Esempio n. 1
def slice_closure(tbdict):
    print "Performing slice closure..."
    fp_iterations = 0
    outerst = time.time()
    while True:
        innerst = time.time()
        wlist = defaultdict(list)
        for t in tbdict:
            tbs = tbdict[t]
            for insns in zip(*[r.body for r in tbs]):
                if (any(insn.in_slice for _,insn in insns) and not
                    all(insn.in_slice for _,insn in insns)):

                    for j, (n,x) in enumerate(insns):
                        if not x.in_slice:
                            wlist[tbs[j].trace].append( (n, uses(x)) )

        if not wlist: break
        for trace in wlist:
            multislice(trace, wlist[trace])
        fp_iterations += 1
        innered = time.time()
        print "Sliced %d new instructions in %s" % (sum(len(w) for w in wlist.values()), datetime.timedelta(seconds=innered-innerst))
    outered = time.time()
    print "Reached fixed point after %d iterations, time: %s" % (fp_iterations, datetime.timedelta(seconds=outered-outerst))
Esempio n. 2
def set_input(trace, inbufs):
    inbufs = set(inbufs)
    for i, te in trace:
        uses_set = set(uses(te))
        if uses_set & inbufs:
            defs = defines(te)
            assert len(defs) == 1
            te.op = "IFLO_SET_INPUT"
            te.args = [defs[0], 0]
Esempio n. 3
def set_input(trace, inbufs):
    inbufs = set(inbufs)
    for i, te in trace:
        uses_set = set(uses(te))
        if uses_set & inbufs:
            defs = defines(te)
            assert len(defs) == 1
            te.op = "IFLO_SET_INPUT"
            te.args = [defs[0], 0]
Esempio n. 4
def reroll_loops(trace, slice, debug=False):
    slice_indices = set(s[0] for s in slice)
    loops = detect_loops(trace)

    # Filter the loops -- ignore any that aren't part of the slice
    loops_in_slice = []
    for loop in loops:
        # Filter: For all TBs in the loop, there exists an insn in the
        # TB that is in the slice. We ignore the last loop body since
        # it just contains insns to exit the loop.
        if all(
                any(insn[0] in slice_indices for insn in tb.body)
                for tb in loop[:-1]):
            print "Found a loop of length", len(
                loop), "which has data flow through it"

    if debug:
        for i, loop in enumerate(loops_in_slice):
            print "----- Begin Loop %d -----" % i
            print "-----  End Loop %d  -----" % i

    slice_dict = dict(slice)
    for loop in loops_in_slice:
        # We need to do this for every TB because we need to specify
        # explicitly the data flow for the loop condition -- it has no
        # defines, only uses.
        loop_slice = {}
        for tb in loop.tbs:
            loop_start, loop_end = tb.range()
            tb_slice = dynslice(trace, uses(loop.condition), start=loop_end)
        if debug:
            print "Loop slice:"
            for l in sorted(loop_slice.items()):
                print l

    # Now prune the loop exemplars so they only contain sliced instructions
    newslice = sorted(slice_dict.items())
    for loop in loops_in_slice:

    # Slice surgery: get rid of the unrolled loops, and insert the
    # loop object in their place
    for loop in loops_in_slice:
        loop_start, loop_end = loop.range()
        slice_dict = del_slice_range(loop_start, loop_end, slice_dict)
        slice_dict[loop.pos()] = loop

    newslice = sorted(slice_dict.items())
    return newslice
Esempio n. 5
def reroll_loops(trace, slice, debug=False):
    slice_indices = set(s[0] for s in slice)
    loops = detect_loops(trace)

