Esempio n. 1
def createSource(className, includes, baseClass, variables,
    source = copyright
    source += """
 * @file """ + className.lower() + """.cpp
 * @brief Implementation of QFB::""" + className + """

#include \"""" + className.lower() + """.h\"
#include \"private/helper_p.h\"
#include \"private/objectbase_p.h\"
#include \"private/object_creator_p.h\"

namespace QFB


    for variable in variables:
        if variable["type"] != "TODO" and variable[
                "type"] != "NO" and variable["type"] != "":
            if variable["name"] != "id" and variable["name"] != "name":
                splittedName = qfbtools.split(variable["name"])
                source += """/**
 * @internal
 * @brief """ + qfbtools.staticKey(splittedName, className) + """
static const char *""" + qfbtools.staticKey(splittedName, className) + " = "
                source += "\"" + variable["name"] + "\";\n"

    source += """

 * @internal
 * @short Private class for QFB::""" + className + """
class """ + className + """Private: public ObjectBasePrivate
     * @internal
     * @short Default constructor
    explicit """ + className + """Private();
    for variable in variables:
        if qfbtools.isPointer(variable["type"]) or variable["isList"]:
            splittedName = qfbtools.split(variable["name"])
            readableName = " ".join(splittedName)
            if variable["isList"]:
                readableName = "List of " + readableName
                readableName = readableName[0].upper() + readableName[1:]
            source += """    /**
     * @internal
     * @short """ + readableName + """
            if not variable["isList"]:
                source += "    " + variable["type"] + " " + qfbtools.camelCase(
                    splittedName) + ";\n"
                source += "    QList<" + variable[
                    "type"] + "> " + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName)
                source += ";\n"
    source += """};

""" + className + "Private::" + className + """Private():

////// End of private class //////


    source += className + "::" + className + """(QObject *parent):
    """ + baseClass + """(parent)


    source += className + "::" + className
    source += """(const QVariantMap propertiesMap, QObject *parent):
    """ + baseClass + """(*(new """ + className + """Private), parent)
    Q_D(""" + className + """);
    d->propertiesMap = propertiesMap;
    // >>>>> custom object creation code
    if implementationData.objectCreationCode != "":
        source += implementationData.objectCreationCode
        source += """    // TODO: check object creation
    // It was done automatically by a script

        for variable in variables:
            if qfbtools.isPointer(variable["type"]) or variable["isList"]:
                splittedName = qfbtools.split(variable["name"])
                source += "    // Create " + qfbtools.camelCase(
                    splittedName) + "\n"
                if not variable["isList"]:
                    source += "    QVariantMap " + qfbtools.camelCase(
                        splittedName) + "Data = "
                    source += "d->propertiesMap.take("
                    source += qfbtools.staticKey(splittedName,
                                                 className) + ")."
                    source += "toMap();\n"
                    source += "    d->" + qfbtools.camelCase(
                        splittedName) + " = createObject<"
                    source += variable["type"][:-1].strip()
                    source += ">(" + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName)
                    source += "Data, this);\n"
                    source += "    QVariantList " + qfbtools.camelCase(
                        splittedName) + "Data = "
                    source += "d->propertiesMap.take("
                    source += qfbtools.staticKey(splittedName,
                                                 className) + ")."
                    source += "toList();\n"
                    source += "    d->" + qfbtools.camelCase(
                        splittedName) + " = "
                    if variable["type"].strip() == "QString":
                        source += "createStringList"
                        source += "createList<"
                        source += variable["type"][:-1].strip() + ">"
                    source += "(" + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + "Data"
                    if variable["type"].strip() == "QString":
                        source += ");\n"
                        source += ", this);\n"

    source += """    // <<<<< custom object creation code

    for variable in variables:
        if variable["type"] != "TODO" and variable[
                "type"] != "NO" and variable["type"] != "":
            splittedName = qfbtools.split(variable["name"])
            if variable["name"] in implementationData.variablesCode:
                source += variable["type"] + " "
                source += className + "::" + qfbtools.camelCase(
                    splittedName) + """() const
    Q_D(const """ + className + """);
    // >>>>> property """ + variable["name"] + """
                source += implementationData.variablesCode[variable["name"]]
                source += """    // <<<<< property """ + variable["name"] + """


