def test_custom_gate_with_params_bound_main_call(self):
        """Custom gate with unbound parameters that are bound in the main circuit"""
        parameter0 = Parameter("param_0")
        parameter1 = Parameter("param_1")

        custom = QuantumCircuit(2, name="custom")
        custom.rz(parameter0, 0)
        custom.rz(parameter1 / 2, 1)

        qr_q = QuantumRegister(3, "q")
        qr_r = QuantumRegister(3, "r")
        circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr_q, qr_r)
        circuit.append(custom.to_gate(), [qr_q[0], qr_r[0]])

            parameter0: pi,
            parameter1: pi / 2

        qubit_name =[0][0].definition.qregs[0].name
        expected_qasm = "\n".join([
            "OPENQASM 3;",
            'include "";',
            f"gate custom(param_0, param_1) {qubit_name}_0, {qubit_name}_1 {{",
            f"  rz(pi) {qubit_name}_0;",
            f"  rz(pi/4) {qubit_name}_1;",
            "qubit[6] _q;",
            "let q = _q[0] || _q[1] || _q[2];",
            "let r = _q[3] || _q[4] || _q[5];",
            "custom(pi, pi/2) q[0], r[0];",
        self.assertEqual(Exporter().dumps(circuit), expected_qasm)
 def test_regs_conds_qasm(self):
     """Test with registers and conditionals."""
     qr1 = QuantumRegister(1, "qr1")
     qr2 = QuantumRegister(2, "qr2")
     cr = ClassicalRegister(3, "cr")
     qc = QuantumCircuit(qr1, qr2, cr)
     qc.measure(qr1[0], cr[0])
     qc.measure(qr2[0], cr[1])
     qc.measure(qr2[1], cr[2])
     qc.x(qr2[1]).c_if(cr, 0)
     qc.y(qr1[0]).c_if(cr, 1)
     qc.z(qr1[0]).c_if(cr, 2)
     expected_qasm = "\n".join([
         "OPENQASM 3;",
         'include "";',
         "bit[3] cr;",
         "qubit[3] _q;",
         "let qr1 = _q[0];",
         "let qr2 = _q[1] || _q[2];",
         "cr[0] = measure qr1[0];",
         "cr[1] = measure qr2[0];",
         "cr[2] = measure qr2[1];",
         "if (cr == 0) {",
         "  x qr2[1];",
         "if (cr == 1) {",
         "  y qr1[0];",
         "if (cr == 2) {",
         "  z qr1[0];",
     self.assertEqual(Exporter().dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
    def test_reused_custom_gate_parameter(self):
        """Test reused custom gate with parameter."""
        parameter_a = Parameter("a")

        custom = QuantumCircuit(1)
        custom.rx(parameter_a, 0)

        circuit = QuantumCircuit(1)
                parameter_a: 0.5
            }).to_gate(), [0])
        circuit.append(custom.bind_parameters({parameter_a: 1}).to_gate(), [0])

        circuit_name_0 =[0][0]
        circuit_name_1 =[1][0]

        expected_qasm = "\n".join([
            "OPENQASM 3;",
            'include "";',
            f"gate {circuit_name_0} q_0 {{",
            "  rx(0.5) q_0;",
            f"gate {circuit_name_1} q_0 {{",
            "  rx(1) q_0;",
            "qubit[1] _q;",
            "let q = _q[0];",
            f"{circuit_name_0} q[0];",
            f"{circuit_name_1} q[0];",
        self.assertEqual(Exporter().dumps(circuit), expected_qasm)
    def test_custom_gate_with_bound_parameter(self):
        """Test custom gate with bound parameter."""
        parameter_a = Parameter("a")

        custom = QuantumCircuit(1)
        custom.rx(parameter_a, 0)
        custom_gate = custom.bind_parameters({parameter_a: 0.5}).to_gate() = "custom"