    # Filter the loops -- ignore any that aren't part of the slice
    loops_in_slice = []
    for loop in loops:
        # Filter: For all TBs in the loop, there exists an insn in the
        # TB that is in the slice. We ignore the last loop body since
        # it just contains insns to exit the loop.
        if all(
                any(insn[0] in slice_indices for insn in tb.body)
                for tb in loop[:-1]):
            print "Found a loop of length", len(
                loop), "which has data flow through it"

    if debug:
        for i, loop in enumerate(loops_in_slice):
            print "----- Begin Loop %d -----" % i
            print "-----  End Loop %d  -----" % i

    slice_dict = dict(slice)
    for loop in loops_in_slice:
        # We need to do this for every TB because we need to specify
        # explicitly the data flow for the loop condition -- it has no
        # defines, only uses.
        loop_slice = {}
        for tb in loop.tbs:
            loop_start, loop_end = tb.range()
            tb_slice = dynslice(trace, uses(loop.condition), start=loop_end)
        if debug:
            print "Loop slice:"
            for l in sorted(loop_slice.items()):
                print l

    # Now prune the loop exemplars so they only contain sliced instructions
    newslice = sorted(slice_dict.items())
    for loop in loops_in_slice:

    # Slice surgery: get rid of the unrolled loops, and insert the
    # loop object in their place
    for loop in loops_in_slice:
        loop_start, loop_end = loop.range()
        slice_dict = del_slice_range(loop_start, loop_end, slice_dict)
        slice_dict[loop.pos()] = loop

    newslice = sorted(slice_dict.items())
    return newslice
Esempio n. 6
def multislice(insns, worklist, output_track=False, debug=False):
    wlist = worklist[:]
    start, bufs = wlist.pop()
    if wlist:
        next_i, next_bufs = wlist.pop()
        next_i = -1

    if start == -1: start = len(insns) - 1
    if output_track: outbufs = set(bufs)
    if not quiet:
        widgets = ['Slicing: ', Percentage(), ' ', Bar(marker=RotatingMarker()), ' ', ETA()]
        pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=start+1).start()

    work = set(bufs)
    if debug: print "Initial working set:", work
    for i in range(start, -1, -1):
        #print "Examining instruction",i,"(working set: %d)" % len(work)
        if not quiet: pbar.update(start-i+1)
        insn = insns[i]
        if i == next_i:
            work |= set(next_bufs)
            if wlist:
                next_i, next_bufs = wlist.pop()

        defs_set = set(defines(insn))
        uses_set = set(uses(insn))

        if debug: print repr(insn)

        if defs_set & work:
            if debug: print "Overlap with working set: %s" % (defs_set & work)
            work -= defs_set
            work |= uses_set
            if debug: print "Adding to slice: %s" % repr(insn)
            if debug: print "Current WS:", work
            # TODO: allow multiple outputs by separating outbufs into
            # a dict of (label => memrange) pairs
            if output_track and defs_set & outbufs:
                if debug: print "Accounted for %d of %d output bytes" % (len(defs_set & outbufs), len(outbufs))
                if debug: print "Instruction: %s" % repr(insn)
                outbufs -= defs_set

    if debug: print "Working set at end:", work
Esempio n. 7
def dynslice(insns, bufs, start=-1, output_track=False, debug=False):
    """Perform a dynamic data slice.
       Perform a dynamic data slice of a trace with respect to a set of
       buffers. This is basically the algorithm described in the
       K-Tracer paper.

       insns: a list of tuples: (index, TraceEntry)
       bufs: a list of outputs to be tracked
       start: an optional point in the trace at which to begin analysis.
           By default, analysis begins at the last instruction in the
       ouput_track: mark instructions that define data in the output set.
           This calls TraceEntry.set_output_label().
       debug: enable debugging information

       Returns: a list of tuples: (index, TraceEntry)
    if start == -1: start = len(insns) - 1
    if output_track: outbufs = set(bufs)

    work = set(bufs)
    slice = []
    for i, insn in reversed(insns[:start + 1]):
        defs_set = set(defines(insn))
        uses_set = set(uses(insn))

        if debug: print repr(insn)

        if defs_set & work:
            if debug: print "Overlap with working set: %s" % (defs_set & work)
            work = (work - defs_set) | uses_set
            if debug: print "Adding to slice: %s" % repr(insn)

            # TODO: allow multiple outputs by separating outbufs into
            # a dict of (label => memrange) pairs
            if output_track and defs_set & outbufs:
                outbufs -= defs_set

            slice.insert(0, (i, insn))

    if debug: print "Working set at end:", work
    return slice
Esempio n. 8
def dynslice(insns, bufs, start=-1, output_track=False, debug=False):
    """Perform a dynamic data slice.
       Perform a dynamic data slice of a trace with respect to a set of
       buffers. This is basically the algorithm described in the
       K-Tracer paper.