            elif variable["name"] != "id" and variable["name"] != "name":
                if variable["isList"]:
                    source += "QList<" + variable["type"] + "> "
                    source += variable["type"] + " "
                source += className + "::" + qfbtools.camelCase(
                    splittedName) + """() const
    Q_D(const """ + className + """);
    // >>>>> property """ + variable["name"] + """
                if variable["isList"]:
                    source += "    return d->" + qfbtools.camelCase(
                        splittedName) + ";\n"
                    if variable["type"] in knownTypes:
                        source += "    return d->propertiesMap.value("
                        source += qfbtools.staticKey(splittedName, className)
                        source += ")." + knownTypes[variable["type"]] + "();\n"
                    elif variable["type"] == "QUrl":
                        source += "    return parseUrl(d->propertiesMap.value("
                        source += qfbtools.staticKey(splittedName, className)
                        source += ").toString());\n"
                    elif qfbtools.isPointer(variable["type"]):
                        source += "    return d->" + qfbtools.camelCase(
                            splittedName) + ";\n"
                        source += "    // TODO: define the returned data\n"
                source += """    // <<<<< property """ + variable["name"] + """


    source += """
// >>>>> custom source code

    source += implementationData.sourceCode

    source += """// <<<<< custom source code


    sourceFile = open(className.lower() + ".cpp", "w")
Esempio n. 2
def createSource(className, includes, baseClass, variables, implementationData):
    source = copyright
    source += """
 * @file """ + className.lower() + """.cpp
 * @brief Implementation of QFB::""" + className + """

#include \"""" + className.lower() + """.h\"
#include \"private/helper_p.h\"
#include \"private/objectbase_p.h\"
#include \"private/object_creator_p.h\"

namespace QFB


    for variable in variables:
        if variable["type"] != "TODO" and variable["type"] != "NO" and variable["type"] != "":
            if variable["name"] != "id" and variable["name"] != "name":
                splittedName = qfbtools.split(variable["name"])
                source += """/**
 * @internal
 * @brief """ + qfbtools.staticKey(splittedName, className) + """
static const char *""" + qfbtools.staticKey(splittedName, className) + " = "
                source += "\"" + variable["name"] + "\";\n"

    source += """

 * @internal
 * @short Private class for QFB::""" + className + """
class """ + className + """Private: public ObjectBasePrivate
     * @internal
     * @short Default constructor
    explicit """ + className + """Private();
    for variable in variables:
        if qfbtools.isPointer(variable["type"]) or variable["isList"]:
            splittedName = qfbtools.split(variable["name"])
            readableName = " ".join(splittedName)
            if variable["isList"]:
                readableName = "List of " + readableName
                readableName = readableName[0].upper() + readableName[1:]
            source += """    /**
     * @internal
     * @short """ + readableName + """
            if not variable["isList"]:
                source += "    " + variable["type"] + " " + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + ";\n"
                source += "    QList<" + variable["type"] + "> " + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName)
                source += ";\n"
    source += """};

""" + className + "Private::" + className + """Private():

////// End of private class //////


    source += className + "::" + className + """(QObject *parent):
    """ + baseClass + """(parent)


    source += className + "::" + className
    source += """(const QVariantMap propertiesMap, QObject *parent):
    """ + baseClass + """(*(new """ +  className + """Private), parent)
    Q_D(""" + className + """);
    d->propertiesMap = propertiesMap;
    // >>>>> custom object creation code
    if implementationData.objectCreationCode != "":
        source += implementationData.objectCreationCode
        source += """    // TODO: check object creation
    // It was done automatically by a script