        circuit = QuantumCircuit(1)
        circuit.append(custom_gate, [0])

        expected_qasm = "\n".join(
                "OPENQASM 3;",
                'include "";',
                "gate custom q_0 {",
                "  rx(0.5) q_0;",
                "qubit[1] _q;",
                "let q = _q[0];",
                "custom q[0];",
        self.assertEqual(Exporter().dumps(circuit), expected_qasm)
    def test_teleportation(self):
        """Teleportation with physical qubits"""
        qc = QuantumCircuit(3, 2)
        qc.h(1), 2)
        qc.barrier(), 1)
        qc.measure([0, 1], [0, 1])
        qc.x(2).c_if(qc.clbits[1], 1)
        qc.z(2).c_if(qc.clbits[0], 1)

        transpiled = transpile(qc, initial_layout=[0, 1, 2])
        expected_qasm = "\n".join(
                "OPENQASM 3;",
                "gate cx c, t {",
                "  ctrl @ U(pi, 0, pi) c, t;",
                "gate u3(param_0, param_1, param_2) q_0 {",
                "  U(pi/2, 0, pi) q_0;",
                "gate u2(param_0, param_1) q_0 {",
                "  u3(pi/2, 0, pi) q_0;",
                "gate h q_0 {",
                "  u2(0, pi) q_0;",
                "gate x q_0 {",
                "  u3(pi, 0, pi) q_0;",
                "gate u1(param_0) q_0 {",
                "  u3(0, 0, pi) q_0;",
                "gate z q_0 {",
                "  u1(pi) q_0;",
                "bit[2] c;",
                "h $1;",
                "cx $1, $2;",
                "barrier $0, $1, $2;",
                "cx $0, $1;",
                "h $0;",
                "barrier $0, $1, $2;",
                "c[0] = measure $0;",
                "c[1] = measure $1;",
                "barrier $0, $1, $2;",
                "if (c[1] == 1) {",
                "  x $2;",
                "if (c[0] == 1) {",
                "  z $2;",
        self.assertEqual(Exporter(includes=[]).dumps(transpiled), expected_qasm)
 def test_pi_disable_constants_true(self):
     """Test pi constant (disable_constants=True)"""
     circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
     circuit.u(2 * pi, 3 * pi, -5 * pi, 0)
     expected_qasm = "\n".join([
         "OPENQASM 3;",
         'include "";',
         "qubit[2] _q;",
         "let q = _q[0] || _q[1];",
         "U(6.283185307179586, 9.42477796076938, -15.707963267948966) q[0];",
         Exporter(disable_constants=True).dumps(circuit), expected_qasm)
 def test_pi_disable_constants_false(self):
     """Test pi constant (disable_constants=False)"""
     circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
     circuit.u(2 * pi, 3 * pi, -5 * pi, 0)
     expected_qasm = "\n".join([
         "OPENQASM 3;",
         'include "";',
         "qubit[2] _q;",
         "let q = _q[0] || _q[1];",
         "U(2*pi, 3*pi, -5*pi) q[0];",
         Exporter(disable_constants=False).dumps(circuit), expected_qasm)
 def test_unbound_circuit(self):
     """Test with unbound parameters (turning them into inputs)."""
     qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
     theta = Parameter("θ")
     qc.rz(theta, 0)
     expected_qasm = "\n".join([
         "OPENQASM 3;",
         'include "";',
         "input float[32] θ;",
         "qubit[1] _q;",
         "let q = _q[0];",
         "rz(θ) q[0];",
     self.assertEqual(Exporter().dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
 def test_no_include(self):
     """Test explicit gate declaration (no include)"""
     q = QuantumRegister(2, "q")
     circuit = QuantumCircuit(q)
     circuit.rz(pi / 2, 0), 1)
     expected_qasm = "\n".join(
             "OPENQASM 3;",
             "gate cx c, t {",
             "  ctrl @ U(pi, 0, pi) c, t;",
             "gate u3(param_0, param_1, param_2) q_0 {",
             "  U(0, 0, pi/2) q_0;",
             "gate u1(param_0) q_0 {",
             "  u3(0, 0, pi/2) q_0;",
             "gate rz(param_0) q_0 {",
             "  u1(pi/2) q_0;",
             "gate sdg q_0 {",
             "  u1(-pi/2) q_0;",
             "gate u2(param_0, param_1) q_0 {",
             "  u3(pi/2, 0, pi) q_0;",
             "gate h q_0 {",
             "  u2(0, pi) q_0;",
             "gate sx q_0 {",
             "  sdg q_0;",
             "  h q_0;",
             "  sdg q_0;",
             "qubit[2] _q;",
             "let q = _q[0] || _q[1];",
             "rz(pi/2) q[0];",
             "sx q[0];",
             "cx q[0], q[1];",
     self.assertEqual(Exporter(includes=[]).dumps(circuit), expected_qasm)
Esempio n. 10
    def test_gate_qasm_with_ctrl_state(self):
        """Test with open controlled gate that has ctrl_state"""
        qc = QuantumCircuit(2), 1, ctrl_state=0)

