def post(self): username = self.get_argument("username", "").strip().lower() passwd = self.get_argument("password", "") nextpage = self.get_argument("next", None) if nextpage is None: if "auth/" not in self.request.headers['Referer']: nextpage = self.request.headers['Referer'] else: nextpage = "%s/" % qiita_config.portal_dir msg = "" # check the user level try: if User(username).level == "unverified": # email not verified so dont log in msg = ("Email not verified. Please check your email and click " "the verify link. You may need to check your spam " "folder to find the email.<br/>If a verification email" " has not arrived in 15 minutes, please email <a href='" "mailto:[email protected]'>[email protected]</a>") except QiitaDBUnknownIDError: msg = "Unknown user" except RuntimeError: # means DB not available, so set maintenance mode and failover r_client.set("maintenance", "Database connection unavailable, " "please try again later.") self.redirect("%s/" % qiita_config.portal_dir) return # Check the login information login = None try: login = User.login(username, passwd) except IncorrectEmailError: msg = "Unknown user" except IncorrectPasswordError: msg = "Incorrect password" except UnverifiedEmailError: msg = "You have not verified your email address" if login: # everything good so log in self.set_current_user(username) self.redirect(nextpage) else: self.render("index.html", message=msg, level='danger')
def prep_template_summary_get_req(prep_id, user_id): """Get the summarized prep template data for each metadata column Parameters ---------- prep_id : int PrepTemplate id to get info for user_id : str User requesting the sample template info Returns ------- dict of objects Dictionary object where the keys are the metadata categories and the values are list of tuples. Each tuple is an observed value in the category and the number of times its seen. Format {'status': status, 'message': message, 'num_samples': value, 'category': [(val1, count1), (val2, count2), ...], 'editable': bool} """ exists = _check_prep_template_exists(int(prep_id)) if exists['status'] != 'success': return exists prep = PrepTemplate(int(prep_id)) access_error = check_access(prep.study_id, user_id) if access_error: return access_error editable = Study(prep.study_id).can_edit(User(user_id)) df = prep.to_dataframe() out = {'num_samples': df.shape[0], 'summary': [], 'status': 'success', 'message': '', 'editable': editable} cols = sorted(list(df.columns)) for column in cols: counts = df[column].value_counts() out['summary'].append( (str(column), [(str(key), counts[key]) for key in natsorted(counts.index)])) return out
def test_get(self): DefaultWorkflow(2).active = False response = self.get('/workflows/') self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) body = response.body.decode('ascii') self.assertNotEqual(body, "") # checking that this software is not displayed self.assertNotIn('FASTA upstream workflow', body) BaseHandler.get_current_user = Mock(return_value=User("*****@*****.**")) response = self.get('/workflows/') self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) body = response.body.decode('ascii') self.assertNotEqual(body, "") # checking that this software is displayed self.assertIn('FASTA upstream workflow', body) DefaultWorkflow(2).active = True
def test_get(self): response = self.get('/study/description/sample_template/', {'study_id': 1}) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) self.assertNotEqual(response.body, "") # Study doesn't exist response = self.get('/study/description/sample_template/', {'study_id': 10000}) self.assertEqual(response.code, 404) # User doesn't have access BaseHandler.get_current_user = Mock( return_value=User('*****@*****.**')) response = self.get('/study/description/sample_template/', {'study_id': 1}) self.assertEqual(response.code, 403)
