def setLabel(self, stateLayer, isInternational): ''' Sets label rules for layer in localization component ''' # Getting base rule root = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(QgsPalLayerSettings()) # Creating Rule settings = QgsPalLayerSettings() if isInternational: settings.fieldName = 'concat(upper("nome"), \' - \', upper("SIGLA_PAIS"))' else: settings.fieldName = 'upper("nome")' settings.placement = QgsPalLayerSettings.Horizontal settings.centroidInside = True settings.isExpression = True textFormat = QgsTextFormat() textFormat.setColor(QColor(0, 0, 0, 255)) textFormat.setSize(6) settings.setFormat(textFormat) # Add rule to root and apply to stateLayer rule = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(settings) rule.setActive(True) root.appendChild(rule) rules = QgsRuleBasedLabeling(root) stateLayer.setLabeling(rules) stateLayer.setLabelsEnabled(True) stateLayer.triggerRepaint()
def setStyles(self, layerCounty, orderedCountiesByCentroidDistance, orderedCountiesNamesByArea): rulesRoot = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(QgsPalLayerSettings()) for n in range(len(orderedCountiesNamesByArea)): rule = self.createRules( f"'{n+1}'", f'"{self.nameAttribute}" = \'{orderedCountiesByCentroidDistance[n][self.nameAttribute]}\'') rulesRoot.appendChild(rule) rules = QgsRuleBasedLabeling(rulesRoot) layerCounty.setLabeling(rules) layerCounty.setLabelsEnabled(True) layerCounty.triggerRepaint()
def utmGridlabelPlacer(self, root_rule, grid_spacing, geo_bound_bb, bound_UTM_bb, geo_number_x, geo_number_y, UTM_num_x, UTM_num_y, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, dx, dy, dy0, dy1, fSize, fontType, scale, utmcheck, geo_bb_or): xmin_source = float(geo_bound_bb.split()[1]) ymin_source = float(geo_bound_bb.split()[2]) xmax_source = float(geo_bound_bb.split()[3]) ymax_source = float(geo_bound_bb.split()[4]) xmin_UTM = float(bound_UTM_bb.split()[1]) ymin_UTM = float(bound_UTM_bb.split()[2]) xmax_UTM = float(bound_UTM_bb.split()[3]) ymax_UTM = float(bound_UTM_bb.split()[4]) px = (xmax_source-xmin_source)/(geo_number_x+1) py = (ymax_source-ymin_source)/(geo_number_y+1) if grid_spacing > 0: # Bottom ruletest = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(QgsPalLayerSettings()) ruletest = self.utm_grid_labeler (ruletest, xmin_UTM, ymin_UTM, 0, ymin_source, px, py, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, 1, True, 0, dy[1]+0.4*(scale)*fSize/1.5, dy0[1]+0.4*(scale)*fSize/1.5, 0, 'Top', 'Center', 'UTMBotTest', fSize, fontType, grid_spacing, scale, utmcheck, geo_bound_bb, range(1), geo_bb_or) rulechild = ruletest.children()[0] if rulechild.settings().fieldName == 'fail': rangeUD = range(2, UTM_num_x+1) else: rangeUD = range(1, UTM_num_x+1) for u in rangeUD: root_rule = self.utm_grid_labeler (root_rule, xmin_UTM, ymin_UTM, 0, ymin_source, px, py, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, u, True, 0, dy[1]+0.4*(scale)*fSize/1.5, dy0[1]+0.4*(scale)*fSize/1.5, 0, 'Top', 'Center', 'UTMBot'+str(u), fSize, fontType, grid_spacing, scale, utmcheck, geo_bound_bb, rangeUD, geo_bb_or) # Upper rangeUD = range(1, UTM_num_x+1) for u in rangeUD: root_rule = self.utm_grid_labeler (root_rule, xmin_UTM, ymax_UTM, 0, ymax_source, px, py, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, u, True, 0, dy[0]-1.3*(scale)*fSize/1.5, dy0[0]-1.3*(scale)*fSize/1.5, 0, 'Bottom', 'Center', 'UTMUp'+str(u), fSize, fontType, grid_spacing, scale, utmcheck, geo_bound_bb, rangeUD, geo_bb_or) # Left ruletest = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(QgsPalLayerSettings()) ruletest = self.utm_grid_labeler (ruletest, xmin_UTM, ymin_UTM, xmin_source, 0, px, py, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, 1, False, dx[2]-3.1*scale*fSize/1.5, dy[3], dy0[3], dy1[1], 'Bottom', 'Center', 'UTMLeftTest', fSize, fontType, grid_spacing, scale, utmcheck, geo_bound_bb, range(1), geo_bb_or) rulechild = ruletest.children()[0] if rulechild.settings().fieldName == 'fail': rangeLat = range(2, UTM_num_y+1) else: rangeLat = range(1, UTM_num_y+1) for u in rangeLat: if u==min(rangeLat): extra_dist = -2.0*scale*fSize/1.5 else: extra_dist = 0 root_rule = self.utm_grid_labeler (root_rule, xmin_UTM, ymin_UTM, xmin_source, 0, px, py, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, u, False, dx[2]+extra_dist, dy[3], dy0[3], dy1[1], 'Bottom', 'Center', 'UTMLeft'+str(u), fSize, fontType, grid_spacing, scale, utmcheck, geo_bound_bb, rangeLat, geo_bb_or) # Right rangeLat = range(1, UTM_num_y+1) for u in rangeLat: root_rule = self.utm_grid_labeler (root_rule, xmax_UTM, ymin_UTM, xmax_source, 0, px, py, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, u, False, dx[3], dy[3], dy0[3], dy1[1], '', 'Center', 'UTMRight'+str(1), fSize, fontType, grid_spacing, scale, utmcheck, geo_bound_bb, rangeLat, geo_bb_or) return root_rule
def reset(self, layer): layer_rst = layer properties = {'color': 'black'} grid_symb = QgsFillSymbol.createSimple(properties) symb_out = QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayer() symb_out.setFillColor(QColor('white')) grid_symb.changeSymbolLayer(0, symb_out) render_base = QgsSingleSymbolRenderer(grid_symb) layer_rst.setRenderer(render_base) root_rule = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(QgsPalLayerSettings()) rules = QgsRuleBasedLabeling(root_rule) layer_rst.setLabeling(rules) layer_rst.setLabelsEnabled(False) layer_rst.triggerRepaint() return
def geoGridlabelPlacer(self, geo_bound_bb, geo_number_x, geo_number_y, dx, dy, fSize, LLfontType, trLLUTM, trUTMLL, llcolor, utmcheck, scale): xmin_source = float(geo_bound_bb.split()[1]) ymin_source = float(geo_bound_bb.split()[2]) xmax_source = float(geo_bound_bb.split()[3]) ymax_source = float(geo_bound_bb.split()[4]) px = (xmax_source-xmin_source)/(geo_number_x+1) py = (ymax_source-ymin_source)/(geo_number_y+1) root_rule = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(QgsPalLayerSettings()) #Upper for u in range(0, geo_number_x+2): if u ==0: ruletemp = self.grid_labeler (xmin_source, ymax_source, px, py, u, 0, dx[2], dy[0], '', 'Center', 'Up '+str(u+1), fSize, LLfontType, str(self.conv_dec_gms(xmin_source, px, u, 'W', 'E'))+'+\'. GREENWICH\'', trLLUTM, trUTMLL, llcolor, utmcheck, scale) root_rule.appendChild(ruletemp) else: ruletemp = self.grid_labeler (xmin_source, ymax_source, px, py, u, 0, 0, dy[0], '', 'Center', 'Up '+str(u+1), fSize, LLfontType, self.conv_dec_gms(xmin_source, px, u, 'W', 'E'), trLLUTM, trUTMLL, llcolor, utmcheck, scale) root_rule.appendChild(ruletemp) #Bottom for b in range(0, geo_number_x+2): ruletemp = self.grid_labeler (xmin_source, ymin_source, px, py, b, 0, 0, dy[1], '', 'Center', 'Bot '+str(b+1), fSize, LLfontType, self.conv_dec_gms(xmin_source, px, b, 'W', 'E'), trLLUTM, trUTMLL, llcolor, utmcheck, scale) root_rule.appendChild(ruletemp) #Right for r in range(0, geo_number_y+2): ruletemp = self.grid_labeler (xmax_source, ymin_source, px, py, 0, r, dx[0], 0, 'Half', '', 'Right '+str(r+1), fSize, LLfontType, self.conv_dec_gms(ymin_source, py, r, 'S', 'N'), trLLUTM, trUTMLL, llcolor, utmcheck, scale) root_rule.appendChild(ruletemp) #Left for l in range(0, geo_number_y+2): ruletemp = self.grid_labeler (xmin_source, ymin_source, px, py, 0, l, dx[1], 0, 'Half', '', 'Left '+str(l+1), fSize, LLfontType, self.conv_dec_gms(ymin_source, py, l, 'S', 'N'), trLLUTM, trUTMLL, llcolor, utmcheck, scale) root_rule.appendChild(ruletemp) return root_rule
def convert_annotation_collection( collection: AnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection, dest_layer: QgsVectorLayer, context): """ Converts an annotation collection to QGIS labeling """ if collection is None: return if len( ) == 1 and not[0].class_filter: # one label class, use simple labeling properties =[0] label_settings = LabelConverter.convert_label_engine_layer_properties( properties, layer_geometry_type=dest_layer.geometryType(), context=context) label_settings.drawLabels = properties.label_features labeling = QgsVectorLayerSimpleLabeling(label_settings) dest_layer.setLabeling(labeling) else: # multiple classes, use rule-based labeling root_rule = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(None) for p in label_settings = LabelConverter.convert_label_engine_layer_properties( p, layer_geometry_type=dest_layer.geometryType(), context=context) zoom_max = p.scale_range_min zoom_min = p.scale_range_max if zoom_max and zoom_min and zoom_max > zoom_min: zoom_min, zoom_max = zoom_max, zoom_min rule = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule( label_settings, zoom_max, zoom_min, ExpressionConverter.convert_esri_sql(p.class_filter), p.class_name) rule.setActive(p.label_features) root_rule.appendChild(rule) labeling = QgsRuleBasedLabeling(root_rule) dest_layer.setLabeling(labeling)