        expected_qasm = "\n".join([
            "OPENQASM 3;",
            'include "";',
            "gate ch_o0 q_0, q_1 {",
            "  x q_0;",
            "  ch q_0, q_1;",
            "  x q_0;",
            "qubit[2] _q;",
            "let q = _q[0] || _q[1];",
            "ch_o0 q[0], q[1];",
        self.assertEqual(Exporter().dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
    def test_composite_circuits_with_same_name(self):
        """Test when multiple composite circuit instructions same name and different implementation"""
        my_gate = QuantumCircuit(1, name="my_gate")
        my_gate_inst1 = my_gate.to_instruction()

        my_gate = QuantumCircuit(1, name="my_gate")
        my_gate_inst2 = my_gate.to_instruction()

        my_gate = QuantumCircuit(1, name="my_gate")
        my_gate_inst3 = my_gate.to_instruction()

        qr = QuantumRegister(1, name="qr")
        circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr, name="circuit")
        circuit.append(my_gate_inst1, [qr[0]])
        circuit.append(my_gate_inst2, [qr[0]])
        my_gate_inst2_id = id([-1][0])
        circuit.append(my_gate_inst3, [qr[0]])
        my_gate_inst3_id = id([-1][0])
        expected_qasm = "\n".join(
                "OPENQASM 3;",
                'include "";',
                "def my_gate(qubit q_0) {",
                "  h q_0;",
                f"def my_gate_{my_gate_inst2_id}(qubit q_0) {{",
                "  x q_0;",
                f"def my_gate_{my_gate_inst3_id}(qubit q_0) {{",
                "  x q_0;",
                "qubit[1] _q;",
                "let qr = _q[0];",
                "my_gate qr[0];",
                f"my_gate_{my_gate_inst2_id} qr[0];",
                f"my_gate_{my_gate_inst3_id} qr[0];",
        self.assertEqual(Exporter().dumps(circuit), expected_qasm)
    def test_same_composite_circuits(self):
        """Test when a composite circuit is added to the circuit multiple times."""
        composite_circ_qreg = QuantumRegister(2)
        composite_circ = QuantumCircuit(composite_circ_qreg, name="composite_circ")
        composite_circ.x(1), 1)
        composite_circ_instr = composite_circ.to_instruction()

        qr = QuantumRegister(2, "qr")
        cr = ClassicalRegister(2, "cr")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr)
        qc.h(0), 1)
        qc.append(composite_circ_instr, [0, 1])
        qc.append(composite_circ_instr, [0, 1])
        qc.measure([0, 1], [0, 1])