def test_create_sample_template(self): # Test error job = self._create_job( 'create_sample_template', { 'fp': self.fp, 'study_id': 1, 'is_mapping_file': False, 'data_type': None }) private_task( self.assertEqual(job.status, 'error') self.assertIn( "The 'SampleTemplate' object with attributes (id: 1) " "already exists.", job.log.msg) # Test success with a warning info = { "timeseries_type_id": '1', "metadata_complete": 'true', "mixs_compliant": 'true', "study_alias": "TDST", "study_description": "Test create sample template", "study_abstract": "Test create sample template", "principal_investigator_id": StudyPerson(1) } study = Study.create(User('*****@*****.**'), "Create Sample Template test", info) job = self._create_job( 'create_sample_template', { 'fp': self.fp, 'study_id':, 'is_mapping_file': False, 'data_type': None }) private_task( self.assertEqual(job.status, 'success') obs = r_client.get("sample_template_%d" % self.assertIsNotNone(obs) obs = loads(obs) self.assertCountEqual(obs, ['job_id', 'alert_type', 'alert_msg']) self.assertEqual(obs['job_id'], self.assertEqual(obs['alert_type'], 'warning') self.assertIn( 'Some functionality will be disabled due to missing columns:', obs['alert_msg'])
def test_delete_sample_template(self): # Error case job = self._create_job('delete_sample_template', {'study': 1}) private_task( self.assertEqual(job.status, 'error') self.assertIn( "Sample template cannot be erased because there are " "prep templates associated", job.log.msg) # Success case info = { "timeseries_type_id": '1', "metadata_complete": 'true', "mixs_compliant": 'true', "study_alias": "TDST", "study_description": "Test delete sample template", "study_abstract": "Test delete sample template", "principal_investigator_id": StudyPerson(1) } study = Study.create(User('*****@*****.**'), "Delete Sample Template test", info) metadata = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { 'Sample1': { 'physical_specimen_location': 'location1', 'physical_specimen_remaining': 'true', 'dna_extracted': 'true', 'sample_type': 'type1', 'collection_timestamp': '2014-05-29 12:24:15', 'host_subject_id': 'NotIdentified', 'Description': 'Test Sample 1', 'latitude': '42.42', 'longitude': '41.41', 'taxon_id': '9606', 'scientific_name': 'h**o sapiens' } }, orient='index', dtype=str) SampleTemplate.create(metadata, study) job = self._create_job('delete_sample_template', {'study':}) private_task( self.assertEqual(job.status, 'success') self.assertFalse(SampleTemplate.exists(
def post(self): passmsg = "" msg = "" user = User(self.current_user) action = self.get_argument("action") if action == "profile": # tuple of colmns available for profile # FORM INPUT NAMES MUST MATCH DB COLUMN NAMES form_data = UserProfile() form_data.process(data=self.request.arguments) profile = { name: data[0] for name, data in viewitems( } # Turn default value as list into default strings for field in form_data: =[0] try: = profile msg = "Profile updated successfully" except Exception as e: msg = "ERROR: profile could not be updated" LogEntry.create('Runtime', "Cound not update profile: %s" % str(e), info={'User':}) elif action == "password": profile = oldpass = self.get_argument("oldpass") newpass = self.get_argument("newpass") try: user.change_password(oldpass, newpass) except Exception as e: passmsg = "ERROR: could not change password" LogEntry.create('Runtime', "Cound not change password: %s" % str(e), info={'User':}) else: passmsg = "Password changed successfully" self.render("user_profile.html",, profile=form_data, msg=msg, passmsg=passmsg)
def get(self, jti): # Grab the jwt out of the database jwt = DownloadLink.get(jti) # If no jwt, error response if jwt is None: raise HTTPError( 404, reason='Download Not Found. Link may have expired.') # If jwt doesn't validate, error response jwt_data = jose_jwt.decode(jwt, qiita_config.jwt_secret, 'HS256') if jwt_data is None: raise HTTPError(403, reason='Invalid JWT') # Triple check expiration and user permissions user = User(jwt_data["sub"]) artifact = Artifact(jwt_data["artifactId"]) utc_millis = * 1000 if utc_millis < jwt_data["iat"]: raise HTTPError(403, reason="This download link is not yet valid") if utc_millis > jwt_data["exp"]: raise HTTPError(403, reason="This download link has expired") if jwt_data["perm"] != "download": raise HTTPError(403, reason="This download link is invalid") check_artifact_access(user, artifact) # All checks out, let's give them the files then! to_download = self._list_artifact_files_nginx(artifact) if not to_download: raise HTTPError(422, reason='Nothing to download. If ' 'this is a mistake contact: ' '*****@*****.**') else: self._write_nginx_file_list(to_download) zip_fn = '' % ( jwt_data["artifactId"], '%m%d%y-%H%M%S')) self._set_nginx_headers(zip_fn) self.finish()