       insns: a list of tuples: (index, TraceEntry)
       bufs: a list of outputs to be tracked
       start: an optional point in the trace at which to begin analysis.
           By default, analysis begins at the last instruction in the
       ouput_track: mark instructions that define data in the output set.
           This calls TraceEntry.set_output_label().
       debug: enable debugging information

       Returns: a list of tuples: (index, TraceEntry)
    if start == -1: start = len(insns) - 1
    if output_track: outbufs = set(bufs)

    work = set(bufs)
    slice = []
    for i, insn in reversed(insns[:start + 1]):
        defs_set = set(defines(insn))
        uses_set = set(uses(insn))

        if debug: print repr(insn)

        if defs_set & work:
            if debug: print "Overlap with working set: %s" % (defs_set & work)
            work = (work - defs_set) | uses_set
            if debug: print "Adding to slice: %s" % repr(insn)

            # TODO: allow multiple outputs by separating outbufs into
            # a dict of (label => memrange) pairs
            if output_track and defs_set & outbufs:
                outbufs -= defs_set

            slice.insert(0, (i, insn))

    if debug: print "Working set at end:", work
    return slice
Esempio n. 9
def linked_vars(insns, sink, source, start=-1, end=0, debug=False):
    if debug: print "Linking vars sink: %s source: %s between trace positions %d and %d" % (sink, source, end, start)
    if start == -1: start = len(insns) - 1

    work = set([sink])
    for i,insn in reversed(insns[end:start+1]):
        defs_set = set(defines(insn))
        uses_set = set(uses(insn))
        # For this one special case we DON'T want to track
        # the derivation of the address of a buffer.
        if is_memop(insn):
            uses_set -= set(["A0"])

        if defs_set & work:
            work = (work - defs_set) | uses_set
            if debug: print i,repr(insn)

    if debug: print "Working set at end:", work
    return source in work
Esempio n. 10
def control_dep_slice(tbdict, cfg):
    print "Calculating control dependencies..."

    start_ts = time.time()

    wlist = defaultdict(list)
    for c in cfg:
        if len(cfg[c]) < 2: continue
        for t in tbdict[c]:
            for i, isn in t.body:
                if is_jcc(isn.op) or is_dynjump(isn.op):
                    wlist[t.trace].append( (i, uses(isn)) )
    wlist = dict(wlist)

    for trace in wlist:
        multislice(trace, wlist[trace])

    end_ts = time.time()
    print "Added branches in %s" % (datetime.timedelta(seconds=end_ts-start_ts))
Esempio n. 11
def linked_vars(insns, sink, source, start=-1, end=0, debug=False):
    if debug:
        print "Linking vars sink: %s source: %s between trace positions %d and %d" % (
            sink, source, end, start)
    if start == -1: start = len(insns) - 1

    work = set([sink])
    for i, insn in reversed(insns[end:start + 1]):
        defs_set = set(defines(insn))
        uses_set = set(uses(insn))
        # For this one special case we DON'T want to track
        # the derivation of the address of a buffer.
        if is_memop(insn):
            uses_set -= set(["A0"])

        if defs_set & work:
            work = (work - defs_set) | uses_set
            if debug: print i, repr(insn)

    if debug: print "Working set at end:", work
    return source in work
Esempio n. 12
def isolate_self_ints(trace):
    apic_base = 0xfee00000
    apic_tpr = apic_base + 0x80
    selfints = find_self_interrupts(trace)
    idt = {}
    int_edges = set()
    to_delete = []
    wlist = []
    for self_int, tpr_set, int_start, int_end in selfints:
        int_site = first(lambda x: x.op == 'IFLO_TB_HEAD_EIP', reversed(trace[int_start-50:int_start]))
        int_handler = trace[int_start+1]
        ret = first(lambda x: x.op == 'IFLO_TB_HEAD_EIP', reversed(trace[int_end-50:int_end]))
        retsite = first(lambda x: x.op == 'IFLO_TB_HEAD_EIP', trace[int_end:int_end+20])
        int_edges.add( (int_site.args[0], int_handler.args[0]) )
        int_edges.add( (ret.args[0], retsite.args[0]) )
        to_delete += [int_start, int_end]

