Esempio n. 1
def test_simple_model_with_annual_licence(simple_linear_model):
    m = simple_linear_model
    si = ScenarioIndex(0, np.array([0], dtype=np.int32))

    annual_total = 365
    lic = AnnualLicense(m, m.nodes["Input"], annual_total)
    # Apply licence to the model
    m.nodes["Input"].max_flow = lic
    m.nodes["Output"].max_flow = 10.0
    m.nodes["Output"].cost = -10.0


    # Licence is a hard constraint of 1.0
    # timestepper.current is now end of the first day
    assert_allclose(m.nodes["Output"].flow, 1.0)
    # Check the constraint for the next timestep.
    assert_allclose(lic.value(m.timestepper._next, si), 1.0)

    # Now constrain the demand so that licence is not fully used
    m.nodes["Output"].max_flow = 0.5

    assert_allclose(m.nodes["Output"].flow, 0.5)
    # Check the constraint for the next timestep. The available amount should now be larger
    # due to the reduced use
    remaining = (annual_total - 1.5)
    assert_allclose(lic.value(m.timestepper._next, si), remaining / (365 - 2))

    # Unconstrain the demand
    m.nodes["Output"].max_flow = 10.0
    assert_allclose(m.nodes["Output"].flow, remaining / (365 - 2))
    # Licence should now be on track for an expected value of 1.0
    remaining -= remaining / (365 - 2)
    assert_allclose(lic.value(m.timestepper._next, si), remaining / (365 - 3))
Esempio n. 2
def test_simple_model_with_annual_licence_multi_year(simple_linear_model):
    """ Test the AnnualLicense over multiple years
    import pandas as pd
    import datetime, calendar
    m = simple_linear_model
    # Modify model to run for 3 years of non-leap years at 30 day time-step.
    m.timestepper.start = pd.to_datetime('2017-1-1')
    m.timestepper.end = pd.to_datetime('2020-1-1') = datetime.timedelta(30)

    annual_total = 365.0
    lic = AnnualLicense(m, m.nodes["Input"], annual_total)
    # Apply licence to the model
    m.nodes["Input"].max_flow = lic
    m.nodes["Output"].max_flow = 10.0
    m.nodes["Output"].cost = -10.0

    for i in range(len(m.timestepper)):
        days_in_year = 365 + int(calendar.isleap(m.timestepper.current.datetime.year))
        assert_allclose(m.nodes["Output"].flow, annual_total/days_in_year)