getagain = True)
        else: raise pywikibot.Error('%s : %s' % (error[0].getAttribute('code'), error[0].getAttribute('info')))

    edit = dom.getElementsByTagName('edit')
    result = edit[0].getAttribute('result')
    newrevid = edit[0].getAttribute('newrevid')
    return result, newrevid
Esempio n. 7
 def validate_sources(self):
     """Validate the sources of a Reference."""
     sources = self.get_all_sources()
     if not sources:
         raise pywikibot.Error(
             'You tried to create a reference without any sources')
     if not all(isinstance(s, pywikibot.Claim) for s in sources):
         raise pywikibot.Error(
             'You tried to create a reference with a non-Claim source')
Esempio n. 8
    def match_claim(self, claims, qualifiers, force):
        Determine which claim is the best match for some given qualifiers.

        Selection is done in the following order:
        0. no claims: None selected
        1. many exact matches: raise error (means duplicates on Wikidata)
        2. one exact: select this
        3. many has_all: raise error (likely means duplicates on Wikidata)
        4. one has_all: select this
        5. if many claims: None selected
        6. if only one claim: see below
        6.1. if claim unsourced and unqualified: select this
        6.2. if sourced and unqualified and force: select this
        6.3. else: None selected

        @param claims: claims to attempt matching against
        @type claims: list of pywikibot.Claims
        @param qualifiers: qualifiers to match with
        @type qualifiers: list of Qualifier
        @param force: if sourced (but unqualified) claims should get qualified
        @type force: bool
        @return: Matching claim or None
        @rtype pywikibot.Claim|None
        # case 0
        if not claims:
            return None

        # close matches for qualifiers case 1-4
        exact_matches = []
        has_all_matches = []
        for claim in claims:
            exact, has_all = self.has_all_qualifiers(qualifiers, claim)
            if exact:
            if has_all:
        if exact_matches:
            if len(exact_matches) > 1:
                raise pywikibot.Error("Multiple identical claims")
            return exact_matches[0]
        elif has_all_matches:
            if len(has_all_matches) > 1:
                raise pywikibot.Error("Multiple semi-identical claims")
            return has_all_matches[0]

        # weak matches case 5-6
        if len(claims) > 1:
            return None
        claim = claims[0]
        if not claim.sources and not claim.qualifiers:
            return claim
        elif not claim.qualifiers and force:
            return claim
            return None
Esempio n. 9
    def create_new_painting(self, painting, painting_id, europeana_url, uri):
        """Create a new painting item and return it.

        @param painting: information object for the painting
        @type painting: dict
        @param painting_id: the common (older) id of the painting in the
            Nationalmuseum collection
        @type painting_id: str
        @param europeana_url: reference url for Europeana
        @type europeana_url: str
        @param uri: reference uri at
        @type uri: str
        @return: the created painting item
        @rtype: pywikibot.ItemPage
        data = {'labels': {}, 'descriptions': {}}

        data['labels'] = make_labels(painting)
        data['descriptions'] = make_descriptions(painting)
        if not data['descriptions']:

        # print data
        # create new empty item and request Q-number
        summary = u'%s: Creating new item with data from %s' % (EDIT_SUMMARY,
        painting_item = None
            painting_item = self.wd.make_new_item(data, summary)
        except as e:
            if e.code == u'modification-failed':
                # disambiguate and try again
                for lang, content in data['descriptions'].iteritems():
                    disambiguation = content['value'] + u' (%s)' % painting_id
                    data['descriptions'][lang]['value'] = disambiguation
                    painting_item = self.wd.make_new_item(data, summary)
                except as e:
                    if e.code == u'modification-failed':
                        pywikibot.output(u'modification-failed error: '
                                         u'skipping %s' % uri)
                        raise pywikibot.Error(u'Error during item creation: '
                                              u'%s' % e)
                raise pywikibot.Error(u'Error during item creation: %s' % e)

        return painting_item
Esempio n. 10
    def query_to_lookup(query, item_label='item', value_label='value',
        Fetch sparql result and return it as a lookup table for wikidata id.