def test_get_deselected(self): a = Analysis(1) u = User('*****@*****.**') args = {'deselected':, 'id':} self.assertEqual(a.shared_with, [u]) response = self.get('/analysis/sharing/', args) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) exp = {'users': [], 'links': ''} self.assertEqual(loads(response.body), exp) self.assertEqual(a.shared_with, []) # Make sure unshared message added to the system self.assertEqual( 'Analysis \'SomeAnalysis\' has been unshared from ' 'you.', u.messages()[0][1]) # Share the analysis back with the user a.share(u)
def test_get_deselected(self): s = Study(1) u = User('*****@*****.**') args = {'deselected':, 'id':} self.assertEqual(s.shared_with, [u]) response = self.get('/study/sharing/', args) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) exp = {'users': [], 'links': ''} self.assertEqual(loads(response.body), exp) self.assertEqual(s.shared_with, []) # Make sure unshared message added to the system self.assertEqual( 'Study \'Identification of the Microbiomes for ' 'Cannabis Soils\' has been unshared from you.', u.messages()[0][1]) # Share the study back with the user s.share(u)
def __call__(self, searchstr, user): """Runs a Study query and returns matching studies and samples Parameters ---------- searchstr : str Search string to use user : str User making the search. Needed for permissions checks. Returns ------- dict Found samples in format {study_id: [[samp_id1, meta1, meta2, ...], [samp_id2, meta1, meta2, ...], ...} list metadata column names searched for Notes ----- Metadata information for each sample is in the same order as the metadata columns list returned Metadata column names and string searches are case-sensitive """ study_sql, sample_sql, meta_headers = \ self._parse_study_search_string(searchstr) conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler() # get all studies containing the metadata headers requested study_ids = {x[0] for x in conn_handler.execute_fetchall(study_sql)} # strip to only studies user has access to userobj = User(user) study_ids = study_ids.intersection(Study.get_public() + userobj.private_studies + userobj.shared_studies) results = {} # run search on each study to get out the matching samples for sid in study_ids: study_res = conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sample_sql.format(sid)) if study_res: # only add study to results if actually has samples in results results[sid] = study_res return results, meta_headers
def test_create_parent(self): sql = "SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NOW())" time1 = float(self.conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sql)[0][0]) new = Analysis.create(User("*****@*****.**"), "newAnalysis", "A New Analysis", Analysis(1)) self.assertEqual(, 3) sql = ("SELECT analysis_id, email, name, description, " "analysis_status_id, pmid, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp) " "FROM qiita.analysis WHERE analysis_id = 3") obs = self.conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sql) self.assertEqual( obs[0][:-1], [3, '*****@*****.**', 'newAnalysis', 'A New Analysis', 1, None]) self.assertTrue(time1 < float(obs[0][-1])) sql = "SELECT * FROM qiita.analysis_chain WHERE child_id = 3" obs = self.conn_handler.execute_fetchall(sql) self.assertEqual(obs, [[1, 3]])
def setUp(self): info = { "timeseries_type_id": 1, "metadata_complete": True, "mixs_compliant": True, "number_samples_collected": 25, "number_samples_promised": 28, "study_alias": "FCM", "study_description": "Microbiome of people who eat nothing but " "fried chicken", "study_abstract": "Exploring how a high fat diet changes the " "gut microbiome", "emp_person_id": StudyPerson(2), "principal_investigator_id": StudyPerson(3), "lab_person_id": StudyPerson(1) } self.new_study = Study.create(User('*****@*****.**'), "Fried Chicken Microbiome", [1], info) self._clean_up_files = []
def test_create_study_min_data(self): """Insert a study into the database""" obs = Study.create(User('*****@*****.**'), "Fried chicken microbiome", [1], self.assertEqual(, 2) exp = { 'mixs_compliant': True, 'metadata_complete': True, 'reprocess': False, 'study_status_id': 1, 'number_samples_promised': 28, 'emp_person_id': 2, 'funding': None, 'vamps_id': None, 'first_contact':, 'principal_investigator_id': 3, 'timeseries_type_id': 1, 'study_abstract': 'Exploring how a high fat diet changes the ' 'gut microbiome', 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'spatial_series': None, 'study_description': 'Microbiome of people who eat nothing but' ' fried chicken', 'portal_type_id': 3, 'study_alias': 'FCM', 'study_id': 2, 'most_recent_contact': None, 'lab_person_id': 1, 'study_title': 'Fried chicken microbiome', 'number_samples_collected': 25 } obsins = self.conn_handler.execute_fetchall( "SELECT * FROM WHERE study_id = 2") self.assertEqual(len(obsins), 1) obsins = dict(obsins[0]) self.assertEqual(obsins, exp) # make sure EFO went in to table correctly efo = self.conn_handler.execute_fetchall( "SELECT efo_id FROM qiita.study_experimental_factor " "WHERE study_id = 2") self.assertEqual(efo, [[1]])
