Esempio n. 1
def vqe(molecule='H2', depth=6, max_trials=200, shots=1):
    if molecule == 'H2':
        n_qubits = 2
        Z1 = 1
        Z2 = 1
        min_distance = 0.2
        max_distance = 4

    elif molecule == 'LiH':
        n_qubits = 4
        Z1 = 1
        Z2 = 3
        min_distance = 0.5
        max_distance = 5

        raise QISKitError("Unknown molecule for VQE.")

    # Read Hamiltonian
    ham_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                            molecule + '/' + molecule + 'Equilibrium.txt')
    pauli_list = Hamiltonian_from_file(ham_name)
    H = make_Hamiltonian(pauli_list)

    # Exact Energy
    exact = np.amin(la.eig(H)[0]).real
    print('The exact ground state energy is: {}'.format(exact))

    # Optimization
    device = 'qasm_simulator'
    if shots == 1:
        device = 'statevector_simulator'

    if 'statevector' not in device:
        H = group_paulis(pauli_list)

    entangler_map = get_backend(device).configuration()['coupling_map']

    if entangler_map == 'all-to-all':
        entangler_map = {i: [j for j in range(n_qubits) if j != i] for i in range(n_qubits)}
        entangler_map = mapper.coupling_list2dict(entangler_map)

    initial_theta = np.random.randn(2 * n_qubits * depth)   # initial angles
    initial_c = 0.01                                        # first theta perturbations
    target_update = 2 * np.pi * 0.1                         # aimed update on first trial
    save_step = 20                                          # print optimization trajectory

    cost = partial(cost_function, H, n_qubits, depth, entangler_map, shots, device)

    SPSA_params, circuits_cal = SPSA_calibration(cost, initial_theta, initial_c,
                                                 target_update, stat=25)
    output, circuits_opt = SPSA_optimization(cost, initial_theta, SPSA_params, max_trials,
                                             save_step, last_avg=1)

    return circuits_cal + circuits_opt
Esempio n. 2
    def test_optimization_of_H2_at_bond_length(self):
        """From chemistry tutorial, but shorter.\
        4_applications/quantum_chemistry.ipynb#Optimization-of-H2-at-bond-length but shorter."""
        n = 2
        m = 6
        device = 'local_statevector_simulator'

        initial_theta = np.random.randn(2 * n * m)
        entangler_map = {
            0: [1]
        }  # the map of two-qubit gates with control at key and target at values
        shots = 1
        max_trials = 1
        ham_name = self._get_resource_path(

        # Exact Energy
        pauli_list = Hamiltonian_from_file(ham_name)
        H = make_Hamiltonian(pauli_list)
        exact = np.amin(la.eig(H)[0]).real'The exact ground state energy is: %s', exact)
        self.assertEqual(exact, -1.8572746704950902)

        # Optimization
        Q_program = QuantumProgram()

        def cost_function(Q_program, H, n, m, entangler_map, shots, device,
            # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
            return eval_hamiltonian(
                Q_program, H,
                trial_circuit_ryrz(n, m, theta, entangler_map, None, False),
                shots, device).real

        initial_c = 0.01
        target_update = 2 * np.pi * 0.1

        expected_stout = ("calibration step # 0 of 1\n"
                          "calibrated SPSA_parameters[0] is 2.5459894")
        with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as fakeOutput:
            SPSA_params = SPSA_calibration(
                partial(cost_function, Q_program, H, n, m, entangler_map,
                        shots, device), initial_theta, initial_c,
                target_update, 1)

        expected_stout = ("objective function at theta+ for step # 0\n"
                          "objective function at theta- for step # 0\n"
                          "Final objective function is: -1.2619548")
        with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as fakeOutput:
            output = SPSA_optimization(
                partial(cost_function, Q_program, H, n, m, entangler_map,
                        shots, device), initial_theta, SPSA_params, max_trials)


        output1 = np.array([
            -2.48391736629, 2.84236721813, -2.3329429812, 4.50366137571,
            -3.21478489403, -3.21476847625, 4.55984433481, -2.21319679015,
            2.51115713337, 3.52319156289, 2.51721382649, 2.51490176573,
            3.22259379087, 1.06735127465, 1.25571368679, 2.41834399006,
            1.96780039897, 3.2948788519, 2.07260744378, -4.39293522064,
            -1.51498275038, 2.75485521882, 3.04815972399, 1.55588333309
        output4 = np.array([
            0.486714153011, -0.128264301171, 0.637688538101, 1.53302985641,
            -0.244153374723, -0.244136956949, 1.58921281551, 0.757434729153,
            -0.459474385935, 0.552560043586, -0.453417692812, -0.45572975357,
            0.251962271566, -1.90328024466, -1.71491783251, -0.552287529241,
            -1.00283112033, 0.324247332595, -0.898024075521, -1.42230370134,
            1.45564876892, -0.215776300487, 0.0775282046879, -1.41474818621
        output5 = np.array([
            0.506714153011, -0.148264301171, 0.657688538101, 1.51302985641,
            -0.224153374723, -0.224136956949, 1.56921281551, 0.777434729153,
            -0.479474385935, 0.532560043586, -0.473417692812, -0.47572975357,
            0.231962271566, -1.92328024466, -1.73491783251, -0.572287529241,
            -1.02283112033, 0.304247332595, -0.918024075521, -1.40230370134,
            1.47564876892, -0.235776300487, 0.0575282046879, -1.43474818621

        self.assertEqual(6, len(output))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(-1.2619547992193472, output[0])
        self.assertEqual(output1.all(), output[1].all())
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal([-1.0909948471209499], output[2])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal([-1.0675805189515357], output[3])
        self.assertEqual(1, len(output[4]))
        self.assertEqual(output4.all(), output[4][0].all())
        self.assertEqual(output5.all(), output[5][0].all())
Esempio n. 3
def cost_function(Q_program,H,n,m,entangler_map,shots,device,theta):

    return eval_hamiltonian(Q_program,H,trial_circuit_ry(n,m,theta,entangler_map,None,False),shots,device).real

save_step = 1

if shots !=1:

SPSA_params = SPSA_calibration(partial(cost_function,Q_program,H,n,m,entangler_map,

best_distance_quantum, best_theta, cost_plus, cost_minus, _, _ = SPSA_optimization(partial(cost_function,Q_program,H,n,m,entangler_map,shots,backend),

plt.plot(np.arange(0, max_trials,save_step), cost_plus,label='C(theta_plus)')
plt.plot(np.arange(0, max_trials,save_step),cost_minus,label='C(theta_minus)')
plt.plot(np.arange(0, max_trials,save_step),np.ones(max_trials//save_step)*best_distance_quantum, label='Final Optimized Cost')
plt.plot(np.arange(0, max_trials,save_step),np.ones(max_trials//save_step)*exact, label='Exact Cost')
plt.xlabel('Number of trials')

shots = 5000
circuits = ['final_circuit']
Q_program.add_circuit('final_circuit', trial_circuit_ry(n, m, best_theta, entangler_map, None, True))