def geoGridlabelPlacer(self, extentsGeo, px, py, geo_number_x, geo_number_y, dx, dy, fSize, LLfontType, trLLUTM, llcolor, scale, layer_bound, trUTMLL): root_rule = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(QgsPalLayerSettings()) #Upper for u in range(0, geo_number_x + 2): if u == 0: ruletemp = self.grid_labeler( extentsGeo[0], extentsGeo[3], px, py, u, 0, dx[2], dy[0], 'Up ' + str(u + 1), fSize, LLfontType, str( self.conv_dec_gms(extentsGeo[0], u, 'W', 'E', extentsGeo, True, geo_number_x, geo_number_y)) + '+\'. GREENWICH\'', trLLUTM, llcolor, layer_bound, trUTMLL) root_rule.appendChild(ruletemp) else: ruletemp = self.grid_labeler( extentsGeo[0], extentsGeo[3], px, py, u, 0, dx[3], dy[0], 'Up ' + str(u + 1), fSize, LLfontType, self.conv_dec_gms(extentsGeo[0], u, 'W', 'E', extentsGeo, True, geo_number_x, geo_number_y), trLLUTM, llcolor, layer_bound, trUTMLL) root_rule.appendChild(ruletemp) #Bottom for b in range(0, geo_number_x + 2): ruletemp = self.grid_labeler( extentsGeo[0], extentsGeo[1], px, py, b, 0, dx[3], dy[1], 'Bot ' + str(b + 1), fSize, LLfontType, self.conv_dec_gms(extentsGeo[0], b, 'W', 'E', extentsGeo, True, geo_number_x, geo_number_y), trLLUTM, llcolor, layer_bound, trUTMLL) root_rule.appendChild(ruletemp) #Right for r in range(0, geo_number_y + 2): ruletemp = self.grid_labeler( extentsGeo[2], extentsGeo[1], px, py, 0, r, dx[0], dy[2], 'Right ' + str(r + 1), fSize, LLfontType, self.conv_dec_gms(extentsGeo[1], r, 'S', 'N', extentsGeo, False, geo_number_x, geo_number_y), trLLUTM, llcolor, layer_bound, trUTMLL) root_rule.appendChild(ruletemp) #Left for l in range(0, geo_number_y + 2): ruletemp = self.grid_labeler( extentsGeo[0], extentsGeo[1], px, py, 0, l, dx[1], dy[3], 'Left ' + str(l + 1), fSize, LLfontType, self.conv_dec_gms(extentsGeo[1], l, 'S', 'N', extentsGeo, False, geo_number_x, geo_number_y), trLLUTM, llcolor, layer_bound, trUTMLL) root_rule.appendChild(ruletemp) return root_rule
def grid_labeler(self, coord_base_x, coord_base_y, px, py, u, t, dx, dy, vAlign, hAlign, desc, fSize, fontType, expression_str, trLLUTM, trUTMLL, llcolor, utmcheck, scale): if utmcheck: pgrid = QgsPoint(coord_base_x + px * u, coord_base_y + py * t) pgrid.transform(trLLUTM) pgrid = QgsPoint(pgrid.x() + dx, pgrid.y() + dy) else: pgrid = QgsPoint(coord_base_x + px * u + dx, coord_base_y + py * t + dy) #Label Format Settings settings = QgsPalLayerSettings() settings.Placement = QgsPalLayerSettings.Free settings.isExpression = True textprop = QgsTextFormat() textprop.setColor(llcolor) textprop.setSizeUnit(1) textprop.setSize(fSize * scale * 1.324) textprop.setFont(QFont(fontType)) textprop.setLineHeight(1) settings.setFormat(textprop) settings.fieldName = expression_str #Label Name and Position datadefined = QgsPropertyCollection() datadefined.setProperty(9, pgrid.x()) datadefined.setProperty(10, pgrid.y()) if not (hAlign == ''): datadefined.setProperty(11, hAlign) if not (vAlign == ''): datadefined.setProperty(12, vAlign) datadefined.setProperty(20, 1) #Creating and Activating Labeling Rule settings.setDataDefinedProperties(datadefined) rule = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(settings) rule.setDescription(desc) rule.setActive(True) return rule
def grid_labeler(self, coord_base_x, coord_base_y, px, py, u, t, dx, dy, desc, fSize, fontType, expression_str, trLLUTM, llcolor, layer_bound, trUTMLL): pgrid = QgsPoint(coord_base_x + px * u, coord_base_y + py * t) pgrid.transform(trLLUTM) pgrid = QgsPoint(pgrid.x() + dx, pgrid.y() + dy) if == True: pgrid.transform(trUTMLL) #Label Format Settings settings = QgsPalLayerSettings() settings.placement = 1 settings.isExpression = True textprop = QgsTextFormat() textprop.setColor(llcolor) textprop.setSizeUnit(4) textprop.setSize(fSize * 2.8346) textprop.setFont(QFont(fontType)) textprop.setLineHeight(1) settings.setFormat(textprop) settings.fieldName = expression_str #Label Position settings.geometryGeneratorEnabled = True settings.geometryGenerator = ("make_point({}, {})".format( pgrid.x(), pgrid.y())) datadefined = QgsPropertyCollection()'True')'True')'2') #Creating and Activating Labeling Rule settings.setDataDefinedProperties(datadefined) rule = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(settings) rule.setDescription(desc) rule.setActive(True) return rule