def test_post_create_analysis_handler(self): user = User('*****@*****.**') dflt_analysis = user.default_analysis dflt_analysis.add_samples( {4: ['1.SKB8.640193', '1.SKD8.640184', '1.SKB7.640196', '1.SKM9.640192', '1.SKM4.640180']}) args = {'name': 'New Test Analysis', 'description': 'Test Analysis Description'} response ='/analysis/create/', args) self.assertRegexpMatches( response.effective_url, r"http://localhost:\d+/analysis/description/\d+/") self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) # The new analysis id is located at the -2 position (see regex above) new_id = response.effective_url.split('/')[-2] a = Analysis(new_id) # Make sure that all jobs have completed before we exit this tests for j in wait_for_processing_job(
def test_post_edit_blank_doi(self): study_count_before = get_count('') study = Study(1) study_info = post_data = { 'new_people_names': [], 'new_people_emails': [], 'new_people_affiliations': [], 'new_people_addresses': [], 'new_people_phones': [], 'study_title': 'New title - test post edit', 'study_alias': study_info['study_alias'], 'publications_doi': '', 'study_abstract': study_info['study_abstract'], 'study_description': study_info['study_description'], 'notes': '', 'principal_investigator': study_info['principal_investigator'].id, 'lab_person': study_info['lab_person'].id } response ='/study/edit/1', post_data) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) # Check that the study was updated self.assertTrue(check_count('', study_count_before)) self.assertEqual(study.title, 'New title - test post edit') self.assertEqual(study.publications, []) # check for failure old_title = post_data['study_title'] post_data['study_title'] = 'My new title!' shared = User('*****@*****.**') study.unshare(shared) BaseHandler.get_current_user = Mock(return_value=shared) response ='/study/edit/1', post_data) self.assertEqual(response.code, 403) # Check that the study wasn't updated self.assertEqual(study.title, old_title) # returning sharing study.share(shared)
def workflow_handler_post_req(user_id, dflt_params_id, req_params): """Creates a new workflow in the system Parameters ---------- user_id : str The user creating the workflow dflt_params_id : int The default parameters to use for the first command of the workflow req_params : str JSON representations of the required parameters for the first command of the workflow Returns ------- dict of objects A dictionary containing the commands information {'status': str, 'message': str, 'workflow_id': int} """ dflt_params = DefaultParameters(dflt_params_id) req_params = loads(req_params) parameters = Parameters.from_default_params(dflt_params, req_params) wf = ProcessingWorkflow.from_scratch(User(user_id), parameters) # this is safe as we are creating the workflow for the first time and there # is only one node. Remember networkx doesn't assure order of nodes job = wf.graph.nodes()[0] inputs = [ for a in job.input_artifacts] job_cmd = job.command return { 'status': 'success', 'message': '', 'workflow_id':, 'job': { 'id':, 'inputs': inputs, 'label':, 'outputs': job_cmd.outputs } }
def post(self): message = "" level = "" page = "lost_pass.html" user_id = None try: user = User(self.get_argument("email")) except QiitaDBUnknownIDError: message = "ERROR: Unknown user." level = "danger" else: user_id = user.generate_reset_code() info = try: # qiita_config.base_url doesn't have a / at the end, but the # qiita_config.portal_dir has it at the beginning but not at # the end. This constructs the correct URL url = qiita_config.base_url + qiita_config.portal_dir send_email(, "Qiita: Password Reset", "Please go to " "the following URL to reset your password: \n" "%s/auth/reset/%s \nYou " "have 30 minutes from the time you requested a " "reset to change your password. After this period, " "you will have to request another reset." % (url, info["pass_reset_code"])) message = ("Check your email for the reset code.") level = "success" page = "index.html" except Exception as e: message = ("Unable to send email. Error has been registered. " "Your password has not been reset.") level = "danger" LogEntry.create('Runtime', "Unable to send forgot password " "email: %s" % str(e), info={'User':}) self.render(page, user=user_id, message=message, level=level)