        expected_qasm = "\n".join(
                "OPENQASM 3;",
                'include "";',
                "def composite_circ(qubit q_0, qubit q_1) {",
                "  h q_0;",
                "  x q_1;",
                "  cx q_0, q_1;",
                "bit[2] cr;",
                "qubit[2] _q;",
                "let qr = _q[0] || _q[1];",
                "h qr[0];",
                "cx qr[0], qr[1];",
                "barrier qr[0], qr[1];",
                "composite_circ qr[0], qr[1];",
                "composite_circ qr[0], qr[1];",
                "cr[0] = measure qr[0];",
                "cr[1] = measure qr[1];",
        self.assertEqual(Exporter().dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
Esempio n. 13
    def test_custom_gate_collision_with_stdlib(self):
        """Test a custom gate with name collision with the standard library."""
        custom = QuantumCircuit(2, name="cx"), 1)
        custom_gate = custom.to_gate()

        qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
        qc.append(custom_gate, [0, 1])
        custom_gate_id = id([-1][0])
        expected_qasm = "\n".join([
            "OPENQASM 3;",
            'include "";',
            f"gate cx_{custom_gate_id} q_0, q_1 {{",
            "  cx q_0, q_1;",
            "qubit[2] _q;",
            "let q = _q[0] || _q[1];",
            f"cx_{custom_gate_id} q[0], q[1];",
        self.assertEqual(Exporter().dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
    def test_custom_gate(self):
        """Test custom gates (via to_gate)."""
        composite_circ_qreg = QuantumRegister(2)
        composite_circ = QuantumCircuit(composite_circ_qreg, name="composite_circ")
        composite_circ.x(1), 1)
        composite_circ_instr = composite_circ.to_gate()

        qr = QuantumRegister(2, "qr")
        cr = ClassicalRegister(2, "cr")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr)
        qc.h(0), 1)
        qc.append(composite_circ_instr, [0, 1])
        qc.measure([0, 1], [0, 1])

        expected_qasm = "\n".join(
                "OPENQASM 3;",
                'include "";',
                "gate composite_circ q_0, q_1 {",
                "  h q_0;",
                "  x q_1;",
                "  cx q_0, q_1;",
                "bit[2] cr;",
                "qubit[2] _q;",
                "let qr = _q[0] || _q[1];",
                "h qr[0];",
                "cx qr[0], qr[1];",
                "barrier qr[0], qr[1];",
                "composite_circ qr[0], qr[1];",
                "cr[0] = measure qr[0];",
                "cr[1] = measure qr[1];",
        self.assertEqual(Exporter().dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
Esempio n. 15
    def test_reset_statement(self):
        """Test that a reset statement gets output into valid QASM 3.  This includes tests of reset
        operations on single qubits and in nested scopes."""
        inner = QuantumCircuit(1, name="inner_gate")
        qreg = QuantumRegister(2, "qr")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qreg)
        qc.append(inner, [1], [])

        expected_qasm = "\n".join([
            "OPENQASM 3;",
            "def inner_gate(qubit q_0) {",
            "  reset q_0;",
            "qubit[2] _q;",
            "let qr = _q[0] || _q[1];",
            "reset qr[0];",
            "inner_gate qr[1];",
        self.assertEqual(Exporter(includes=[]).dumps(qc), expected_qasm)
Esempio n. 16
    def test_custom_gate_with_unbound_parameter(self):
        """Test custom gate with unbound parameter."""
        parameter_a = Parameter("a")

        custom = QuantumCircuit(1, name="custom")
        custom.rx(parameter_a, 0)
        circuit = QuantumCircuit(1)
        circuit.append(custom.to_gate(), [0])

        expected_qasm = "\n".join([
            "OPENQASM 3;",
            'include "";',
            "gate custom(a) q_0 {",
            "  rx(a) q_0;",
            "input float[32] a;",
            "qubit[1] _q;",
            "let q = _q[0];",
            "custom(a) q[0];",
        self.assertEqual(Exporter().dumps(circuit), expected_qasm)