Esempio n. 1
    def test_basic(self):
        Tests a bunch of different constellations by using generic
        modulation, a channel, and generic demodulation.  The generic
        demodulation uses constellation_receiver which is what
        we're really trying to test.

        rndm = random.Random()
        # Assumes not more than 64 points in a constellation
        # Generates some random input data to use.
        self.src_data = tuple(
            [rndm.randint(0, 1) for i in range(0, self.max_data_length)])
        # Generates some random indices to use for comparing input and
        # output data (a full comparison is too slow in python).
        self.indices = alignment.random_sample(self.max_data_length,
                                               self.max_num_samples, SEED)

        requirements = (
             tested_constellations(easy=True, medium=False, difficult=False)),
             tested_constellations(easy=False, medium=True, difficult=False)),
        for req_correct, tcs in requirements:
            for constellation, differential in tcs:
                # The constellation_receiver doesn't work for constellations
                # of multple dimensions (i.e. multiple complex numbers to a
                # single symbol).
                # That is not implemented since the receiver has no way of
                # knowing where the beginning of a symbol is.
                # It also doesn't work for non-differential modulation.
                if constellation.dimensionality() != 1 or not differential:
                data_length = DATA_LENGTH * constellation.bits_per_symbol()
                tb = rec_test_tb(constellation,
                data =
                d1 = tb.src_data[:int(len(tb.src_data) * self.ignore_fraction)]
                d2 = data[:int(len(data) * self.ignore_fraction)]
                correct, overlap, offset, indices = alignment.align_sequences(
                    d1, d2, indices=self.indices)
                if correct <= req_correct:
                        "Constellation is {0}. Differential is {1}.  Required correct is {2}. Correct is {3}. FAIL."
                        .format(constellation, differential, req_correct,
                self.assertTrue(correct > req_correct)
    def test_basic(self):
        Tests a bunch of different constellations by using generic
        modulation, a channel, and generic demodulation.  The generic
        demodulation uses constellation_receiver which is what
        we're really trying to test.

        rndm = random.Random()
        # Assumes not more than 64 points in a constellation
        # Generates some random input data to use.
        self.src_data = tuple(
            [rndm.randint(0,1) for i in range(0, self.max_data_length)])
        # Generates some random indices to use for comparing input and
        # output data (a full comparison is too slow in python).
        self.indices = alignment.random_sample(
            self.max_data_length, self.max_num_samples, SEED)

        requirements = (
            (EASY_REQ_CORRECT, tested_constellations(easy=True, medium=False, difficult=False)),
            (MEDIUM_REQ_CORRECT, tested_constellations(easy=False, medium=True, difficult=False)),
        for req_correct, tcs in requirements:
            for constellation, differential in tcs:
                # The constellation_receiver doesn't work for constellations
                # of multple dimensions (i.e. multiple complex numbers to a
                # single symbol).
                # That is not implemented since the receiver has no way of
                # knowing where the beginning of a symbol is.
                # It also doesn't work for non-differential modulation.
                if constellation.dimensionality() != 1 or not differential:
                data_length = DATA_LENGTH * constellation.bits_per_symbol()
                tb = rec_test_tb(constellation, differential,
                data =
                d1 = tb.src_data[:int(len(tb.src_data)*self.ignore_fraction)]
                d2 = data[:int(len(data)*self.ignore_fraction)]
                correct, overlap, offset, indices = alignment.align_sequences(
                    d1, d2, indices=self.indices)
                if correct <= req_correct:
                    print("Constellation is {0}. Differential is {1}.  Required correct is {2}. Correct is {3}. FAIL.".
                          format(constellation, differential, req_correct, correct))
                self.assertTrue(correct > req_correct)
    def test_basic(self):
        Tests a bunch of different constellations by using generic
        modulation, a channel, and generic demodulation.  The generic
        demodulation uses constellation_receiver which is what
        we're really trying to test.

        # Assumes not more than 64 points in a constellation
        # Generates some random input data to use.
        self.src_data = tuple(
            [random.randint(0, 1) for i in range(0, self.max_data_length)])
        # Generates some random indices to use for comparing input and
        # output data (a full comparison is too slow in python).
        self.indices = alignment.random_sample(self.max_data_length,
                                               self.max_num_samples, self.seed)

        for constellation, differential in tested_constellations():
            # The constellation_receiver doesn't work for constellations
            # of multple dimensions (i.e. multiple complex numbers to a
            # single symbol).
            # That is not implemented since the receiver has no way of
            # knowing where the beginning of a symbol is.
            # It also doesn't work for non-differential modulation.
            if constellation.dimensionality() != 1 or not differential:
            data_length = DATA_LENGTH * constellation.bits_per_symbol()
            tb = rec_test_tb(constellation,
            data =
            d1 = tb.src_data[:int(len(tb.src_data) * self.ignore_fraction)]
            d2 = data[:int(len(data) * self.ignore_fraction)]
            correct, overlap, offset, indices = alignment.align_sequences(
                d1, d2, indices=self.indices)
            self.assertTrue(correct > REQ_CORRECT)
    def test_basic(self):
        Tests a bunch of different constellations by using generic
        modulation, a channel, and generic demodulation.  The generic
        demodulation uses constellation_receiver which is what
        we're really trying to test.

        # Assumes not more than 64 points in a constellation
        # Generates some random input data to use.
        self.src_data = tuple(
            [random.randint(0,1) for i in range(0, self.max_data_length)])
        # Generates some random indices to use for comparing input and
        # output data (a full comparison is too slow in python).
        self.indices = alignment.random_sample(
            self.max_data_length, self.max_num_samples, self.seed)

        for constellation, differential in tested_constellations():
            # The constellation_receiver doesn't work for constellations
            # of multple dimensions (i.e. multiple complex numbers to a
            # single symbol).
            # That is not implemented since the receiver has no way of
            # knowing where the beginning of a symbol is.
            # It also doesn't work for non-differential modulation.
            if constellation.dimensionality() != 1 or not differential:
            data_length = DATA_LENGTH * constellation.bits_per_symbol()
            tb = rec_test_tb(constellation, differential,
            data =
            d1 = tb.src_data[:int(len(tb.src_data)*self.ignore_fraction)]
            d2 = data[:int(len(data)*self.ignore_fraction)]
            correct, overlap, offset, indices = alignment.align_sequences(
                d1, d2, indices=self.indices)
            self.assertTrue(correct > REQ_CORRECT)