def createRules(self, label, expression): ''' Returns a QgsRuleBasedLabeling based on label and expression ''' settings = QgsPalLayerSettings() settings.fieldName = label settings.Placement = QgsPalLayerSettings.OverPoint settings.centroidInside = True settings.isExpression = True textFormat = QgsTextFormat() textFormat.setColor(QColor(0, 0, 0, 255)) textFormat.setSize(6) textBuffer = QgsTextBufferSettings() textBuffer.setColor(QColor(255, 255, 255, 255)) textBuffer.setSize(0.4) textBuffer.setEnabled(True) textFormat.setBuffer(textBuffer) settings.setFormat(textFormat) rule = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(settings) rule.setFilterExpression(expression) rule.setActive(True) return rule
def styleCreator(self, feature_geometry, layer_bound, utmSRID, id_attr, id_value, spacing, crossX, crossY, scale, fontSize, font, fontLL, llcolor, linwidth_geo, linwidth_utm, linwidth_buffer_geo, linwidth_buffer_utm, geo_grid_color, utm_grid_color, geo_grid_buffer_color, utm_grid_buffer_color, masks_check): """Getting Input Data For Grid Generation""" linwidth_buffer_utm += linwidth_utm linwidth_buffer_geo += linwidth_geo grid_spacing = spacing geo_number_x = crossX geo_number_y = crossY fSize = fontSize fontType = font LLfontType = fontLL #Defining CRSs Transformations trLLUTM = QgsCoordinateTransform( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:4326'), QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:' + str(utmSRID)), QgsProject.instance()) trUTMLL = QgsCoordinateTransform( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:' + str(utmSRID)), QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:4326'), QgsProject.instance()) #Transforming to Geographic and defining bounding boxes feature_bbox = feature_geometry.boundingBox() bound_UTM_bb = str(feature_bbox).replace(',', '').replace('>', '') feature_geometry.transform(trUTMLL) feature_geo_bbox = feature_geometry.boundingBox() feature_bbox_or = feature_geometry.orientedMinimumBoundingBox() geo_bound_bb = str(feature_geo_bbox).replace(',', '').replace('>', '') oriented_geo_bb = str(feature_bbox_or).replace(',', '').replace( '>', '').replace('((', '').replace('))', '') #Defining UTM Grid Symbology Type properties = {'color': 'black'} grid_symb = QgsFillSymbol.createSimple(properties) """ Creating UTM Grid """ extentsUTM = (float(bound_UTM_bb.split()[1]), float(bound_UTM_bb.split()[2]), float(bound_UTM_bb.split()[3]), float(bound_UTM_bb.split()[4])) extentsGeo = (float(geo_bound_bb.split()[1]), float(geo_bound_bb.split()[2]), float(geo_bound_bb.split()[3]), float(geo_bound_bb.split()[4])) if grid_spacing > 0: UTM_num_x = floor(extentsUTM[2] / grid_spacing) - floor( extentsUTM[0] / grid_spacing) UTM_num_y = floor(extentsUTM[3] / grid_spacing) - floor( extentsUTM[1] / grid_spacing) if linwidth_buffer_utm != linwidth_utm: #Generating Buffer Vertical Lines for x in range(1, UTM_num_x + 1): grid_symb = self.utm_Symb_Generator( utmSRID, grid_spacing, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, grid_symb, properties, UTM_num_x, UTM_num_y, x, 0, extentsGeo, extentsUTM, linwidth_buffer_utm, utm_grid_buffer_color) #Generating Buffer Horizontal Lines for y in range(1, UTM_num_y + 1): grid_symb = self.utm_Symb_Generator( utmSRID, grid_spacing, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, grid_symb, properties, UTM_num_x, UTM_num_y, 0, y, extentsGeo, extentsUTM, linwidth_buffer_utm, utm_grid_buffer_color) #Generating Vertical Lines for x in range(1, UTM_num_x + 1): grid_symb = self.utm_Symb_Generator( utmSRID, grid_spacing, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, grid_symb, properties, UTM_num_x, UTM_num_y, x, 0, extentsGeo, extentsUTM, linwidth_utm, utm_grid_color) #Generating