        for variable in variables:
            if qfbtools.isPointer(variable["type"]) or variable["isList"]:
                splittedName = qfbtools.split(variable["name"])
                source += "    // Create " + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + "\n"
                if not variable["isList"]:
                    source += "    QVariantMap " + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + "Data = "
                    source += "d->propertiesMap.take("
                    source += qfbtools.staticKey(splittedName, className) + ")."
                    source += "toMap();\n"
                    source += "    d->" + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + " = createObject<"
                    source += variable["type"][:-1].strip()
                    source += ">(" + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName)
                    source += "Data, this);\n"
                    source += "    QVariantList " + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + "Data = "
                    source += "d->propertiesMap.take("
                    source += qfbtools.staticKey(splittedName, className) + ")."
                    source += "toList();\n"
                    source += "    d->" + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + " = "
                    if variable["type"].strip() == "QString":
                        source += "createStringList"
                        source += "createList<"
                        source += variable["type"][:-1].strip() + ">"
                    source += "(" + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + "Data"
                    if variable["type"].strip() == "QString":
                        source += ");\n"
                        source += ", this);\n"

    source += """    // <<<<< custom object creation code

    for variable in variables:
        if variable["type"] != "TODO" and variable["type"] != "NO" and variable["type"] != "":
            splittedName = qfbtools.split(variable["name"])
            if variable["name"] in implementationData.variablesCode:
                source += variable["type"] + " "
                source +=  className + "::" + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + """() const
    Q_D(const """ + className + """);
    // >>>>> property """ + variable["name"] + """
                source += implementationData.variablesCode[variable["name"]]
                source += """    // <<<<< property """ + variable["name"] + """


            elif variable["name"] != "id" and variable["name"] != "name":
                if variable["isList"]:
                    source += "QList<" + variable["type"] + "> "
                    source += variable["type"] + " "
                source +=  className + "::" + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + """() const
    Q_D(const """ + className + """);
    // >>>>> property """ + variable["name"] + """
                if variable["isList"]:
                    source += "    return d->" + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + ";\n"
                    if variable["type"] in knownTypes:
                        source += "    return d->propertiesMap.value("
                        source += qfbtools.staticKey(splittedName, className)
                        source += ")." + knownTypes[variable["type"]] + "();\n"
                    elif variable["type"] == "QUrl":
                        source += "    return parseUrl(d->propertiesMap.value("
                        source += qfbtools.staticKey(splittedName, className)
                        source += ").toString());\n"
                    elif qfbtools.isPointer(variable["type"]):
                        source += "    return d->" + qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + ";\n"
                        source += "    // TODO: define the returned data\n"
                source += """    // <<<<< property """ + variable["name"] + """


    source += """
// >>>>> custom source code

    source += implementationData.sourceCode

    source += """// <<<<< custom source code


    sourceFile = open(className.lower() + ".cpp", "w")
Esempio n. 3
def createHeader(className, includes, baseClass, variables,
    header = copyright
    header += """
#ifndef QFB_""" + className.upper() + """_H
#define QFB_""" + className.upper() + """_H

 * @file """ + className.lower() + """.h
 * @brief Definition of QFB::""" + className + """

#include \"""" + baseClass.lower() + """.h\"
// >>>>> includes
    if implementationData.includes != "":
        header += implementationData.includes
        for include in includes:
            if include != "\"" + baseClass.lower() + ".h\"":
                header += "#include " + include + "\n"
    header += """// <<<<< includes

    aOrAn = "a"
    firstLetter = className[0].lower()
    isA = firstLetter == "a"
    isE = firstLetter == "e"
    isI = firstLetter == "i"
    isO = firstLetter == "o"
    isU = firstLetter == "u"
    if isA or isE or isI or isO or isU:
        aOrAn = "an"