        If props are not provided the returned dict simply consists of
        value_label:item_label pairs. If props are provided the returned dict
        becomes value_label:{'wd':item_label, other props}

        :param item_label: the label of the selected wikidata id
        :param value_label: the label of the selected lookup key
        :param props: dict of other properties to save from the results using
            the format label_in_sparql:key_in_output.
        :return: dict
        wdqs = sparql.SparqlQuery()
        result =, full_data=True)
        lookup = {}
        for entry in result:
            if entry[value_label] in lookup:
                raise pywikibot.Error('Non-unique value in lookup')
            key = str(entry[value_label])
            qid = entry[item_label].getID()
            if not props:
                lookup[key] = qid
                lookup[key] = {'wd': qid}
                for prop, label in props.items():
                    if entry[prop] and not entry[prop].type:
                        entry[prop] = repr(entry[prop])
                    lookup[key][label] = entry[prop]
        return lookup
Esempio n. 11
 def run(self):
     template_image = i18n.translate(, template_to_the_image)
     template_user = i18n.translate(, template_to_the_user)
     except_text_translated = i18n.translate(, except_text)
     summary = i18n.translate(, comment, fallback=True)
     if not all(
         [template_image, template_user, except_text_translated, comment]):
         raise pywikibot.Error(
             u'This script is not localized for %s site.' %
     self.summary = summary
     generator = pagegenerators.UnusedFilesGenerator(total=1000,
     generator = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(generator)
     for image in generator:
         tituloImagem = image.title()
         if not image.exists():
             pywikibot.output(u"File '%s' does not exist (see bug 69133)." %
         imagemTexto = image.text
         if (except_text_translated not in image.getImagePageHtml()
                 and u'http://' not in imagemTexto):
             if template_image in image.text:
                 pywikibot.output(u"%s done already" %
             #self.append_text(image, u"\n\n" + template_image)
             categorias = list(image.categories())
             if not categorias:
                 print(tituloImagem + " deletado")
                 image.delete(u"Imagem não utilizada", False, True)
                 print("Há categorias!\nPulando " + tituloImagem)
             '''uploader = image.getFileVersionHistory().pop(0)['user']
Esempio n. 12
def add_start_end_qualifiers(statement, startVal, endVal):
    Add start/end qualifiers to a statement if non-None, or return None.

    @param statement: The statement to decorate
    @type statement: WD.Statement
    @param startVal: An ISO date string for the starting point
    @type startVal: basestring or None
    @param endVal: An ISO date string for the end point
    @type endVal: basestring or None
    @return: A statement decorated with start/end qualifiers
    @rtype: WD.Statement, or None
    if not isinstance(statement, WD.Statement):
        raise pywikibot.Error('Non-statement recieved: %s' % statement)
    if statement.isNone():
        return None

    # add qualifiers
    quals = []
    if startVal:
    if endVal:
    for q in quals:
    return statement
Esempio n. 13
    def _decompose_page(self):
        """Split Proofread Page text in header, body and footer.

        exception Error:   the page is not formatted according to ProofreadPage
        if not self.text:  # Property force page text loading.

        open_queue = list(self.p_open.finditer(self._text))
        close_queue = list(self.p_close.finditer(self._text))

        len_oq = len(open_queue)
        len_cq = len(close_queue)
        if (len_oq != len_cq) or (len_oq < 2 or len_cq < 2):
            raise pywikibot.Error('ProofreadPage %s: invalid format' %

        f_open, f_close = open_queue[0], close_queue[0]
        self._full_header = FullHeader(

        l_open, l_close = open_queue[-1], close_queue[-1]
        self._footer = self._text[l_open.end():l_close.start()]

        self._body = self._text[f_close.end():l_open.start()]
Esempio n. 14
def add_start_end_qualifiers(statement, start_val, end_val):
    Add start/end qualifiers to a statement if non-None, or return None.