def setUp(self): # Create a sample template file self.st_contents = SAMPLE_TEMPLATE # create a new study to attach the sample template info = { "timeseries_type_id": 1, "metadata_complete": True, "mixs_compliant": True, "number_samples_collected": 4, "number_samples_promised": 4, "portal_type_id": 3, "study_alias": "TestStudy", "study_description": "Description of a test study", "study_abstract": "No abstract right now...", "emp_person_id": StudyPerson(2), "principal_investigator_id": StudyPerson(3), "lab_person_id": StudyPerson(1) } = Study.create(User('*****@*****.**'), "Test study", [1], info)
def test_artifact_summary_post_request(self): # No access obs = artifact_summary_post_request('*****@*****.**', 1) exp = { 'status': 'error', 'message': 'User does not have access to study' } self.assertEqual(obs, exp) # Returns already existing job job = ProcessingJob.create( User('*****@*****.**'), Parameters.load(Command(7), values_dict={'input_data': 2})) job._set_status('queued') obs = artifact_summary_post_request('*****@*****.**', 2) exp = { 'status': 'success', 'message': '', 'job': [, 'queued', None] } self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
def test_get_no_access(self): # Create a new study belonging to the 'shared' user, so 'test' doesn't # have access info = { 'timeseries_type_id': 1, 'lab_person_id': None, 'principal_investigator_id': 3, 'metadata_complete': False, 'mixs_compliant': True, 'study_description': 'desc', 'study_alias': 'alias', 'study_abstract': 'abstract' } u = User('*****@*****.**') s = Study.create(u, 'test_study', efo=[1], info=info) self.assertEqual(s.shared_with, []) args = {'selected': '*****@*****.**', 'id':} response = self.get('/study/sharing/', args) self.assertEqual(response.code, 403) self.assertEqual(s.shared_with, [])
def test_get_analysis_jobs_handler(self): user = User('*****@*****.**') dflt_analysis = user.default_analysis dflt_analysis.add_samples({ 4: [ '1.SKB8.640193', '1.SKD8.640184', '1.SKB7.640196', '1.SKM9.640192', '1.SKM4.640180' ] }) new = Analysis.create(user, "newAnalysis", "A New Analysis", from_default=True) response = self.get('/analysis/description/%s/jobs/' % self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) # There is only one job job_id =[0].id obs = loads(response.body) exp = {job_id: {'status': 'queued', 'step': None, 'error': ""}} self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
def test_call(self): obs_res, obs_meta = '(sample_type = ENVO:soil AND COMMON_NAME = "rhizosphere ' 'metagenome" ) AND NOT Description_duplicate includes Burmese', User("*****@*****.**")) exp_meta = ["COMMON_NAME", "Description_duplicate", "sample_type"] exp_res = {1: [['1.SKM4.640180', 'rhizosphere metagenome', 'Bucu Rhizo', 'ENVO:soil'], ['1.SKM5.640177', 'rhizosphere metagenome', 'Bucu Rhizo', 'ENVO:soil'], ['1.SKD4.640185', 'rhizosphere metagenome', 'Diesel Rhizo', 'ENVO:soil'], ['1.SKD6.640190', 'rhizosphere metagenome', 'Diesel Rhizo', 'ENVO:soil'], ['1.SKM6.640187', 'rhizosphere metagenome', 'Bucu Rhizo', 'ENVO:soil'], ['1.SKD5.640186', 'rhizosphere metagenome', 'Diesel Rhizo', 'ENVO:soil']]} self.assertEqual(obs_res, exp_res) self.assertEqual(obs_meta, exp_meta)
def test_workflow_handler_patch_req(self): # Create a new workflow so it is in construction exp_command = Command(1) json_str = ( '{"input_data": 1, "max_barcode_errors": 1.5, ' '"barcode_type": "golay_12", "max_bad_run_length": 3, ' '"rev_comp": false, "phred_quality_threshold": 3, ' '"rev_comp_barcode": false, "rev_comp_mapping_barcodes": false, ' '"min_per_read_length_fraction": 0.75, "sequence_max_n": 0}') exp_params = Parameters.load(exp_command, json_str=json_str) exp_user = User('*****@*****.**') name = "Test processing workflow" # tests success wf = ProcessingWorkflow.from_scratch( exp_user, exp_params, name=name, force=True) graph = wf.graph nodes = graph.nodes() job_id = nodes[0].id value = {'dflt_params': 10, 'connections': {job_id: {'demultiplexed': 'input_data'}}} obs = workflow_handler_patch_req( 'add', '/%s/' %, req_value=dumps(value)) new_jobs = set(wf.graph.nodes()) - set(nodes) self.assertEqual(len(new_jobs), 1) new_job = new_jobs.pop() exp = {'status': 'success', 'message': '', 'job': {'id':, 'inputs': [job_id], 'label': 'Pick closed-reference OTUs', 'outputs': [['OTU table', 'BIOM']]}} self.assertEqual(obs, exp) obs = workflow_handler_patch_req( 'remove', '/%s/%s/' % (, exp = {'status': 'success', 'message': ''} jobs = set(wf.graph.nodes()) - set(nodes) self.assertEqual(jobs, set())