    header += """namespace QFB {
class """ + className + """Private;
 * @short """ + aOrAn[0].upper() + aOrAn[1:] + " " + className.lower() + """
 * This class represents """ + aOrAn + " " + className.lower(
    ) + """ in Facebook.
 * Extending QFB::""" + baseClass + """, it contains a lot of properties
 * that can be accessed through
    for variable in variables:
        if variable["name"] != "id" and variable["name"] != "name":
            if variable["type"] != "TODO" and variable[
                    "type"] != "NO" and not variable["isList"]:
                header += " * - " + qfbtools.camelCase(
                    qfbtools.split(variable["name"])) + "()\n"
    header += """ *
 * Some of these fields might not be set, because of
 * users hiding them in their settings, or because of
 * missing permissions.
 * You can choose the fields you want using the "fields"
 * query parameter:
 * @code
 * fields=id,name
 * @endcode
 * These parameters should be added to the query that is used
 * to get """ + aOrAn + " " + className.lower() + """.

    missing = []
    for variable in variables:
        if variable["type"] == "TODO":
    if len(missing) > 0:
        header += """ *
 * @section missing Missing properties
 * Some fields such as """
        header += ", ".join(missing)
        header += """
 * are not yet implemented.
    no = []
    for variable in variables:
        if variable["type"] == "NO":
    if len(no) > 0:
        header += """ *
 * @section notImplemented Not implemented
 * Fields """
        header += ",".join(no)
        header += """
 * will not be implemented.
    header += """ */
class QFBBASE_EXPORT """ + className + """: public """ + baseClass + """
    for variable in variables:
        if variable["name"] != "id" and variable["name"] != "name":
            if variable["doc"] != "" and not variable["isList"]:
                splittedDoc = variable["doc"].split("\n")
                header += "    /**\n     * @short " + splittedDoc[0] + "\n"
                del splittedDoc[0]
                for docLine in splittedDoc:
                    header += "     * " + docLine + "\n"
                header += "     */\n"
            if variable["type"] == "TODO":
                header += "    /// @todo " + variable["name"] + "\n"
            elif variable["type"] == "NO":
                header += "    // " + variable[
                    "name"] + " will not be implemented\n"
            elif variable["type"] != "" and not variable["isList"]:
                header += "    Q_PROPERTY(" + variable["type"] + " "
                header += qfbtools.camelCase(qfbtools.split(variable["name"]))
                header += " READ " + qfbtools.camelCase(
                header += " CONSTANT)\n"

    header += "    // >>>>> custom header code\n"
    if implementationData.headerCode != "":
        header += implementationData.headerCode
    header += """    // <<<<< custom header code
     * @brief Invalid constructor
     * @param parent parent object.
    explicit """ + className + """(QObject *parent = 0);
     * @brief Default constructor
     * @param propertiesMap properties.
     * @param parent parent object.
    explicit """ + className + """(const QVariantMap propertiesMap, QObject *parent = 0);
    for variable in variables:
        if variable["type"] != "TODO" and variable[
                "type"] != "NO" and variable["type"] != "":
            if variable["name"] != "id" and variable["name"] != "name":
                splittedName = qfbtools.split(variable["name"])
                readableName = " ".join(splittedName)
                upperReadableName = readableName[0].upper() + readableName[1:]
                header += """    /**
     * @brief """ + upperReadableName + """
     * @return """ + readableName + """.
                if variable["isList"]:
                    header += "QList<" + variable["type"] + "> "
                    header += variable["type"] + " "
                header += qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + "() const;\n"

    header += """private:
    Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(""" + className + """)


Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QFB::""" + className + """ *)

#endif // QFB_""" + className.upper() + """_H

    headerFile = open(className.lower() + ".h", "w")
Esempio n. 4
def createHeader(className, includes, baseClass, variables, implementationData):
    header = copyright
    header += """
#ifndef QFB_""" + className.upper() + """_H
#define QFB_""" + className.upper() + """_H

 * @file """ + className.lower() + """.h
 * @brief Definition of QFB::""" + className + """