    @param statement: The statement to decorate
    @type statement: Statement
    @param start_val: An ISO date string for the starting point
    @type start_val: basestring or None
    @param end_val: An ISO date string for the end point
    @type end_val: basestring or None
    @return: A statement decorated with start/end qualifiers
    @rtype: Statement, or None
    if not isinstance(statement, Statement):
        raise pywikibot.Error('Non-statement recieved: {}'.format(statement))
    if statement.is_none():
        return None

    # add qualifiers
    quals = []
    if start_val:
    if end_val:
            Qualifier(prop=helpers.END_P, itis=helpers.iso_to_WbTime(end_val)))
    for q in quals:
    return statement
Esempio n. 15
    def treat(self, page):
        """Process one ProofreadPage page.

        @param page: page to be treated.
        @type page: ProofreadPage
        @raises: pywikibot.Error
        if not isinstance(page, ProofreadPage):
            raise pywikibot.Error('Page {} must be a ProofreadPage object.'

        summary = self.getOption('summary')

        if page.exists():
            old_text = page.text
            old_text = ''

        if self.getOption('ocr'):
            _body = self._get_ocr(page)
            if _body is None:
                pywikibot.output('No OCR found. Skipping {}'
            page.body = _body

        if (page.exists() and
                not (self.getOption('ocr') and self.getOption('force'))):
            pywikibot.output('Page {} already exists, not adding!'
            self.userPut(page, old_text, page.text, summary=summary,
Esempio n. 16
 def run(self):
     """Start the bot."""
     template_image = i18n.translate(,
     template_user = i18n.translate(,
     summary = i18n.translate(, comment, fallback=True)
     if not all([template_image, template_user, comment]):
         raise pywikibot.Error(u'This script is not localized for %s site.'
     self.summary = summary
     generator = pagegenerators.UnusedFilesGenerator(
     generator = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(generator)
     for image in generator:
         if not image.exists():
             pywikibot.output(u"File '%s' does not exist (see bug 69133)."
                              % image.title())
         # Use fileUrl() and fileIsShared() to confirm it is local media
         # rather than a local page with the same name as shared media.
         if (image.fileUrl() and not image.fileIsShared() and
                 u'http://' not in image.text):
             if template_image in image.text:
                 pywikibot.output(u"%s done already"
                                  % image.title(asLink=True))
             self.append_text(image, u"\n\n" + template_image)
             uploader = image.getFileVersionHistory().pop(0)['user']
             user = pywikibot.User(, uploader)
             usertalkpage = user.getUserTalkPage()
             msg2uploader = template_user % {'title': image.title()}
             self.append_text(usertalkpage, msg2uploader)
Esempio n. 17
    def treat(self, page):
        """Process one ProofreadPage page.

        @param page: page to be treated.
        @type page: ProofreadPage
        @raises: pywikibot.Error
        if not isinstance(page, ProofreadPage):
            raise pywikibot.Error('Page %s must be a ProofreadPage object.'
                                  % page)

        summary = self.getOption('summary')

        if page.exists():
            old_text = page.text
            old_text = ''

        if self.getOption('ocr'):
            page.body = page.ocr()

        if (page.exists() and
                not (self.getOption('ocr') and self.getOption('force'))):
            pywikibot.output('Page %s already exists, not adding!' % page)
            self.userPut(page, old_text, page.text, summary=summary,
Esempio n. 18
def sanitize_wdqs_result(data):
    Strip url component out of wdqs results.

    Source: deprecated
    Strip out
    For dicts it is assumed that it is the key which should be sanitized
    @param data: data to sanitize
    @type data: str, or list of str or dict
    @return: sanitized data
    @rtype: list of str
    if helpers.is_str(data):
        return data.split('/')[-1]
    elif isinstance(data, list):
        for i, d in enumerate(data):
            data[i] = d.split('/')[-1]
        return data
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        new_data = dict()
        for k, v in data.items():
            new_data[k.split('/')[-1]] = v
        return new_data
        raise pywikibot.Error('sanitize_wdqs_result() requires a string, dict '
                              'or a list of strings. Not a %s' % type(data))
    def create_new_place_id_item(self, data):
        Create a new place_id item with some basic info and return it.