        vec = trace[int_start].args[0]

        print "Detected self-interrupt, edges: %#x -> %#x, %#x -> %#x, vector: %#x (%#x)" % (
            int_site.args[0], int_handler.args[0],
            ret.args[0], retsite.args[0],
            vec, trace[self_int].args[-1] & 0xff,

        idt[vec] = int_handler.args[0]

        # Gotta include the one right before the ICR set as well
        i = self_int
        while i > 0:
            e = trace[i]
            if e.op.startswith('IFLO_OPS_MEM_STL') and e.args[1] == apic_tpr:
                wlist.append( (i, uses(e)) )
            i -= 1

        # Noops used here as temporary placeholders. We will
        # delete them after slicing, but deletion now would mess
        # up our indices
        trace[int_start] = TraceEntry(('IFLO_NOOP', []))
        trace[int_end] = TraceEntry(('IFLO_NOOP', []))
        wlist.append( (self_int, uses(trace[self_int])) )
        wlist.append( (tpr_set, uses(trace[tpr_set])) )
    if wlist:
        multislice(trace, wlist)

    # Remove the actual interrupt/irets
    while to_delete:
        del trace[to_delete.pop()]

    trace, tbs, tbdict, cfg = remake_trace(trace)
    for s,d in int_edges:
        except KeyError:
    return trace, tbs, tbdict, cfg, idt
Esempio n. 13
    idx, insn = trace[i]
    if (insn.op == 'IFLO_OPS_MEM_LDL_T0_A0'
            or insn.op == 'IFLO_OPS_MEM_LDL_T1_A0'):
        memb_addr = insn.args[1]
        memb_val = insn.args[2]
        #print "Pointer dereference => Read 4 bytes at %#x = %#x" % (memb_addr,memb_val)

        # Tiny version of dynamic slicing -- track A0 until it comes from somewhere else
        j = i
        work = set(['A0'])
        slice = []
        while True:
            j -= 1
            _, trcent = trace[j]
            defs_set = set(defines(trcent))
            uses_set = set(uses(trcent))
            if defs_set & work:
                work = (work - defs_set) | uses_set
                slice.append((j, trcent))
            if 'A0' not in work: break

        valid = False
        objbase = UInt(memb_addr)
        for i, s in slice[:-1]:
            if s.op == "IFLO_ADDL_A0_IM":
                objbase -= UInt(s.args[0])
            elif s.op == "IFLO_ADDL_A0_SEG":
            elif s.op == "IFLO_MOVL_A0_IM":
                objbase -= UInt(s.args[0])
Esempio n. 14
for i in xrange(len(trace)-1,-1,-1):
    idx, insn = trace[i]
    if (insn.op == 'IFLO_OPS_MEM_LDL_T0_A0' or insn.op == 'IFLO_OPS_MEM_LDL_T1_A0'):
        memb_addr = insn.args[1]
        memb_val = insn.args[2]
        #print "Pointer dereference => Read 4 bytes at %#x = %#x" % (memb_addr,memb_val)

        # Tiny version of dynamic slicing -- track A0 until it comes from somewhere else
        j = i
        work = set(['A0'])
        slice = []
        while True:
            j -= 1
            _ , trcent = trace[j]
            defs_set = set(defines(trcent))
            uses_set = set(uses(trcent))
            if defs_set & work:
                work = (work - defs_set) | uses_set
            if 'A0' not in work: break

        valid = False
        objbase = UInt(memb_addr)
        for i,s in slice[:-1]:
            if s.op == "IFLO_ADDL_A0_IM":
                objbase -= UInt(s.args[0])
            elif s.op == "IFLO_ADDL_A0_SEG":
            elif s.op == "IFLO_MOVL_A0_IM":
                objbase -= UInt(s.args[0])