Horizontal Lines for y in range(1, UTM_num_y + 1): grid_symb = self.utm_Symb_Generator( utmSRID, grid_spacing, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, grid_symb, properties, UTM_num_x, UTM_num_y, 0, y, extentsGeo, extentsUTM, linwidth_utm, utm_grid_color) """ Creating Geo Grid """ px = (round(extentsGeo[2], 6) - round(extentsGeo[0], 6)) / (geo_number_x + 1) py = (round(extentsGeo[3], 6) - round(extentsGeo[1], 6)) / (geo_number_y + 1) if linwidth_buffer_geo != linwidth_geo: grid_symb = self.geoGridcreator(utmSRID, grid_symb, extentsGeo, px, py, geo_number_x, geo_number_y, scale, trLLUTM, linwidth_buffer_geo, geo_grid_buffer_color) grid_symb = self.geoGridcreator(utmSRID, grid_symb, extentsGeo, px, py, geo_number_x, geo_number_y, scale, trLLUTM, linwidth_geo, geo_grid_color) """ Rendering UTM and Geographic Grid """ #Changing UTM Grid Color grid_symb.deleteSymbolLayer(0) #Creating Rule Based Renderer (Rule For The Selected Feature, Root Rule) symb_new = QgsRuleBasedRenderer.Rule(grid_symb) symb_new.setFilterExpression('\"' + str(id_attr) + '\" = ' + str(id_value)) symb_new.setLabel('layer') #Appending rules to symbol root rule root_symbol_rule = QgsRuleBasedRenderer.Rule(None) root_symbol_rule.setFilterExpression('') root_symbol_rule.appendChild(symb_new) #Applying New Renderer render_base = QgsRuleBasedRenderer(root_symbol_rule) layer_bound.setRenderer(render_base) """Rendering outside area""" #Duplicating original layer layers_names = [ for i in QgsProject.instance().mapLayers().values() ] if ( + "_outside") not in layers_names: outside_bound_layer = QgsVectorLayer( layer_bound.source(), + "_outside", layer_bound.providerType()) if layer_bound.providerType() == 'memory': feats = [feat for feat in layer_bound.getFeatures()] outside_bound_layer_data = outside_bound_layer.dataProvider() outside_bound_layer_data.addFeatures(feats) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(outside_bound_layer) else: outside_bound_layer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName( + "_outside")[0] #Creating Rule Based Renderer (Rule For The Other Features) properties = {'color': 'white'} ext_grid_symb = QgsFillSymbol.createSimple(properties) symb_out = QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayer() symb_out.setFillColor(QColor('white')) symb_out.setStrokeWidth(linwidth_utm) ext_grid_symb.changeSymbolLayer(0, symb_out) rule_out = QgsRuleBasedRenderer.Rule(ext_grid_symb) rule_out.setFilterExpression('\"' + str(id_attr) + '\" = ' + str(id_value)) rule_out.setLabel('outside') root_symbol_rule_out = QgsRuleBasedRenderer.Rule(None) root_symbol_rule_out.appendChild(rule_out) render_base_out = QgsRuleBasedRenderer(root_symbol_rule_out) new_renderer = QgsInvertedPolygonRenderer.convertFromRenderer( render_base_out) outside_bound_layer.setRenderer(new_renderer) """ Labeling Geo Grid """ dx = [2.0, -11.0, -8.0, -3.6] dx = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dx] dy = [1.7, -3.8, -0.8, -0.8] dy = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dy] root_rule = self.geoGridlabelPlacer(extentsGeo, px, py, geo_number_x, geo_number_y, dx, dy, fSize, LLfontType, trLLUTM, llcolor, scale, layer_bound, trUTMLL) """ Labeling UTM Grid""" dx = [-2.9, -2.9, -8.9, 2.0] dx = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dx] dy = [1.4, -4.6, -0.5, -1.5] dy = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dy] dy0 = [5.0, -7.2, -3.2, -4.2] dy0 = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dy0] dy1 = [2.15, 1.2] dy1 = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dy1] root_rule = self.utmGridlabelPlacer(root_rule, grid_spacing, extentsGeo, extentsUTM, px, py, UTM_num_x, UTM_num_y, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, dx, dy, dy0, dy1, fSize, fontType, scale, oriented_geo_bb, layer_bound) """ Activating Labels """ rules = QgsRuleBasedLabeling(root_rule) layer_bound.setLabeling(rules) layer_bound.setLabelsEnabled(True) if masks_check: self.apply_masks(layer_bound) layer_bound.triggerRepaint() return