        :param data: dict of data for a single object
        :return: pywikibot.ItemPage
        labels = helpers.convert_language_dict_to_json(self.make_labels(data),
        desc = helpers.convert_language_dict_to_json(
            self.make_descriptions(data), typ='descriptions')
        id_claim = self.wd.make_simple_claim(self.place_id_p,

        item_data = {
            "labels": labels,
            "descriptions": desc,
            "claims": [

            return self.wd.make_new_item(item_data, EDIT_SUMMARY)
        except as e:
            raise pywikibot.Error('Error during item creation: {:s}'.format(e))
    def treat(self, page):
        """Process one ProofreadPage page.

        @param page: page to be treated.
        @type page: ProofreadPage
        @raises: pywikibot.Error
        print("processing page %s" % page.title())
        if not isinstance(page, ProofreadPage):
            raise pywikibot.Error('Page %s must be a ProofreadPage object.' %

        if page.exists():
            print("page exists")
            # return

        # page.get()
        print("page status is %s " % page.status)
        page.header = u"{{rh|2|''THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY.''}}"
        page.footer = u'\n{{smallrefs}}'
        # page.text = " bot experiment"
        #sql = "SELECT transcode from table WHERE page = %s ORDER BY seq" % pagenum
        #conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
        #c = conn.cursor()

        #text  = ""
        #for data in c.execute(sql):
        #    text = text + data['transcode']
        #    return text

        page.body = """{{c|{{x-larger|A BID FOR FORTUNE.}}}}
Esempio n. 21
def iso_to_wbtime(date):
    Convert ISO date string into WbTime object.

    Given an ISO date object (1922-09-17Z or 2014-07-11T08:14:46Z)
    this returns the equivalent WbTime object

    @param item: An ISO date string
    @type item: basestring
    @return: The converted result
    @rtype: pywikibot.WbTime
    date = date[:len('YYYY-MM-DD')].split('-')
    if len(date) == 3 and all(is_int(x) for x in date):
        # 1921-09-17Z or 2014-07-11T08:14:46Z
        d = int(date[2])
        if d == 0:
            d = None
        m = int(date[1])
        if m == 0:
            m = None
        return pywikibot.WbTime(year=int(date[0]), month=m, day=d)
    elif len(date) == 1 and is_int(date[0][:len('YYYY')]):
        # 1921Z
        return pywikibot.WbTime(year=int(date[0][:len('YYYY')]))
    elif (len(date) == 2
          and all(is_int(x) for x in (date[0], date[1][:len('MM')]))):
        # 1921-09Z
        m = int(date[1][:len('MM')])
        if m == 0:
            m = None
        return pywikibot.WbTime(year=int(date[0]), month=m)

    # once here all interpretations have failed
    raise pywikibot.Error('An invalid ISO-date string received: ' % date)
Esempio n. 22
 def run(self):
     template_image = i18n.translate(, template_to_the_image)
     template_user = i18n.translate(, template_to_the_user)
     except_text_translated = i18n.translate(, except_text)
     summary = i18n.translate(, comment, fallback=True)
     if not all(
         [template_image, template_user, except_text_translated, comment]):
         raise pywikibot.Error(
             u'This script is not localized for %s site.' %
     self.summary = summary
     generator = pagegenerators.UnusedFilesGenerator(
     generator = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(generator)
     for image in generator:
         if not image.exists():
             pywikibot.output(u"File '%s' does not exist (see bug 69133)." %
         if (except_text_translated.encode('utf-8')
                 not in image.getImagePageHtml()
                 and u'http://' not in image.text):
             if template_image in image.text:
                 pywikibot.output(u"%s done already" %
             self.append_text(image, u"\n\n" + template_image)
             uploader = image.getFileVersionHistory().pop(0)['user']
             user = pywikibot.User(, uploader)
             usertalkpage = user.getUserTalkPage()
             msg2uploader = template_user % {'title': image.title()}
             self.append_text(usertalkpage, msg2uploader)
Esempio n. 23
    def add_qualifier(self, qual, force=False):
        Add qualifier to the statement if not None or already present.