def test_get_study_no_samples(self): info = { "timeseries_type_id": 1, "metadata_complete": True, "mixs_compliant": True, "study_alias": "FCM", "study_description": "DESC", "study_abstract": "ABS", "principal_investigator_id": StudyPerson(3), 'first_contact': datetime(2015, 5, 19, 16, 10), 'most_recent_contact': datetime(2015, 5, 19, 16, 11), } new_study = Study.create(User('*****@*****.**'), "Some New Study for test", info) exp = [] response = self.get('/api/v1/study/%d/samples' %, headers=self.headers) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) obs = json_decode(response.body) self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
def test_delete_study_empty_study(self): info = { "timeseries_type_id": '1', "metadata_complete": 'true', "mixs_compliant": 'true', "study_alias": "FCM", "study_description": "Microbiome of people who eat nothing but " "fried chicken", "study_abstract": "Exploring how a high fat diet changes the " "gut microbiome", "principal_investigator_id": StudyPerson(3), "lab_person_id": StudyPerson(1) } new_study = Study.create(User('*****@*****.**'), "Fried Chicken Microbiome %s" % time(), info) job = self._create_job('delete_study', {'study':}) private_task( self.assertEqual(job.status, 'success') # making sure the study doesn't exist with self.assertRaises(QiitaDBUnknownIDError): Study(
def test_set_info(self): """Set info in a study""" newinfo = { "timeseries_type_id": 2, "metadata_complete": False, "number_samples_collected": 28, "lab_person_id": StudyPerson(2), "vamps_id": 'MBE_111222', "first_contact": "June 11, 2014" } new = Study.create( User('*****@*****.**'), 'NOT Identification of the ' 'Microbiomes for Cannabis Soils', [1], self.infoexp.update(newinfo) = newinfo # add missing table cols self.infoexp["funding"] = None self.infoexp["spatial_series"] = None self.infoexp["most_recent_contact"] = None self.infoexp["reprocess"] = False self.infoexp["lab_person_id"] = 2 self.assertEqual(, self.infoexp)
def get(self): user = self.current_user analysis = Analysis(int(self.get_argument("aid"))) # make sure user has access to the analysis userobj = User(user) check_analysis_access(userobj, # get the dictionaries of selected samples and data types selproc_data, selsamples = self._selected_parser(analysis) self.render('search_studies.html', user=user,, selsamples=selsamples, selproc_data=selproc_data, counts={}, fullcounts={}, searchmsg="", query="", results={}, availmeta=SampleTemplate.metadata_headers() + get_table_cols("study"))
def sample_template_delete_req(study_id, user_id): """Deletes the sample template attached to the study Parameters ---------- study_id : int The current study object id user_id : str The current user object id Returns ------- dict results dictonary in the format {'status': status, 'message': msg} status can be success, warning, or error depending on result message has the warnings or errors """ exists = _check_sample_template_exists(int(study_id)) if exists['status'] != 'success': return exists access_error = check_access(int(study_id), user_id) if access_error: return access_error qiita_plugin = Software.from_name_and_version('Qiita', 'alpha') cmd = qiita_plugin.get_command('delete_sample_template') params = Parameters.load(cmd, values_dict={'study': int(study_id)}) job = ProcessingJob.create(User(user_id), params) # Store the job id attaching it to the sample template id r_client.set(SAMPLE_TEMPLATE_KEY_FORMAT % study_id, dumps({'job_id':})) job.submit() return {'status': 'success', 'message': ''}
def post(self): error = "" try: user = User(self.get_argument("email")) except QiitaDBUnknownIDError: error = "ERROR: Unknown user." else: user.generate_reset_code() info = try: send_email( user, "QIITA: Password Reset", "Please go to the " "following URL to reset your password: "******"" % info["pass_reset_code"]) error = "Password reset. Check your email for the reset code." except Exception as e: error = "Unable to send email." LogEntry.create('Runtime', "Unable to send forgot password " "email" % str(e), info={'User':}) self.render("lost_pass.html", user=None, error=error)