def utmGridlabelPlacer(self, root_rule, grid_spacing, extentsGeo, extentsUTM, px, py, UTM_num_x, UTM_num_y, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, dx, dy, dy0, dy1, fSize, fontType, scale, geo_bb_or, layer_bound): if grid_spacing > 0: # Bottom ruletest = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(QgsPalLayerSettings()) ruletest = self.utm_grid_labeler( ruletest, extentsUTM[0], extentsUTM[1], 0, extentsGeo[1], extentsGeo[0], extentsGeo[1], px, py, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, 1, True, dx[0], dy[1], dy0[1], 0, 'UTMBotTest', fSize, fontType, grid_spacing, scale, range(1), geo_bb_or, layer_bound) rulechild = ruletest.children()[0] if rulechild.settings().fieldName == 'fail': rangeUD = range(2, UTM_num_x + 1) else: rangeUD = range(1, UTM_num_x + 1) for u in rangeUD: root_rule = self.utm_grid_labeler( root_rule, extentsUTM[0], extentsUTM[1], 0, extentsGeo[1], extentsGeo[0], extentsGeo[1], px, py, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, u, True, dx[0], dy[1], dy0[1] + 0.4 * (scale) * fSize / 1.5, 0, 'UTMBot' + str(u), fSize, fontType, grid_spacing, scale, rangeUD, geo_bb_or, layer_bound) # Upper rangeUD = range(1, UTM_num_x + 1) for u in rangeUD: root_rule = self.utm_grid_labeler( root_rule, extentsUTM[0], extentsUTM[3], 0, extentsGeo[3], extentsGeo[0], extentsGeo[1], px, py, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, u, True, dx[1], dy[0], dy0[0] - 1.3 * (scale) * fSize / 1.5, 0, 'UTMUp' + str(u), fSize, fontType, grid_spacing, scale, rangeUD, geo_bb_or, layer_bound) # Left ruletest = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(QgsPalLayerSettings()) ruletest = self.utm_grid_labeler( ruletest, extentsUTM[0], extentsUTM[1], extentsGeo[0], 0, extentsGeo[0], extentsGeo[1], px, py, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, 1, False, dx[2], dy[3], dy0[3], dy1[1], 'UTMLeftTest', fSize, fontType, grid_spacing, scale, range(1), geo_bb_or, layer_bound) rulechild = ruletest.children()[0] if rulechild.settings().fieldName == 'fail': rangeLat = range(2, UTM_num_y + 1) else: rangeLat = range(1, UTM_num_y + 1) for u in rangeLat: if u == min(rangeLat): extra_dist = -3.2 * scale * fSize / 1.5 else: extra_dist = 0 root_rule = self.utm_grid_labeler( root_rule, extentsUTM[0], extentsUTM[1], extentsGeo[0], 0, extentsGeo[0], extentsGeo[1], px, py, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, u, False, dx[2] + extra_dist, dy[3], dy0[3], dy1[1], 'UTMLeft' + str(u), fSize, fontType, grid_spacing, scale, rangeLat, geo_bb_or, layer_bound) # Right rangeLat = range(1, UTM_num_y + 1) for u in rangeLat: root_rule = self.utm_grid_labeler( root_rule, extentsUTM[2], extentsUTM[1], extentsGeo[2], 0, extentsGeo[0], extentsGeo[1], px, py, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, u, False, dx[3], dy[3], dy0[3], dy1[1], 'UTMRight' + str(1), fSize, fontType, grid_spacing, scale, rangeLat, geo_bb_or, layer_bound) return root_rule
def styleCreator(self, layer, index, id_attr, id_value, spacing, crossX, crossY, scale, color, fontSize, font, fontLL, llcolor, utmcheck): """Getting Input Data For Grid Generation""" grid_spacing = spacing geo_number_x = crossX geo_number_y = crossY fSize = fontSize fontType = font LLfontType = fontLL #Loading feature layer_bound = layer query = '"' + str(id_attr) + '"=' + str(id_value) layer_bound.selectByExpression(query, QgsVectorLayer.SelectBehavior(0)) feature_bound = layer_bound.selectedFeatures()[0] layer_bound.removeSelection() #Getting Feature Source CRS and Geometry if utmcheck: feature_geometry = feature_bound.geometry() bound_UTM = feature_bbox = feature_geometry.boundingBox() bound_UTM_bb = str(feature_bbox).replace(',', '').replace('>', '') # Transforming to Geographic transform_feature = QgsCoordinateTransform( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(bound_UTM), QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:4674'), QgsProject.instance()) feature_geometry.transform(transform_feature) bound_sourcecrs = 'EPSG:4674' feature_bbox = feature_geometry.boundingBox() feature_bbox_or = feature_geometry.orientedMinimumBoundingBox() else: feature_geometry = feature_bound.geometry() bound_sourcecrs = feature_bbox = feature_geometry.boundingBox() feature_bbox_or = feature_geometry.orientedMinimumBoundingBox() geo_bound_bb = str(feature_bbox).replace(',', '').replace('>', '') oriented_geo_bb = str(feature_bbox_or).replace(',', '').replace( '>', '').replace('((', '').replace('))', '') #Defining CRSs Transformations inom = feature_bound[index] if inom[0] == 'N': bound_UTM = 'EPSG:319' + str(72 + int(inom[3:5]) - 18) elif inom[0] == 'S': bound_UTM = 'EPSG:319' + str(78 + int(inom[3:5]) - 18) else: iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Error", "Invalid index attribute", level=Qgis.Critical) return trLLUTM = QgsCoordinateTransform( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(bound_sourcecrs), QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(bound_UTM), QgsProject.instance()) trUTMLL = QgsCoordinateTransform( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(bound_UTM), QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(bound_sourcecrs), QgsProject.instance()) #Defining UTM Grid Symbology Type renderer = layer.renderer() properties = {'color': 'black'} grid_symb = QgsFillSymbol.createSimple(properties) symb_out = QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayer() symb_out.setStrokeColor(QColor('black')) symb_out.setFillColor(QColor('white')) symb_out.setStrokeWidth(0.05) """ Creating UTM Grid """ if not utmcheck: geo_UTM = feature_bound.geometry() geo_UTM.transform(trLLUTM) bound_UTM_bb = str(geo_UTM.boundingBox()).replace(',', '').replace( '>', '') xmin_UTM = float(bound_UTM_bb.split()[1]) ymin_UTM = float(bound_UTM_bb.split()[2]) xmax_UTM = float(bound_UTM_bb.split()[3]) ymax_UTM = float(bound_UTM_bb.split()[4]) if grid_spacing > 0: UTM_num_x = floor(xmax_UTM / grid_spacing) - floor( xmin_UTM / grid_spacing) UTM_num_y = floor(ymax_UTM / grid_spacing) - floor( ymin_UTM / grid_spacing) #Generating Vertical Lines for x in range(1, UTM_num_x + 1): grid_symb = self.utm_symb_generator( grid_spacing, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, grid_symb, properties, geo_number_x, geo_number_y, UTM_num_x, UTM_num_y, x, 0, geo_bound_bb, bound_UTM_bb, utmcheck) #Generating Horizontal Lines for y in range(1, UTM_num_y + 1): grid_symb = self.utm_symb_generator( grid_spacing, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, grid_symb, properties, geo_number_x, geo_number_y, UTM_num_x, UTM_num_y, 0, y, geo_bound_bb, bound_UTM_bb, utmcheck) """ Creating Geo Grid """ grid_symb = self.geoGridcreator(grid_symb, geo_bound_bb, geo_number_x, geo_number_y, scale, utmcheck, trLLUTM) """ Rendering UTM and Geographic Grid """ #Changing UTM Grid Color grid_symb.setColor(color) grid_symb.changeSymbolLayer(0, symb_out) #Creating Rule Based Renderer (Rule For The Other Features) properties = {'color': 'white'} ext_grid_symb = QgsFillSymbol.createSimple(properties) symb_ot = QgsRuleBasedRenderer.Rule(ext_grid_symb) symb_ot.setFilterExpression('\"' + str(id_attr) + '\" <> ' + str(id_value)) symb_ot.setLabel('other') #Creating Rule Based Renderer (Rule For The Selected Feature, Root Rule) symb_new = QgsRuleBasedRenderer.Rule(grid_symb) symb_new.setFilterExpression('\"' + str(id_attr) + '\" = ' + str(id_value)) symb_new.setLabel('layer') symb_new.appendChild(symb_ot) #Applying New Renderer render_base = QgsRuleBasedRenderer(symb_new) new_renderer = QgsInvertedPolygonRenderer.convertFromRenderer( render_base) layer_bound.setRenderer(new_renderer) """ Labeling Geo Grid """ if utmcheck: dx = [ 2 * scale * fSize / 1.5, -13.6 * scale * fSize / 1.5, 6 * scale * fSize / 1.5 ] dy = [1.7 * scale * fSize / 1.5, -3.8 * scale * fSize / 1.5] else: dx = [0.000018 * scale, -0.000120 * scale, 0.00005 * scale] dy = [0.000015 * scale, -0.000040 * scale] root_rule = self.geoGridlabelPlacer(geo_bound_bb, geo_number_x, geo_number_y, dx, dy, fSize, LLfontType, trLLUTM, trUTMLL, llcolor, utmcheck, scale) """ Labeling UTM Grid""" if utmcheck: dx = [-2.7, -9.7, -6.2, 5.4] dx = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dx] dy = [2.5, -1.7, -0.5, -1.5] dy = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dy] dy0 = [5.45, -4.8, -3.2, -4.2] dy0 = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dy0] dy1 = [2.15, 1.2] dy1 = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dy1] else: dx = [-0.00003, -0.000107, -0.000070, 0.000060] dx = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dx] dy = [0.000027, 0.000016, -0.000041, -0.000052] dy = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dy] dy0 = [0.0000644, 0.000053, -0.000076, -0.000087] dy0 = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dy0] dy1 = [0.000032, 0.000020] dy1 = [i * scale * fSize / 1.5 for i in dy1] root_rule = self.utmGridlabelPlacer( root_rule, grid_spacing, geo_bound_bb, bound_UTM_bb, geo_number_x, geo_number_y, UTM_num_x, UTM_num_y, trUTMLL, trLLUTM, dx, dy, dy0, dy1, fSize, fontType, scale, utmcheck, oriented_geo_bb) """ Activating Labels """ rules = QgsRuleBasedLabeling(root_rule) layer.setLabeling(rules) layer.setLabelsEnabled(True) layer.triggerRepaint() return
def run(self): #coloco el puntero arriba del todo #QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRegistryBridge().setLayerInsertionPoint( QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot(), 0 ) #genero una lista con los campos de la capa selecionada layer = iface.activeLayer() if layer is None: iface.messageBar().pushMessage("ATENCION", "Selecciona una capa de puntos", duration=10) if layer.wkbType() == 1 or layer.wkbType() == 1001: prov = layer.dataProvider() field_names = [ for field in prov.fields()] self.dlg.mycomboBox.clear() for element in field_names: self.dlg.mycomboBox.addItem(element) """Run method that performs all the real work""" # Create the dialog with elements (after translation) and keep reference # Only create GUI ONCE in callback, so that it will only load when the plugin is started if self.first_start == True: self.first_start = False # show the dialog # Run the dialog event loop result = self.dlg.exec_() # See if OK was pressed if result: global index_campo_seleccionado distanciaminima = int(self.dlg.lineEdit_distancia.text()) # "layer" is a QgsVectorLayer instance layer = iface.activeLayer() idx = layer.fields().indexFromName("distanc") if idx == -1: print("ya existe") res = layer.dataProvider().addAttributes( [QgsField("distanc", QVariant.String)]) #layer.addAttribute(QgsField("valido", QVariant.String)) layer.updateFields() features = layer.getFeatures() for feature in features: # retrieve every feature with its geometry and attributes #print("Feature ID: ", # fetch geometry # show some information about the feature geometry geom = feature.geometry() geomSingleType = QgsWkbTypes.isSingleType(geom.wkbType()) if geom.type() == QgsWkbTypes.PointGeometry: punto = geom.asPoint() x = punto.x() y = punto.y() #print("analizo los puntos",x,y) features2 = layer.getFeatures() for feature2 in features2: geom2 = feature2.geometry() punto2 = geom2.asPoint() x3 = punto2.x() y3 = punto2.y() d = ((x3 - x)**2 + (y3 - y)**2)**0.5 if d < distanciaminima: if == pass else: layer.startEditing() feature.setAttribute("distanc", 'no') print( layer.updateFeature(feature) #Call commit to save the changes layer.commitChanges() categorias = [] sym = QgsMarkerSymbol.createSimple({ 'name': 'circle', 'color': 'red', 'size': '3' }) categoria = QgsRendererCategory("no", sym, "No cumple") categorias.append(categoria) sym = QgsMarkerSymbol.createSimple({ 'name': 'circle', 'color': 'blue', 'size': '2' }) categoria = QgsRendererCategory("", sym, "Cumple") categorias.append(categoria) renderer = QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer("distanc", categorias) layer.setRenderer(renderer) # update layer's extent when new features have been added # because change of extent in provider is not propagated to the layer #Configure label settings settings = QgsPalLayerSettings() settings.fieldName = field_names[ index_campo_seleccionado] #'name' textFormat = QgsTextFormat() textFormat.setSize(10) settings.setFormat(textFormat) #create and append a new rule root = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(QgsPalLayerSettings()) rule = QgsRuleBasedLabeling.Rule(settings) #rule.setDescription(fieldName) rule.setFilterExpression(''' "distanc" = 'no' ''') root.appendChild(rule) #Apply label configuration rules = QgsRuleBasedLabeling(root) layer.setLabeling(rules) layer.setLabelsEnabled(True) layer.triggerRepaint() else: iface.messageBar().pushMessage("ATENCION", "Selecciona una capa de puntos", duration=10)