        Returns self to allow chaining.

        @param qual: the qualifier to add
        @type qual: Qualifier|None
        @param force: whether qualifier should be added even to already
            sourced items
        @type force: bool
        @rtype Statement
        # test input
        if qual is None:
            # simply skip any action
            return self
        elif not isinstance(qual, Qualifier):
            raise pywikibot.Error(
                'add_qualifier was called with something other '
                'than a Qualifier|None object: {}'.format(qual))

        # register qualifier
        if force:
            self.force = True
        return self
Esempio n. 24
    def addReference(self, item, claim, ref, summary=None):
        Add a reference if not already present.

        If a source contains the claims in WD.Reference AND additional claims,
        it will not be sourced.

        @param item: the item on which all of this happens
        @param claim: the pywikibot.Claim to be sourced
        @param ref: the WD.Reference to add
        @param summary: summary to append to auto-generated edit summary
        # check if any of the sources are already present
        # note that this can be in any of its references
        if ref is None:
            return False

        if any(self.hasRef(source.getID(), source.getTarget(), claim)
                for source in ref.source_test):
            return False

            # writes to database
            claim.addSources(ref.get_all_sources(), summary=summary)
            pywikibot.output('Adding reference claim to %s in %s' %
                             (claim.getID(), item))
            return True
        except as e:
            if e.code == 'modification-failed':
                pywikibot.output('modification-failed error: '
                                 'ref to %s in %s' % (claim.getID(), item))
                return False
                raise pywikibot.Error(
                    'Something went very wrong trying to add a source: %s' % e)
Esempio n. 25
    def add_new_claim(self, prop, statement, item, ref, summary=None):
        Add a claim or source it if already existing.

        Known caveats:
        * Will source a claim with no qualifiers
        * Will not source a claim with only one of the qualifiers

        @param prop: property id, with "P" prefix
        @type prop: basestring
        @param statement: target statement for the claim
        @type statement: Statement
        @param item: the item being checked
        @type item: pywikibot.ItemPage
        @param ref: reference to add to the claim, overrides ref embedded in
        @type ref: Reference|None
        @param summary: summary to append to auto-generated edit summary
        @type summary: basestring|None
        claim = pywikibot.Claim(self.repo, prop)
        summary = summary or self.edit_summary

        # handle special cases
        if statement.special:
            prior_claims = self.has_special_claim(prop, statement.itis, item)
            prior_claims = self.has_claim(prop, statement.itis, item)

        # use ref embedded in statement unless external is explicitly provided
        if not ref and statement.ref:
            ref = statement.ref

        # test reference (must be a Reference or explicitly missing)
        if not isinstance(ref, Reference) and ref is not None:
            raise pywikibot.Error('The provided reference was not a Reference '
                                  'object. Crashing')

        # determine which, if any, prior_claim to source
            matching_claim = self.match_claim(prior_claims, statement.quals,
        except pywikibot.Error as e:
            pywikibot.warning("Problem adding {0} claim to {1}: {2}".format(
                prop, item, e))

        if matching_claim:
            for qual in statement.quals:
                self.add_qualifier(item, matching_claim, qual, summary=summary)
            self.add_reference(item, matching_claim, ref, summary=summary)
            item.addClaim(claim, summary=summary)
            pywikibot.output('Adding {0} claim to {1}'.format(prop, item))
            for qual in statement.quals:
                self.add_qualifier(item, claim, qual, summary=summary)
            self.add_reference(item, claim, ref, summary=summary)
Esempio n. 26
    def purge_links(self, pages=None, page_titles=None, forcelinkupdate=True,
        Trigger a purge (and link update) for the given pages.