#include \"""" + baseClass.lower() + """.h\"
// >>>>> includes
    if implementationData.includes != "":
        header += implementationData.includes
        for include in includes:
            if include != "\"" + baseClass.lower() + ".h\"":
                header += "#include " + include + "\n"
    header += """// <<<<< includes

    aOrAn = "a"
    firstLetter = className[0].lower()
    isA = firstLetter == "a"
    isE = firstLetter == "e"
    isI = firstLetter == "i"
    isO = firstLetter == "o"
    isU = firstLetter == "u"
    if isA or isE or isI or isO or isU:
        aOrAn = "an"

    header += """namespace QFB {
class """ + className + """Private;
 * @short """ + aOrAn[0].upper() + aOrAn[1:] + " " + className.lower() + """
 * This class represents """ + aOrAn +  " " + className.lower() +  """ in Facebook.
 * Extending QFB::""" + baseClass +  """, it contains a lot of properties
 * that can be accessed through
    for variable in variables:
        if variable["name"] != "id" and variable["name"] != "name":
            if variable["type"] != "TODO" and variable["type"] != "NO" and not variable["isList"]:
                header += " * - " + qfbtools.camelCase(qfbtools.split(variable["name"])) + "()\n"
    header += """ *
 * Some of these fields might not be set, because of
 * users hiding them in their settings, or because of
 * missing permissions.
 * You can choose the fields you want using the "fields"
 * query parameter:
 * @code
 * fields=id,name
 * @endcode
 * These parameters should be added to the query that is used
 * to get """ + aOrAn + " " + className.lower() + """.

    missing = []
    for variable in variables:
        if variable["type"] == "TODO":
    if len(missing) > 0:
        header += """ *
 * @section missing Missing properties
 * Some fields such as """
        header += ", ".join(missing)
        header += """
 * are not yet implemented.
    no = []
    for variable in variables:
        if variable["type"] == "NO":
    if len(no) > 0:
        header += """ *
 * @section notImplemented Not implemented
 * Fields """
        header += ",".join(no)
        header += """
 * will not be implemented.
    header += """ */
class QFBBASE_EXPORT """ + className + """: public """ + baseClass + """
    for variable in variables:
        if variable["name"] != "id" and variable["name"] != "name":
            if variable["doc"] != "" and not variable["isList"]:
                splittedDoc = variable["doc"].split("\n")
                header += "    /**\n     * @short " + splittedDoc[0] + "\n"
                del splittedDoc[0]
                for docLine in splittedDoc:
                    header += "     * " + docLine + "\n"
                header += "     */\n"
            if variable["type"] == "TODO":
                header += "    /// @todo " + variable["name"] + "\n"
            elif variable["type"] == "NO":
                header += "    // " + variable["name"] + " will not be implemented\n"
            elif variable["type"] != "" and not variable["isList"]:
                header += "    Q_PROPERTY(" + variable["type"] + " "
                header += qfbtools.camelCase(qfbtools.split(variable["name"]))
                header += " READ " + qfbtools.camelCase(qfbtools.split(variable["name"]))
                header += " CONSTANT)\n"

    header += "    // >>>>> custom header code\n"
    if implementationData.headerCode != "":
        header += implementationData.headerCode
    header += """    // <<<<< custom header code
     * @brief Invalid constructor
     * @param parent parent object.
    explicit """ + className + """(QObject *parent = 0);
     * @brief Default constructor
     * @param propertiesMap properties.
     * @param parent parent object.
    explicit """ + className + """(const QVariantMap propertiesMap, QObject *parent = 0);
    for variable in variables:
        if variable["type"] != "TODO" and variable["type"] != "NO" and variable["type"] != "":
            if variable["name"] != "id" and variable["name"] != "name":
                splittedName = qfbtools.split(variable["name"])
                readableName = " ".join(splittedName)
                upperReadableName = readableName[0].upper() + readableName[1:]
                header += """    /**
     * @brief """ + upperReadableName + """
     * @return """ + readableName + """.
                if variable["isList"]:
                    header += "QList<" + variable["type"] + "> "
                    header += variable["type"] + " "
                header += qfbtools.camelCase(splittedName) + "() const;\n"

    header += """private:
    Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(""" + className + """)


Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QFB::""" + className + """ *)

#endif // QFB_""" + className.upper() + """_H

    headerFile = open(className.lower() + ".h", "w")