        These are done in batches to reduce number of api calls.
        Timeout settings are temporarily changed to deal with the unusually
        long response time for a purge request and the method implements its
        own throttling to ensure it respects rate limits.

        :param pages: A list of pywkibot.Page to look at
        :param page_titles: A list of pages to look at, incl. namespace prefix.
            Used only if pages is not provided.
        :param forcelinkupdate: if links table should be updated
        :param verbose: output to log after every purge
        :return: bool (if errors were encountered)
        if not pages:
            if not page_titles:
                raise pywikibot.Error(
                    'purge_links() requires a list of either pages titles or '
                    'pywikibot.Page objects.')
            pages = [pywikibot.Page(, title) for title in page_titles]

        batch_size = 30
        rate_limit = 65  # default limit is 30 edits per 60 seconds
        max_timeout = 300
        original_size = len(pages)

        # bump timeout
        old_timeout = pwb_config.socket_timeout
        pwb_config.socket_timeout = max_timeout

        requestparams = {}
        if forcelinkupdate:
            requestparams['forcelinkupdate'] = True
        count = 0
        while True:
            batch = pages[:batch_size]
            pages = pages[batch_size:]
            pre_timepoint = time.time()
            result =, **requestparams)
            count += len(batch)

            if verbose:
                pywikibot.output(u'Purging: %d/%d' % (count, original_size))
            if not result:
                pywikibot.output(u'Some trouble occurred while purging')

            if pages:
                # ensure the rate limit is respected
                duration = time.time() - pre_timepoint
                time.sleep(max(0, (rate_limit - duration)))

        # reset timeout
        pwb_config.socket_timeout = old_timeout
Esempio n. 27
 def run(self):
     if not self.requester:
         raise pywikibot.Error("No requester is set")
         self.summary = "[[Commons:Bots|Bot]]: Uploading files from Flickr per request by [[User:%s|%s]]" \
             % (self.requester, self.requester)
     if not self.uploadByURL:
Esempio n. 28
 def getOption(self, option):
     Get the current value of an option.
     @param option: key defined in Bot.availableOptions
         return self.options.get(option, self.availableOptions[option])
     except KeyError:
         raise pywikibot.Error(u'%s is not a valid bot option.' % option)
Esempio n. 29
    def edit(self, text, jumpIndex=None, highlight=None):
        Call the editor and thus allows the user to change the text.

        Halts the thread's operation until the editor is closed.

        @param text: the text to be edited
        @type text: unicode
        @param jumpIndex: position at which to put the caret
        @type jumpIndex: int
        @param highlight: each occurence of this substring will be highlighted
        @type highlight: unicode
        @return: the modified text, or None if the user didn't save the text
            file in his text editor
        @rtype: unicode or None
        text = self.convertLinebreaks(text)
        if config.editor:
            tempFilename = '%s.%s' % (tempfile.mktemp(),
                             encoding=config.editor_encoding) as tempFile:
            creationDate = os.stat(tempFilename).st_mtime
            command = self.command(tempFilename, text, jumpIndex)
            lastChangeDate = os.stat(tempFilename).st_mtime
            if lastChangeDate == creationDate:
                # Nothing changed
                return None
                                 encoding=config.editor_encoding) as temp_file:
                    newcontent =
                return self.restoreLinebreaks(newcontent)

            import gui  # noqa
        except ImportError as e:
            raise pywikibot.Error(
                'Could not load GUI modules: %s\nNo editor available.\n'
                'Set your favourite editor in "editor", '
                'or install python packages tkinter and idlelib, which '
                'are typically part of Python but may be packaged separately '
                'on your platform.\n' % e)

        return self.restoreLinebreaks(
Esempio n. 30
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            'nouserwarning': False  # do not warn uploader
        super(UnusedFilesBot, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.template_image = i18n.translate(, template_to_the_image)
        self.template_user = i18n.translate(, template_to_the_user)
        if not (self.template_image and
                (self.template_user or self.getOption('nouserwarning'))):
            raise pywikibot.Error(
                'This script is not localized for {0} site.'.format(